V 4 MEDICINAL, i 0'iLMiN(jTON POST. MISCELLANEOUS. t - TO PHYS The Great Medical Discovery! Dr. WAIiKEB'S CALIFORNIA VINEGARiBllTERSa WILMINGTON, N. C, NOVEMBER 13, 1870; 7t OTin ilOPHLY CALENDAR. ? J i Hundreds of j Thousands p" NOVEMBER. c5 3 V -n . u A- it f..!1 7 S. M. T7 ' . 11 . : - , . . " 1 ' , ."-V. V ' ;T . r. - ' - - f -k nTTT ICIAJNIS t. f. I s: 3 4 ft '10 11 12 ;17 18 19 24 25 26 - . N?w Yobk, -August15th, 1S68. v AUow me to call yofrr attention to my 32 ? -16 23 30 55 a 5 WHAT ARE Tile T Y -o 4 6, 13 20. !27r 4 n - ? fu 21 ,28' m 2d -I.-r .1 A. V WILMNGT()Nj MARKET. Wjljusoxoh, N.'C, Nov. 12, WO. TURPENTIN AMarket steady, with sales of H3 blla. at $2 SS for soft, and ?lO for bard, 280fts. ' ; , ' SPIRITS TURPENTINE Market iiim. and price advances.; Sales of 42 bbls at 42 cents, per gallon for Southern packages., ROSIN-107 bbls sold at f 3 f5 for No 1, and $3 for No Xt and 1,000 bbls at 11 50 for 'strained. TAR50 bbls so d at $1 05 per bbl. ; of 105 bales g prices ranging i COTTON Sales from 141 to 15 tents. !; DOMESTIC MARKET. Poultry 80tl 00 pair. Eg$s 25 cents $ dozen. Po' toes Nw jSweet, 25 cents. ? peck, ' Ric i 10 cents a pound . ; , ' Butter Country 35; .Northern 50 Beef, 12i10 cents $ lb. Mutton 16(320 J cents B. f Veal 16 to 20 cents lb. Clams 25 cents a peckr Bacon Hams 2528 cents $ lb. English Peas--50cents $ peck. 'Tjarnlp3 10 cents $ bunch. " ; . Meal 40 centB a! peck. Apples Dried 15 cents fMb. Beets i013l cents per bunch. - Onions 5 cents per buncli: ' Beans SOcents per peck.' i WHOLESALE r pices. tjJEBSWAI. lO OC 13 OO .wStlnc.OO OU00 00 nisBT CATTLE. ' I ! LIME. f bbl....;...l'30l40 molasses, $ gallon. Cuba hhd 38i2 do tierce... 4345 do bbl..... , 45 100 lbs.. 00 0000 00 T.. new I -;' i' ". 1 rN.Y. 2 ?53 80 dhand do.. 2 153 to ' BAGGING. ! I Gunny.....;... 23g24 Syrup.. ......... G01 CO Sugar House. . . . .26W Dundee.'..".. 00(033 NAILS, id. Rope. .4. 710 Cut. ... .... .15 005 50 RRICKS. Wrought ..... 7 00(7 50 oils, 1$ gallon. . Rosin .. . . : .. :0 400 50 S "Mi -3 .'. . .f93X)10 00 javal......... SO35 Lard.......... 1 75aou Lau-nvra Kerosene.... 40 43 Rio..;........l..l70 ...... ""D Linseea.... .. 1 -tui uu at-uominffo..!. .2528i?iTCB 0 002 25 i; CAUDLES. ft , 1 FEAHUTS. fj bushel;.. 2 302 30 . POTATOES, $ bbl. lrishbbL.L..f2 753 25 Sperm.. ......." .5055 Adamantine..,.. 17 19 Tallow........ v. ,18a0 CDMEaTics. yard. Sweet, bush.. 0 751 00 3heeting,'4-4..!..,9i12 PBO VISIONS, ID. Bacon, N. C. ! Hams 222l - Middlings. . . .,.1921 , Shoulders..... 1820 Hog round..... 202vJ Bacon. Western Xarn,S, bun kJU ou(gi vo KSH, bL -MuUets - f i Uakbbls.fS SKXaOO (X) Pine do..f7 pOO 8 0 Mackerel-. t ' No.lbbllJ?0000 00 I No.2ibbl.50c5lOOO No. 3 100(15 00 Sides.. 4.... rJau Shoulders.... It5i17 Hams..U..... 1924 Kits po00 Pork, $ bbl. Citym'ss 28 3rJ00 00 Hrring,rova.;flcou .f-bbs,...;:. oo Herrinsf. smoked Thin H 3UUU(53iUU Prime.... 30 00(3100 boxes..'.;; 80010 00 Codfish... i. I 9 10 N.C. Roe...0j0000 00 riiOUB. bbl. Kump l..27O0OO00 Beef! bbl. 15 00(00 00. Butter, $ lb, Country ..JS49 Goshen . . . . 3545 Family.... Tj)0 11 00 3uper . ..... .0 w(5 o k Flne.;..V; 50( 5 75 : tgra.in ' $ fcushel. Western....... 4:345 Cheese. $ fi. . EngUsh dairy . . 2530 State..J...?;... 16(17 Lard, lb. Corn, North:. 1101 20 Corn. Eas Co. llO! 45 Oats..... .... 1 oingv oj Peas: ...1110(1 20 Rice, rough., 11)7302 00 N. uarouna. . . . iy(gau Northern...... 15(g21 ' I ONIONS. bbl........4000 0Q i SUGAB, tt. jt- Rice. Carolina. w E.l. rice..... w ia uo Giajb -Sb.t. 13 20 Cuba....l.....l2l3i GXJMKT Bags. .30 32 Oniito. Peruvian; Crushed.!..... I5(gltt forto Rico.,... i fi ton;..f()000000 : Navassa..60O075 CO A Collee ... ltXffiiot B do.. ..I..... ..14(c5it Cdo..... 13i14 Havana Brown. . O000 salt, $ sack. Liverpool, from store 5U0 00 Alum, bush 1 7500 Eastern...... Ill 301 50 Northern.... l 010 HIDtfSJ Green 5ia07 1415 urv.... .... . IRON. 1 lb. t SOAP, id. Brown.4.....;...5i3. SHINGLES, M. EngUsh, ass' 1 8 10 American, re '.0 (4 10 "Amfirieaii. " v' I - tCommon A 75- ou sheer.....?t.? 10 Swede....-..ll0.O ,12 Hoop, toft, H00110 liquors, la gallon. Rrandv tl " - ' Contract L . . . . 4 uuo UMBBB. - Shipping... 10 0)1 AO Mill prime...? ou(c? o w Mill fair 6 75 0 00 Mill ord'y.. 4 50 0 00 Frenchi..f009 00 Apple, NCy : 'Peach . Whiskey g. Bourbon., tl 753 00 TOBACCO 003 50 Navy.. . . . ; . . . . . 0000 Medium, . ....... uuuu 75 4 00 Manufactured. 0000 N.E.Rum2p0 800 LUMBER. RIVER. 19 M. TALLOW. & .....ll12i wood. 19 cord. Widebds..fl2 0015 00 Scantlln2...l00012 00 Oak......... $3 00&3 50 Floorinir .-. .15 0017 00i Ash . . Flooring Mill Pine....;;.... 2 753 00 Rouffh....2l 00(323 00 Land Plaster, Dressed . .20 D0S5 00lf ton 0000 -DIRECTORY. City Government. Mavor Silas N. Martin, office City Hall. Marshal Wm. P. CANADAT.'office Citv Hall. 5 Clerk andTreasurer T. C. Servoss. fi cfountjr Commisioners. 1- 8. N. Martin, Chairman A. R, Black, E. M. Shoemaker! J. C. Heter; ; James A. Lowert. "?4: -.-V I I Sheriff. ' J. W. Shknck, Jr. I Odd Fellow. Cape Feat Lad ze No 2 meets! every Tuesday evening. -A. zJ A. j: xorr, jn. u. ! JNoJ(5flc)OD, Secretary. i -' : 1 - " :'f4 i Temperance. - Mt. Olivefj Council No. 9, F. of T., meets every Monday evening. , GRirJTiTH J. McRee, Pres. ; 1 Jas.;Kin , Secretary. j j ,H .':irit4,ii. $Vf ' dii ''' x i' .1 i I'.-fi Masonic. i i-' St. John's, Lodge, No.,1, meet last Thursday in each month.- ( 'H. H. Munson, W. M. W. M. P0I83ON, Sec'y. j ' Concord Chapter No. 1, meet third Monday in each montn. ; alyrxd martin, 11. r. . C. W. Oldham, Sec'y. Jit - 'h - - , .1 - - Wilmington, Council No. 4, meet first Wednes day in each; month. - : i ,s 1 1 -V-U-: I - Tnos. B. Carr, T. L G. M. i'J-BR fiBKLL, Recorder. i QETTIUQ MARRIED. '! Essays to Young Men, on Social Evils, ana tne propriety or impropriety; or gettin Married withj sanitary unfitted for matrlmon sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOC! ATION, BoxP, Philadelphia, Pa. i sept 18 ; .-,. , -..!; h: i 89-3m - ' " ' ' 11 1 ", 11, I. . 1 S A A.f TIAY Business entirely new and lV honorable. Liberal Inducements. De scrtptive, circulars free, Address J. C. RAND go., Blddeford. Me, . i or 1 5 f - - x : If? 5 " I?l r" f3: ; S: I -' f 3. . " 4 It:' O til i ill si IM' -2 s?s 4 -52 y ' gP ' sis i y ' , . . ! -. tin ' h u u THEY ARB NOT A VILE o w 4 w Made of Poor Bum, Whiskey, Proof Spir- jf. A "Rflfiiaa Idanors, idoctorea, Bpieeu, Appetizers "Restorers," that lead tha Titroler on to drunkenness and nun, but are a true SSSSS a4 from thNative Roota and Serbs of Caiiioa, free fromco t., CIPIiB, perfect Benorator and vigorator of estencaxryiiif oft all . poisonous matter, andxcstorLngtbo blood to a healthy condition. No cersoacan take thcseiBitters, according to direcn,fmareinainlongnnwelL-; pi'J rJ a too rill be given for an lncoraDla case, pro viding tha bones ar not destroyed by mineral poisons or other , means, and the vital organs , iuted beyond th8 point of repair, , . For Inflammatory andCnromoBneTi matism, and Gout. Dyspepsia, or Indi- f Kostion. Bilious, Hemitfent, and titer- mittent Fevers, Diseases of th Blood, ; . Ltver. Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bit-; tara have been most successful. Sucn Dis-, ISseSe caused by VittotedBloodh:; is generaUyrroduced by derangement ot tho : ; ISSa stomaiand stimulato V; the torpid liver and bowels, i -which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansinsr the blood of all impurities, and imparting newlife and vior to the whole system. AJ ; 1 oC Uo Pain intne Bnomaers.ui-s-Tlslo m ?umnratack, Palpitation of the iTnart. Oonious Discharges Of urine, rainm. 1 it . nf KWnAvd. and a hundred other TwlnM symptoms which are tha offsprings of toyspepBla, are cured bythese Bitters. ' fii-th vitiatadBlood whenever you find 1 its impurities bursting through the skinin Pim ples, Eruptions, foul, and your fee tha blood pure an fPlN. TATE, and other WOEMS, lurking In the system of so many thousands, are effectually, destroyed and removed, 1 ? . .,n ; For full directions, read caref ally the circular around each bottle, printed to four languages Ensrlish, German, French, and Spanish.- : J. WALKBB, 32 & 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. ' I)rufgiats and General Agents. Ban Francisco, CahTornla and 32 and34 Com- ' SSOL BY ALL DRTJGGISTS"AND DEALERS. iSb;, : ; f For sale by ! ' ' - - J. A. MEBANE. USE ONIY ' -.i---. LIPPMAN'S flREAT GERMAfJ .BITTERS. ?; THE STANDARD BITTERS OF GER ': MANY. Used by the best Physicians in their 1 : Daily Practice. "Lippman's Great German Bitters strength ens the debilitated, j! ! jgp-Lippman's Great German Bitters strength ens the consumptive. K H i; jpLippman's Great German Bitters cures Kidney Complaints. !!!! jSIFrLippman's Grat German Bitters 4 cures Female Complaints. ' 1 i :' tSPLippman's Great German Bitters, an old German Tonic. I ; 1 ' ggTLippman's Great 'German Bitters, the most delightful and effective: in the world. lpLippman's Great German Bitters cures "never well" people. i.. i ; fLippman's Great German Bitters gives an appetite. j H ' tLiDPman's Great German Bitters cures Liver complaint. i h r-Lippman's Great German liitters gives tone to digestive organs, i SpLippman's Great Gerrhan Bitters gives enererv. ' t"Linpman,s Great (German Bitteis cures Nervousness. f I : "Lippman's Great German Bitters purifies the JSlood. " lt"Lippman's Great German Bitters, the best Fall Medicine. ISPLippman' a.G reat the Bowels. German Bitters regulates t"LiDoman's Great German Bitters excites the Torpid Liver. lipLippman's Great o-ivA Vnnt.hfiTl Vijror. German Bitters will "Lippman's Great German Uitters cures Debilitv. ULippman's Great German Bitters, $1,000 for a better remedy.- i f j V :i tSPLippman's Great German Bitters prevents Vjuuis auu sever. ; j ' . ! Wholesale Agents inr Wilmington N. C Adrian & Vollers. ! j ! , ' , ' ' Sole Proprietors for Americai JACOB LIPP- MAN & BRO., Savannah,; Ga.; and New York. TTAYTON'S OIL OF LIFE, the best Rheu- I, matic and Neuralgia Linament known. It cures all pains and aches in the system. For sale by all Druggists. ' , sept 18 ; X ' ,' -j. ' :r 39-tf $5 FIRST PREMIUM IHPIIOVED FAMILY $5 SEWING i 112.50 clear irofit rer dav. , $75.00 ter wefck. $300 per month mad easy by any Lady or Gen tleman introducing this Genuine and Original Old Favorite. With; its manyi new and practi cal additions, making the most complete com bination of valuable and f useful improvements ever effected in any one machine. The em bodiment of extreme simplicity,' efficiency Rnd utility, entirely different in model and design trom any low priced machine. It is the most serviceable, elegant and reliable Family Sewing Machine ever invented, gives perfect satisfaction wherever introduced.: Has! received Premiums. Stood the test of 10 years, and is fully approved of by every family who ; hare them in use. Is noiseless, makes the strong and beautiful Elas tic Lock Stitch, with wonderful rapidity and 1 certainty. 'Sews anything a needle" will, go through, irom the finest to the thickest fabric, firm aud neat, with ease.! v JJses all kinds of silk or thread direct from the spool; is improved with new sell-acting leed, spring tension, r celfv guider. and uses the; adjustable straight. needle, perpendicular motion, with powerful lever ac tion. Possesses all tthefgood! qualities of the best high priced machines ? condensed," without their complications ior xauic camples of sew ing sent free on receipt of stamp. ' For certifi cates, &c, see descriptive pamphlets, .mailed free. A thorough practical sewing machine lor family use. "Tribune." j A very strong and re liable machine, at I a low price. "Standard." This beautiful sewing machine is one of the most,, ingenious -pieces ;oi mechanism ever in- venteLtZtemxTaf,' Ga. 'Worth many , times its cost to any family.- W. T. , Weekly," At is quite a new machine with its many late,, im" provements, ana sews witn astonishing ease rapidity ; and neatnes.f-&ta N'.TU Hinorie macnines. a- sammes. aeiected with pr $5.00. Sate delivery of goods guaranteed. t For ward cash by registered letters, or P. O. money order, at our risk. Agents wanted, male or fe male, everywhere. New pamphlets containing extra liberal Inducements sent free. - v p i Address Family 8Ewrso Mxcsink Co. Office 86 Nassau 8trist New York. t ept 18 ;U--1fi W: ? ''!' 1 - WIT' 1 togs will tell you when. Keep tithe health of the system will MACHINE n 1 inr umnv me. vim ererrmiDe' r.n inniPTP tn t i I iu BLruug nuwucu uuutf nee, uu reeeipi; 01 price,.! 253 Feet FronIron and Glass. : . y if. ; WORKS U NITED;. STATES . WATCH G 0 Mr AJN . j - It-Tut mww jc. r0.. GILE S 9 . W -A. .4 !. . . . J , rl IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND;jOfiBERS v:ATaWEa:DIAMO:NJiB JEWELRY SILVER WARE. SALESROOM OF TUB .13 itAIDEN LANE ' ? ; V ' Slannfocturcrs of ail the grades f Ut15 UUU vj Iliwvk7j :ibtii mcKEL mid riiosTEDjioVEuiEtrrs. The finer grades all having three pairs Conical and aenrately adjnsted to Heat, told and Iteitwn, ana an, fyWZfKZaak.-STRAIGHT-XINE Escapement, with Exposed Pallet ; Jewels, and Hardened andrempereaua Springs ; and r our late improvement in STEM WINDING inechanism, jegg'S SIMPLICITY and SMOOTHNESS hitherto nnattained in any other manufacture, at home or faHtly on hand; fuU lines, all sizes, in Gold, Silver Dtapni atoCasjJ ie Ktpeaters, iWndent 1-4, 1-5 Split and Fly back .Seconds , n taWng differe tS. trade generally L ; V '" ! - -Ij-Tv . . v w ; . - ts- Hrifi'-i.iata tnrniRHp.fi t,iie iriae on aDDiicauou. cuuwdiuk i - Wliolesale Warerooms, 13 Maidoife WAxcii No. 1089, Stem Winder Co Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United . .iv.:i,n-.iocQ-ATnn. tanrcx. Irom December, 1S63, to January 17th, 1870: in thd etilire time: t L. E. CHITTENDEN, Late Register U. b. lreasttry. , i New Yohk, Jan. 17, 1870. - . . . . . Utica, Feb. 15th, 1870. ;. . "Vatou - No. 10584, Stbm- Winder, Bearing Tra .'6. Mark- Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion N. J., manufactured by United States Watch! Co.,luts been Ciirried by. me 20 months; its total! variation ironi mcau tme oeing nve 6ecpnas per month. r;. t Z. C. PRIEST, ... Asst. Sup'L N. Y. C. & Hi R. R. j ,:Watcii No. 1124, Sx.em:-Winder, Bearinic Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co.," Manu factured by the' United States Watch Co., has been carried by m-2 5: van moiitLs; its total vari ation from mean time being only six seconds. A. L. DENNIS, President, N. J. R. R. & T. Coi I Watch No. " 1251, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me four months : its total variation irom meai time Demg only nve seconds per month. F. A. HASKELL, i ' " . Con: .Hudson River R. K. j Watch No 1117, Stem-Winder, Bearing' Trade-Mark i'Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N: J." manufactured by United States. Watch Co., has been carried by me fifteen months ; its total variation ilrom mean time being only an average of two-thirds of a second per day. 5 f Hi F. PHxiLrp, Con. jn. J. Central R. R Watch - No. ' 1037, Stem- Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Mariom N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me since June, 1867, its total variation from mean time being only five seconds per month. HENRY SMITH, -i T" . T" r tit .11 . 1 areas, i'anania 1. n,., 00 wan street. Utica, Feb. 14th, 1870. ? Watch No. 2,017, Bearing Trade-Mark Fay ette Stratton, Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co. , has been carried by me 12 months; its total variation from mean time being fifteen seconds. I. VROOMAN, Engineer N. Y. C. & H. R. R. : : - f Utica, Feb. 15th, 1870. Watch No 2,291 Bearing Trade-mark "Fay ette Stratton, Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me 18 months; its total variation irom mean time being five seconds per month. I 1 E. O. WHIPPLE, i 'y -M- -'V - ' Con. U. & B. R. R. j Watch No. 1259, Stemt Winder, Bearine Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N.'J., manuiacturea by united states Watch Co., has been carried by me six months ; its to tal variation from mean time being only eight seconds per month. Have : been traveling through different sections of the country from New xork to Galveston, lexas, and back, by steamer and railroad. . E.RICE, j. i pi Whitney & Rice, 179 Broadway, N. Y. BEWARE of worthless immitations on a certificate or genuineness from those woras juAKiun, n. j., are engravea on Ail otners are spurious. BARRELMACHINRY. j . WELCH'S PATENT BARREL MACHINES - for tight and slack work will make bar rels, of every description, such as Whiskey, Lard, ' :: Reel, Pork, : , . Jflolasses, Beer, ' ! . V Flour, Turpentine - ! . and Oil Barrels. These machines will make barrels from either rived or sawed staves, and produce them in the most perfect and beautiful style, as well as stronger and better than , those made by hand, and at a deduction of about one-half of the cost of labor, , ; MACHINES , FOR CUTTING STATES and making heading for flour barrels for sale, combining all the latest and best improvements. : The Barrel Machinery can be seen in operatioin at the SU . Louis ', Barrel , Works; probably the most extensive .and. complete in its line in the united otates. , ; : ; For machines and patent rights address . ; c ' .. . . PETER WELCH, , 1 r. St. Louis Barrel, Works, St. Lotus, Mo, '' 3 ; - Send ior Descriptive Circulars. aug 7 - ; r '..- ; i r : r : 27-tt . s CT( BESTLJM THE WORLD. ; Kew York Office, 27 BEEKMAH BT. - i A LL PARTIES '11AVINGJTR ACTS 'OF Jt, land for -sale mayfind-amarket for the fcame by applying to the editor of the " PostJ' Persons wishWlo iVXi 1 s ia-r.A o, 3 i " w ' " UfMimc n X3HARLES L GRADY. - Office "Post," Magistrates? Blanks ! !!" the omcz dr iiaB tosT. i it : OF THE 1 ! ltf A ICIUiM IL. E S !&n:o;p: 9 9 KEW YORK. ; r nr i l DnJnnt Win p "1 TOtsVP Jeweled, la 60" ?r ... - . '-rr"''"'" " I- - - - ,,!,,V 1 teariDg Trade-mark Frederick Atherton & States Watch Co., lias been earned, by me Uo trtol vnriatinn hp.inir onlv two &C07ia8 its total variation Demg oniy iwo seconu Witptt Nn 12012. Stem-Winder. Beahngj Trade-Mark "UnitedStates Watch Co., Marion,! N. J. 1ms been carried bv me five montbs uns to-; tal variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. n j . ! - I GEO.. LOVIS, Gen'l. Eastern j Pass'gr Ag'l Toledo, Wabash & Western R. R. I 4 Sunburt, Pa Feb. 26,1869. i Watch 1 NO. 1176, Stem-Winder, Bearing; Trade-Mark 'Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion,: N. J.," manuiactured by United States ' iWatch; Co., has been! carried by me three months ? its; only variation! Irom mean , time bung only fiver seconds during that time. : J ! l HENRY DE LANCY, - :' - Engineer, Phila, fc Erie R. R. ; i Watch I No. 1105, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade Mark Frederic Atherton & Co., Clarion, N. J.," manufactured by United 8tatea I Watch Co., has been carried by me eleven months; its total variation from mean time being only seven seconds in the entire time 4 I . -A. H. KING, 7 Park Place, N.I Y. Vice-Pres't N. J. Car Spring and R. Co.' Watch No. 1125. Stem-Winder, Searing Trade-Mark Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion,! N. J., manufactured by United States; iVatchf Co., has been! carried by me fourteen months, six months of that time at sea, and in all the va j rious climates of Europe. During that time and since my return it has not varied one second a week. H. LASSIKG Manager'Knickerbocker Life i Ins. Co., 161 Broadway, p. Y. t Watch No. 1064, j Stem-Winder, Bearing; Trade-Mark -v'Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by nie fifteen months ; its total variation from mean time being only one second per month. WILL ARD DERBY, . Of Derby, Snow & Prentiss, Jersey City,N, J. j Watch 1 NOi 1142, Stem-Winder. Bearing; Trade-Mark Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States ! Watch Co., has been carried by me eight months ; its total variation from mean time being, per month, eight seconds. ' 1- JAMES B. RYR, i of Kelty & Co., 447 Broadway, j Watch No. 2183, Bearing Trade-Mark Fay ctte Stratton, Marion, N. J., manuiactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me 15 months; its total variation from mean time being thirty seconds. WM. DUNNE, ;j I I Baggage Express, Utica. Watch No. 2656 Bearing Trade-Mark Fayi ette Stratton,. Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., - has been canted by ; me three: months ; its total variation from mean ! time being only 13 seconds at present dale. ; .'-.! JACOB WEAT, I ! Col. ol In- Revenue, 5th Disk, N. J. I with which the Countrv is flooded i insist of whom you purchase, and see tliat the tne plate over tne mam Spring: Uarreli s R6 S A D A L I SI O s A D f rHE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH -X RESTORER, purifies the blbod and cures Scrofula, Syphilis, Skin pisease, Rheumatism, Diseases of women, and all Chronic Affections of the Blood,' Liv er and Kidneys Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands oil our best citizens. 1 Read the testimony of Physicians an4 patients who have used RosadaliB: send for our Rosadalis Guide to Healta Book? or Almanac for this year, whichre pubf "ou iyi gi.uiuiuus TiioiriDuiionai will give you much valuable information. I Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, liys : I I take pleasure in recommendg your RosaIdalis as a very powerful alterative I; have seen it used in two cases w ith ham py, results one in case: of sertondary syphilis in which the patient proilotmced himself cured after having ta ten five! bottles ol your medicine. The (ither is a case of scrofula of long standing IrhiCh is rapidly improving, under its tise. and luuiwMuuuB mc iiLuxu luu, patient will sdon recover. I have carefully examlnT ed the formula by which your RosaaaUs is made, and; find it an excellent toml pound of alterative ingredients. I ? DrJ Sparkfiof Nicbolasville, El sayi he has used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with saiisfacto ry results as a cleaner of the JBlood T S ; Rosadalis is sold bv all nrnWfW T - 1 4 est T 1 r.w . oor Drs Clements & Co., Propfjelors. apriI24 ) ' r . ijmzr AAA REWARD. For anvl PJ,VUV Blind Bleeding, Itching: or Ulcer ated Plies that De Ring's Pile Remedy lalla to cure. ; Itis prepared expresalj to sure the Piles and nothing elae, and has cnred Jjases of w i wi a j wuo, ooia oy ail DrageiAtiC TIAFUGA-lIi:. f. . Da Brao's Via Fugaisthepureiuicefci Barks. Herbs, Roots, and berries, for 4" -f T1 if. COlf SUMPTfnv! rM. li Intfamation oi the Lunlrs all T WH Iri4-J 4 Bladder UsoMS,S aSSSiSlft of tie UrinicjOrsuu in Male ui Temale.TOo. --wwui.uicu mosi Generallv trmtn- in consumptive: Decline. It onrift ; -TZT: riches the Blood, tha vinii.J SecreUve System OwwciSBSSSoS Nervous and Muscular forces nafS lUJ charm on weak, nervous, and debilitated females ? i A PREPARATIOn OF COHPOUtlD EXTRACT DUCilUi v .- n . i ' v v i T'.- ., "i . . The component parts are BUCHU. t ONQ LEAF, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. ' 1 Mods of' Pkepabation. Buchn( ia vacuo. Juniper Berries, by distillation, to form a fine gin. Cubebs pxtracted by displacement with, RTirit AhtftinfidfroTh Jnniftp.r v Rp.!rri ft r vp.rtf little sngar is used, and a small proportion of spirit. It is more palatable than any. now In tuse,' : ' .. .v Buchu, as prepared by Druggists, is of a dark color. It is a j plant that - emits its fragrance ; the action of a flame destroys this (its active principle), leaving a dark , and glutinous decoc-j tion.1 Mine1 is the color of ingredients JThel Uuchu m smallest qu added, 'to -prevent fermentation ; upon inspec- tion, it will be found nc g,SS?SSS! it will be found not to be a Tincture, as nor is it a Syrup and cases where fever or in flammation exist. In this, you have the knowl-i edge of the ingredients and the mode of prepa ration. - 1 . .;.!'"'-' . - ) Hoping that you will favor it with a trial4 and that upon inspection it will meet with your ap probation,' j With a feeling of confidence, 1 am, very respectfully, tu T. UEJL.MBOL.D, Chemist and Druggist. . oflQ Years? Ejyxrience. rFrom thc laQJ . Manufacturing tchemista iu the World.J November 4, 1851. 'I am acquainted with Mr. H.T) Helmbold : he occupied the Drug Store- opposite, my resi dence, and was successful in conducting" the business where others had not beet. . equally so belore him. I have been favorably impressed with his character and enterprise." WILLIAM WElQHXMAN, Fi rmi p J Powers & Weightman, 1 j Manufacturing Chemists, Ninth and Brown streets, Philadelphia. UELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is the great specific for Universal Lassitude, Prostration. &c The constitution, once affected Weakness, requires the aid of with Organic Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does If no (treatment is submitted to, Con-, sumption or insanity ensues. . I IlEJLJIIBOliD'S. FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU, - I In affections! peculiar to Females, is unequalled by any other preparation, its in ; Chlorosis, or retention, raintuiness, or Suppression of Cus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus State oi the Uterus, and all complaints incident to the sex, or the decline or change of life. IIEL MB OLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU CHU AND IMPROVEli RbsE WASH win raaicauy exterminate frohi ilin Av&tern diseases arising: from habits ofi diKRinatinn ot . little expense, little or no change! in diet, no in- convenience or exposure ; completely superced es iuw uupicasaniBna' aangerpus' remedies . Copaiva an- Mercury, in all these Idiseases. v USE HELMBOLD'S FJLUID EXTRACT BUCHU W4 In all diseases of these organs, whether existing in action, and more - strengthening than any of imc preparations oi xarK. or iron. Those suffering from broken-doWn or delicate consUttttions, procure the xemedif at once. ' v Hi i Tw? reader J must De aware ' that, however slight may be i the attack of tlie above diseases. tal powers. . fw wisvi uuuuy ucum ana men i tug Kuuve aiseases . require the aid nf a DiureUc. HELHBOLI)'a eItrACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic- .7 DY?v All it r. . - . ol.Sgists everywhere. ' Pbice- per uuuit; Dottles lor f6.5C Deliv "t?Dif 18: ; Dpribo , Woms in al communications. ' ?7 7 r. AAA JU Y.,y' t tH? TT.HE Of II f i T.Ti I irug ana unemical Warehoused' T 594 BROADWAY, N ew York; SI 1 I : Unless done .up in steelngrayed wrapper with facsimile of my Chemical5 Warehouse, and signed j ' HoT' HELUBOLD. It u uiiuo ur iemaje, ircm wnatever 'cause' - origi-1 J A,Ja waus wu yeai Sf anu bating, and jno matter of how lonp- RtarwUna Bindes, (price 81.00.) labeled It is ' pleasand in taste and odor. I "im Home. This will hold two -m i UAVfVkAWVW I JEST STORr PAPER L CHE UNIVERSE. A -5 Prize to i-very Eubscriber. jjend Stamp for Prize Cir iular and.. Specimen. J R liiJULUirj, ra-iisher. BosTONMass;Uj53 4w LIVE AGENTS jWANTED FOR , WOHEFOF NEW YORK. OR -SOCIAL LIFE IN iut. waujui. Wonderful developments among the aristoira- cy. Married yvomeu exposca. iotc,, o.u. irice A best terms to Agents ever given.. Address, N Y Book Company, 145 Nassau street, NY season OFisro-m. 1 IMPORT ANT IMPROVEMENTS, f Patented June 21st, land Augnst 23d, 1870. ' REB1JCTION ' jPKIC i The Mason & Hamlin Organ Qsi r pleasure of announcing importer' ments in their Cabinet Organs,, for ents were granted them in June lasL ! These are not merely meretri ments, but enhance the substantia of the instruments. . They are also cnaWcd.uy; increase iaEHUItt4etaTe, to maKe, irom inis ther reduction , ot 1 prices cn scv Having compisiea ,ana aaaea 10 ineir iormcr facilities a large new manufactory, they hope hereafter to supply all orders promptly. 1 The Cabinet Organs made toy this Company ase of t such 1 universal reputation, not only throughout America, , but also . in,Eurppe, that few will need assurance of their superiority. They now offer FOUR OCTAVE CABINET ORGANS", in quite plain cases, but equal ac cording to their capacity to inythingthey make, for S50 Teach. The SAME, DOUBLE REED, $65. FIVE OC1AVE DOUBLE REED OR GANS, FIVE STOPS, with Knee swell md Tremulant in elegant case, with several of the Mason K Hamlin improvements, ,$125. The sameExtra, with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell, &c, $160 .FIVE ; OCTAVES, THREE SETS REEDS, SEVEN STOPS with EUPHONE; a splendid instrument, $225: ! " ' A new illustrated catalogue'with lull informa tioi and reduced prices, is now ready, and wiir' be sent free, with a v testimonial -circular, pre senting a grca,,rnass of evidence as to the eupe riority of these instruments, to any one sending his address to the MASON &.HAMLIN ORGAN CO.. 154 Tremont Street; Boston, or 596 Broad- way, New York. rpTTTT MAGIC COMB will .change any JL J colored ' hair or beard to; a perma nent black or brown. It Contains5 10 poison. Any one can use it. . One sent by mail for$l. Address MAGIC COMB CO. Springfield, Mass. . ; .. .. .oct 9 45 3m "ANTED AENTSlS20 per day)'td sell- the celebrated HOME SH'JTTLifi SEW ING MACHINE. 1 As the nnder-leed, makes' the "lock stitch" (alike on. both sides,) and is v fully licensed, Tho best and ciieap"t family . Sewing Machine in thc market. Address, JOHN-' SON, CLARK & CO.; Boston Mass Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. v r . oct 9 I ' .1.. . ; : 45-3m : 1 , JrL S4(A DAYBusiness entirelyjuewand hpn IV orablc. Liberal inducements. Descrip tive circulars free. Address J. C. RAND & CO., Biddeford, M. . ;oct9 45-8v FOilTUJSESSt to live " Rare chance Send Stamp Diamond K. Wiliuington, Dei. v r . .1 ,ii opt. 4S.;-im A GENTS WANTED.. ($225 DOLLARS A. DAY by the' 'AMERICAN KNIT IT KG .vfACHINE CO Boston, j Mass., or St. Lous, Mo. tf. TTTANTED AGENTS To sell the OCTAGON' 'VV SE. WING MACHINE. ItT licensed, makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch" and is warran ted for 5 years. Price $15. r All other machines with an under-feed sold lor 115 or lessr are in- fringementsr Address, , OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE CO., St. Louie. Mo.. Chicago, 111,, Pittsburgh, Pa., or BostouVMass. oct THE WESTEXIBT n iME COMPAXYf lSSDcarborn StJ,' Chicago, III., Will pay the largest premiums ior Jsubseriptions ,TO '1'IIK H KS'CBHN ever offered, in the history of Journalism addition to these premiums, they toiler , " GranclFrizcs, $1000 in Gold For the largest clubs obtained before February lBt,lS71. . , . V ; , They will also send Tns Westebs Home witb &iiyfir&t clas9 magazin4t upon receipt of subscrip tion price oi such magazine. ; Taken your choice: pay yonr money and get Tee WESTERN JiOMBrefi. :.J , Amy New Subsckiber for 1871 sending the rcg ular Subscription' Price, $1.00 in addition to his subscrption, will get The Western H6mk free from September to January.1871. j To the Boy or Girl under 15 years of agjg, who! sends the largest club of $1.00 Subscribers to The Western Home before February 1st, 1871. will be sent a Piano.'or a Melodeon, qra Sewing Machine, worth $1.00 or $1.00 in cash. J Aht PebsoiT sending 92.00,' will receive The one Emebsoss The Western volumes, preserving 7 cav.u iiuuiucrxicaij uuoiceanu Clean. ' - .... . . - :;..;-i- - The Western Hqme. is a choice literary maga-. zine, for family -amusement and instruction, v Price (100 per year, r f t-i.ijftl m x--'' Send for sample copy, Address The Wes- : tern Home Co., Drawer 6008? Chicago, 111. . UNIOIl PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., -,. V . . ..HAVE A ,. t , . Land Grant Direct from the Government . ' 12,000,0 OO AC K E S ; . oir , the j t. . . . 1 Best Farming and, Mineral Land in " i America ,,..! ' . . '.'1 3 ,000,000; acres choice farming laridson the i '; slineof theroad, In the state of Nebraska, In the . -5 ? GREAt'PLATTE VALLEY,; t : ' Now for cash or credit at low ; rates of interest. Theaelands are near the 41st parallel of North Latitude, in 'a healthy climate, and for gain grow- ' ing and stock raising are unequalled by "any in' the United States : v Y-:'f .v !i ? Convenient- to market both cait ahd; west. " Prices range from $2.60 to$lCL00per acre; V :; , GREAT; .lNDUCEMjaNTSjl i To Settlers with Jimited?meanB.( 4 ?, , ... ; 2,5 o.o; q.o o a, c Rich government lands alSng the road between , OMAHA AN D NORTH PLATTE X 8urreyed and! open for entry under the Home- stead and Preemption Iaw8r and c,an betaken by , M - ACTUAL , SETTLORS, ONLY. r, s An opportunity neyer before presented for se-. curing homes near & great Railroad with all the . conveniences ' p an old settled country. New i edition1 of ' descriptive" pamphlets with maps, now ready and sent l ree to all partsof the United I; States, Canada and Europe ? Address, : 5 ? L ; , ; O.. F, DAVIS, Land 'Commissioner, I. 5 . .. .t.r ( U. P-R..JR, Co., Omaha, Neb, I In ' '

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