-1 H i 1-1 - ? L THE TOLMIMON MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICINAL. NEW ADyERTfeliMENTS. T0IPHYSIOMM The Great Medical Discovery ! WltMlhiGFTON, N. C., NOVEMBER 17, 1870, 1 1 ; Ill Dr. WALKER'S Q A TiTrOBlTIA t V IN E G A R3 B I TIERS ; mi i -4 OUR MONTHLY CALENDAR. - a S "on Hundreds of Thousands SS"H NOVEMBER. r "o Bear testimony to their woderful'S T. T. F. - uurauve xoiecxa. .1 ! 2d Lit 1 8 15 23 20 , 2 ' 9 10 23 30 4 11 18 25 New York. August 15th, 1803. Allow me to call your attention to my rV 14 si; 28 10 12 1.0 2G -17 H 5(6' 24 g.crg WHAT ARE THEY ? S aftlHp 1. Ii if 4 '4 fhv p. -.': r - .1 Ji '1 -hi: WILMINGTON MARKET. I ' Wilminotoh, N. C., Not. 1G, 1870. TURtfENTINA Market steady with sales of HO blla at s to ior son, ana i oj ior uara, y T3 TURPENTINE Market fiiin. and ! 280 lbs. r e iSPIR yrice; advances. Saics of 42 bbls at 42 cents, per gallon for Southern pack agesj , r ROSI-107 bbls sold at $2 25 for No 1, and 5 lor No t. and 1,000 bbls at fl 50 for strained. j TAR4-50 bbls sold at $1 03 per bbl. . . ; f COTtON-Sales of 105 bal esrt prices ranging from 14 to 15 cents .j DOMESTIC MARKET Poultry S0fl03 $ pair, Essf-25 cents T r a mn J - uuzeu. Po'tfoe3 New Sweet, 25. cents $ peck, Ric -f 10 cents a pound. Battel: Country 35; .Northern- y0. Beef,-13i16 cents $ lb. Mutton 1620 cents $ lb. Veal-fl6 to 20 csnls $ B. Clams 25 cents a peck. BacottHanis 252S cents $ m jsngufln reas ouecnts pccK. Turnips 10 cents buncli. j Meal-i-40 cents a peck. Apples Dried 15 cents $ 3b. Bc?te4-1012f cents per bunch, Onions 5 cents per buucii. Beans SQcents per peck. 1 U . 1 I WHOLESALE PRICES. f; BEESWAX, iScantling. . 10 13 0C White pine. 00 0J00 UU 1 LIME. - bbl...i..-..130I40 MOLASSES, $ gallon. Cuba hhd...., 3812 do tierce.. 4345 do bbl?..... 45 i BBEF CATTJjii. 1(0 tts..O0OO0O430 ' BARRELS. 8pts T;, new n IY l..k..25(a280 dliand do.. 2 152 75 . 1 BAGGING. rtvruu...i......6U(a).I UU Gunny 4 Dundee..... Rope'..;.... 2324 Sugar House 230 00(33 nails, $ lb. 710 Cut.. .'.". U . ;5 005 50 : BRICKS. 19 M...1.V..f9 0010 00 Wrought OILS, Rosin..". Lard,.... 700(750 gallon. ....$0 400 50 ... 1752 00 COFFEE, p. ...1.....:. .(3035 Java. . Lasuyn . . . . . . . .23(ca2(5 Kerosene;. . . . 40 42 " RiS. ........ 170 Linseed. j.... 1 40(1 50 8t. Domingo. ' OANDLES, Sperm. 4..;.. . Adamantine.. rTallow.U,.'., .25281. Pitch.. 4... 0 oo2 PEANUTS. 25 MB. ,..5055 .. 17(10 bushel...$2S0(2 POTATOES, $ bbl. Irish bbL ''-.. S3 753. 182!) domestics. yard. Sweet, bush.. 0 75l 00 Shectinr.4.....9J12 PROVISIONS, y 1. Bacon, N C Hams.4........222l Middlings...... 1021 Shoulders 1S20 Yarn. 13 . bun 1 601 75 risn, 9 bbl. Mullets .- Jakbbls.$a00(a00 00 : Pine do..tT00(S 8 00 Ilog round . . . ... 20(2 i Mackerel V Bacon, western No. 1 tbbl 15 P000 00 NO. 2bbl.9 50(cgI0 00 No. 3,.... 14 00(16 00 Sides.. 1..... lvjesv Shoulders.... ltH17 Sams. J........ 1934 Kits..5..... oouegu w Ilerrlnari Nova Scotia Pork, $ bbl.- Citym'ss 23 3 J(a).w uu Thin 'f 30 00(3100 Prime J.. 30 0031 00 Rump.i..27 00e0 00 bbs....... 8 00 9 00 llerrinsri emoked " - boscsu... 8 0010 00 Codfish;:... 10 N. C, Rpe . .0 0000 00 . flouk; V hbl. family .U.7 00 1100 3upcr .j.'.T.-.OOO G25 Fine. 15 50 5 75 grain. $ bushel. Beef i bbl. 15 0000 00 Butter, lb. Countr. . . . . .. .4849 'Goshen 35(g45 Western....... 43(a45 Checsi V lb--.--'Engiish dairy.. 2530 ' Corn; North.. 1 101 20 State 10 17 Corn.EasCo: 140(145 Lard, 35. . i ()a.ts. ..i. .... O'JiW Oi: t. vyur.oiiuu. . . . xvvujw : Pes. i.i i iu(i ' Northern... ... -lo(ep31 ONIONS. $ bbiU.U.;.4 000 00 suaiit, $ E. Cuba....j.....l2i13i Crushed. I....... 15il6 Porto Rico . . . . . 1314 Rice, rough . . V 7o UU Rice, Carolina.' bi(g 09 E. I. rice...... 00 00 GlUB, 5-ib.... 13(20 Gunht Bags,. ..30 (g Z2 flnANO. Peruvian, :"-ttfnf:.$000000 00 Navassa..65 0075 CO A Cotfee B do.... ... 15i5i ....i4wior HAY. C do.... Eastern .v..fl 301 50j Havana Brown . . 00(00 Northern.; . . 1 O1 w i "H1DE3. ' Green L. - 507 Drv..'.t..--- 14(15 salt, f sack. Liverpool, from ' Btor..l'500 00 Alum, bush 1 7o00 soap, . lb. j( Brown. . . t ...... SHINGLES, M. Common j... 2 75 50 Contract.... 4 00(5 50 ' IltON, fi. English, asa'd S 10 American, ref.O 10 -American, . sheer.Av..V.9 10 Swede i.!.... 10 .12 Hoop,! $ ton, 100U0 WQiiORS, gallon. Brandy - French..; 4 009 00 i 1IMBEK. Shipping 10 0)1 J0O Mill prime ..7 50 8 00 ...6.75g 0 00 Ami iair . MiU ord'y.. 4 50 0 00 ' Apple, NC. '-i 753 00 Peach 3. 00(3 50 Whiakev TOBACCO Navy....i. .0000 Medium, ....... 0000 Bourbon., l 'fo(g w - N. KRum 2 00($ 300 LTJMBBB, RIVER, M. Widebds . .f 12 0015 00 Trf . Manufactured. , 0000 i TALLOW. I ? B)ij.i......Tt12i wood. cord. dcantling.rf.10 00(12 00Oak..;. Flooring ... 15 017 OO.Ash FlooringMill Pine..;. .;. 3 00(0-0 00 . .. 2 753 00 Plaster, , 0000 Roue-h . . ..21 00(2)22 00 Land Dressed... 20 0035 001 ton DIRECTORY. City Government. Mayorr-SiLAS N. Martin, ofUcc City Hall. Marshal WM. P. CanaDay, bfllce City Hall. Clerk and Treasurer T. CServoss. - : - County Commisioners. S. N. Martin, Chairman ; A. rJBlack, E M. 'Shoemaker.. J. C. Heyer, James A. LOWKRY. Sheriir. J. W. Shsnck, Jr. . - I i Odd Fellows.; , Cape Fear Lodge No 2 meets every Tuesday Jno. C. Wood, Secretary. i x ; , Temperance M t. Olivet Council No. 9, F. of 1 Mopday evening. Grit jfith J. ; Jas. King, Secretary. 4 j '.,'meels every c Bee, Pres. Masonic. St. John's Lodge No. 1, meet lat Thursday in each month. II. U. Mcjsson, W. 1 W. M.Poisson, Sec'y. Concord Chapter No. 1, meet third Monday in each month: r;: Ji . Alfred Martin, H. P. c. w. oldham, scc'y. ;..- Wilmington Council No. 4 mee day in eacb months ? j-; first Wednes T. I. G. M. 4 : , Thos. B., Carr, J. B.;R " sell, Recorder! j QETTIHQ MARRIED. Essays to Young Men, on! Social Evils, and tbie -propriety or impropriety of getting Mirriefl wlth sanitary help for those who feel unfitted for matrimonial happiness. Sent free, in sealed. envelope v Address HOWARD ASSOCI ATION, Box P. Philadelphia. Pa. : sept 18 - i 39 3m (J 1 A A DAY Business entirely new and 1. U honorable. Liberal Inducements. Dc crlptjtri c1rfnlars, frer, Address J. C. RAND Cq., BUdeford: Me. r - tl 0 ? 2 TnEY AEE NOT A VILE ft o X. 18 W I L n HIV ? Mdo of Poor Ram. Whiskey, Proof Spir its, and Refuse Idquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste; called "Tonics " Appetizers," Restorers," &o., that lead tno tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bat are a truo irioino. marts from the Native Roote and llirts of California, free from all Alcoholic SUmulanta. TheyWl PURIFIER and LUTE GIVING PHIIST CIPIiB. a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot the Bysteni, carrying off all poisonous matter, ana restoring the blood to a- healthy condition. Ni sperson can take these Bitters, according to dirlections, and remain long nn-wsll. ; $100 wilVbe given for an insurable case, pro vidros the bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the . vital organs -stcd beyond the point of repair. ; , fior inflammatory and Chronic .Boen matism, and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indi i2:Q3tion, Bilious, Bemittent. and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of tha Blopd, T.iwak Tttdnevfi. and Bladder; these Bit- hi tor3 have been most successful. 8uch Dis- ! eases are caused by Vitiated Blood, -rcbich j is (generally produced by derangenient of the Digestive Organs. : - 'fkej invigorate the stomach; and stimulato the torpid liver and bowels, which, render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the hloo lcr alii impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. - '. r . . Dyspepsia or Indigestion, r Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, .Sour Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bhlioua Attacks, Paipitatioirof the Heart, Copious Discharges of Urine, Fainm the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms which are the offsprings of . T)vspepBla, are cured by these Bitters. - ' Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever youfiad its impurities bursting through the skin m Pim ples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when it is r fotd, and your feelings wiUteU you when. Keep. thb blood pure an system will pS; TAPE, and other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, axe eilectuaily - destroyed and removed. . : ' ' ' . For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages English, German, French, and Spanish. ; J.1WALKER, 32 & 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. Proprietor, it H. McDONALp & CO., Druggiits and General Agents. San Francisco, California, and 82 and34Com. merce Street, N. Y. . 'J-orna'i-wTk nar sold by all druggists akd DEALERS -ir ,rf ' For sale by ; I J. A. MEBANE. USE ONLY LIFPiJAH'S QBEAT BITTERN GERMAN THE STANDARD BITTERS OF OEL i MANY. Used by the best Physicians in their Daily Practice. ' iLippman'sGrcatGerpiahBittersstrength ens the debilitated. , 1 ! 3pLippman's Great German Bitters strength ens the consumptive. MJLiPDman's Great German bitters cures Kidney Complaints: i I : Sf-Linrjman's Great German Bitter3 cures Female Comolalnts. ! ! KST'Lippman's Great German Bitters, an old German Tonic. ! ir-LiDoman's Great German Bitters, the most'delisrhtful and effective in1 the world. st"L4nnman's Great German Bitlers cures "never well" people. j : LiDnman's Great tferman uittcrs gives an lh-scr i X j ' appetite. . i : t-LiDTjman's Great German Bitters cures Liver Complaint. i M ': iSpLippman's Great German intters gives tone to digestive organs, i , . , i rrLippman's Great German liitters gives er.ersrv. - i5rLininian"s Great German Bitteis cures Nervousness. i ! : !J?Lipp man's Great-Gerrnau Bitters purifies the Blood. i BLippman's Great German Bitters, the best Fall Medicine. E3i?Lipp man's Great German Bitters regulates the Bowels. ' i V KSfLiDDmah's Great German Bitters ; excites the Torpid Liver. Jgif Lippmau's Great German Bitters :; If will trive Youthful Visror. WLiDoman s Great German Bitters cures Debilitv. ; ! ; I tsaLippman's Great German Bitters, $1,000 for a better remedy. i "Lippman's Great Germaii Bitters prevents Chilis and Fever. i Wbolesalc Agents in 1 Wilmington 'N. C Adriin&'Vollers. r f Sole Proprietors fcr America, . JACOB LTPP- MAN & BR J)., Savannah, Ga!, and JNew York. AYTON'S OIL OF LIFE, the best Rheu matic and NeuralffiaLmament known." It cures all oaius and aches in the system. 1 or sale by all Druggists, sept 1 8 39tf $5 FIB ST PREMIUM, $5 IMPROVED! FAMILY ) :' sewing machine; $13.50 clear profit per Iday. $75.00 per wefek. SSOO ber month made easy by any Lady orOen tlemdn introducing this ;Genuiueand Original Old Favorite. With its many I new, and practi cal additions, making the most complete com' bination of valuable and useful improvements ever tfected in any one machine, The em bodiment of extreme simplicity, efficiency and ntilitv. entirely different in model and deskrn trom any low priced machine. It i the most serviceable, elegant and reliable Family Sewing Machine ever invented, gives perfect satisfaction wherever introduced. Has received Premiums.: Stood the test of 10 years, and is fully approved, of by every family who have them in use. Is noiseless, makes the strong and beautiful Elas tie Lock Stitch, with .wonderful rapidity and certainty. Sews anything a needle will ,go through, lrom the finest to the 'thickest fabric,'! firm and neat, with ease. Uses all kinds of silk or thread direct from the spool; ? is improved with hew self-acting leed, "spring tension, self guider. and uses the adjustable; straight needle, perpendicular motion, with powerful lever ac tion. I Possesses all the good qualities of the best high priced machines condensed;: without their complications or iault. Samples of sew ing sent free on receipt, of stamp. For certifi cates, &c , see descriptive pamphlets, mailed free. 1 A thorough practical sewing machine idrj family use. "JW&wne." f A very strong and re liable machine, at alow price -r"Sla?idard.", This beautiful sewing machine is 'one of the most ingenious pieces pi mechanism eyer in vented. iDemocrat" Ga. Worth many times its cost to any family. 'VV. Y. WecUyJ1 It 13 quite a new .machine with its many late im provements, and sews vrith astonishing ease," rapidity and neatness. .'ifettJican," N. . Y. aincrln miichinpa. sl Ramnlp.s ' fiplprieri wit! K nam. for family use, with every thing j complete, sent to any part of the country per express, packed in strong wooden doxv iree, on receipt of price, $0,004 Safe delivery of goods guaranteed For ward jcash by registered letters, or-P. O.1 money order, at bur risk. Agents wanted, male 'or fe male, everywhere. New pamphlets containing' Address Family SBWiNa machine Co Office 80 Nassau Street New i York. ! ; nt sept 18 t i , 9iy 253 Feet Fron WORKS STATES WATCH COMPANY, UILES, WALfeS & ftTTi TOVS:-.. WALE S & W AX IMPORTERS. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS -'''"--. ri - I V - WAT OITEfl. T) TA MONDE. JEWELRY AND 8IL SALESROOM IFaiie States JSTatoSa Co., OF. THE 13 MAIDEN LANE Manufacturers of all the grades of ers ana ney BOTH fiSCKEL AND FROSTED fiJUVEf.1 EI1TS. t.hrop. nnirs rnnir.Ri and acurately. adjusted to Heat, Cold and Ibsition, and all, even m the cheapest, grades, nave me STRAIGUTrUNE Escapement, with Exposed Pallet Jewels,, and Hardened and; ! Tempered llair- Snrintrs : and for mir late, imnrnvempnt. in STEM olMl Jjl VJ1 1 and SMU01HJXliti hitherto unattamed in any omer manuiaciure, ab uuiuc ui fthro.ifl Constantly on hand, full linee, all sizes, in Gold, Repeaters, Independent 1-4, 1-5 Split and Fly back 1'nce-L.ists furnished the trade on aoplication. enclosing Dusiness cara. xur v3 trade generally.. " Wholesale WarerooKis, 13 Maiden And GILES, BROTHER Watch . No. 1089, Stem Winder Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United trom December. 18G8. to January' 17th.. 1870: in the entire time - 7 1 - . , New Yokk, Jun 17, 1870. Utica, Feb. 15th, 1870. tYatch No. 105S4: Stem-Winder, Bearing Tra. i-Mark Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion N. J., - manufactured by United States Watch Co., has 8oui' carried by me 20 months; its total variation from mean true being five seconds per mouth. - . Z. C. PRIES I,. Asst. Sup't. N. Y. C. & H. R. R. Watch No. 1124, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co.," Manu factured by the -'United btates .vutch Co.has been carried by iry'-j-van mouths: its total vari ation from mean time being only six seconds. A. L. VDENNIS, .President, N. J. R. R. & T. Co. Watch No. 1251, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has beep curried by me lour months; its total variation from, m-ja i time being only live seconds pei"month. F. A. HASKELL, Cou. Hudson River R. R. Watch No. 1117, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trademark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.' manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me filteen months; its total variation from mean time being only ai average of Uuo-thirds of a second per day. B. F. PHELPS, Con. N. J. Central R. R. Watch No. 1037, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me since June, 1857, its total variation from mean time being only five seconds per mouth. HENRY SMITH, Areas. Panama ii. K., bo Wall street. ' Utica, Feb. 14th, 1870. Watch No. 2,017, Bearing Trade-Mark Fay ette Stratton, Marion, N. J., manufactured by. United States Watch Co., has been carried by me 12 months; its total variation from mean time being filteen seconds. v I. VROUMAN, Engineer N. Y. C. & II. R. R. Utica, Feb. loth, 1870. Watch No 2.291 Bearing Trade-mark "Fay ette Stratton, Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me 18 months; its total variation from mean time being five seconds per montn. - i. U. WHIPPLE, ; Con. U. &B. R. R. WATcn No. 1250, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "Frederic Atherton & Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me six months ; its to-' tal variation from mean time being only eight seconds per month. Have been ; traveling through clilferent . sections of the country lrom .New York to uaiveston, lexas, ana oacK, Dy steamer and railroad. E. RICE, of Whitney & Rice, 170 Broadway, N. Y. BEWARE of worthless immitations on a certificate of genuineness from those wora JUAitiuA , n. j., are engravea on All otners are spurious. BAHIiEIi MACHINERY. w ELCHS PATENT BARREL MACHINES for tight and slack work, will make bar- rels of every description, such as ' Whiskey, Lard, , , Beef, Pork, Molasses, Beer, Flour, Turpentine . " , and Oil Barrels. TheSc machines wiil make barrels from either rived or sawed staves, and produce them in the most perfect and beautiful style, as well as stronger and better than those made by hand, and at a deduction of about one-half of the cost of labor, MACHINE'S for cutting staves and making headiDg for flour barrels for sale, combining all the latest and best improvements. The Barrel Machinery can be seen in operation at the St. Louis Barrel Works, probably the most extensive and complete in its line in the United States. For machines and. patent rights address PETER WELCH, St. Louis Barrel Works, St. Lop is, Mo, ; Send for Descriptive Circulars. aug 1 i 27-tt Kew York OfSce, 27 BEEKMA1T ST. may 5-f ' . 374-tf LANDS, LANDS. A LL PARTIES HAVING ! T R A CI T a O F land for sale may find a market for the same by appljingto the editor of the "Post." Persons wishing to sell will please send descrip tion ot land and price asked, to . . ; CHARLEjJ I. GRADY, Office "Post," ! . -M . Wilmingten, N. C. fcb'27 j V 355-tf Magistmtfts Blanks ! AT THE OFFICE OF THE POST. CTtt BEST IN THE WORLD. (iff mW-f SEND'lQft A CIRCULAR iflffOHH Iron and Glass. OF THE ! T CO., MARION, N. J. o 9 I - VEB WARE. NEW YORK. Americaa Watchek Pendant Win- uinuers. l'ivois. Can JeAveled. 1q Gold Settiugs, WINDING mechaniem..we Claim a blliJtLJSlUt i "" " Silver, Diamond Set, and Magic Cases, Minute Seconds, for taking three different times. i ; : j Lane,N6w York, j & CO., 142 Lake S(., Chicaso, 711. bearing Trade-mark " Frederick Atherton & States Watch Co., Las been carnecl y nie its total variation being only two seconds L. E. CHITTENDEN, Late Register U m 8. Treasury. Watch Noi 13012, 'Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "United States Watch Co., Marion, N. J. has been carried by ine five months ; its to tal variation from mean time being only twelve seconds. s I ! , ' GEO. LOVlS, Gcn'l. Eastern Pass'gr Ag'i'Toledo, Wabash & Western R. R: . i Sunbury, Pal, Feb. 6, 1869. Watch No. 1170, Stem-Winder, Bearing Trade-Mark "llrederic Atherton fc Co., Marion, N. J.," manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me three months; its only variation trom mean; time being only five seconds during! that time, i HENRY DE LANCE Y, Engineer, Phila, & Erie R. R. Watch No. f 1105, , Stem-Winder, Bearing trade Mark "Frederic Atherton cc Co., Marion, N. J:," manufactured by I United States Watch Coi, has been carried by me eleveu months ; its total variation from mean time being only seven seconds in the Entire time A. II. KING, 7 Park Place, N. Y. . Vicc-Prefe't N. J. Car Spring. and R. Co. Watch No, 1 1135, Stem-Winder, Bearing Irade-Mark iredenc Atherton! & Co., Marion, N. J., manutafctured by United States Watch Uo., has been tarried byjme fourteen months, six months of that time at sea. ana in all the va rious climates 4f Europe, j During that time and since my return! it has not varied one second a week. 1 U. LASSIKG; Manager;Kuickerbocker Life Ins. Co., 101 Broadway. N. Y. Watch No.f 1004, Stem-Wiiider,t Bearing iraae-Mark "Jb rtdenc Atnerton oc Co., Marion, N. J. " manulaetured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by nie fifteen months ; its total variation from mean! time being only one second per month. W ILL ARU DERBY, Of Derby, Snow & Prentisk, Jersey City, N, J. Watch No. i, 1142, St?m-Winder. Bearing 'iraae-Mark Dreaerie Atherton; Co., Marion, N. J., manufactured by United States Watch Co., has been carried by me eight months ; its total variation from mean Urns being, per month, eignt seconds. . jamjss u. KiJfili, f of Kelty & Co., 447 Broadway. Watch No. 8183. Beanne Trade-Mark Vav- ette Stratton, Marion, Nl J. , manufactured by United States Watch Co., J hasibeen carried by me 15 months ; ' its total variation from rdean time being thirty seconds. WM. DUNNE, I Baggage Express, Utica. Watch No. 2050 Bearing Trade-Mark Fav- ctte Stratton, Marion, N. J., inanufactured by United States Watch Co., j hasibeen carried by me three months ; its total variation from mean time being only 13 seconds at present date. I JACOB WEART, Col. oi In- Revenue, 5th Dist., N. J. with which the Country is flooded: insist of whom you purchase, add see that the ine piate over tne mam Spring Barrel. R OS A D A L I SI O r I M1E ! GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH X RESTORER, purifies the blood and cures Scrofula, Syphili, Skin Disease, Rheumatism,' Diseases jof women, and all Chronic Affections of the Blood, Liv er and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. h - 1 Read the testimony of Physicians and patients who have usediRosadalis; send for our Rosadalis Guide o Health Book, or Almanac for this! year!, which we pub lish tor gratuitous distribution; it will give you much valuable information. Dr. R.W. Carr, of Baltimore, says : I take pleasure in! recommending your Rosadalis as a very powerful alterative. I have seen it used in two cases with hap py rcsults-7-one ir caic of secondary Byphilis in which the patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottles oi your medicine." The other is a case of scrolula of longstanding, which is rapidly improving under its use, and the indications are that the patient will soon recover. I have ' carefully examin ed the formula by vrhich your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent com pound of alterative ingredients. Dr, Sparks, of Nictiolagville, Ky., says he has used Rosadalis in cases of Scrofula A L I and Secondary Syphilis with satisfacto- ry results as a cieiner know no better remedy. ol the Blood I i. Rosadalis is sold hv all D LAooraiory, oi liixcnange! nace, Jialt. Drs. Clements & o.f Proprietors. april24 i v f 301.1y $1,000 it m w Aiiu. Jb or any case Blind Bleedinff. Itchinsr. or Ulcer ? ated PiiesHhat De Biug's Pilel Remedy fails to cure. It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles and nothing else, and has cured cases of over 20 years standing. Sold by all Druggists. VIAFUGA. De Bing's Via Fuga is the'puri juices of Barks. Herbs, Roots, and berries, for ' - CONSUMPTION. "S0.01 thc LunSs i a1 iiver, Kidney, SSldderndlsease8Aorn!c Weakness, Female Afflmtions, General Debility;, and aU complaints of the Urinary O reruns in Male at, A ir,oi duetng Dyspepsia, CosUveness, GraveL Dropsy and Scrofula, which most Generally terminate in wuouwuutb JLiCCUne.. JtDnriHpj und on. ncnes ine JUlood. the KUHarv mnnu-... Secretive System ; Correcte frnd Strengthens the Nervous and .Muscular forces f it acta like a charm on weaknervous, and debilitated itmales, HothoT??ns adold. None should be without it. Sold everywhere. 1 , Labobatqby 143 Franklin SLBaltimore, Md. A D S July 24 23-ly PRE PA RATI 0 U 0 F X C 6 S3 POUND EXTRACT BUCHO: i The component nnrta W minHn IONG LEAF, CUBEBS, JUNIPER BERRIES. t. ir i- i moDi! or rKBPAKATioN. Buchu ? in vacuo. Juniper Berries, by distillation,; to i form a fine gm. Cubebs extracted by displacement with tpiriw oDiamea from Juniper Berries:; very mue augur is nsed, and a small proportion of Duib..' ia more paiaiaoie man any now in use. vuiur. xi, is a piant mat emit its fragrance i tueacuon 01 a name destroys this .(its active wuwiiic;, leaving a uarK and erlntinons dpcrA- tion. Mine is me color of iu2redients. The Buchu In fe fcu, k uicvcui, icriuentauon': upon inspec dded, tot prevent fermentation'; upon inspec- it Will De lOUnd not to be a Tincture l ns nor is it a ' Svrnn nnd- uereiore can oe usea in cases wnere fever or in- lamination, exist. In this, you have the knowl- age oi me ingreaients and the mode of prepa Ration. 1 J Hoping that you will favor it with n. trial nn liliat. linntl ITlsnPftinn if mill in.-. ' trobation, l. "With a feeling of confidence. ' t I am. very respectfully.-" H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist and Druggist, of 10 Fears' Experience. From the Largest Manufacturing Chemisfs in the World. I -f- November 4, 1854. "I ani acauainti'.il with Mr TJ T Hwunxm-n yv; uupicu tuu urug oiore opposite my resi qence, and was successful in conducting th business where others had not beer! eouallv so before him. I have been favorably impressed viiu ma cuaracier una enterprise." - VYJSItifiTMAJN, Firm oi Powers & Weightmaii, Manufacturing Chemists, . Ninth and Brown streets, fhiladefphia. ilEL 31 HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great specific for V ! Universal 4 Laetitude, Prostration, ine constitution, once affecteel with Organic Weakness,, requires the aid of Medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which uu.JL.MiJUi,jj,'jS!JATlACT BUCHU invarkvbly ' i . ... -j umpuon or insanity ensues. 11S1,MBOJLO'S FLUID 15 XT B ACT OF " . . . f buchu, -: In aflections peculiar t5 'Fe-roales, is unequalled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Painlulncss. or Suppression of Cus tomary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sehirrus State oi me uterus, ana aU complaints incident to the eex, or me uccune or cnangc oi nie. IIISJLMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BU- CIIU AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH yviii raaicany exterminate from the system diseases ansmg from habits of dissipation, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no in convenience or exposure ; completely superced- luose uupieasani, ana uangerous remedies. vuinrt um ixuicury, in au mese uiseascs USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT ' BUCHU ; in all diseases of these organs, whether existing in male or female, from whatever cause orisri- udtiug, auu no;;, mauer oi now long standing. it is pieasand in taste and odor, "immediate" in action, ana more strengtbening than any of iuo jjrcpaiakious oi JoarK or iron, y Those puflering from broken-down or delicate constitutions, procure the remedy at once. jine reader must be aware that, however sgni may oe me attack of the above diseases, ivjiD vcuiuu iv uueev me Doauy neaitn and men- vi powers. i 4 i in ii.. -i ' : i. Jf1 Au ? .a?S(:& require the aid of a iwircuc. ii jiiLiM BUiiD' JJ;. EXTRACT BUCHU m me great liureuc. . I ' ' - ' jejom oy iiruggisis every whereii PRicE- per uoiue," or o Dottles for $6.50. Deiiv- i fl escribe symptoms in all Address- ' f i H. T. HELMBOLD, ' r ; Drug and Chemical Warehouse, t ; i : r 594 BROADWAY, New York. NONE ARE GENUINE vTJuless done p' in steel-engraved wrapper, with facsimile of my Chemical Warehousel and Signed., t-it' ''n " H. T. HELMBOLD. may 8 53 4w 3E3T STORY PAPER I HIE UNIVERSE, a Prize to 1 very EUbscriVcr Und Stamp for .Prizo Cir' ular and Specimen. - J h tellOTi , ruulisher. Boston, Mass 53 4w LIVE AGENTS WANTED FOR WOMEN OF NEW YORK. OR SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GREAT CITY. , Wonderful developments among the aristocra- cy. iviarriea women eiposcu,; etc, ti etc. rncc f 3 S5. The best book to sell published. The' best terms to Agents ever, given. Ad dress, N Y Book Company, 14j WascEii street. r Y hov . i 5o4w , SEASON OF 1870-'71. . .QHGAriSi PORT ANT IMROVl5MENTS, vPtentcd June 21st, and Au 2od, 1ST0. The Mason & . Hamlin Organ Co , have thp pleasure oi announcing i important lmprove meiats in their Cabinet Organs, .for which Pat- ents were grantea meiu in iunc last. .These are not merely mere ments. but enhance thc suds of the instruments. : Thev are also enabled by for manufacture, to make, fre ther reduction ot prices cn, sevel KtvlPS. . ! . ',! i Having compieiea anu auucu 10 muir iornicr facilities a large new manuiactory, mey fiopC hereafter to supply all orders promptly. SThe Cabinet Organs , raaae Dy mis uompany ate Ol SUCU. uuivtroai rcpiuauou, noi ouiy throuerhout America, but also, in Europe, that few will need assurance of their superiority. They now Oiler out; octave CABINET.. ORGANS, in quite plain cases, but. equal ac cording to their capacity to any tiling they make, for $50 each: The SAME", DOUBLE REED $G5.. FIVE OUf AVE 'DOUBLE REED Oli- GANS," FIVE .STOPS, with Knee swell and Tremulant, in elegant case, with several of the Mason & llamlm improvements, $VZo. lhe same Extra, with new Vox Humana, Automatic. Swell. &c.l00. FIVE OCI AVES, THKEE SETS REEDS, SEVEN STPS w:ith EU PHONE; a splendid instrument, $io. A new illustrated catalogue with full informa, . tion, and reduced pr:ices;is' now ready, and will bcrsent free, Avitu a testimonial circular, pre- senting a grea mass of evidence as to the eupe-. ribrity of these instruments, to any one sending -. his address to the MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154 Tremont Stieet, Boston, or,596 Broad way, New York,- nov 0 53-4w MAGIC COMB will .change any colored hair or beard to a perma nent black or brown. It Contains no poison. Any one can use it. One sent by mail. for$l. Address HAUIC COJUU CO. SpriDirfieldJ . Mass. oct9 45-3m WANTED AGENTS t.$20 per day) to sell the-celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEW ING MACHINE, As the under-hied, makes the "lock stitch" (alike on both .sides,) and is fully licensed. The best and cheap?st family Sewing Machine in the market. Address. JOHN SON, CLARK & CO., 'Boston Mass., Pittsburgh, Pfli, Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. djAA DAY Business entirely ucw aud hon Spl U orable. Liberal inducements! Descrip tive circulars free. Address J. C. RAND & CO., Biddcford, Me. , . , Oct9 45-8w FORTUNES offered to live men. Karecnanee Bend Stamp. Diamond K. Co., Wilmington, Del. . oct 9 45-imi i J A GENTS W ArVJL' DOLLARS A XjL DAY) by the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO it I Knctnn Mflca rvr Wf . T.Aitc MO. tf. TT7ANTED AG E NTS To sell the OCTAGON W SEWING-MACHINE. It is licensed. makes the "Elasfic Lock Stitch1' and is warran ted for 5 years. Pi ice S15. All other machines with an under-feed .sold ior;$15 or less are in fringements. Address, OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE CO., St. Louis, Mo., Chicago, 111 Pittsburgh, Pa., or Boston, Mass. , oct sd7-8w , : j . THE WESTERN II I ME COMPANY. 133 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., Will pay the largest premiums for subscriptions to THE WESTERN HOME, ever offered in the history of Journalism. In addition, to these premiums, they offer CSranclPrlzcs, si OOO in Gold For the largest clubs obtained before February ISt, - I L They will also send The Western any first class magazine, upon receipt plTuErfen tion price oi sucn magazine.' Taken your choice: pa? ionr moncn and cet The Western HoMErcc. ' . Any New Subscriber for 1871 sendins the rcg ular Subscription Price, $1.00 in addition to his subscrption. will , get The Western Home free from September to January ,1871 ! To the Boy oj Girl under 15 years oTage, who sends the largest club of $1.00 Subscribers to The Western Homb before Februarv 1st. 1S7L will be sent a Piano, or a Melodeon, or a Sewing iyittcuine, worm 91.UU or 91.UU in casn. - Any Person sending $2.00, will receive The Western Home two years, and "one Emersons Bindes, (price $l,0OJlab'elcdnTBE Westebn Home. This will hold two volumes, preserving each number neat, choice and clean. ' Tue WesTtern Home is a choice literary maga zine, for family amusement and-instruction, Price $1.00 per year. - Send for j sample copy. Address Tns Wes- tern Home Co., Drawer 6003, Chicago, 111. UfllOFl PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., - 1 HAVE A - Land Grant Direct from the Government "1. i ' - OIT 1 I 3fOO 0.0 OO A CK K S " - . . OF , THE - Best Farming. and Mineral-Land in 5 ' America ' ' " 3,000,000 acres 'choice farming lands on the ? T . line of thtfroad, in the K . STATE OF NEBRASKA, ' :'i . In the . . : : ; U j GREAT PLATTE VALLEY, . . Now for cash or credit at low rates of interest. These lands arc near the 41st 'parallel of North Latitude, in ahealthy climate, and ior gain grow-, ing and stock raising are unequalled by any in the United States. : , ' .. Convenient to -market- both- east and west. Prices range from $2.&0 to $10.00 per acre. GREAT INDUCEMENTS To Settlers with limited -means. r- -v- ' - ,5 O Q, 0 OO -c n E s Rich government lands along- the road between' OMAHA AND .NORTH PLATTE Surveyed and open -for -entry under the' Home stead a;nd Pre-emption laws, and can betaken by 44CTUALETTLENL - Ao 0PPrtunitj. never before presented for se- -ufiBS uuuiee,near great iiailroad with all me conyeniencQs of.au old; settled, country. New edition ol nw ready and sent lrec to all parts of the 8tCa,adur6Per- Address,- viwMipuv.eipampmeta wim maps, unitea DAVIB. Land1' Commissioner. Vf5 "-'AM arm Ai..-nict "ai leadimr . - , fa U. P. R. R. Co., Omaba,Ncb, i . p.. J - ( V i , t My. UOY 3