rHE WILMINGTON POST WllMINGTOtf. N, C. DECEMBER 1. 1870, ' ;"! ' FASHION ABETTER Fashions for .December, Morning, Eve- "t ninff and Walking CoBtnmes. ' ! ! ! New Yoke, Not! 28th, 1870. Dear Pokn Those who predicted the return of long skirts t this season for street and:walking dresse?, must byjthis time con fess themselves. mistaken. So far from short klresscs having lost any of tlic vogue they had achieved, they have gained great addi tionl prestige. The most elegant materials are now made up into short costumes, ri valing in cost and pretension the most elaborate evening toilets. i There are two favorite me hods of mak ing these costumes. One consists of a skirt and full casaquo or Polonaise -the other, of two shirts, the upper one . eiy long, and a basque or shoTt coat with lapels. ' v Tile new "methods of trimming exuibit ' the. most extravagant U3e of costly materials. Suits of rich gros gram, of the! naw shade?, havcj the full and elaborate trimming?, plaited floucccV and bradings lined -w'tb velvlt many- ; shades darker; and arranged so tljat the velvet gives the warm, rich tone to tlie dres without being actually seen. Suits of velvet are very distinguished. t rimmed with a very rich croc iet cmbroid- cry. Into which the smallest qii antity of cut jet if introduced, and bordered with wide ure laccj The overskirts are very deep at tH e back, but5 are rounded up and looped "very high at the sides. ; h Tle costume is hot unfrcquentl composed of a velvet overskirt and basque, worn over a petticoat of; rich satin trimmrjd with very rta'rrlm flounces, and quilted into a design as ajlieajling. Black velvet is very effective in tliis way, over a skirt of bluie'or maroon satinlthe entirccostuhie hat, gloves, etc. careiiiiiy carrying out. uic iuea.pt l lie colors and 1 ther details. Ju The severity of the season following close uponla very warm summer, hasj brought out a great' many fur-trimmed suits of great beauCy and elegance. Colors, sUCh as fuchsia, maroon, wine-color and dark grequ;''are even i . more fashionable than black, aud are displayed to the greatest advantage by rich banrjl of grebe or sable , fur; and collars. cuff?; and recers of satin, or gros-grain trim med fen. - ' K . i Jackets of quilted satin,, bordered with fur, ir without sleeves, are used for break fast aend morning wear,'; and in white satin, withwaus-down edge, are not unfrequently seen in the evening. . Mafny dresse foi dinner and . evening wear are composed. of riQhVgros grain or fwulfylc sole, the flounces plaited over under ones j) muslin," elgcd withf yalenciennes lace. I The upper skirt is looped high, and llonUrcd, with guipure laep half a yard wide - and the Waist is composed of muslin richly trimmed; and having jjsleevcs, and small loose jacket 7or' bodice; ! which dis playsjtho decoration and has fancy basques atjtacied, which take the plaecjpf sash. Vejy pretty! dresses are made for little girlsjjof white muslin, high in the neck, with long slceives and bright Rpman scarlet or bl.oe sashesi The lower skirt; is trimmed with ru(fles, tlie upper skirt bunched at the sidesj and cut into a round or pointed apron in frrJrit, and very much trimmed, as is the buft:l bodice.j with Valenciennes. Thk wiuter-iloth suits for ordinary wear are Upcoming as popular as the! lingn suits ifor summer wear. There is no wear out to such putts and thev should ba finished! with thick galoon$ or heavv thcreore, ! braiifef th matejml : a.t Will last about, as 'long as the Furs arc used .for triiiirning them I by- persons who Expect them o serve as IlilllUWIIIU winter s;uits. In K urs. sable is this winter i 4 - - . taking the j)laceof higlvclass miuk. It is made up in jabou! the t same style, execptipg that the jlirvin is thick gvos grain, and no ornaments ire used, jlnsteadf 'of 4 ssels, and the like, Hhe ends oi the muff are drawn in with elas- stic aifd close, warmly over the wrists. - A Very handsome b'iick toilctljis of heavy ustcrles3 silk; cut with a train, and bor tlercdiwitU a plaited flounce, notched out )ver q flounce of plaited organdy, edged svith tVTalencieiiues. j I AbYc pic silk flounce is a thick, soft I'uchiftcr feathered out, and above this a 'Svvidd flounce of lace, also headed by a ruch fug. jSucmdunting this is a narrow flounce pf silll, with a muslin flounce beneath, and a ruclied heading.! The foundation basque, vith pagoda sleeves, is made of muslin, ordered with rows of black a"nd white Jacc, gut on full ; over this is the srilk jacket, bordered with thick ruching, the edge of ivhicli Comes to the top of the lace.. I A pretty evening costume is composed of n whie Llama bver-dres3, low square bodice Ind draped skirt, made entirely without prianent, wi.th the exception of thick silk fucheS around the neck and sleeves. A wide ue sish with fringed ends completed the ress, Kvhich is charming tor a young lady to iho'il alonde. v 'k - ' v A fitshionablc 'breakfast'V costume con- lists of pick. Bilk, made with two skirts, and basque, with open sleeves.; The trimmiDg thicpj ruclics fringed out upon! the edge. Mid black velvet bows. The' boots are silk .i ! .. - . ' - ith black stitching and black Empress pjcels, the. gloves pink ;embroidered with lacK.n, i nq Dca-uuim nguc xuiisu piois b,the favorite shade. V . ' A fishionable promenadev costume is of- ne black cashmere, bordered with crimped Kngej over a black silk or gray Irish pop- J a skitt. jThe cashmere overskirt fs long, f nd gracefully draped, the jacket cut as a msquLand open with r ever 8. y la the silk ndersAcirt.pf r this costume a waist is 'at 1aclietl made of twilled cotton or linen. vpon (h'u'a littlq silk vest is mounted and to this coat-sleeves are attached of silk, which are worn under the : open ones ot cashmere, and, with lace!-ruffles and a little cravat, complete an elegant toilet. A warm winter; walking-dress is com posed of two skirts and' a coat of dark-blue cloth, trimmed with heavy black' galoons stitched on five rows on the underskirt, four on the upper, th ree upon the coat, which is cu away from th) front, and forms basque lapels. A cloae(-fitting cotton waisjt is attached to the! underskirt ; the basque is lined with flannel. GLOBE SALOON. ' THE RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT OF this Popnlar Saloon is again open for the accom modation of the public. ': i ! v Single meals served In every style. Boarders by the day, week and month will find every accommodation. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYI.E. THE :B A 11 Always contains the best of liquors at reduced prices. , ( HRQCK & WEBB. 1 i Proprietors, oct 20 . 1 I 48-lm "THE SALOON." , ... .ij" . .. i , ..... . rjyilE PUBLIC ARE INVITED TO CALL AT the SALOON OF? WALKER MOORE, known as the ever popular "CLARENDON," Givo him a call. Remember the number, .4 Market street. oct 17 i ' 48-tf DEW DROP SALbOH, NO. 5 SOUTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGTON If. C. OOBEUT J. SCARBOROUGH WOULD IN- 'XV "form his o.ld friends and (iustmers that he has recently renovated and refitted the above Saloon, and would be pleased! to receive a con tinuance of their patronage, lis His BAR is always suppliedlw.'th the BEST of LIQUORS. , M j j I O Y S Received almost dally from New River, of best quality, aud furnished in any! quantity or style desired. , I I i -. ' Raw.. 40 cents'per dozen Stews, fries. &c. ........... . .50 cents . oct y :s: ' , ; . 45 tf ; AOENT3 WA.iNTED;for Newt Hanover and adjoining Counties, lor the New Family Medical Work, ; By Dr. Geo. M. Beard, of the University of the city of Nclw York, assisted by eminent med ical proiessor. Endorsed by leading medical authorities and jouruals, It is lull of common sense. 1,007 pages, fully illustrated. Tells how to get well, how to- keep well, and what to do in every emergency. In these; hard times peo ple must and will save doctors' bills. Hence, this book sell3 rapidlj among all. classes. Send for full particulars. Address E B Treat & Co, rubushers, bo Broadway, JN x,. Also wantea, agents for our Farmers' and Mechanics Book. Full of facts and figures for every trade and occupation, times. 211 engravings. working men of Price to suit the oct30 4w UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO., - HAVE. A Land Grant Direct from the Government OF 12,000.00 O OF THE 1CKES Best Farmius and Mineral Land in America 3,000,000 'acres choice farming lands oh the line of the road, in the STATE OF NEBBASKA, ' In the ,j : h GREAT 'PLATTE VALLEY, Now for cash or credit at low rates of interest. These lands are near the 41st parallel of North Latitude, in a healthy climate, and for gain grow ing and stock raising are unequalled by any in the United States. i Convenient to market both cast and west. Priced range from 2.ft0 to $10.00 per acre. ;f GREAT INUUI312JHENTS E o Settlers with limited means; 2.5 0 0, O O O A C R E S Uch government lands along the road between OlTIAllA AiU AUJCTU I'LAI TK. . Surveyed and open for entry under the Home stead and Pre-emption laws, and can be taken by ACTUAL SETTLERS ONLY. An opportunity never before presented for se curing homes near a great Railroad with all the conveniences of an old settled country. New edition ot descriptive.' pamphlets with maps, now ready and sent irc4to all p$rts of the United States, Canada and Europe. Address, O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R. Co., Omaha, Neb. nov 3 "j I 52-3m THE WESTERN H OME COMPANY 133 Dearborn St., Chicago, III., Will pay the largest premiums tor subscriptions TO P - : THE WESTERN HOME. ever offered in the history of Journalism. In addition to these premiums, they offer Grand Frizes, $lO0Oiii Gold For the largest clubs obtained jbefOre February 1st, 1S71. . : .- ! r They will also send The Wesrs Home with any Jirst-class magazine, upon receipt of subscrip tion price ot such magazine, j ' Taken your choice: pay yonr money and get The Western HoMEree. j j Any New Subscriber for 1S71 sending thereg ular Subscription Price, $1.00 in addition to his subscrptfon, will get The Western Home free from September to January,1871. To the Boy or Girl under 15 years of age,' who sends the largest club of $1.00 Subscribers to The Western Homb before February lstj 1871, will be sent a Piano, or a Melodeon, or a Sewing Machine, worth $1.00 or $1. QO in cash. Atsy PrrrV! Rend in? f(2.00. will receive T-HE Western Home two years, and one Emersons Bindes, (price $1.00.) labeled The Western Home. This will hold two volumes, preserving each number neat, choice and clean, j ' ..- - r- ;- J I- 1: . '-,-. The Western Home is a choice literary maga zine, for family amusement "and I instruction. Price $1.00 per year. I 1 . '. Send for sample copy. Address The Wes tern Home Co., Drawer) 6008, .Chicago, 111. IRVING HOUSE. A FIRST CLASS HOTEL EUROPEAN Plan. Location unsurpassed, being near UnioaSqiuire, WaUacVt Tfaatre(n& AS T. Stew art's new (uptown) store, f f i ; BROADWAY & TWELFTH STS., NEW YORK. : G. P. HARLOW, Proprietor. - aprill : -: I : 368-tf r SCHOOL BOOKS. TEACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RE3PECT tullv invited to examine my assortment ol SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY, which is now very complete. LOVE. : octSd -' 313-tl MISCELLANEOUS. II A. St IW A IIC, PAINTS, JACK CHAINS, DOG COLLARS, WELL Wheels and Buckets, Garden Plows. Rakes. Hoes, Shovels, Spades, Pitchforks, &c, &c - i No. 9 Market 6t. AXLES, 8PRINGS, HUBS, Spokes, Rims, Carriage Trimmings, &c. j a full assort ment at the Lowest Prices. NATHANIEL JACOBI, i No. 9 Market st. COOPERS' TOOLS, COUNTER SCALES, Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Spikes, Nails, &c, NATHANIEL JACOBI, ! No. 9 Market St O IL STONES, FILES, ; RASPS, Shoe Lasts, French and American Calf Skltis, Solo and Harness Leather, Shoe Findings, &c. NATHANIEL JACOBI, : No. 9 Market St; BLINDS, WINDOW SASH AND- DOORS, at manufacturers prices. ODD SIZES MADJS TO OKUKK. NATHANIEL JACOBI, h . No. 9 Market St. IRON and STEEL, HolIowwareu Varnishes, Paints, Window Glass, Neats Ebot, Lard- Jfingine, Tram and Linseed oils, at the low, est prices. NATHANIEL JACOBI'8, " ! Hardware Depot, 9 Market SL aug28 33-tf COTTON PLANTERS . j Examine and Buy the Original -" RAW BONE PHOSPHATE, It being the first made all others are imitations. ' ". - - PRICES 11FD UC'ED. BAUGH'S RAW BONE TE OF a .63 This Manure is made of Raw or Unburned Bones, riph in Nitrogenous matter, dissolved in Oil of Vitrol, preserting the Bone Phosphate in a highly soluble and quickly available form, and Mae Ammonia in such proportion as to insure a prompt and vigorous action upon the crops. . Where ; Baugh's Phosphate Avas applied the past season on Cotton, the indications, without exception, are tnat it will niaintafn its well arnea reputation. It will prevent Rust on uoiton. ; i ; j BAUGH & SONS, Manufacturers, i i Philadelphia. For sale by Dealers throughout the entire South, of whom we recommend consumers to buy. oct 17 i ' 48-3m ij.flr JE W S AX 13 n and r ; -:' Exolieiiige Stables. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING JUST RE turned from the North with a nejr lot of FIRST CLASS HORSES & BUGGIES, Is prepared rent to his friends a stylish turnout, at any time, on and after Monday, October Slat." The best of Horses always on hand, for sale or hire. Also, Horses taken on livery and the best of. care given them. ' i ! EDWARD POMEROr, I . j Agent, oct 30 -". oL-ly Fip WA1CHES. j : i i " GENUINE OROIDE GOLD ' i - AND SILVER WATCHES. S3 $8, $10, $13, $13, to j . $20. The Eurppean War and extraordinary Money Panic, during the past season has induced us. in order to make rapid sales and quick returns, to throw our vast Stock upon the public mar ket, at thirty to fitty per cent, below w noiesaie I'rices lor uasn. RE&S TIIJB JPUMCJES. Fine Oroide Gold Cylinders, rcirulated and warranted perfect time keepers, usual !y sold at $13 to $15. at only. $5 each, THE BEST QUALITY CYLINDERS AT $8. The Double Extia Refined, being a very superior qaality, regulated and warranted per iect timekeepers, in appearance and for time to $150 Gold Watches, at only $10 each. The Double Extra Refined. Solid Oroide Gold, full jeweled levers, linc6t Nickel works. Usually sold at $35 to $30, reduced to only $15 eacn. .feSilvei Watches. Extra Fine Solid Pure Silver. Hunting Cased Cylinders $8 ; -.j . i ; . Tlnct Onnlitv f?nin Kilvpr. TTnnti nc Huftpd fall Jeweled levers, regulated and warranted ac curate timekeepers, omy $;u. i ; - The Verv Rest Oaalitv Patent Lever and Chronometer Movements, full jeweled, $10. All the above classes of Watcbes are Hunting Cased, perfectly regulated, and each warranted by special certificate for two years. Agents 'and Dealers ordering six of our $15 Watches at a time, will receive an extra Watch free, making seven $15 Watches for $93. No discount can be allowed on our cheaper Watches. All orders for single I Watches, Cash must be sent in advance. Send by Postoffice order, reg istered letter, or Bank check, payable to our order, and goods will be sent by Express or In Registered Package, prepaid, at our risk. Orders lor at least six watches or over, will be sent bj Express C O D, by depositing a small amount with the express agent, or sending references as assurance of good faith. Write orders plain, state kind and price of Watch desired, inclose price as above directed; and address' THE EMPIRE YATCI! CO., No. 196 BROADWAY, N. Y. P. O. Box 2919. cot 20 , ( , 57 Sm CUtiAP JOB PRINTINO AT THIS OFFICE. PI PH HA LI MISCELLANEOUS. Grand Single Number Distribution i . ' I jOF THE -NORTH CAROLINA BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION! ;. . ; - l- CONSTSTING OF PROPERTT, DIAMONDS, PIANOS, JEWELRY, &c, &c , .TAKES PLAtJE AT . ' . . ' ' TIIUSDAY, DEC. 1st, 1870. 10 J ; AWARDS MUST BE DISTRIBUTED! WHOLE CERTIFICATES, $5 ; HALVES, $2 50 ; QUARTERS,! $1 25. VALUATIOM1. 1 House; and Lot of 51 Acres in Greensboro, N. C .. L . . .$5,000 a iiois i, a, 4, ana o, JilocK D-5, Wilmington, N. C... 3 Two Full Lots on Front Street, r Wilmington, N. C. . 1 ........ . 4 Desirable Building Lota, 66x225 2,500 2,500 i t xeet on x ront street, Wilming ton, x. u.... ..2,000 5 Ho.use 1 and Lot. i on Block 105 corner JSun and Sixth streets, Wilmington, N C, .. i ........ . 2,000 6 100 acres land on Middle Sound j seyen miles from Wilmlneton nc.: i. 1,000 1,000 500 500 7 One Grand Piano j 8 One Fine Piano (B). . . 9 One Fine Lot on East it Princess street, Wilmiiieton. N C. . 10 Set of S Double Harness, Gilt i ; Mountings, very fine. ........ 11 Ladies' Diamond Pin... la Gents Diamond Ring, J. 13 Gents' Diamond Pin.... 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 200 2C0 200 200 200 200 200 00 200 200 100 100 1G0 1G0 100 100 100 103 100 (i 14 (t H Ladies' Gold Watca and Chain. . 15 Ladies7 (Gold Watch. . . . IB Gents Gold Watch' atod 17 Gents Gold Watch..... 18 One Piano....;......, 19 One Organ . 20 Ladies' Gold Watch 21 Gents Gold Watch; . . . . 23 Ladies Set of Jewelry. . Wi Hunt. Ukf Tnmi.1.n Chain . ti it ( 1 21 Ladies Diamond Ring. 25 Gents Diamond King. 26 One Sewing Machine. 27 Ladies Gold Chain.... 28 Gents Gold Chain. 29 One Piano....; iJO Ladies Gold Watcb. . 31 Gents Gold WatcU t . . . 32 One Sewing Machine.. 33 Set ol Jewelry........ 3 Set of Silver Ware, , . . 3?;A Fine Oil Paintimr. . . It m A Beautiful Set ot PearU., 37 Fine Marble Clock. . 38 A Fine Pair Bronze Figures 'Ai A RQiitil,.! Ofn.,... A Beautiful Stcruoscoue. witL ! ViqWS.. ....j........; 40 Ladles Gold Watch and Chain. . 41 Gent$ Gold Watch and Chain.. ICO 100 1C0 100 100 tt 43 One Mn$ical Box. . . . 43 One Melodeon tt ' " 44 Set of Stiver Castors 100 56 other awardsf-valuation $50 each : making in all 100 awards pf choice and valuable articles of use, and ornament and property. EXPLANATION OF DISTRIBUTION. ' The numbers frbm 1 to 10,000, corresponding with the Certificates, aad printed on separate slips of j paper, add encircled with small tin tubes, and plaqed in one wheel The 100 awards are prittcd on $lis ot paper and encircled with tin tubes, andj placed iii another! wheel. Both wheels are then reVob ed, and a number is drawn from the wheel qf numbers; and at the same time a printed slij of the awards is drawn from Jthc jotlielr M'beel. Tlie number and award drawn out are opened and. exhibited to the spectators, and registerftd by the Commissioner. The award Ming placed against the number drawn. This operation is repeated until all of theawards are drawn out. H ; I j 5pirdr information and orders address Nobth Carolina Bbneficial Association, Wilming ton, N O, P O, Box 50. I i JOHN LONDo, Commissioner. The articles embraced in the above List of Distributions, ian be-eeen by application to Brown Anderson, Jewellers, and P. Heinsber ger's Music Emporium, Market Street, Wilming ton, N CL i ' ' li. j I3P Descriptions of the property on file at our office. ; All lractional awards. ten per cent. discount; W. sit. GEilKN General Agent. Headquarters No 11 South Second Street. Agencies No 11 Soutti Front-Street. " Mn 1 H iii orl-nt Qtmnf irnv T? TIT A rrte tini's. nov 3 52-lm ARK A WAY &l CLEAPOR, SUCCESSORS J I j ..'!! to Eivki Artis, hereby informs their lriends genecaHy that tbey have opened in the Saloon under the 1'urcell House, and will ha glad to serve them at reduced ratcs Hair Cutting, 35 cente ; Shaving, 15 cts. JAS. H. CARRAWAY, I CHAS. E. CLEAPOR. july 2ij .:, j , U . : . . 23-tr " AfiOTHER LIBERAL OFFEER I (SEPTEMBER 15th, 1870. ALL NEW SUBSCRIBERS FOR ONE OR moriiof our periodicals for the year 1871, remitting; direct to us the yearlyj subscription price belire the lirst of January will be sup plied with whatever they may subscribe for from the first 0f October of the present year that is, THREE MONTHS GKAllS. We publish The Edinburgh Review, The Westminster Review', The London uuarterly llcview. The Noth British Review, j Blackwood Edinbugh Magazine. TERMS : Per annum. $4 00 For any o'ne of the Reviews ......... For any two of the Reviews ....'.... For any three oi the Reviews ...... For all four ol the Reviews 7 00 10 00 12 00 4 00 7 00 10 00 13 00 15 00 X Ul uxeta. w uuu. o u.oguuub .............. For Blackwood and one Review. . , I . . . . . For Blackwood and two of the Reviews . . . For Blackwood andsthree of the Reviews. For Blackwood and the four Reviews.... LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton Street, New York, oct 13 1 I 46 CAiRRI At E MAK EK. I - r :o: . JP . H HAYDEN, Formerl jr of Baltimore,) INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE CAN furnish the finest work, and of better quality, than any Carriage maker in the city. He is also manuiaczunng me ceiepruieu. GRO fWD; MGCtER. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. nn n h Ri.m of the BIG HORSE SHOE. West side of:Third street, between Market and Princess streets.inear the Court House. FARMING IMPLEMENTS FARMING UTENSILS and BLACK-SMITHING Of every description done in the best manner. HORSE SHOEING IN STYLE. BUGGIES, i FARM WAGGONS and , WHEEL BARROWS, CHEAPEST IN THE STA TE oct 3 43-tf SHIPPING. STEAMSHIP LINE, " FOR NEW, YORK, ! SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS I FROM NEW YORK; AND WEDNES-; ! DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM ' , WILMINGTON. . I, THROUGH CONNECTIONS i WITH ;f; ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON. 1 l"No pasaehfijers taken. For Freight apply to nAnnvvnnnTiicnc wniiui uiiu i libit ; AGENTS. -'.;v 7-tf may2 BIISCELLMEOUS. Newspaper A Book of 125 closely Win ted bases.1 lately issued, contains a list of the best American Advertising Mediums, giving the names, circu lations, and full particulars - concern inff the icuuiug uaiiy aua vYceKiy ronuc&i anai f amily Newspapers, together , with all " those havincr large circulations; published in the interest of .Religion, Agriculture,- Literature, &c., &c. JiiVery Advertiser, and every person who con templates becoming such, will find this! book of great value. : Mailed tree to any address on receipt of 23 cents. GEO. P. ROW JELL & CO., Publishers, No." 40 Park Row, New, York. The Pittsburgh 'P.y Leaden in its issue of May 29, 1870, says: "The firm of G. P. Rowell & Co;, which issues this interesting and valuable book, is the largest and best AdvcrtisinaSAffericv in the United States, and we can cheerfully re commend iikia tne attention ot tnose wno desire to advertise their business scientifically and systematically in such a way ; that is, so to secure the largest ; amount of publicity ". for the leat expenditure of money." , ; i j ; : septa . . j 45-ly HOMES, HEALTH, HAPPINESS. HOW TO BE OBTAINED FOR FIVE DOL lars 1 Piartations,"Farm8iVilla Sites aadTown lots, at the great premium land, sale,- Aiken,- S. kj. s me Saratoga oi tneioutn." 4: tours Irom N. Y. The most' deligtful climate; in the world. . Free from the rigors ofr Northern win ters,, exempt Irom, throat diseases, -Vineyards and orchards in full bearing." . For descriptive phamplet, address, with stamp, J. C, DERBY, Augusta, ua. oct o0-4w TUVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS' a week ! Salary ! Young men wanted as local and A ! 1 1 A Y - r a m . -m. traveling salesmen. .Auaress iwitn stampj i;. n. WALKER, 2i Park Row N. Y. oct iSOkw i . . ; -! - j ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and informatioa furnished by GEORGE UPHAM. Providence, R. I. oct 30-4w STAMMERING cured by Bates Appliances. For description address Simpson'& C6., Box 5076, N Y oct 30-4w Sewing Machines Agents Wanted. Salary $ 10,000 per year. Circulars and sam ples of work free Address Crystal Sewing Ma chine Co, Boston Mass oct 30-4w I 10110 PER WEEK ! Can be made by parties who arc wide-awake,, without interfering with other business Ad dress GEO. W. WINSLOW, 78 Broad. N Y 4w A CARD. A' Clergyman, whhile residing in South Amer ica as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Or gans, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. ; Great num bers nave been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and 'using this madicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, free, of charge. Address JOSEPH T IN MAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. oct S0-4w A MYSTERY SOLVED.-Fifteen jMin i utes Private Conversation with Married Ladies by one of their number. Sent free for two stamps Address Mrs H METZGER, Hano ver. Pa i oct 30-4 w AjGrENTSWANTED In all parts of the United States, to sell j ;j A. II. NELSON & CO.'S ' ALUMINUM GOLD JEWELRY! Agents are making $200 to $303 per week sell ing th Aluminum Jewelry. . The best imitation of gold ever introduced. It has the exact color which it always retains, and stands the test of the strongest acids. No one can tell it from gold only by weight the Aluminum Gold being about 1-4 lighter. A H Kelson & Co, are sell ing their goods for 1-10 the price gold jewelry is sold for, and on most liberal terms to agents 14 cash, balance in SO, 60 and 90 days. We send persons, . wishing to act as agents, a full and , complete assortment of goods, consisting of Seals, Bracelets, ' Lockets, Ladies' and Gent's Chains, Pins, Rings, Sleeve Battons. Studs, &c.; for $100 $25 to be paid when the goods are re ceived, the other $75 in 80, CO and fcO days Par ties wishing to order goods and act as agents will address ! - i A H NELSON & CO, 40 & 42 Broadway, N Y. oct 30 s 4w j October 187Q. Jl & P. COATS' j BEST SIX CORD f IS NOW THE : ; .if ' O 1ST Li Yi. Thread put up for the Amjcrlcan market which is SIX CORDS IN ALL NUMBERS, From No 8 to No 100 inclusive. JF'or Hand trncl IVXacliinc oct SO 4w TEN OOLLARS A DAY f OlC ALL. Steneil Tool Samples mailed free A J FuL lam, 615 Broadway, NY octS0-4w rPWENTY.FIYE DOLLARS A DAY L. 40 new article for Agents Samples free H B SHAW, Alfred, Ale -. Oct 30-4 w 50 Cents to $5per Eyebiog at Hocie Wc are prepared to furnish profitable employ ment to Men and Women at their homes. One Serson in each locality throughout, the United tates, can engage in thb business at great wages. We send, free, full particulars and a valuable sample, which will do to commence work. Any person seeing this notice,- who wants profitable, permanent work, should send us their address,jwithout delay. E C ALLEN & CO, Augusta, Maine, oct 30 4w AVOID QUACKS. A Ticttm of earjf India- cretion, causing -nervous debility; prema ture decay, &c, having tried in vain every ad vertised remedy, has a simple means of self-cure, which he will send free to his i fellow-sufferers. Address J H TUTTLEi T8 Nassau st, New York. oct30 4 Advertising: 7 11-0 ti . 1 Wilmington & Weldojr;B.j;R, Co OrncE ChixyEso. & Gkw Supibihtwdbmt i . WlLMlHGT02f,N.C.,'AUg.l5f 1870. I CniNGE OF: SCHEDULE, ON AND AFTEBIMQNDAXi tne.utn insU, .-"t J -J: t - T I ' I T' 'U I r L.J 1 . - . at 6:00 Ai MUnd 9;S0 P.IM. ind! arrive At Wel don at 6:30 A M. and 3:C0 P. M. Leave Weldon 10:00 A. M. and 7:35 P. 11,1 Arrive att Wilming ton 4:00 A.; M. and 6:45 P. IL 4 The ;day train will not run on Sundays. I " . . Morning train North, will leave Union Depot at 6:15 o'clock. Night train North will leave Union Depot at v.oo o'ciock. AN ACCOMMODATION AND FREIGHT ' '! " - TRAIN win WHmtnirtnn 10:20 A.M.. fSnndava ex- . rtpfli .miikinir close connection at Goldsboro ior Raleigh. Returning, Icaye Goldsboro at 6:00 A. JL. and arrive at Wilmington at 2:00 P. lis Day trains; leaving wxummgion k o:ia A. Ju. i and weiaon at iu:w &- si., connect cio&eiy vuiu . the Turboro Branch train. The night passenger 1 t rains leaving Wilmington and Weldon on Mon days,' Wednesdays ana jsnaaye, isu cuuuwk iloselv with the Tarboro Branch train: and with steamer to Washington,. NiC. ' M , Engineer & Sunt. ' may 8 l-U Wilmington & filfficKester R.BI (?9 WitMiGT0, N. C, March 12, 13363.-T v nN AND AFTER SUDAX,u wiAg Jm At-n thn train At the W. & W. R. Ill and the following Schedule' will be ninoiaO . DAY EXPRESS TRAIN (Uailf.) , Leave Wilmington (W. & W. K, R.':'"A DeDon.. J. i ...... . 4-00 A. M. Arrive at i Florence.... !..... Arrive at KingsvUle. , 3.-00; P. M. Leave KingsviUe. . . . . . . ... ... : . : . Al:W A. M, l Arrive et Ffcrence . . . . . . . . . . . 3:14 P. M . Arrive at Yilmington ..... 4 J. . ..... V:bu r. m . NIGHT EXPRESS TilAlH (UaUfO Leave Wilmington (Wv& W. R. . Depot). ,7q I'm Amve at Iorcnce. A Arrive at Kingaville. i. . U.: V:00 A. M. Leave KingsviUe........;.. ,?:JS iJ Arrive at Florence. . . . ..... 4 .. .... i .11 f M. Arrive at W. & W. R. R. Depot. 6:12 A M f jniTM C. WINDER. ; Gen'l Supt. : march 20 361-tf ,7 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, - T Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta B. Ri :. WiLMis GTOuy N. C., MayS5, 1870. J ?. 1 . k 31 wia -aaEtsaSH (fclBBaSBSS ran f r YvN and after .thH date J South will leave the W. Passengers, going , (3B. vv.t. M. uepov 3:50 A. M. and .6:30 P. M jKo. c:'windf4, GenU Sup t.( i :mav 20 Wilmington. Charlotte & R. Bi R. Company. S3! tsssrtssssi It""" Excursion Tickets , DURING FAIR WEEK November 14th to 19th inclusive to Wilmington and return From head of Road as Jar as Laurinburg..f2 00 From Laurinburg as far as Lumberton.... 1 75 From Lumberton asTar as Abbottsburg.1. . 1' 50 From Abbottbburg as far as Marlville . . 1 25 1 00 x' 1 uiii juai 1 tw .1 iiuiiuiuii . .......... AH rouna trip ticKets. j. ) - ,. 1 "Freigbt on Cotton from head of, ,Road l 50 per bale of 450 pounds or lees. "(" S. L FREMONT, ; ; Chief Engineer and Superintendent; f novG 53-U? Wilmington. Charlotte & Ri R. R. ' : ' : Companyii '-.--r'-y Office CniEF Eicg. ani Gen'l Sup't, . , ''-v. ' f I v.;- j :. : K; ' ',- ! "Wilmington, N. C:', Oct. 28,1870. ' ' . 7j O V.RAIL ROADS. 1 .. -. . . 1 1 - TTMaXiV 1 ' k a mT 1 m N AND AFTER NOVEMBER 1st the Pas- U senger Train will run the following acixed-t- ulc : - Leave Wilmington at 7 o'clock a. m.,: andi flrrivp of ihn hoaA nf Ihn TtnaA ai A nlswlr n m Jt Leave the head of the Road at 6 a: ta., and ar rive at Wilmington at 3:30 p. m.dally, (Sundays: Excepted).; .(. . ij . v-. mi .xituiM " Two regular Freight Trains per weclLwill leave . w Wilmington at 6 a. m 5 on Tuesdays andFridayB , , and arrive at Wilmington an - Mondays ana Thursdays at 5 p. m; j- - : .,i--,;i Through Tickets to'ChaTlotte.... .......$10.; ' 1 8. L. FREMONT. ' -, Chief Engineerand Superintendent. oct 30 51-tf insTRUCTion in yocal AiimiliTiiii . i"- - :- I- 1 ; :- , :.r THANKFUL FOR THE VERY LIBERAL patronage bestowed upon him during the v past year, the undersigned respectfully: offer u j his services for the ensuing jear to his friends and the public generally as instructor of music on the Piano and Organ and 8inger. - , " St ? 4- '-". "- . " " j .. Long and varied experience in s teaching, and his careful attention to the talents and capabili- ties of each pupil entrusted 1o his care, will, he i confidently hopes, enable him - to give en tir 1. satisfaction to all who honor him with their confidence, j- ,k rit-tT-' ; : . ;"" Being an experienced Organist, he can offer those who wish to stndv" this, grandest ot all ; instruments, peculiar advantages. In his singing lessons, especial attention wiil be paid to the cultivation of the voice to Its ' fuUest.extent.r 1 Lessons will be given either at the residence of pupils, or his own, on Third street, between Bed Cross and Walnu - -J W.F. UKAdAU: t Prof, of Musis, Organist of SL John's Church. . oct 3 ! ' 43-tf 't m J. E. ViilAtlTC; JgX AM INING 8 UKGEON, M , . , . ; , , PENSION BUREAU, Wilmington N. C S : augl6 GENERAL JOB P1MTJIIG,' . executed in the best manner, and at the sho i 1 est notice, at the 4 . , : P ' 4 " . . ( y rft " POST !' PRINT1NU OFFICE,