0 :u VJ-Ml! Hill - ,'.;; ,'i'dvi 1 . r - f . . :i " r , $ ' -ft V- t - ' '1 1 ; i V V i . f rr - - 7 t 4 I f I J . ',1 !; - l - .7 . . Hip: 1-,--' tUsil t f r Wit MHU y : VOL. IV. WILMINGTONv N. C.. SUNDAY MORNINGillABRII 2871; j CtO ' - 4 - - - -' rHE WILMINGTON POST. PUBLISHED SUNDA TS AND TM UliSDA YS. Per Year......., ;.,..... i. Six Months... .V. .. ....... Three Months . . . . : :'. One Month. . . ;'. . .. .. ;.. dingle copies. Fire cents.' 2 00 1 35 50 Clubs Ifarnlsiied at reasonable rates.; , ' .j ; BATES OP ADVERTISING J j Per square, one time, $1 00. Less than one square, One tinie, 75 cents. 0 Two times $1 50 and all succeedlog Insertions fialf price additional. ' i . j Rates per month, 4 per square. Half Column and Column advertisements re- ceived on proper discount Vi ;f j 0 r n Local advertisements 25 cents a fine. - , Address, " 1 'F-- i t j I Editor, i ' Wilmington, N. U.N Convention!! The Legislature have passed the Conven ion bill and the question must, be submit- cd to the ' people of "Convention or. No Convention." The wise acre of the "Coi - iervHtiven conventioners have declared that t restricted" convention is the 7 one thing needful, and to go before the people. f Npw' no man who values his reputation as lawyer will, confess for a moment that any jrestriction can hold' in an - assembly of the people 'caliect as this Convention lias been. rhee is no such thiug a restriction, and tie before; have written that an "un restrict -sd Convention would be accepted u&;ts; sve now declare that we accept 1 the sitna lion and advise Republicans to run candt-r' dates and vote For Convention. ; , Thus iloes the Old North StaterjcU:x tour position : ' ! The Wilmington Post admits that its par., made a great mistake in opposing the 11 jot a Convention in a Constitutional manoer, .And rexpressea snjprise "at th e w an t generalship on the part of its own party eaders.' JIt saysT; : --y- -4Our friends made a mistake. The poli cy for the Ilelormed Republican party is to demand an uurestricted convention, and go before the .people and carry the State, liew men will spring up, and , new issues i i -j- . - r . , 1 : .. . : . III give us a iresn lease or power, vv e are 0t afraid of the future ; arc only afraid we shall be tied to the dead corpse of defeat. Reformed Republican party most be star ed or we are "gone ur,? jThe Post is right, as we have told it from he beginning. The Convention card is te highest card in the hand of its party, jtbe only one it could play with the slightest ppe of winning. CITY. j,: "..-V r . V-'V;',;'' CLUB RATES M ! Our readers are informed that "club rates" p of tell inquired about cannot be less than i.00 per year. We have put the j paper down to the very lowest price, and clubs cf pte or ten cannot be formed at any price feis than TWQ DOLLARS for EACH PA . V PER I - ; : ' , filunson has "suits at six dollars.!' s i . Bryan advertises for a bank book. Workmen are wanted, at.-the Rose Hill Qiiarry. r! ' ' " " ' - he Indians call the telegraph the whis pering spirit. i . . . . i Empty headed people are generally hap py; corksr always float; 4 rest rush for i photographs last weeks Ir4tes makes the sun-o shine. i H I A golden harvest consists in reaping unto( i yourself the good wilt of all men. . Letj us love little children; Tjitiey awUhe Heucate flower-gods of a soon fading Edebi h: ileligion shoiild not be a Jrapture)t)Uta habit, but not a cloak to serve the ' devil in ".i t--.: 4" -11 . xj tun Ir. P. Heinsbercer has a few ' mora City piitctonei, and offers a large stoclc birfine popks at low rates. f Happiness abounds most among the low jt .there are many r more blossoms in; the Wiey than n thb hiUs. '? : for else Jin a man i worth baying. ii Kni mrv : imuilU JL;. - I: CD. Mvert & CoJ sttll1 sustain their rer tfticui for select faoUygro offer evsrydvantage to buyers. ? is - n( ' The ladies give a reason for marrying ttbney, that they seldom find any thing mi Wlio is' it in" the press that calls!" j Satan is said to delight in roatti kndfrug; he once tried his hand on loiti, but did'nt make much out ot bid Job. "Every steamer" brings to Geo. Myers fresh family groceries, and the sup always cqual.to the demand. I t I Hon. Geo. L. Mabson gave us a call yes terday. He will be back home soon, and, will arraHgo4h0.cimingmpAign. t f Tlie Raleigh V'TkXegrdm 'takes ' the Post to J walluote a "little more'lin our next. f $ ' Business has Revived somewhat on the wharves. The large number of sailing ves sels in port probably accounts for thisl It may surprise some of our1 readers j to know it hat, .the fleanderi so; popular as a house and' yard 1ant;iii'extremelytoison- ous.f"'; yjnii&j.uiizi, P'iy)h:sn : Professor Reuckert advertises his Grand Festival Ctncert,;and all loving good music should hie them to f Heinsberger's.'and buy tickets. ' ' '. '- Snnday.readih can be obtained in great variety and to suit any taste' at,trtc; News Depot of Mr, Daniels on Second Street near Market. - Av:nj. ,r 'A-Alun i-:. 1 That' woman was, a ishilbsopher .who, when 8b e lost her husbaudsaid she had tine great consolatiqn-she knew where he was o'nightsl . '-:i:.ti : ' Great credit is given Lt. Hoi den of the garrison at Smithyille for activity in assijti' ing the people; to ga ve., their prjerty urjpi the late fires- AinlAl-i-Ai?ifti--;-i-ii-t'- f' , Thc officers janW -crew L of. the. cutter lhave the thanks of the ipeoplet of. .Smith ville for prompt aid fd! coVfekv,'tne .'GbniQaaiibb on vvednesday.-iJ Society 'js v strong solution of books. Ii awsfthevfrfjgd ou jbf Jvhat is feswbrth dVaw retaining, as hot Water draws the strength out of tea leavesC: tf.'i- f:'i . it Dr.' Claude' B. Burrow ! has opened his drug store at the eld stand ot HarrieKeyes, and offers a large lot of Teas .at cost prices. Let? all cafl on Dr.1 B. " ' " K- Some one ha9 said that if men should rise from the dead and read their epitaphs, some ot them s would think- they had got into the wrong graves. " : " The frogs in the suburban districts have organi?eda Choral Unibp andjupon fair days, practice the cantata of "the fiog he would a wooing go." . D. A. Smith has reolenished his alreadv large stock of furniture, and offers the pub lic every facility for purchasing household goods "cheap tor cash." k - - ;ni ! ; -r : A Mr. Boot and a Miss Leather were late ly married' in a town in Ohjb. It is but natural to presume that they are going into the boot and shoe business. The Hannibal (Mo.) Courier says that there has been but one; opera glass used in that city in the past'ten years, and that was Those able and ardent young Republicans Georgel W.rfrice!iJr.f 4nS !john Hf White man are named as possible candidates for tlie Sheriffalty, "after Conventions l 1 1 An aaverusemen in a paper i .uruW- ing a stohe into the water it creates a cir cle which is constantly expanding , So throw in your rocks and test the matter. A half -fledged i lawyer in one of the inteT rior counties of this State.1 in a late eulo- gium uppn the dqath of a comrade, said be had cone to heaven.'ahd ' there he should never sec him again. ; H i. 'S, k 'I ""' o . v i v i . . " . WftTTno Lna innnanr en ncrri npra nrp mi. uueu v,, w. . nnnnre mill ha efnnnefl anrl whan rkrantlP.A. FaUViO T1 111 It W Ofc"UUVM4 MUM w.M-W.AWW ble suits will be entered against ihbscnoH i ; ottering properexcuse. f f Q ; The Post willbe 'furnished .to clubs ot -i't:U ft i;j!1fll. . zs. r vcr at tne Taie oi nny cenis ior v,M. ,nh.l t .vT.fe-nn MTithov are tod nnor to nav fr their Post. Let Post Clubs be formed All ovenlhe. State to Resist Con- vttok. P . 1. J ; M -. A companion to the song, ttOht igtve me back -but vest It lsfb beValled, Ob could yottsnare to- This illt80on; be. followed by, "You bav'nt got such ai thing as i next weeK auuuk juu, uoiu jvm : . ; ,3.Hti- I 2 Improvements. Messrs. Green & ptmwi PTeruoto.w wubh oju hTe lately aed tb theirelegalittablish. ' in' ''..:il..'T. -V t-'T .i 0. menc, anu ap .u muuu uuaj wyT PtCW f manner. ,,Dr F- beaU ,tbe wcrld In Oo xare taste mspiayeu vj m ureaj rsi r iLn'd see. All ladies wishing to see the "sweetest thin ;1tt the way of 8pring Goods should caUaithe store of M. M. Katz. Woven ture to say the plcaiure of seeing Mr. Katz and his gentlemanly assistants will be equal to seeing the "very latest styles, of .Dress Goods; Embroideries, Trimming, Shawls, Ac Charles Reade says that well score a fair plot of the sex might as velvet tuft with a oioominir and downy check, as break and fritter away the broad ? luster of a 'superb silk dress bv six rows of gimp aiad fringe. The daring no-! vclistis sppitjvr on 1 fashion as he is on oter matters. ' u 1 ''-I . . : i ?ociABL3.--The "sociable" instituted by the ladies of the Third Presbyterian Church last week, was; :a- grand r success. We hope this pioneer WorkVof theTPrcsbyleriansI will be followed liy ? the r other denominations and thjfouBpciople find ; pleasure in at tending gatherings where nought but good influences abod, . The L next :t;sociable" will take place; at the City Hall. ' Let all who want cheap PRINTING call at the pfljceof tfie PqItA 1-1 . Cotton Company. The design of a few mecianics and workingmen of forming for Wilmington.a: co-operative cotton.company meets witb great success. A meetius wjH soon be held, and as it is found a corpora tion can be organized under the ceno ral laws of the,, State,. . no special char ter' will be needed. Inquirers may ob tain all the information they require by call ing omrue -eriMor oi me I'ost. t Jf jp or .business wards, call or ' send to the POST PRINTING OFFICE VV- i t Says the ; Muscatine (Iowa) r Courier: "We have done, and are still doing business with quite a number of advertising agencies roughout the country, and have no fault to find with them, but Messrs.' Geo. P. Rowell & Co. give' us more business than any othtjr. ; Furnishing a - large amount - of advertisidgvand paying promptly, has put this httuseratvtl very head of agencies, ami h as made th'em a na mo for " hbn est j rel i a- bility, liberality; and promptness, Which ol itself jsorthFOorfunei" . ,2t A.U the Railroad Receipts at half price at the POST PRINTING OFFICE. j t'oNFiKMATiONThe ji ite of conhrmatton will?,ie adrriinistereain-'St. Pa ulV Evangel ical Lutheran Church to-day, Palm Sunday, after the evening services, at 8 'clock p.m.. Good Friday, April 7th, preparatory ser vice at 9i a. in., morning service at 10 a. m. Communion immediately after the morning o services:' all, in the German lan- guage. JbiBgiisii service at ,8 p. m., when a sermon will 'be preached on the doctrine of Christ's descent itr nell. To all of these 'services 'the citizens of Wilmington are respectfully and cordially invited.tQ &ttend.t Seats free. ' Labels, Circulars and Bill Heads, at New York prices at the POST PRINTING OFFICE 1 . . : V ; - Harbor Master's Report. The follow ing is the Report of the Harbor Master for the month, of March, 1871: Steamers..... .....15 Barques..... .. 3 Brigs...,. 10 Schooners. .80 wUtf kn average tonnage bf 19,723 tbns; of these barque jiridf 5 brigs were' foreign; 22small vessels, iiiider - 60 tons, not inclu- ded in the above. B. J. Lawton, ? ' Harbor Master. All .wishing .Wilmington", Cbarlotte ancl Rutherford liailrbad Receipts , will do well to call at the POST PRINTING OFFICE. i , r i i t ?. r..i ... . a I TnntifD AKinir Ilr Rnllanri in (hp A nnl of Scribuer's Monthly, concludes I - v' I , . , Hit m . "" r i I irn. anrt tllA PriKS ,7 flfi follows : I 0 fieavenl for one generation of clean UW unolirted nien!-mcn wbose veins are ft fori with firp- menrtit to bn the 'enmnan. v .-.v . -, r r 4 ions ol pure women: -men wormy louwne ItatheV ofiildren! men whodbnot stum m upon lue rot; 0i aPuFicAJ iixu,6C, or go blindly groping and staggering down r info aiJ ariinkardTs grave, but wao can sit an(j loSknapdn CBel acsrat FbJ their grand rnkered. 8ucb a Generation as this is possible in America: and Mprodtce such a generation as.vtpis ih pensistentj conscien- 1,110.113 wprjt ,-uuuiiW" wif a ouuwj competent as an instrumentality. The proa miJ., ;t ltihtt ni r?fKriiw A a it aidrffRinB laws will become thin " ' O- . untnoflght of, and.Hemperance reformers nftrftnf!fi orffanizatibns will hiecom. extinct. r ..TfSIKI '.mh -id llll .J'131 .1.-13 f K AC I' The elegant Hand Bills and Posters. on .Artar1 rk1nro1 nunPT are u inst the thintr" forBpripgtod&H OUJC merchante call at lus.'f rrmt , t Aitoaa Tins Idiatts. Lieutl JmdoirfTenishtlciaY coma and tells as thati no .tribes ot aborigihees are 'payimbi.iiigf qaVVoQehes; bnt xthtrfztQ ionnd an the deepest:, forests of South thiwitiiw pf bblivioa that bring an uiin Aoerica, from the Andes to the Atlantic' rrupted?Kol Jfeeinot threnot Da d not t have j and f n ie Doct. ywherffou.whi soultgravi Ayeri medicines and! liowell cotianj1 Utesonjeartn tfTnJDioJH , ; "SrjFPOLK,! ,BbOCTfTarei seen pUpe our aipiraUons' lead us to.' There . ia stamped in large red aiad y blue Uftf dpa; where trfie' rest Us foonS; 'jia 'Qpl: ;ia a theiTjigarmcntt i whiles Ajer'aj .ifeusct WowhgeVorks a wajln f sHb, erj-Pectofal.tteai fi!beireCia1iaihay to us. MieiaijaU eir;?fod l and! most Of o theit heavy fatten; andTwil! give you mV n! rejnediebut'tey J 1 ' I tiona which must have the : interposition of higher skiUi entinel, Libertyyra:i 2t ''"enJAabbi Je-cnanan , Ben i Siccai jWas on his deathbed his discjples jgathered around hinvand claimed his blessing j ; . This is my blessing, ?. replied tile Rabbi: "May your fear of God be equal to pour fear of man." . . ' - " T j "Equal!" exclaimed the disciples with astonishment.; " Would thou have our fear of God no greater than our fear of man?" t. "Bear this in inlad," responded tl e Rabbi; "He who committeth asin first loo to the right and then to the left to se( that no man is a witness of his action, thoug h Know ing well that there is a witness in heaven who beholdeth and regard eth ev rything. This witness h feareth not. Th srefore I say unto you let your fear of Gcc be only equal to your fear of man, ancl ye will neVier sin. ilJS Kinsman. Ftr this hearty English word full of manhood ahd warm blood elegant people have forced upon us two vc y vague misty substitufes relation and connection. By the use of ; the latter word in place of the former, nothing is gained and much U lost. Both of them are very general terms.' Men have relations of various kinds; and connections are of still wider distribution. Even in regard to family and friends, jit is impossiblo to give these words exactness ot meaning; whereas, a man's kinsmen are only of his own blod His'cousin is his kinsman, but his brotherJnWvis lot. relation' is made to express both connec tions, one of the blood and the other of law.' losing, the kinsman we lose also ;he frank sweet-lipped sister, kinswoman, and are obliged to give her place to that poor, mealy-mouthed, ill-made-up latin interloper, female relation.! St. John's Church -Public services . at St. John's during Holy Week and Easter Tide, will be as follows : Palm Sunday y April 2d Mornibg prayer and celebration of the Holy Eucharist, ' at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at 8 o'clock. Monday before t Easter Morning prayer, 7 o'clock; Ante Communion at 13 o'clock; evening prayer :at 0 o'dQkr 1" '' X Tuesday before Easter Morning ' prayer 7 o'clock; Ante Communion at lj2 o'clock; evening prayer at 6 o'clock. '" i . Wednesday before Easter-Momiog prayer 7 o'clock; Litany and Ante Communion at 12 m. rvening prayer at 8 o'clockl1 Maunday ; Thursdayf-Morning prayer at 7 o'clock; evening prayer and celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8' o'clock. ,i'' ; Good Friday Morning prayer Communion at' 11 o'clock; evening prayer at 8 o'clock. v " ' Easter Even Morning prayer Communion at 7 o'clock; evening 8 o'clock. 'V ' 7i ' ; and Anfe prayer 'at . ! Easter ' Day,' April 0th Morning prayer, Litany and Holy Eucharist at 11 vfinin iirsirer at 8 o'clock. a i . , r . it ..'i i-.'' Easter Monday Morning prayer and Ante Communion at 7 o'clock;j evening payer at 6 c'clock. faster Tuesday morning prayer and Ante Communion at 7 o'clock j evening prayer 6 o'clock. . The Church will be open dailjr, save, on Easter Even, after 7 a. m.. until evening prayer for the private (devotions f .all de-; . " . . : ..7 ' - . . I ; . .-. W. siring to avail themselves of the privilege. Geo. Patterson, Rectcr St. .Johns Parish. REST.-Night has been appoint :d, in the divine economy, as a time of rest. When the sun is down and the shadows ofeYokning begin to gather arouad us, we feel that our work is done, and the hour ot repose is at band. And nature, in 1 this ' particular, seems to follow qui example. , The beasts and the, birds seek their covert a, and even the flowers fold their leaves and go f o sleep. Our days are. usually at tend evl by; excite ment, anety and care. Business 1 presses upon ns and in the exertion, the mind and the body , grow weary. 'Then1 cor les the 8easonoi est' Night draws the curt upon the scene and invites to quiet and re . We do not always find this; and why; 'cause Ithlngs befe are; not ks Uheyroughy to bt. Ttere is something wanting. Oor.sls are too big lor the world we live in. They belong to God. We are exiles from atrack less eternity and bare become the Clotures of timeWc want to ge back and' untij ira can attain' our wishes: there is ' no "real rest lor xlL n ETenine sleerTwIiich tired and , ! f i '111!. " f - weary nature invites is disturbed by dreamf, ana Information ;pob TbBACC0NiSTS.4Mr. John DUerWtte to the office -ot Inter- nain , Revenue, r to : know .'-whether fa die of any particular shape,ffs, rpquired incancell ing :teba'.8ti2ps.v Ho1 received' the foK losing j-eply: . f V; , s .1 , , j . . -v The law does not specify, nor hai this office, prescribed any particular shaped steel dies to . be used in canceling stamps on nuwuu packages vi or , cooacco. Any i steel die that, wiU.cancel the stimp as the lw re requires, that is, sink a portion ot the stamp mto ihef wobmay be usd. - ' Cutting the stamp with a chisel is not a proper cancel lation. A chisel is not aldie and if f does not sink i, a portion; of the stamp into the .WO0d.?;?:jti trv :-'!t .hU.rU- - ':r SPBCIAI-' IiETTER2 Tb THE WIl U V I MINfeTOPT POST.' " t T iV-j ,)-si-iv' Washington,, IX C.1: ! . ; i: MondayMarch 27, 1871 1 Js: ' Charles Sumner was the regular occupant of the first hours 6i the.Scnate to-day with his great speech on the San Domingo jques tidri.fi The occasion had been duly announc ed, and at an 'Vajrly hour of the, day the anxious multitude cqM be seen wending their way to the;capitol. s The early trains from! the neighboring cities and towns brought groups' of ;'peopIe whose special business it sejems was to hearJ the Senator. At the hour of n iii Mnifiumner's; fame had well iiigh filled ho galleries and corridors pf the Senate chamber. Cloak .rooms, side arloii; andaisles were ?fillei !"witlllie azing multitude, and when he entered the Senate chamber arfewtfnitnute TMpire -'lS o'clock,'; he was greeted with applause. At fifteen minutes past 12 o'clock Mriim-; ner commenceu to speas irom the seat of' his colleague,-Mr. Wilson; immediately in iront or nisown. t xxis voice nuea me gal leries of the chamber, and he was iistened to. with marked " attention " . throushout the. entifelspeectoM"Prol)abiy;,w Bomingo onnissioners; were gliding over the Yirginia roads :to rAcqulalXJreek jand thence to this city, where a grand reception will1 greet their i-ctutn, Mr. Sumner was making a deadly4f and alra.pst unanswrablb argument against the entire? scheme bf an nexation; The speech was" sharp! but cool, ana oy no means uenunciaiory ot tnc xec- utiye.. . Jtie maKeS i almost a personal appeal to: the President td abandon bis annexation scheme, and Uttite in the effort io recncile . jjeiore speaKing ine enator, Air. umner. called up a5very pertinent resolution offered bylbimself, and to the effect that the naval forces of the United States should not; be usea to upnoia liaez in an attempt to sell his country. It seemed that the resolution Was a splendid preface for the speecb,;f or it at once elicited -sympathy in favor of the right and the weak., Mr. Sumner's position or leauing poinis f againsc me policy, or iue admihisirationili ' regard aio thO BaS, Jo miDgo question, were, 1st, jThat there was a yiolauon;ol international daw," ' and a Q3ur pationi of war J power.1 ndiVtJbntrati fol cession of territory must be without pres- t ' ! f: - iy 'L " .: - 3 - --iff' -' ence ot superioj; lorce, , ile quoted toe ex ample ef SpaiD, and t gave English prece-i dentsu ; Also showing ! that a usurpation of wir power as contrary to bur constifutionj gave a sketch" of : Baez's political career, BuowiDg; mm ue 10 nnpnucipiea usurper of the rights, of bfs peeple; and finally closed with' ah earnest statement" of the President's duty in this matter.. r foirroumner0ciosea f nis : speecn aiout o o'clock, when Senators Morion and Howe offered very brief buTppinted and rebuting replies, and which, if time had been alloted for their continuation1, would have removed much of the impression made by, Mr. Snm- nerj It is evident the Senate is with- the administration, thongb Mr. Sumner's icfla ence the other way: must be the result of his faithful record in the partyv Hi ; f TTi ! Prim miRsionpra reached r h er last nigbt at ,7 o'clock, .by way of Acquia Creek. Mr. Watle wag quitej;indisposed? and ! was visited jbj the President at jhe residence of '8e"nat6r Chandler. during' the ' ?eTeninr. Everybody . ot course is anxious about the report -which is already asserted to be favor able to the policy of the- government; i and it is' said the Commissioners trill spend foe morning with the President and Cabinet in making a full stAtanehtin reg&rd to induce ments and prospects forfahnexation. : 1T ; : A great maoy of the senators are anxious for an adjournment. . but it is , more than prooabfe tiiat nfiatts'wUl not adjourn for two Weeks vet. iTherp , isfto be legislation. in regard to Southern outrages. iThe San Dominco question muit be settled. Ard it r ... is hoped that the conUstantsvULbo-beard; several of whom; ' in the lower House, are already relieved ot any fears 1 by f?the com plete retirement of their opponents; Sena tor Abbott has'piepajedt aflRtinaftiswirable law paper for the Benate, iti'fiis bwn! de fence, and it is saidAthei'6enatof wilTritain his seat as the legal member'1 of Ibe5 U2nd Congress. 4; v.! w! : The colored people of !f this city afdevi- dently taking their 'place in the sbcial and higher walks of American lifej sdmCfinding their social status in wealth afld' reHnement ts well, as in style k)fl iiTin,5a'dcfsii;able acquisition to the most .wealthiijjpf;, iheir - ; white fellow citizens,; j It irutraina&may enjoy cveryf political .right,Ilnayt LetmSy be very social ence where! his nature is made broaj3ertajnd ueeper in me love or virtue, moraj princi ple, and the sanctity of a refinerlftndf.edu cated family circle, can over giveihm; social position in the community, elevating and making him at once the . desirable compan ion of his white fellow citizens, andi such as he would gladly., introduce tqliif trjends. We may have rights - and; wealfh, and. yet now ouen u is mac , wc . ar9ajuuwcn to those, with iwhom we have jbusiness,s how often we are Bhunned, how,. .oltea; they are glad to get ijd of us because -jtbey do not find their social level, and fchow xnaoy ;are cared for in a business way . byt reason of - Dothiag hut their standing i in jtbe social circle aside from (any ( of their own) Influ ence, politics, or capacity, andr thus ji, refer to this subject as a means jbf inspiring my own people fo make themselves, .their man ner of living, with , eireomtpti at- tractiye and plesantr,sp thatgtbte.mqstidis tinguished citizen will take itgs a:rj3dly compliment tp be introduoedrJntp this home circle, -, as lie would ., another of the more favored race. Our homes must be.re fining, instructive and; , eley aing, jgren sunshiny spot, ip the great osisp life, where the great and good wpuhl j linger, in comfort and fond delight when. thiw0rk: of the dsy is done. It, is tWonl jtMng.as a Climax af terall,1 that will .demanji. sod , re-" spect, unless kindled b$rsg"mo qliaptiye, co-equat withi that of oux fellow 'c'ojmyiuen. We have had wealtt'Hj;W live m a manner unworthy pucaljiug, Jess comfortable than whifc peopl'el receivinc less pay, and of inferior talents, Tbe, col ored people of Washington' uye lead off in this particular, ' 'setting, a gooi jamile. Many of their homes, like they are.Jp Phil adelphia, would afford comfort and pleas ure to the most iastrtuqus ana rUstincfujdiecl citizen. One. I think deserts epecj men tien, as a credit to the icandjertiof streets of the capital of the, nadonHPiof. - ytui. u. iTiison, lor inany : Jars principal )I the Grammar School in Brooly nf and .qqw Cashier of .the Preid'mens tJank, and of the most cultivated manners h as ereqfed for his owhiakily residence a fich anlgflrge OU8 palace costing not Jess than $18,0Q0,br $20,000- of .the finest English iton&cbifcont finjshind bonsiduTcd one Of h'bejfinpt the best brick built -housejin thediatrict. Grand and rich in ceilings,, both ornamental and beautiful in finish, ithaeetrbf paHirs, when thrown into One byHhe;lacstyiy)f , mahogany doors, wilh meas JoriSR . sixty feet i in lengthy w,ithjVan appropriate width for halls, studio sitting and dfniig roomsV ; ii The ;J ceilings ' are vieiy tig1h the latest style of Centre'pieces. bif.mn elevates his family, jiand bis raqe and Ue the Lords of England finds his social stilus among the weaUby merch'antsih'4lr?neigh- .1 -t. STATER udge .Jones having resigned the ;im- peachment will be suspended. - ft ! J fit JT t . The war bn the State Geologist. Writ? the' Supenntendent of the?f Insane. Asvlnaa "gone under." The Telegrarr killed1 both.. Edgecombe Farmers are, not .deterred, by the present low price of cotton,' front trying its cultivation the coming Season.1 Plvd caJr- .. i. . ... - Jr. tt .!. . loads of the JXorlolk Fish . Guano passed Wei don a few days ago bound 'for that County. - Jh The five . minutes rule, on the motion of Mr. Graham, of, Orange, has been adopted . in the Senate and as a consequencejidiyers and sundry gas vents are itopped. Its dangerou3,experiment, this stoppagei of,' gas and if the rule is strictly adhered to, it would not surprise us if a case oturreprear sibte explosion occurred' before 'adjourn) Vo&ni,lbaligh f TeUgramMi f. . - ' " The Elk Mo'untadt Cheese CoxPAhYrt1 Have leased their f entire rpropertyV (1,700 icres) "except Itheiillstb rMfWCo? neli, who last year Teased a portion .ye Monnlaiii. andf hiad charge:, theiChtss? niaking. ; He will cxamence cheese'makin about the 1st of April, fully si'mbtithrearlfef than last ear. After, supplying Jhe n9me, demand, the surplus cheese will be sbjppe4 to Glasgow, Scotland. Ahville CitizenJ, rich iq this world's goo'dsT, nbtmiTg but training'intho'schoQlsjbfBQjial,

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