v- f 4 f f '' ' . , ' i . ' . ' - - . r . . ' f . ? " . . ' cinm ' -- . - - M t . t.- I' It' s . ft'"., . , i 'I- "'7 i . r ti ' . 1 fl: ih'IM VOL. IVV WILMINGTON, N. C, THURS DAT MORNING SEPTEMBER 21, 1871. Noilly nyrY. 1 v . - ; , . An old lady, wtinsc to her son out West, fcim'tn heti&re of bilious Isaloons and bowel alleys. i j ; !) . J'-W . , "i 1 1 r I. 1 i"1 Guarrclsomtfwomen,' f are domestic evils Quarrelsome en are the leprosy of society, curable by aron : , . , Candidal all at "a ? smile that;' is chUdlike aad bland,'1 as.they mingle amdbg the peoplf to solicit their votes. ; - The Ifluisburg Courier attempts the role of Polonius and counsels those wiid youths Aleck Stevens and John Forsyth. , , RA7ES.- The rates of subscription will hereafter be $4 00 for the Semi-Weekly and 3 50 for the WeeKly Post payable in acvance. . " - Tie Tress says "Pennsylvania is in dan ger of a Democratic victory, but of a light publican vote and only a partial Repub-, jean triumph." . The ne"w turniture warehouse of D. A , Smith has gotten so far ahead that the en terprising Dan " has commenced moving : his furniture. pii I It is reported that Col. Davis has bought the Screven House at Savannah, Geo., and i, ill open October 1st. Capt. Gillespie will remain in charge of the, "Purcell"'for the p resent. , .. . : , '. . . ' The New Berne Times discloses the re n'ftrkable fact that4. Mark Erwin has .be ef nme republican.'! This will astonish our &, od friend Erwin as well as the statement ti lat he edited the Old North State.' ,; A. French barber'a sign reads thus X "To morrow the public will be shaved tree." Of course to-morrow never comes. MlvoR Martin. His Hohor,"the Mayor, has jeturned fronx the j'Jdpnngs! ' revived, refreshed, and rejuvenated. If you don't believe it go' up to the " Hall " arid see him sea.ted.iri hia oW arm-chair ".receiving the congratulations ot his friends. . . The great want of our business' men it iudichus refif atter toiling wearily through the V busy' season." The English anq our German fellow-citizens understand " how it is yourself " and so does to Mayor Martin." Alaska. Where on , this globe, can we go beyond the omnipresent Yankee? Land ing at Sitka, we had walked but a short distance into the town when we reached the northern depot of Dr. Ayer's. medicines in fjill display . among the huts, shanties and courts of these boreal tribes. There ftbe familiar, homelike names of his Cherry Pec toral, Pills. &c, salute us from the exterior and the , interior of a store which shows more, business than its neighbors, . and proves that these simple but sure remedies are even more necessary to savage life than to ourselves where they visit every hreside. 1872 Republican Meeting. The good MYSTERY 1 1 1 AN EX-COLONEL OF t THE , UNJON ARMY 18 DECLAED INSANE AND . A fin A nnTATQ A VPflTTVTW.TI t TH$ . OFFICER RECOVERS, BUT IS STILL KEPT IN DURANCE VILE. HIS PROPERTY- WHAT OF IT? ' BECAME AFTER A TEAR OF ABSENCE HEI& JUDGED INSANE BY A "JUDGE" : WHO DOES NOT SEE HIM! TAKEN FROM ASYL UM TO ASYLUM AND PILLAR TO "POST" UNT1LJ RESCUED BY FRIENDS IN ' CHIC A GO. ' ' 1 HIS STORY AND HIS SUFFERINGS; WORSE THAN KU KLUX. The best way to get help in this word is tc help yourself. "Show that you need aid, a: ad all turn a cold : shoulder; but prove U lat vou can do without folks and tbey will be g to give you a lift. flnmfi ninp.teen months since it wafr. Je Republicans in Halifax are reorganizing tor lbrted iQ Qur Clty that Oot DftnielO'Cofi very sick. Some 1 said , weakness the campaign of 1872 and under, the lead of men like Col. ' Lawience t F. f Larkm, they are sure to succeed. The new Court House at Weldon was dedicated to liberty: by this first Republican f meeting and a County executive committee was chosen, consisting-of Henry Eppes, T. J. Fields, W. F. Youngv.Bryant.Rudd, J. T. Dawson, Soli Jones, John A. White, Daniel Coleman, J. J. Goodwin, with L. F. Larkin and John T. Gregory to act as Secretaries of said Com mittee. ; .While in Washington attending the Press Convention wfe made many warm friends er We have received theV first number; of; thei am0ng the brethren of the quill. These Coiniucopia a boys and girls journal edited fenow laborers in the vineyard excel ifl one b'y'W. ft. Hilly er, Jr., an apparent chip off qUality we confess "a plentiful lack"- the i the old block, Villiamybe temperate; be; item of patcelLTu waS oth pertt'ftt sBlt.aIld for'goodness,ake keep Clear Scruggsof the Atlanta -Em, who delved ofR!y enue offices! one volvole tour searching tor "debates," and ... 0 there was Brother Fox, who patiently para-1 It is. said that very weak tea, with a. ded around the Treasury!-to find re- sqtrieei- ft of lemon m it, win quencu . - u . inhabitant" ihi rst . more effectually than all the "juleps" or 44 so irs" ever doncocted. To working meai, w bo are apt to get very thirsty, this hirot, ma V be round' useful. ner was from old wounds, received while command ing an Illinois : regiment, and mental ex citement had made Col. O'Conner deranged. It was known that the gallant O'C. had ac cumulated considerable property and was owner of several houses, beside having monev loaned to a considerable amount. Some said that Postmaster Brink was guar dian of O'Conner, and had sent him under guard of mail agent Busey to the State Asy lum. Others declared that Judge of Pro bate Mann had adjudged Col. O'Conner a nerson to be administered on. and had nlaced the unfortunate man: his lands fene ments and hereditaments under the cohtro of Mr. Flavel Foster, Many stories were told of the : violence, cyf .0'Connefain4 ofi! 4118 insane he declared some one was Sherman's soldies and he, O'Conner became tjoaseased of the woman's property. Others 1 . - Be Doing Something. There are not a I lead me by my arms. These men then ew persons in the world who pretend to commenced to fire their pistols and exult . ' .'t : . i i! ; . . nmr their , snnrpaa in . p.nnt.nnno mo nn arm . - post rrEns.V The Mont penis' tunnel is a coxnplete suo- The, ex-Empress Eugenie has arrived at ,t 7 - -;U'l' tk''rii urn pjinatantlv hpmnnTiin tnmr lace (11 OD- I 11 t ' tv. rs -r l ?,:. . 3..'; , i.v'j. . , ,J T : " , I niWi , iauonvivi ,uu iu tu& i 1 rT,hA poriunity. , The best thing for such people,' suppose."- They then ran with me, and Madrid ana in tact lor every, body, is to determine i wueu wc gun w uc i uuua, wuerei iae to accomplish something useful and benefi- Bn?i;- ' ii i- w2SSe iwAM.wuipuH.MiuwuiiiiB i d t 0ffice a voice called, out "this cent every day. Without work there is is the wa-, . theu drus down little progress. The sum of many aays' what we call Si intelligent wnrk will not be inconsiderable.. 1 to the foot-Cf th Savannah has next month. , the State: Industrial ' Fair .hfri xkuxVicsQ men.. talkcoVta .:v. .r.rvw . .. 4 - i ma a .uuu ucu iutu v hb ' uusseu lub i wtmvw ucwcascu in uin np.w Yfrir nnnicH '-W V V "rf branch the man holding my right arm asked IastVeek : over $500,000.. ar"i"7 teething, which lies nearest ; your hand. me wbat my : business t wi. Itbld himl mQamtl aM;i. e;i . i i- tt . , ALT. uoiasciimiat. the victim of the tor- deal of -.tatontia lost to the world for the Uasea I hd lately been engaged ort'' I told pc, ex?loslOD dfedin.Brookljn. . want, of a little courage. Every day sends lm 1 rently- .gaged otl some Ku -r KapPh?,tf:"itll': 11x6 i .... . , r,- xiiui uaaea. uct. rcuj.iirjs.cu, -Its, YOUTB """"" " mc uum regions UU8 WlflWr. re a number of obscure men who I u i.: . ? .., I . t " v n . - v iuwii inn k i i it .i hum in u i miuuniiou a t n i wr to the grave have only remained in their,1 timidity has, prevented pickiDg a first effort, and omy naveen inuuceu- io oegin, wuuiu iu g0U;ni to do anyne injustice and hoped obscurity because Our" them from from such.; men tas you from: negro rule; 7 " ' V who if they could KC asKet me.-wnat ojecuon nave I X"B ucaunuarsera oi me uerman army oi " rTr.r iney wpmunotaa me mjKuce.r uneman the Lyceum , Theatre, IndonoaiFridfty thocajeer offam?: The fact is, that in asked me if I wanted.to : see the Ku Klux eVenin . ' . i j brdar;iolliy4hingittJhis world worth and said he could give a yell , and raise five. , J a -j"-i . Vr-.Vsr -.., . hundred. I was carried amoner a i reat Ex-Judge btuart. the distincuishedcrua- men and horses. Somoof the lawyer of New York, died in, that city. bank, thinking of the and dviet, but I men had gowns on, and other j disguises.rl of typhoid fever j ump iij and scramble- through ;.ai,. well as Some were nof disguised; 4 They ! . asked me we can. 1 It will not do to W perpetually it I was not ashamed for having! supported 'j x ?m calculating risks and adjusting the chanc- Mrw Greeley covers. six nacres of the Octo bet Galaxy with a histotv and iBUDDort of one term nrihcinTflt j : t u. 1 es. There is an old Scotch proverb which reads i ' " An ounce of mother is worth a the ;4one term principle. Cincinnati wants, a World V fair" there" next year J All this because she has had a" a damned nigger party. '.They said white men would not tolerate such persons as me. They said I must know that my courso was not ri&rht. and that I deserved ! death II heard one man say: "Who took my rope ? successful "Industrial1! exhibition !; H ' I brought one . to hang the damned rascal The confederate powder mills. Wd, mat nnnnrl AfTprirv in other Wnrrls that mft- KV j toi , " , I at AugUSia Ua., naVO DCeU S01CL 10 P,uo W-SgJ .m fthf W0irds at(ma . bleeding and my side was very painful, jl Colonel Coles, of that city, ara Targe figure. 'A Pink and bluer as match colors, have .e- ternal instruction is of infinitely nore value I asked permission to . sit down. They would tr. iehilrl than all lessrths ot tnimia Sab not let me, ana said. "Tnis oieeatns .win bath school teachers, or v prei history of this world proves thts. It would lvJtried to disguise their voiceai Thev asked vllle S8 1500 saloons receiving be' difficult to point to a man who has made me if I knew them. I told them I did not "viper ..uay! B ,jf , -m his marlt ia the world for good, whose dis- know any of theln.ft Soon another pariy A diabolical attempt has been made to . ..-!.. - 1 i ' arrived.' and a ' voine nailed ontJ "WhMft'a DODUlarize crimson irlnv t nottnn nnf in ii wrefit measure, due i " wiwyuu u uuy p ; wuw Swtvb ,mui uikk wi "T"j"!" ; " " . V r the prisoner 2" This - person w!aa a ton ill lettes. to the influence exercised upon his youth ful mind by an intelligent and pious moth- man, disguised. ' He seemed to be a sort of commander. He repeated a gobd deal 'of Demi-trains are to, be .adjusted for street the slander affainst mp abont mv nnlitiral WeaF by meanS f taPCS to looP theia DP to . the sianaer against me about mrpolitical the ist fc th b k - - vr . course. He said the people would not tol- - . r il.:. : 1. ' if. 1 1 !L 1 1 a & The Ku Klux Trial. erate this nero government ; that he had I Two lone curia on eaoh sirin am tn f.alrA come with express orders to take my life, the place of the curls at the ; back that have , We give below the opening address of A tnen appealed. to mm not to Jqill me. -He oeen worn so long. . ? t y t.t . , t ; k .. , y Hon. Samuel F. Phillips in the case ot the TT ' f VT 5 v c Have I not a right to , be saucyl if -I United States agamstkeeditor ofa tm $lJ servative"; paper, charged with inciting BiggerstaflF he would discharge ne. I told dSeasea7K violence and murder. The United States him 1 did not know him.,. Jle icalleja me a ; ' J MlMAiPSlMFW..,l,M fl . flF-f - T ifcX. ,1 h Cnmntrnller'. fmnla in TV. V.& statements. One story went that citement, and r special correspondent Bigger8taff wa3. The crowd all loudly dis- port the debt of that city to be $71,752, ,i t r win uivB mo mam xa,a no wjoj wvui , i seniea jrom mis. inev . saia ii i was iec I " vj. Mr Phi lins. for the ffovernment. ad- 1UUW A VUU1.U u "S1"' fuu cuucay- a4 iM1innnf Mo onnlrn nt fh'o rlonrvorAilQ I Wv; declared that he raved of his money, loaned v laraMor nf naaonlatinn to tchir.h it. minrht I PO 7 ; - wuai(vty& v . . .--w o 1 . r . i . was uut ui mat Lyman Cummmg, the oldest lawyer: -and - posed to the crowd to let me go that I n Vria&v 4 1 ' x t i.1 -i.-i mt I VI : 1 dressed jury as to the nature ;of the bill - " , Ite r, J. W. Fairbanks, an erteenwd to mu ,i;nn nrnfhur f!arnentftf ot . j . . ' . . , .a..Lu a tkf ,a eenerallv hunsr. A small circle then srath- me pu.c pu --j trouble had made him mad. au sons uueu b - d h- t " and'a nistol was held to ii i. rr.' nt Un jii-nollorl I ... ' nnt nf ann rpppnl fimRn(1mfitit.s to the tlon- I elGU uuuuti uic, iiuu a uibiui was Uciu lO I tne uo umujr, - WTT . of stories were related, but all tb public ac- : ;Za Z:L ru" niv face, a voice saving, "this is the sort of by and as tor Nason ?-r-well, "language fails' . fhn1nrftrpfiTftt nn of O'Con- "1. a ool We use on. vbu damned radicals" I Ji i.- ' - V. mn tnVin I J " " : " . , I alts vualgvU ' viii I to express our admiration for the man who e gtate gyjum, for the insanely the law! It is the on Friday. The Steam saw mill of fl. J. Favette. at North Wiliiston, Vermbnt; was destroyed hre on Friday night1 Loss. $30,000 in- surance, $17,000. A v-. n : . -TI . TT re are ilad to see business c. down tow n, and the cnange 01 iu--Etes .mship Vhirf and the removal 01 Barry Brothers Iro'm an over crowded locality to Li )Pitt's landi near Orange street, is an en ccr. oraging sig'p. left his paperi and .his ' post-(oflace) to go and Fo8ter and "see Grant!" The census pf our State is as follows : ment to support its citizens too roltr for nnr snniiort. Time rolled on and it was related by Mr. t a!nendments to the F. that he bad taken Cot. O'Conner to "St. throw ourselves upon the grand, fundamen- dutv of everv eovem- tlien. ke&I on3 ?nesay... "where is the Geonre Watson, a colored barher. n V2 v- 1 .tu.n-t. u r-..- 11 m z 1 - ' . In this case4ul"cl "U1e, r f- J"lcf- tempted to ravish Mrs. Johnson, of Burling- on none ot tne re- "t F. -" ton, Vt., last Tuesday night, has been. ad- Constitution. We small man then said, Bo not bp so hasty mitted to bail in $2,000. . ; I ii vou snooi at tnis man now vou mav nurt f ' ' - ' you some ot yt)ur friends." ypu may This small man , A 4- 17'oV.lrMI T nri:. XT- ir i T i 1 1 tcuouB ui vui - i , ., . , . m 'i nf tho jrtrifrinal Pnnatitntinn some or TOur inenus." mg small man I f ' wuam uauuiuu, xiew xwk, rriaay. North Carolina ranks 14th of the States Marys" in Maryland and that his case was " peet ove then took me aside, and toldjme thathe a. little boy died frJ "the effects of over e . ,r, u ,ini,: hnnpW ot the United tates,r yve expect to prove naVolinthlt. hi io, ertion. drillinir and starvation. inhilAnt the existence or an organization nosuie to :",...";- ..V troSni h!m Uo " r tv fVofUnhnn of the United RtateHthe wa iu &iu me, uuu uui iu WUiu iflc. jae I ' ?cfi.o enret orcranization tor the f said he would like very much! to have me nnrnose ot beating and intimidating men :' belong to his company. He said they had ta tron in the New York ki 'VR We learn that the A-frican or gl .oun in Donnlation. New York being the high- "hopeless v : . ., m si " ' i est, or No. 1. In 1790, our State stooa no. ? the property. The property possessed by the unfortun- ate victim consisted of a row of dwelling r ; ! . ; r- , q vircrinia and Pehnsvlvania alone above . arSX usbeWre 1 an, , Kew from voting, at political elections, , as their lately taken an oath in their j Kip to kill The Reason why Doolbt's Yb4st Powdbr is prefered to Vlrmnia York ranked 5th, her populatioa being but house s ' and notes and bonds to a large consciences 'might dictate. We expect to fery man who would swear against them other. Baking Powder inmarket, ard owing' to1 Virginia , ..sj:ono,v, u nnannn kr v v r : U Uhn T?ndnll,-: Rhntwell ftnnnird in the. United States Court 1 These toett. its perfect punty,. quality, quantity, andecon-. ' . rnmmands onIv$l 50 and $1 75 A,, g r,,:":r-:T''-n amount; ' ADese Iacis were .lT&rf hod ot mn accused me of knowing of some traitors to &t: Kredients are stiictiy free." from" 1 . .u.wi-n or North JNortii uarouna. , ; ic xow,-ow .au aa to' the amount no one except mesars iiu, i -r;. i o.arto - t.' m ,h P' e-r busnei, wjjuv mc "6 . , C Molina pea" nut will readilr bring $2 50, or J 75., . ' ' The Raleigh 5eiW seems determined ;to 'icrvp n,e name of'"ku klux organ," or the cia8Sed as follows : Cenrs of the jolly Josiash have rendered him WbitCi i!flnp He attacks Judge Bond; abuses Colored, IVistrict Attorney Phillips, and is so insUlt- Indians, HS that it i very probable the Court may ; obliged to issue a writ imprisoning Mr. T urner.tor coutemptl North Carolina. In 1800, 1810 and 1820 our State ranked No. 4 ; in 1830, No. 5; in 1840, No. 7 ; 1850, lo. 10 ; 1860, No. 12; and 1870, as above stated, No. 14. ' Total population, ,1870,; , 1,071,361 tjyjyAj vm. uivu . t . i jj -r i . 'i . I QftlfttP.rioiia Rubatanf.eR. and hennf- thai fnll fA fho rvcHpncR nt. amps M .'.I natice tor the " v.. j. iuiu wem x uw.uui,. xucv 1 cf1 r oortt, i,f:j j .1. ,i Faster and Mann had any personal knowH DurDose 0f beating and killing him that said that I and several others had to giv.e are uniform eyery time it is used. This can not' rtrre . , the death ot Mr. Justice wasonly prevented up our political views and tfcat tney Had be the case m those of ordinary manufacture, Htl . T4;voof afF Vio4 I and for nroof of our aaRArtinn va ilmnlo'iir. by the mterterence .01 a man irom oouiu , ,-' -' r. --"VK TTSJ . t Carolina, wno, However, oeiongea 10 ims " V , , , " 7 n1 n'Hnnnor relates that, nvercome bv H.. t ; , ' . tt.:i -ii , - States and that, hn' man when thus onotted w5 l. Q V? ,V x?: uroPeJ JPIV, wi. vjvxuuw . tt-, - - Doav oi aesperauoes. uuui an uuiuuma- " j vrr f 7 r uooiey crotner. 678,470-391550 ,1,241 heat and his old wounds, helped by an im- j tioas of this sort are put down we can ex- proper use of liquor, he was butNof his mind j pect nothing but trouble and bloodshed. James M. Justice, ot Kutnenora, ine per- 1,071,361 rc. ail humhnorR:' make-believes and false i. Ami that, he ban been changed pretences ever pal mea on upon a peupie, - . . " be- iora short time, but that for nearly TWO YEARS he has been pertectly sane ! His own statements have not been believed by keepj ers, because of Judge Mann's certificate. about trom .... i -kMtf-inM- - tn iT-At-ntrti ma the shoes now worn by the young women asylum o y ,, riod onrnnv a first VDOsition.! In friends trom neipmg mua. a,Bu oia.ca ill lu - ij . x v V v . - i ? a, . " B I , ..... r i i in waste of raw tnaipy tue jitercso uwmwv material, in a failure to adapt means l the He nas m tne wonuioumm The - same gentleman accompnsomeo ut ucsireu CuUO, 7. i V; 7' ; tiui. iaiDg yumj. , ii -. wmwWfnii nroaressive.? liberateanim. 4 the piefTftnt OUliumg mc xcanij ,. j" v -- 'jr-r."'--T r-. . " . TUf irino- W. absurd tasliion, ana wnue, xney uo wj, luey Frem mt, besiae nou ! utterly destroy all the grace aud elasticity well afad heartl and seems calm jp0his A.. J J amy ,. foot of Orange street, for Messrs. Barry Br op. Z 'iw- supervise of Ale r. Strauz, Esq., architect for Cape ear Bui. Iding Company liberated1 HIS RETDB. Col. O'ConnePjs iabwHn our -city? looking. son upon whom the Ku Klux essayed. to wreak their vengeance, was first called to the stand. j Mr. J Justice, being sworn, testified as follows : 1 "My name is James M. Justice. I am a member ot the Legislature of this State. I was elected as a Republican.' Hon. A. H, Jones was a candidate for Congress in mv district. He is a Republican. I advocated the election of Mr. Jones. On Sunday night, 11th of last June, I was attacked m the after Part of the night. At that time I did could ever escape. They then tried to make 1 New. York. me promise to meet them at a place called cow-pen battle ground, nearKings m6un tain, in South Carolina, or at an old Smith shop near Rutherfordton. This I would Manufacturers, 69 New Bf, 1. FAVORITE FLOUR not agree to do. They then let me go. On k BARRELS OF THAT CELEBRATED reaching "home I found my house deserted OU : ; " by my family. I thought that I recognized FLOUR, just received by steamer .Volunteer, . among these men Randolph Shotwell-by and for ftalelow by . -. .i . his size and voice. I think it was his voice CHAS. D. MYERS & CO.,' 7 North Front street sept 20.-: '3 a .' t ;133" that called out "this is the way in the di rection of the Star . office." I thought I recognized the clothes I had seen Shotwell wear. I also thought P. A.! Shotwell was present. I knew only one rnan positively, and his name was John Good. I think 1 Wm.' Webster was in the crowd : also, Wm. Canned Fruits, Vegetables, r 1 not apprehend anything of the sort; was mano T hnhr r vn Mr TonnprKv sleeping in uijucu.uuu., his way of standing. He has a very pecu- jiir nn fho Aft. nf thfi main entrance to-1 .. v . .1 rm, . of a true woman's walk, all the poetry of misfortunes enough to craze a sane man- to be started at Raleigh is woman's movements in the parlor or on the looking after the fragments of his once;Uhe buildings occupied by a druggist. I but who are not in the bill of indictment.! diately on?;tne lew 01 me mam Uar way of poising his body. The witness my 11 u use. jluc uioiu wjj nuuiv j is in the second story the lower 250 CASES ' BRANDY PEACHES, COVE Oysters, Preserves, Jellies, Pickles,- Iiava n r r n nnrnKoii r-f 1 TinroAna tzrlinm ho I -r t . i x 1 1 .1... Ak.i. Uitlt Ul I i j c i ni-incD1 Vi a ropnnrni "70(1 Kir their vnirps 14 . ' 'if f "rt -- or: . . mt rtanpr . . ld n w the editorial charge of Major street, and all the comfort and ease which goodly estate. Wmft formerly editor oi tue e- nature, auacnes 10 uiuuuua Win. A. 1 coram. M North n. wliaaian Weekly and the fol- iS. fl. expects to revive his bid operations. A heel three inches high islwt The Hiilboro Recorder contains onri to start wuu aunntnrai nee wunci k uivicoac vi,HOWiug-qucBuuu9. ; , uuu - --- 1 i " ' t. oi. .ii : .iff- A Question.- Have we led you wrong? Havejwe, advised : you ; : wrong I WaS aWOKe IU1 UJgUl uj a uciucuuuur crash upon my door, and a firing of pistols and guns. I suspiciohed the trouble, and jumpe;d out of bed. As Igot up, two per sons passed into my room. I got behind mv bed, fearing these men came to do vio- lence.! a Heard a man say, -ligut a maiuu. tnen BOOKS,' MAGAZINES, &c. Every Saturday excells in fine i pic tures and choice. storie3. The last numj has a mcture or Oharles UicKera as Spiced Oysters, &c Tor sale by : , CHA8. D. "MYERS & CO.', 7 North Front street. sept' 20 ' v f 13J bad tor the lentil- Adverttisi NG that all. th( so which requires who from AGHCi8.-:MIt is ;a. tact business and Captain Bobadell," is worth the subscrip tion price. : , t ' -: -j. ; v.V' t Warner s Weekly, besides a likeness ot vn'mi.Weeklv. afterwards to height it adds monstrosity of movementj bemeredin to.a'J r-r r r -- liWA o 2 Think n th. tbne when the Instant y-a . gnt was proauceu. i. ..,.1 .... tnrhrtiug (which win oe thro8 the body iorwara w .cuuiuuiu ;7hi - , w. n . two men standing near my bed, very WKIUWt6;OUl' - S .. , A. ..i:S!.i .f.-JJnt h-tlP.th thfl W "We 6.vii"u, - " N iooJ TholV fftP. went ftftV. iiseii-OTnrtuv--i'"r.''. i 1 eTeI1 our biggest men were breatn less And surangeij y.BS. , .. ;n.f.n .nrl lMd tn aiich self 1 t:L wvh-h Wed with something red, and the mouths tottu&nd tdtrfctoe-..wwja W detUlrt'ta'-fet dadog- to derai':' ttemi ?!ij!!lf?w w3h M-thodtot .lMdwp Ame. hii" choice ttorict cul.Mo the fair creatures If the, Were.bnt "r"" ffiScWftnSud -Oh.you choice "cuts" (by NastJ the "Ring" rob to seeJithemselves as others see them ,10 ' ftTi&bt ? Did wooredict riffbt really gracelul; object in nature; is ever sH ha'tit would lead .to? Say? Now be- other said changed lor the worse, as a iasnionu 'Vour weiiare. noi lorioeffooa ijuc Mio&avv. - -i i "-,' - - s . i ' . e Knew tne end ; 8iruuiw ua . boiwi. r-, ;- glc ., rne reuiuus cicviuo Mj-vw..i sr. gars. 8 CA AAA SEGABS, OF: ALL. TH JTAVUii . du.yuu ner8ms aoiu-a advertisint?. extensiv " r. e:mode ot coveting ... able to arrive a t a close appi'0 the results produced by each 1' tfa vestment ic. Ibis way, - are universal opinion thr tt better contracts canbe secu. . through a wel Vestablished advertising agen-' cy like th, it of Geo. p! Rdwell & Co., New; York, tha n can obtained trom publishers direct, nh matter how familiar with rates and -par lerav the advertiser may, be. It stands t , reasonfth at an agency cof pattona, ;e to the ex tent of from fifty tcromi hnndrp.il thnnc.nri d ollars per month sbouia be able to secure if be accoi ded tetany m ere wTSJ) e omi t entirely the benefits which they must derive from thei: extensive eP1 'tnct. " ... fame, f We woman in her panniers and high-heeled We. wrote for yn shoes.fThatmincing:tread, aaif ahe -were -rVr hnt trmte bars, and that tor I T5:i-" :cai:. ... n.M f mv bhlv chance to awaKe tne citizens, x w- " ...... J v.V' rlnwn hv a tlistol and 4.w f lianiAv at the same ume s w- .anH finr mnsir.ien.ca toia us we; m i""" .uww.v. - r , ITE BRANDS IN MARKET, justreceived and ; . -"',! ... .j ' , forealeby , , ;, .,'.,; CHAS. P. MYERS & CO.'- Jl. . : Dealers in Family Supplies,' t'.s. 7 North Front street. -; sept 20 - , -...33. T THE SUFFERING. The Rev. William H. tfortorr, while reslcfing i in Brazil as a Missionary, discovered int that land of medicines a remedy iot ' COKBCia-rro; Scbotula, 8oas . Theoat, ' Cottons. ' rCexnsj Asthma, and Njesvous WjUsjixss. i Tjua remi! fQXbreast an4 ah'cxaggeratesd t bustlesufi. pd in giving her the shape ot an anlmafr if! I nosa us we intended to so ahead. And ceeds w SIV1S k.U0.D"0 went. Didn't wf Yea, verily. .The in ed and by no means ornamental p te next crisis believe us eincere when we f . uee, become deformed by bun- advise you and ? fight the issues. Believe . LiinVitie and defprmed joints, as a that we atestrong Southern as yourselves, ions, callosiUe. a u v - f Tca have lost more blood thtn many of the punishment fiwMW-W'J vl0I-Jj"1". carcasses that availed ns contain. Believe thelaws of nature; ; Jet woman absolve ja And never again be so rash.asto t, Moif from the slavery fashion, before tbus "8imply because he is cool in berseii nf her oolitr his sneech while you are red hot aha a heat- she demanai a '-6" I , ical pmiicii. . . . - - t "Tilt I JOiJaA M'M wv I .-"I. - T . Tim ontornnsmor hnilSfi OI JJlCK dES JCltZ-i . ' . . X ' jts ' ' ' . . " '-i' . t j Si J 1. - 1 mea ofniplr m mv Side. 1 naTul V Know lly nf I ... 1 Mtinni' v i . ... ' ' ' were r-ana in nut anu ugCia - - - fit .rgthinw t was drak- Seraia nas Bcni U3.Beveri failed. Anu we s-';r; t- . - r , vT fruo- hrt like fnttnV stories sbouid DUV . Wlhtn?i sed down. Juy wue was la. iw "w . s - . , . ."v . . . -k when these parties entered. I told her not "Snip Snap," and those who want to learn the receipe for preparing and usmtlustemedy , tospeafc She diJ not They demanded FrencbineTer so short a time,' should pur-- to all who desire1 it FBEE OF CHARGE. Wishing to benefit the suffering, fl trill send! chase "French Self Taught,"; for twenty-five; me to give jap my pistou a ww, xp9 in & drawer in mv room. It was rain.- inr verv hard. ' I had nothing on but my cents. ahirtt me cooi ram somewnai. Mann j0m sendS us a neat wue usnu- It rained very hard,' and Uhe osimial inTentors and those wanting to lightning revealed to me a large number of w :; ; men disgmted; Two men seized me and tknow about patent laws. Please send an envelooe. with your name and address on it ', v Address,' 9 ; r - rl Rpv. WILLIAM H. XlQRTON. . l 670 Broadway,, New Xk City. ' 4 4-' 2J'--- . 4 4 t' i -

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