THE' W!mJING-TOfl POST. 3YILMINGTON, N. C., SEETEMBER 20;?1871. T71LII1NGT0N r MARKET. ! , it &i cents t? gallon for country packages. TURPENTINE Sales of 20 bbls, . at $2 60 for hard,' $4 CQ ror yeilpw dip,- and 14 60 for virgin, $2S01bi. , BO SIN 8ales of 1,968 bbls. at $2 S5 for fj joined, $2 SO for No. 2, $5 50 for No. 1, and 15 60 for Pale. , ; , ,i COTTON Sales of 1 bale at IS cents; and 86 bales at 181 cents $ lb. " TAR Sales of 50 bbls. at 12 15. 'WHOLESALE PRICES BXXSWAX. iScantling. . . 15 0020 00 P 2530 White pTne.OO 0000 00 BXXr OJlTTLX. 9 too tts..ooeooooo $ bbl;." 130140 molasses, , gallon. - BABBSLS. Bnts.T.. new Cuba hhd. , . . , t 0000 do tierce... i 0000 do bbl.....' - 00 2d hand. do.. 2 15 2 75 . BAGOIBO. . r Gunny.......... 2324 Dundee........ 0033 Rope........... ?10 BBICKS. I - 8yrup..,i....i.60l;00 Sugar House. . . . .lAj(g38 NAILS, IB. ? , 5 . Cat...;.;, ..15 005 50 Wrought .... .1 007 50 . k oils, $ gallon, f V M.......$8 00O12 00 cor JIB. Tbi Rosin . . . .". .-. . $0 400 50 Java,..V.i..;...2628 Lard......... 1752 00 Laeuvra ........19 3i Kerosene.... ; 40 42 Rl5........ 16il8 Linseed 351 40 St. Domingo.... 18 19HFitch ....... 0 002 25 PIANUTS. ' flperm.. 1 5055 bushel 2 753 60 potatoes; bbl. i Adamantine. . ... 18 TaUow.......... ia15 domestics, yard, flaeeting, 44. . . . .9i12 Irish bbL....J504 00 Sweet, bush.. 0 75 1 00 "PROVISIONS, H. Bacon, N. C ish, $ bbl. . Hams.......... Middlings... '.I. , Shoulders., k..-. Hog round...... Bacon. Western 18 11 9 1 Jak bblfl.$5 00(310 (X) Plat do..5 00 6 00 Uaekerel i , v :? Ho.libbll5 0000 00 Wo. 2bhl..9.00 - 00 ides... Ss9 Shoulders : . . 8 10 'Hams (3118 Uo.S.....ll0012 00 Kits.......604 50i Pork, bbl. Herring, Hova Bcotia bbs....... 8O0 900 Herring; smoked city m'ss 15 ouio oo Thin " 33 0024 00 Prime.... 23 0025 0Q v boxes...... 50 -50' Rump . . . , 21 0023 00 Codfish'....- 8 10 Beef i bbl. 13 5014 00 N. C. Roe . .0 0000 00 Butter, H. - Country. . .. . .. .3540 . Goshen . . .3o00 Western. 3338 Cheese, i -i floub. w bbht Exramlly.9 0 1150 Super ....... 6 00 6 50 Fine......:: 6 50 000 . a&iiK, $ bushel. Corn, North.. 98L00i Jj'actory ...... U Corn, Eas Co. 0 090 00 Lard, ft. cats......... ea&fio 75 N. Carolina.... 1920 Northern . . . . 1213 ONIONS. - i bbl. ....... 4 000 00 SUGAR, ft. Peas 1 10120 Rice, rough.. 1 753 00 Rice, CaroUna. 8i09 S.-1. 'rice; 00 00 GLOT, V ft.... 18 20 Cuba 1012 Crushed 14 i00. Porto Rico...,. 1300 QVmr HAG3, . ..30 Quxko, Peruvian, i ton. . .$90000000 A Cofiee. 13i14 Ex. C.......... 13l!i C 1300 Mavassa..65 0075 00 k ' v HAT. , Easteni.i 801 50 Havana Brown. 10 00 Northern.... 1 30140; salt, sack. i HIDXS. jLiverpool, from Oreen 912 ! store.;.. $1 40150 Dry.... ... 1820iAlum, bush 1 7500 iron, ft. i soap, ft. i Brown. . . . . . ; .. . . .5i(a8 SHINGLES, M. .!. English, ass'd 8 American,' ref.O American, sheer...... ..9 8wede...:.i.l0 10 10 Common.... 2 75 50 10 12 Contract...;. 5 008 00 timber. i Hoop, ton, ,100110 O.IQD0R1, Q gallon. Brandy Shipping... 10 001 'A)0 Mill prime. . .t 5U a uu MLU1 fair. . . ...6 7o- 0 00 r French, lli 00(312 00 Mill ord'y.. 4 50 0 00 Apple, JMU. Z 'ttSUU TOBACCO. .. Peach . . '..3 003 50 Whiskey . Navy . . ........ 0000 Medium. . . . . . ... 0000 Manufactured. 0000 Bourbon.. 120 4 00 N. E Ruml 75 2 00 TALLOW. $ ft....,.....1012i wood, $ cord, i Oak.........$3 003 50 LUMBER. RIVER, 99 M. Widebds:.12 0015 00 dcaatling.; .150020 00 Floorings, W30 00 Ash , 2 753 CO 2 753 00 flooring Mill tine Rongh....21()02200 . i Land Plaster, Dressed. .. 20 0035 001$ ton. ....... 810 i ; DIRECTORY. n city Government. Mayor SilaV N. Martin, office City Hall. Marshal Wm. P. Canadat, office Citv Hall. Clerk and Treasurer T. C. Servoss County Commisioners. 8. N. Martin, Chairman ; A. R, Black, E. M. Shoxmakxr, J, C. Heyer, Jaues A. . Lower y. Odd Fellows. ! .dape Fear Lodge No 2 meets every Tuesday evening. " ' : A. J. Yopp, N. (. Jno. C. Wood, Secretary. j Hibernian Benevolent Society.' John Dawson: President . 1 B Qranqeb, Vice-President James Reilly, Secretary John Fitzgerald, Assistant secretary , Lso Brown, Treasurer j "'' Temperance. ' ,i i Mt. Olivet Council No, 9, F. of T., meets every Friday evening. GBEPrira J. McRee, Pres. 4 Jas. Kino, Secretary. V ' ' Masonic. . St. J ohtfs Lodge NO. li meet last Thursday in each month.;, H. H. Munson, W. M. W. M. Poisson, Sec'y. ; Concord Chapter No. lf meet third Monday in each month. . C. M. VanOrsdell.H. P. rrODBAM, Sec'y; ' 4 i ' - h 1 i 'Wilmington Council No. 4, meet first Wednes day in each month, v r; .u ., Thos. B. Carr, T. I. G. M. S. D. Wallace, Recorder. ; f Knights of Pythias. Stonewall Lodge, No. 1, meets every Monday evening. , , ' , Wm. M. Poisson, IV. C. ; Jaspsb Bishop, 2i S. Clarendon Lodge, No. 2, meets every Friday evening." John London, W. C. W. H. Gbbksn, B. a. n " ; - , j pogrupnicai . i Wilmington - Typographical Union, j No. 82 meets the first Friday in each month. 1 - W. M. Hats, President. 8. G. Hall, Secretary. i . St. George and St. Andrew. Meets second Monday in each month. - . Aebx. Spbunt, President. ' Geo. D. Flack, Jk., Secretary 7": " . . . ... ' . ' r Hw J.-SAYERS, I ncA t en in nn ai cot ate i WW . i' Buys and sells improved and unimproved lands t anywhere in theJJnited States. 123-4w i - ... THE FREAK COMPOSITION STONE. Tot house fronts, docks, piers, culverts, walls, fountains and all building purposes; harder, mote durable, and 109 per cent, cheaper than natural stone. For supply of same, or right of manufacture, for counties or States, apply to CHAS. W. DARLING, Secretary, N. I. Yrear Stone Co., 1,238 Broadway, N.L, 4 : r:- r: : v ' - '133rlw AGENT8LOOK I $3. to $20. Per Day. Easy, genteel & nrofitable business. A little Novelty which everybody wants. SUCCESS SURE. Send' for circulars. Churchill & Tern pteton, ManuTs, 615 B'dway, N. T. ' 112-4 THIS IS NO HUMBUG! " ' or; 1 f .By sending QU CENTS with age, . height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, Jay return maii; a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage; Address W. FOX, t P. Q. Drawer No. 24, Fultontille, N. . n4w $5 -H n n t , p n e p u y1 $5 SEWING MHINE. , AO . 112.50 clear profit per day. $75.00 per week. $300 per month made easy by any Lady or Gen tleman introducing this Genuine and Original Old Favorite. With its many hew and practi cal additions, making the most complete com bination of valuable and : useful ; improvements ever effected in any one machine. The emv bodiment of extreme simplicity, efficiency and ntilityV entirely different in model and ; design trom any low priced machine - It is the most serviceable, elegart and reliable Family Sewing Machine ever invented, gives perfect satisfaction 1 i"ne object of The Aldine is to furnish a medi wherever introduced. . Has received Premiums. I m -whirh Rhall be a fit extonent of proeressi Stood the test of 10 years: and is fully approved of by every family fwho have them , in mse. Is arts; The latest and most improved machinery,! Sheep, Swine or Poultry. This makes it a very noiseless, snakes the strong and beautiful Elas- and the very' highest order of mechanical and valuable work for reference, and an almost in tic Lock! Stitch, with wonderful rapidity and artistic talent shall be taxed to the utmost to dispensable companion to all interested in i certaintv. Sews anything needle will so I through from the finest to the thickest fabric firm and neat, with ease. Uses all kinds of sill or thread direct from the spool ; is Improved - W - with hew self-acting feed, spring tension, self- guider ana uses ine aajusiaDie sirwgni nepoie, Dernendicular motion, with powerful lever ac tion.- Possesses all the good qualities of the best high priced machines condensed, without their complications or r fault. c Samples of sew ing sent free on receipt oi stamp. fox cerun cates, ; &c, see descriptive pamphlets,; ; mailed free. A thorough practical, sewing machine lor family us. "Tribune." 1 A very strong and re liable machine, at a low price. "Standard.! This beautiful sewing machine.', is one or the most ingenious pieces of mechanism ever in vented. "DerruKratf' Ga. Worth many times its cost to any family. 42V. T. Weekly?1 It is quite a new machine ..with Jts- many late , im provements, and sews with astonishing ease, rapidity i and- neatness; "Xtepublicari," N. Yi Single machines, as samples, selected with care, for family use, with everything complete,' sent to any part of the country per express. packed in strong wooden dox, tree, on receipt or price, f5.00. Bale delivery ol goods guaranteed. For ward cash by registered letters, or P. O. ,mony order, at our risk. Agents wanted, male ! or fe? male, everywhere. JNew pamphlets containing extra liberal inducements, sent free. . Address family Hewing machine uo. Office 86 Nassau-Street New York, j r sept 18 v v 39-ly Scientific Aniens For 1871. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. This splendid weekly, greatly i enlarged and improved, is one of the most useful and in teresting journals ever published. Every num ber, is beautifully printed on fine paper, ; and elegantly illustrated with original engravings, representing New Inventions; Novelties in Mechanics, Manufactures, Chemistry, Photo graphy, Architecture, Agriculture, Engineering, Science and Art. Farmers, Mechanics, Inventors, Engineers, Chemists, Manufacturers, and People of all Professions or Trades, will find the. Scientific -meriosiii OF ..GREAT VALUE AND INTEREST. Its practical suggestions will save hun dreds of dollars to every Household, Workshop, and Factory in the land, besides affording a Con tinual Source of Valuable Instruction. The Editors are assisted i by many of the ablest American and European Writers, aud having access to all the leading Scientific and Mechan ical Journals of the world, the columns of the Scientific American are constantly enriched with the choicest Information. $ An OFFICIAL LIST of all the Patents Is sued is Published Weekly j ThelTearly Numbers of the Scientific American maite Two Splendid Volumes of-, nearly One Thousand Pages, equivalent in size to FOUR THO USAND ORDINARY BOOK PAGES. Specimen Copies sent free. ! TERMS $3 a Year ; $1 .50 Hall Year ; 'Clubs of Ten Copies for One Year,. v - at $250 each, $25.00, :' i With a SPLENDID PREMIUM to the person who forms the Club, consisting of a copy of the celebrated Steel Plate Engraving:, f Men of Pro gress. . ' . In connection with the publication of the Scientific American, thenndersigned conduct the most extensive Agency in the world tor procuring PATENTS. . - . The best way to obtain an answer to the question Can I obtain a Patent ? 7 is to write to Munn & Co., 37 Park Row, -N..T., who have had over Twentyfive Tears Experience in the business. No charge is . made for opinion and advice! A pen-and-ink Sketch, of full written description of the Invention, should be sent. I For 'Instructions concerning American and European Patents Caveats Re-issue Inter ferences Rejected 4 Cases Hints on Selling: Patents Rules and Proceedings of the Patent Office The New Patent Laws Examinations Extensions Infringements, etc., etc., ; send for INSTRUCTION-BOOK, which will be mailed free, on application. All business strictly con fidential. Address, ,:: ; MUNN & CO., Publishers of the Scientific American, ' . 37 Park Row, New York. ; dec 11 M 63 The Best Story, of him vho is the bes of Living Story Writers," according to the critics, is WILFRID CUMDERMEDE, By GEORGE MACDOX4LD, V THE GRAND SERIAL STORY OF Scribner's . Monthly, Ail Illustrated Magazine for the People, Which is pronounced by the People" and the Press "The Best, the most Beauiiiul, and the Cheapest Magazine in fc America," both as re gards Beauty of Illustration, and the Freshness and Brilliancy of its Contents. The Magazine is conducted by J. G. Holland, the Popular Author, whose charming Essays under the nom de plume of Timothy Titcom b, and whose Poems', ."Kathrina" and "Bitter Sweet," nave delignted thousands, and whose trenchant articles in Scribner's Monthly, under the title "Topics of the Time," which will be continued every month, have been more widely copied and read than any series ot similar arti cles ever published in this country A SPLENDID OFFER! , : The subscription price of the ! Magazine is only $3 a year, but to supply the unprecedented demand lorMacdonald's Story, we offer to send the Magazine for 1871, with the two back Num bers containing the beginning of the Story together with two handsome coyers, in freen cloth with gilt backs, for binding the Magazine, for $4.00; The cover will' be sent post-paid. The 14 Nos, will contain about 1600 pages, and will make two Elegantly Dlustrated Volumeb. jTo those who have already subscribed we wi send the Cover ahd two numbers of the Maga zine on receipt 01 i.uu, so as to give them the -Detent 01 this very liberal otter. CANVASSERS WANTED, To whom .liberal Commissions will be paid. A Specimen Number will be sent. oost-Ti&iir to any address, on receipt of 25 cents. Checks received on any Bank in the U. S. Money at sender's risk. -. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS DEALERS. I New8papers inserting this advertisement and sending us two full paid subscribers, will re ceive a third copy for one year. : SCRIBNEB $iCO., j 654 Broadway, New Tork. leb .2 ,; , 1 ;, r ,:, , ; , . ,J., ' , 78-12t ; XEWSAjLOON. G AURA WAY A CLEApOR, SUCCESSORS to Elvin Artis, hereby informs their friends generally that they have opened in the a k -Saloon under the Purcell House, - and will be glad to serve them, at reduced rates : Hair Cutting, 85 cents ; Shaving, 15 cts. . . I ;- . JAS. H. CARRAWAT, 4 CHAS. E. CLEAPOR. ! uly 24 . ' . - 23-tf : BEAFNESS1, CATARRH.. SCROFULA: A lady who had suffered for years from Deaf ness, Catarrh and Scrofula, was cured by a sim ple remedy. , Her sympathy and gratitude prompts her to. send the receipts free of charge to any one similarly afflicted, Addr&s Mrs. 0. M. Liogstt, Jersey City, N.J, : 9Ww PUOSPECTUS FOR 18711 ; ; FOURTH YEAR. Size of Page Changed, and Attractions vast . ly Increased. I THE A L DINE; j An Illustiate'd Monthlv Journal of 16'; pages claimed to be the handsomest Paper in the WorlcL t 1 "Give my love to the artist workman f of Jlldine who are striving to make their profession worthy of admiration for beauty, as it has al wavs been for usefulness." Henry Wavd Batch er. . . and of the beautiful in Printing and the kindred, I to nrrwWfi a Rhppt as neai-lv as possible perfect I tionahle. no trains will be spared to keep the I VUMV VUV K f mm WW - ; "All literary matter, original and selected, equal to the best. . ' i ' " . The unequaled excellence oi ine vy oou-uu. Illustrations published in tne pages oi -f " 1 dine has elicited the commenaauon oi uie f-u-; ropean as weu as xne " IU1U uw in thehistorv of Illnstrated Journalism, Durinsr the ensuinsr vear the -Dublishers will present to the patrons of The Aldinet the rarest specimens from the pencils and gravers, or tne foremost artists of the world : and; while the illustrations may be counted by scores, the vol ume shall contain nothing that is not -or penna nent value as a work Of art. ; i 4 i i V The experience of the tast vear demonstrates that there are ; many persons throughout the country whose cultivated taste in matters liter ary and artistic lead them to a peculiar tappre ciation of this enterprise, and the publishers appeal to that class for the active-sympathy and financial support so necessary to success, and to a full realization of the proposed scope and usefulness of The Aldine. Let each well-wisher send in at least one subscription, and influence others to do likewise. TERMS: One Copy, four months. ................ 1 4 . $1 00 One Copy, one year,.'. 53 50 Five Copies. " 8 75 Specimen copies, by Mail, post-paid, 25c. The publishers will send free the beautiful oil enromo "UUUJi.8, as i A PREMIUM TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER who remits $2.50 for one yearns subscription. and, in addition, will send the wonderful Christ mas Number, printed in colors, and containing over fifty illustrations, to all whose remittance is received before the edition is exhausted. Special ' Prospectus and Circular to those wishing to canvass, or get up clubs will be mail ed on application. Our premiums embrace only articles of the very highest merit of art or work manship, many of which are offered by no other paper. Steinway, Webe andChickering'Pianos; Mason & Hamlin's, Smith's, and Estey's Parlor Organs, and The aldine Watch, in gold and silver cases, made expressly for us by the Amer ican Watch Co., of Waltham, Chromos, Rogers' Statuettes, Works Illustrated by Dore, &c. Or, liberal CASH DISCOUNTS to all who interest themselves in getting subscribers for The Aldine. fiend lor Circular. JAMES SUTTON & CO., i 1 ! Publishers, No 23 Liberty Street, New York, , CHARLES A. DANA, "ditor. Sbe DoUav fclthj fun. A Newspaper ot the Present Times. Intended for People Now on Earth. Including Farmers. Mechanics. Merchants, Pro fessional Men, Workers, Thinkers, and all Mam ner of Honest Folks, and the Wives, Sons, and Dannhtersof all such. j ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEA It X ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR $50, Or less than One Cent a Copy- Let there be a $50 Club at every Post Office. SE3II,VEEKLY SUN, $2 A YEAR, of the same Blzo and general character as THE WEEKLY, but with a Rreater variety of miscellaneous readme, and furnishing the news to its subscriber with greater freshness, because It comes twice a week Instead of once only . TAB DAILY SUN, $6 A YEAR. ! A preeminently readable newspaper, with the largest circulation an the world. Free, inde pendent, and fearless In politics. All the news from everywhere. Two cents a copy ; by mail, 50 cents a month, or $0- a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. Fiv copies, one year, separately addressed Four Dollars. Ten copies, one year, senaratciy addressed (and an extra copy to the getter up of club V . i Eight Dollars. Twenty copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to the setter .up of cinb). Fifteen Dollar. Fifty copies, one year to one address land the &enn-eeiEiy one year jsener up or club), Th?-ty-threo Dollars. Fifty copies, one year. ?ejrjfrately addressed (and the Semi-Weekly one vejurto eetter up of club), Thirty-five. Dollars. one hundred copies, on' year, to one address (ana the Dally for one year to the cetter up of "j nny Dollars. One hundred conies, ono. venr. aonnrnteiv. ad dressed (and the Daily lor one year to the fretter upuiwu, sixty liollars. THE.. SEMI-WEEKLY SUN. Five copies, one year, separately addressed. Eight Dollars. Ten copies, one year, separately addressed (and an extra copy to getter up of cinb), . Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOVlt MONEY 1? umco oraers, cnecbs. or drafts "on Ke, bfflc orF,.wnerever convenient. If not, tnen register the letters containing money. Address j I. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, 4 x Bun fflce. New York City I Quarantine:-Notice THF FOLLOWING QUARANTINE REGU Xlations,will be in force from and after June 1st, 1871: fSh;, Ct4 . 6 '1st. All4 vessels , "from Ports South of Care Fear, will come, to at the visitins: station hear Deep Water fplnt, and await the Inspection of ine quarantine rnysician. 2d. All vessels having: sickness on board on arrival, or liaving had sickness' during the voy age, are'required to come to the station for in spection," without regard to the Port from whence they sailed. f 3d. Vessels not included as above will proceed 10 n ummgion wiinout detention.- 4th. Pilots are especiallv enioined to make careful enquiry, and if not satisfied with the statements of the Captain, or if the vessel is in a Tiltny condiuon, they will -; bring; the vessel to the station f or further examination. 5th. Pilots wilfully violating, the Quarantine laws arcsuojeci 10 ioneuure or their branch, Masters of vessels to a fine of ' two hundred dol lars a daydr every day thev violate the Onaran- tine laws ; and all other persons are liable for eacu ana every onence. - bth. All vessels subject to visitation under these regulations will set a flag in the main rig ging port aide. , 1 1 t ) - ; " ' i I . W. G; CURTIS, O '. Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, maj 21 , rA . LANDS. LANDS. LANDS. A if f ARTIES HAVING TRACTSSOF x a. iana ior sale may, find a market for ' the same by applying to the editor - of the "Post " Persons wishing to sell will please send descrip- 7 1 CHARLES L GRADY, I I ? Office uPost,,? ' f.v57 - Wilmlngten, N. C. 1.b27 855-tf OVEK 400 PjLcES OF READING ? MA TTERf FOR ONE DoU LAR I fj ,v : v USTKA- 40 large double column pages, filled with original mat ter from the" ablest writers In the country, on FARMING, s. ' aAu ?V vJ STOCK' BREEDING .v' t : ;,WOOL GROWING, I ; dairying, -.r - ." V . POULTRY KEEPING. &c, Bound in handsomely tinted covers.' .It has a veterinary t-is en artmcnt r under the charge of one of the ablest Professors in the United States, who answers through the J frse of charge, all questions relating Sick,. Injured or Diseased: Horses,1 Cattle, stock - breedind. The Snlendid inducements offered to Aircnts and : I I ' , - -: f ' r iPreiMnBiato"Bu6sc 1 !: make U to the. interest ' of every Parmer and gtock Bree4cr to extend its circulation. Send 8tamp for Specimen copy and i t c i I yiwrated Show "Rill ahd Prftminm TJst. Get m a Club and obtain one of the manv vain- White, Berkshire, Suffolk, Maggie and Essex Pigs, Short-Alderney, . Ayrshire and - Devon Calves, Southdown, Cotswold and Merino Sheep Cashmere Goats, Pure-Bred Poultry, Norway Oats, Seeds, f Agricultural Implements, Pianos, Watches; 8ilver Ware, Books, &c, &c. ? Speci men copies sent free. Address, ; i i in r ttuxisK w. ruDiisners, s ;- Parke8burg, Chester Co, Pa : deel V , , . - , 60 ! BARREL MACHINERY. WELCH'S PATENT BARREL MACHINES for tight and slack work, will make bar rels of every description, such as ' , Whiskey, Iiard, ; ' ".' I V ' Ileel, Pork, ? f' Molasses Beer, ! Flour, Turpentine . . 1 .and Oil Barrels These machines will make barrels from either rived or sawed staves, and produce them in the most perfect and beautiful style, as , well as stronger and better than those made by hand and at a deduction of about one-nan or tne .cost of labor, - - - ' MACHINES FOR CUTTING STATES -j -i i: r v,n-nle fW. ,o1o combining ail tne latest and Desi improvement The Barrel Machinery can be seen in operation at the St. Louis Barrel Works, probably the most extensive and complete in its line in the United States. " For machines and patent rights address i PETER WELCH, St. Louis Barrel Works, St. Louis, Mo, , Send for Descriptive' Circulars. 1 aug 7 27-tl ; 1 1 ' . .' K,,. ' ' " ' ' PENSIONS FOR SOLDIERS AND WIDOWS OF THE WAR OF 1812 A LAW HAS JUST PASSED CONGRESS granting pension to Soldiers and Sailors of tne war of 18153. The act authorizes the placing on the Pension Roll all surviving officers, enlist ed and drafted men, militia and volunteers, oi the Military or naval service of the United States who sewed a period ol sixty days in the war oi 18155. Also other .officers named personally in any resolution ot uongress who served less than 60 days. Those who during the late war adhered to the cause of the enemies of the united States Gov ernment forfeit their pensions. All applicants are required to take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States. The surviving Widows of all such Officers, Soldiers, &c.,- are entitled to pensions, provided they were married belore the treaty of peace which terminated the war of 1812, (Feb, 17th 1815,) and have not since ue-married The amount allowed is S.U0 per month, to commence from the time ttie act passed, (Feb, 14th, 1871,) and continue during the pensioner's life. Having paid the special tax required by the Department, and qufialied myself as Claim Agent I am ready to collect these pensions for those to whom they are due. at very 6mall expDse "to them. No pay required until collection is made. The necessary Blanks lor application will be sent to any one entitled to pension If or clanks or information enclose stamp to J. A. J,ONES, Attorney and Solicitor of Claims, Raliegh, N. C. march 26 93-tf I MlOTOGK.il9 IMS I j No. 34 MARKET STREET, NNOUNCES TO THE PUBLIC THAT HE La5 received'a larc addition to his stock of INSTRUMEllTS AND MATERIAL, For taking Photographs. And that his ISTew Lenses Will make largest pictures in the finest style. Let all who want CHEAP AND HANSOME WORK Give him a call. I CARTE V1SITES, . FEREOTYPES and MINIATURES, n the latest style, april 6 ' 96-tf FURNITURE. F. A; SCHUTTE, No. 4 & 5 lAmntV Block, SOUTH FRONT STREET, : - DEALER IN V . FURNITURE, VIND0W SHADES, iMCsu-ttfesseSi ! , PApER HAmNGS, PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, TASSELS, NAILS, de. Having just received a fall supply of Fftr JEi isr 1 rr xj Se' I am prepared to offer to the public as good bar gains as can be' had in the city. j ' PLEASE april 6. CALL AND EXAMINE. SCHOOL. BOOKS. npE ACHERS AND PARENTS ARE RESPECT X fully invited to examine, my assortment oi BUHOOL. BOOJS.8 and SCHOOL STATIONERY which is now very complete. " ; , - 1 V.W'L i',:-", - JOHND,LOVEv;; oct3d r 313-tf . I Perfection. The nearest approach : to perfection, i in arti cles designed for kitchen use. la that of Dool, ex's Yxast Powdbb, now generally recognized as the most economical and reliable Pabir, Powder in the country. No housekeeper Should' ihs wituuut it.. , ao Bccompusn tne same results it requires but one-half or two-thirds the quan tity that it H necessary to use of other Baking Powders; while uniform success in making rolls ui, uittij, imanj, c, is guaranteed. Recommended solely onts merits. Doouet & BioTHJEB, Manufacturers, 69 New St. i or, jb or sue dy au urocers. v AU LAIiGE. UAWDaOAIlILy - ILL XL . ted Monthly, containing 52. to -,, ; or? lAnniAG b : ' - '' 4- Ori TCVTT-a ' AnnftKAJi which interierewiia MAKHIAGE, andruin te' happiness.of tiious-: anda. with nra mean of relief for the Erring and Unfortunate, diseased ana aepmwea. oeui, in Beaied letter envelopes, ireu ui "kc-" dress HOVVA141J ASSUUlAliUA1", -wu. s dumuiu St., Philadelphia, Pa: sept2.-' ! I 130m f : r. -; ,;,;..,, notice, ,):,, ,,, rpHE CITIZENS OF a WILMINGTONvAND JL- surrounding country are hereby informed that we are stiU in the Mason Business; doing aomg i t ap- I Plastering, Stuccoing, &c, in the most proved manner. Prompt attention given to com- mnntpsit.innit from the conntrv. -Address . HUGHES & BROTHER, P. O. Box 305," ' . , Wilmington, N. C. ,'june ?5. .-' M s , j 119-tf WANTED. on nnn pounds tu yv UUU CURED MOSS. - 9 ' ' D. A. SMITH, ' - y South Front1 Street. july23 V'iJ'-- . 124-tf .MISCELLANEOUS. Is now regarded as the STANDARD BAKING POW-:' DEB. ana tne nest arucie preparw jot anuuug iignt, wholesome .and deUcious .BISCUITS, 0LLS BREAD, GRIDDLE and other CAKES, &c, &o. ' It is infallible, and always ready for immediate se. The best YEAST POWDER for use on long SEA VOYAGES to ANY PART OP THE GLOBE. It is eonrenient and economical. KO WASTE OF FOOD PREPARED WITH IT. Sold eTerywhere , by GROCERS, SHIP-CHANDLERS and DEALERS. DQOLEY & BROTHER, ManlifactureTS,, . ' ' ' ' ' wnoijaiXE depot; I 7h';'" ! 69 NEW STRJSiSTU NEW-TOBK Pjibkins, New School-Book', Thk Song Echo,, is prondunced the best .'work of its class lor the following rea sons: The music is all new and fresh; every biece is a well known House s E hold 3ielody--guch as, 'Driven from Home," "Write, me a Letter," "Little Brown Church." etc. It ' contains o G . twice as many Sons as can he found . in other works.. The Music is 'select 5 ed Worn sixty-four authors, ? and not N .filled up with onej author's , composi tions. , , Price, 75 cents each,, or $7 50 per dozen. ' Sample" copies mailed to 7 Teachers for 05 cents. Liberal ar rangements for introduction. ; Address aS. L. PETERS. 599 Broadway, N. Y, sept 2 - 130-2m H O J. Waucbb, Proprietor.' iR. H. McDokaiwA C.., Dnifgirt. A ' Gea. A genu, Su Fnuicisco, CL, and S4 Cmaerea itrMt, N, Y. MIILIONS Bear OBtluMMiv to? ltei Wonderful Curative Effects. ' , They are not a vile Fancy Drink j Made of Poor Ram, Whiskey, Proof, Spirits and Refuse Iiiudra doctsrpdi Bpioea and sweetened to please tne taate,called JVTonics 'Appetizers," ,estorer8,"&at that lead the-tippler onto drunkeimeBsandrnin,but are atroe Mediclne,made from the Kative Boots andHerbs pf California, free from all. Alcoholic Stimu lants. They are the GBEAT JBLOOD PURI FIERand A IilFE OIVINO PRINCIPIiE, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy condition No person can take these Bit ters according to directions- and remain long unwell, 1 .provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyondthe point of xepajfc. I 5 i ' " ' They are a Gentle Purgative as well as a - Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting . as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam- mation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal . , . . For Inflammatory and' Chronic Rheuma tism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent And Intermittent Fe vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid ney s and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of the Digestive Organs. 1 "V DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Bead ache, Fain in the Shoulders Coughs, Tightness of the , Chest, Dizziness, Sour .Eructations bf the Stomach, . Bad Taste in the Mouth. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation bf the Lungs, Pain in the re gions of the BJdney s, and a hundred other painful symp toms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia.' They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the torpid ' Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of aU impurities, and im - parting new life and vigor to the whole system ' " ' FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, fait Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car- buncles, Ring-Worrdi, Scad Head. Sore -Eyes , Erysipe 1 as, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin. Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever-nam e or nature, are ' literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time , by the use oi these Bitters. ' One bottle in - such eases win convince the most incredulous of their cura tffe effects. v j . ' t ; Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find .Its im ; pdrities bursting, through the skin ,tu Pimples, Xrup . tioQg or Sores , cleans it when you fiud it obstructed j and sluggish' In the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul, ; and your j feelings will tell you when.; Keep the Wood pure, and the health'of the system will follow. ' . Pin, Tape,' and other Worms, lurking in the . system 900 many thpmaands, ats eSeetnallf destreyed and removed. Bays a distinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the arth, whose body is exempt from th presence of worm. .-If is not npon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist but- ujon the diseased humors 1 -and slimydeposrts that breed these Iiring monsters of ' disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no r anthelmintics will free the system from worms iiks . these Bitters. . : - ; ; t WALEEB, Proprietor. ; R.H. McDONALD & CO, ! ! Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Jranciscb. Cahfortda, and 31 and U Commerce Street, New tork. BSTSOLD, BY ALL DRUGGISTS AD DALBS. It. U. R. in irom one 4 to 1 Twenty Jtlinates. after.reading this advertisement need any one t . SUFFER WITH PAW J RADWAYS BE ADT HELIEF IS A CURE FOR The "Only Pain Knucdy - 1 lat instantly stops the mot excruciating pams, iuuauiuiauonB ana cures uongestions. wnemer ox tne Lungs; Stomach, Bo wels.'of 0 tIt SDand,!,iWi 'J3? one application t IN FROM ONE.TO TWENTf lIINUTESl i 1 fi? vVSYZ1 6 excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC,, Bed-ridden, InfiFm, Crip pled, Nervous,-NeuraTglc, or prostrated with disease may suffer, u t u TMiMiNSTANTK INFLAMMATION OF TRTP trtriMuvS mifT AINFLAMMATl6N OF THE BLADDER; INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWTCTL - CATarptt rvrttv . HEADACHE iTO()TH a At? '?IjUENZa - ttlTCHEi tjr; .NEURALGIA; RHEtJMATIfiM. CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS, r . iroTn The application of the Ren ii v n -i f.TT til Twentv drorw in half . frr,,i- r . . in a few moments cure Cramps, SnainHrB Stomach: Heartbnm Hioir frSV-if-S? Son, uysentery,;oiic, Wind , in the Bowels internal rains. t v f j HU U xiovcicra unuuiu always carrv a hrt i - i ii i Of n rrTia In votur will i-iva-von -1 -i "from change of water. It is better than Branny or Hitters aa a stimulant. lcac FEVER AKD AIJE Feyer and Acme cured for flftv is not a remedial agent inhia world k-4ner cure x ever ana Ague, and al Billons. Scarlftt. TvT'hn1fl cure Fever and Ague,; and all other MoriWlU xcuow, and Fevers (aided by RAD WAY'S PILT Vler a a Kail w av'M txwmfvv wr Tinn -n. - 1 uit per bottle. 1 . S ., . , . . - "IT PPM. HEALTH! BEAUTY 1 1 STRONG AND - PUKE RICH utW CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT cv?' !IcISrAeNdDtoB1tieul COMP"o1 R X - R A. D WAY SARGAPARILUVU REGOLVEIIT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONTsnf;;: CURES; SO QUICK. BO RAPTn A CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOFa r DER THE INFLUENCE OF Tma WONDERFUL MEDICINE: tb ETeryBa an; Increase in; ficsl and ieiglit is seen and Felt THE UIIEATttUWOD PURlPlirn TSvprv Hrnn of the Sarsnrmm communicates through the Blood eft S v f and other fluids and luices of the evst yifforf of Uiet- for it repairs the wasff tfody with new and sound material. Scrofnf Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease TV cere in the throat, Mouth ) Tumors. NoW Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the 'Eal6 and the worst forms of Skin diseases, EruDtirm Fever Sores, Scald, Head, Ring Wonh- gSt Rheum, Erysipelas; Acne, ; Black Spoteormi in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers in the Wom and all weakening and painful discharges, Nifht Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes of theBfl principle, are within the curative range ohhk wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few W use will prove to any person using it for either cure them. . t v ' If the patient, daily becoming redueed by the wastes and decomposition - that is continuant progressing, succeeds in arresting these vastes and repairs th3 same with new5 material from healthy bloodand this the SarsapariliiJ will and does secure a ; cure is certain; ft. purification, . and succeeds in "diminishin?jt loss 01 wasces, usTepairs wui oe rapid, m every day tne patient will feel himself groiW better and stronger, tne lood digest 1 no- hatl, appetite improving, and flesh and weight ia creasing. t : , ; .- - Not only does the Sarpaparillian Resolvent xcel all known remedial agents in theenrenf unronic, ccroiuious, jonsiuuuonai, andfikin Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetes Dropsy, Stoppage of , Water, Incontinence b'i Urine, Bright's Disaase, Albuminuria, andn all cases' where there are brick-dust deposits or the water is thick cloudy, mixed with sub stance like the white ol an egg. or threads liU wuiiC Mi,' wi lucic xa a iiiuruiu, uarK, DtliOns appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, and When there is a pricking, burning sensation 1 1 A t 1 i 1 "1 . . " the Back and along the Loins. DR. ICADWAY'S 1 1 Wk 0k k II f A m a rciimui runuAiivc kills perfectly, tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, aid strengtnen. .Kaairay's rills, lor tne cure of all disorders of the Stomach. Liver, Bowels. Kid- neys, , iiiaaaer, iMervouauiseases, Headache. Constipation, Cpstiveness, Indigestion, Dyb pepsia. Biliousness, Bilious FeVr, Inflamma tion ol the Bowels, Pilesv and all derangemenb of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect I positive cure. Purely Vegetable, conttfDfDg' no mercury, minerals, or deleterous drugs, i JgpObserve the fpllowing symptoms result ing from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the ; Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. A few doses or RAD WAY'S PILLS will free T.liA frnm all T.hc. n hnvp nnmprl tfiertrriora Price 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists., READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one l.ii' .. a. x T a T- tif a tt a. "M n. rm r' t leuer-siamp 10 rau ioai ol ixo. ov Maid en Lane, New York. Informations worth thou- SauUO WW AAA WJ DVUV J V I. june 5 . , , - r : 13il-ly wm - m "w a. Ha l. mw x i m, . For all the xmrposes of a Laxativi TUT a ni m a Perhaps no one medi cine is so universally required by every body as a cathartic, nor was ever any be fore so universally; adopted Into use, in every country and among all classes, 4 this mild but efficient purgative PiM. Tha obvious reason is, that it isa more relia ble and far morref- fectual remedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that it cured them : those whqhaw not, know that it cures their neighborsand frand ; and all know that what it does once it dots al ways tnat it never iaus tnrougn any iamtumeg gleet of its composition. We have thousands tpoa 4 thousands of certiflcates of then remarkable mre known in every neighborhood, and we nee (not publish them. ' Adapted to all ages and condp ons in all climates ; containing neither calomel ndtny deleterious drug, they may be taken with Afety , by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserveahem. ever matna them -nieasanc to iaKe ana- ". beim? tmrelv vesretable. no harm can arifiaroul their nse in anv nnsmtitv. v ' They operate by their powerful influence ifl. internal viscera to purify the blood and st llato it into healthy action remove the obstn ions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other orj a 1 or the body, restoring their irregular action to alta, and by correcting, wherever they exist, si iae rangements as are the first origin of disea . Minute directions are given In the" wrap :r on the box, for the following complaints, whic Jiesa Pills rapidly cure: v For Dyspepsia or IntligeMtion, IdMH ness, Itangnuor and lou of Appetltl tney should be taken moderately to stimulate thttora ' ach, and restore its healthy.tone and actio!. -- For JClrer Complaint and its varioujrnip toms, Jlilions IXeadacbe, Sick acne, Jaundice or Green Slcknes: Bii ioua Colic and Hilions levers, they lould be judiciously taken for each case, to con t thj diseased action or remove the obstruction ,'hicn cause it. ' For Dnenterr or Diarrhoea t Wft- r ' For Hbeumatiin, Coat, ravel ral ide, Hack and oina they should be tin; ' uously taken, as required, to change the diasea action of the system with such chanehs complaints disappear, ' ' ! For Dropsy and Dropste&l 8welg they should be taken in large and frequent o&e -to produce the effect of a drastic purge . For Bappression a larga dose shoti ha taken as it produces the fleered effect by J01 pathy.. . . t-, As a Dinner Pitt, take 016 or two PiU W promote digestiott and relicV the stoinh;! x An fraAKirvHAl flnnA KHttnilitflf thrt Ktnmai7ia bowels into healthy action jestores the aretite and Invigorates the system. Hence it is ofcn m Yantageous where no serjoui degementp18' une who feels tolerably wdi, orten umai u -dose of these PiOs makes rim feel decidW tpr. from thfii rlftartsiOir flld rCUOVEtiUK 0 tne aigesuvB apparams A- nr. r. c.ArMn&co.iPtaciicat cnmUUt for Sale bv. JAS-TV LIPPITIA0 Ian 8, 71.17 $23 TO flOO PER IVJEEK - " ,.-7 - - ; . -. .. . J M t -. . f "'(- T 1 . . 1 i aiaae easy oy any Laflf. tww swig s. months.? The most raply Miliar cV5f invented fbt marriHrlblsihelad Deen wantepi aaa-atnnjD "" ilv fkt. mgnis isr . 1 t V 7 .