JTHE WILMINGTON POST. WILMINGTON. N. C. OCTOBER 20, 1871. 13 PUBLISHED THURSDAYS AND SIW- . DAYS. - Per Tear..': Si Months Three Months. ...i. Single copies. Five cents. Clubs furnished at- reasonable rates. . .........54 CO 2 50 : 1 25 . " KATES OF ADVERTISING: Per square, one time, SI 00. Two times $1 50 and Hall succeeding insertions half priced&iUonaLr ... Halt Column and' Column advertisements re ceived 6n proper' dlscoppt.,, . Local advertisements 23 cents a line. rm mm jb w r i New enterprise. Gen. S. L. Armstrong, of the Hampton Normal Institute, is about to publish it Hampton, Va., and perhaps simultaneously at Wilmington, a semi-monthly-1 japer,, especially for the colored people, , -Virginia and North Carolina. The paf t will be finely illustrated ah4 made attir itive, and will contain instructions on all ' vjects on which the people heel instructk It will show them how they may secure homes; it will incite them to the best education of their children ; it will warn them of the prevalent vices of the times which tends to their; "ininj'ItV wiirencwragc industry and PljntlVyR Black comes out frankly in the following statement, and gives lus reasons concerning the late Democratic misfortunes , ? rT? xox Democn '.ic defeat., to t b dishonesty, of ;thc pary ieluer?. He Lavi: i "The horrible and disgusting frauds iaNw York liaye done mo: 3 to"grieve and dishearten the friends of good goverment than. another thing that has occurred within my recollection. f I . ' - - "imm ' ' V' Force and Fraud llampant. How Demo cratic Majorities Were Se- . cared in Texas. rr:v.- The Mormon TroubleThe Case ol the People of the United States Against urigham Young The Defendant's Sie ' In the case, of The People of. the Unite States in the Territory of Utah vs. Briha Young, Sr., on the 14tU'--u'" "it, the L :ns 'for the defendant - presenter the " folic tie .1. ' - , .:'.-:;.' ''IS uuv.umeni, iwuicn jur. iucu sad: ., - Territory of Utah, Thin; District C ur The liast.of the Stuarts The.last'ci the: ill-fated race has lately. Italy. He was said to . i celebrated Cardinal 't the Chevalier, who inva "45, and about forty years h an elder brother, he i The extraordinary in j which both of tlwm it I that memorable fam- uwu 1I ODSC be a dcc" lof York,lL. Ided Scotl. ago, in cc. visited th. personal -V bore to .the ... ily then .struck al" nth astonishment, and .. . ; r IaI. lin that A Jew'days since we published an edito rial tpon Jthe' payment ' ot the State debt. It is our purppse, if possible to publish irom time to time such; .information regarding thO debt, the manner of its creation. . yalue' received from it ? and' such other matter as Will awaken our people to a comprehensive view ot our condition-, It is useless to ig- nore the fact that the nuestjioa has to Ijc tr; : , . j ,!' t. ; i t- ' ' '' -- ' ' met. .' The longer tlie delay the heavier the, re burthen. AVe arc' make better terms future. Why not Were State the cry doubly is working into bur substance at the same time, cuttin off all future credil from otr people debt must ruined to tember term, 1871. Salt Lake Citv. To the Eon. Jas. B. "McKean, Judge of the . above entitled Court?: ., '' T .. ,We, the undersigned, of counsel ; for theJ ueiendant in the aDovo entitled", cause! re- e'pcCtfuUy exdept tb lie. following language opinion .upon ne, ictment herein : of ; California Vlias t " 1 -J ' 1 .... 5. (i!I.t & -Wiyu w PxamDle. where a little wholesomja authority of the poMlical and social condition of the 2....l. .' .Mhnnniit .71 T . i . 7j : i : f. . f .'!. ,- .':'' '!,.. ' L . Ji ' ' . -...- J . . L' ;. 1 wuiun fmu u. iupuii,ii.. iB now beinir exercised, , tands or armca w effoytof'thc fmprove- men roamed about 'to prevent Republican ponen.tS:4P-thei.Stuth We bope this new sue The oeople ot the United Sf in tli- Tr. impressed ; ?ve- o. with an opinion that ritbrV Of "Utah, vs "Rrifrhnm Vnnnrr i JiVn.: I their .assertions were true. The deceased Kentleman had,!ia his face a striking like ness . to ti&l expressive features of Mary Queen f Scots, mmsrled witli much of the melancholy impressed on those of Charles Lrand tiis own alleged lather Henry ia.-, .wherlle1slrtick'fa,rnMidal InllSgf bearing.the title ' of "Kiii'?1 61 'Great Britain. France ana ireiana' r uraiwuciea non wiuniaxp nonunum by the. Urace dtiyod, ouot( py sOie,desire.ot;,rnen)T ,-u; , f 1 bf' ouV Colored itlsVnLuieet the voters from attending the-elcction, and even at i the bar. isl called The People !versus U VlMrrvn, :?,V J,,.;, si; surrounded, theoHs, making itrunsate tor Bngham Toung.l ltaxrther nd real titled uij!! in .- - - f f .1 UiarK, men-to cast.tneir pauois.ff 'liie.same -jj puerai . Autuonty. . versus. , polygamic. iaa? '-ti5 vtf tn oXqrrAofadosi f. J-"';1 ; " ! counties Milam, Hill and others. "'Intact, State?, founded upon a written Constitution i jMTAatTJaVSiCfrtis" jinrtn"' rouble. I there is not a Democratic "majority reported I finds within- its 'jurisdiction" "anotll "Uncle JSam" has spoken and. behold, ',wc.Ku ''""" s .. ..jwr- ',rQ ' . ' , , I fraud OB terrorism,-) bottt; , t Yu'oMw fuvwu muu mtmscouu.j , Yhcreat.'.waccrtain ,that Clark Uad a. y can tuve but rouetwifc. 'Polygamy has 1 majoritv of the registered yotcrg two, polls ceived its death blow fn the recent decis-, 1 were1 opened one 'for "Republican and the '?now in 'the condition ' to ion madd iu thVtdcn of jiniquity,AJtaU. . . Jer ior ;uemo vot- j : j. 'iu v ,i .lj 'j t- . . Inacrrant violation. of i the Constitution and l than we will be in the Avoatever lirignamoung's.vices ard, cr. ln " nf thw.TJnited flfcutau -Thiawaaonlt " : '-'i haTe been. he.hsslexhibited5crreat abilitv a I ..: ? , , . - ., i .. .- ; ' f I . 1 "-t r r.:t . 3 T. l ' ''. .it ' r ,,i a -r i : ' ,"', ''.. -' 1 gret to seei. the public men ot this the government' and control of the' mixed Kepubhcans, or, in omcr worus, 01 ostracis- j of all ' parties; turning a deaf car, to popdlation! which he.liaiga'thered togetlier iPff tlifc for devbtion to tbeir country. . A. . , .. . .' ;' I- -; j.. - t 1. . Nnr was this all. ?In more 'than Decease for reliefs , We are now more than m ms temtprj., the Mormons are prosper- officer, ,ot;eiection-were arrested by.orders. paying the ;debtV Our' want of credit oup, they Uaye made -a garden out 'of VVvili Qf courts, with the evident purpose, of. pre-. like a two-edged sword, cutting derness: wliicu,' when first settled, appeared, venting a lull cast ot tlie Kepuoiican vote. i I ' i. ' f k t E..a-. ' .. It '5? 't 'i- 1 i I k G. . m .;. -TTfc V . . IT. .1 I .11 1 j ' ' 1. u V . I beyond human s reach? Now the -iron rail ballot uoxes were siuueu ; auois suaicueu The and steam engine have anihi ated space, the I- d YUh dcsirQ - be satisfied or North GaroUna is great modern ,dvibzer:ha3-rcacfced theni. 10. the " d d Radicals.'-' that the time. . -fit it fbetier to leaVe a heavy' debt Isolated ! in thtf wiUlernesi'they were great, j has not yet come for a fair, electiqn.jn Texas,-1 . o .1 ' 5 i -i . ttt -i- I tiI..V.i ..j:it;!i rl;. 'i: : 'n. '' r l. rPlw Vrrrriir-tTrn nt tho' I ip.nTrfP.Vap.v wns posterity tnanja, uaai'nami?. ve wisu auucu- vynu'aiun uamis mivj, ay. as.iuigrv ; ...o" , , i- ;i ;r ' J " j, n , ii 11 f livC'i. v- - cpmpletc-' ! auQ' its leading eicmeuis - were i some ban ormen would rise above the petty ncant as Jambs. f, i'-.-, r n , i i question cf the. da and solve the problem . The resiilt'in r Ouog-'sucOeis slVows how influence rw"as emplqyed ; , social .powcr, was. of .life or death to Sforth Carolina ' : 1 httle the wbifd regards doclrincsor tens, exerted all. the tyrannies whicli white hirers, ? - t., ; n ;m n ' 'f T. ." , of black labor'may'practice, Were not want : k 'vJZl?n wnr.u Once under .the magnetic influenced Bng- -,,00,, orY' -Wner of the' 'district- , Aiewjiiain worub. , : ... uan,T alK; bisfollowers became, blind slaves. jjojt, cppgJomeratiou juakinfe.the most , It is as plain as jthe nose ( on a man's face, No manf of mod ern! times; has'-' Wbwnjsu'ch; .disgrapeful canv.assanil election op record., that it is the determination of nearly all ability to control masses; ''iJTbV pian.'sxoi, the' And; after all, the Republican strength and the democratic pajpers of the South toman-; merits of the'caseSrevailcd. In'a'renubli, dtterminuiioti'Svere so ; decided that Clark ..! y . 1 , . : , , .j . i , , ; 1 i - -----!- x 1 i ri nir.nl urt iTr-rt innntiHora ri mamiiTti I nn r i . 1 mm r n V.Hi?. ,fT.''. it , - country vUicU they judicially .rule.7 f JLt isr v v U. don't tninic, nusoand, you ;are very therefore,1 proper to say that while the case smart."'' No, indeed,5 wife, but ; everybody at! the bar. is1 called The People Versus !knowsthat I am' awfully 'shrewd? -'i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i NEW AD VERTiSf 3 ENTS. i- - r. Cape Fcar Building Com pany. fJHE CAPE TEAR BUILDING COMPANY will attend to alteration , and repair of Stores Dwellings and genera! job work, during the Fall and Winter months, iat low prices. Office, Prin- eesss treet. : . ': ' " 1 1 . '" - oct 19 , ' 141 : GEO. Ii. MABSON, ; ATTOBHEY AtlD C0UriSELL0R Will practice in,all "Court's of tmsStat. and .Territory of Columbia? tf.-1.-,, .s,,., : The collectionbf Claims promptly stteuded to. Oflice next door tp Qouttljo use, , - ,lune25 . ! .. . ' , 119-tf - vvhsbeis, a tice, in grave particulars, are.; at ,p variancc( i with' its own. The one Government arrests' s the other in the s lierson of its' chief, v and TCo the People of North Carn oliiia. . 4 s . most destructive and calamitous fire has recently occurreuin tho City of Chicai, '' by .wbieh it has been laid in ashea and oyer cme hundred thousand ' inhabitants have" been ,'Ak' l Of .- .. .- 1 j - ; - f rf ' ; nf'':' airv- PROPOSALS F0R STATI0NERY;; m IUU J3CUeYU4U,b UUU UUillltUUlU, OB WIW it Will be the pleasure of all 6uch inNortn Carolina, to: sympathize with and extend aid, and jkuccor , to u iw.r. .:n. ..-iti.'.:m-l.JU..iL; t" '. i ' ' ernrjientclaiming to couro from God periumintmperfornkpse policy and prac- ! t nTATE bF'kORTH CAOLiNl lit.'" ! 8 fn nrfAlK.f.itf i. '-"3 .-If ' . Omca Of THS SEClUiTAIiY .OPSTA'rE, . i . i . L - m. IV. . 1 .! 1 1 . . T. . , ' . , ,'E- -I . . Hit. it t i.,,Jt in the;, person of Brighai4 -Young. ; t Let: all. h- -r concerned keep, this tact v steadily in view . ;.ti. anu i iei tuat uovernment ruie wuuouc.a i beiuuij, rival which: 'shall prove to Hbe in'the'right.' this'offi it the learned eounsel t adduce .authorities ,of whole, range of Jurisprudence moral or social science polygamic practices cha ment ure not crimes, tins uourt win at once k . ., Lithographed head, i quash Una indictment and charce the Grand it s-tSharires.r'': l? f'-' V : Jury to find "no more of the, kind.5', j. 4 j '4$ Kcams JLetterPaper laib.,?, H i l-H. T 7 I UiEuH, P.ctoher CiUk i , row therefore; with f all coiiadenco"' in tue earn' OT.IClfI llEUEBT GIVEN, That In " ff 5W0?. ?f pfrr v &uance oltheveralacts of the General As- .Carolina, I, Tod K. Caldwe L Governor, of the , staled 'pfoposafs' wilt be received at J State; do appeal to all Who can be "moved by 1 ce uhtil the 1st day of-tNovember, i 1871 Wnerous imnulses andwitlbin'whosR hnim. ' - . inn i iiriiiki iinr i.irM i n iiu inir miiiiiii i nil iv iijii . . :? . - i j . w . 1 ' n 1 . 1 in rv or the defendant8 will f JnTtiWfv Jtri wit r -tt r-i :-r-. . neat hearts mat Icel sympathy, for suffering hV- principles . ;from the 00 Reams fmoro or leaaVof Book Paper.lsized jM'i 'iMi" ttSpBt.r " nr nipntil L - nnd Slendered iaix4Q M lb - - j as wuiuiiuiu miucnoi wnuna iws ineirtime: ,hor mental U T,n.dtr1ur !o,R ot need, to our. fellow countrymen, who havfi , proving mar me . -w,"" UW'y y ftrr been so sorelv afflicted. Hone Rt. - ti. n. Ai . rcedui tbd indict- 1 . i?: " , " '".r. . 1 h Raleish this 18th !OctotrerM 871. -j-.. ! . ,f , - act 10 Tod K. Caldwb'll, . . 1 ? Ul-Sg ;' Execution vSales.;' 1 r r" j - : sM.i....t ? ziLy' . ... . fK? .,.. statementtQt;yourr honor that a1 system oi 'Fiat lictter.' " ;i r - roy VIRTUE OF EXECUTIONS td me polygamic theocracy is on, trial ,iu this case ., -l" r- f?iujr ts ,m, -,1 t.itvi ; ' I U roctei i iiTl-j "- :.'c xi. ."i . jJ'-xr':.. -1 .i I 5 44 , FollO Post, i . . ! - I TjAr Uo .uetcuuuui wuu -lascivious couaunauou, - .p-ma.Wrtn1o f.,r tr. . v Sand- not with i-polygamy or treason'.' The hfi ; l.ealCaD. s . li -Ht ifest their sympathy with the ku klux. This can country, within reach of air the cjviliz- jj WjQtlia haJve been fmauytimes as large if they do by attacking every, and single, the ing influences ot ;hiistialiity;, Bngha'nj built hb.foul . means had been . used agiust.him auis uuu mcasuicj) ui tuc uawuuai yuu- up an autocracy more despotic,, uian meni ior iuk Bupiwcsaiuu ui iuubc uiauiiuu i iqq puitan.prrurKqy- ,11 Jyiedf assassins. Does (Jongress pass an act for taxes: enteredinto i families and that ' of is beyond question; Fair-mim crats made tins aumission. immense l ' chose'his' i But the election ' of Clark, " proud as the T?nnlil5fsi.nB arn tivo.r it.. iU4iii r tlm PTt.ranr- the purpose? It is denounced." Does the many wires,; as oner selects the ' goods he' djnary efforts at defeatf shall- not prevent President ..! proceed .under tlthc law ..and wears.1 No: compyihtsHverb" . hckitf. ','The the use,.ot 'a.11 legal power n the. punishment through 'the courts? The courts and all crrave hid" the contumacious. .Despoiled. ot 1raP.a rcf' ', W? Is tt .tluty VU1CU , , i i - -ii- i - - the olhcers ol the law owe n-to the purity or and peace rged. Hous- tlioir mnrliinrnr rn nssailnrl; Thp:Tflrlfrp j , :CTr YTJT r ulu..0',Nf'iUl.Hv,a,Mtu t uot.ox anci to the'dignity are calumniated. f; ine jury is: -pacKeu, tuat chastised them, believing it; tlie will ot f nf the State. 'It will im -discUai and foresworn.' LroeS the President declare am i ntprnriytpfl tnrniKTh Iiih rmnkT. lrhnbot. I ( Tt:X(lR Union. .;.. - . ii . martial law. as inE South Carolina? He is Rri'hamYmim?.l;'Toldftvitheir death' knell I" ' , ,i i a: . ----?., - " -it t ' . .'j. i I .t li .): 'deflounced as atjtyrant and usurper.! In is - ringing. Our . blessed government has , president Grant and the, People. short there is1 no titep taken for the prptec- throttled the demon; itis going down to per-' ;T la the course of some speculations on the tioripf life and property, or for the ariest dition with gibbering and'grimaccswitl political aspect of .affairs ..and the next and; Runishmet, these guiUy w.tchc,; ioUj Which does not receive .violent denunciation, it is doomed. . .Thank God! .sf, . ; . , ; which 'everv maii muv I urivatelv test for t. ... I . j , mm, mm a: - iu luopeisou oi rfiguam xoimg, ? eoupieu , - tl;-E&r0ninV Paper' a&ordlng to pat-' with yosr.mtimation to us to prove by au- . patern..j! f f- J ; ...jr ,d4 , f thoritie3 that the v acts charged in" the in- I 37 Renins Tax-paper,'sucd,()0 JbPJ 22x34i 1 diQtmeut, are not crimes, is most prejudicial i jl Account paper g 1 i: s to a' fair trial of , the defendant, in thatit f f Teapper, colors. ' 4 ; r; - '? assumes that the'defendant has been guilty n of the 'acts charged m the indictment,.and a i2 sheets oil fcarier f ou coDVins-urtss. 12x18., T- T A. A - - J. r :w 1 that the law and 'Hot the alleged fact will r; 300 ranging in quality from the vulgar and in decent ribaldry df Josiah Turner, down to Iawi and Order; himself .among his Kepublicau lriends, that the. ; President .will ibe, the candidate oli the party, -although tAiere die indivual llepubli- be on trial. ': No niotion has been made to quash the indictment in this case on the ground that the act? charged therein are hot crimes, nor. uas.sucu. a proposition oeen advanced on argument by any of 'defendant's . counsel herein We submit that no ."political and socfai condition ' ot the ."country" can relieve the prosecution of he task 5 of proving one or more oi the act, alleged in the indictment lind tiit unless and untiissucb proof is. made thejgult of the defendant ought not to be assumed or even conjectured bv the Judge before Whom he is to be tried. 1 , If aiiiy presumption is to be indulged in, it is that the defendant1' is iunocent. of the he the remains until the defendant, elects foSJfplead either ijilty on a. special pleji ot justrhcationv t l . . . a. i a ... . n ri.i.ir 11 inv j., t 30 Deaen Jinveiopes, white', jno. o1 i - ; in ' v 44 4 7.' i a 44 , 44f white, ' 8.;. j . 14 1 ? p, 44; r. ' t ? - . huff, ! 44 10 ' ; 2 Gross GllloU's Pens, JSo. 387. t, , ; . ' 2 - -4 1 ' p4 ' ..Jt . 287. !' ' : 10 44 Wusbington Medallion jfens. ! 45 Gross Steel Pens, assorted, j i 10 44 head Penci'tS, Fdber No. 5. 3 dozen 41 Red and'Bfao. 10 quurta-liluGlt Ink Maynard.i Noyt.-. it jt 1- Vinoo of. looof mrW ' rlppnf. in:lift fnrmc it I nn 'f.r." : 1 v 1., , i . - H .1 i. .. ,(V7 ,r VA: . M J J cans of the ln?hest character who mav re- ;,: a V. t i ' i t 1 ' . . ' ' 1 j T ' - ' r l i i 1 i I . . O .it. i . . . pcwu v i!M,h- . - ' to screen me, .existence oi-ku ; kiuz. longer Wt it. . We remember vdrv" Well that: as i .. f ' ,j ..... i I O . '! i I I What does tmau suow, uut.tnat, naviug after ..reading, the -following.? It is'pasaiug late-aa, January, 1804 four months before ' abandoned the pen apology for, and de- strange that hot headed 'Joe1 TurnW, jr;, aid I Mr. Lincoln's, , renoaiination we. were told fense of the ku kliix, they stillclefeh them others !of the ''same' stripe, jur-sce the5 he ablest and houcstest of, party friends charges pref en ed, against him, and . that will accordingly plead "not guilty' to indictment, - and that presumption 55 44 41 "Carters, 4 Gross Pen Holders. ' - 2 dozen Carmine Ink 2 oz. 2 quarts Arnold's Ink. 10 bunches Goose Quills. ; M'i : 2 Gross .Cpngress Quill Pens. - 1 dozen Steel EraserB. ' ! l'f ' ludia Kubtier Squares. 1 Gross Gura Bauds assorted, .j 1 ' " 44 "Mu'cilageflat bottles. -' i - 4, McGiil8 paber Fasteners. 4 dozen, Copgiess Tie Envelopes. 4 m j iri- by opposing.all Measures for their t suppres- great good that is.resulting, from President hLnf1.r whom evervthin" 'drifted ' ' Ttut as nrl . i E 1 il..i ;-I ' : -.1. i- ' . ' ? ' I':.' I i '.'.. . 1 " . ' "..! C .i. . " . I biob. .vvnyprctenu mai uuuian nguis are urant's proclamation: .: it " Mr. Lincoln said ot the wuiskyvhich Gen 1 4 i? ' - J " T 1 T 1 i :. - . .. . m danger; that pur 11 Denies arc . anvaueu, .f e Iwhen they knovr full well that only mur- the ktt !derers and assaslins are in clanger. If any renderlb proof were wanting that "thcre'was'a close marshaI ... . . - f, , i .ri,.. mcludin lailiance ( oetwec me leaucrs 01 me uemo- lcarn'frdm" an 'hndoubted source that H5iinc wus I" 10 ,Vr,niV You,( feldf klantfiri South Card inaarciurJ eU,U B-9,K.wWX g 3, so, 'sWcjbntfde ;uiiiau- has lnr custody about one hundred, I.., ,' 1, " , iT 7 L eirht'Hiiefs;;i One, chief.. at tU' approach or tn nomination we.shall be fhisden 64wentv?hsurreBaered: : Mpriseu iucru not muca tne same cratic party and e ku klux, it is. furnished Spartanbnrg' -ahdYorK are the' localities, in "nammiiy as 11. tue; a.ionai conventions ;by the present bourse of the press.. Why which a majority of these 'arrests and sur- of nnd.'lbG8;. t thV;?? -Ca? do therldtna biuS made. . It is stated that candidate wil , not' takdthe held against do.theytiatue JU numbers ejt the klan-TfonTBoutb "Carolina . f Dew h &SnaSt the f1 ld .they coverecj.with blathments last year? bave, CSCIed to the mountain of North Irsol&Co' ' ; . ' ; Because they cherish the ku klux. Why is Carolina, ' It . is also staled." 'On gotxl au- ,;! President Grant , complete - master of ;; their partisan ttiry expendialupotfjfe thority, that, the members of tlic Dsm fhe -political" Bitnation.- Phe late elections Bond? Because he is a terror to , the hu tancfey,. MitcheilrMadison, and Bancombb tadeveloped.t e fact that his Admirlis- ,.Bond J fcouutii8t ,m the r attdr State are corning in Possesses bet confadenfce of the peo , j i (kiiii.." 1 1 in.1' tLiiiiii inii 1 w 1.1-1 11 if ' i 1 ruiiii; . l iktv -iTsi . i which, fitter has not been suggested by s ' 44 ' Paper' Weights, iron. either the defendant or Ins rnnnael. Tri po iioUO Wews-W rappers'; - ; . ; pleading ""not guilty" the 'defendant 'will aow.:lfotarial Svizctate, peal:",, not say that the acts ' charged iu;thc indict- . PfcecsKed-Tdoe. i i: I ment iaro iiot . crimes, but . that he is not (j iuocks Ribbon for seals, colors. ruiltv of the acts chanred in the indictment, j 1 d6zeh Pencil Sharpeners, i Then fhere will be' a question of tact for S00O EY61ett8 sizeli ; , : a jury i and we submit that in the' determine I donSS rm i .; 44 : Jionkcrs. Shears, ir, 1 Copying Press 11x18 . I dozen Copying press brushes II Punch Eelett Machine' ' I. n '.at It, ; atibn c)f that; question the language of -your IIouorherein referred to cannot but tepc tb the sprejudice of the defendant, and we theretore except to the same. , j Fitch & Mann; j Hempstead & Kirkiatbick,' ' j SNOAV & HOQE, ... ; rtsl Hosea Stout, , " A. Miner, , si Gross Drawing tacks - ltt Bible ' f 1 Leo rand Young lie Iters ofRecommeudatiou. ' 1 I 4 A orpntlptnnri "firl xrnrficofl fr a linv t.A as. 1 sO Mjniltu; 23 Blank Books, 4 qr, ruled i 4 Cash Book.-, 44 '.' V.; ? j. ' 93 Justice's ! D.1 ckets, 4 qr, flat,1' loll printed y 4 . .un'1 ruiea. Mf,u 7 Uene al Index, 8 qr. demy eap,;bound , SI Man ful roctedjisued froni-.4iio.:iiaperior CoHirt of anqrver Uouny, :t at August Term. 1 frill - expose toale, to the higncst-' bidder, o'n Satur' day thc.4tlf day t November 1871, t,t 13 o'clock M,, the following property : ' George' W. KpriScgay, All tho lnterVst of the' " Anna Korucgay f said utiles Costin, in f- vs, f f . certain lots, situated in. Miles Costing 1 J -the city ol Wilmington. One lot, beginning at the northwestern tritereec-'r; tion . of , ,Ejgti and , Orange streets and uns '. thence 'with " 'tlie s western " line' ' of Eighth 6treet, -"north-- one hundred ?J,and .forty-thre. feet,, thence , we&twardly, ia i ' ) uut3 paranei wiiu. vraugu sireei uiree nunarea and thirty ieet to seventh street, thence, south-! wardly with Seventh street to, Orange street, , i,.. thence eastwurdly with Orange street to Eighth street to the beginning. Also, another lot, be ginning on the jwest sido of Eighth street, one hundred and ninety -eight feet&outh of the souths western intersection of Dock'with Eighth street '' and runs thencetwith said line of . JEhihth strecl; southwardly seventy-one and a half feet to the f Northern line of the lots hereintofore described '" theuce With paid line westwardly one hundred r and ninety-eight feet, thenec. porthwardly in a line parallel yuth Jjiighth street seventy-ono and a half feet; thence eastwerdly in line parallel With Dock Btreet-one hundred and ninety-eight feet tO the beginning. ; -, , U . ... - u . .- i Jno. A. Parker,! "j All the interest of, said Wm. Larkins i' j Herman II. .Robinson in ! j vs.. t f a veftaitt-piece or parcel . Herman H. Riobinson J of Jand situated. J?n tha -northleide ot iMulbury street; beguning at the . northwest corner of" Third and Mulbury streets, and running thence northwardly along the west ern Une 4 of Third '-street 'l$V-feet to"the Bouthern line of -let No..7L(sevcnty-one)thence. , westwardly along said Juje sixty-seven feet, thence southjwardly one hundred and thirty-two 4 feet to Mulbury street, Whence1 easterly along , the line,, of said street sixty -seven feet to the . first stationi The tracts of land hereby dis cribed being parts Of lots ' N6. 09 (sixty-nine) and 70 seventy on the old plan-, of the ttown of Wilmington, . . Geo.'K; Erench & Son ) : AH thd ;. interest oi? S vs. Alex. .Oldham in lot , Alex.,01dham. ) No.;l block 203, and lot' No. 4- block1 203 as laid Out ih Turnera plan of ; the eity of Wilmington, ; Johu C Henderson J AlKhff interest of Isabel- vs. laB. Lvous in Hot No. -4 Isabella B. jyons. J tdock as lajd out in . nso jlxjoks, nau oouuuj pnumu lorui , .j, .. -; , , iagCiRecords, 0 Quire, .demy, printed, (Wm.J. Potter, l All the interest ot Daniel t all bound ' 1 - "' ; L vs. I Klein, in the excels of home 5 iitu Book, Co.'Com'rs, 8 .quiredemy Daniel Kleiii. ) steadj in lots No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and posed by the. mcst conclusive evidence -and are persons, .who, a year "or two'siuce,1 in P s ble; ' cannot be' denied; hovvever, ant confessions to in the lianda pf the au--' iaiseiy irom .iear oi -punisn ; thorities. " But jie secret sympathy with the q i)roPOEe uow ; offenders .;remams.;"ln the., meantime has nis work of lav4.andrdcrJshe most anybody j seen va any of the democratic indispeusible one .which, ,that, Government newspapers anyf word in manly condemna tion of Outlaw or StevenV assassination, . iiriii l. mill : k i . i fi tri ii i iin rni, i I'm meni oy ine f y.v ,7" " 1 .r- "- to make a clean 7 ' A V "ululu"u"- l Among them are. Mr. Sumner and Mr. or of the attempt to murder Shoffner ? has in hand. Let it goou.- ChronicU., s .; l - Washington We tell these editors' that this course can bring nothing but .injury, and x rthcr, dis grace. It Is thf scUled. purpose of the Pre . . m t - m m .... 1 '-.J! " The - following:' Arlficle, : tatbp,' .'frppa. the York iifci) iibliccui shows the desperate; course Schui"Z,.Grarz Brown and a dozen others. But the: 'great 'difficulty is that they cannot find' any one onetertu as strong us President-Grant who can be mentioned in the same; breath with him in; connection with the Presidencv without exciting laughter. ' No one doubts 'that if a conven.ion'were held next "week President Grant would be the , unanimous' choice of the country. All caht3 the whole number, be in a short time select ed one, and dismissed the rest. kI should' likdtb know," said a friend, "on what ground you selected that boy, who had not a single recommendation?.' f You are mistaken," said, the. gentleman, uhc had a great many. He wiped his. feet when he came in, and closed the door after hiuij showing that he was' careful.' fie guye up his seat instantly to t hat lame -old man; uiiu uisomcc,anu ncany mty lappii- ' o Money OrderlBooks, 4 quires', flat cap print- city ol Wil presented themselves to bita..Out of n ; ,edand i-uhjd ? i m j i -.! i Levied ui 5, block 227, as laid ou in Turner's plan of"4Jie miugton. i i a 1 i . a . 1 ' 1 . -Ill . ,.... that is pursued by; thW ruffians that are dbn, PP?mon1,.lUftl 0 H'"W ;ron3Mr; ji tr, ,J.'j ' ' ' ; 'Ji ' ' I bear against him i would not influence fitv as his chances and pros- are' inclined to believe yastly improved" six pated. root and branch. ; 0j rhatter .who . - h(ip tha lamp.nted Ca to-w months ence. lhc more the people see of falls: no matter' how maUv times thau Shot- ? v ' Grant, sident and 1 most infamous ferretted out falls; no mattef.how. maUy Umes the u Shot- h?pn,ihlfpln f k " " T ' want, tue oener mey hkc mm.; uis aamm- ..ii- rxit i.n!: uyi .'ii: ;i "'L': t,vfT i , , i lsi.ciuuu ueuoiuca siruniit;rYii,u everv monin j i wens anu w wens are muuiputu; tue .a, , Thc ; murder Octavius?j;Catto,-Ve-s that passes ;.. his . fame and good Works are ;is 10 oc iaio.,ip lae.iroot oi ma.ireu, spectablc colored man of Jhilaclelpbia, on ever on the increase.; All that-he has tod6 not a vestigo oi this. damhablq blot'upon the day olfthe clettiori; by "democratic ruf- dflriDgs the next six months1 is simply to 1 I these Southern States iskftv' The majesty fiaos is. one, o the ;nost, shocking- crimes avoid 'bltfuders and mistakes, to lerok over 1 nfthftlawiisonSftd: d the conclusion W 1,aS ,bee ' tjated in our State for the list of . his appointments antf; make ' 7 ".N'T.. ,. . , - many 'years. rr or, uaxco was a man oi great some;! improvements;1 f And,.1 as'Mfv Greeley ; :not to.be reached until political and per- talents andlearningnd was ery success- says, he will be far better-, qualified ior the sonal protection is guaranteed to everv cti- .; Jul fas an edudator of youth He was a man great office he fills, -id 1872. than heiwas in zen. fAhdfwoc iqthbse who stanlj Wprel 5enial aispositionj-ruiet and uaostenta- , 18G8.-JVa. liepuUican. .4 . hi, filfc 'iitlnn' . Itl0US in m,anneA an4. universally -respected. ' l Why do, w '.pay xes?' What would : our property jej worth if there were no government ? i. What would , our life be 'worth if therd were no laws? It would take moM thatfthe lidotae of ihericu man to protect "nuj t propferty and life if there spirit. haye no protection. . Our taxes support t.be i government. The gQvernment protects our life and pur property 5 it shields us from ! pestilentiali , disease ;:it makes roads for us; it carries messages of business" orlove for us everywhere ;fc jedacffcs , obi 5 cliildrld? 1 Our taxes are the price we. pay foi; 'scjniny : things that nake life valuableto us. Are they not k6)esfcrifcsln?eft vte can make :forurselves?r irf finln Jj . But thig is not all. I the government tak:cl Uejwas a -soiaier aunng tue war, ana ccn- : , The Presidential flection. 'Anit-ntli liimfilF to l til rrrpaf rraMantrxr artrl I 1 1 it " nM fiAnnrAhTo'.'Wmtnntinn um. m-rita The. Presidential election of next year That he should have been brutally murdered may now! be considered settled beyond a at his own:dOQrhnjhhifl'beenuitty P sraa venture. t No in elligenf rational of ho crime, is a disgrace to our civilization, man wilh Iiave .the: hardihood 'to sky that htia toahe.fipirit otithe age ini which we '"er&" UJ'UU w democratic success. Proi." Catto Was mnrderpd bv that Tne elections of the present season indicate rhich haspianted' itself upon lbs a drift of sentiment whica" canhot be inemialitv of races, .and which changed, : but , which' Will rather grow in Sught eyeai-s'al'o that doctrinb that "a' volume .:'Witt. the., succeeding- taonths. negro hadpa rights, vhich a white man was Neither: twelve, eight .noi ; four -yepsago bodpd i to respect." It is the same . spirit was the prospect half as bright as nqw. r In that rpurdere draft officers during tlfe warj G 'we ptined serious and discouraging uuon to eatiflV Bald; executions, The j fu Jcristration' liooKa, qr: nat cap, pnnieu i sale will take place at the uourt House doorttt. . f rt and ruled. i ' r ii I dav and date! above mentioned. ' - ' 11 l ouuooKE, i qr uai cap, . -pnuiea ana 1 ruled . , : , t . tl Record of deeds, qr, demyv printed, full bound .-i-cf I. 1 Administrator Bond Books, 4 or, flat cap, " printed form ; ! ' r K ', 1 74 Apprentice Bond Books, 4 q;r, , flat cap, ; . printed form ,- . , ' tf Bastard Bond Books' or flat cap, printed i . uorm. t f.fij ,i . , ' ij.r ni Sheriff. oct5 V3 137-tN4 11' r LOOK HERE. show tliathe was kind and thQUghtful...HeL Guardian Bond Books. 4 qr flat cap printed TUUfllUCltAX AljfU, XAUJfiK. Wmj ! took off his cap when he came in, and an u " form'' -0 . ..!,,'! ' I L".f , . ,r i. swqreri my questions promptly and respect r " iH, fully, j lie picked up the book which Ihad 3 Issue pockets, 8 qr demy full bound ' : takfor the quarter ending 39th or. rieptembcr,' 1 ' purposely- laid upon the floor' and. replaced Criminal Dockets, 8 qr deiiiv, lull bound. . " ; ' " . . - . inn I t.lu tsihio. wh i I r . all the. rpst stpnnf.rll Minute Dockets, 8 r demy, full boeudJ 1 j 1S71, 1 had , better do eo,' Xour tardiuess has ? t.pnnf.rl '.J 1. . . ; ; l . : ,7. - i "A IT - ... 1 t- - l. - 1. ! - -1 1-' a -J "T." . - r : I . t 3 2 I s . I: over it or shoved it aside; and he waited ,u. 7 " U .wh but me-to eons quiet y for his thrn, instead of pushing and n Record of Wills. S qr,demy. .full bound ( " 4 ; ; ;L . : . crowding, showinrr trnt li was' hnrinsr annk l Orra nnd-niKi ni-prws 1 wirrrV 1 nf s nr 1 hUij W 01 'r11 orderly. ' When I talked with, him that hisf : demy, 4ull bound li Uiw . i uU j clothes were carefully brushedhis .hair in;" J ff .ecounis, acoru vi q qr, ubujj imi uouuu. . M-1 v 4 .a -1 . n-. '.T ... tt' .. 10 lh KInflr Rand. : ':" .1 ' is .. - nice oruej, ana his teeth as white as-milk;;; . T . 7,;, ... t,. . !,,,,, oct 12 and when he wrote his name, I noticed that J All writing parper and paper used fn blank idcrablc inconvfcnionce, beside advertisement,' ! : v '"' 1 - - J 4'.,:,' -..ft . J. W. 8QHENCK, Jk., . " : 3. J Sheriff. ,t hu fitfat-iutihi wnra 1.MiMtl of -liWilwl-"'?" wi.pertisrt, aoimai-Bizea ana lolls tippeiV W1tb J.t. like tUaUbacdsome little W3E2&& fellow -sin the bliift ianktitat,. Don't von mil I . t J , " 4 ' 1 .-I , i . J " 1 a. J m thbscietters ot recommendation? 1 do, and . .A" D1ils mus1, contam samp es oi we several Tt.. ..iS'n t r t n?V- . Ikindsot- paper proposed to1 be . furnished and A.VVUUUl UlVe lUOlU 1U1 WUai X jaU ICll aUOUl ct!lf rl!atintlTT lwT1W.o r,r.TH rt nam f u ; uuy y usiujz my eyes aeu . uiiuuiev, iuau i each kind. alLthesfine letters he can brinjr me." - ; i lit books to ue penect, animai-sizea ana ions- I .-v . i'm j " dried,-. totweigh pot less than ten pounds to the UlllCe illaSlCr 01 1 railSnortatlOB. ; r Wilmington &Wciaoir Railroad, i S ; WILMINGTON,' N. C., Sept. 16,1571. ! care saiflsaiffisw pav ifahd the commupi n which the poor have the best; caref has the most of the blessings of -Jieayen on itr ;So U7.ig,both Ottr interest and pur duty to pay our takes. that instigated the New York riots of 18G4, and to-day is outraging negroes and white Republicans all1 over the South'. ";This is the pary of Vfreo speech," the "constitution, as it was" and the advocacy ot "constitutional liberty.'!! ?Such a' deed of 'blood, should be punished to theffuliest extent of the pffed. ed law,l and wretches base enough to' do so horrid, fan act should.be made- to feel that the law of our land is ample, .to project, all. fif its citizens.. Let ustice be done and that speejdily; -.hi a , n-n v ,v", " - J: ff A Louisville paper reports the formation o-a Dodge Cluban that city. The ob ject !of the club is to dodge theix creditor?. disasters," yet carriea the country the next year ; ujp t jui ovexwueiming;vote.s UUr suc cess 4a. the i next Presidential election is as certaip as anything mi;thafuttire can be.1 Albany .Evening Journal j :r : The Colored Cbnven tl osi ; The Colored Convention Vs still in 'session at Columbia. Anumber' ofTresolutions of importance have been introduced,' and are undergoing discussionv-. The administration ot Prsident Granfwill no doubt be' WaVmfy indoiedir The proceedings are rioW ahU then stormy, but we think there is no doubt tfl Ui ,.NiigRO Lncendiakism ! ! What done p the incendiary r negroes? , II a rig 'emJ dam pvhl aye but liold on;- they've got outjl You'&od forsaken pack, WiUyirou never cease.your clack? ' ) ; ' -In' Bho Jiriii tos'ard the negro euch malignity? , He despises your assaults, . , .,,,1, jYoufiiibagement him exalts. ' ' '"" And h: smiles contempt for Democratic dignity.! , Johaf Taylor and. Aides Freeman had no' ftial"4are out on bail out of jail .t. where5 iuey iiau ueen .mcarceraiea on me , nirea testimony" of two "respectable"(?l!) detec-' tivesjfrom New York a two hundred doH lar bpnd is a weighty pledge for incendia- rism.r broCditbaro JS'ews. - ; i . . : j MCjOreeley is delighted at haying found; in Iowa a man afte;bi3 own heart," one who has grown the same hundred , bushels 'of "filwllprl'tnr! anfl'.vp.n.r sift prtu-ar fur f.v'(r V Ttn V ' TTnV ? Books aud ' dockets marked to i be in half- '.-"! binding, leather 4ack and paper sides;-those has been- marKe tob in fjull binding dsia and bapds. llmli.n ibility ot tins method of acriculture. Mrl Creeley !now, thihks 'that .he misht profits. i J. (i 1 - - ! ' u Come cal, you Nd2T7"fWm vhn swftar vntt -Wniitf' 4 Yejs."' 'TbeV I won't come father, for ie here, you mischievous little ras- ifv Won't you Iick'ine,f fdiher ? ! ON AND I AFTER MONDAY: SEPTEMBER ih'tSSi?'1!!1 rtIa,tiniabp0?SwCa ;8th. the Freight Trains will run as follows : -h be.obtained at, the oflice ottheSeereeary,, of hr ' State, Where samples can aho'be Been. I ' , Throueh Freight wiU leave Wirmiheton 1 All articles to be delivered before, the 1st day I dally (Sundays excepted) at 4:00 A. II; Arrive ui utmuaiji uie uapibui ouii umj; uuies uui i at Weldon 8:30 r. M, . Contracts will be'a war dedZto the lowest, bid der tor each class offering sufllcient security. ih; t m ; Secretary of States 140-tilnovl i r . . t Leave Weldon 4:30 A. M., arrive at Wilming ton 9 P. M. H. oct!5 NUrFAiUlU IT A IT li1 -tl1 t'?f if IA1AGI 4 it'. f . Vay Freight iwill leave Wilmingtcn Tues days, Thursdays ind 'Satuldays !at !7:00 Al'M. ; d Arrive at Goldsboro at 4d& l. M. 11:1 and . . Leave frnl dfthof (i 'Motida vs. 'Wed ucsdavs' i Fridays'at A M.! making cIosV!cobiicction' t' with N. CKailroad, and arrlte at-Wilmington i . -sow -mDrmsiSsm v 8e.et : ? 1 kDinin nm iTirmtrn rniiftiimin e,mere w4 "u ue"u v" " r 0 ilItll.mnW'llllfC VU13irilUni!iJ thfs train i"or tho accommd&tiou of way-pas- a . f ,D, LFILLYAW. :V . t" ..aiasr yranspprUtion. . "sept 2? jCan be had at reasonable prices through , - j fAlW ,bv'-'f t'-iA i r?r Bv.fiiio riHEUNKIVALwED tf - ,. . - ... , zenaandthe public gen: i f '-ft M'kAte1 hV:v'' 1 i' 'age at! Ms new and - ..l;rt ad! it.firn f .rf; street; next, doofX the body wilP act harmoniously;- IfaV Farsbn rWl saya that he who 8weW -t. i'T & CO i " r i M SvooSnleTo r

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