t-Z ' " " .r ' ;T 'Z T . u A VISION djf lItTI A ACE. The moon 'doth tMtrctiantjif Vquce. Softly and gently the uibon goes doWr, f !l Casting a yrarmerygui, w iwi , , j , i Wherein li6r lonely wandering eouij&e, i Her gentlest glances fell. : ; ' Behold how the light is diffusing its rayst On thatnoijle old mansion alone : -i Tbi fountains o'er jseething, : .," Nt rr. I I 4-1 v Vv-ofVi? r" i Aiie air jcunr . """b The ivv hath daugl Vrom walla that it cherisueth dear! t -.- : s-t How wildly the fountains' .leap' up, from - their. J! base, . fiv-l . : -Then pausicg.au instant in air( ti . ! Tliey send a cooi vapor, t ll f R f fit;, f - To cherish the -lowers iwitn, care. Wild grandeur abouuotngaatuua iuu sway ) . Within garden, treovpabce, and light, v. : ' Aud e'en on the laodiDgi f -- n I :-l Of Vaus, Diana andiirhL.,, fc Comeffollowhe way tha lea - rr ' -"7 T T C1L . f ' ... Com follow the woylha! leats dgwuby.the You can tell by thdsc'f ioleta there f : Ah! see how they're howing. , uruujv . . ii i -! . . J't .ill .' . l NAs though they '-re itnuowiog Your footsteps wi'Ji llgliUess so rare.. ,' , Thp.n round bv the fduntaini tliendown the . broad steps, ' " ' . ' " ' '" Side by side, arm in ar&i; will we stray, ' MNow hardly bo daring, t , And then little earing, ' , We joyously go on our wa3'.; ( ; - m : - f j . But just one last look at that castle so old, . Then we turn there fsf nothing but space, Ah! iVas but dreasiing, . , s My brain is still teeming ; With visions of Portia'l Place. ' , , '" Mr. Nasby takes iial?utcrest in New York politie-He Visls I the New York Democratic Cenveiition aud Expresses iiis High Admiration for ' IJossT Tweed.' CONFKDEBATE A ROADS, CII 13 IN TIIH STATK OF KkNTUCKY.) i ! ! 1 i October 14, 1871 alii in the sere, aflu.yaljer lear. ana uoy much uv. politics, but iicvcr in my SCtll life did l ever see a qonvensuun'-so beuuti managcu ez the late Democratic (Jon- -venfihun at lLochestcr, JNoo lorK. 'I yiuz tlieije i.l by speshel ivatashen, uv my ol4 frtehd, lcntns O'fehaiighnessy1, uv tlio 6th Ward, Noo-York, sense I !ef t the Harp uvl Erin Stoon, hez pmproved wonderfully inia wordly pint uvl view lie wuz then itiod-car'rer by profession;'. and. a repeater bv Practice. . lie attracted Kheattcutiun uv MrJ Tweed Iv his Zial rti votm and IniJ bravery ia'k.nockin ddwti oppnsislieu voters; and 1 wuz uv course irew.iuled. Ik is?ncw Assistant Inspector, tty Musket. Trigiiers uv the!. Ninth Kcgimeilthl Armory, at a salary uv $300 per mouth, JSkooI Inspccipr in the Sixth Ward, at a salary uv f 400 per month, and IThirty-Second .Assistant Law; Adviser, to the commission toi coudemniug private1 property, for streets-aiid sich, at a salary uv $3,0y0 per year, besides wicli he Ihz a teuti interest iu the contract lor keepin the glawj in repair, uy the two back winders uv two Armories, out uv wich ho made $10,000 in tte Just six months, lie wuz to ncv ueu tuc. coutrack for he two tronc wiuutrs m auui uid the peppie made outo the that. He hez,' however, in- tiou, but the. Mass busted ! VCStep. largely ,1" CllJ una, auu lvtu-.o ; i "loves, and d diamond tz big tz a; peach stone! Denni8 sedthat ef the. internal Amerikeus and German kin be beat down, and the coutrcl uy Noo-York left with the ' Irish, where it bclougsi, bo will .be tolerably AJ I-'ll 1111 111 I V . tM E. V 1. tf V V- i Ilennia beiu uv consequence i4lpartyv wuz, uv course, in the private eciels uv the managers uv the State ConyecWurfcHe llaliKevser, Garviu, aud the, entire coxivu ' "casli-en iW'uz a't'Iiochcsttr, JhuugU nuboUy kD9.WSl.ilJ'CChex wchfiu fcspoul private caV and hed private rooms at the Osborne Uousv vntlra telegraph -Virtj. ruoni di rectly' to T019; IIAI1 in : wic.li the' COuyenshun wuz i held. rtt'!wuzM:th, scene I ever -witiicWst : one jwich ..these old eves! wilt - never probabjy - look onto again. Therein au csy chair set cue man dircctiu the"tdelibrasheuH; uv, a convenshun uv tbo Great State uy Nbo-York one-brain think in :ot?iv thousand pne hand guidiu a thousand. Ho directed the Convenshun to riieer whon Seymour's name wuz'anuounst ti delegate, "and they cheered he directed cm to reject the 'fAimmany 'delegashun from the city, and they wuz rejcct'ucj he directed era to do evry thing that wuz done and they the over to " My gentle sir,'? retorted he -AVitli; a bland smilc ez he .dictated ; Mibssal dircctin uv the Cotfvenshuni to cheer wnemthe rejection uv the Tamtxrahy delegates wuz ! announced,' my : "dear sir, J AM -THERE V-TuWa u hundred uv throats a shoutin this mtnit there's a hundred uV my hats a gum up to the" ,eeilirr this minit there's two hun drcduv.my liand3 n clappin vociferously at this minit. ,V There's a great many uv me in thathall.'V 1 Aiter the adjifutnuieut uv the Convenshun I for ldyauerrtho hairman,uv the Committee" : on IlesOluioshenS came -iutd the room to sul- mitthe.JcsoJooshep iTi'vy IukI prepared, that Jtheyi mite ; he shbor i theyjwood meet Mr. TwecTs idensJ TXie . reat "man rd(l : m' aitentiveiyand handed UY 'em back nit (' " They won't do," sed he sententiousty:'? ; In -wat'respck rtr; tliey. faulty ? ' asked Uhairmau, bsefiuibusly . f :: ,t i I " Woodent at be well enousu,r seai weea, with a smile. still ' more bland, than: the first, " wnort m l it ; be ' wcl I en ouch to wut ir a resolooshdd den'ouncin . corrupshen, in gen- cral terms, uv course; specif yin paftickefery, I however the especial corrupshen uv.' the ; NKshnel0rYernmentY and that ..Uy States vhich is under, radikal control." ; ') The sublimity uv sich a sejestion tominV 'rom Tweed struck the chairman all uv a heap. CerCainly I will; ef you wistf it" sed lie, but I 'spbse cl that is, my idea wuz -ja a generldI.w'ay, about "cbrupshei ' in VipwVrjTelIiani jist f now holding a p(ac wich fpy-suthjn hkq teuj thouUu nevermind it. shell; be done.?' r;" 'K - ' V . .: . u Then agin, M sed Tweed, , smilin still blander, and with -the taintet sejestiou uv & wink in his left eye 4i I would sejest that joo; pledge '; the democratic party t to a honest and ecoiibniical .expcndltoor uv the pubiiotunclsl"H i'v i : f ; ' ? J;'3 t A 1 1. ? i;-J - ibe Chairman; turned fale witii surprise; out he coincided, t Everybody b coincides ith Tweed V'- ' - - pd while yoo are at at,", "continued the great egft witu $ grnjet ue blandnis uv. iCh caavv. described, you hed,better .. 4 VIAV. ivw " "O " , j j i Grown oyer with ivyjind stately its avails, , . llti hath stood there for: maty My ear J A I j ; i Watte deifaer,Jmdr'e tangled, M t :d The ivv hath dangled if , . s-'"'.' " i .nni it iiiirii tnrreLs oi stone. . --. 1 m ""Sly great sir,", scd J, i,n astonishment at power he, wiehJed,' " .Wliy '.cion't yoo go the Hall ana direct tno vonveDsnuu?'' T put in airegolooshen- dcnouasm,, the profli- I tracy uvthemauageraentuy matters m Noo Totk Lntrtro -mikiEnitiMnrt yoOj-ez' the eo, ez ta . maku : lb . plaint , that- ivjj mp yoor Tweed smiliu a emile wich for bland nis excelled the most delishus Joon inorniog, u its much better to hevi the'eorrupshun denounst by us than by the enemy, parikelerly; fz jwe know ' mqr0 definitely aboht- iti'tu And I would eejbst 1 that ybtt Uev a resolooslrcn, boldly" challengin a om the Hepublican and Democratic lidminiatra tions uv the State add city governments, and (and here be smiled, with a blandnis wich wuz heavenly, ez he fingered a most gigantic diamond on the little, finger uv his left hand aid sipped ' a glass uv cham pagne) any little thing wich yoo kin throw in ez to the necessity fUv a return tOjthe. simplicity uy our Puritan '.' fattfeiVwbp'd '4ms welU'; :t r '. .!! '' v-'. ; ' r'- " The chainuan wuz too affected to say a word,- but he made the necessary noteis, and castiu - one look uv- astonisluueut ' at "-tin; greatness uy his chtief wiio tatj r there tsuiiiin blaudily, rt:Vired frotri theVresehce. JJutttihtgreat s manV work . was - not, yet d UDe. U a. Yro mp tly t e legraff every, -prpm i -wept plpoeyUeNerlitf i&iHj'politistinju, Ujc' State jb';tten(uuccliinria the bittenst terms', aud thjbu'tellin the" convention who to uonir ii.ateamlvat e.lse to do, weht "Jnme. '. I There ; n crcatuesa'and a graudetcr in tliis uiati wich' i ' can't suilicieutly , aVliruff . SouiLvmen "wood be so puffed up with ll e possession uv the5 twenty-live mifHoris jvkh he'hazmade, tz to iusist upou uu, indoist ment byt the? -party through wich ho lnadc it, bup riot'; p vith Twccd j Thcrainjtfjiio vanity "abputhim. Soiiong tz hei hZiUe control uv the party, .he don't', care a cent wbether he is publicly recognized or not. Jvz.be ; rtaiarktito me, ' "Ef the way tt my, cuntinuashcn in power is in denuusiuiihtn iiv me, very good, ' denounce me. I kla stand it; I ain't t e lirst' inrtn who, to get ; on, ucz tram led oyer the dead' body oi, nis own reputa.hcu. ' I'd jest ez soon 'pull the wires behiudvthe curtain z to manipulate the T3UDi)ets iu front uv it I ain f acoip.t let personal vanity stand in' the way uv the I'm grand success I'm hopin lor next year a rather heavy load tor the party to carry try till jest now, ami I'm goin to releeve em after the lVesidenshl elecshiin. 1 : Then I saw wat motive w,uz actooatin f 4 the Amerikiu JSapoIeob- and 1 wuz,a;in lost in wonder. Whoever! the Democratic nominee, is. he will simnlv be a shadder, uv wichf Tweed will 'be the substahee., Tweed will be the power behind ..the, throne, wicyB' is greater than tlie I hrpne itself. Aadfwiat a glorldu'al pripw;k "opens to-us fi IThin uv a DembcVaiip Iesident in l87oiVith behind him f . Think. uv' Tweed'makin;col- lecfor nd;assessor8 land postmastersf a 14 i uUU all iiiv.e'm beih: Jesiionsi xmsi bleblejY toNhi in I Ef he fheziade )t ; himselt a Oce'-ju?:. kind his friendshkewj8tv ohtruv. the-revenue uv one cltywat. Avill hi - do when ; he.heziihe nashea lo;blycd ? ;', ' I ; o J I shet'towunst' cultivate: pleasant ,'rela shen Ui Tweed. - V ? l rETKOLKUM Y . JN ASB T , JL, . . V (Wick wuz Postmatt n) v.- miscellaneous: p i 'PIAN'OS." ! riMos soldrat inanufacturcrs lowest prices,. ; Old'Piauos taken iu exchaugo; ,'', Pianos' tuned and' repaired. ! ! ' MASONIC HALL, Wilmington. NJC. aug 20 1W tf ; ; iWi ;' ; J - 'F '-TWA' mom O SITUATED IN- I EALTHY AND TJESIEA- blc iocalities on Castle, Church, Wilson 'Or ange, . Nun, Ami, Dudley, Gwynn, DlckiiisbV, Wood, Charlotte, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth; Seventh i Eighth,-' Ninth Tenth,' Jiieyentb, Twelfth, and Thirteenth 'streets.-' Thosg wishr iiig to imprbve will get plwnty of time' dhd low ligures;: Apply to 'f! JAMES WILSON. NATHANIEL JACOB!. ' ; 1S3tf Or iu his absence to septal : ; tint GOODS. S0L.-BEAR:&BR0S.;j WA0LES1LE & RETAIL DEALERS 18 and 20'MAIIKET STREET, V A KE NOW OPENING A LARGE AND COM- LflL plete assortment of GOODS, to which thev invite the attention ot their city and country menus, . . j . i STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, ,. - . Consisting of t ' J j FANCY AND MOURNDfO PRINTS, DELANES, " ' : ALACCAS, - ' " II- - PLAIDS.- - e;V-v BED TICKING. SEEETING3 and 5i3lRTINGS Bleached and ? ; ; r unbleached, &c S - ' .4 vtTT.T. rrvc FANCY GOODS,' NOTIONS, HOSIERY, &c, ; j THE LARGEST STOCK OF i ReaUy1, Made Clothitig fand: Gents'- Furnishing 't ! Good sever otfered . In this market. ' . J . TWENTY-FIVE : CASES MEN'S AND. i BOYS WOOL land FELT HATS. 5 i -V A CxSES OF BOOTS AND SHOES, best "tDU . mateiiaV rahdj' superior; workmanship, purchased direct Irom ' manufacturers, &e t &e. FcrsQUS visiting thti city to purchase Goods would do welL to giv va callJ Superior ln- ducements and accommodatipif terms offered to wholesale buyareiv.? aur ;vi. t' K .. -sent 23 . rtL. :ti n- - , r r , iixi-u- iiilagistrj AT TUB OmUB OF THE POST. unvin at, -witDoui exactly v&mia,me.:r ,, iu ?i:itHWhy,T?atfsheliwe--, i:rVr ; . , Don't go on, my lriend," sea . -.v...r -y-o-gS .- .. - - it . - ' i f f l ill . ; ' f i.H!;i -..- -C- J itis Blanks! ; ,i - . r" DIVORCES. '. : State where the laws urcr liberal on the subject, ' and under ihuUnit J States laws, f for persons from auy &tati .rr- Couutry iei;alvt-ry where. de sertion, Cfadty,no:i-jipport, druulienncsi,' etc, sufJlcieut cause u puol!(;Uy rf(xulred-no fee until divorce obtained. ' ' ? " , RIFLES rsUOT Gun inateriaJf of ovej-y tind.Wrile rnce 7 ; AENTS, LOOK;; $? to $ldailT,easily made, n profitable and resx)cctableusiness. A listle novelty wanted by everjbody, t Success sure. Send tamp for creular ip'Omrchill & Tempicton, Manii's, OlftjiJ' way i )Htr5'l - i. ;t t.,i';T- t r, t'. ..t.r ' i, i. j'n'ili ii , r, i 'Hl-iM ASK YOUR GROCERi FOR -u x4w t .GRUMBLE OTFORT -. r tnaiiw Ten Dolhus. B. L. Wolcott, N.Y. r . V 1 M-iP; giHd-U n ' 141- ; ., FREE 3 M'ONf HSo0n TRIAL. A hrstrclass large, -jquarto Journal; 04 columns. Illustrated. Or one year far GO, cents, with two bound lectures, by James McCosh, D D, LLD, and JS O Haven, D J,iiiL'L D, . as premiums. Send name and address to PEOPLE'dJj.OlJKNT ALt Philadelphia Paif.$iMt' t" i 14w $1,000.00 itltide n G JUOIM.TIIH by one asrent. canvassiDsr for t.- i jijsi UU.UJS.1SUAU1J.U ; w- By Dr W VV HAii Agents wanted. H N Mc K1NNKY & CO., . 16 North 7th Street,' Phila delphia, Pa. u " Ul-4w PSYCHOLOGIC Fuseiuation or SOul char ruling, 400 pages byiUerbert Hamilton, B.A. How to, use this power (which all possess) at will. Divination, Spiritualism, Sorceries, De monology, and a; thousand other -wonders. Price by mail 61 25, in cloth: paper vivers $1.00. Copy lreo to agentsionly. ?1. Oo monthly easily made.; Address T; W EVrANS, rub. 41 S. 8th Street .Philadelphia; . Fa. i M v I4t-4w i ; i " ; - . i ; 1 . i ;.. j -4 (iREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS -i . !; ' j'. , r :,. : Do you waut ai situation as atrentj local or traveling with chance to make 5 to $20 per day Belliue'ourr new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lnies t They last forever jample irec., so there is no risk, j Address at once Hudson River Wire Works, cor. Water St. & Maiden Lane, N. Y. or 10 Dearbon St. Chicasro. . . ; h 141-4 w. KelteTed and Cured br Dr. Sherman's Patent AnpHance and .Compound. Office, 69T Broadway, N; T. Send loc. for book -with photographic likenesses of cases before and after .-are. with the Henry Ward Beeoher case, letters and portrait. Beware of U areling imposters, who pretend to have been assistants oTiOr. SHKRKAir. He has no Agents. - ' - . " ; 135-4 w It ku thcdelleate and refreshing uiee or genuine irarina Coloene Water, and lc 1ff - lndlsoeusable to . . i tko Toilet of erery Ldy or Cen-, tleman. Sold by Draegfeta and Wealers In PERFUMERY. . I 13V4w ; F R E A R ; '! For House fronts, Docks, Pier?, Culverts, Walls, Fountains, and alt building purposes ; j harder, more durable and one hundred per cent; cheap er than natural stone. ' FOR STATE, AND COUNTY RIGHTS to manufactured apply to Ciia.s. W. Datsling, Secretary N. Y. FREAK STONE CO., 3,8 Broadway, N. Y. f; . 141-4 w . . IS A PURE ' ' JJLAC4C TEA with the Green Tea .-.Flavor. Warrant ed to suit alt tastes. For sale everywhere. And tor 6ale 'Wholesale only by tne Great Atlantic .&. Pacific T-caCo., 8 Church St. New York. P. O. Box 550G. Send for Thea-Neetar Circular. ' ! . ' lo5-4w AGENTS WANTED. Bouna canvassing book of postage on receipt of 75 cents,! and exclusive territory tirunterl on the I'lu l uiwv l, , Contains over 300 Illustrations, is a com plete Library of Biblical Knowledge. Excells all others. ln Eng-lish atid German ' Send for circulars. WM. FLINT & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. . - : r- ' 141-4W THE FOE OF THE OURCH , .. AND KEPUBLIC. . What it has done. What it is doiuc and what it means to do. Its power, despotism.' infallibili ty, frauds, relicts," miracles, idolatry, persecu tions, startling crimes, and NEW YORK RIOTS. Send for circular. Address PEOPLE'S PUBLISHING CO:, 10 S. Sixth St., Philadel phia, Pa. ' ; 1414w WELLS CARBOLIC T A.IJ L E T S , FOK COUGHS, COLDS & 1IOAKSENJESS. , j These Tablets present the Acid in t Combina tion with other efficient remedies, ' in a popular form, for the Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Diseases. , HOARSENESS and ULCERATION of the. THRO T are irnmediateljvrelieved abd statements are constantly beinr sent to the pro prietor of relief In cases of Throat difficulties of years standing. . ; ''.I ' ' CAUTION ! Don't be, 'deceived by worthless imitations. Get oulv Wells' Carbolic Tablets, Price 35 Cts. per box." JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt Stu N. Y. ' Send for Circular. Sole Agept for'the V. Sj - .; .j ;1 ; . 141-4W . t T0 CONFOBM TO ! " ; i REDUCTION OF DUTIES. GREAT SAVING TO flSIU 'J . V.BY,0ETTLN(JjUP,CLUB3T ;'.:.,.f,- k i3f3end for our New Price Pt and a Club form will accompany . It, containing full direc tions making a large saving to consumers and remunerative to clubDrganizersy- 'i tut TH& GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO, 31 cfe 33 VESEY STREET. ! j P. O. Box 5643 NEW YORK. ' ' 135-4 w :finiSTDK..:.IP : ! By Wm. SMITH, LLD.? Armou 1 of ft smith's bibls dictionabt. It contains lii 3 nne Scripture'' Illustrations and over 1 100 tfages; and is f!tke most compre henstve'and valuable History f the Bible ever priblisbedr-'The labor an d ;learrihi of centuries., are gathered In this Jne volume, "to throwfa' strong Jclear lfshtubojl revery ' of hc in' spired Word! ' ' ' T''V' t iTAQENTS WANTED. Send fpr Circulars and see our.' termsl T and a full description of the work-Add re?e NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO Philadelphia Pa.. Atlanta, Ga., . Cincinnati, O., f.'or8t Louis, Mo. . ' M " ' 1 " Ul iW Divorces. Secaliv. ""ObtanKKt;! ijr 'every Call on; oraddresn , - --.i.; s Broadway, 1 door betowrjohn St: . - i f T v v ( - New York City: i oct l9 t't fa". j , v7rV416m iorrnce Last, U Great western Gun yopr(&j ltrsourglv PalArmWuTOn for' Agent waitjted. wrfHvJL If5-4w j in h a EmL i 1 mm3 POKE MIER8 nnt t api. . A . AfnwTti . ; rr j OV tftt l ,fui8W,V Expenses, paid. It is. trsnre and perfect' remedy for all disfiaica Tr- lo h'h4itf.k im1 4iifnAfviinmWffe Atf ' J of the .'-Lt ver arid ' :! SpleeDniargemviit or Obstruct iob l of ,IuttiheniUrihary, Utrj-i ferine,- or Abdominal Organs, 'JPorerty 6ri a : want of Blopjl; ' ititcruiitteiit; or j t - Uemtteht Fevers, . Ipflatnmation of ! tbeLiyer,; Propsy; iSlugish Cir- r i t , ,y ;cu'latKin i p; I he J 'Bipod, Abs- f j v. r ii cjesscsy '-Tumrs.Kt Jaundice C m j n H0;.Bfspcpsia;gi2er&j f i, M) Kever ufi their Concomitants V-'nH I Diu WeuU having become aware of thc extra ordinary s I medicinal, properties ZoV the r South Americunl Plant; called U 1 , ' it ;s ? Bent a ' special commu5Iori.ty'af;cuntVyio procure iC irr its natiyeuaity, ; and haying found its wohderfat curatiyc 'robertlea to 'even ex- Happy to state that ha has ' nerfected arrangement for a' rckularr.5ibrithlv su'dt1 v of this wonderful Plant. ;lle has &p&ht much time, experlmehting as td the most o effliieE t prepara tion from lit, lor populate use, and has for; some timemsed in his own practice : with most happy results the effeqtual medicine now i presented to ihe public. as: ft--r-,"." Uh-j- Ra ELiiXTEACTvOF Wjurubeba,; ,and rhe f confidcuUyA repoamend it to e very family as a household; remedy which should be frielyjtakiTttBjpf'Mm all derane tneptsi o thttsystem and, .to animate and! fortify laB.wealc and Lymphatic temperameuts. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Piatt .St., NewYork. - U2-4w ! : Sole Afnt for the United States.' Price pne Dollarjpei; bottle. Send for Circular.1 . . .I I M.l .1 . fi w.l 1 1 1 V .,- 9 a 11 rANUFAOTtfRED BY MRS. SUE'. W.. IvX CAS II WELL, Wilmington, N. C. j, !, One of the most eliectl ye Remedies for INFLAMED, SOKE, AND WEAK EYES - : -. r ' ' ;! ' ' ' - I Ever offered to the public. ' . For ale by aU Druggists iu the city. Price 25 Cents Per Bottle. GREEN & FLAN NE 11, 'Wholesale Agents, 47, Market St. May iiS . 110 tf- .V'' TO THE SUFFERING. The Rev. William II. fdrtori, while rueidingi 'i,j.J-i .-. . i.r.i.. 1 i. i..Il I 1 i ' .' . . 1 " k- i 1 in Brazil as a Missionary, discovered in .that land o medicines: a remedjy lor Consumption, SciiorirLA, Soas1 TuuoW, Coughs, 'Colds, Asthma, aud Nkuvous Weakness. This rem edy hal cured myself . after all other medicines had failed. ' ;" Wishing to benefit the suffering, I will send the reeeipe for preparing and using this remedy to all fho desire it FREE uF JUARGE. with your name and Pieasie send an envelope,! address u it. Address, ' .. RevWiLLIAN: 1 . ! U. -4' II. -NORTON, C7G Broadway, New York City. ; ' . KJ;ly ; sept SO - TLANTIC HOTEL, NORFOLK, VA. It. S i D O !) S O N formerly ot th FOUNTAIN HOTEL, ; ( Baltimore, Md., f ropnetor. ' j This iha riiiliceut .HOTEL, after having been thorough tv renovated aud elitted, is "now open for the accommodation of iiucsts Board, first auu feeeond lloor, 'i per day. lnirdialid iourtu lluor, fc-i.oU per day. Liberal terms to permanent Boarders. sept lb' ! I 13-i-3to BURNETT' Hid of Cocoa-nut Oil, &c. Acknowl- ed the- i)est promoter of the growth and beauty ior Hhe . hair. JoS, BURNETT & CO.. Boston, iiil fs.! Sold by all druggists.' , Beware ofimitahd h " i KJ7-4w , FJIH ior one nioutn t-o ail wuo ask lor it , 75e, to J:mu, '72 ; $1.50 to July, m; ODIST. iJjQ to! Jan:, T.l. j. THE MET1I- 'ffivery week a Lecture Room Talk by Beedhfcif; Sermon or article by Talmage, (second oa ly to - Beecher in popularity), Mrs. 'Willin's feat) serial story exposing? secret workings S ROmauismiin ; America, and much other KOOtflleJfdingJ G. Hals ted, 114 Nassau st.. TT'l mi tT i'Ary ' Rumples, of our great J? 'XVJEUll 8-i)age, $1.00 illustrated weekly 30 yearqlstablished. ! Fine! steel engravings lree to jsubscribers. Agents', make $5 a da v: Send tor; Saturday Ciazette, Hallowell, me. V 'S I '! .-h-- 1S7-4W ' 1 : 1 , sL AZ PL$rONS JOURNAL, Four months r-iuue Dollar. Persons nut now sub- 6criburs t& Aplclou&' Journal, exn, .as a trial subscripti4lj oblain the remaining issues for the turreit year from .Sept. 2d FOR ONE dollar, Tj; -; ; i Th.s Iargje- reduction is Offered to new sub scrilers t0 ;enable those not now acquainted withthe Vt4tt, to fully test its merits. Re mittiuces iiust. be mailed direct to the publish ers..; .:-'!... I j v L. ' ' !;v " Apletos' Jouknai.1 is published : : weekly and consist of t hirty-two j pages, quarto, each nunber attfrctively illustrated- Price lOct per No.; regular subscription price $4 per annum, in idvaucd.; u. APPLETON & CO., Publish ers,NewjYjork.j. I. j .1:, 1 1304w bollciteooy iMUNN & CO Publis hers Scientific Ameri- can, 37 :ParK Row, N. Y. Twenty-tfye years' experience. - 'Pamt.hlefis eohtainingi Patent Laws, with lull directions-' Sow. to obtain Patents, lree- A bound jvolume ot 11 iages;i containing the'! new VCiiHUs uy eouuifc uu ii iajnniies, HQ Eugraviiigs of Mechanical Alo-emets Pat T 'J-.J.L tall I....... ..Ilii ent Laws! land rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on; rjecelpt of 5 cents. 189 4w ARTllcLOSETS.fiet the best. Earth Closet Co., 215 State St., Hartford, Ct.vSole ll; S. Proprietors ot i bule', Me'ule & Girdlestqn's, I Luther's, Wuriug,s, Newton's and Doolitlle's Patents, i The only Closets that have proved effective. f The Earth ; Closet,, by its disinfectioh of faces is the most valuable tueaus of i preventing spread of cholera, and oher contagious diseases. : Seud lor "circulars. Agents wanted everywhere. SaJe&roomr : 1J Eoane St., Boston tJCfl 3roadway, N. Y. ; 1224 market Strtjet, Philadelphia. : v ' 139 4w , A NEW ERA IN 1ST ; i ILABOR, TIME, If vni- mm SAVED BY TIIK USE OP , i . ELD'S t ilRF COLD iVATEK . SLF V, ASH1UG soap; by CIUdULAR and PRICEVlJ5T END for WILMINQTON, N; 0. 4;ent fr the State of .North Carolina. fact 13 cccu imp iunvifniiuiia iuruieupKi3;re,4fcJrepu tation, has concluded to.nefito the public,: and isirhappy id state that4 hd has 'Deflected i, A comm. ejdg MM .mm till Li h I Si fJ3W! f ADVflltTlSEIlENTS.;!;. .1, fK. HENRY' T.'DELHBOLD'S . ' . 1 A n 1 n vl GRAiPE: -TILLS. Compbnent -Part&-Fluid u Extract ' Ehfilarl arid Fldid Extract Catawba Grape." t L'-Hr'!-..rt.ifi'1fit Juice. ... iIh'N.VrOM1 fOR LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, BIL; IOUS AFFECTIONS, SICK OR NERVOUS HEADACHE, COSTIVENESS,' Etc. . PURE LY VEGETABLE CONTAINING NO MER- ,-CURY, MINERALS OR - DELETERIOUS -DRUGS - t i ."v:;.; i -to-, i '. i ' -( -.''ifstr: i-H " . -ir- 1. ..' f t 1 r--fc .TlJtse Pills are a pleasant purgative, supersed ing castor oil, ! gaits, 'tnagnesia, etc. There Id nothing inbre .acceptable 10 the stomach. sTheyj give tone, and Cause neither nausea' nor griping pains.; ..They arecomposedol UxefuumtingredietU After a lew days' use ot them, such an iqyigdra-j tion of the entire system takesfplace asto appear miraculous to the weak and- enervated,- II. i T. Helmbold' Componnd - Fluid Extract Catawba Grape -Pills are .not sugarcoated, sugar-coated; Pills i do , pass 'through -the stomach without dissolving,' consequently do ! not produce the desired 'tteclKiThe 1 Catawba Grape Pills,' being1 pleasant, ; iii taste und odor,do not necessitate, their being sugar-coated, (and are prepared ac4 cording to rules o f Pharmacy and Chemistry! ana are not Patent Medicines.) 3 - - - ,11 E Jt'lt Y Ti' IIELjHB.OliD'S ' IIGIILY CONCENTRATED COJlPOUNb 'FLUID .EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will fadlcallveitermihate 'from the bvstem Scrofula, Syphilis,5 Fcvci" Sores. Sore Eyes, sbrel Legs, oore uaoutn, core nuuu, xruueuiiis, okiu Diseases; Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings Irom heEar.iWhite Swellings. Tumors, Cancerous Affectiobs, Nodes, Rickets Glandular Swellings,1 f lgiii sweats, Kasn. Tetter. Humors ot ail kiucs. phronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and fall dis-i eases that havc been established bx the system; SWA. J VtUOt 4 , ;- J -v- ' Li Beiusr nrcnarotl exbresalv for the abovii . com-. flaunts, its' bloOd-purifyisgVroperties ar great-J er tJian anv other nreDaration of Sarsaiiarilla. I It gives the complexion 'a clear and healthy coior and restores the patient to a state oi health and purity.s Fori purifying the blood, removing all" chronic . constitutional diseases - arising from an impuie state ol -.the blopd,.and me only reliable audi effectual known reraedv for the cure 6f Pains and Sw-elliug of the! Bones, Ulcerations or tne iuroat and l-cus, islsotchfcs, nnrpies on tue ,je ace, iSirysipeias t auu an tscasy Ernijtibns of the Skin, and Beautitvinr, the I J. 1 - - . : - I 1 CoiAplexion. t ;.l - , I IIENUY T. IlELMDOLD'S ;; -'CONCENTRATED" ' MiUiD EXTRACT BUCUU I 1 1 THE GREAT DlURliTIC. taabured every case of Diabetes In which it has! beeft given, Irritation of4.be Neck of the Bl ad der ;ad Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulcera tionf fii the.Kdneyg and Bladder, Retention :of Urine,, Diseases ot the Prostrate Gland,? Stone in te Bladder Calculus, ' Gravel, Brick-dust Dejb6it, and! Mucous or Milky Discharges, aiid for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions of boil sexes, attended with the lbllowing symn tcm: Indisposition to Exertion, Lqss of Pow er, Loss of Memory, DUUculty of Breathing, TVefdv Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, vyatTefulntss,. Dimness ot Vision, Pain 1 in the Bacf, Hot Hands, Flushing ol the Body, Dry-; nesifthe Skin, Eruption orlhe Face, Pallid tjorfitenanee, Universal lassitude of the Museu lariitstem.ietc; : I" ! -I !j Ued by persousTrom the aires of eighteen to tw&fcty five, and froiu. thjrty-five to fihvf five or i in liie aeeune or ph&nge ot lile ; alter confine- mom or iaDor pains ; oea-weuing in cniidren. M lil - " t ..--4 f.- - !4 'inuoid's Kxtraet Knphn in ,ninri.f!f Btdbfi-Purifyiag, and cures all diseases' unsinir lroinwhabits of dissipation, and excesses ahd iuipridenees t ia life, ; impurities of the Iblood, etbi, Superseding Copaiba in Afiectiohs for wWcn it is used, and Syphilitic Affectidns-in these diseases used In connection-with IHelm bOldf Rose Wash. . ,i ; j i t. . . , LADIES. ; . p J In inany affections peculiar to ladies, the Ex tract;Buchu is unequalled by any other Remedy as in Chlorosis , or " Retention, Irregularity, Puiutuluess or Suppression of: CustomarV Evac uations Ulcerated or S chirrup, state pf . the Uteris, Leucorrhcja or s -Whiles, Sterility, and fpf aTy eomplaiuts incident to - the sex, wkiether arising from indiscretion L,pr habits of dissipa tion. 1 lt is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, ol both sexes and all ages. .;'...!,., o II. ;T. HELMb6lD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES' ARISING FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, at little expense,! little or no change in diet, tio inconvenience, and no expos ure. It causes a '- lrequent desire audj gives strength to Urinate, thereby removimr -Obstruc tions, Preventing and Curing Strictures 1 of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Inflammation, so ireqmmt in tuis uass oi diseases,- attd! expelling HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ' . ROSE (WASU , j 1 J cannot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only speqifip remedy in every spe4 eies of Cutaneous, Affection. It speedily leradi cates Pimples, Spotsj Scorbutic Dryness, !lndu-i rations, of the Cutaneous.; Membrane, etc., dis-! pels Redness' and tuei pi en t Inflammation, HivesJ Rash,, MQth?Katcht.Lrynwss ot( Scalp orjskin,! Frpst Bites, and all purpogeaf for which $alves or Ointmeats are used rsvores the skin to a! state ol purity jaed . ioftoess, -and insures con-i tiuued healthy actios to the tissue of its vessels,1 on which depend jib cgreeable - clearness and vivacity.of complexion so.tnuch sought and ad-' mire d.-,,. But howler yaluable as 'a remi'd for exisUng da'eets af jithet skin U; T. Helmbold's Rose; Wash haslonj ifeustaihed its ? prihcipal claim to TuubasEded patronage bp! possessing dualities which render it a toilet ameniii th uioi jiupedaUve audi Congenial character, comoiEms i n elegant formula those promi nent requisites, gafely and Eflicacy--the invari able accompjuimentof IU use as a Preserva tive and-, lefreshSR of ? th3 Comniexionl m Tt is an u excellent. 1-otion, lor diseases of a Syphilitic ature aad'as injection lor diseases ol the Unikrj Onjan,,? arising irom habits of dissipation used in connection with thd Ex tract Bucii-a. SursaDarULVi and Catawba tir,. Pills, inf?.ch dkesieau recommended : cannob ,.'Full 6ia; cxp'leit .directions ; accompany the Lvic,ince ol the most responsible and reliable .Character la riiLahcd on , ajinlicallnn I with- him. jt.rCuS r,f thOil-ands of lirino- witnescpa' aiiA r w.sjrsl of S0,C0O Unsolicited certificates atod re- comtaerdatdryuetters, many or which ardfron thsiiihest sources, including eminent Physi iataiesuien. iniboid's Ge . it .ti. Tl X Waby address Secure from: obser- L: -4ta:i fie4jipward uf.twcnty years. Sold by j tvttywhere. Address letters for in- a-, in eonlidence to Henry T. Helmbold. X n: Tg": t and Chemist. "I ' Cuy DeiJoUjrlllX Helmtold'a IDmg5 and C!;eu! il Warehouse, - Net 61H Broadway, New York, f to H; T.- Ilelmbold's Medical Depot, LZ i l th Tenth SlreetPhiladclphla; Pa. I' : rAIiE iOW -COUNTERFEITS. Ask lor n : .; ;Tt t.v, helmbo ld's i - take ! no U.i .K .r t. . ,tuj i 'jt-, .-' I -w-emeu, uic. il lines pro- I'rictor Las j;ver restored to their publication iu t thtiTv,j ; -re; he does not do Ibis from the fact I tti'lt h VA ?i .! Milt n4 n1-ir,l Tr,.i ..-.itw..c. 1 I e?-d do unt need to be propped ttrxbyeertlflcates. O'! li'rnrv 1' f Illf Ailwttile Trnnr.. lit m. RAIL ROADS. Office op; Seaboakd & Roanoks H. R. Co., i uuTSMoyxn, v At, iarcn lltb, 1871. i. i nil Anne nc cpucmii c i ; w iirik wrvi- J t UUIIbUUkbi ' ' On and alter MONDAY, 13th instant, Trains will leave PORTSMOUTH (Sundays excepted) as follows : l 4 Mail Train; dail, at 6 a. m. Through Freight Train, daily at. ... . .1:45 p7 m. Way Freight Train, Mondays, Wednes- " days and Fridays, at. . .. .... .ta ..... , 7 a m ' ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. Mail Train daily! at. . . . . ... .. 7-15 p m Through FreightiTrain, daily, at. .. ...'.i:W p m Way Freight Train Tuesdays, Thursdays v?,88' . S:S0 p m Mail Train ; stops at aU ? Stations lor passen gers.: v. I ? .';,- , . :-. .i?'2uSli,?reiSUt Trains only stop at Bowers' Hill, Suffolk, Bjuckhotn, Franklin, Boykins; andveaboard for passengers. w ay Freight Trains stop at all Stations for passengers. : vMaU Trains connect at Weldon with trains of the WilmiCffton ttnd Weldon. nalpl-h n . ton 'roads: and mi Mondavs WHnn.. Fridays at Franklin with steamer for Edenton Ply mouth and landings on the Blackwater and Cl?wf,:i rivers. : ' r Freight;receiyed daily, Sundays excepted, from 8 a m to 4 p m. v 1 E. G. GHIO. : Supt. of Transportation. mar 20 WiliaingloH. tliarlolle & RrR, B. :; Company. - : :: ' Genkual Superintendent's Office i ' ' " - ". v., w uu. IVIU. iOfi.. I o U M Jl JL li ;- A li K A N G K M B: V T nv f j.. 7 v . apa Eastern Division; ton?(Ka m Frht.Tr&in leaves Wilming ton at 7.00 A. M. and arrives at 3:20 p. M dailv (Sundays excepted.) ' aaiJy at 4 :t the Road- r "M cu e ill u;3U A. M. I Astern Division ;rissenRr.r aad Freisrht Trains leave Clicrrr. , Afrive in Charlotte at i-:S0' A.' M. Lfave-Charlo'tte 'on same days at 2 iM) V t arBt Cherry ville at b;00 P. M. EXCURSION TICKETS from Wilmington to Cherryville, good for the season,.at 118 ROUND : " S. L. FREMONT, chiet Engineer and Superinteudcnt.- lltt-tf June 15 WHiaiiigt ii & Weldon R. R. Co. I Wilmington, N. C, June 0th, 1871. I tt 3L. JU. 1 CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, . ! Arrive at Union Station at i: 15 A. M; ani 7:C0 Freight Trains leave 2:30 P. M. r j Oii Sundays the. 5:45 4 M.i j .. i y at 10:30 and arrive at P. M. and 4:15 A. M Iil.'IIII IIIM I V AAJ 111 TCk 'mi '!;. - . . S. L. FREMONT. mei engineer aud 'General Supt. 110-ti jane 15 Office N. C. Rail Road Comijany i !f Company Shops, June 3d, 1871 I 0$f AND AFTER SUNDAY, JUNE 4tu ilt7i, trains will be run over this road in" accordance with the following f iTIME TABLE: TRAINS GOING EASTk. 'Statioss. EXPRESS. MAIL. ArfiYC- i Leave.ii Ai rive. Leave. Charlotee . . Salisbury Greensboro'. Co. Shops. . . Hillsboro'. .. Raleigh ..... Goldsboro': . 3:10pm 5:30om 8:35pm 10:10" 11:37" 2:40am 8; mum 8:23am 11: 13am 5:JGpm 8:-i5pm 9.50pm 11.35 " S'iam 7:20am ll.JSjtu) 12:10pm 2:?8pm 5:D5pm 11 :05pm o. : T RAINS GOING WEST. Stations. EXPRESS. MAIL. Arrive. Leave. Arrive. 1 Leave Charlotte... Salisbury. . G re&nsboro.' Co. Shops. . 1111100'.. Raleigh..... Golflsboro'. 7:1 am 8:00pm 5:15pm 2:10pm 12:30 pm 11:07am 3t2am 4:37am 1:25am 12:02am 10.09am 7:40am 3:0 0pm 5:26pm 2;2Cpni 12:50pm 11:10am S:45am l:a5am tnn ia:07pm b:58pm W. IL GKEENr Master Transportation. 114 june 8 SHIPPING. IiOKII.LA.KD'H STEAMSHIP LINE, FOI1 NEW YORK, , SAILING TUESDAYS ANl). FJiWAYS FROM SEW YORK, AND WE1NES DA YS AND SA TURD A YS FROM -:'-fKri. WILMINGTON. . : THROUGH CONNECTIONS WJTII ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON. SBTNo passengers taken. For Freight apply to BARRY BROTHERS, AGENTS. 7-tf 4KIfV HUiK. 'A FlilST CLASS HO PEL EUROPEAN JOL PIsh. Location unsurpassed, being near Union tiqu,tre. Wedlock? Theatre, and A. T. iXeVh art's new (uptown) store. " 1 i ii BROADWAY & TWELFTH ST., f NEW YORK. J ; -. G. P. HARLOW, Proprietor. s aoriM4 - J . . 3GS-tf i Eiivelopes AT THIS OFI'lr n -S9S99I fcCSt:rs!;;i j HTV ... - -m . ,- ill v.. I'M-. 4