- t s " ' """"""" " ' -"' " 1 ", --'- -. , , . i ??', m. il-f ft i i .irt-ymt !(! wl J . . ( J.'wVfJ'. . 1 1 v ; v 51 f' it A if I t il vfM f v t.7r im 4- ;.'v V.IJJ :t. NOVEMBER 2, 1871. f NO. 145 . . AiJir Yji T-rJJ - ill' - ; ! . . t - - " . . r . j i - till . , I' I - The repairs of the, theatre are' almost completed. -: I 7!" .. ;. .. Oar harbor, bawbees anQsnally fttledrt! TC88el8pfIato4iJ J If, , lion. T A. Sikcs, member tare from Pasquotank, iir U onr city, Henry Bcrrj Lowery and his band again show themseltes at public meetloe undergoiA steam process at Hart & Bailey'; so , Reb bins says.?-; , M n ;; :; j The IadieS should not fbrgetjtbat jL."',' price at the lire shoe " stored teeps every article that , suits the little foot-hv: i'H. i Tbose,oracges at.OeoHyers' grocery are the finest in market. A toss laid you have one; ainU that so Kei! ? . ' 1. t. :j ' The Cape Fear JBailding Company Wn-. not Jbe 1 equaled in , the workmanship dis played on their fine buildings. v; ' 4 Subscriptions for the Post are coming in VjteTery mall., you cannot subscribe at a i J , ; , 4 yttet ..time.';'" Bead the columns of the PesT id De wise.ij i-Vft rifes ,;t-,--?Tj m . -, The largest and cheapest stock , of Sad dlery in. the State for sale at- JiSopham, So Cos.vHo.! 8 Couth Front street, Wilming ton, N. C. i -f We learn that two ' tnen1 ' were arrested yesterday ifor fighting fn the streets. Tbey Were discharged on each imyingi hftlf tine and 2oats.-7 -y'j - - .'t -f " - :. Jailor Kasb states that James eller, now confined in jail, has threatened tocom- mil suicjue,; in caao an nueuipi. i , maue u incaiterate him in a penitentiary. Mr. James Sinclair ha been: doing .good work in Robescn. His .exertions to pro-, mote the interests . and welfare f the partr m general, are nigniy appreciate oy iue community. Oor city has been-remsrkabl yj quiet dur lOff the past three days, but few arrests have been made. ' ' John Quarles, charged with, larceny was committed to jail yesterday;; in default of bail in the sum of $30 tor : his appearanxe at the neit term of Superior Court. :: : j " 'muz ' ' " ;- V' -' ilt ' City Strekt Railroab. Col. Kline has leed the city railroad for ? one or more - Thn r.hncrp. in thp. mftnacpmpnt of . the Lecisla-' wpnla step oTcr lu OnsI 3 !J . '" . :.i:i:i rrulboth white and.; Wack, should sustain the guarauiees energy auu puuuiuai.vj. iu , Colonel is a working man. everybody. -J M-1 1: Patrrni7 him j j 1 OrnTK CoMPLi-tENTARY.- At a meetincr of the County Commissioners not long ssince, an order was passed expressing tbe lannrobation if the " Board for the efficient vnanner in whicli Shentt ocnenck nati nis- charged the dnties of his olBce. ., f :. At a .meeti ago!" ibc atockboldera of the Mechanics Building and Loan Association, 4d hI) a res nt stocK were reaeemea ai iu I following rates :. 20 shares, at f 115.50; 1 sharcit fill4.50j 15- shares; at!18; 2 shares, at $118.50 ; 12 shares, at .S120.. ; 'i'he above is an average of $117.30. , i Hm moaernxoursaoinving oegew a con-. . . : 1 . I dittos ot the body that required occasional 1 ' relief. 1 system oecomes eoieeoiea, ae- ranged; logged and labors in its task. The ttiod symfr'stnizes wun u ana ootn sinic, or are depnaseti together. io restore ine vnai energies, purge f he system cleanse tbe blood I -take Ayer'a PiUb.; uiasgoaw ) tree frets. . - i J "Of lat e years advertising has assumed a verv imftot tant phase in facti has beceme J ,mPl- . ' a La w-o s science in business, and no one has done "vi- aa u : - - r r t, : mnr - - r.il rxi rilAlln il hu. b ,a izcu. J. . I , . 4 n vuu OIIICUIBVIV ' i busing has ai ned the confidence of ill J O , .nd hi. r.iMd them in, a i4a auTCiviBOJu. few re trom one r the Bmallet- to the leading .dTerti.toBl1.oUSe in the world."- ouv usitit w.rri u wideawade. at least We iidee so f ronilthe number that attended 'the meetini that 'was tield on lastTuesday veaiae. ' Kit. Jos. C. Hill was choscw chairman and Mr. Anthonv Howe sccreUry. Mr. W. U. Thurber addressed the meeting M length: ain WVtfe iotlo importance, of every one r coming, forward and eivins what aid tney could toward tus- taininfflhe Post.i -i' . ? 'i n c ? a TT A I ur. jos. v. uiii caiiea xue atieubiou ui those present to mstters of local import- nce to tbe Wara1 I W We can always rcfy nFitth Wacooing her whole ddty. tHer men are energetic and srhen they ley takr holtf ' ot a thing they put it r32li witb awHl i Keep aj solid front, Fifth Ward boys, and you 1 trill slash the deraocratyearery Um, 11 ten days go quite a qaantity ot bees-, tying 'Was leVicd upon t satisty an exectt-i tUn in the hands f one of out deputy sheriffs The rectified corn jnice belonged, to a man' tn Onslow county, nh was somewhat eiaspe rktcd at belnsr demited r of hia morning t ,tne aepuiy u ue ow he would giro way the K; K. dealt with Bdchll)C!erii tuhe fwms.$ The deputy fxraldn ? see xV In those ;caudle iwd yery Kinaix-jeiusea iae inTiiaxioij. t, ; - - Habbdu MAflTEB'i RKWitT.-rThe follow- insis Che number ot Teasels' arrived at this Port during the month of October 1871 : ateayersl,,;;.' .Barques............... ...........i.. ' 5 8chooners.. ,rt7Ub air aggregate ?.Tnage of .14,823 Tonsi 25 small vessels undergo Tons not inctniied. i Toreign 1 Barque, 1 Brig, j bchooner. ? B. J. LaWTON, Harbor Master. ' .Something Much' Nbedbd. -Every one itl tm nnnlr.Mii r4- nr 1 4-Vk lit. Iao. ft nn kf f ll w , . . i Filth: Ward will see at once the necessity ot having a fire engine stationed .within its limits.1 At the present time the nearest en- jrine to that portion of our city is that of the colored Fire Company on Ann street. .' Bhrmld a fire break out in the vicinity of the ' Fifth Ward, no immediate assistance coulff be rendered by the fire department. We sincerely hopethat the Board of Alder men vill take nouie action ou this matter at once. AH see the pressing necessity of es tablishing an engine15 bouse m the iibove mentioned locality. ' Republican Meeting at City. H all. Iu response to a call, published in the Pst, quiti a number of republicans assembled In ihe Cjity Ilatron last Monday evening Mr.1 UMMkn m aii it w -m lnaiPHiaii ann Ale g,; il; s ,7 h4; T. A. Bikes, met All UlUU'MTl 9 AUV9U VUel lUO)M UAI member of -the Lcgista tme from Pasquotank, was first introduced) and' in a few, ptain; good Words tolo! tfie' persons w no were present tne import anccoi the assembling: -of the late Colored llea'a Convention in Columbia, 8. C, ot which he was a member. Jle spoke at lengrh of the deliberations ot the convention, the ten . ' t. dencv its action would have to secure : the rights and privileges of. the colored , pco pie in the Souths He wished them to re ceive nothing more than what the ,law guaranteed to them, and this they must have. ' It was' important that every man, , .nti ICI'4UU w iuc imcbuuicuuuu, w bwu mon without some open demonstration was made jon the' part ot the Republican rAffty ot the South, to the end that all good citizens shouldj,b protected in exercising their nghtsA that the people would be still sub jected, and ; would have to endure the out- rages mai nave y ecu praciiucu uuu iucuj during the past. He thanked Gd that, a medium had now been establisuea in me organization of the Ctvil Rights Associa tion through which the people could make knuwn their gnevancts ana secure ajusi aQ awful protection. ; AU were asked to unite in this great work upon which so tnuch depends. Mr. Sikes was listened tq miii intense interest and all were gratified to hear him. - :. Hon. Geo. W. Price, jr.. was the next 8peaker He made ca8Uai reference to the actloD Qf the? Columbia Convention and gtaUd thal his5 intention to make . t of it8 proceedings, now, but at - f t ti wanted the attention of - lhe Communitv anc WOuld'lay t he action of tQe Co4VeDtioa fully before them and ex- nlain all matters in connection with the ' . ; . . . words told the people what he thought . ; . . .? " -f- -:- I lueir uuuca wcic uuuu tins luiuuimu. i . I . "--- ' . - V - D 8U' :i.lef !,5,n8-nl, I I A. - . Mnmttm mtm - a k ft - tnsucMvp ' laugMBjjc, ib.ucu- u k 7. people , relat.on U. this .11 factorily, tb course, he as President of the Civil Rights .Association lor the State of North Carolina intended t pursue, and called tupon color, to unue wuu uim in striving to secure the rights and the privileges that the law gave to every citizen, me people? asicea for no more rights than the law mean, they demand. At the conclusion of Mr. Mabr son's remarks, Sheriff Scbenck being pres- fjwlt as called upon. i c.jieu&v u mum wuv. uauuw, the good results that ieiOT5vjrad;cex Columbia upnyenuon; was giaa 10 set jtnr session bad been marked with harmonyind that a disposition io effect a most igorou3 canvass in 1872 was displayed' by all of its .... r - s -: :aJ:i i tnembes. , pe ttnougn tne resoiuuon enr dorslngCubirthat was passed, would . Deyerage, ana ne toia X bfnVg slisht idea of the meet j with the heaity; aprnyai of oyer two tbirdii iefi; thelfcjtates- thafr comprise; this great tTnibu: TigHebceandieiTCTjerence was all 't hi J aKecessary tn;ecu're the election of qenlrant pn Carolina would do ber duty in eyery locality throughout" the Statej and especially hiere in the Cape Pear section. ; The Post Waa unanimously endorsed by; the meeting,' and all wereglad? to see that" au beneficial a change 'had taken place in its process. wwuu.Mwu'guuiwi -: - County. Commisisoners. An I adjourned meeting ot the'1 Board of County Commia sioncrs was held last Monday evening. Report of fermer school committee was received and ordered on file. v i Ordered that the, committee on roads and bridges be instructed to thoroughly repair the bridge over Smith's creek.' ,': ;-:-:- Ordered that Commissioner A. R. Black be authorized Uo contract for the repair of Bannerman's, bridge over North East Cape Fear, at an expense not to exceed $450. It was ordered, That for the purpose of maintaining public schools, and for the pay ment of teachers io the different townships of the county of New Hanover, there shall be , appropriated the sum of $4,390, or 50 cents each for every person ''of the school age between 6 and 21 years, under the school census of 1870 (reckoning 8,780 scholars),4 and that the apportionment hereby made be divided betwecu the said townships to the ratio of the number of their school chil- chtfdren to the said: census, and 'that the Clerk bt this Board notify the School Com rait tees of the differeat townships. ' ' Ordered further; 'That as soon as the amount of school money to wnich the coun ty is entitled is ascertained, a further ap propriation shall be made: i- The following are the amounts appropri aled to the differeut townships, viz: Wilmington white, $877 50; colored, $1, 153 50 & Total $2,031; V ; i a , HollyWhite, $7t 50; cohred $83 50. Total $156. Lincoln White, $98 50: colored, $114 50. Total $217. : Union white, $110; colored, $106. Total $216. golden arid Rocky Point-Whfte;$tlIJO: colored, $201 50. Total $312. 1 Harnett white, $80 ' 50; colored, $176. Total $256 50. Federal Point white, $38; colored, $38. Total $76. ' 0.'':- r .' ?:; ' - . Columbia-white, $115 50; colored, $163 50 Total $279. .s , fl. n. ' 'VV Masonbore white, $61; colored,. $28 50. Total $819 50. . Franklin white, $91; colored, $151 59. Total $242 50. . Cape Fear White, $22; colored $98. To tal $129. -1 - Caswell white, $108; colored, $102 50. Total $2i0 50. , Grant white, $80 50; colored, $106 50. Total $187. " , u Ordered, That the ' School Committee of Holden . and Rocky Point townships, pro ceed forthwith to take a census of 'school children, let ween the ages of 6 ' an i 21 years,' according ' to law, and rrport to the Cletk of the Board. : i Ordered, That the tbuuks ot the Commis sioners of New Hanover cuutity are due and are hereby tendered to the late School Com mi t tee of Wilmington township tor the zeal, energy and faithfulness, displayed by them in the performance of their duties': and further. That . the Board takes great pleas i ure in acknowledging, more especially, the valuable services - of James H. Cbadbourn Esq., the Chairman y 6f this 4 late School Committee, for his valuable services and untiring interest in tue worn, oi euucauuu. And it is ordered, further, That the Clerk send a copy ot this order to each member of the late School Committee ef Wilming ton township. , t ,,. , ; V Adjournedj to meet again on Saturday morning next, the 4th prox.,; at 10 o'clock. i ScurrLETON, Ron escn County, ( , ; t October 30tb, 1871. f To tbb Editor of the Post i f i t , V The tjuiet monotony of ; this rather tub; famous locality, hasnpt been disturbed by, tlie sligbtest ripple of excitement since tbe deptrtufe of the 'United States trtjopa and the gallant General Gorman,4 until Satur day,! the ,28th , inst , On that day the train froni Wilm)ngton brought' to i.us: the Rev. Mr. B'ake, Superintendent ot Scboolsi ot tNew Hanover County, the - Rev. Geo- W. Price, senior, and Col, Sinclair; of T-umber-ton, who came by previous ' appointment to address the citizens on' the subject off edu cation. Saturday' the S3th, was set apart by the school trustees for opening the new Normal Academy on BeajSwamp, and the occasion t was deemed favorable for stirring up the peopfe on the Importance ot putting orn renewed and sustained efforts for the support .off a scboot of :- high grade for the education and training of teachers for this 1 region of country. Mr Blake made ejt earnest and eloquent address, which cannot but; be beneficial to the interests of edtica tion among this much neglected people, who are now determined that their children will be Supplied Swlthv 4h beatnd most efficient corps of? teachers Ithmoniycb procure, visit has resulted in awakening them up 'to theit duties and privileges in the relations ; which they sus- teia ttndet thr new: Ordtr f tMBg W to show them that citizenship under our 1 fom of government, without educaUon to wnstanUy JUble. to become, a-curw instead of a' blessing. : t.The 1 proceedings of the. day were some . iixL j ,4. ,k- what interrupted by tbe appearance on the ground of the? notorious Henry B. Lowery and ' bis 1 gang of outlaws. They came ac- companied by Br. McArthur, a well known impression created br their appearance was that the good doctor' waB a prisoner, and that the occasion was to be signalized and dib, pother onge on a d citizen, j Our fears, however, were soon dis- celled iiy the doctor himself, who seemed to bea special favorite with the outlaws, on account, as they alleged, of his kindness to the poor colored people of the country, qn toe wuote, tue conauct oi ine ounaws during the timo they remained was concilia- tor, an'd'respectrnl. Their chief. H.nrj Berry, declared to the writer, it he was let alone he would commit no more outrages I involving the j shedding bt blood. Hede- cUred he - must live, and as he was pro- hi bi ted by the laws Irom est calling, he would be . I pursuing an hon- coiupcucu , iu aw- i age for food among such of the citizens as had an abundance. He further declared that he cherished no revenge against any public mcer who went in pursuit oi mm, because ho recognized such;to be the duty of suet: officers, but men, who, for the re- ward offered by the Legislature, or irom private hatred to him or any oi ms men, went tohunt him he wouldslay thtfm when- J uver 'and wherever he could fall in with inemv . .. I ! Tin. . outlaws Berm b feel very much - roaVw Be . Ce7 c agrieved by the , recent statement of Gen. Gorman ; conceriiingjtliem, as Ae same ap, pearajn th e pe wspaperf M-ThjNleaoullce, 11 they pointed out to the writer of this, allRflaiiKT that insteiLd of one interview with them the General had several.- extending to a lon lr time and in closer Quarters than u- J.n.ra f t-ww hp fipnoral anpalcs. ,uw c "awi' -r- -r-r ' And iurtner, , tuat tue urst interview wna sought, not by them but by Gen. Gorman. As this letter, however, is already too long tor your columns we will defer a full state ment, las given - by the outlaws, of the " famous interview," to a future time. In connection with, this matter I may state here that it is very remarkable.that the "meutal daguerreotype" which Gen. Gorman gives of the outlaws, wduld never, in the judgment of the writer, furnish a clue to the identification of a single mem ber of the gang, with the exception, per haps, ot H. B. Lowery, and in his case only io thc single particular ot the mark under his left eye. For instance, Andrew fetrong lias light hair, a freckly face, and red beard and moustaches. But! more anon. I Burt, Charlotte. There is no town or city in the broad - . expanse of North Carolina which gives forth more signs of progress and prosperity than Charlotte The growth, progress, and prosperity of the town is all owing to the successful' cul- tivatton of the soil, ? which gives life, trade and business to the merchant and mechanic, m.rl- the ncnuaintance of maov of the farm- ers of Mecklenburg, who seemed as cheerful and hnnAlril nf-the future as did the active merchants of Charlotte, who were increasing and extending their buildings and bnsmess as none out tue prosperous . as u progressive can afford. Charlotte has three banks, five newspa pers, and schools the very best. Rev. Rob ert Burwell, so favorably known as a teacher throughout tbe 8tate, c.tnducts with success the Charlotte Female Institute ThcNortb Carolina Military Ins'itute has r gently opened Under the super! ntrtidrnce of i Col. W. Beaojiient ClatkMiu and Professor Fetter, late of Chapel Hi! I. R v. Mr. Griffith con finues with success and satisfaction im his patrons, his classical school. We vl dted BremJ Brown & Cos dry goods store, a new building on a most ex- tensive and costly scale. Tbe building and . V!r ' u .i.. tA... if. siocK ui goous uiu j . v intncBouto, oammyre nu .xicw uuou. not excepted. Brcm, Brown & Co. Were also erecting new tardware hotfte, with iron front, whirili for stvte and finish Vfill eauat their preseat place of business. , . . . t i. .' f naV i! g nrt rofn ried m anj extensive wholesale andretail business in dry goods: jvicaiuitv k laTis, T'i: j, n-w., , WittV-mlrv jfe Tliilf !. lay,OaU&8andy, Gregory & Williams and uarson b unex. i , , - i . : m n . t We were in the establishment, of Messrs. Phillira dV Treazerant, : j merchant Jailors, 4-tirt Ai tindnmffhnsinega in their line. Banks, Meacbam and 8. P. Smith, whole - sale and retail . dealers in shoes f and boots, were named aa the men who shoe the town rand the bare footed tall the country round. Jit, wyww . w. j1110 ..... dealers in cotton. Burroughs & Springs Christianity and civilization, t Mr. Blake pietednew lignt. new trade, SdincreS was followed by Col. Sinclair, who attempted prosperity "will 4 dawn upon Charlotte : nei ire favorably known to the olantcra aa fnr. nishing? the 'purest and best tertilizers. JSJj' fwOijA furnishes eJL canncr ol ShS sAdjothers.: i : " j I jThea the -air line road la completed to fS.SOT S storehouses will be too small : lor her trade. irJ: prosperity ena. per peo- 1 ' Illlxoad Itnmors The friends of the Western North Caro- fP nave; louna treslt food ior iv' via m me Tinous rumors mat nave teen afloat in this section for the past few days. The first was, that President Wilson, of the East Tennessee and Virginia Road, bad disposed of his, (the controlling) stock c. C. & C. G., R. IL from Morriatowri to Wolf Creek In the wake of this .rumor followed : another to the ! effect . that the 'aSSir3 North .Carolina Railroad, and that they only awaited a confirmation ot the same bv the BoardVof Directors before formally Zj0'?1 the road But these a gentleman ; from Morgantown, who gives is out mat no heard v;ol. Tate emphatically declare, " That he would make the steam &22J how the diffitjflty ot obtaining water at the latter station would be obviated, or whether the road 5 engaged to check all passengers f.f '-I8?2 inro- " 18 PP . f-a. r lUBU, UBIO la call T UVCU 8witcbed off th b tft u underground iuuue, uxmcciue riOTiecr. Quiet conscience gives sweet sleep. It costs more to avenge wrongs than to Dear tpem. What shape is a kiss? Eiliptical (a lip tical) of course. The New York Star publishes the births unaer the heading, "The happiest woman o town. Housbkmfms snottld bear in mind that of 911 th different Baking Powders in market; Bone bave stood the test of a-strict chemical analysis like Doolet's Yeast .Powder, poo- tf0 Insures, Uniform sncceas-iB tliomalting of Dooliy & Bbothbb, 69 New St.. New York. MJ v sJ- J MARRIED. PRICE, HOSTLER. In this citron Wednea day evening, . November 1st, at f resbytarian uuureu ua vjuesnut street, sir. w. &.1MUN rJKlUJ& to M.AUU1E A. HOSTLER. 1 SPECIAL. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, CITY OF WILJtllXGTOlf . IS. cJ9 NOVEMBER, 258h, 1871. J ) ON AND AFTER THIS DATE THE ORDI- nance concerning Cows will he strictly enforced. By order of the Mayor. , j W. P. C A NAD AY, City Marshal. U5 2t Journal and Star copy, nov a JUAYOEl OFFICE, City op Wilmington, N. C," October 18th, 1871, ki mm m f 11 n m m rt mm. rj i w b n. nw m n. - n h DDnvno 1 1 a kvv iwvTTwnfMD tttit out , - ting out of a double row of Trees (Water Oak I . . . . . . . nd Rim) on Third street, between Castle and Campbell streets. I . . . - , . Trees must be at intervals of thirty feet, ex elusive of crossings. Trees mt average fifteen fset In height Irom root and be guaranteed for two years, I I i , -'t A Payment will be made for each hundred as delivered aid accepted. Bonds, with acceptable security, required for proper Derfcrmance of contract. R. P. BARRY, T Chairman Com. on Streets and Whaives. . oct22 , - - , 113-lw aAYOtim OFFICE, WILMINGTON, Ni di .1 t . October 18th, 1871 proposals ARE INVITED for! THR I iywg oj a hard roadway of ballast, clay marl shell or other suiUble material, on each side of w , , e-- ,; , i Third street, between Campbell and j Castle 'treel -;. ?3 . f , : . The roadway must be fourteen feet wide each I . . . : Me.bf the street measuring from the gutters, . . v ; ri J,, i wunAuimorm.tmciueaaor. sixlne3or t r ? ' . thegntters.! The road-bed must be well packed. Payment will be made for each block as coin- pieted, deUvered and accepted I' . - 1 3 Bonds; with suiUble security for proper per 1 lormance of contract, will be required, t I . , - ,r . , , , v ,t ,B. P. BARRi, , 1 i 1 Chairman com. on Btreets antt TTnarves. u k octZ2 142 lw j siAyon'o OFFICE, . Citt of vWnaiboToir,lN' aji 1 October 18th, 1871. PROPOSALS-ARE iNvm-n tw to W11? treik niu8t M levelled from East to Welt. SIODrnf Mrh f1p tn imHm -.V.tW a drain at CampbeliT Mn-eeS I)oci:Aimmn4.astle street - "t1.- Bnmii i " c1 apply to Jamas i ' '"" V' ' R. BARR1V' ' IChalrman Common fitrceu and Whrrvea. f MAYOR'S OFFICE, City of Wilmingtou, N. C, i ; . October 18th, 1871. PROPOSALS ARE INVITED FOR THE laylnif of a pavement on the East side of Sev erth street, between Market and' Campbell streets. .. ? filiewalk must be of concrete or brick, twelve feet wide, curb of heart yellow pine or stone. S inches wide and of reutaiit; depth (8 to 12 a inches. : ' ; - i- - . i Payment will be made on completion, deliv ery and acceptance of every two squares. ' Bonds, with acceptable security for proper performance of contract, will be reqalredT , , R. p. Barry, Chairman Com. on Streets and Wharres Oct 22 m . 143-1 w NEW ADVERTISEHENT. J U ATT MANY IMPROVEMENTS HAVING BEEN perfected at this It is now to let by the NIGHT or ; WEEK, ; FOR FIRST-CLASS Theatrical ok Operatic Per- j - cf ' i ; roriaances. Apply to . ? f J.'W. 8PAULDINO. nof 2 , . i5.tf MORTON HOUSE. A NOEIi, By the author of " Valerie Ajtmer." , Pronounced to be the best society novel of the day. When ready, will be found wheie all tho Latest Ndvelties ot the day are, HEINSBERGER'S Live Book Store. 145 CARPETS, Oil TN ' CONNECTION WITH MY IMMENSE X STOCK or FURNITURE, I hare jast received a large, .and handsome as sortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rags, Matting, Mats, Window 8hades, Hollands, dec., which I am offering at extremely low prices. An exami nation of goods Is respectfully solicited by Mr. JOHN McRAE, in charge of this department. I D. A. SJtllTII. S . ' no2-145-tf PROCLAMATION! Bv; His Excellency, the Governor of L - North Carolina. Day of Public ThanksarlTiBg, TITDRSD AY, NOVEMBER 30, 1 1871. WnxaxAS, It is meet and eminently proper that the people oi a great Bute should return 1 heartfelt thanks to Almighty God for the manv privileges and blessings vouchsatcd unto themj through his innnite mercy and goodness, and I by heartfelt prayer and suppUcaUon to ask f or a continuance ot tne aame: , Now therefore, I, Tod R. Caldwell. Govern ?r of North Carolina, in obedience to law, and I in contormitv with an honored custom, do in. point and set ipartTHURSDAY, the 80th diy of NOVEMBER, 1871,' as a day of solemn and prayer in th State; 1 and I do earnestlv invite the elercrr nf ail A. TR A f T A I AJJLXLUJLH.1 if-' uov2 , Clotlis nponth- congregate as to humble themselrS ' at the throie of the Great Jehovah' and reader unto Him pralsM which are justly dna, tad to -invoke for themselrrs, their '. State, - and tWir , v whole country His divine guidance wA protec tlon throughout all future time.: . Done at the City of Raleigh, OA this the 28th n" ' day of October, A. D., 1871. TOD SL CALDWELL, W Mia t. By the Governor: Governs r. ' " - Private secretary. noy3 r 11M4 A' A '-i - i -",1 i i 0 i i V J 'jo'. f 1 '

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