CITY, The Legislature of South Carolina con vened in Columbia on the 27tU inst. There -will be divine service held in the Lutheran Church this' morning at 10 O'clock.;" - - ' ''"..V ' i 1 1 Blum's Farmers and Planters' Almanac, for 1872, is to hand; it is published at SaJ lem, N.'C. - U- .- . ;'. . v '. We are requested to state that there will be no meeting ot Germania Lodge No. 4, K. of P. this evening. ' i A New Feature. At the mattinee to day the theatre will be darkened, and' then lighted with gas.i City Marshal Canaday wishes to purchase a pair of fine mules,, any one having any muels to sell had better see him. Work and Playj a journal of instruction and amusement for the young, for Decem ber, has been received; terms only $1.00 for fifteen months. . . ' mm ' Recollect that the Tremaine Bros., and the inimitable Pierson give a grand matinee at the theatre this afternoon. Price only &o ! cents; performance commences at 3 o'clock: ' ; .... , ... -t r We learn that on Monday morning last a colored man slightly inebriated, i. c very drunk, ; fell overboard, from the dock, foot of Ann street, but was saved by his friends, ' being very wet outside as well as in. We return our,, thanks to the Sentinel office for a copy ot the report of the Board' of Directors, Superintendant and Physi cians of the Insane! Asylum I of this State, for the last official year. I ; "Geo. P. Rowel & Co., the N. Y. Ad vertising Agents, 1 have the monopoly of space and location in many hundred news papers and know by their experience just where to invest money to the best advan tage."-- Berkshire thvriefp"& Our, old A, h Price, of the Xie Boot and Shoe store (late ot tha Jovrncl), j advertists that he has just receiyed ajlot of home made ki brogais.-: H? also hal large and select stock of boots and shoes on I hand, and we know that he sells them at the lowest prices j This day . haviDg been set apart by His Excellency Governor Caldwell, and His Hon. Mayor Martin, as a day of thanksgiv ing; there will be rio business transacted in any of the State,' County. or City offices, the Postoffice will ba closed from 9 A. M., until 4 P. M., the mails closing as usual. - We learn from the Washington Republican that a number of gentlemen belonging to the orckr of the Knights of Pythias in that city, have organized a mutual relief associ ation similar to that now in force by the Masons and Odd Fellows. We suggest to the brethren in this city, the formation of a like society of the order in this city. James S: Topham & Co., No. 8 South Front street, Wilmington, N. C, are manu facturers of every description of Trunks, Traveling Bag8, Saddlery and Harness. A large stock of 'second hand government team and ambulance harness, saddles, bridles, collars, halters, reins, &c, constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, at low prices for cash. t We notice that some,, few of our co tem poraries of the. North Carolina press have opeocd their batteries on the old and well known advertising agency of Geo. PRow ell & Co. We can safely and truly say that , in our. opinion, there is not an honester or more liberal agency iu the United States, the opinion of ,the Charlotte Democrat to the contrary notwithstanding. By reference to the advertisement ; in another column; it will be seen that the Tremaine Bros. !and John G. Pierson have generously tendered a grand benefit to the Knights ofj Pythias of this city, the mraria f Ko lHovntAii to thp nurchase of v lin "Ritrrlotf rinmhinatinn OrfTailS. IOr m .9- ."'. f 1 ' " ' - ri. uu iy. o 1 , - the use of the three lodges, r it is expeciea by the general committee ot the lodges that the brethren will do their whole duty in . . .i . .... . j this matter; that is, that every Jl. ot P. win attend n.nrl take his familv. and in case ne lv taice his or somebody's sweet heart. And it lis also hoped.that the Citi zens in general will extend a helping hand anda&sist this youngy put growing order, which must eventually weild a great influ ence for good, not only in our city but over the entire elobe, ' We hope to see the house crowded S vi The Tilestoic Normai I Scnooi ' House The ceremony of laying.the corner fitOAe of the Tileston . Normal School House, on Ann between Fourth and Fifth streets,' will take place this morning at 10 o'clock, the teremoaie8 will be performed by fit. John's IiorltTft TTr. i'xt. a W ' , The address: will be delimed by Col; A. il. WaddeU,f,Tj4M jiiiiuin mi - ab. rna i var r inn in uxo i J. C.Mann, Organist for the Lodge, assisted; bythreWainev;rfjT)bii school -ouse, will be a fitting monument to Miss Amy .M., Biadley.and a well-earned tribute to her zeal and labor in the cause of humanity and ear ucation. Every , brick and every stone, added to the - walls of this building, is so much of opposition to "ignorance and iu perstition," It is a power in the land to , elevateh-jperiMlHgraHtrW? accomplish it is not given to man to know now, but we predict that when the present century comes to its close there will stand near this school house, in imperishable ma terial, as the guardian 1 angel of the .( spot so blessed, the counterfeit presentiment ot this noble lady. ,7 ,-1; ;;'"' The Tremaines. The Tremaine Broth ers, with John Gr.Pierson and Master Willie Kellogg, are deservedly drawing good houses. They are .by no means unknown here, but as the entire style of their enter tainment has been changed, we confess we went to the theatre with: some misgivings. We admired their former concerts so greatly, we feared they would not sustain the repu tation they had in former times so justly deserved, But we haye been happily dis appointed. They give a first class enter tainment, one that any clergyman can con- scientiously recommend and visit, and as a general ruie very sweet ana ciose narmony Mr. Pierson has even improved since his last visit here; his tones are fuller and his upper notes especially, . better; there is none ot that apparent effort, noticed last year, to reach a high note, and consequently he sings truer and sweeten His acting is inimitable, and he has one of the finest bass voices we have, heard in tnis city for many a day. Mr. W. B. Tremaine is one of the best ac companyists we ever saw. The skill and taste displayed would establish his raputa tion as a first class musician without the use of his sweet, sympathetic voice. But taken together, we had rather hear him play and sing a ballad than any singer of uut.aviiuiiiuwuuc, iuu uc suuum wu8 iubi solos instead of Mr. Inslee, who, though a fiwecfc ; Binger, lias none of thai sympathy mtn his subject so noticeable in Mr. Tre- maiiissefiorts. Master Willie Kellogg is a grealladditiori to the troupe. His pure DOy 8Uprano voice, reaching with wonder- ful clearness and 'sweetness, "highF.," is well worth going to hear. He is awkward in ladies dresses as yet, and cannot manage a train dress 'with the slightest grace; but this only adcls Ip the wonderful effect of his voice, were it not ior tnatciumsy manage ment of dress, it would be hard to con vince many people that he was not a woman and a fine singer at that. On the whole, the present combination is one cf the best traveling, and obtains as it most justly de serves the patronage of our best citizens. Their style and selections "are good, and, with the exception of one or two slight errors in "falsetto," their harmony would , , ' , , J be almost unexceptionable. s, m, . . r ... i ruey give, a . matinee penormance tuia afternoon, with the admission down to 25 cents, and all lovers of sweet, pure music, should attend. : v - 1 ,Too Tdin. No rat has ; two tails. One rat has one more tail than no rat. Now if no rat has two tails and one rat has one mere tail than ro rat, it follows of course, that one rat has three tails ! r He must have.' But this is nothing compared to' the school boy effort of Senator Graham last Saturday. Of all the small attempts to make political capital we ever, read, this is the smallest, and thinest. What powerful arguments 1 What logical reasoning! Just read this report : Mr. Graham, of Orange, from the com mittee on the judiciary submitted the fol lowing resolution and report ; RESOLUTICN. Whereas, His Excellency, the Governor, in his message, among other things, in re ference to the constitution and salaries and fees,: says: r. : . '' ; ' :- ' "The constitution is not to blame for the high salaries and-fees paid to various and there is nothing in said instrument which fixes salanes and lees. -kt.. nBfnM t?00ih: Tho k I -.. I i , - I fiip.mrv cnmmiiiee db msinicieu 10 inniiire r" - z 7 . . : whether under the constitution the salary, of the Governor may be reduced to the Bum of three thousand dollars per annum; dolIars per annum, : and the salaries- of the several juages ot tae supreme ana superior courts to one thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars per annum, and report f by bill or otherwise, Nov. 23d, 1871. ; " iciarv Committee of Senate. w , November 24th, 1871. The V committee , report ithat -section 1; article 2, of the constitution executive m'entioned in this article shall at stated pe- ripds receive ror ineir services a compen Bation, to be estaDlisned Dy law shall nei- luJ Hme forwhich thev shall t have beeS Plpcted:'!. and also section 23 of article 4. "The General Assembly , shall prescribe and reguiay v-j Ot ail OJUCBis .f"My- but the salaries pi tne , judges shall not De: - - - - v i tioned ioithis resolution were fixed by the legislature' oi 1868- '69, .and cannot be re duced by;- the - present legislature. v The constitutiorr is'to blame for the continuance of the high' salaries 'paid1 to the officers named in the resolution, and there is some thing in.the said instrument which, in the opinion of the committee, prevents the re duction of such salaries during the term of the present incumbents. "' - Til The committee asked to be discharged heurtuexxonaideratib of the sub ject, y John W. Geaham, For the Committee. i STATE NEWS. The country is being flooded with counter feit "five cent pieces. 1 A train of gypsies passed through Eliza beth City Monday week. There has been three runaway matches iri Raleigh in as many months. A man in Catawba county recently took from one hive 130 pounds of honey. There are in this State about 309 Masonic Lodges with a membership of near 11,000. Madam Isabella McCullbcb(Brignoli) sup. ported by first-class Raleigh on Tuesday. artists, appeared in Ratnlipl TT Tfrf r i fnlmolln f nnslAm county a supposed horse thief, was arrested near New-Berne last week. Another Pair: The Annual Pair of the Old Township (Greene County), Agricul- tural Society, will be held at Glenwood Acad emyj three miles from Snow Hill, on the 30th inst. -Capt W. A. Darden de- livers the address. Sentenced to be Hanged. Martha Matthews tried at Porsythe county Superior Court, tor killing her infant, has been sen tenced to be hanged in the square of the yard fc Winst0D on tae 15tn of 8 Janu ary next. I An appeal to the Supreme Court was taken! SAD DEATH. The BftttlPhnrn AJ.n.rwji aavs. Miaa Marv Wptr.r r1iH ..tpnir .t her home in Nash county one day last week. She had been laboring under derangement of the mental faculties for some time. The immediate cause of her death was supposed to be a burn received the day before. Sent after Them. Papers have been fixed up, and messengers have gone after "more ot the crowd "that mobbed and mal treated Mr. Justice. We understand that R. A. Shotwell will be herej during the session of the U S. Court, to make startling revelations. Somebody will be hurt. Era. Ku Klux Counsel. Hon! Reverdy John son, of Maryland, is now in Raleigh, for the purpose of defending the ku klux, who are to be tried before the U. B. Circuit Court, which convened in that city on Monday I laaf1' "'Tho toft nf pmnlnrinrr nnr.h Aminpnt. ( , f ; , r Af , . counsel speaks, mucn for the desperateaess . , A - i 1 . of the cases. New Berne Times. The Raleigh Carolinian wants the lead ing DEMOCRATS in and out ot the Legis lature to suggest the name ot ., an edi'or tor that paper. We suppose that suggestions from Conservatives will not be heeded. Old line WJHGS how do you like it ? have they changed the name of the parfcy ? It would seem so. ,;v Sheriffs Take Warning. A resolution to extend the time in which sheriffs are re- quired to 'settle with the Treasurer sixty jayg from the first day of December, was uA on the table in the Senate on Saturday. So, the Auditor will be compelled to bring suit, anil Judge Watts to give judgement against all who may be behind hand on the first )iox. Raleigh Carolinian. The Carolinian says that about two hun dred ku klux prisoners arrived there on Sat urday under charge of Deputy Marshal Scoggins to stand their trial before the United States Court, which begins this week. It further says that these prisoners, like all the others, are young men of the humbler waiks of life. Of course this ku klux busi- ness is nothing more than a rich man's war I o nn manW Inlif unrl anffannrr . i uw a ijuwi uauouKu. uuuu.u&. 1 - i 1 ! The Fall Term of the Superior Court for this county commenced yesterday. We hear Judge Clarke's charge to the iurv , highly spoken of. There are on the dopket twelve cases of larceny, and a good many of assault and batterv. fornification and aduHerv, bastardy, &c; and there are in jail one person charged with homicide, one lor arson, and -a good many otners tor larceny and other minor crimes. New-Berne Journal of Commerce. s 1 .,-: if-;:, - ' - Ip his spepqi the other night, Senator Pool very pointedly replied to the com piaiQt that the action of the Government -.cWn 80 man7 h States of North and South Carolina, by J saving jthat "innocent men i never flv from very iacs 01 mese men leav i nrimft - . evidcnca ofthpfr rniU f , r. - - - - "- Dan RiCEl This, world-renowned, show-s man is coming South, and will exhibit his circus at Wei don oh the Sth' of December. ' The Charlotte - Democrat 'says. ' We are gratified to lean that Prof. Chas. Phillips, of Davidson College; who has been confined to. his bed for a long time,' is somewhat, ud proved, but still lies in a critical condition! His death wotridTseireat loss W th State as well as to Davidson College. We long since leared to love and admire Prof. Phil lips, and hope his : life may be spared. Al though not a native of the State, he is-a devoted friend td North Carolina and high ly appreciated by allH North Carolinians. . The Small Pox.- This terrible disease is spreading at the North to an alarming extenti nearly every town or city of import ance in the Eastern and Middle States being afflicted with it. That it will come South, we are unable to say, bat we think in view of the ; circumstances it would be well for our people to take proper precautions; and have the children, at least, vaccinated, as there is much greater, fear of youth taking the j disease than middle or old age- All persons who have not heretofore been vacci nated should be so at once, as danger in that way can be avoided. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, Ac- "Kate (yDonoghue" is issued in a large octavo volume, with a portrait of the author on the cover, price seventy-five cents, and is for sale by all Booksellers, or copies will be sent to any place, post-paid, by the Pub lishers, on receipt ot price by thenL "Fanchon, the Cricket; or, La Petite Fadettfe," "The Corsair," etc., have never been, equalled by any writer. "Monsieur Antoine" is issued in a large octavo volume, with his portrait on the cover, andwith eleven other Illustrative Engravings, price seventy-five cents, and is for sale by all Booksellers, or copies will be sent to any one, post-paid, by the Publishers, on re ceipt of price by them. The : Old and Neyo, the People's Magazine for December, is , before us; it is replete with choice j reading. Terms (payable in advance), $4.00 per annum; $2.00 for six months. Single numbers, 35 cents (mailed, post-paid). Trial subscription of four months for $1.00., Subscriptions shohld be addressed to Geo. A.' Ccolidge, Business Agent 143 Washington St Room 1, Bos on;. Care ot Roberts Brothers, Publishers.. Kate Kennedy. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. New by. The novels written by Mrs. C. J. Newby are in every sense the composition of a cultivated mind ; they are highly inter esting, thoroughly original, anci forma most? admirable series ot popular fiction. They are all marked by their faithful de- ineation of character, their naturalness and purity of sentiment, the dramatic interest of their plots, theit beauty and force of ex pression, and their high and elevated moral one. Price seventy five cents. ( ; ' ' ' The poem which . lends its name to the book, "Beautiful Snow," treats a well worn subject with originality and feeling at once delicate and intense. The despair of the wretched outcast, as shewatches the falling of the pure, beautiful, yet cold and unfeel ing snow, and remembers that she was once as fair and pure, is depicted with true ar tistic effect. All the other poems in "Beau tiful Snow," possess great interest, and display a lively and pleasant fancy, as well as a genuine, hearty sympathy with all the joys and sorrow of hiftnanityt They will take strong hold of the heartj and memory ; and will live and last because they touch many chords of human sympathy. Price two dollars. The above mentioned books are from the publishing house of Messrs. T. B, Peterson Brothers, 3Q0 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, Pa. They will be mailed to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of the price. I 'A Nolle Woman, is the name ot a new novel by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, now in press, and to be published in a few days by T.1 B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia. Its pages are replete with incidents of ab sorbing interest, and her admirers will read it with avidity. . The leading characters are carried through a series of exciting ad ventures, all of which arc narrated and drawn out with such ingenuity that the reader's attention is kept on a tension of interest from the opening page to the close of the volume. This is he great seeet of Mrs. Stephen's success her readers . cannot get out of her influence. - She gives you a thrilling story, pure and simple, sensational if yoq please, and she leaves the whole affair in the hands of her readers, feeling quite secure of a favorable verdict on every new emanation from her pen. , Nolle Woman will prove to be the most popular nefvel that she has eyer written. ; It will be isiued I in a large duodecimo . volume, and. sold by . all booksellers at the low prfee of f f.75 in cloth of llQ ip pajer caverj ot copies j v(Ul bp sent by mail, to any place, past patpj by .the publishers, on receipt of the prlfce: of tie wor in a letter to ihenh ; , .AthieXenterei a storejn Marvsville . Kv.. one night recently, and. stole sixty! dollars, but got -so drunk on some whiskey which he happened : to find that he could i not let 'New' Albany has a young woman who should be - summarily dealt withj , Twice withini the short ' space of two weeks has she accompanied two young men to Church fJat-rim2nia.lPWpose9, and eachltimejas the expectant groom went forward to hand the license to the minister, she precipitately evacuated the sacred . edifice and refused Jto return. The next rash youth whom she agrees to wed should have her taken to the cuurca in irons. Chapped Hands. The following very simple direction recommended by an exchange: " To ke is hub uouua Biuuutu, tuey saouia always pe rinsed in soft water after soap has been used. - It is well to use soap and soft warm water, avoiding, however, the use of yellow or bar soap, and also the colored; Castile; but to prevent roughness it is necessary that the hands should be rinsed in soft, fair wjter, and then made thoroughly; dry ba t towel. And it is well to avoid going ot into the cold directly after washing. Ate proper observance of these directions Wll always keep the hands smooth j I (The following is from the'Seymoir (Indl ($kna) Times: ' "Miss Lulia A. Monroe, tie pjt daughter : of the wretched 'editor of tM paper, l becoming disgusted With th e ' tWP of gentlemanly roving and unstable pfijiters whom' we have employed during tlJtej past few months, swapping one for an other every, few days or weeks; cleared the last one out last week, and determined to dp jail the work herself. .'Every type in this ise was set by her nimble finger4 includ ing the . new advertisement, since (our last issue, and, and she has three ' columns over Mjnext week.. And besides all this, she did a big washing, read about fifty newspa pers, and took two day's, recreation at ttie Jrtthell fair; and this active and! spunpy lttte printeress7 declares h er intention to sff the whole, paper herself hereafter." Itdlanapolis .paper, wonders what! the a paepauve ratner was doing while all this work was ' being performed. It seems fair, a least, that he should assume the1 week's washing himself in future. J j SPECIAL. ilf MAURI AGE GUIDE. lEVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTORi-Beinp- ptiyate instructor for married persons, or thoie a aouui iu uc luauicu, uutu maie ana iemale, in cYcjjuuug vuuvBimug wbi piiBtuiogy ana re lations of our sexual" system, and the i produc tion and prevention' of offspring," including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM YOUNG, M. J). This is reaUy a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for ' ttip general reader, and is illustrated with ; numeiSous En gravings. All young married people, f or those Contemplating, marriage, s?d; having the least impediment to married life, should jread this book. It discloses secrets that etery one Should be acquainted-with; still it lk a book that most be ibeked up and not let rlie about the heuse. It will be sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG No. 416 Spruc street, above Fourth. fPhiiaAil STAFFLICIED AND UNFORTUNATE xso mauer wnat may be vour diseaafe. before youjnlace yourself under the care of any 0n of the QUACKS native and foreign who adver- itise m tnis or any otner psper, get copy of ur. xuuug b awx, una reaa n careiuiiy. it will uc mo meaas oi saving you many a dollar, your health, arid possibly your life. Dr. Young can be consulted on any of the diseases described in his publications by.mail or at .his Office, No.! 416 8pruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia, noy 23 . i5i.em PROCLAMATION. ! 's Office, . - 1 NOVEMBER 3d, 1871. WHEREAS, His Excellency the President of the United States, and His Excellent the Goy ernor otthe State of North Carolina, I have each "l . . : 3 I designated - the 30th day of November, to be observed a a day bi Thanksgiving iand Praise to God for His many blessings, vouchsafed dur; ingthe past year: J Now therefore, in conformity '.with, these - - .. .. ...... .;J I proclamations and customs, I, Silas -N. Martin, Mayor of the City of Wilmington, d& call upon the citizens thereof, on that day, to Suspend all ' . - ' ' i t f . business so far as practicable, and to. take such measures as may seem meet and proper to ren- der up their thanks to God.. 1 ! , To those who have been more than usually blessed, I suggest that they open their hearts and assist, by ' substantial gifts to jthose less lavorea, so mat an may have reasonjto rejoice on that " i ;, . i jf " . SILAS N. MARTIN; " . ' - i Mayor. nov 5 .. :):r;. v,., li6-tnovS0 I1 IVcw Advertisements. rrr UO-JE-BIADE i Ot the BEST qualitywarranted, at , THE IaW E BOOT AND SHOE STORE, s Corner Front and Market Streets.' A. L. PRICE. nov SO ' 153 WANTED. 1 WIS II TO BUY As FAIR OP FINE YOUNG Mule.' Any person that ; has such .Mules fo sale will please communicate with me Im mediately. ;J f! '- " ; ' '' i'.'-u r-ji yfm p. CAN'ADAt.1 OoySO 153-tl Mayor KIP BROGrANS ENIGHTS OF PYTHIAS TII5RSDAY1 EVENIKGrMvr 30 th. - A and' ; John Gr. Pierson Burlesque Opereitta Troupe Have generously consented to give one f Grand Farewell 13 eneilt SVfc??1?1 eKnichts of Pvthlas, of the Uity of Wilmington, on .-rf, . THURSDAY EVENING, NOV4HIIl I 30th, 1871, at the " ' T IE B nE. -r ? An attractive and amusing Programme for the KodnTH features of the 4 roupe will be introduced. ftDoors open at 71-4 o'clock; perfonnancc commenee at 8. Price of admission 75 cents: Reserved seats f 1; GaUery 25 cents; Children 59 cents. Reserved seats to he obtained lit J. L. Wooster's Drug Store. ; - ,nov30 - - ; "j VILKimOTOn THEATRE, GRAND MATTINEE On Thanksgiving Day, Twoftl'EAiiD BR0THERS OPERETTA DURLESDUE DELL RINQERS Will give one of their pleasing . 1 . J Musical Entertainments tpr the accommodation ol Ladies and Children, x at tL'e Wilmington Opera House, on ; . I THURSDAY AFTERNOON. In order that all mav havn a cVhiiika' '-hl this popular .Troupe,- the prices of admission uyc ucen reaucea ior tae attine as follows : Admission, . ...... -rr . . . . 25 cento. ,:auery, ...15 11 Doors open at 2 o'clock to o'clock. " 7 nov SO 153-lt: AND ' ;, I'iji iJ FROM AH Parts of tiie "World. THE DAILY CAROLINIAN A DEMCIt ATIC NEWSPAPER , RALEIGH, N. C. ' i DA II Y TIcl-VPPIf I V VCClflV I UlaCCULT & f CCIVLT PklCE $10, $5, AND $3 A YEAR; - 1 t As now published, to the neortla nf Vnf yille and all points on the Chatham and West- ern Koaas; the people of Charlotte, Salisbury. Greensboro, Company Shous. HilUbom r.A n ' points on the North Carolina f Railroad West ' of Raleigh; he people of Goldsboro, Boon HliL Selma, Clayton, and all points East of Raleigh; and to the people of all that nf along the Haleish and Gaston Hailroad The Dailt Cabolinijln furnishes the LATEST TELE0RAPI1IC riEV0, j: ' AND - Ir-V. : MlRMET REPORTS, PROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD, j SEVERAL HOURS EARLIER -it THAN ANY PAPER PUB " LISHED IN THE . ' i ' ' . . : ;(. . . . . "I XJISTITED STATED. or TEN HOLLARS a year. ' . -v Th Legislature and Congress are now com-, ing together, and this Is the time to mrt fnr the paper, either the Dailv. TH-WapVIv n Weetly. " ' wt Address, i THE NORTH CAROLINIAN, ' Raleigh, N. C. K nov 26 . - - 153 TlfR riTE i11Dfiin . QHILDREN'S SHOES IN MARKET STRONG ANU DURABLE. Warranted to wear well. . f . DUDUfr & ELLIS,'1 Sign of the Big Boot, nov 26 Commisson Merchant And. dealer ' ;s X3ROCERIES,PROYISIONSt jJRTGOODS 1 CLOTHING, &cu, &c ; - " i No. 23 and 21 NORTHS WATER 8TREET, , 1 WILMINGTON, If C. -, , , ? , ,. j,. ConsipnmeaU'aaxi Cash Orders Solicited, no? 2 15Mj THE EARLIEST EM

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