THE "WILMINGTON POST. WILMING ivw; N." C, DECEMBER 7, 1871, In' the Tunnel. Riding up from Bangor On the Pullman' train, From a six-weekV shooting la the woods of Maine. Quite extensive whiskers, 1 Beard, moustache as well,; Sat a "student fell Ir,'' Tall,, and fine, and swell. Empty seat behind him No one at his side ; To a pleasant station ' Now the traid doth glid?." Enter aged cou jffe, ...' Take the hinder seat ; Enter gentle maiden, Beautiful, petite. j- -: r Blushingly she falters ; '.Is this seat engaged !" (See the aged couple Properly engaged : ) Student, quite ecstatic, Sees her ticket's " through, Thinks of the long tunnel Knows what he will dcx So they sit and chatter, While the cinders fly, Till that "student feller" Gets one in his eye. I And the gentle maiden Quickly turns about " May I, Jf yon please, sir, Try to get it out ?" rHappy student feller " Feels a dainty touch : Hears a gentle whisper, Does it hurt you much ?" . Fizz ! ding, dong ! a moment In the tunnel quite, ' And a glorious darkness v Black as Egypt's night. Out into the daylight Darts the Pullman train ; j Student's beaver ruffled - Just the merest grain ; ' Maiden's hair is tumbled, And there boon appeared Cunning little jjar-ring Caught in student's beard. 5 ' Harvard Advocate. Mr. McGarvey, an Indian trader, says t-hat among the $2,500 or $3,000 worth ot goods that he sells the Indiana a year, are included eight hundredr i thousand pounds of soap. This is a better I indication of civilization than iron or salt, without which Emerson ;savs that civilization cannot exist. The Klamaths live in houses made of puncheons or thick plank, with a circular cavity inside, dug three or four fest in the earth, wherein they sit up in a circle. Sometimes this pit is something like an amphitheatre, with a A t. . r j n' ii.- seat xiau way up, running an inu way around. They eat down in the pit, and sleep on the bank above, on a level with the earth. ' It is not at all uncommon to see coffee, biead, matches", crackers, eta in their cabins. They bathe tUeir entire per sons every morning. Experience has taught that the so called ' icaa paralyse, common among painiers in .Nthe form 1 of a lass of motion of the wrist joints, is chiefly produced by the habit of washing the hands in turpentine. It is probable that jt 5s not the turpentine alone which produces this fatal result, but chiefly the particles of Jead or zinc paint on the hands, which by the turpentine, are brought in condition ;to penetrate the skin more readily and to be absorbed; therefore, paint ers, should avoid," as Jnuch as pcssiblc the -use of turpentine for washing the hands. - - Berlin is growing as rapidly in wealth as intPdpuIation, according to the journals published in that cityl It has now fully . 800,000 inhabitants, and those whose yearly incomes cxeed $700 are nearly 16,000, while those having less than $200 number 17G,000. Over five hundred citizens have at present more than $100,000 per annum, and twenty years ago hardly twenty of all the inhabit- capital In Europe is increasing at such a f rate as. Berlin. 'X An editor in Illinois haviDg engaged a new reporter, received the following as his first effort: " We are informed that the gen tleman hbo 'stood on his head under a pile flriworfnr flio niirnnco nf Vinvinrrn tirrVif 11 air of butes druv on, shortly afterwards found himself in Chiny, perfectly naked and with out a cent in his pocket A Milesian, born on tbe last day of the year, felicitatesJiimself on the last day of the yetir, felicitates himself on the narrow escape from not beinsj born at all. "Be jabers'Vsaid hej"and if it had not been till the next day vhat would have become of me?" :.; - . Since! the end of I860 there have been - built 24,000 miles of railway in the United States, which is a larger nnmber ot miles than is Comprehended in the whole railroad system of France, Germany, and Austri compincd. . ' . The ypung injm who was too proud to. car ry bricks and fshovel ashes was, arrested 1 1 last night. He; bore upon his manly bosom I three watches,-' like a triangular shield gl , virtue, and wore in his pantaloons pocket another man's wallet.-- Chicago Post. Thcyjare leeling people, those Bridgeport .. . . 4 i .: : j .1 r her husband, sent the following thrilling leicjiaui iu a uisiuub-iiicuui ieai uuuu is dead.! Loss fully coyered by'insuran.cicr' A drunken man fell asleep by the road side,, where a pig found him and began to lick his mouth. "Who's kissing nie now exclaimed the drunkard. 'What a capital thing itjis to be in favor ivith the w-o-menP Eve had sonie advantage .that no other married iwomanf ever enjoyed, ; chief among which was the fact that her husband cou'd never lacerate her heart by telling "how his mother used to cook." An Irishman recently soliloquised: What a waste j o'money to buy mate you " know half of it is bone, while you can spind it lor rum that hasnt a bone In it. I i . A young man who. was caught pressing his sweetheart to'his bosom the other night, justifies himself on the ground that h has a right to strain his own honey." ; 1'- i . . ' , i"1" " , ,. ! ,t." I Hon. Uobcrt 8, Qault, a prominent law - yer and politician of Arkansas, died at Little Ilock op Thursday, 1 rA.Vpanorama of the Chicago fire" ;isa! ready announced. ,;''; ' Twelve wives sought divorces from tbeir husbands in one day, at Louisville Ky. An onion bed of ten acres, in Iowa yielded its owner the snui of $2,720 this year. Soine of the most trusted light house. keepers on the Atlantic coast are women. The Etiiperorof Russia, Alexander Ifr is said, to have signed tl temperance pledge, at the'request of Lis wife. Governor Campbell, of Wyoming Terri tory, has signed the bill repealing' the wo man' suffrage in that territory. : :, Three negr deck hands on the steamer Qreat Republic were shot and dangerously wounded in a row with J. W. Checney; a passenger," below 13 at on Kougo, La. Relationship.. Many persons, it is said, are endeavoring to find out i4wa't kin's, they to Harry Wat- kins, the fortunate actor. ; ' ' cood. ..' Four Galesburg (111.) ladies went out the other day collecting for the Chicago re lief, and in their travels came across an old copperhead farmer, who made it a point never to lead the papers. For a long time Long Branch was once sold for a barrel of cider. " In 1670 the tract of land, includ ing what now are Long Branch, Shrewbury and Eatontown, was in the possession of the Indians, but was purchased of them by J one Lewis Morri3 for that consideration. Many millions could not purchase the land now. " V; j . j: The latest mode of. shuffling off this mor tal coil is to go to sleep with the gas burner in your mouth, not lorgctting to turn the gas on full head. A woman in Charlestown, Mass., tried it, but her mends injudiciously I i l a f . ii . i rr . - o - , i I i lnierierea, so mac tne emcacy oi me pian i is still unfortunately an open question A Council Bluff Clergyman hss an im proved way. lie charges by the pound for marrying people, and makes the inexplica ble distinction of charging- four cents for the groom, and but two for the bride. This will lead to the disastrous result of a larger number of marriages amoBg the ladies than with the gentlemen. ! ? I : MISCELLINEOUS. NOTICE. n jPPLICATION willbe made to the present session of the Legislature for thepassage.of an act to incorporate the tow.n of Abbott6hurg. 1 nov S6 153-SOd . NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made to the present session of the Legislature for the passage of an act to incorporate the Bladen and Columbus Rail Road. ' , ' ; j nov26 j .7 lW-30dia CUNDU1UNG0! n THE WONDERFUL REMEDY FOB CANCElt, SYPHILIS, SCROFULA UliCEKS, SALT ItHEUM and ALL OTIUSK CHRONIC BLOOD DIS EASES. Dr. P. T. KEENE having just returned from Ecuador and brought with him a quantity of th.6 genuine Cundurango Bark, secured through the official recommendation and assistance of llis Excellency the President of Ecuador, and the Government of that Republic, we are pre pared to fill orders for it to a limited ' extent, and at a price about lone-quarter of that which the cost of the first very small supply compell ed us to charge. - ; Our Fluid Extract is prepared from the genuine Cuudurango Bark Irom Loja; Ecua dor, secured by as&istanee of the authorities of that country. Sold by all Druggists in pint bottles, having on them our name, trade mark and full directions, lor use: Price, $10. Labor atory No. GO, Cedar St., Mew York. BLISS, KEEN & CO. D. W. Bliss. M. D., Washington, D. C-; Z. E. Bliss, M. D., New York; P. T. Jeene, M. D., New York. 146-4w t WOOD'S UOI'SEIIOLO MAUAZlftE is oiTered freei during the coming year to every subscriber of Merry's Museum, the Toledo Blade, Pomeroy's ' Democrat, etc.. which is au evidence outs worth and popularity. Horace Greeley, James farton, Theodore Tilton, J Uail llamiiton, etc., write lor every number. 2 lucluuuiug, it offers three first-class periodicals for the priee of one of them. A variety of prem iums on equally liberal terms. It is an original, first-class magazine. Yelume X begins with Jau. ' t)l. Three specimen copies free. Address S. S. WOOi, JNewDurgn, jS. I. AGENTS WANTEU FOR i THE YEAR of BATTLKS The History of the War between Franee and Germany, embracing also Paris under the Com muncr loU illustrations; 643 pages; priee, $ 3 50, 50,000 copies already sold. , The only complete work. Nothing equals it to sell. Making 10,000 copies per lnonin now. in JKnglish and German Terms unequaled. Outfit tl.25 . Address H: a GOODSPHED & COr, 87 Park Row, New York. 140 4w Solicited by MUNN &. CO. f uDiishers Scientific Ameri cant 37 ParK Itoir, N. It, Tweutv-hve years expsrience, Pamphlets Containing Patent Laws, with full directions how to ootain ratents, iree A bound volume of 118 pages, containing the New Census by counties, and all large cities, UO JEnirravincrs ot Mecnanicai Movements, Pat cut Laws , and julcs for obtaining Patents. mailed on receipt of 25 cents. 146-4w I rhk A V T h It 1 I M b IN THE WORLD I For $21 per Inch per Menth, we will in sert an Advertisement in 35 first' class N. Newspapers. Including .0 Dailies. Pronor tionate rates lor smaller adv'ts. List sent tree. Addres" ! GEO. P. ROVELL & CO.. 41 PAKK KOW, NFW YOKK.3 rf MIE Harrisburgr Family Cornsheller Co 1 want Agents to sell their Family Cornshel lers. Pest iuveution of the kind. Sells at 6ighL Profits lanje. For circulars, address EUGENE SNYDER, Treasurer, Lock Box 9, Harrisburg, $30 We Will Fay 3 O Agents $30 per week to sell our great and vain able discoveries. It you want permanent, hon orable and pleasant work, apply for particulars. Address DYEK CO., Jackson, Michigan octlS 146-4w $254 A MONTH-! Hcrse furnished- Ex penses paid. II. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. VOID QUACKS.-A victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decay, occ:, navmg tnea in vam every advertised remedy, has discovered, a simple means of sell-cure, . which he will send to his fellow-sufferers. Address J II REEVES, 78 Nassau St., Nfew XQrk. ufr4w BLISS KEEN & CO S FLUID EXTRACT 5Iigeellaiicous. ' HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. Comvorient Parts Fluid Extract Rhubarb , and Fluid Extract Catawba, Oit'ape Juice. s ' . FOR LIVER COMPLAINTS, JAUNDICE, BIL- IOVB AFFECTIONS, SICK OK NEKV QU HEADACHE, 30ST1 VENJSSS, ETC. r u rv LY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MER CURY, MINERALS OR DELETERIOUS DRUGS. , These Pills are a pleasant purgative, 6upersed ing castor oil, salts, magnesia, etc. There is nothing more acceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor griping pains. They are composedol the finest ingredients. After a few davs' use ot them,, such an invigo ra tion of the entire system takesjplace as to appear miraculous to the-weak and enervated. H. T. Helmbold's Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are mot sugarcoated, sugar-coated Pills do pass-through the stomach without dissolving, consequently do not produce the desired efleet. The Catawba Grape Pills, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate their being sugar-coated, (and are prepared ac cording to rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry and are not Patent Medicines.) HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY.CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUIHEXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system scrofula, Syphilis, Fever sores, sere Hiyes, sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rheum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors. Cancerous Affections, Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism; Dyspepsia, and all dis eases that have been established in the system for years. ' Li Beine Dienared expressly for the above com- plaints, its Diooa-puruying properties am cat . . T A -. r j. er man any otner prepanuuu ui oiuiapim. It gives the complexion a clear and healthy color . and restores the patient , to a state of health and purity. For purifying the blood, removing all' chronic constitutional diseases arising from an impure state of the blood, and the onlyj reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Pain8 and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED rLiUiD EXTRACT BIJCIIU, THE GREAT DIURETIC, nas cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given, irritation of the Neck of the Blad der and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulcera tion of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases 01 the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the ; Bladderr Calculus, Gravel, Brick-dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfeebled and Delicate Constitutions of both sexes, attended with the lollowing symp toms : Indisposition to Kxertion, Loss of flow er, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves,-Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Fain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, Dry ness of the s Skin, Eruption on the Face Pallid Countenance Universal lassitude of the Muscu Jar System, etc. . Used by persons-from the ages of eighteen to twenty-five, and from thirly-five to fifty five or in the decline or change qi life ; alter confine ment or labor pains ; bed-westing in children. B Helmbold's Extract tJuchu is Diuretic and Blood-Pnrifyisg, and euros all diseases arising from habits of dissipation, and excesses and imprudences in life, impurities of the blood, etc., Superseding Copaiba in Affections for which it is used, and Syphilitic Affections in these-diseases used in connection with Helm bold's Rose Wash. .LADIES. . in many affections pcciiliar to ladies, the Ex tract Buchu is uuegualled by any other remedy as In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness or Suppression of Customary Evac uations, Ulcerated or Sehlrrus state of the Uterus, .LeucorrncEa or wmtes, sterility, ana or all complaints incident to tne sex, whether arising from indiscretion or habits. of dissipa tion. ; It is prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Midwives for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, of both sexes and all ages. H. T. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES DISEASES ARISING' FROM IMPRU DENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC., in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no inconvenience, and no expos ure. It causes a irequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruc tions, Preventing ana curing strictures ot the Urethra, .Allaying 'ain ana inflammation, s frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous matter. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH IMPROVED cannot he surpassed as a i ace Wash,, and will be found the only specifie remedy in every spe cies of Cutaneous Affection. It speedily eradi- cates Pimples, Spotsr Scorbutic -Dryness, Indu rations of the Cutaneous Membrane, etc., dis pels Kedness and Incipient Inflammation, Hives, Hash, Moth Patches, Dryness ot Scalp or Skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which Salves or Ointments are used ; restores the skin to a state ot .purity and softness, and insures con tinued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels? on which depends the. agreeable ' clearness and vivacity of complexion so much Sought an d. ad mired. Bat however valuable a3 a 'reined for existing defects of the 6kin H. T. Helmbold's Rose Wash has long sustained its principal claim! to unbounded patronage, bp possessing qualities which render it a toilet appendage of combining in an eiegani iormuia inose promi nent requisites. Safely and Efficacy the invari able accompaniments of its use as a Preserva tive and Refresher of ths Complexion. It is an excellent Lotion tor diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as injection lor diseases of the Uniary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the - Ex tract Buchu,-Sarsaparilla, and Catawba Grape Pills, in such di&easeB as recommended, cannot be surpassed. Fall and explicit directions accompany the medicines. ' ' t Evidence oi the most responsible and reliable character furnished on application, with hun dreds of thousands of living witnesses, and up ward of 30,000 unsolicited certificates and re commendatory letters, many oi which are from the highest sources, including eminent Physi cians, Clergymen, Statesmen, etc. The pro prietor has never Testored to their publication in ihe newspapers; he does not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. Henry T. Helmbold's Genuine Prepara tions, Delivered to any address. Secure from obser vation. . Established, upward of twenty years. Sold by Draggiste everywhere. Address letters Jot in formation, in confidence to Henry T. Hclmbold,' Druggist and Chemist. Onlv Depots : H. T. Helmbold's Drusr and Chemical Warehouse No. 594 Broadway, New j York, or to t. x. JUelmboid's Aieaicar Depot, 104 South Tenth Street,Philadelphia, Pa. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS; Ask for HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S 1 TAKE NO OTHER. 1U msCELLANEOUS.f ( : I - I I u :: RE ENDORSED AND PRESCRIBED BY more leading Physicians than any other Tonic or Stimulant now in use. They are 1 A SURE PREVENTIVE, :.l For Fever and Ague Intermittents, Billiousness and all disorders arising from malarious causes. They are highly recommended as an Anti-Dyspeptic, and in cases ot Indigestion are invalua ble, As an Appetizer and Kecuperant, and in cases oi General Debility they have . never in a single i instance failed in producing the most happy results. They are particularly j : BENEFICIAL TO FE9IALES, Strengthening the body, invigorating the mind, and giving tone and elasticity to the whole sys tem.: The Home Bitters are compounded with: the greatest of care, and no tonic stimulant has ever before been offered to the public so pleas ant to the taste and at the same time combining so many remedial agents endorsed by the med ical fraternity as the best known to the Pharma copoeia. It costs but little tp give them a fair trial, and Every Family Should Have a Bottle. No preparation in the world can produce so many unqualified endorsements by physicians of the very highest standing in thAr profession. Endorsed also by the Clergy and the leading denominational papers. . Kev Wm R Babcock, the oldest Methodist minister in St Louis, feays the Home-Bitters weie most grateful in contributing in the re storation : of my strength, and an increase of appetite. Osbobk Mo , June 24, 1871. ! Persons greatly debilitated, as I have been, and who require a tonic or stimulant, need seek tor nothing better than the Home Bitters, i r i ! S W COPE. Presiding Elder M E Church, Plattsburg District. UNITED STATES MABINE HOSPITAL, 8t. Louis Mo., Oct. 8, 1870. i James A Jackson Co. I have examined the! formula tor making the "Home Stomach Bitters," and used them in this hospital the last tour months. - I consider them the most valuable tonic and stimulant now In use. ! ; - SHMELCHER, Resident Physician in charge U S Marine Hos pital. ' James A. Jackson & Co. Gentlemen: As you have communicated to the medical profes sion the recipe.of the "Home Bitters, itcah- I not, therefore be considered as a patent medi cine, no patent having been taken for it. We have . examined the formula for making the Home Bitters," and unhesitatingly say the combination is one of rare excellence, all the articles used in its composition are the best of the class to which they Velong, being highly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminitive, and slightly Laxative. The m ode ol preparing them is 6trictly in accordance with the rules ot phar macy. Having used them in our private prac tice, we take pleasure in recommending them to all persons desirous ot taking Bitters, as be ing the best Tonic and Stimulant now offered to the public. FRANK G PORTER, Prof. Obstetrics and . Diseases of Women, Col lege of Physicians, and late member Board of 1 Health. I ' L C BOISLINIERE Prof, of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, St. Louis Med. College. - I DRAKE MCDOWELL, M, D., Late Pres't Mo. Medical College. E A CLARK, M D, Prof. Surgery, Mo. Medicsl College and late . Resident Physician City Hospital, St. Louis I Missouri. I HERBERT PRIMM, Prof. Practical Pharmacy, St Louis College ol Phar ! macy. " . , J C WHITEUILL., Ed. Medical Archives. Alf Ueaeock M D, DrCVF Ludwig, C Gericke M D, S Gratz M D, C A Ware M D, W A Wilcox M D, i l EC FRANKLIN M D, Prof Surgery, Houioeophatie Medical College. T J VASTINE M D, T G CO MSTOCK M D, Prof of Midwifery and Diseases of Women, Col lege of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeous. j JOHN T TEMPLE M D, Prof Materia Mcdica and Theraupeutics, llom- oeophatic Medical College of Missouri. I . JNO CONZLEMAN M D, Lecturer On Diseases of Children, Homceophatic College of Missouri. j CHARLES VASTINE M D, Prof of Physiology, Homoeopathic Medical Col lege of Mo. -i J i JOHN HARTMAN AI D, Prof J Clinical Medicine, Col. Homoeopat'dc 4 Physi cians and Surgeries. They are superior to all other Stomach Bitters JSJNJNU Analytical unemist. No Bitters in the world can excel them SIMON HIRSCH, Analytical Chemist Eminent Physicians of Chicago. The lorniula for the" Home Bitters has been submitted to us, and we believe them to be the best tonic and stimulant for general use now onered to the public. i Woodbury M D Jas VZ B'laney M D Prof Chemistry Rush Medical College. J B Walker, M D, T 8 Hoyne, M D, . ThosT Ellis, M D, , JAHahfa. MD. , G A Mariner A-nalytical Chemist. . HS Hahn, MD, BMc Vicar, MD, Nor'n 8 Barnes, M D, RLudlam, MD, Jas A Collins, M D, ! Eminent Physicians in Cincinnati. Nearly all of whom are Professors in one or the other ot the Medical Colleges, - No other Bitters have ever been offered to the public embracing so ' many valuable remedial agents. J L Tattler, M D, i C T Simpson, M D, L A James, M D, S P Bonner, M 1), G W'Bigler, M D, J J Quiun, M D, ? WR Woodward M D R 8 Wayne, Chemist, G K Taylor, M D, PFMaley, MD. C 8 Muscraft, M D, W T Talliafarro, M D, J H Buckner, M D,J C Woodword, M D, D W McCarthy, M D, R H Johnson. M D, S B Tomlinson, M D, j Eminent Physicians in Memphis ;x i - The Home Bitters are an invaluable remedy for indigestion and diseases anting from mala rial causes. , GB Thornton, MD, in charge City Hospital, JMRodgers, MD, H W Purnell, MD, Sanford Bell. M D, I Alex Erskine, M D, MR Hodges, M D, PaulOtey.MD, M A Edmund. M D, tos ju iiyacn, m lf i Eminent Physicians in Pittsbnrsh : B F Dake, M D, j Wm Clowes, M D, W R Childs, M D, j D AWilUrd, M D, O Wuth, Chemist, 1 J H McClelland M D And Hundreds of Others in all parts oi the North, west and South. t J J tiarner. Ai u, Milwaukee. -t i 4 f ? L ; r Couhcu. Blutts, Maach 27, 1871. Jambs A. Jacksok & Co. Havinsr examinpH the formula of th "Home Stomach Bitters," I have prescribed them in my practice for some time, and pronounce them the best Tonic Bit ters now In use. P H McMAHON, M D ' ! "For sale by all druggists and grocers. James A. Jackson & Co., Proprietors : Labratory 105andl07N. SecondSt., St. Louis Missouri. 1 sept 16 . 135-ly T NOTICE PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO Tnv. nexiuenerai AssemDiy 01 worth Carolina for me passage 01 an Act, to incorporate The uouege 01 Physicians ana Burgeons of Wil- mingion." i Wilmington; N. 0., Oct lltb. 1871; T BTMm LOOTS': 5 -J tr O SITUATED IN HEALTHY AN II DESIRA"- KJ blc localities on Castle, Church, Wilson, Or ange, Hun, Ann, Dudley, Gwynn, Dickinson, Wood. Charlotte. Second. Third. Fourth: Sixth. Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Teuth, f&leventh, J lweilth, and Thirteenth stre Lts. I hose wish- mg to improve will get plenty of time and low ngures. ..Apply to JA MES WILSON. Or in his absence to NATHANIEL JACOBI. sept 33 i 133 tf TFT S 1, E Y WAS If 1 If-' ' BY MRS. MlTRW H TAN HE1 ACT U RED .?JbCA?HVELL. WllmlhslOnNJ C. , v si Onssr tlq mds! eflwlive Remedies for LN FLAMED, SORE, xVlli WEAK EYES Ever offered to the ptiblicJ i For sale by all Druggists in! file city. Price, 25' Cents Per Bottle. . . - ' i .- GREEN & PLANNER, .Wholesale Atreuts. rket St. 'V tin i.e May 25 Wm. 3iE IIiOC BUILD EH OF CA11TS, DILI WAGONS:, TURNING NEATLY At my.old stand on Forifth'str edts. between Bla- den ana Jsrunswxck streets. nov. 10 ! . ; 150-ly attormey kno COUNSELLOR Will practice in,all Courts of this gtate, and Territory of Columbia. 1 r i , The collection ofClaima prOniptly sftended t67 umce nextdoor to Court lloiise. iune 25 119-tf lllTOUliS. UNITED STATES piyoRCE AGENCY, r, "1 ESTABLlSEEli iS55i IF Divorces legally obtained I in eery State where the laws are liberal o;nlhe subject, and under the United States laws, ifor i)'ersons from any State or Country ic evervwhere de sertion, cruelty, non-support;, drunkenness, etc. sumcient cause no publicity i required no fee until divorce obtain r i Call on, or address , GOULD & EUIIGE UuUjnsellous-at-Law, Broadway, 2d door below Jo III St. - ,. til ill New YtsftjJCity:; ;: oct 19 i m I Hl,6m PRINCE LARRIHGT0N HAS JUST RE IT UHNISIIED fllS' BARBER SHOP, on Front, street, two doors South of the Pufccli House, where, lie would be pleased to see his old customers, andlall who washacieaH shave. His assistants are uiilite and nrst--class workmen. nov 9 ; 147-lv WANTED. 20 000 POUNDS UIiED MOSS. IX A. SMITH, South Front Street, if 1 124-tf july 23 1. Walk, Proprietor. ' Ot jH. McDomald A Co.V Drit te QeftJAgents, San Fraociico, CtV, kn4 i8i Commerco ttrMt, N,' T. MILLIONS Bear TcBtimonV to their -.. Wonderful Curative Effects. . They are not a Tile Fancy Dri nk, Made of Poor Ram, Whiskey Proof Spirits and It'e fuse Iiiquors doctsred, epiccd and swecSenedtdpleaie th. taste, caUed T6ll',Appeti2ser,, ,Eestores,,,&c., that lead the tipj4f pn to drjinkenitess andruin,but ars a tme Medicine,made from the Native Boots And Herb of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimn lants. . They are the GKEAT BLOOD PURI FIER and A LII?G GliNOPUINCIPLB;r jietlES;tRenoTatortad tnTiiortDr'ol thelystefli, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring thchlood ' to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit ten according to directions and. remain long unwell. provided their bonea areinotJ dcEtroyed by ; mineral poison or other means, am thevtital org wasted ; i bejond the point of repair. j Ttey atfe a Gentle Parcative as well n a : Tonic, poB58sinff, also, the peculiar mcriii of acting w a a powerful agent inreliofinflr Coneestio&o Inflam t mation oJ the Liver, and all the Yisceral, Organs. FOR FEMALE COMPTAlNT9.iayoiing6ti ; old, married or single, at the dawn of Womanhood of at the turm of life, these Tonic Biitslnvvemo'qtiaL Fer Inflammatory and! Chronic Rheum r tism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indiiestidm Billona, Remittent and Intermittent Fv ; vers' lOiscascs of the Bloodf Liver, ItU j ney and Bladder, these Bittershave been most Bucceasfnl.' Snch Diseases are caused by Vitiated ' Blood which is generally produced by derangement of .the. Digestive! Oraansii&'iJH H'U. ' I DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION Read ache, Pain in the Shoulder, Coughs, Tightneu of ths Chest Silliness, Sour f jactations, of the Btomaah. j BtdjMtelniheMchBUfoUaAttJUrPsittitatJottot' i the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the te 1 dons of the Sidneys, and a hundred other painful sympt torn, art the ol!irin of Dyspepsia if I ; - ? " They inTifforate the Stoinachjand stimulate ie torpid Liver and Bowels, which tender them- of unequalled . arUii new life andVikorfo FOR SKIN DISEASES, ErupUons,fettet, Sill U fiheum, Jlotshes, Spots, PimHes, Pastules, Befl Caf- I 1 hnnr.lca. Uins-Wnrtna flx l...f las. lien, Scarfs, lhcolortions of the blin. amnors and f Xirrip IlMSHf Or IDA Hkln. rvf bitlif niMl rtf naMa iVi j i'ffcUr do up and carried out of the system in a short time by the ea of these Bitters. One bottle In snch ease will eonTinc the mort Incredulous of their curac tire effects, -,v -:: . - v ; . " ' ' I i Cleanse the Vijiited loodenetet toUfiadtts fm purities burstinff through the skin in Pimplet, J5rttp . tiona or Sbttn t tleaHsr It when you find it oiwtftteted and sloegiflh In the veins icltearise itWnen it is fouL and your; feelings ViU tell yoxi when. Keep the blood pure, and hf tfh irftA IrslemlrS fellow, i Ka,raeSina'ottfer Wortnsl fittfat tn tin I system of bo many thousands, axe effectually destroyed I fJ?2moVeL , Says a distinguished" phjsioloffist. tbere-iL scarcely an lndlvidaaTupon the lace of tit x earui Whose body 13 eiemnt from thh .nrpiwnce of ' ZAi. .Iv" Wot topon the healthy elements ol the yw, tush worms exisi, dux upon the diseased numora ana sumr deposits that breed these living monsters ol UMease. ?WojBteia of .Medicine, Bovermifages, p ' these fit? th stemifrom worms like JMYA1KEB, PropHetot. , ft. tt. McDOtfALO & CO, f ntt1jn&-ph&! Agents, San rranciscorCaUlbrnXa.' IK WS AND DONE f s n ana commerce Street, Kw XortJ, ." i K35tU" flX ALU PRViWilSW A&U ? - NOT OWE iJoUR after reading this advertiaement need n; SUFFER WITH tPAIN ? 7 0ne RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF IS a CTTRWir - EVERY PAIN. 'URXF0 t - It was the first and Is ' The Only Pain neincilir that Instantly stops the mo$t exeniciatin?iiii7 allays Inflammations, and cures ContrfS??' whether of the Lunes. Stoir.rh v "V0n". oille S1 ?IS"t'7 one application ' 0r iSi itkur UNlfi TO TWENTY illNUTFfl r; RADIVAV'S READY RE tlicp Will afford instantabkl , INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYH INFLAMMATION-OF THRBLADDrt, INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWRlSr B THE BOWELS, BOUE1URQAT, DIFFICULT BKTaiNO1 IQaDAOia,TOiS.,W COLD aHUlj!E$iffi&&W. The application of the Ready Relief" to part or parts where the ualn or diffl.u. IL." .will afford ease and comfort. 3 v Twenty drops In half 4 tumbler of water in In a few moments cure Cramps. Spasms a2S Stomach, Heartburn, , Sick JixlSSff Dysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bowels, aid !fi Internal Pains. . " . Travelers should always carry a botti i Radway's Ready .Itellif irtffiSeiSjTfe drops in water will prevent sickness of naln. from change of water. , It is bettersthan Frenpf Brandy or Bitten is a stimulant. " Cnch a FEVJGH AND AttCE. - Fever and AVue cured for fifty cents. TUm.. is not a remedial agent in this world thkt .fn ever and Ague, and all other Malarious ions, Scarlst, Typhoid, Yellow, andK rsfaided by RADWAY'S PILLS) go jSck my cents HEALTH! BEAUTY n STRONG AND PURE RICH BLOOD IN CfjEASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT.CLEAR SETn AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION DR. U A B IV A S U.JXO Dm aUu inJBi MUST AH lflN IHHTKtn CURES - SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE T Hit CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES. UN. - DER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS I TRULY wonderful medicine, that WJ Day an Iflcreasc in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Pelt. riiis tiiiEAT DLonn PirmriFP Eyery drop of the SarnariftHiHiin 1 "RMftlirnnt conlmunicates through the Bipod, Bweatl Urine, and other f fluids and jalce f or the ayatem the vigor oflire, for it repairs the waatea oi the hody with new and sound materiaL Scrofula. wjimiw, uuuoumuuu, uiAnauiar aiseue. Ul cers in the throat, Month, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system. 8ore Eyes; Strumorous discharge from the Ears and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Ernptioni Fever Sores, Scald Head Ring Worm, 8alt Rheum, Erysipelas. Acne. Black Mnnf Wnrm. in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Nleht' Sweats, Loss of bperm and all wastes of the life principle, are wunin tne curative range of thii wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power te cure them. . If the patient, dally becoming reduced by the wastes and decomposition that is continnallv progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs th3 same with new material made from healthy blood and this the Sarsaparillian , will and does secure a cure is certain; for f when once this remedy commences its work or purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss oi wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better, appetite improving, and flesh and weight in creasing. Not only does the Sarcaparillian Resolvent excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases ; but it is the only positive cure for ' Kidney and Bladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel, Diabetey Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, BrignVa Disease, Albuminuria, and In all cases where there are brick-Oust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with sub stancelike the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, darkf bilious appearance, aDd white bone-dust deposits, and when there is a nricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain iu tbe Small oi the Back and along the Loins. . . Mil. It A DV AY'S PERFECT, PURGATIVE PILIO perieetlyiastelets, elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge, regulate, purify, .cleanse, aid st reagtuen. Rad ay's Pills, . for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kid neys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costivvnessj"Indige8ti6n, Dy pepsfa, Biliousness, 'Bilious Fevr. Inflamma tion oi tbe Bowels, Files, and all derangements 01 me internal v 'scera. warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterous drugs. "Observe the following symptoms result ing from Disorders of the Digestive Organs; u-ousiipaiion, xnwara rues, jruiiness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or weight in tne Stomacn, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flattering at the Pit oithe 8tomach. A lew doses of RAD WAY 0 PILLS will free the system from all the above named disorders. Price 2 cents per Box. Sold by Druggists.22 KEAD "FALSE AND TKUE. Send one letter-Btamp to RAD WAY A CO.; JTo. 8? Maid en. lane. New Tork. n Infermatiohs worth thou sands will be sent you. , r . ,i juneatf r 120-ly Ratiniitnr aI mI.. am 1 and Instruction" rf: Notices of the Pre.. It is really the only ltlustrated-chrobicler of fashion in the country tIU, sapplements alone are worth the; subscription price of the paper. While tolly maintaining Its position as a mirror , of fashion, it also contains stories, poems, bril liant essays, - besides general and, ; personal gos sip. -Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. f - There never was any paper published - thatlso deliglited the heart of woman. Never mind if it does .cost you a new bonnet; it will save yon ten times the priee in the - household economy it teaches. Frwidence Journal. ' . !. j The young lady who bujs a single number of Harpbb's BiZiua is made a subscriber Jorlife. New York Evening Ihst. - V J The Bazab It eiceUent Like all the period icals which the Harpers publish, It It yalmost ideally well edited, and the class of readers for whom it is Intended the mothers and daugh ters in average families -can not but profit by its good sense and good taste, . which, we have no ddnbt are to-day making, very many homes happier than, ttiey tnay 'have been before the women began taking lessons in personal and household and social management . from this good-natured mentor.27e,Awfow, N. Y. :r. . 'I t -Hi SUB5CttIPTlOrt8.:1873. - . Terms:" ' . 1 . Harper's Batar. one j ear ... $4 0 1 Harper Weekly, one year. f JJ I Harper's Magazine, one year....t.... w ; An Extra Copy ol either the Magazine, Week ly,.or Basarr,will be supplied gratis for tevery club of five snbscrlbers at 14 00 each, in one remittance ; or, six copies lor $20 00, without extra copy. , . . .. . , ' . . ; Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly, and Bazar, to one address for one year, 10 00 ; or, two of Harper's Periodicals, to one address for one year, $ 00. . , , ' ' i Back Numbets suppliedt any time. iThe four-yolumes of - Harper's Bazar, for tne y ears 1868. '69, 'T0r 71, eleganUf bound In green Morocco cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for V 00 each.; . ' . The postage on Harper's Bazar Is 20 cents J yea7"wSch6mustbe !pald at the subscrfber'a ostolce. AddrtsB L ' t vA.v " HARPER ts BROTHERS Ntw TWf oARSAPARILLIAN T? G0LVENT