THEjiKJI WT- fOS'-T JSOL. BEAR & BROS. COLUMN. NEW,; ADYERTISE5IENTS. GO TO IIEAEiARIEl MISCELLANEOUS. ESTABLISHED 18J23. Won't Investigate The present Geheral Assembly has denied to a portion cf the'citizens oi the State the mnt sacred ' rights to a tree people the riglii of petition? Several petition,, calliDg inVpfltijtatlon into certain crave charges .V. .." o , against certain members, to the end that T. FOR BROW ' SUCCESSOR TO ' ' - , j " ,, v. shown & AHpBnpori, DEALER IN ' . " . t , - , - Fine Watches, ? Clocks,; Jewelry, 'a ww.a "..tttfrrVif ht . ATnpUp.rl if tllP. charges' proved be; true, nave been re- krx 7- W ri SILVER VJADE, FAnCV C00D!J.. jected, both : bythe Senate- and the House. JJ JX I VJ U U JJ 0 A SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL AGES. North Carolina House, Corner1 of Princess and Second i Streets,' J. H. HAAR, PROPRIETORS, Keep constantly on hand tHe best of WINES, LIQUORS and SEGARS, , PORTER, ALE , AND LAGER BEER of; direct importation. OYSTERS : :'! - V IN SEASON. MISCELLANEOUS. if railroads: i. if Jas j.m Lowery, ' CV-' " ; ' .WUnlngton "& Weldon R. R. Co, . . vyiiiihgton, ouneuth, 1871. ff CORNER THIRD & PRINCESS STS., 1 '' Opposite City Hall. si AHRTAGE MAKING. PAINTING AND re- Dairinff neatlv done, at short notice. After CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. I PoRRfiniTAr Train wfll Ium i :D0 A. M. and 5:45 P. M. j ArriTo at Union Station at 3:40 A. M. and 7:C0 P. M. . . .. o'JFo8? Trainsleavo at 10:30 and arrive at -:o:- Should Buy ol. The grounds ) upon which said, petitions were xejected : were statea to De inai mey were personal in their cliaraGter, and insult inl? to members of the body. The Houses, it was said, were bound to protect its mem- b'era from insult by those who claimed to be petititionera. fiut subsequent events go to nrnve that the r6al cause was not given that , they were opposed to making the in- jpour Reasons Why YOU vestigation asked for, even if it had been ' iin asked for i,n the most formal ; and respecttul manner. i On Monday, Mr. Justice, ot Rutherford, called the attention of the House of Repre sentatives to the charges being made against certain members j of belonging to the infa moua insurrectionary organisation, known ' as the Invisible Empire, or White Brother hood, otherwise called the ku klux klan. He introduced a: resolution to raise a joint committee to investigate the said charges. TMa.ia i the usual course 1 in sucU cases. In ' most all the cases 6t expulsion in the his tbrv of our legislative bodies, tne eonauct OKU-JJiUAuaJ!. jjou cs r 3 , . , , , . , . , . O cent, by purchasing of of the member which led to his expulsion has been brougnt to tne attention 01 ine Goods cheap, always willing to show them Ian, course in Wilkes' case, in England j and in W kil kJltLlUa IIIMUI '"V - I I . I. . - . IB "Z . .. - - . .... .1,.. . n : T . 1 am reared to no tne Jtxr(.a ana doi wo i No. 37 MARKET STIl3CiTt v v WliMINatqjT Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully re paired. ' r.-- Ti CITY STORE. B. WEILL, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Copimisson Mercliaiit, I And dealer- GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, DRY GOODS I ; T CLOTHING, &c, &cM No. 23 and 24 NORTH WATER STREET, v WILMINGTON, N. C, Consignments' and Cash Orders Solicited, noy 83 - 151-ly ' 150,000 HARD BRICKS FOR SALE. :nov5 a T. VD'Firrkvr'T! ChJf Engineer and General Snpt. . . lti SdeaultihePost ffi-ewmbe WUiatagton. Charlotte RiR.R. prom noy 15 STACT VANAMRINGE. 148-ly Company. GENEKiX SCTKSmximnKNT'g OfPlClt, WroiGTOK, N. a, June lOUi, 1871. , IT UUlCSalC UUU AVCbftll xcau 1U SOL. BEAR & BROS. pancy & Domestic Dry r WANTED. 4 ST. BECAUSE our Goods are an new ana A desirable. ND BECAUSE we never, advertise Goods we do not have. can saye at least 10 per us. WI8H TO BUY A PAIR OF FINE YOUNG fnlpa '. A nv Tiprsrm : that., hflR Knrh MtiIp.r i for sale will nlease communicate with me im mediately. nov30 , 153-tt Ready Made Clothing. inPonTAHT to "fiik" ladies i FOR ONE, WEEK- ONL Y. FRENCH AND ENGLISH i DRESS GOODS, At the office of the celebrated Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, No. 3 South Front street. M . . . . -; , THE ' STOCK CONSITS OP DRESS GOODS sAm i recent casesiin the American Congress . There could be no reasons urged against the investigation pioposed by Mr. Justice, ex cept the determination of the House not to rTroat5rrat.P. nnrlp.r &nv circumstances. When the reslution came up for conside ration in the House, Mr. Durham, Democrat rl -hvinsprHnt the words. "Loyal Leagues and other political societies. AT REDUCED RATES: This i was: a trap set to eaten tne itepuou .cans ? It was, doubtless, believed that the Republican members would all vote against have an excuse to refuse to make the inves- H A Si AN) ( V A PS f it cnM. hnnoa wprp. enter- -B"L-- V VXAA - fainori tVifw wrft Rorelv (lisaoointed. The Republicans, - without a single exception, voted for Mr. imrnam s amenameni., xierc, tiAtita. ! rpanintmn neriectiv lmuaruai. proposing an investigation into the conduct That cannot pe excelled. ot memoera oi eacu puuuuai pn,j m mo TTnnaft fn the end that if anv were proved t thA satisfaction of the House to members of a secret and unlawful political society of aKY kind they might oe expeneu. i ue publican members marched square up, they 5m nnt.f Rhirk the Drooosed investigation into their own conduct, nor seek to evade BOOTS, iHOS. H A. T S , TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS 17 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. A. WEILL, Agent. J. J. HEDRICK, Superintenddhtl GAPE FEAR FLOCB, . ' AND . I i PEARL IIOSIINY MILLS. Have constantly on hand EXTRA FAMILY and SUPER FLOUR, PEARL HOMINY, ' SEED RYE,. SEED WHEAT, i S SEED OATS, ; i I. CORJN, ! COW rJsaii, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. I Eastern Division; ' S; v t - .- ' . ' ; PflRBPTIfroi an A Vnl 4 1. writ ;,t uuuxieiguk AiMu leaves w liming ! ton at 7:00 A. M. and arrives at 3:30 P. M., daily (Sunday b excepted.) VSf w ins F.rlve at tne head 01 the Road . at 4:00 P. M. and leave at 6:30 A. M. I Western Division H i oi se; And all kinds of pop a j4 1?tAtnk4 rrn. i L i m. . l JP .oa.yttetday8j Thursdays and Saturdays at t q:o0 A. M. WHITE PEAS, 1 l EXCURSION TICKETS from Wilmington to' COW AND H O G F E ED Orders left at the Market Street Depository, . . T a-ii r i- oi at I the Seaman's Depot, corner uront ana French Merino, Japanese Silks, Poplins, Docklstreets will receive prompt attention. T1.s3a Tmnarml ; T. afro "Rlorlr orirl lrl n rati I mi j TVMinal fna' Qherryville, good for the season, at $18 ROUND I T. tppwmtiwt Chief Engineer and Superintendent." j novfi .. U6 tf SDIPPING. nov 12 148-tf JOHN II. XOVJS, B00U1 WW REAM MADE CLOTHING, it in any wayi cratic members. But not so with the demo The resolution was laid a snnerior assortment for the cominff season. " 2 ' . Mr, ' .1.. . . upon the table by a vote oi 4i to in ine in HoiieC. tWO-nitlJS OI WUUHe mcmucio aig MUUVV) - - 'r I - 1 . A 1 4.1. ffirar .ents furnishing goods TTara i Vwr milk in the cocoanut. A uviu " - , I :?rirT LH" me ; o hTe laVea large variitj of and nvaa ' Thnv havft refused to sav that unworthy membera shall be expelled, it GLOVES, ehn-arn iO be UnWOrtny. AUU uvy nave Jo. 6 JYorth Front St. WILMINGTON, N. C. SCHOOL BOOKS, SCHOOL AND OFFICE STATIONERY, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, FANCY ARTI CLES, &G., &C, &C. nov 9 I?'" likewisq refuse an investigation wnica was the vindication of their fellow members Irom charges ot the most damag ; orotrtr Whv all this? No mtelh- cent man can fall to see the reason. Whether there be any justifiable ground tor the fxralnat knv members of eittier House will appear by reading the communication aaTAr(itnt "C." in another col- umn.rRaleigh. Era. SUSPENDERS, UNDERWEAR; HANDKERCHIEFS, &c, &c, OUR BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT - ''.-' Ts well filled, particular I attention is given to this line ot goods. Fully prepared ior Mhhftirs l Broad1 Cloths for Ladles' Suits. Paris Made Cloaks and Sacks, the latest ; styles. ! I . bHAWLbj kochea. Paisleys, Black Ottoman and va riety of other styles. Linen Table Clothe and Napkins. FUR DEPARTMENT. .AH qualities and descriptions for the mil lion. Prices irom fl-oOtof2U a sett- cheapest in the city. ? - r We are selling these Goods retail at whole sale prices. Please call before purchasing elsewhere. 4 t DANIEL KAHNWEILER, , Superintendent. nov 19 tf M NOTICE. jJPPLICATION will he made to the present session of the Legislature lor the passage of an act to incorporate the town of Abbottsburg. nov 26 153-30d A. A. HARTSFIEIiD, Importer of Crockery, kFFEKS TO THE f UBLIC THE MOST complete assortment ot CROCKERY, GLASS, I CHINA, PLATED WARE and CUTLERY, Ever exposed tor sale in North Carolina, and at prices that will not fail to meet the approbation of his patrons. He will furnish to dealers Goods at ). very rttia.11 Advflnna on imnorter's Drices. Uall ana examine, at jno. o rorin d ronx si. nov 9 147 tf f nol2 ALEX. OLDHAM, Proprietor. U8-2m ! - A 11. tl E F F . I Manufacturer and, dealer in I . ' A ' ' " . ,' hoUSE FURNISmNG GOODS; I No. 19 Front Street, Wilmington, n. c. j' IiORIIil,AKl'8 STEAMSHIP LINE, j EOR.NEW YORK, 1 SAILING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS t FROM NEW YORK, AND WEDNE8 ! DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM . WILMINGTON THROUGH CONNECTIONS' WITH Gunl Stoves, Lanterns, Pumps, Kerosene W Oil, Tin and Sheet iron w are. Railing done at short notice. Aientfor Fairbank's Scales. nofl9 15U-ly "IjV" . h: . DART, ft SOUTH FRONT STREET, -r :-mr fH MTX HT HT F . . ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON. I'.ir ' 1 WBT.rT-WVVtMZWf STpAJII; & GAS FILTER, I AND DEALER IN ;' WROUGHT AND GALVANIZED IRON ' .H ' - f. PIFKS-. BRA COCK'S, VALVES, GAS FIXTURES, ' At1 all descriDtions of FIW1NGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND GAS. For Freight apply to OARRY DR0TIIER&, may 2S AGENTS.'; -v - 7-tf C. R. 1IAYGB. picUl attontnpaid to fitting P of BAKERY AD CONFECTIONERY, noft 12 COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water. 148-tf Fall and Winter Trade. THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF IL011IK HATS AND Fill ill a Unman Rodv Nursed by a Monkey i Mamma. The New Zeland "correspondent of the San Francisco Alta: "However strange Mr, Tarwin's ThVorv that man is descend ant froni a monkey my scera to be to mapy, the.following particulars of the early - liisfnre of nno. ot the Present members of Parliament for New Zeland are related, in all sober earnestness. MrB's early life was snent in the wilds of South America. When a mere child he was laid peacefully at rest at the door of his woodland home. His -worth ; narentJ near the cabin, shot the young off-spring of a large monkey, at which the feelincs of the affectionate mamma were, of course, much wounaea. one was, uuw avor frvp.n awav bv the -approaching hun ter,- and ! in passing the rabin door noticed onH afnlA thft future New Zeland legislator. The loss was hot discovered for nearly an iu off .WtTfls and then all efforts to find vtfee bibber proved unavailing: Three months ftec this period a hunting party came across in the wildernetsj ana taiUIJ v uavu u - - . - ..." i I untutortea wet nuxae, waa wo v who chattered and jibberea in ine most y mnnkftv fashion, apparently Jully equal to .the exigencies or the situation, Could there be any more convincing evv dence than this of the aninuy ueiwcu m . TO p OTJAI7C -race and those hairy denizens of theoodslMgQQ-. j. feJUUHib r-f trr fivolrnmfint ot another link in the nftrwininv chain? The child was borne inm Artr) under, careful nurture and train ingthe evil- effects of bad company were removed. i WINTER MILLINERY LOOK HERE. TOU MERCHANTS AND TRADERS Who have failed to make your returns and pay the taxfor the quarter ending 30th of September, 1 1871, had better do bo. Your tardiness has put me to considerable inconvenience, .besides thft cnt of this advertisement; j. vv. uiin:JMt;K, JR., i Sheriff. OCt 12 19-tf rf.ivvnuii nilTISE. win. MTT.TTMERV ftOODS. Worth From t Street, 11 at II I G B E E ISI RUNNING AT NO. 11 bUUTU : Froyt Street, large invoices 01 valuable AND I HAVE JUST RETUNED FROM the NORTH with one of the LARGEST and HANDSOM EST STOCKS of ALL WILL REMEMBER THAT I AM CON taniv cnnniiftri with T.lnnors. Cisrars and Tobacco, of the very best. Furnished rooms are also kept tortneaccommoaaiionui lug trav eling public ! J. A. CLIFFORD, Proprietor, nov 9 147-ly THE Is: ' :V 100 Bowls, . lpOT Cups and- Saucers, t OO Ewers and Basins, 4)00 Glass Tumblers- and Dishes, v 20 cases Toys, 00 prs Blankets, . ' 1 500 Aprons, 200 Watches and Clocks, - 500 Window Curtains, ; ' 5 cases the finest Velveteen in the city, 200 Handsaws, 600 Table Cloths, 4,000 Looking Glasses, nov 19 tf DRY GOODS. NEW STORE. STAPIE .il: FANCY 1 y evil's- mm Ml 1 NEHV GOODS THE LARGEST STOCK OF. EVER OFFERED TO; THIS CITY, AT "John," said.a cockney lawyer to his son, T Af tmn nftVer will do for an attorney vnn havft no Wenerao'' "Excuse me, lather," said 'John, "what I want is some of your chickenary." i . A man 'rinn'rtinir a vounc woman was in- tprrnrratPfl ft f rt his OCCODatiOD. " I am a nanp.r hanjTPir on a larcre scale.'- he replied. He married the eirl, and turned out" to be a ibill-poster.v j - - ' ' ' , . , - ; - - ... . How to putjmoney in y bur purse Open ywarpocket-book, take a greenback between your thumb land finger,' lay it right in. This is the way we do it; but we don't practice it much. . 1 A Missouri lady advertised for the per son who is in the habit of serenading her to stand near the house so that she can scald him. T,, A St: Louis lawver attempled to try. a a case the Gthef day when he was half druk,1 t)nt;the;jjuage stoppeu mm. xxo ( lawyct can serte' two bars at the same time. "Time is money," as the fellow said who ttole a patenwetM watca. GRjEAyLY; RECE PRICESJthS LARGE STOCK OF Ever Brought to this marked. ALSO, CORSETS. HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS. DRESS TRIMMINGS AND BUTTONS, REAL & IMITATION HAIR GOODS. iv ; 1 An if evervthinc that is new in the Millinery and I Fancy Goods Department. CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. ONE PRICE. TERMS CASH! P. S. New goods receiyed every week during A. D. BROWN, uov 5 1 j New Grood.s ALL AT JAOOBI AXE, Guaranteed to excel all others, both in shape and material. Be sure to ask for rrh.e Jaoobi Axe, ANI ACCEPT NO OTHER, , For you will then be certain yon are getting the I Deal ior yuur uiuucj. - Jrery Axe Warranted. For kale wholesale and retail, at ? I NATH'L JACOBI'S Hardware Depot, No. 9 Maiket st., And Dealers throughout the State. 34 MARKET STREET, DEALER IN I FRENCH AND AMERICAN CONFEC- i i -; . v - ' ! - J: . TIONERY, i : : - FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS. Weddings and Parties supplied at short no-1 ;ice, with all the delicacies of the season.' : nov 5 . 146-ly f ' FCRNTDRE, F. A. SHUTTE, GRANITE ROW, D E A LEB IN ritfRNlTURE, X aiAHKEoSES, WINDOW SHADES, PAPER HANGINGS, ' r,a PICTURE FRAMES, CORDS, ' TASSELS, FRINES. ' . . . . . &c, &c, &c. Having just received a supply of Furniture, I am prepared to give the public as good bar- Iiuub tus ostu ut5 uaa in me ciiy. 147-ly 3 Pleaee cull and Tsim!nft. - nov 9 Exchange Corner. U6-nol9 BLAHKETS, CAn.PETlIlO, &C 1 ' We only ask a visit to convince all of our capacity to satisfy. : . We respectfully invite 'the attention of our old patroni; and the public in general, to our lar&e and, well selected, assortment 01 NEW GOODS. Remember that we still ;oqcupy the old standL'.No. 18 and 20 Market Square, , 1 soli. BE AR & BROS,, WHOLESALE AND t RETAIL . DEALERS, v :no51tt $1.00 mm ONLY A PAIR, THE " KID GiOYB. rOFlTIiAR PRICES. H. & B. EMANUEL, K 45 Market 84 - TT AVE JUST RECEIVED A bPDENDID JtX assortment of Dry Goods of all desciipt tioas. DRESS GOODS in endless variety We invite attention to our, ana omer POPLINS, tf MERINOS, . ff SILKS, I il EMPi&ESS UlUlllD, j SATEENS, &c 11 A fnll lino TrimminlT!!: NntionH. &C A fine stock Boots and Shoes for Ladies, Misses, Children. Men and Boys, all qualities and kinds. Hosiery of all kinds. J CLOTHING- Every pair warranted. All sizes and colors. Call and examine them for yourself. . A. D. BROWN . Exchange Corner, Sole Agent - nov 5, ; ; tt6-nol9 ; ' & THE 0FKCB 0? TEE POST. IX. HARDWARE. IX. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CUT twv TRON STREl,. NAILS. GUNS. PISTOLS, AMUNITION, &c. WHOLESALE BUYERS Tn our full and complete assortment, embracing all and every nesenpuon oiaxooqs "i"""" inreat abundance from cheapest to finest, ior .nd to the snnerior advantages we can offer from i?r:" " . " . 1 1 LT.i na I 1UU UU V.T ... having the agency to Be venu icuujSxuv,uOT . stock Cloths, Cassimers and otner ia Trade. - I s w j- : - rmrrZ.Zlr Snla nnrl TTftmp-SR Tather. "-I P5" iw.ya vu iuu -- Kip and Calf 8kins. Paints, Oils, Glass, Sash, Doors and Blinds, & Please call and examine, before purchasing, ttrtock NiTH-I, JACOBI'S, v Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market st. noy9 - .';! s . U7'lv J t f lats, C3ps, Trunks, Valices, Ladies ana Gents F fUNISHING GOODS, Al" id all lat the LOWEST PRICES. . f REMEMBER THE PLACE. H H. & B. EMANUEL, II . 45 Market Street. vlH23, ' 15t-3m J. F. iRUEOKERT, lour 07 first class: 9 , PIANOS. Pianos sold at manufacturers lowest prices, -Old Pianos taken in exchanga. - f , - Pianos tuned and repairea. al-. MASONIC HALLt Wilmington, N. C ans5 1TO-U' READ THIS. AVING REMOVED MY BLACKSMITH I orrrkT mv P. ART TTOnSE. On Princess sfet, first door West of County Jail, I solicit 15MT nov 23 CARPETS, Oil Cloths, TN CONNECTION WITH MY IMMENSE JL STOCK OJT FURNITURE, I have just received a large and handsome as sortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Matting. . Mats, Window Shades, Hollands, &c, which X am offering at extremely low prices.'- An exami- nation of goods is respectfully solicited by Mr. JOHN McRAE, in charge of this department. e "i" . '? V-' d,1 Ai OlrilTH; i - i