w4 X n I f J J! r. 4 V. WILMINGTON, N, G., THURSO AX IMORNJNG JANUARY 4. li-l'f'!. . Ir ' " - i i 187& CITY At n meeting of the tyeclanicVBu'ililing arid Loan Association, I January M 1872, g'jkrcs Were redeemed at jtbe following rate?: Two shares at $113; to shares at $113; six shares at $114 ; ten stares at $119; five shares at $120. Twenty-if vc shares averaged $116 90. James S: Topbam & Co., No. 8 South Front street, Wilmington, N. C arc manu'. fact ur era of . every description of Trunks, TraYeHog Bags, Saddlery and Harness. A laj-gc team stock and of second ambulance hand government harness, saddles, bridle sk collars, halters, reius,'&c., constantly on hand, at wholesale ptices for cash. and retail, at low 1 . - Our German friends will recollect that the officers elect of the Germania Lodge, No. 4, K. of P. will be publicly installed .in Pythian 1111 this evening. The'ccrc miny of instalation wilt be conducted in the Germau language, and wc expect to see a large number of 'ladies and gentlemen pre3 cot, this being the first time in our recollec tion that our German friends have had an i . 1 ' opportunity of witnessing such a ceremony, tliis fyelng the first secret society ever organ ized in our city, in which the German lan guage is entirely.used. " Hibernian Association. At the regular monthly meeting of the; Ilibeiniau Benevo lent Society, held at Hibernian Hall on Tuesday1 evening, , the following, officers were electeVl for the ensuing year : I John Dawson, President, (re-elected.) I. B. Grainger, Vice-President,(re-clected.) L. Brown, Treasurer, (re-elected.) " Jas. Reilly, Secretary, (re elected.) T. Dhlari, Assistant Secretary. Thi3 is the fifth year tha!t Mr. Dawson aa been called to fill the position of Pres ident of the.Society, which shows the high esteem in. wfi.ich.be is held by its members. I r st al L at i on of Officeus. The officers elect of Stonewall Lodge No. 1, Knights of PvtLias, were installed on Monday night, the Grand Chancellor of the Grand Lodge ot North Carolina officiating. They aj-o as follows; . Wm. M. Ptiisson, V. P. - j j McD. French, W. C. ' ; - W. S. Warrock, V. C. Thos. C. James, II. S. L. L. Boon, F. S. E. S. Wood lord, B. J; W. Zimmerman, G. J, J. 'Fowler, I. S. . Jas. Kendrick, O. S Ben. White and Wm. E. Davis, Attend- abts. ,1 County Commissioners. The . regular moilthly meeting of .the Board was held on Tuesday cveninc last. Commissioner Shoe .makcrtn the chair. The report of-the ; '..'Trustees ol Federal PoiiU Township, in reference to the cond'-. tion of tle roads, was received and ordered on file. The report of the School Committee, statincr the number of school children in Holden Township, was received and order ed jon file. -i' ' Lphscs were grant Thos. B. Williams and' Martin Mullcr to retail spirituous liquors. . : ' i The report of the County Treasurer for December was received and ordered on file. It was ordered that the several commuui cations in relation to taxes be referred, to the Committee on Taxes. It was ordered that the Clerk of this Board issue and execute all its orders un less otherwise directed by this Board or by some provision of law. Ordered that all persons who obtain li ceuses or receipts on licenses from the Sher jiftf who do not exhibit the 'same to the Register of Deeds, to be countersigned by ; him and registered as required by .sections 33 and 31, Schedule B, ot the Revenue law, immediately comply with the terms of the law, or its penalties will be rigidly enforced against such delinquents. Adjourned to meet on Monday night next, at ?i o'clock. I RE-NiiiATiNo the HliR.t When the hair1 ceases to draw from the scalp the natural lubricant which is its sustenance, its vitality is, as it were, suspended, and if uot promptly attended to, baldness will be the certain result. The one sure method of avoiding such an unpleasant catastrophe is to use Lyon's Katiiuron, which, when well rubbed into the scalp, will speedily re animate the hair and prevent it from f illing out. Besides that, this inimitable resuscitant and atrenffthener of the Uair .i i . . . nourishes and stimulates its young and ten der fibers, removes all obstacles to their growth in the shape of dandruff and dirt, and ultimately produces a new crop of hair, stronger . glossier, and twice as abundant as the old. As aj hair dressing it is notably the most agreeable, refreshing and service able article ever placed upon a dressing table, :. l ..((- ; '. '-'vj Hrmptoms of Ijifer Complaint nud of Same of the DfscasesProdnced brit. 7i.swllow. r yellow color-of ekin, or ycU lowish brow'ri gpots on face and other parts of body; dullness and drowsiness, with fre quent headache; "dizziness bitter or bad taste in mouth, dryness of throat and inter nal heat ; palpitation, In many cases a dry, teasing cougl, with sore throat unsteady appetite, raisit ol food, choking sensation in throat ; iistreVs, heavines?, or bloated, or full feeling about stomach and sides, pain in sides, back or breast, and about shoul ders; colic pain and soreness through' bow. els, wHh1 bet ; onjiJipation al tcrna li n with frtquent attacks of rdiar rt&oi pilea flatulence nervousness, coldness. of extrem eties ; ruh of blood to head, with symptoms o! appoplexy, numbness of limbs, especially at night ; cold chills alternating with hot flashes,- kidney and urinary difficulties ; female weakness, dullness, low spirits, un sociability and. gloomy forebodings. Only a few of above symrfloins likely to be presr eut in any case, at one time. AH who uao t)r. Pierce's AltT Ext. or Golden Medical Discovery lor Liver Complaint and its Complications, are loud iu its praise. Sold by at! first-class druggists; The Steam Fire Engine, A. Adrian, was out for trial on yesterday afternoon. ! Says the Muscatine (Iowa) Courier : We have done, and are still doing bnsines.4 trill quite a number of advertising agencies throughout the country, and have no taUIt to find with them, . but Messrs. Geo. P. Uowcll & Co. give , ui more business, than auy other. Furnishing a large amount of advertising, and paying promptly, has put . l . . l t ' ' I C ' i 1 mis nouse at cuu very ueau oi ageucies, aau has made them a name for honesty, relia bility, liberality; -and promptness, which ol itself is worth a fortune." , The. Grand officers of thr Grand Lodge of the State of North Uirblina, Uast eve- nmg 1 installed the following gtntletnen, th officers rlect of Clarendon Lodge No. 2, K. of P; A. T. London, V. P.: R. S. Radcliff, WiC ; J. C. Haigh, V. C; L.H.DiRoett R. S ; W. L. Jewetf, F. S; Berry Greaves B ; J. L. Du ilcy, G.; T. Child; X 8.; T. A. Williams, O. S ; Joa. H. Handy and C Ileddj ttrtMlaif ts. - s - The ceremonies of dedicating tbe new hall of tho I. O. O. F-, and the installation of the officers of Cape Fear Lodge No. 2, took place on Tuesday evening "ltst, ill the presence of a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The choir, under the leadership of Prof. Grabau and J. H. Bow den, discoursed some very excellent music on the occasion. The dedieaterj services were perfoamed under the direction of Deputy Grand Mastej W. J. Yopp, of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina.. P.' G.-T. H. Honey acted as (J. W. P. G. M. W. S. G. Andrews as G. M; P. G. Jno. A. Nicholson as G. II, and P. G's. John Sholar, R. J. Jones, j. C.Wood, and A. J. Yopp asG. ITd. of the N. 8. E. and W., in r thc order named, if. U., I Geo. 11. Kelly, G. C. P. G. M. Wm. L. Smith, Chairman of the Building Committee, delivered the hall to. the D. G; M. After prayer by the Chaplain and music from the choir, the ceremonies proceeded, and were conducted with all due solemnity to the close, after the impressive ritual of the Order. Afier the lodge had been dedicated, D. j G. Master, W. J. Yopp, proceeded to install the officers elect of Cape Fear Lodge, No. 2. The following are the officers eleet to wit: I , Noble Grand, G. M. Altaffer; Vice Grand, Wm. Goodman; Treasurer, John A. Nichol- son; Secretary, Geo... II. Kcllevj Chaplain, John" Sholar: Warden, Gsorge T. Bappler; Conductor, W. W. Yopp, Inside Guardian, Joseph Stemberger; Outside Guardian and Keeper, F. V. B. Yopp; li. S. S., J. Finer; L. S. s!, Wm. P. Oldham; 8. to N. G., R. L. Harris; L. S. toN. G., C. Schulken; R, 8. to V. G-, J. J. LeG win; L 8. to Y. (k E. Levey. ! . Immediately after the installation the closing Ode of the Order was well sung by the Choir, and the service terminated. The members of the fraternity have just cause to be proud of both of the above ceretnoniesjfor they were conducted through out with decided good taste, not even a jar occurring to mar the occasion. The Logde is mpidly increasing, and' alreatly weild? an influence second to none of the secret socie ticsiu this city. Celebration of the Emancipation Proclamation, on Monday last, January 1st. 1872. At 11 o'clock the children from the Sabbath and daily schools marched in procession to. tbe City Hall, where a large noftion of our citizens had already assem- Vbled. At 12 o'clock the large assembly was called to order by Jos. C. Hill, E?q, After prayer by the Rev. G. W. Morris, and the singing of a hymn by the choir, the Hon. G. L.Mab3on was introduced, who read the eel- ebr&ted emancipation proclamation issued by that sreat and good man, Abraham Lincoln, on the 1st day of January, 1805, in which ha dtel&red, by virtao of the power vested in him by the Congress of the Uniled Siatas, the colored race who were in bondagt , free. I Th6 - Hdai " G. W, Price Jr., was then in troduced by the President, ? ho delivered the lollowing well prepared and appropri ate addrtss: Fkllow Citizsks: . We have met to celebrate the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation of the immortal Li ncnln, which melted the chains from four and a half millions of human beings, created in the moral image of God, but neld4 down and consigned to the low, ditch ot degradation by the heavy yoke ol American bondage, which for 250 years the' ncgr race ot this country baxe borne in all Its hideoua characters ot oppresaion and clegradtiorjj! It a welf on this occasioh that we let our minds go Sack and raise the curtain of the dark dismal past and see wbeTe. but a "few years ago this day, the nrst ot the new year, which, we all do or should, aye, overy one in whose veins course the negro blood, should celibrate this day as the day ot his birth. I say let us go back but a few years and compare the con dition of affairs with the affairs of to day, when on the first jif the year above all other days; the negro dreaded, tor that was the day celebrated by the heartbroken mothers, whose infants were snatched from their bosoms aud sold like swine to the heartless traders in human flesh, disregarding all the purer tears or ine moiuer as tnougn mere were no connecting link which bind us to the human race. Yes, my friends, this is the day when husband and wife weie parted perhaps- to meet no more this side ot the judgment seat, where all mutt stand equal in tbepresence of the great common parent, father and judge. A day when we all were scattered and sold at the auction block, parents from, their children, husbands from their wives. When wc the children of God, coristitutiting a part of tre breath cf Je hovah, were bought and sold likeihings without souls, whom our brothers branded as mercantile commodity, as chattels, and who had no hopes of heaven, no dread of hell. Compare, I say, the status of the negro in this country,! and his condition on tbe first of January just ten years ago. . Let us Compare this ninth anivereary of our birth in freedom with the first ot January, 18G0, when'these streets were crowded with long lints oi processions not ot happy children singing praises to God, for the blessings of life; Lot with grateful men keeping steps with timt to patriotic music, as they march to their public hall; not with men clothed with equal rights and priviledges as is the case to day. Iiet me stop, ror I bate to look back upon the dark, black past, and I only draw the picture to show you how un- grateful we are to the author of our deliver- ance. But while we are making compari-1 sons let us . laok back and behold our fathers, who, for 250 years have prajed and sent up their petitions to heaven while they were bent uhder the heavy yoke of bondage. Yet with faith in their prayers, they asked as they prayed, oh, IiordP how long shall we continue to wear these heavy chains? And mtthinks I see them now, as they are bowed on their knees prayerfully watebmg lor the dawn of the new year; looking with hopeful anticipation to tbe eastern horizon for some sign of their deliverance; but though to them no star appears through in response to their prayer they only hear the clanking of their chains. Yet they cease not to pray, but continue to send up their petitions to high heaven, until they stand in such stupendous ;piies that God would bear the prayer no longer, but summoning justice from her long andi eilcnt slumbers. the thuoderinjr coramaad is sent forth . . i i a. i' a i which shakes eaith's foundation stone, and its vibration still lingers among the bills nor will it cease until the last vestage of slavery is wiped from the face of the earth. And I am reminded just now of that beauti ful piece of I soul -stirring poetry When freedom lone in thraldom laid, When crusnea to earth by tyrants' feet; Arising strong to burst hei chains, I Then sought some place! to fix her eeat. In vain ahe sought historic ground, 1 On al) beheld despotic band. Till westward turned her hope?, to found A lasting home on new found land. Then shout for joy as liberty the soul inflates, Exalt her praise through ree United States. Thank God the day is not far distant when we shall not be ashamed. A hymn was then sung by the choir, after which the Hon. Edw. Cantwcll was introduced, who delivered an excellent and well timed address, which will be found in the third column of the editorial page. The procession then formed, headed by the Rose Bud Band. After marching through the principal streets of the city, the procession quietly dispersed. Every thing passed off very orderly, anjd tbe mar shals deserve credit tor tbe efficient manner in which the entire programme was carried out. ! Washington, D. C, Dec. 81, 18J1. There was a time in our existence when we thought the Wilmington Journal the vilest sheet in the land; but since sojourning in Washington, wc are free to confess the error; not that the Wilmington ku klux sheet has been improved in our es'imation, but that we had no idea of the depths of vileness to which these democratic organs could descend. The Patriot of this city, is about equal to six Journal concentrate in onea perfect mass of spleen and bitter ness, attacking first one and then another of our most worthy officials; circulating lying and cowardly reports about some of the tirsi institutions oi me lanu, wun a madness i which is either that of a knave or fool; attacks upon the President because ho didn't advocate reform, and then attacks noon him because be did. This slanderous I system is not confined to the government ; and party alone., In a recent issue a lying report was circulated in rcfeteace to FreedmanV Savings Bank, which shows to what base uses j-jurnalism can be put. We are glad to say, however, that this false and malicious report has' had rjo serious iffect upon the bank or jtidepositor?; but, on the contrary, many persons by examining into the workings of the. institution, have been induced to make deposits,. and the day is not fsr distant when the accumulations of our colored brethren,! deposited in this bank, will make it the largest sayings insti tution lo tho Uuited States. Think ot it, that four millions of irccdmeu m ten years, wilhave by their thrift and enterprise, put in this bank ten millions of dollars, and South will save their 6nest:earniegs(? il thov will only educate themselves up to the standard of their white brothers; if they will wcrkfor these two ends, faithfully and truly, then is their freedom assured; for the day that sees them on an equal looting with the white man, both in wealth and intelli gence, that day will see every barrier, soci ally jand politically removed trom their pathp You are working rapidly towards this ! event by your present exertions; re double these efforts in the new year; send your; children to school, go yourself in the evening; agitate the subject of night schools, Wilmington ought to support at least one in every ward of the city.' There are dozens of competent teachers in your own ranks, whose duty i3 to labor in your behalf; stir, them up to the work, and let, the first day ot February see at least lour night schools at work in Wilmington. Remember that " knowledge is power," and overcome every difficulty to gain tlrs knowledge, Having the opportunity, the neglect to better your condition is a crime. To-morrow the Civil Service rules goes into effect, andwc trust they will do so suc cessfully. Many objections have been made to different portions of the new system,, but as a whole, there seem3 to be a general ap proval. Congress does hot reassemble until the 8th ot January, but when it does meet full power will no doubt be given the Pres ident to enioree the-reform. 1 ' ' . ' . . 1 we were suowu sometime since, Dy tue Third Auditor of the Treasury, a claim for a slave, filed by one of the F. F. V'tf. It strikes us that there is only one other de mand which 'ye rebel chiv," can make upon Uncle Sam, and that is the incorporation of the Confederate war debt with our national - I . T"W fe - lnaeuteoness. now smiting and nappy they would become if wc "Yankees" would 1 oily pay them for their slaves, and give tgraenbacks for Confederate notes. We ad- 1 vise Mr. A;, of Virginia to withhold his el aim for slaves until Garrett Davis, Frank I Blair or fire-eating Stephens is made I Prcs'ditt then he will jet paid for his lost t,browVt man (as he calls him) and not til! then. While this claim would no doubt be approved and passed by the ku klux dem- cracy were they in power it is not likely to receive the sanction of our loval Third Auditor. While he remains iu office claims for slaycs and "sich" will be much below par. FINANCIAL, &C. Gold has touched 1,08 the lowest since June 1862; subsequently rallied to 1,08. For the liscai year ending June 30 1872, it is estimated that . there: will be a surplus in the ITreaiury of one hundred millions iu gold, and many ot .ourjfioanciers are advo eating the payment of forty per cent, of the duties in currency, arguing tuat such a course would appreciate the currency very considerably, and would still have sufficient gold in the Treasury. Cotton continues in active demand, al- i.i . . . laougn Dy caoie leport the India markets as overstocked. Coffeels likely to advance in prise owing to the short crop in Brazil, and the rapid increase in consumption. Speculation has fled; from gold to coffte and tea, and rings of speculators in the last named articles are the general order in Now York. But more next week. D. SPECIAL. i ' ; A 'FULL MEETING 13 REQUESTED OF JlJ- the Cape Fear HarmoDy Club Tuesday night, January Vth, l7'j, as bugiaess of import- M ance win come up ior consiaeraiion. I I. SWEAT, li '. President. jau 4 163 lit ; MARRIAGE UUIDE. EVERY ONE HIS OWN DOCTOR Being a private instructor for married persons, or those about to be married, both male and female, in everything concerning the physiology and re lations of our sexual system, and the produc tion and prevention of Offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM, . YuUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is wrr.ten in plin language lor the general reader, and is illustrated with numerous En gravings All young married people, or those contemplating marriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every ono should be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked up and not let lie about the nouse. it win oc sent to any address on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No.! 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadel phia. E-AFFLICIED AND UNFORTUNATE No matter, what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any one of the QUACKS native and foreisni who adver tise in this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. I Young' Rook and read it earelutiy. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Dr. Youd can be consulted on any of the diseases described in hia publications by mail or at his office, No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadelphia. nov 23 i 151-tim i ft-' 1 -Jg j NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, f Merchants and Traders, JUOUR TAX for the Quarter endiDg Slat Deeembir, 18T1, will be received at my Office in the Court House during this week, January J. V?. ftCHEMCK. Jb., fiheriC tfev ffet F ire I n s u r an ce C o ESTABLISHEDfA. '8 - A. STUJSJYGTU. :o4- Assets, Eight Aat ia.the United One Million Ninety-Six Seventy-iSix :o: The entire amount of unpaid losses of thelUhi'ed States Branch, on November 1st. 1871, less re.iable rc-insurance, was $170,030 Ql " The entire amount of.Home and United StalesiAsscts are immediatr.lv available for its losses in this country, which are adjusted and leBt inesame promptness as those pi any other xuis company is purerv a ?; jr ; " . it . Fire XiisTiraiiibyj IiititAx-tioii. it is therefore the strongest Fire Insurance Company now domfc business in this conn- try; and as the Chicago conflagration; has Companies luauc 3uunu iu uuiBuic'iusiButcs ih Miu uuuuiry, SU 1845 in New York City, and St. Louis, Try Philadelphia, subsequent years, that Insurance are only able to respond to losses of an ordinary character, we present tho claims pNhis Company with its record of a successful business career of nearly seventy years to the DUbHc: nskinc a sharn nf nntrnnnffA onrarrinnWiiPAfA witli ita oKS Sfn tn fF .fl n.tir. ; n demnity to those who seek its protection. i United J. A. BYRNE, Agent, ;. . ; Offics North Front St., Wiliaingjton, N. C. ' dec 10 New Advertisements. OPibRA HOUSE. MANAGER. J. W. 8PAULDING. NEIL WARNER THE EMINENT ANGLO AMERICAN I : ' . i ' I ' - f; TRAGEDIAN & ELOCUTiOIHST, AND THE ACCOMPLISHED ARTIST, MISS GRACE RAYLIUSOn. i Who have recrived the warmest enconinms from f - i i I the press throughout the country, will have the honor to appear at the DPERiA HOUSE FOR TWO'NIGHTS ONLY! 1 Thnrsdav and Friday, Jan. 5th and Gtfa, upon which occasion they will give readings irom iiamiet, MacDetn, utheiio, KicdardlU, llomeo and Juliet, Richelieu, Ingoma, juiay oi iivons, rocs tt&ven. Ten- nyson'B Queen of the May, &e. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Gallery; T hi amity Circle Dress Circle and rarquctte 50 Private Boxes . .' '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. ' to'ie Job 175 ueservea seats ior saie &i ueinsDerser e Music and Book Store. jau 4 103-lt F EVERY DENOMINATION AND IN J the Latest Styles ot Bindings BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, CHURCH SERVICES, &c, &c. A selection of Ivory Bound Prayer Books. Legends of the Christ Child is a very pretty I volume in decorated paper, relating a prose and a poadcal 'tradPiou of the 8avioar, designed STANDARD WORKS in every department ot Literature and in every style of binding. For sale at i HtlNSBERGER'S Live Book Store, jan 4 1 -j 163. Wilmington, Columbia & Angusta Railroad Co. r Genebal SuPEniNr&NDEM'a prriCB, ' . Wilmington, N. C, Dec. 30, 1S71. NOTICE i - - TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ON AND AFTER i . - ! . I JL the 10th January, 1873, the Passenger Trains on this Road will cease to run to Kinsrsville: The route from Wilmington , to Augusta will By this route the distance is considerably shortened, and passenirers go through by Ex press train to Augusta without., change of I cars. i JNO. C. WINDER, - General Sup't jau 4 163--t WilmiDO-fan f liMrlnlfn lb R. IK R. ... 'O ) V..M..VV V . M.WW Company. J Ofice Chief Esoikeeb abd Gen'l Qvp't , :;i WiLSrisoTOK, N. Dec. 80, 1870. DELEGATES O THE AGRICULTURAL OONVENTION at Raleigh, on tbe 11th of January next, will be passed over this Road for one Second , Class : Ure by purchaaiog RRT URN TICK ET8" -' : ! -', f - r r-r:-: :- - f' i . U good from the 9th to the 14th Jan., incluslre. . 8. L. FREMONT, GcnU Sup'U . i -. ' I any of London D., 1803. SECtiniTW . .1 -I- 4 L Ion Dollars; Gold. SUUa, Hot. 1, 1871. T - housand Three Hundred Dollars. paid by the United States Branch with at Insurance Company, foreign or domestic. demonstrated that which former conflagra- cu as uie nres or mao ana Portland and Brooklyn in Whose limit ot operations is circumscribed jE W. CRO WELL, Resident Manager, States Branch, 40 & 42 Pine st., New York. t - ! ; lGG-lm IVctv Advertisements. PEW RENTING 1 fniiE PEWS IN St MARK'S XEPI3CO PAL) i A- Church will be rented for one vear. on ptt Monday night the 10th Inst., at 7t o'clock ythe Church. -Ia n 4 163-2t JgOYS SEWED CONGRESS GA1TE RE,' 1 Boys Scotch Tics, f Bojs Emdish Ties, j Boys Sewed Balmorals, Just to hand at A. L. PRICE'S I I I vn Pnnf onH QKaa Qa. n 163 WNING STRIPES AND TICKINGS, Foriale tv J. S. VVTLI.Ta MR ja 163 MARINE US Striped 8hirU and Woolen Over Shirts, for sale by . . J. 8: WILLIAMS. jan 4 tr T ace Collars, Carl and Under Sleevea, Lln- Cuff, French Marked Col- lars and Under Sleeves, 05 I I xor eaie Dy J. 8. WILLI IMS. ' 163. p January 4 I TA?,1'. M AT rs Cloths, Napkins and Crumb For Bale oy T. S. WILLIAMS. 103 jan 4 SHIRTINGS and Sheetings, all qualities and widths, can be bad at , , J. S. WILLIAMS, jan 4 ,103 LEATHER DUSTERS, and Counter Brushes, For sale bv J. S WILLIAMS. 163 jan4. Af ARSE1LLE3 Qnllts for Beds and Cribs, . For sale by , J. ft. WILLIAMS, jao 4 i r 16$ TpLEECY LINED HOSIERY T"- L Can be had at J. S. WILLI AM8. 163 jan 4 WE ARK nOTM fPV CLOSE OUT OUR 8TOCK OF LADIES X BOOTS, and are eellintr BARGAINS. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Boot, jan 4 163 VILr.linQTOtl, COLUMBIA AtlD AUQUOTA RAILROAD, Omca Gererax, Ticket ; AgeiJt, 1 Wilmihotojc, N O., Dec. 29, 187L ( TlinOUQII FREIQU,r RATEQ BETWEEN WESTERN CITIE3 AND WIL. MING TOM; VIA GltEETS UNE. WILMINGTON and Nash ville. 15 90 73 55 60 Louis- Cincin ville. natl. 140- 158 let Class, per 100 lbs, 2d Sd , 1 15 1 33 uo 67 65 1 08 76 73 11U (. 5th Flour. Apples, Po-) per tatoes, unions, ybbl. Hominy, Meal, ) 1 00 Beef and Pork, per bbl. 1 60 1 SO in 140 00 1 46 2 20 Ag. Imple'ta, Wag- car ona. Aiachinerv. 10S CO Live StockjBer car load, 1V7 00 The perfected connection of w 'c. a. b R. will hereafter enable a speedy movement of Western produce and Naval Stores that may be shipped over this route. Being part of and con nection with Fast Freight Llnes Freight in cab load qoahtitie will he moved without transfer. I Special rates given on Naval Stores. U i POPE, i General Freight Agent. - 4ec29 , , :lo3-3t XTE HAVE NOW ON HAND A LARGE and well assorted wtock of Groceries and Provisfona which we sell by the quantity and re tail at low prices. Keep also . a supply of Baskets, Matches, Blueing Paper Bags; Brooms, Ax Helves, etc, etc Caned' Goods, Teas, Crackers, etc, by tie box. Dealers will find Inducements. Examine stock md be convinc ed- HOIUAKIAU ? UA3UAOKN. . ' K3rX 1 i. J! 4 ! 4 I I 1 :' j f s ' ... .;!' ' .(: . . y ft.