i i. 'i r ;CITY. - j ROOnfllEPUBLICAN STATE v A Executive Committee, Bdleijh Jan; 0, 1872. j A meetiD. of this Committee ia CHlled to , - . , - . r . rtJ. xu ".u . day of this mont D.A. full attendance is desired. Members vvha cannot; attend, wilt -pkase appoint proxies. J.C L. IIakius, -t' Secretary. i JOS. U. I111J, iliS(, bur city agent, and will call on our friends to renew their subscriptions to the Posi'JlIe is "ttlso.'dulv autbarizedi to collect ami fe ' ' i ! ' t .-:.": T I i i I ' 1 -. ' .?! ceijit for money dud. this-pa'per.' Yelliug cats are troublesome. J " ; D ' ' mm Ji ' - Squalling babies are terrible. Fighting dogs arc:a nuisance. Seventh street sidewalk is going down. Charlatnagn, the greatest of great lungs of France, only learned to road at the age of 45 years: ! i :' .' . ' a i' .: " " I? The Wilrnington and Charlotte Strain Ship Company org mized on. . Wednesday ind the steamers are to be built. " Chuuch Stkeet. The foot of Church street is to be fixed so that the engines can fret water . from thctVock, in case ot fire. " The Commission of Engineers, appointed to examine the Caps Fear River and Works, will convene in this city on Tuesday the 23 I Instant. k . These wintery nights are hue for ccurt- ing Go courting '-where they have plenty of wood and coal and good hot supper?. ; : .. ' ; I i - jit's so pleasant. i " Misfortune never comes single, And so, like birds of a feither. The marriages and the deaths ' Arc always printed together. Col: Waddell- has offered "a bill in Con gress to build a new post Office land federal court roonp We hope: it will be put on Maket street near Second. j i Latest. When a man marries nnw-a- days,- it is the fashion . .J to Isetde a iot of money 6n his ' niothef-ti laW,o she won't come and live on him. FIItE,The. fire yesterday morning was at the house of Mrs. Thos. Smith on Red Cr.oss street. Officer Wa"!cott discovered if, anlj had it out at once. : 1 It! only takes 29 hours to go to New; York by railroad. A few yekrs ago it took 29 days. 'And yet, there are-people living who think railroads a serious injury. . Tr unk; Stolen. -t A trunk was stolen . from the IJnion Depot Tuesday evening and robbed;.,. The 4runk? bejo4ged--bi : Graham, a gentleman from New York. .. ,IW ! . ' ' The W., C. & R. R. R. has 1,050 tons iron on the way to Wilmington. - Work is soon to commence and in a lew weeks' re shall have communication with Wadesboro. 'Geo. P. Rowell & Co., J40 PaK.Row, ! New York. Advertising5 Ageuts, is a model busine?s-hou3e jThey give more for the money than any o'ther liouse ins the world." I I Gowg.A gentleman's garden on Market street was invaded by a cow, on Friday v. night last, and several dollars worm oj j damage done. ltd be stopped. This kind of thing ought ,; Wilmington has no public bath house. -"Cleanness is next to Godliness." Wc do x hopiamenSpiavo- entcTpnse enough in start a bath house the coming summer; Wash, asd'bc" clean. rfiu- nm nnfe nfNaw Hacover" is cs tabUshed. Capt. I. B. Granger is the Pres ident and S. Df Wallace, Es4. ia Gashicr. With theopula S3 doubt of success-andlplenty.oi dividends, j W. & S. , S, R. aThe street railway ii.Li w .1 ! TTnlm rip nnk This . wilKbaTa, crcat-pouviencc to tnc people. CorteinVis aworkmg man, and knows how Jo do thingsin a hurry. ; New Bell The 7th1 street Methodist A 1 Church has a new ' bell. It is now beicg hungJ tipa fewaaaylt Kboetials wilF be heard jjua llilli tyipoKi f1 ! I. llt.' Vat r.niov VV rr.t? i n.tioi'al f..,r. . . J - . T . . ;,.-, larcre stocs of sedoaa -liand ffvernmcnt Main street, corner of EleventhichmGnrT. jSHiterem,, &c, constanhy ' tr : i - i?s W tihet Vouog ' showiarxo. Ya.. are authonzgd agents of. this paper. f "ii'i 'f : VS-"J?f!-" V- i i r ' ' fat iommyinkes but indifferent progress, ' ! v -cii - r :i ;! 0n banitwolcaatd audi retail, at low WrrTTKr V T - ii, for Io,a guinea pig .is fouod to have, no 1 ' . - r -- T I YI.M. -M 1TA a 11 m K J 1 . K K K. t 1 a - B , .-, na cotsentea to act as i"a i. i r w . , - ' . , v I5 '. 1 e 111,1 111 II. Ill H MMHI W .if MM P 1 I HI I . 1 MHMHBMWB ILraStGTON, N. (3.; THURSDAY MORNING JAK .3 s We call attention to the circular lettei of Hon.; D. A. Jpnkins, the Treasurer of tbo State . zxidv exoicU Treasurer of lb?Borcl of Education. n "... : All Justices 'bf the i Peace arc bound to - " W T - an uiitj utjfcttTfi-irv i;u',in ill ilia jlerivoi the SapriorCoprt. , Look out, all irU,. ?;,.r'"i . Tu.V.V.'.V.-x-'"''' ' f; J.unes "S: Toplia &Co.r No. 8 S uth ,11 Fron t fstre? r, -tVil ml gt o nji .6., ' are manu j ! fact ufers riot every. lLScriiti(nir ofi Tfutik?, .Traveling Bag?, .-Saddlery s.mi Harness A The Rational Republican publish ed at Winston, weekly, Z per annum. A good -Republican, a good scuqd paper. Go ori fribct AValserV Pilch into Democracy. We have weathered six years and are vete rans. We know how hard - the devil fights and how much he promises. We are glad to welcome sou into the ranks. Bad Pavements. We call again upon s 1 the city- authorities to compel the owners of , , J i ; ' the bouse on Market street.'Xorth side, to repair the. pavement in front;'aiso, the pave meut next South of A. I). Brown's store on Front street. Thcsg breaks arc a nuisance, and if the owners of the pr.opc-rty wont fix their pavements they ought to bs made to pufior. ; Subkiibs. -We wonder if one halt the population'of our city ever walk out m the suberbs of the city and view the many im provemeiits going on. What would tne Rip Van Wioklvs have thought twenty years-ago toh-ve heard that one hundred and ninety houses had been built iu one year? What would have been said in 1840 at such a lire department ? Those Who re colleet the awiul fires of 1840 and 848 may congratulate themselves that theycan stop all night without fear and tr3mb:ing. The 'Post' goes in for progress. Tho suit of the ' Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruthtrford Railroad, which was argued before tlic Supreme Court on last week, was for the recovery ot $.100 000 in bonds, which VVal been deposited withth Btite and Rutherford railroad, as collateral, to secure the jStutc in the payment of interest oy xue roan, 'out which tnc mongrel ljegis- lature of 18G8 '60 saw fit to donate to the Western read. The Legislature, of course. had no right to do this, as the bonds did not belong to the State, and an injunction has therefore been sued. out by the.auhori ttejdf;tbe read torbuldingthe sale. ot theseJ bondsj'k'rid the ni alter lias now been laUl-be-fore the ' Supreme Oouriv' The decision of that body has not yet btcn announced, but? it wi,lt probably be made m a lew days. IloanoJce JHeics. The News had better (-xaminphe laws of 1868 and 1869 and. eee if any such act was passed by tliaf honorable bod v. The act of 1866 and 1867; but it Js not surprising that the Ncics is misfa.iffdr it copied the above fioni the Wiimingtou Journal. .1871. The vear 1871 is passed. The financial year ;of .the cltybnded 'ontlm even ing of tlie'dtii.' Tbe flayer and. "Marshal have prepared their reports for the "year. The city is prospering, increasing in wealth and population.; -LikVan overgrown boy who (wears but his olothes with (rftpiditvi fold'oes -"our city 'in its expanses have'to keep ahead of the old time city of 1850 to 1800, When ,it had reacaea a 's!:ana suit point, which, seems to some old fogies to b3 tTie perio.l t perfect happiness. There have been more houses erected ithin-the past-foucyeau thanjWilmington yntaihed'twenty yean agoand their value w con quiteequal to that ot the real estate twenty years ago.Duringjthe yearvthe f city has been th9P.ugUlj:drainetl, thereby rendering it! heaUhv; the poor aud'sick' well cared for; ibstreeti 'cleaned aud tli U3aods.af other t:ibsnoJor,jthe phlic good. 1 Wbc CroB?5id;fey give a gyDopjMlifi j f , - DeLICAT'E ClVEATCBSS, rftl3' IS tl e rasaiipUwlffiliSla'ncss, the Moor of Venice, to the !?Mr Indies of ltaly.3vlt wis the loveiv cotnpitiiou ot; veauemuuii, 8h eontrt-- a--d own. I ..- . c I " Good won hia heart; and soota to say, every man aucoceu u ,...uu6 deemed guilty ot embrz?ement, and may Kathleen N'Conuer, with san?..Roae Watkins. ot discernment cil3fair skifi, like a the squarc,v r bepunished not exceeding five years in the Terrence CMoore. . r... .Uan-y'WatklnB. aWect Voice 'An- exct thing in woman; x Rhode; Tsland . presented her statue of State priwtJediscreU 'iBupportedby their truly Great jCompanj ..... -r -ii There ia tfUealjjifift odoriferous toilet mthe rgtunda at tne Uapitai. - r proCeed8 that may accrue to the State from . PRICE OFsADMISSION :? ; jatr ariic'c,e3knbwfti8yKere!Jas Haoak. ,.uonJtiing maue qui-a long Bpeecu m ics of estray8, or from fines, penalties and: n or.kt i - u :f m MlGNiar -Bwmlt trans- opposition the one term amendment, but forfeiture shall be faithfully approprtafed JS WAG. .j-. u . . . ' ffasinl. -dido' " aucceed in fringing out many re-i Jbr establishing and perfecting in thisjBtate QaUery .:!ri .v.'.V. : . :.::?! .55 gktcs trlotidy-crw-sknj, SOfloang, amn t , sn ccecu nj l; nJA i i mtem of Free Public Schools, and for no PrivatVUoxes:. . .f-to $6 0 e discolored: Xlf&ckarms and bosom ijiarksom the onginator of. the .mend, pap06es r uaea whatever." " -b, Wrttett Helnsberge with a sott, pearly tif?2,IP4 imparting to menti (Sumner); , - - - ' rrhe bf Superior Court will trans- Htc and Book Store on Friday-January im. pt to engender, are speedily removed from their faces, J hands indiums, bj this de-. liglitful preparation. i ' ... My Friend, stop that terrible congb, and thus avoid a consumptive's grareV-by i usihit iir i"ira irkirion MoMirai i lie I ,0 W M WBUWU i WMI ' coyery. For quriog all throat, bronchial !iiJ;.s1L:....i,. . rSoid by rlrugg'sts. " ' ' T KV. .1 : -Us- ... . 'NOTICE, ; ' "- Hereafter this column of the Post itill be at 0 0:ti . 7 1.1 ? . T - 7 : press tlisir views upon topics of Merest, for Dear Post. Anions things your columns present to our people may be mentioned the Ladies' Calico Party i given at Mrs. William Tucker's, on last evening, which was in every respect a grand success. The Revs. B. W. Morris, John H. Spnggs and a number of other gentlemen were present, and we can assure you there was no pains spared by Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Eowerv and Mrs. fiamnrtn fn nrrnqrp ororw.' L. Ut . m u j IQ D? lor tl.e .iP-fiftsion ,J t bar. nnnlri h to- BraA . , - sired to make the evening a pleasant one Miss Carrie V. Bampson was engaged a part of the evening in discoursing sweet music upon the melodeon, while Mr. James E. King sang bas3, which was most charm ing to the ears of all present. The girls and boys sat and sang, Music through the air sweetly rang ; , Girls all dressed in calicoi attire, Sitting 'round a comfortable fire. The boys were dressed plain but neat, With shining boots upon their feet ; ext wts asage meat and latty eye, ; Oyeter fritters nd chicken pie. Plenty of pickles, wet or dry, Neat lady waiters standing by ! What will you have, coffee or tea ? 1 am here to wait upon thee. Egg and ogg and cake Was all very nice, And kept the boys wake Better than rice. CQRltECT. OUli WASHINGTON LETTER. : --W-AWtWfiiPr)jrfta1 1 Arl?a.. NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. The hexj;. Presidential noLiinating ;on- vention will meet in Philadelphia the first Wednesday in June next. Each congres sional district is entitled to two delegates, and the State two for each Senator. The desire of the Union, liberty loving people i3 so plainly expressed that we predict tor the present President a unanimous, rc-nom-ation. it seems as if every week added thousands of friends to his fide; there is ao much- to praise and so little to complain about in his administration that sore-heads are very scarce and weak in their opposi tion, .and true Republicans loud and en thusiastic in his defence; the democrats thoroughly cowed and demoralized are Jooking every way for some chance straw upon; which to base a nt w organization; but 'tis too late in the day lor another ."depart ure,1' and ih ere 13 no hope of dissesion in the" Republican rank?, that once powerful patty has sunk so low that one would think not enough honest men were lett- in its rauks to give it decent burial; the pitiful J reniuant consists, North of itUieves and jail J ! b'rds, and South of rabid secessionists; what few: respectable-.men remain seem ashamed of thd herd bv which they are sur rounded, and are very"iukewarm in their allegiance, and generally show a desire to abstain entirely from political life. CONGRESS Re assembled on Monday, and was opened . T . . T . f ai v n,Uk rrifAr hv a. Jewish : Rahbi. Abraham J: ' - , u DeSola. His prayer was such as no chns- tian sect could object to, and was a model ol perfection; the Jews seem " very much gratified at this c6urfeoct thepart of the House of Represefatatives,, and warmly express their satisfaction. Waddlll ir.trnduced a bill lor the erec- lion ,.Ol puuu uuMUAUKs. ov - iimmuiuu, N.C., which was referred to the proper eo-mittee. gchurz made a long string ot remarks m Wr J?-" xnittee room. " ; ,ITE"W YORK CUSTOM HOUSE INVESTIGATING : ''.:. - COMMITTEE. "Some one say?: I know a boy who crea ted a sensation by breaking in upon the gravity of his guests in this wise: f Enter ing the room, be, commenced, "The class in. Natural History are invited to witness a living curiosity. Even the learned Agjis z has never explained the reason why, it jV.u lake a guinea pig up by the taij, his ejts will drop out. Please walk .out into kitchen and look at Cavy." They at! rus'.i out and behold the little icHo-.v vni b black And oransNj - tnuitui imlif ! kirthc n f.s .:ir;- 4oncl,tM W-ase-lHs- t?e.s driop out Tho democrats are very eager to shake our' New York Custom House officials by the tale, but can't find any slightly on the guinea pig order. ! woman's suffrage covention Has been in session here during the past week we., failed to see any real women among them; the cloak ot modesty and reserve which every woman should possess has: been thrown away, and they grow more andt more violent at every step. A commit tee from the Convention was received by the Senate committee on the Judiciary, and preseuted a petition signed by thirty thous and females, asking tor the right to vote, The same old infants seem to be the lead ing spirits, and the matter will probably die! with them. ! civil service reform. Of one thing everybody seems satisfied, and that is, that our President is tally de termined to give tbe measures inaugurated, a full and tair tiial ; as a partisan Demo cratic measure, it has been a complete fail ure, for the prompt and decided action of thd Executive, disarmed the schemers, and if the reform succeeds the credit will re dound to his name, WAR WITH SPAIN. j -One would almost wish for war with Spain, in order that some punishment might bei meted out to her lor the many acts of cruelty and savage ferocity towards the Cubans, and it may be that the insult offer ed' to this country bv the "Florida" affair will lead to such an end unless the most ample apology is given; and lull reparation matre. JIM FISK, JR. The whole I that has been said on this 8UbjvCt by the newspapers, may be con- densed in a very fev words. A libertine and rogue has been murdered by a coward ly; assassin. j TARIFF, REVENUE, &C. , The incomer tax will not be repealed. Nothing definite can be learned as to tariff, but the general opinion is that a large re duction will be made ; the difficulty seems to be upon the proper articles to farof. But my space is more than filled. D.' iSTATE NEWS. Sold. iMr. J. B. Carpenter has sold his interest in The Rutfiei'erd bear to Mr. A. D. K. Wallace. The paper will be con- duQted hereafter by Messrs. Logau & Wal lace.'- " j . - Coming to Light. The raid by the ku klux on j The Rutherford Star aud Mr. Jus tice,-was participated in by some of the klan from South Carolina, who are now confessing their guilt at Columbia. I ,,,,, Wake Criminal Coult Th? Criminal docket, numbering about one hundred and fifty cases was taken up on yesterday. There is one case of burglary. The other cases are ot minor iuiDortauce. The Court will continue in session about two weeks. Era. To Clerk, of Superior Courts and other County Officers. . - - STATE of North CAiAV aoij THREE NI GIH.TS ONLJV TiEA8vDEPKALEiGn, Jairt.Tl- , , - I .. , , i Your attention is called to Sections 6 and 7t Schedule C, ot "An Act to raise Revenue," f";1 Lccti a fine, penalty or forfeiture in be- hilt ot the State, be shall within ten days cnoti inAntinn"or;f!nlhnhiftrtv'nri'ftvp.r alter Euch reception or collection v ba? 'oyer I ' J i. aw td. tarns aoU ' aCCUUUt iui me ooujc iu ui& wili iv ui the Superior Court, who shall forward any ..ach fioV penalty or forfeiture to the.Treas- j benefit of tne lund tor uommon bcnoois. V,,, tne preoiding, c,n sH bo. "flee. Y. mat any ouicer convicieu ui 48. 1872. NAVASSA 1 1 MANUFACTURERS which has established a reputation as a other SOUTHERN CROPS. J, U Aa L GUAxVO NAVASSA TOBACCO FEUTIIif ZEB;'? Rich in AMMONIA and ALKALINE SALTS, proneities oeculiarlv rnnirfid bV t rr-iT nnr nnnn r 6 DISSO rrepared especially tor composting with . . 1 THROUGHOUT Hon, R. R. BRIDGERS, president , : u itiacKAi) Secretary and Treasurer J How Wicked are the Heathen Chinee A Moral, j A day or two since a coUple ot ladies, whO'Were out collecting mefney for church purposes,; stopped at the j Piute House, Lower Gold Hill. After calling on a num ber of persons for contributions they asked "John," the Chinese cook, tp give a dollar. 'What for yeu wantee me give .dollar ?" asked John, "vve want yon; to give a dol lar to help the church." j "Dolla helpa church ?" cried John, 'opening his eyes ; "what matter ichurclra ? i hit's poor, "it needs money; Can't you give me a doilai?" "Ale no saoe cnurcua ; me poor, too. What you call cnurch what f him namee ? " : "'Christ's Church," was the reply. "No, me; nogivefdolla," answered abhn decidedly :j me no iiKec ivusj, ; , ivusc wantee too mucna raonfiv minp.v. moriLsraiLilmH ninnoji inr'l JiilSt !" , . , . DIED. MARTIN In this City Jaimary 14th, 1872J MARGARET CRAWFORD MARTIN, widow of the late Cap t. Silas H. Martin, aged, 75 years,! 1 monta ana o days. 1 SPECIAL.! MARRIAGE GUIDE. EVERY-ONE BI3 OWN DOCTOR Beinff a nrivate instructor for married bersons. or those? about to be married, both mate and female, in! everyunaa: concerning tne pnys lolocy and re-i lations of our sexual system, and the product tion and prevention, oi ensprmg, including alt the new discoveries never before given, in th4 English ' lanrfU3gc,- by WMJ YOUNG, M; D4 It is written in plain language lor ; tne general reader, and is illustrated with, numerous En-! gravmgs. . All young: manriect people, or those; contemplating marriage, snd having the leasf impediment to married, lifet should read this boos, it i discloses secrets tnat, every one should be acquainted with; f still it is t a book that must be iocKed tip and not let lie anaut the house. It will be sent to anv address on receipt of 50 cents. Address Dr. WM. YOUNGf No. 416 Spruce street, above Fourth, Philadeb phia. f vHi,,;.- -ift.f ' .''i mi-i.-'Ki "AJTJf JhlU 1X AJSIJ U AiTUKl UN AXJfi-? No matter" what m&V be rdn'r disease, before you placeiyourself under the? care of any one of the QUACKS native and foreign who adverf tise in this or any other paper, get a copy e$ Dr. Young's Rook ana read it carelnliy. it will be the means of saviogyou many a dollar, your I t,e Wnsultedon iany of theHiaeases deseribe Health, and possiDiy your lire. . ur. x oUDg cap in his publications by mail or at his office. No. 148 Spruce street,- above Fourth, Philadelphia. noy23 v . - i j ' -laWHaJi Mew Advertisements. f By General Desire, Return of the Great est of all Southern Stars 1 if iibsi mb HiaRY watrins,! J And positively their last apb I '-' '"- season.. ' earance here this MONDAY ENENING, JANUARY 22d, Will'he prodaccd. tieheautiyiil1romntic.taai& 77 KATHLEEN MAVOUUNEEN; or UNDER - THE SPELL. '"NrA'i'.ic?'- mmm mm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm n -.9 ' : -T OF THE POPULAR - standard fertilizer for CORN. COTtONhd" - , :V "J'-l.-X - - I ... . . . - Tr - I jDPH O SIBL ATE & COTTON SEED. For sale by our agents THE SOUTH. C..L. GItAFFLIN, Supenntendtnt. . rew Aclvcr Ciscmcats fNew HtoreX Old; Goddal T, ' GREEtlEVALD & CO.i 32 NORTH WATER STREET, Mv NextdoVr to Willard Bro.'s, . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN LIQUORS, WINES, ' - r brandies; whiskies." v '.; .'-'';" ' "' ' ! : ; ':' - -f ' GINS, &c.;c:: and all kinds of Fancy Liquors, which' we will " otter to the trade on the most reasonable terms, as we are receiving large consieriments of the best goods ia the country. "Flcase call be fore makine your purchases , , . . ; jan l4 - , '166-tf . B ACON, FLOUR, MOLASSES.' i&,ocojn bacons - 4' For jiale at lowest Baarlcef rate' at - , " HORTENDOBF & HASHAGEN. Jan u 156 NOTICE, V.RDERED THAT THE SHERIFF OF TniS County be notified by the Clerk of this Board to advertise in one of the daily papers -that all persons on the. delinquent li8t allowed the Sheriff in his settlement with , the State, for polls and personal property . will be Howefl until the 1st day of February, 1672; to pay 1 same, and if, not paid' 'rby Or lef6re thit dat then! the Sheriff Is, by this order directed to advertise the names:; of r all c deli nquents, and ' 1 proceed to apply the strictest provisions iof the law in such cases . made, andproTided .-for ,'the; re collection of poll and' personal property taxes, ' - j - Per Wm. & Gehkbn, DeputyV AH persons interested iu4b aboveorder will please take , notice . thereof and govern . them selves accordingly. J. W. SCUENCK. J., Sheriff. lanll lC5 7t i EE MY BOOTS. . 1 . :; Ladies Shoes, coarse and llne.": Boo's tor Gefitsjaf: many kindif . : Old men's Shoes, the very beatrr f -Misses Bals, as good as tbC resf;J Childicn'8 Shoes, Tip add no.Tip, Boys Gaiters that will not rip. 7 . All these you see, and many more, At A. L Price's Live Boot Sttre, Ffiour and Mabkst St&ekts. t Ian 14 ' ,:f4 ' ' . ' .fx 1C6 Commercial 31ankr FORElbN CHARTER PARTY, FREIGHT LIST8, &c, &c, &c Kept constantly op hand, or printed at short ' 1 . . t ,,V S,G.-IJALL,! -W-- ' ' , Piactical Job Printer. Princess Street, North side, between, Front and Second, f,t . '-n jan 14 4 Mourning Wress (Woods, THRILL! ANTINE- ALPACCAS. ; ; BOMBA-f gnpjfr ' M . J O. WILLI AMD. Jan 18 t 167 IACCONET, Swiss and Cainbric Edglos, and Insertions. Real YalencensLace .Edirln ft ' ana lnseruons, urasn s riumg. au numoers. A mm - - ' mm -m " 4 i For sale by ; WILLIAMS. Janl8fSi-VJi" T ICS COLLARS end Sleeves. LlneniCallark Xj and Cuffj.. Black and White Crape Collar nt drift' h-' i cor sale oyn v' ... fv;-:i- ..---'-n?-;-1- - - j : , " ' ' i .riX)WkLtlNa -Hnckaonck-fiebictSatteiWi! i v5 . rr. city, which six years: ago was a scrub oak 8Urtalltod algldsalike .tpe:af; tFmaster,Ueral, an. ait. to me immediately onxcceipt: thereofr "Jan 18 , - X: K' -1 v kWv 0?- ili UK 1 forest. . thltiahedaf f -1 Zlr StDffiS- r 'V.NOTJ&E. 94- l8A;f "1,, V gooa. digi rS j5WS ihxr- Wj$ bHap .or six month., to feS0KwS