's: THE WILMra ri '- - ; r- -, ,, ,, ; i -REMINGTON, H. CAJEBEBABT IfcHg A Nice Spot of lYorlt. ! TheGeneral Assembly 'some mbnths or Imore ago raised a Committee to inTesti the management of the Penitentiary. This Committee have been industriouslv ene-ae-ed in the discharge ot their duties and in order ' w; : ... . to afford them opportunity to make a thor- ough investigation haye been excused Irom attending the daily sessions of the LegialaJ nro Their iwero authorized to aimd for r- 17 i .. T " I lite. Toe laoors or. tne , committee nave been brought to a close. . Damaging evi dence as to the management of this insti myen. li appeared that the prisoners were insufficiently clothed, fed upon unwhole- le- some food and otherwise badly treated I and that thereby the health of the cbnyicts was injurieusly affected. It was also in evidence that said Institution was run in the pecuniary interests of some members of the Board and their: peculiar friends-that no one was to be appointed steward unless he would first agree to purchase supplies IOr iub rcuneuiiiiijr iruiu vr. x. ouuubcu mill ot Moses A. Bledsoe, the Chairman ot me ijusiu.ui AViiciuiB. iuc iuBBgaung i committee made their, report on Monday the 5th of February, to the Benate togeth- i. with thft PviflpnrA tibn hv thm Th I uepuuiaua HU Muo ww. crau euucaYUicu u jcii vuo icuuib auu evi, dence printed so that the public might see how the Institution was managed ; but this would never do; good working Democrats, sach as Mr. Bledsoe and Mr. Coffield, would be exposed and probably lose their places, S2SS tSf,8 1 i 7 A . . ii a t I . ' J! l I dence on me iaDie ana it was accordingly done 'by a vote of yeas 19, nays 18. ' Thus the people are deprived of seeing ' T : .in.. v ana Knowing me misueeus ? oi iuosb wuu i manage the Penitentiary. LHm different ju ,v. fJi .WJ MfMilit. TuinA leen if the Directors had been pvblicam.- the Era. i The New York Commercial Advertiser has a curious story about Mr. Greeley and his partners in the Trihune to this i effect: "The Doctor's recent refusal to unite in the call for the: national convention, ' and his vaunt- ing assertion ot his determination to pre- serve his independence,, were taken as con- homeland why? Simply because they wash elusive of his intention to bolt Grant's re- the cleanest, and wring the dryest ; they work nomination anyhow. Now, this was all the easiest, and are by far the, cheapest; they veryi manly and honorable as far aa the take least room and are much the most dura Doctor was concerned, but it was a very Mej they do their work in half the time re bad thins lor the stockholders ot the Tri- quired by any other machine, and they save the vune. J who found that his factious course had reduced the circulation and diminished the receipts of that paper. Accordingly, in the article on 'coming events,' we have I a very plain intimation that the Doctor and that journal are no longer one and- the same. However! the truth of this story may be, it cannot oe aemea mat iue in-1 bune has recently suffered severely, particu iarly tne weeKiy eaiuon, in us circulation, which is not now anything near so large as l it was a year ago. Only a few days since we were shown a letter, in wmcn it was . , , - , i I tT i wLfomtn n,u An infallible cure for all Irritations oi-th stated, that in one Wtern town where Skih,' as will as obstinate .Eedptions. This there. was a floarishmg Iribune club or one preparation i uV;ersally used anions; the high hundred, and fifty menbers, a single copy of er classes in Faiics and Engi.ahd:,: A bottle the paper is not now taken.; And the same of the Eau Fbahcaise will be sent to nny ad- rlnnhtlpa, tnifi of other nortiana of the country. ; The following is from the iy. K IleraWs rpnort ot a recent skirmish in the Senate: A 44 Thurman quizzically asked if the In-1 s the democracy would govern. Morton1 :'! retort was greeted with great laughter, in which Thurman joined. He said: AU things were possible in the providence of God. Great plagues had i come; Chicago was burned; famine desolated Persia, and the democracy might win. The democracy 1 was a kangaroo party; its strength was all in its lower limbs." Rp.n&tor Morton's reference in the above tn tliA dfimocratic oartv be.ino- a kangaroo par?, i and its strength 1 limbs, must mean that, like the kangaroo, it has ' great power to jump. We remember j yery well mat lijumpea me jtussouri uuai- ptomise some years since and tried to force slavery into Kansas, but was whipped back withitt Its own Dounaary. inen jumpeu into s rebellion, but was beaten and pelted I with"fthnt ftd shell back into the Union . and mow it seems to have a hankering tor Republican pastures, but we propose to keep the bars up so high that even its kan- garoo legs win not serve iu tb iu hQl&i. Mississippi Pilot. Frederick Douziass, in the last number of his journal the Neto National Era-r- says: Whoever else may tavor iree iraae lue colored men ot the nation snouia resist n as a calamity more fatal to their weiiare than war. pestilence and famine. It takes from them the means.not only ol living in comfort and of educating their children, but of living at all, except upon public charity. Labor to a nation U the founda- of all its wealth and prosperity and Wn fin nnt PTftfrrrerate when we tion of t greatness .tftlntolv npcftssarv 10 ine wcu'uwus laborers as labor is to our natural existence." Free trade would bo just as great s i iha whitft workinsman as to the black laborer. The interests of both iffifhcSSd un in the conU nuance of wr r. I . protective iriu. Imaistation to the Jonth. gration. We nave aaia a pgwim i.- Uwas so not only from numbers, but, also irom the commanding talents and influence possessed by very many ot its members. It is true also that the other party, strong alst m nnmhm' favored toreurn immigration, yet all parties were blended in one , feeling entertained in common, v and that was -to Northern- immigtanta ..coining among ni, thA m inimical to tur local and domes- tic. insfifrltions. ThoSO Of OUJ Metnren W TV W . .i xtau 1, nnnM aacimnl&ta themselves 1.-4, i.mAni tnr iq nor. km is t no ic a niiiiiry. iw g? u yw.vo i ar ' P 1 -Probably upori no subjects has there been to au. Aoaresa r . . . iockand best assortment oi.f.ift No. 19 frint Strret, rairh 'Bn--"iTtrA rftlntion of sentiment in way.JN.a. ... '.j.iii- 'in . nnovn arm nMin .il ISfsouthern Btates than on that 5gggSS - r iMO AtlD WILMINGTON, N. C. toimiidFan:AJe rtihoflplU1 to he found in tha State. ,yi?ffpf tot land. tnVA 'i Al. , io say, ueiore iuo "T I sti PWladerpniai ra. r Aran W u j wtt giTe a better cia&s pi gooa m fi" i flnn. HtnVL Lanterns. Pumps, Kerosene the South, we badv within our limits a thedtj. - QaM tSmSt Iron Ware! o.akuI tnrnirrn, lmnii.m. sj.aaa .I'MMnnft m..u.i.d, i;ii..juut w i t , i ,,..:..viit- , i - . -. ,. i insututicms always w7?v i i , ,.;mrfr rx.zt com With the abolition ol onr domesUcl v . TOISiISIjitXS institution and its entire disappearance, .a I ' change has com over the wene, nd the I 11101118 1 W &t6r v frnVnh.. tof AnnititutinEr our country. All are welcome, proTidcd luwimjf ucir interests witn our SfSi th BorallriKponded to, not f bodies. Several months since Proi. Charles nipri ere, lately of Oxford tTniTersitv lSn tr. v&J lettcr to gentleman of Virginia making a number of - inanities aW Virginia lands, their qnalitievprice. &c, and stating that be had formed a com- P7 of Englishmen of education, charac f i0 , meana, who proposed to purchase a(i Bettlo 'XO00v-'acreaoi land id tyirginia. Netr Advertisements. :T1 J Ok V. sos Broadway, Mw York, ' - JtAinrTAorrntus a niini nr Carriages, Velocipedes, K97.Snd for CaUlogut.aCU. r - '. . ' ?.' --r feb8 DOLLAR OTEAUEflQiriE. A MUSING AND INSTRUCTIVE. Its like TO JTS JiSrTSLi 8C'?J2!l:I50JJx fi. iv vaiTc, c oentpy mau prepared for f 1.30. BRAMHALL, SMITH, & CO., 128 Chamber St. A,Kior - ; WDB 178-lt qHE LITTLE WONDER. m Our Dollar Steam Engine astonishes every- dV tnat ees it; so perfect; so complete, and iLSpVLL BliP&' H 8MITH & CO 128 Chamber StY. ' ' - :1 . Wh wt Sdy Employment I Mnd Good JPayf , iu..: v.-ii : ij f!.r " iJ, ' T r ,k "P" tlve circular and the extraordinary liberal terma offer '"energetic, reliable men to sen COLBY PREMIUM YMtlQER I With Moulton'a Patent Indestructible Eolls, '.. a.vd : j . !." ' COLBY'S LITTLE' WASHER. ; They are the most perfect Machines for their respective purposes that hare eyer delighted a clothes. They will fit any tub. WRINGER $7.50, WASHER $5.00. Exclusive territory given, address BRAMHALL, SMITH cfc C70., Getfl Agts., j 0R v 128 Chamber St, N. Y. Coiby Bros & Co. Waterbury, Yt. feb8 . I 173-lt me utreaiesi .discovery oi me .ge. i p ATT FJEtV2VO?LlSE r w nonTRUR LAURENT, of Paris. aress upon receipt oi omb iwiab. W. E. FLORANCE, Sle Agent for the U. S., Klchmond, Va. feb8 173-4w ONE PAIR fj ATRT.Ti 151 ill' fcpD00TtiP110Et Aro wQjth .'two? pair ? orrordina37 ;nBged or ?r machine sewed. v A'SUBE CURE for this distressing complaint & ' wlflhP(, nr. o. Pheim Brown. The prescription waa discovered, by vhiutinlsnch a proyiacnuai wuuer u fo, vwiw uuomcu- 0DUinea from any druggist.: A copy sent jree to all applicants by ".mail; - " Address T)R. O. Fhelps Baows, 21. Grand Street, Jersey City, Nv J - - -: : SeX SceS and Plants sent by Mail or Express. 1 0UR SEED and PLANT CATALOGUE JTOK ,197 - , . .) Numherlns 175 pages, and containing TVfn nninnED (-PLaTES KaWOrta twice the cost of CaUlogues, mailed i U applicants on reoeipt or accents. Geedamen 38 Cortlandt etreett4. Y HISTORY OF TIlTE GREAT FinES In CHicAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. I nvnwvnn. ii. n.i of Cbicasro. Onlv complete VVW ; ,-r i ,rrt park Bow, Nw Y. ' K GlSNTS Wanted. Agents make more I A mAnn at work for us . than at anything eisT - Bns&esa light and permanent. ' Pwticu-1 iafr8TrH& i erst rorwuu, .v. S57.60.A articles, patepted Agents profits per week. Will rove nor ioneu i"w July 18th. f Samples seni iree g?rr?n7 BSairCourt St. Memphis, sff--?h-fr afjjHSurj CANCER AKTIDpT53, Ko .Ka.,lSa(ig LitUePam.t For pattfcu oaormdaress either of theapote. : , f1 QI B PAit It f1 r ' -. -.it S' JJ T .Ti-KwrTPiPl? M Oil :aifc-;W-ii:ii 113 sffffrrVFIrY-'f ... own 1 MACHINISTS. tfctj saow Cacp P 0.t Alaoaata CoM a Dirt;!: LC30. 1 fir. 1 ' j" t .V' TXiXE IICXjrCIVI tiPpEiJDID n is6rtoatrff J)rf Qoaiarof irifi$serip Uona.DRCi3'G 0QD3 In endlesa wletT-T. We Invite atteaUca.toour 81LK and other P0PUN8, I MERINOS. . , .8IIS.S, . ,: Impress cloths, . SATEENS, &c . A full line Trimmiass, Notions, 4Ste i A fine stocfc Boots and,8bocs for Ladies, MUses, ChUArsnKen and Boy3,aU Qualities and kinds, aoiiexrofaliUnds.:;"" : ' '''Ji'i fa 'ifrkt abonduee horn eheaoeat to .:teest6l,: A large atock Cloths, ! Cassimers and other I pieceuooo. i .v vi . I mis, vps, l runts, vaiiees , i4uues ana uenxa j P XT N IS H INCf GOOD S , And aU at the LOWEST PRICES. T REMBMBM THE IPULOE. j j j ; :"Hi & jB.;EMANUEL, 45 Market Street.. nov 23 151-3m in STAPLE AND FA1Y DRY GOODS Winter Goods, CLOTHING. AND FURNISHING GOODS. '"i Everything that is usually kept in a FUST CLASS DRY GOODS HOUSE, at prices that defy competition. i 1 : new coor BY EVERY, STEAMER. 36 JTJarhet St. nov 12 GITYST , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fancy & Domestic ClOtMllffi viM.j u-hiuv vvvui0, BOOTS, TRUNKS, . M-k. Ba W"W " M ' - f A JTm IT MARKET STHEET ; A. WEILL, Agent. J. J. HEDRICK, Buperintendenf v : n0V13. - f- . i ' ' 143-tf i E OFFER TO THJfi PUBUO THE IARG - ttt i iv 1 OEO. a FBCH&SOJf, -' 29 Hortb Front atnet FOB Ii ill the StatCS 01 ib U2100, TRANSACTIONS, U. BY XnEOPniLUS PJlOSOII 8, LL. D , mice $3 00. -). UtalookBtora. 1U leal Kjmz ORE Dry I- !- - ' u'i. -Tf , I iisu sna examine. - . i j.hji; u iM dui ..mijj'A?;. i , OF- WIIj3SdIN(3-T01Srf J L hicb -has rcstabllshed la reputation as a'standard fertilizer lor CORN, COTTON and AerBOUTnEIUr CROPS. ' ii- - ' , : T -r.. divih ci!1i.v. - " IffAVASSA ; TOBACCO FliRTIIiISEC55 Rich Jin AHMOKIA. and ALKALINE SALTS, properties peculiarly required by the TOBACCO CROP. 46 Prepsred especially lor composting with THROUGHOUT Hon. II. It. BRIDGEI1S, President. jajnll Hi MacRAE, Secretary and Treasurer ; :. . I - lC5-5m DISCELLANEOUS. ESTAOUSnjSD 1823. . . T. W. BROWN, r "SUiDCEBSOR T6 - DEALER IN Fine Watches,- Clocks, & Jewelry, SILVER vaRE:FAUCY GOODS. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL A 0E8. No. 37 MARKET STREET, WHiMINGTON, N. C. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry carefully re Paaof5 i I U6-tf . R. MAYER, BAKERY 4ND CONFECTIONARY, 34 MARKET STREET, - DEALER IN it : French! and American confec- i tionerY, FOREIGN fc DOMESTIC FRUITS, ; Weddings.and Parties Wppliecl at short no tice, with all the delicacies of the season. iiot5;' :r ' 146-J.v J. W . SCHENCK, Jr., 4 CO, General Ctrinnission Slercbants & r r b.CKCiercial Agents, CORNER DOCK & WATER STREETS, I Wilmington, N. C. ; . . ; ! TTTTILL GIVE PROMPT AND PERSONAL attention tofthe salel oi : shipment of Cot ton and Naval Stbresi Juniper Staves and all kinds of Country produce, &c, &c. Orders tor sale ol Produce or purchase o Goods will be promptly attended to, and to the best adrantaars to our customers. dec 24 160-tf G APE F;E All , FLOUR AND PEini HOHINV HILLS, Have constantly on hand i '' I" ' " -V - "; ' i - " EXTRA FAMILY and SUPER YLOTJK, iiSir vt. T IPEAKIi'HOMINY, I w r ' J B r SEED RYE, SEED OATS, CORN, WHIlE PEAS, And all kinds of HO&BS, COW A;Ni : ' iU- l.oi-n H Q G F E E D ioeieft al.fhe ilarket Street Depository; ca at:.the BewntJaa Depot, .earner -Front ana Dock street will receive prompt attention. , r All ood sold Drayed free.. : t s ALEX. OLDHAM, - c i I Proprietor, j noTl2 1 148-2iri A II- Hi F FV Manufacturer and dealer in 1 - MOUSE FURNISMlltG GtdODS, 2$ Roofing Acen nov 19 15-ly N6.f NORTH FRONT STREET. qWJMTJBANCK COUPANT, of London VTT'lI?rrATI01lE.f Richmond.8 , fry ' C?ls Cl tul icwuug -vrvuuiuiics m i iuc il i WDH T7ILDER ATKINSON. , i General Agent. done at short nojuce. . C tor JfauDank's ocaiear . 1 .it... t I v. 7 33 CQTTON SEED. For sale by our agents THE SOUTH. C. X. GRAFFLIN, Saperintehdtnt, MISCELLANEOUS. North Carolina tlousc, Corner of Princess and Second Streets, J. & H. HAAR, PROPRIETORS, Keep constantly on hand the best of WINES, LIQUORS and SEGARS, ' PORTER, ALE , AND LAGER BEER OF DIRECT IMPORTATION. f OT8TJ5R8 1 : IN ' 1 SEASON. Sample Room connected with the establish ment Give ns a call, i i t dec 10 i 156-tf HENRY CUIillJCU, Corner Dock and Front Streets. GROCERY AND BAR ROOMA FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, WINES, LIQLORS &c, always on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. I dec 10 156-3m TUOS. OJNOU, j A. lEt R O O M 5 N. E. corner ol Mulberry and NuttSts. - i Always on hand the best quality of Segars. decU ! 15?-ly. CLIFFORD HOUSE, Worth Front 8 tree I , WILMINGTOPT, N. C.f A ' " LL WILL REMEMBER THAT I AM'CON stantly supplied with Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco, of the very best. Furnished rooms are also kept for the accommodation ol the trav eling public I J. A. CLIFFORD, Proprietor, nov 9 147-1 y HIGBEEj 1 TS RUNNING AT NO. 11 SOUTH AMI iS; ; Hi ; Front Street, Urge invoices of ntaWfnSSSSl'SBi ; Goods : 1 u 10,000 Bowls, 'T 10,000 Cups and Saucers, 500 Ewers and Basins, 4,000 Glass Tumblers and Dishes, ' 20 cases Toys, - - ij 100 prs Blankets, j 500 Apross, i 200" Watches and Clocks, 500 Window Curtains, t 5 cases the finest Velveteen i in the city, 200 Handsaws, 600 Table Cloth, 4,000 Looking Glasses. noT 19 tf Hi,.,--.-; ; .p; SHIPPING. STEAMSHIP LINE, ; FOR NEW TORK, j ; SAILING TUESDAYS AND FMDAT8 FROM NE W YORE, AND WEDNES DAYS AND SATURDAYS FROM i WILMINGTON. THROUGH CONNECTIONS X WITH ALL RAILROADS LEADING OUT OF WILMINGTON. rNo passemcers taken. For Freight apply to , DARDT DROTUEDS, AGENTS, i 7-tf maj2 FRUIT JGR0WEBS, TT ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS; OF FRUIT. AND ' ;j ; ORNAMENTAL TREES, : . , . ' GRAPE VLNiE8, - BERRY . AND OTHER rIANTS, c., From the celebrated ERCILDOU8 NURSE RIES, will be received by -f t' GEO. Z. RENCIL " nov 12 jir..RUj:GK;EUT, FIK8T CLASS" L' -...Ah'JLjOL jl UO - , Pianos oia -. inulacturers lowest prices. 1 Old Pianos taken in ezchanga. ' -Pianos tuned andtepairea, . i j r .; i UASOniC HAUL, TTilBitngtoa, 1T C. r r t- $r rxes, 1 ; 1. 187Ii f ' 1 ..... r .. WiLHiSGToy.-N. ., Dec. 20th. CUAHQE OF CCIIEDULE. AFTER THIS DATE THE "FOLLOWING Schedule will he run hy Trains on this road:J . - - ... t- . - ' " DAY EXPRESS TRAIN, (Dally!) Leave Wilmington (Union Depot). 1 ; S:50 Ai If Arrlre at Florence m . i ... u Ih 13 A. M ArriTe at KingsTiUe. . . . i . . . . . . . .. . . .12:20 P. 1 Leave KinTule..;.... 9:10 A. M A rrite at Florence ................ s .,12:03 P, M ArriTe at Wilmington. i.l.Vii 5:S3 P. M NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN DAILY (SUNDAYS j EXCEPTED.) . -: Leare WUmington:. . . ... . . . . i. . 1 . 6:45 PU Arrive at Florence. ..v.... .... ...i 1:43 4JM Arrive at 'Columbia; 6:30 A. M Leave Columbia 6:C0P. M Arrive at Florence. ... ; .11:14 PM Arrive at Wilmington .......... .1 . . . 6;00 A. M : Day I Exnress Train onlv wlli rnn to Klnsrs- vllle, Night Express Train wilt runs direct to CJolumhia.. . v.; . ff Gen! Sup't 5up,t; 160-tf dec 34 Wilmingtun Wcldon It. D. Co. omci Chut EKonreiR and Uinl Bti i,' (' -i r " t : ;i CHAN6E OF SCHEDULE, i 4 On and after the 21st instant Passenrer Trains will leave Union Station at 6:15 A. M. and 5:45 p H.'1- -j j ?' Arrive at Union Station at 3; 40 A M. and 6:30 Freight Trains leave tri-weeklv at 7:15 A. M. and arrive at 1:40 P. M. i!iXpie&8 j; reigm irains wui leave aijs r. m., ana arrive a a. ju. ; . t i " On Sundays the 5:15 P. M. and 3:40 A. M. train oklt will be ran. ' - ! - JOHN F, DIVINEi v n , General Superintendent. . dec 24 . , 160-tf WUbington. Charlotte & R. It. Il. ' j l Wilmimoton, N. C. , Dcc. 22d, 1871. r L SCHEDULE. : ' Paascnger Trains leave Wilmington dally, (Sundays excepted) at 7 A.M. Leave Haed ot Rojd at 6 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at 8:30 P. M. Arrive at Head of Road at 4:30 P. M, j: S. L. FREMONT, Gen'l Superintendent dec 24 L 160- CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. : ON AND AFTER THIS DATE.fio follow ing ached ule Trill be run on this railway : Commencing at 6 A.M., at Wilmington -Garden j corner of Rankin and Eleventh street' and arrive at corner of Front and Red Cross street at 6;22i A. M. Returning, leave corner of Red Cross .and Front street at 6:22 J, and arrive at Wilmington Garden at 6:45." and will continue to run at the same rate during the day, : 'allow ing 15 minutes between each turnout. Under I this arrmneement a car wUl pass anv criven bolnt The cars will be run regularly from 6 A. M.. until 10 P. Id. T ' t SUNDAY SCHEDULE : , On 8nndays the cars will be run Irom 9 A. M. until 11 A. M., and from 12 1L until 10 P. M. Any complaints as to neglect, j carelessnesa or improper conduct on the nart of anv of the employees , of the railway should be made to me either in person or through the Postoffice. nov 9 146-tf MItNTIIIlE; ' 1 r ' : i" i IN CONNECTION WITH 1I I1UISNSE FURNITURE. I have just received a large and .handsome as sortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rnga, Matting, Mats, Window Shades, Hollands, &c, which I am offering at extremely low prices. Ato: exami nation of goods ia respectfully solicited by Mr. rfutm juckmv, in cnarge ot tms aepsjrtmenv . A. S51ITI2. .ri.o3-145.tf F. A. SHUTTE, I3ST jt'iiatji .its XTDRNITDRE, JJ ' HAT TRESSES, i L - ' )Y1U0 W SUAUiUS, TAPER . HANGINGS, tail VJAA.1VIk7, - ! "7 PICTURE TRA11ES, CORDS -: J Vrines .1 I 1:" i ; ii (.. Wtf V-'i. k - (KC.4 C CWi f navies: Just received a anpplr ot Fandtare, i I am prepared to give the public as good bar- eains as can be la the city. j jsmnwi uu euuuiwi.- ? A FPLICATION WILL' B MADE TO" THE XJLpmentLeglslatmreior an act ol ineor poration for the Cjrenian Association of Wilmington. Gxnkjull StmaiirrxKDEHT's Orncs, re ipinM SEASIDE KAILWAY Oil 3 r

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