:"i r v ! - ' i - -v . ' 1- PTT.PV .it -ia f EgBRUARY .11 r As thin as a hatchet I've grown. : And; poor aa Job's turkey, ;hy I stand like, a scarecrow alone ; SadYltCHbnoye's melancholy. I feel most confoundedly hlue; ' j ' ? A Life's rose is turned into thistle. My sweSi3lnejaT 0uVlintruP!O I Ansaid maa slick as a whistle. 1 ; Though lively and keen as a rat, ' And playful as any ypung kitten, v . i8hehasgotthe6lu,upelawsof aeat, ' And has showed 'cm to mc thro the niitteii. Of our village girls sheia the belle ; ; Aa plump as a partridge she ows Her lips for cherries would sell J Ifer cheeks are as red as a rose: -' - 1 Like two bran new dollars her eyes Her figure is neater than wax ; ; ; In-beauty with Venus she vies, . ; wHer'halr it is finer than wax! : '.. v. .. -!-: r' ' ' I courted her day after day, , r Expecting a wedding to follow ; " - Alas ! for my love thro wn away - 1 Her heart, like a pumpkin, was hollow ! As thin as a hatchet I've crown. ,C&d,poor Js JjoVa; iurkey.hyolly IktS 1 'If it 1 stand like a scarecrow, alone,., . . i; ; ! A victim pflo.ve's melancholy, , : .r Splinters. a lipmvitea guests sit on thorns. rrti. - .i.4!. ."1 s-i V " JW". me naming season me leap year. A poser foran oculist a window-blina. ; A willing mind the generous testator's, The woman question What had she'on? The conjunctive mood thoughts of mat- 1 . . : . ;, -, Bores that most people have to put up with neigh-bores. ' I u Steam is a servant that sometimes blows 'up its master1 H T' j -.1 ' i The ' most tasteful hare-dresscrs in the worldr-the qook. A leap year motto or ladies Look well Toronto is to have a hew prison sively for the ladies." "CXClU- Whcn is a woman- like a sparrow f Wh en she's.inearnest (in her nest) wZi What sort of; larceny must it be to heok a woman's "dress ? It must be grand, j s A bachelor's : face is often the Worse for weir a married man's for wear and tear. An appropriate hymn for Philadelphia's Centennial Celebration "Old hundred." To keep warm of a cold day, women double tne cape: and men double the horn. l:A?tign in Red Bank readyihus: uNrw maid and old maid clothing always on I . A bird plumes her feathers, to relieve her ! fcelinss. A woman Presses to increase hers. I "I amreceiviDg my- back rations," as the i soldier said, when he was flogged for steal- : r. v An Indiana editor is represented as "squealling back a squawk of sout-satisfied ; :bliss.,!vijiyj .;-.-.-. . .'.-'-' j-i? a - A town , out West has such a large cat nonulation that a fiddle-strinsr manufactory is projected. ! N . - s j v i : n ,'-iitm.'LT ;'i C l u ? r !l !j; ,a i ) What is it that has three feet and cannot . walk, sixteen nails and cannot scratch ?: A yard stick. , .f . ; . . 4 ' A Wyandotte lover committed the horri- . ble mistake of kissing his intended mother- in-law in the dark.-; T V ;, ,, J 'Real estate fg lively here," was the lacon description, of an earthquake that a 1C traveler m reru ,sent nome. ; ,ia , m , ta 5 A. 1 The three stagesrpparyfinism are now . said to be positive, falV!omparative, tailor superlative, tailless ! i ' JiJ.--r-If 4 . Qnilpbelng, asked at the end a very 8tupict8pcechrwhy.he applauaeoTreplied, 'tiftcauaa lie ia aone." v. m i 1 i - " ' ; t , j I y August Drinkhorn, ot Buffalo j is I insane rom the effects " of whisky." Xh his case irom mo euccie oi wuisity. xn it.: I i '-.tL i aero 8oxaeuitaK4Skrname .tC--- i . t- i V i - ; r-' V-? jYod havela perfect right 4o steal air the pitchers from the washstands of hotels; for every one knows they're ewers. A bqardingiusei keeper mled som patent edhtinjjin hishasbf bocaise it was aaverusea as a cure ior consumption. In his recantation rortl aaid he "frantel a, free Itwch;":ut tintypes 1 made Lim say he wanteda-free tipea fmade Jum say Ibe winfedfree 'lunch. 4 . :'- The Portland Pm makes the astounding announcement thaf lhpppulation of the debauchery, jvhjchaunts itself, but .desti city ia increasmg at therate of three law- tution. ..Tbn eplbrle' procession ; in the toM x?w: 'Hpr&0 chastising him, altogether dissents from the ide that benevolence is typified by the wid ow's smite ' I ! til; f i .1 r A ooj babV' was so solemnYf ch risteneel ! Mary Reily by mistake, in New York, the 1 other 'day. ' The' 'Legislature will! be in Toked to restore him to his sexl ' . ".' ' V ! ; Bad, advice, -Tako care of pur coldv it say.iven-mcamng ' but unthinking friends : ' They had far ' better say,v 4,Take Care and get ri&tf jqarQid t ci I A1 late English paper chronicles the arrest eP& LP1? Lih casler V1 of PuiWes&Snj jblMr only twenty-four hoursof noney moont It does jjot follow that .pianos may- be played by IeclricitTf Uecavise some pershs a ibanhot touchthose instrunients without ,-.t hocking all who hear them. I ; A scnlmlstef'leefitTyh his pu pils that the feminine : gender should rbc ccpf mall-sttamers ana men-ol-war. . ..r i . . ' m , ''.'..,.:" , "l tninK, said a; doctor, i.Ttnat you uaTe an affection in the lumber reMon uWhat aster in mind has broken hli "eDsraffement has caused; jidoctor.f 'asked the patienta 'JWrftJ0 0-0?' iBad bbil iib;ddubt.nsald the doctor. ! soon asihe found himself free, threw-up. mUIL . iiiLjL lteiiftndtaU,as if proud ot the trust J. IVUUii U4iU UBIlUX.B.iaiB JlUifOaU U1B- 1 - - T : , mi V .(A ; . a jpuhglady because she is negligent j about i her train, an d: does ' not xnindl her I A San Frapcisca -woman fecxatiiera ' dead body as that of her husband, because 'nli iirfc'dVered 'Iter.VrVlVitin eaj r Misery in England ' This is the terrible account which Henri Taine, thf fafeousyrencWriteron literature, gives of the wretched c English condition 11.. T 3 - - i j: . r Snadwell, one of the poor neighborhoods, is close at hand; by the vastness of its dis-i tress, and by its extent, ' it is In keeping with the hugeness . and wealth of London! I have seen tl$ bad, quarters of Marseilles, of Antwerp, of Paris; they do not "come near it. Low houses, poor streets ofj brick under red-tiled roofs, cross each other in every direction, and lead down with a dis mal look to , the riven Beggars, thieves, harlots, the latter especially, crowd Shad well street. ; One 'hears a grating music in the spirit cellars;! sometimes it is a negro who handles, the violin ; : through thel open windows one perceives unmade beds, women dancing. Thrice in ten minutes I - saw crowds collected at the doors ; fights were going on, chiefly fights between women; one ot them, her face bleeding, tears in her eyes, drunk, shouted with a sharp and harsh voice, and wished to fling herself up on a man. The bystanders laughed ; the noise caused the adjacent t lanes to be emp tied of their occupants ; ragged, poor chil dren, 'harlots it was like a human sewer suddenly discharging its contents. Some of them have a relic of greatness, a new garment, butflthejgreater number, are !in filthy and unseemly tatters. Figure to yourself, what a ladj'a bonnet may become after passing during three or four years lrom head to head, having been 'crushed against walls, haring had blows from fists; for they receive" them'. I noticed blackened eyes, bandaged noses, bloody cheek-bones. The women gesticulate with: extraordinary vehemence ; but most horrible of all is their shrill, acute, cracked -voice, resembling that of an ailing screech-owl. ' From the time of leaving the tunnel street boys abound bare-footed,dirty, and turn ing wheels in ;order torget 'alms. On the stairs leading to the Thames Jthey swarm, more pale faced, morertidefojmea,Timore re pulsive than the scum of Paris ; without question,' the climate isr worse' and the gin more deadly. Near; them, leaning against the greasy walls, cir inert on the steps, are men in astounding rags; I it ia impossible to imagine, before seeing them, how many lajfCia ui uuii au uyctwaii ui n pail ui trowsers 'could hold; they dream or doze open mouthed; 'their faces 1 are begrimed, 'dull, and sometimes streaked with red lines. It is in these localities that families have been discovered with no other cover than a heap! of soot ; they had slept there during several months. For a creature so Wasteland Jaded there is. but one refuge drunkenness. ' uNot drink ?" said a despe rado at an inquest : "it were better, then, to die at once." ' I vl walked , through some of the broader lanes; all the houses, except one or l(wo, are evidently inhabited by harlots. Other small streets, dusty courts, reeking with the smell of rotten rags, are draped with tatter ed, clothes and lifeen hung up to dry. Children swarm. In a moment, in a narrow corner, I saw fourteen or fifteen around me, dirty, barefooted, the little sister carrying a sucking child m her arms, the year -old nursling, whose whitish head had no hair. Nothing is, more lugubrious t than these white bodies, that pale flaxen hair, these flabby cheeks, encrusted with old dirt. They press together, they point out the gentlemen with curious and eager gestures. The motionless mothers, with an exhausted airy look out at the door. One observes the narrow lodgings, sometimes the single room, wherein they are all huddled in the foul air. ' ; The 'houses are most frequently one-storied, low, narrow, a den in which to sleep and die; What taplace ol residence in winter, 'when,1 for weeks of continuous rairiandf6g, the windows are shut ! And, h&i this brood may not die of hun- ger it is necessary that the father should not drink, should neyer be idle, should never be sick. .Here : and there is a dust heap. Women are laboring , to pick out what A ?aUiable from it. One, old and Th Btand u amidst the.muck to look at mGj bratalized, disquieting faces of female Vahnna np.rhana this nine .nd ft alaaa nf gin is the las,t idea which floats in( their idiotic brain:? .Should we find there any- thing else than the instincts-and appetites of a savage and of a beast of r burden ? A miserabie black cat, .lean, lame,n startled, watches them timidly, out otthe corner of I lis eje, uuu luiiiv.cij eeaitucB m n ucap ui ..-f. . t :. i e Tiabbfth'.It'nrttt possibly Tight m feeling uneasy. The .idldi ivoisan muttering, fol lowedt rnth a-look as; wild as its own." She seemed 2 fd'Hhink tbat two pounds of meat were there. jHlV&all.tHe aU'eys Itvhjchjrun intbl Ofprd street; stiing Ianes,Aencfustcdi,with human exhalationsirtrobps 6f;f)ale children nestj ling on the muddy stairs ; the seats on Loi dinrtdge, wher families huddleai to- one Jtles twenty harlots "some A them ask for a drink of gin: others say, Jfr3iiyit ia payinjy lodging. This is not shade oi tne monumental streets is sicKen- - "il, m.U .( IV.. ffhat is a plague spot-the real plague-spot of English society Saved by a Horse. Some years since .a patty , oi; surveyors had just finished 'their day's work in the northwestern part of Illinois, when a vio lent snow storm came ,on. They , started for their : camp, . which vwas in a grove of about eighty acres, in a large prairie, near twenty miles fnmany timber. The wind was blowing very hard, ana tne snow hard, and the drif teat 30 ss Scr-Hiafl y plind them. W hen catapvthtJy all at once came upon tracks in snow. These they looked at with care, an( ouncC toTlhelr, dismyrEiaOhey were their own traces ' it was now piain tney lost on the great prairie, and that it eyidTIbJaTitnt3iJiXt was that not one ot them would be alive in the mdrhingi Whil!they were shivering with fear and the cold, the chief man of 4k nnrfv nanfrfit ftitrhf nf nnf ftf rfipTi Aid .Then the chief said: If any man can show .'? ri Ui.,JLi it.:. vni: us to our camp'oui ui iua uauumg bhuw, Old Jaclccin'i doit tI think he will show The horse, aa his pat and gave- . loud snort, . which seemed to say: t4GorAlOni'bYS, followime:5rn lead you out of..thJa t scrapeJ.. He theptumed in a new direction ana trotted along, out not so i.nnj tiliui. jlucu uc buuucu tuc uivciic. fasttbathe vrrmn ceuia pel iouow him.. vVSeVV Tney Wac Jon (aekh JkT;. A they saw.fltne cneeiriJaiaza oi .tucu wiui fires, ami theV gave : loud, hua at the to -.net JACOBIimE, Guaranteed to excel all others.Jboth in shape and materiah ; Be lure to. ask for The v Jaxidbi "lxe, AND ACCEPT KO OTHER, For you will then be certain you are getting the best for your money.? EYcry -Axe iXTcrriintccl. For sale wholesale and retail, at i -I ... v; :-;s:.";?WA5irE: jacobfs , . Hardware Depot," Ho. 9 Market at., And Dealershrourhbut'the State. A GRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS CUT Aj LESY IBONfiBTEEL, NAILS, GUNS, PISTOLS, AMUN1TION, Ac. We would respectfully call the attention of S WHOLESALE tTTERS To our full and.couiplete assortment, ernhfacing all and every desCripUon pr cwisrttne AraaB and to the superior advantages we can offer from having the. agency to, several leading Factories in the Trade. " v ri Always on hand Sole and Harness Leather, Kip And Calf Sfcins: JSi nytoUUA vLJ& Paints, Oils, Glass, Sahr oopdjBlhins fccr&c. ,A "' ' Please cau ana examine, Deiore purcnasmg, il stock at-', w a 4 4$ thai ; NATH'L JACOBPS, Hardware Depot, No. 9 Market st. , : nov9 , - :' "iS '-.147-lr 8 Cape Fear Building Coin 0 il rpHE CAPE FEAR BUILDING COMPANY will atlehdo alteration andrepaIrof Stores-; Dwellings and general job work, daring the Fall and Winter months; at low pxTSes.TQfficc, Prin- cesss trect . oct 19 . J -r. T? . Ul MPPITT'S fBUIliDINO SOUTH FRONT STREET, W I Ii M IWGTON, N C STB AM, & GAS. FITTER, AND DEALER IN WROUGHT ANli GAIiVANIZED IRON PIPES, BRASS COCKS, VALVES, GAS FIXTURES, And all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WATER AND ; GAS. i Particular attention paid to fitting up of COTTON MILLS, with Steam, Gas and Water. Inov 12 . , 14S-tf ; Importer of Crockery, OFFERS TO THE .rUBLIC THE MOST complete assortment of ! ' ' ' CROCKERY," GLASS, 1 CHINA, v ; ! PLATED WARE and CUTLERY, Ever exposed tor sale in North Carolina, and at prices that will not tail to meet the approbation of his natrons.1. i :f . ilirj, , f: f He will furnish to dealers Go(jds at a very small advance on importer's prices. jt Call and examine, at No 25 NorthJ'rontaUl nov 9 147 If AND i s .- 03f All PartboftheWorld, THE DAILY A UEntJRATlC NEWSPAPER, Ujr ft y til IIALEIG1I, N. C. WMi WinCClkLI fr WCBIUI 1AH ! I V PRICE $10, $5, AND $2 A YEAR, As now published, to thepeopleBof Fayette ville and all points onf the Chatham and West ern Roads; the' people of Charlotte, Salisbury. Greensboro, Company Shops, Hillsboro and all points on the Nortn Carolina Railroad TtWeit rrf RflfMiytf tT TkTiTAhriiATlanATA J Kftnrr Hill eima, uiayxon, ana aiipomxs xtast oi x.aieign; and to the people of all that section of country along tne , Raleishntf Gaston Railroad The Daily Carolinian furnishes the i t !--!'' . H&IIEUBT REPORTS r5 At O ' uhk ;irr fir. FROM ALL PARTS OP THE WORLD, SEVERAL HOURS THAN AK Y PAfER P 'A "A UNITESD OTSj .... Ijl I Price ot the DaUy;QlfETOLIi&UlWWi& or TEN DOLLARS a year. Jit T9! j The Lesi8latnre and Congress are notr.com Ins together, and this is ihe( THE, NORTH; EARLIEST TEIEGBHG BWI CAROhmiAN no? 35 '2..?, mm .'' "J ARE ENDORSED AND PRESCRIBED BY more . leading Physicians than any other Tonic or Stim,ulant now in use. They are 1 ;U A SURE PREVENTIVE, For ever and Agit'e jlntermittentsV BUliousnesa. ana an cosoruerB arising irum nuuaruuB vauscs. They are highly recommended as an Anti-Dyspeptic, nd in jcasee ot Indigestion -are invalua ble. As'an Appetizer" and RecuperanV-and in casea ot General Debility they have neyer in a single; instance f failed in' producing he' most happy: results, w They are? particularly' li J j, ; BENEFICI Alj TO ' FEM AIiESa- Strengthening the body invigorating the mind, and giving tone and elasticity to1 the'Whole sys tem. -The Home Bitters are "compounded with the greatest of carey and no tonic' stimulant has ever before been. offered to the public so pleas ant to the taste and at the same time" combining so many remedial agents endorsed by the med ical fraternity'as the best known to the Pharma copoeia; It costs but little to give them a fair trial, and - . ' Everyjrnmuy ssnonia nave a isouie. No preparation in? the world ..can produce so mariymquifi6 endorsements by physicianB of the! very highest standing in their profession. .Endorsed also oy tne uiergy ana inc leaning denominational papers-, f Key Wm K BabcocKf tneoiaest 1 metnoaist minister in St. Louis, 6ays the Home Bitters weie ! most grateful in contributing in the re storation ol? my strength, and an increase of a 1 - :lJ it 3 OSBbBiTMo Jiune 241871.' Persons greatly debilitated, as I have been, and Who require a tonic or stimulant, need seek for nothing better than tne nome uiuers. .,- , f! , & WCOPE Presiding Jilder M E diurch, Plattsburg District. United states marine hospital, i St. Louis Mo., Oct. 8, 1870. ) .JiLMJEsJi- Jackson & Co. I . have examined the ' formula lor making the ''Home Stomach BittcrB," and used them in this hospital the last tour months. I consider them fhc most valuable tonic and 6timulant now in use. . ' -. r -i li-4 ' S H MELCHER, Resident Physician iucharge U S Marine Hos pital! J amis A. Jackson & Co. Gentlemen: As you have communicated to the medical profes sion the recipe of the "Home Bitters," itcan not,;therefore be considered as a patent medi cine no natent havinir been taken for it. We have examined the, formula for making the "Home Bitters,1' and unhesitatingly say the combination ia one CfF rare' excellence, all the articles used in its composition are the beat of the Class to which they belong, being highly Tonic, Stimulant, Stomacuic,. (Jarminitive, and slightly Laxative. The uaodeot preparing them is strictly in accordance with the rules ot phar macy. Having used them in our private prac tice, we take pleasure in recommending them to all persons desirous of taking Bitters, as be ing tha best Tonic and Stimulant now offered to tae puDlic. , JttAiMv w ruiiiiiv, Pfof. Obstetrics and Discajses of Women, Col lege of Physicians, and late member Board of Health. L C BOISLINIERE Prof, of Obstetrics and Piseases. of Women, St. Louis Med. College. . ft drake Mcdowell, m. d., .. , n . . t Late Prea't Mo. Medical College. s E A CLARK, M Df PfbC : Surgery, Mo. Medicsl College and, late Resident ..- Physician City Hospital, St. Louis f I I HERBERT PRIMM, Prof. . Practical Pharmacy, . St Louis College of Phar-j macy. : 3 C WHITEHILL, Ed. Medical Archives Alf HeacocU: MO, i prC V F Ludwlg, C Oericke M D, 1 S Gratz M D, ' - ; C A Ware M D, W A Wilcox M D, ' EC FRANKLIN M D, Prof Surgery. Homceophatic Medical College. T JIVASTINE M Jtt a COMSTQPK 1 JP, Prof bf Midwifery and Diseased of Womehi Col lege of Homoeopathic Physicians and Surgeons. r r r JOHN T-TEMPLEM D, Prof Materia Mcdica and Tneraupeutics, Hom ceophatic' Meaical College Missouri. , JNO CONZLEMAN M D, Lecturer On Diseases of Children, Homceophatic College Qf-Migsourli !,r. rS&w ft "Prof of Physiology, Homoeopathic Medical Col- lege of Mo. , J JOHN HART MAN M D, Prof j Clinical Medicine,u Col.' Homoeopathic Physi cians and Surgeries. I ! They are superiorftot all other Stomach Bitters ENNO SANDERS: Analytical Chemist. No Bitters in the world can excel them SIMON HIRSCH. Analytical Chemist. Eminent Physicians OlChicago. ? The lormula for the ; Home Bitters has been submitted to us, and we believe them to be the, best tonic and stimulant for general use now offered tdthe public ; T jt rp I G A Mariner Analytical Jas V Blaney M D Chemist. Prof Chemistry Rush HS Hahn, M D, Medical college t, M D, Meaicai college, ir, D, rw 1 B-Walker, M D,. James; M Hi . 8 Hoyne, It D, lMD, ThoS T EllisI M tf B McYicar, 3ornS Barnes; Jas A Collins, M D, J A Hahn, M D. EmiiieftFitVsr6i&ii1;fia Cincinnati, j arlv all of whom are Professors m one or tha Nearly all of whom are Professors in one or the other jt the Medieal poll eges.tr t t-tj i No other'Bitters have ever been offered to the pubUcAemhiiclQg spk many valuable remedial Oflimpeon, M D, S P BonnerM-D, ! C-a Muficxaft, M D, r G WSighjfi; M D, i I to p rrii;f u n . d J qutnn, ai D, ' 'vR Woodward M DI j h Baefaacri AI D, G A Doherty, M D, t v R S WayneChemist, CO.Odrocrf' Die K Taylor, M D, BctrthyMD, ,V-T F MaleyM D, R H Johns9n. M D, Kv S B Tomlinaon, M D, Eminent rhysicians In Memphis ; The Home Bitters arefAh iivyaluabld .remedy forlnUigetiftn, ad.diseases asking from. mala rial causes. " vVt: Sr-l- : G B Thornton, M D, Alex ErskrneJf D, ( in cnarge uity nospuai, m n noages, ai uy ": . k nirmirB : iLH i -j riT i v itjw rvi - mm -m m w Awmy '-"y kill 1 "Vrf j H V Purnell, 11 D, m a Edmund. M JJ. ! Sarford Bell, L,M 0). M t . . Jps E Lynch, M D, Eminent Physicians in Pittsburgh: BPDaJre!, a oil Wm.Clowes. M D. WXChildsii D Hamird, M D, J O, JTuth, 40iemist,f , . J H; Mcplelland M D ' . :XHdiHrindretd,df Others - inrnJ partrofthC NoYthp Wslnd South. 3 J Garner, M DAIiIwdrk udrt t CJOTTSCITHLBWa, Mah 27 1H7 I Jaxks A. Jackson & Co. Having examined ; 'JL " 'ir-.-f the formula Jtf imUVpm tpinch Bitters," I haTi prescribed them ;i in my practice for some UmMxj(trprj0njw3f 4hm the best Tonic Bit tcranojrin use. 1 P H McMAnoAt D. LUiratory 105 and 107 N. SecondStBt; LonU Misaonri. : il'H aeH 16 , - I32.1vi ntrttaj iin n .h.y. i. iu A1U TTsnmrkrdnr Haipy Relief for,Jring Men lrom the effects DlEor aaAiaisci toifarlyylite. j Manhood - 1 restcred. . JHjejTons dehllity enred.1 Irhte'dl, r men io Aiarriae remoTetia tHew method oil . . ax. BP . i j m ' ' a -a r - w . mt - pr vctuaeau jm ew 4ina remarkable remedies. 8oks and CXrcnlars1 'sent free, In sealed enyel- o Address, nOWABD AWaYMJoJiJ Sth NinU8WantCTi.Pa. r0' h i I k-1 til i'ii.-' . CORNER, THIRD &PR12raE8&6TSiy i:).: Opposite City Hall. '1 f'l fARklAHE MAKTNd. PAfNTtNG AND re- KJ pairing neatly done, at short notice. After 1 rnirty xeara oi experience at. iino oumcB&,.A am Drenared to do tine FINES and ESX Work in the City. ; t , , V nol6149-ly. J Having: imi6ix!isi SHOP to my CART HOUSE, on, Princess street, first door West f of County JaiV I solicit XLorse-aaoeiDg, repajnngo'vr,'XjK- r UNCAH HQLMES. nor23 CABTHOUSGi I HAVE OPENLD A FIRST CLASS CART HOUSEonTrlncess 'street first door AVest o.CpttntyrfalLitta -i DUNCAH HOLSIE& nov23 m-nr mw w rf-ri OF CARTS, DRAYS AND j WAGONS, 1 TURNING: WEATI.Y DONE i , At my.old stand on Fourth streets", b'elween .Bla- den and Brunswick streets. nov. 19 150-ly: Commisson Merclian And dealer !GROCERiES,PROYISfoNS;DKX6o ; 1 CliOTHING,&c&cM v '; No. 23 and 21 NORTH WATER STREET, A il WILMINGTON, N. C Consignments and Cash Orders Solicited. nov 23 K . 15l-ly SPECIAL Quarantine -Notice. ILOTS and Masters of 'Vessels ate notified that it any case ol disease is carried past the Quarantine Station," it Hfitt subject the -vessel to the delay and expense 6f being carried back, and if knowingly, to a' fine of $200. Pi lots will satisfy themselves before passing Quarantine. W. G. CURTIS, Quarantine Physician. 101-ira dec 28 ATTORHEY AND COUNSELLOR Will practice in,all Courts of this State, and Territory of Columbia. The collection of Claims promptly sttended to.' Office nextdoor to Court House. iune25 ; HO-tf . It. L., I Undertaker and Cabinet Maker. CONSTANTLY on hand the most improved style of material pertaining to my business. Par ties will do- well toil give me a cill before H sending their orders elsewhere. fe-r Fnrnitnra cleaned and Varnished, Pic tures Framed, Chairs re-seated, fcc. i Store on Second between Market cess streets ; dec 21 159-ly . wiua Prmritor. R. S. UeVonxvo H C6, Drnggtitu ana . A' tt. Ban FraneiaM , Cabi al it and 9 t'Coaunero St. N.T6 , MIIililONS Bear Testimony i to Wonderful .Cnratlve Effect. theH They are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poo Ram, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Itefuso 1U qnors doctored, splcod and sweetened to please the tUstf, called " Tonic1' "irirsJ!,,T' lead the tippler on fo drunkenness naSfoln', tttt are atnie Medicln,mka from the KatiWBoota an& Ilerhs'bC CiAi' fornia, free from alt "Alcoholio Stimnlants. t They the GREAT BIrOOD rUHlFJER mil A I.IFB- GITIH6 PRIKC IPXE, a perfect Iteno vator and InTisoxator tLot System; carrying1 oil all raisonou8 matter and restoring the blood to a healthy con dition. No person can take these Bitters : according ;to . fcwml , LttilSST blWnMW.yssllnA Tttyy are a Uentle I'urtrative as well ns a TtfdhJ, posaSsShigalsa, iociiliftr tttetit oftictuig aa a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and all tbViaperal Organs. FOR VVpM&G IMPIiAITS in youns Ior .old, married or slnglerat tBe dawn of womanhood or at ,th,e turn of life. tliej Tonl Hitters harelii oanii.' tlsrii and Goat,' Dyspepsia or Indig-estion, mi lons, llemittent ; and Intermittent !Fevetf, DfaekaieB of th'o Ttlooil. LIvbk' Klilnva nna Bladder, these Bitters hare been most uactemtnt Sacit Diseases are caused by Vitiated Bleed ) wiiica is ffensraUy produoed by dcraferaeat 6f lhi Di- it V Sl-isrsi A Ult INDIGESTION Headachy : - o n i.ii v . - rf- ' . . n ' ! iathe Mouth. Bilious Attacks. PalpUaUon of ths-Ilcart. ! Ibflainmation-of tboLacs, Patia initftn r ih I JBJdneys, and a hundred other patB&a srmttoms. are the t They inTijorato ths Stomach and stimulate the torpid Liver and Bowels, which render them of uieqoalled effi- In nW Hf Wiuf" 1aia 4fi a WVmI-ww ; :ri ; ; .! , FOB .SKIN DISEASES, fraon, t&ov Elt Afleam. .Biotehei,' Spots, ' Pimplss, Piistttlei,' BoifiL Car- i 1 aM.ft-Tf6m,8cddHe8ori 1 IUluSCTirn. Diflfilnritf Ana Tk tart, tr-w-l- 1 n' 1 r . j t r-w '"m.mbjuuio aim ror iBSiea ot tbSkia.o( :w3uernaOor mtdre; kimWaUT f u nnua ouioiioe ystn w short tllnebt 5 the dm o;,thee fitters., t One bottle hvsuch case"4ai f unmiguM unt iitrwiuiou oi weir curaiiTe eneets. j Cleanw the ltiated.Blootf Trheaercr 'JahB its InJ purities touiiinf throoelTth- sJsii'hi Vfij$tk? rnj tions or Soresclsanse ityien you fewt itoBStrtcteaafrd sluzrish in thC"yent It is foul, and tout iseunrs wiu leu you when. Keep the blood nnre. and remevedL Says a digtimroished physiolosist, there is scarcely-nmjniw ywon in ffe the earthi 'V kiSiok:healteUlrJU ffco2Wtht ' rite-S0ir,!ae 2? wmifBees, no anthelmintics .!rW system Wortas like thaBitter1 Urnettts and eu. Agents, Baa Jrrancisco. CalifornJaJ and Prin- S .ll one -tor- iwtitv NOT ONE HOtrit tifter;readinfftbis advertisement need anv t.r,. U SUFFER WITILPAIN y b0tr RADWAY'S.liEADX.RELlEFIS Aj CURE (iu EVERY PAIN. It was the first and U thaf instantly stops the mot excruciating nam; anays Inflammations, and cures Conc?siif n' fwhether ol the Luncrs,- stomach. Bnwv"8 v Other glands or organs, by one application ' IN FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES no matter hem violent or excructatinn'.tho rJ.t I the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, . Infirm, Cri " fpled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with jH . IIAIMV AY'S READY tEU JSP - WILL AFF6rD INSTANT EASE INELAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS 4 if INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS ' 4 : ' ',r- rn CONGESTION OF THE LFr SORE XHBOAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING' , , PALPITATION OF 1HE Heart HYSTEftlCSV moUP, DIPTHERU T RT' . - t Tf CATARRH; INFLUENZA HEADACHE,TOOTHACHE4 ' ? r . NEURALGIA, JiHEUMATIf COLD CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. UAKM. 1 The application of the Ready Relief to thr part ot parts "Where the' pain or. dlfflculiv exkt. Will afford ease and comfort. : : xlEta Twenty drpps. in half alumbler of water will in a few moments i-curcOramps ; 8 paams Boat StomachHeartbum,' 8ick Headache, Diarrhp? DysenterrColic, Wind in the Bowels, and all Internal Pains. ' ' - : :Travelerslfeh6uld always xmrry a bottle ot Railway's Ready Relief ith them. I A few drops in water Will prevent sickness or nain from' change of water. : It is better, than French Bratfdy or Bittersls a stimulant l: k a n t a.remedial agent iu this t world t hat will fcurejEerer and Aguev and all other .Malarious illEAiSlilEAUTYii STRONG AND PURE S RICH t BLOOD-IN I CREASEOEPLESH AND WEIGHT, CLEAR SKIN AND' BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL. aiun :;1,',1)RI,TB.AD WAIT'S -SARSAPAR1LLIAH RESOLVEIIT HAS , M ADE TilJji .MOaT. AaiokjLhHINr CURESr SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOE8 UN DER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Eyery Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. ; tiie u ii Eat blood purifier. - Every drop bfthc Sar?aparillian Resolvent communicates through the Blood, Seatf Urine and other Uuids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the waates oi thf body with new and sound material. Scrofula Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular disease UU cers in the tbroatv Mouth, Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts of the system, Sore Eyes. Struraorous discharges from th Vara and theworst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions Fever Soros, Scald Head, Ring Worm,. 8H jauuuui, XirjripeiaB. .acne, BiaCK (Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Caneers in the Whmh and all weakening and painful discharge Nltrht principle, arc within the curative ramre of thm wonder ot Modern Chemistrv 'anl n use will prove to any person using it for cither of these forms of disease, its potest power to cure them. If the patient, daily becoaauir lv-durrd i.v wastes and decomposition that is continiifliiv progressing, succeeds in arresting these wasted and repairs th3 same with new material madp lrom bealtby blood and tbife the Sarsaparillian niuwiu uues tteure a cure is certain ; for when once this remedy eomnienro tn wmi.- purilication, and succeeds in diminishice- the loss ot wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himeell growintr better and stronger, the lood digesting better appetite improving, and flesh and , weight irU creasing. . i wot only UocstLe Sarsaparillian Re?pTent excel all known remedial airents in the 'nr nf Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases : but it is the;onlv Obsltive enrn. for Kidney and Bladder Urinary, and Womb dieeases, Gravel, Diabetr' mij;6j, ,iuupagcw ivwmer, incontinence ol Uriue, Wright's: Disease, . Albuminuria, and in ? all cases wbere there are brick-du&t or the water is thick, cloud r. rnlvfrl with cuVi- stance like -the white ot an etrtr. or thmjifU hi-p white silk orTLhere- is a mofoid. appearance, and white benc-dust deposits, and wrhen there, is, .-pricking , burning sensation when pasBltig water, and.paia in he Smii-Af the Back aind alor. j the Loins, f l '. ,Sfe H" . m tii. -wwr ' PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS' perfectly tastek&s, elegantly - coated with sweet gum,, purge regulate, purify, cleanse, aid sirengtnen. i.aa j aj 's. fills, .lor the cure of all disorders of the Stomach ' Livfcr. Bowels neyi; Bladder, Nertohs - Diseases.- Headache. Uontiptlon; 4 CostivenbSsjrindigestlon, Dys ceosia., Biliousness. Bilions Fwr Tr.fi. to ; tion 5ot the Bowels Piles, and all derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a no mercury; minerals, or deleterous drutrs vuserve jinionowiBg symptoms result ing from Disorders of tho Digestive Organs : Constipation. Inward Pi 1p T?11ti nac eftyr. Blood m 'the 'Head. Acidity of the atomnrh NausfeaHeartburuDisgustof Food.Fullriess. or Weight,in the: Stomach, Sour Eructations.! JBinkiag a? Flattering at the Pit oithe Stomaca. Alew aose8 Qi RaOWAY'S FILLS -will free the system from all tbe above named disorders. rriee cents per Box;' Sold by Drnggists.2 READ ' ' F ALS E A TRUE." Send TEE letter-stamp to RAD WAY & CO., No, 87 Maid en Lane, New York. Informations worth thou sands will be sent you. june w ' .;: - 120-ly rpHE AMERICAN PRINTEH.--A MANUAL X : of Typography, coutaiaiDg complete in structions lor .hesinners,. as well , as practical airections ior managing all dQiiartments of a printinpf office.1 With eeYeral -usefttl Tablps and SehenieS' fCft Imposing Forma In eery yariety. Hints. Ho u Authors ; and l?uhlishers, &c Bv Thomas McKcllar. S&pp. i2mo. Price, L50. By.nrail, ?L.70.; . ' . , (, what is said OF it.' rV Most successful, of fhehooka of tills tlass ;Known to-me'r totresponclcut; pf Utc Archiofor v Anv inrelHo-ent npnnn wilt Af ,, ' a sertlceat)le -CQmpanion.n--JirtM-ni2 0)cte, Chicagousiiiu? 'tittit;; r. 7 ?-, , -.jo t The result of intcjligaut, research and con riderahlc personal perierice; Tlic. NalioHt A neat volume, , beautifully -nrinted." Tkft msticompletcmork on thr subject." Daily Free Press, Atchison, Kansas. u It 1 fully nr to the present reauircmcnts ot tne t crai weXtau $ uianon and ttaidardr J acK AOD.'MiBS-,!. . ..i ...... i A - - mm, t . -w - . . toricai ana illustrative. Evcnlivt "ter, : K ew ? -iThe v appearance of. the book 'li worthy of the pnljlishers; as -Masters of thef Typographical .JVFW&rpr-t'.;,. .."t4 :,v i t,A,u. t'-li emribdies informal inri that "has not hitherto enaccesilbltt iii a' conVcnlclit1 foTrh.a27i Philadelphia. ' fJUhjixnt''"-' .. vxaiBsaiB voiirma of rare? interest, not oniy tQ printeTS.vhlit tol literary persona generally.'- . a, ins v 0111 uur, tue euuijjusiuuu ui u j)i-i"w tirfnter 'andJb6etW a complete manual ot the Printer's AxUTt&I&W.oriej Philadelphia.' ; Kiin lanpn ann-iir c ram nix . , MACKELlulILfiMITHS t JORDAN. 4 wim'wm'mffiL. ' Iff yf'yri .'Vttifii ifi j v'i i f ;w' - VMsm HARD'BmCK8 FOR 8ALE. U ,Odere)fJroptScd in the1 Post Office will be 'prftmptlyjattende& to. n?s? 1 ' ' I FI H 5 ft trna ntmmiOTinVI.'VANAMlUnUlli a " " " v M. VT CulV ' mitli.. I tih it once.' J If 71 I 5 r4f0-3m 'Wis'- fir I 4 . V f-5 r 1 tUl 1 nsut, anu ior uiu ica. ! m . "