V, ' -H A t.r.:..:'U it. b'.Vf ZL:stumhm5n?ii err if w MS? ' r i, i'.ti'ir t : - j : . f f ' ;.-! f : .-" t vSri . v . ! 4 ;'' ,.i'f?.--.'i u : sv ... - T , i. i. .-.. vi--- v NO. 181 .X f . 1 i ' ; Ilepublican State Conrentioii- , In accordance with a resolation, of -toe Staie Executive 'Committee of the Union Repuhiican party of North Carolina, adopt- ed by s iid Committee, a State ConTentlon of the Republican partyf Uxis Bute, called day; thjs 17th day of April hext.-i; . According: to the plan of' organization of the party; each county will be entitled' to as many votes in the ConVention ai i'f; fiat racmbefs-'in the House of ReprestntaBres' of ihe General AR?mblyr i .rms : S.F. PHILLIPS: Chairman. i9 J. C. L. Habkis, Secretary? ! ;S1 ,?Wi ; A Request. v ' I The uaderaigned , reiueats that a list f tfiey1 baTerbrdugbt dwin Drood 16 life the delegates appointed to. ibev State Con- igainwhich we consider sV'grei improTe vention, be forwarded td him at the earliest ment iibr a. possible moment. It will facilitate Iptul- noreT mast rose'much -of -Its5 interest -with ,ne83 very much; 1 A list of ne County ExJ thf deatnof its cbief character. ! For safe ccutive Committees appointed bj the Cpun- at Heinibyrr's Live' Book Btore. --J -ty Conventions sholild brwardek'iisW dl in" r Republicans will please take notice of oor 3 'IkildKiifs'Mtnthhj (edited and published, request and act accordingly. by' Baldwin : the Clothier).; H one of ; the Republican papers will please copy and rdfejt ? and elcome'vbi tors to our sanc- keep this notice standing until the 17th day of April. ;t;.;ii iu -.t- V ' J. C. L. Harris, - ; " Sec. R-p. State Ex: Com. J RiU-igh, N.C., March 1, 1872.' "' ' Frnjik Hsrsdcn was arrested yesterday for disorderly conduct. s 1 j ; ; TheSiato election, in . New Hampshire, takes place next Monday the 11th. Expenses of the county) of New Hanover, 1 for rhe last, five month's,- has ! enlvbee $16:005.4G. . - ' - A; BhII; has sold cut his interest in; the Gaston House "at New-Bern ef an d nas muvcel to,IIiliK)"ro. . "l"t V j ' ,. T- , ' v LiNCLys llNAUGURatioH.-Las;rMon. u,y, a, wn , uc. uujc.aa. T v VTU C )ln f inaugurauon in aoui. Constable WilHmi was sent, ta jail tyt Josticf Piivaw for not working on the roads. We understand ' Vestlgnited. : .'that the matter will be in- WcVhavo a letter from a leading Republi can in Beaufort, which gives ua the cheer- ing intelligence that Carteret will go large- ly llepubiicau tbia fall. . ; To Fair Play. We will publish the cpramuiiication of "Fair Play," recommend ing J. W Schenck, jr., for re-election as Sheriff iu Sunday's isfeue. County REruBLiCAN ConvENTiaNS. At Clinton Sacupson county, the 9th mst., and Carteret Co. the 19ih, to appoint delegates ,.'h,o Rtafp onri nitriri (Tonvp.ntions. r H' HIV UK V W 1 ' ' 1 Mission to Peru. Our Washington ex- . .i fK5a mtt.i .-, chants .state that this mission, vacant through the resignaiion of the ; Hon. Thpr. Settle, has been tendered to Gov. Holden. t' " . I cer Hill for assault and battery, and carried before Justice McLaurin and fined $10 end '-cost. Her t died to pay and was sent to jail. . HPsnsoxAL. -We return our thanks M- Iff " l. . ,.V. : ' ! "C,. t,.r U t , Esq., tor the Report ot tot . ;ti . Us ;nfA ii. Committee, to inquireinto, the of the Penitentiary." , It is a . it.- Joint Select Commi manageuieut rare documerit. . , ouuinniwv m ujuj.- u ... mnp.h nlcasure, on our exchange list, this new monthly paper, published at Hampton , Virginia. It is as its name denotes, de voted to the interests of the workirigmen. Stock redeemea at me weenanics nuna- ing-uud Loan Assbciation, March 6th: 8 shares at S121; 6 at $120: 3 atf$U9: l st -. . i.;... a t csyv-aciv..' w i' - . a T7iii rro x ivi . 1. 1 irri Mini n. Mains MrjNicfpAL Elections. Port .-Port- LAND. MARCH tn. Us .nre wu. wco j . - -: . i lit-Ul iu Muine; tt-dayi Portland te elects its Rt publicau 'May. r. -s Lewistdu clecU nonniiiinan bv 528 maioritv. The demo- r -rf " - cratic candidate last year had 58 major The towns" heard ; from show little from last year. f James S. -Topham & Co., No. 8 South Front st reef; Wilmington, Ni C, are manu fact urera of every description ot Traveling"' B gs," Saddlery" and Harness. . ... J Itanrl ' nnvarnmunt large swca oi. bw . - u.;Rr - team-end: ambulance arnesa brid oh price for pasu.t r : f A t . is r i-t nits of the Wi-1 r nonBfected lireiv incorrect.- is not connected with the Nation JUtpuou ot connecieu wuu iue x,cvf. aud Wnotbn.. ing Bohemian, just whathe was wheneua- Ufydb vor Abbott first plcktd him up. Main street, corner of 'En?ntht Riobtnend. Ya4 sre anfcboirized mgenU of ihis paper. r TV BPetWQti 6 Brothers, Philadelplna, haT jait completed their superb tdition ot cKarleBi vickk Works: W n.suin the Aip iasc-auzso8K peculiar wprapi bcuod. beea-.i smttealiy cto oi hijiliitlraaU frieddt; xn baVe tafrTd htrthetptoti from remarks 5 and Memoranda TpigiiHyiBSow be intended towork Wahis estgniRre only change' which" the aathofs baye made (according to rm Tetter ' We hare scry' irm his son) from Dickens7 orjginal plants that inm.,: zuiiuiu -iOi u:jsu -tj sJ iiveoo -1 The-March number coma's tov us with in teresti ng origi oal : ton t n buti o ns from several authors . ot-nbte. Tbe- editorial columns bristle with - sharp, pointed paragraphs re lating to trad, '' which are in "marked con trast to the back he red sty lei ot introducing a business to Hie public; : - :i : .'-" .v The ; attic4e-which appears in the !i first place among the otlginat f contribution's, is by Laura 0. Holloway, arid is written in tn authdr?s besein.n entltUd, Memories jesWaV4 si ! JsiThe clcti6ns tfdm dthe joum$ltincc rpairis4ikingseld0hi teeri injUiejllonthliM oi the PresautvJay? hamA td ks-v'-'r Bildwin'tf latlM'UfgcIt rtiytnoi ing'busitess in -the "tlnitikl' jsiafea. His at kniount to vertwelva huri- red thoustiid doilars onoall. 1 tueCloirdtrp corner "Canal and BTaadway, Ne YoM will place any name ou his list tnd send tb Monthly free; if the -address it lent to film.' Each number will be m- bl fitned with an original ' eagratiug ; ' flsysr'i Report. i ' Mayor's Office, V ClTT OF WtLMUJGTOJf, C, Jtnusry.llth, 1873. Xp,t.BdAernXz- j year, chargeable to this ' aqedunt is $45,- I ah St i ia rpmarlrhl f Titn th M.nnnni u,i gomctixnes persons owning .bonds present themafter. the ; larj(se of s years.. In more than i on fustanqe Ifie copeos for five to ten - , . i- - - . .- . - ' . 1 years nave ueen presented xor collection, while rarely overtwatniras ot ine interest is collected within: three months ot ttie time fuyjedfor;tbe payment. 1 The interest on the' city debt has been met; wheB due, with promptness; generally several davs in advance. r:S:,. ""J : Bonds pastilusriot presented.;.;.. $ -6,000 00: W'M ' T.? 44.700 00 Wilmington,' Cbarl otte and rJRutherf s . . r - - . Udt .ftff:? 40,000 00 Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruther- u ford Rail Road Bonds, February t - tg v ....f.Vlr.-.t::' ;15,000 00 in payment of debts, Jan; 1st, 1870, 14,200 00; ;T" ;si:j'i:i'. i't :ta JPi ,ii"1380, :i 33,000 00- nrn..itAii PhirlMLA nd Kntber.; f It ford Rail ioad,Feb.lst.18S0,,... 50,000 00 f yanding uonas, a per cent., quo July 11882, e0,400 00 'i-'iji.ki'i-ttitl tUTli'14.000 00 Julv. 1.1887, 140,800 00 r July 1 1888, V July 1,1889, 23,600 UO 500 00 ! Total Bonded Debt k -Al ' 1 A OQf) ftft I BOrrowe oi inaiTiuuw.,.. ........ . Due Banks;.. i. SgOOO 00 ...... v Total DeM, .m::;:.,;,V::V $545,003 19 1t I," "Rir frrnt Act ,nrV Gi.nf ral Assemblv I AA - - 1 . - .u- - r nnnnA' fJ. "itlilWrnnM vu iub rUuu.v. !vv, : r-r-. P-I5f IHn the ? prompt . , " r-'i-.'ri.K wwilminnn! ; I UW S the library- ""ut dollari in ifix pentoWilBtereaiteear r i ivuk wu . vrTT. u r. l ; .fi j j . .T --kT Luw1aVl ,.3Jqei U9uli "aWaJwmt I also 10 excnaD2e.Buv,,,r' rf v u KV'Mi r"jior"TiT r',:- r-v r J .. . . , . -1 . . - a sale ot about. VI krfVur!: . mfltmr Hurt-lDale I sheeting, .3 do I oi-tne presen' annfjiug udwhuw - v. r-- T.7-: . .. - :w r.rr." I hhutnrnt. 124 do rosin, issao tar. i . i .k....i hih . fn rf wnn hail ruieireu, iiiui:Miwwn-itr..,".'-.T ' n nvn -- itv. I. - f . ; , i mittte of its own body, oi wtiicn.; riweras 1 man: B Beaty, Btowju, - - i m h r.firnn lor. anu wio-'proocui. w . : . ;..'...,:- i;t --neaer s iiove. n js tiicrs, . s s r - - - - - . ia . ti" si rr w icnnniin tsbh i us piiiiir. i l it ja, of mmpst wpxyii?u- " ' t ' ; il i H cred t that thelaw be compuea wuu, uu anu.-(jj:.p-;-. ;' , ' , ecMkarridnriuff tue oonwja - ,Mtro:nr na wfcivfrl wis, .w-: ityoternmuiV In orderthafthis may be. . done uudf rstandingty X tubmit the t ol Uwing estimate of the amount required, viz: droHnary3intes, 'li ........ V;".. $84,000 Extraordinary Expenses. ............ . . ia,000 Interest,....,..., ! 45,000 Expense........ Sinking Fund, ., $145,000 10,00f j I Total required,...;...'........... $155,600 This amount may ba realized by a tax of ( 1 cents ' upon the dollar, of valuatiou of Veal arid personal property, and an increase :of'ft-oni 50 fa 100 per centum on thtLicerise tsX. J$s a' new 4aluati6nf citf a?d ?eal estate; rwe may expect considerable -add tiou. ta-the present amount which reaches about $3,510,006. I am quitel sure the total value of real and personal property will 'not fall mucb short of $3,009,000.' - s U )l HiThe ptpperty :belonging,to the A cityi cor poration, is as folio wt : ; - 4 j Gty Hail and Theatre, value,, . ..$ 75,000 Lot N. W. corner ot Fourth and Dock . t streets, with Bnine House and Hook . and Ladder House, 9,000 Lot 8. W. corner Princess and Fourth , j streets with Eneine Houae, . . ; . . JL f .7.000 Lot and Engine House on Ann. street," ,1 Eastof Front street,. .....1 "1,500 Engine, Horses, Hose, and other mate- h - -. i rial............ 5,000 tl Cisterns, . ,V. .... . . 2,000 8 M ules and Carts, ............ ....... . ; . 1,500 Horse and Buggf, 200 Pauper Cemetery, . . . . . . . ;'. ...... ...... . .. 400 , Total,.. -mm During the year, just passed there has been ' erected within - the corporate limits i one hundred and ninety-eight buildings of difi'erent jlesbriptions, . which are enumerat ed , aa follows : Dwellings 170, ; Stores 9, Ware-houses -4, Kitchens 13. The1 number repaired amounts to 33. Total value,' $370,000. i - ''s AH the improtements show that our city i progressing that prosperity, has again begun to, How towards us. Our merchants rind traders have been peculiarly benefitted by the increased demand, and large prices paid for our speci al product, naval stores. JYe have, the well deserved name of ; the greajt !QAvil store market, a specialty which gives us Tat all times a large trade with the whole world. That, with the increasing demand, our trade will still more increase, there can rbe no doubt ; I beg to call the particular attention of all our citizens to the great importance of the improvement of the mouth of the Cape Far River, and the river itself, new being worked upon by the Government of the United States, . and for which two appro priations have bn made So tar the work has been eminently successful. I feel that much, it not everything, connected With the future prosperity of aurf.city de pends upon the successful completion of the work. I have lost no opportunity to speak and write, and by every other means urge forward and cheer on the able officers in charge. I cannot forbear in this place to accord great credit to the Chamber of Commerce of our city for their efforts, and most particularly do I desire to express the thanks of the city officials to Henry Nutt, Esa, the able Chairman ot the Special Committee appointed by the Chamber, of Commerce, for his valuable services, and the f arnest and unflagging zeal with which he In 8 worked in behalf of the welfare of the city in this matter. I TO BE COHTISUBD.l To the Editor Post: I see that there has been a great many men recommended to the Republican Can- vention that convenes in Raleigh in April next tor Governor an(f State officers. " 1 Trli;:; wI. . place the name'of Hon. O. W. Price, J-, ' the convention for the nomination a. Lt. Governor of North Carolina! , Mr. I i . ' ' - . Price has represented .ew ilanover tue last four years, (two in the House and two in the Senate) with honor and dignity. CON8I8TEKCT. River and Bar Improvements. Wilmington, N. C, March 1, 1872. To the President and Members of the 'Oham- . ur . of Commerce: . " r - Gents: The Committee appointed by rn.u Chamber to visit Washington. City, in 'I. - - t t ! i ti i a l k . . . i u'aaw k icup a n n r . m r iifir r . . . ixr t r r - - Pre8;deut and Henrv Nutt. member of r . nh,mfc.? with thP Hon. .Silas. Martin, Mayor of the city, and George g. 1 French. .EtH mim cik t? hwiukw Vm a ra ooh t p,bruarv last. We ; were ...met and v-. - no.tti: a ; M Tn dbr lor r.harffe'To wl iibatitletermined,iif.possibl ttpod i the- amount ot ffeoeraiA apprppnsh itibe- to the committee, toen inr aesaion, djaij:. ldlupoo which there was an increased Pdematffrfoi similar works Jn oUfer setUqris these circhmstancea - . i fliCnAt fkl i instified in allowing 6 t.-wuoi i j.ne coioiuincc bcmucu .m vauuui uiuu t true situation, ana appearea reany aesirous with out demand, while lne?Ubf towaaca of a greater sum than .was first de termined upon., ?, , tr : , oxi&i'yasz iThey pledgtd ihc 4?8urance, honeVtrot doing the' best they could for crand lo in creatc tho amnunMf possible. f : f ' '4 We here . take occasion r to acknowledge the active, interest taken in this matter by. ur reprcscniauve) ir aaaen,.as aiso py our former Senator, Qen. Abbott, and ether gentlemea'f roia Wmingtep, who' happened to.bt inasiingto'f;.",;:::' r? The etueoilh. :CroUnt dalcgatior n Congrs v expressed and 1 teemed . to feel a eleep interest In th success of ;our ; work, as ls9i,iriy,inem1bera iHjOtnerjfitatfiSbose acquaioiance we maae. I ftbthlogJ but e ucouraging greeti ug?t tand4 uxai j expressions met . us irom mem pers 01 , every secuoq pi toe country.. We theretore feel f greatly; encoaraged, that, our y hit ,waa not.ipTain aqd th'at the very beit will be dope lor ; us, that; the . circumstances of the case wiUV permit. 7 , Uv3" j . ;. . T : . . ' '.-' " I " ,' ; . Repeetiullyr ""';,', . , ,ir". hi ft -vna; -rsii jH. Nuxr. Ch'mu. f f. WILMINGTON MARKET. , y ,-:!: j'i' j MONDAY, March 4 Corroat. No sales. Jtosnr. Sales of 150 .bblsi at. $6.00 for Low Pale. H.p 1 ' . - Sriaris ; TuBPXKranj. No transactions re ported.'' f -'Jf w ' Crude TusrESTiKK. 8al of 150 bbls at $4i25 for1 Hard1 and 6.25 for Yellow Dip and pTiaV ies :bf 265' bbls at $2.65 1$ bbl arid 409 bbls at $2.80 in order. ,,Cottom. ;No sales. ; , EoaiN. Sales of 500 bbls Straisod P. N. T. Sriarrs TuarasTiKB. No transactions re- pprted. . Caunx TcosPJSNTiHS. No transactions re ported. , ',.,,' . ;.L , : (i, . ,Tar. 8ales of 843 bbls at $3.65 bbl. :e i?- Ws-- im WEDNESDAY, March 6. i.SriaiTS Trarxs tike. No Bales reported. t , r Rosia. galea of 520 bbls at $4,00 for Strained and; $7.00 for ' Pale. H Market quiet and has de clined 20 cents for Strained.. : Crudb Ttjrpsktihk. Sales of CO'ublBsat $4.00 for Hard and 1 $$.00 tor Yellow Dip and Virgin. Market quiet and has declined 25 cents. Tar. Sales of 124 bbls at $2.65 bbl. Cottow. No sales reported. 31 A BI WIS ; .'ARRIVED. -Steamship Pioneer, Wakelev Philadelphia, Wortk & Worth ' Stcaraahip Bolivar, Evans, Baltimore, A D Cazaux i Schr W Wiles, May, New York, Williams & Mnrcbinson. Schr Ben, Davis, New York, Williams & Mur chison. Brig AlteTela, Cousins, St. John's, Porto Rico. E Kidder A Son. - Schr vChas 8awyer, McFarlaud, New York, master. . . , . : . , Schr Chas R Hillyer, Proctor, Aquien, Hayti, master, with logwood. ' Schr Agile, Roberts, New-Berne, Northrop & uommioi. . , -m SchrJ TMcFarland, Baker, New York, mas ter. J . s , ' Stmr A P Hurt. :8kiti r, r ayetteTiuo, Worth & Worth. . , 8tmr Cumberland, Phillips, FayeneYille, L H DeRosseL 8tmr Juniper, Thornton, Fayetteville, Worth, s worm. Schr J B Wheeler. Corson. Wilmington, Del., Vick A Mebane. mu wlth SS3 DnBhel8 peanuts. 3 bales cotton Steamship Regulator, Freeman, New York, 11 xrrj oruu. - . T Li .Sttar Murchlsou,.Garrison, Fayetteville, WU. liamaA. Murchison, . M8cb f&J??! EdwaiS? a 1 ii a . r tt. . 11 T J , J iocu n.onan, uwk,-a unw, wiww u.- &Hall. with 160 bhls roBin. 60 bushels peanuts i 8chr Martha Davis, Hill. New River, Edwards & Hall, with 125 bblB,,roein. 1 bale Cotton, 400 bushels peanuts. ;'P';" h L.!tu CLEARED. . ' :Br Brag Carrie E Pickering, Torry, Humacao, 3t (Ml VU. rSchr Ddnua Anna, i , Havana, Worth & Worth..: 7 n i- t Stmr A P Hurt, Skinner, Fayetteville, Worth A Worth I Stmr Cumberland, Phillips, FayetteTllIc, L H DeRosset jStmr Juniper, Smith, Jfayatevme, worth imrir rorth. I WonL I " ' OCnr X viaxr ui Schr F 8U Clair Edwards, Ireland, Philadel- f-8chrThosfl Smith. Bacon. New York, Harris 1 fs HeweUJivf ' ft'Tf ",(ll6,'u " i - gtmr Mm-chisoni uarnson, irayctteviue, u- ' Schr PalmaHankin,' NeW York, Barry Bros Ja?8chr Emhia,DEnuUcottEndlcott, Havana, ftBarker cotton, 20 Worth & A Alder stmr J nnioer 17 bbia turpi. ivsln, -Worth AWorciu i Blocker & Love,. J Bunting, A Alderman, u. aiaoiuDg. : - jm o rnmArland 527 bbta . roaln. .11 do CLOOO shingles,' F Wercaner,1 Blocker & Love, Bprunt & 030,' WWard Bros, L tl ueKossei, ( tmr MnrchiMHi4-3 bbls bdU. 245 do rosta, fil do tar, 4 bflea sheeting, ,WlUiamajifc Murchir stmr North State 529 bbls rosm. 7 CO spts, OFS An tar. WlBardroar-W-Kerehner, Blos mtmt & Krans. uiocaer s iiove. a Aiaerman, o E BuutiuV,X3ha Sotftherlana.' ' re - ; - MA ft fifWfflfMlV " t PmiDXLFHiA- Schr F , St Clair E4wards.r- NrwYoax -Schr Thos G 5fimith.7,100 nines bolts, 2,400 bbls rosm. . - 2,513 bbls rOin, 449 bales cotton. ; waw-jjioaa- Bcnr raxma, t.tllO do rokin. r t -.-H??' v - j h FOREIGNf ' f -HivAirA.-chr: Donna Anna.-101;K ! lumber, lQbbls tar, 10 do tcb,,r l WJ, eeiiswereu.. lZ.r:m - "humacao: Br BrIgdlKKckerins.-TlC9,6o7 i to .5 . JAM JSSI: :Jtz they Endicotir - The Great flair ' Prodaeer-Halr 'Oils. Pomatums and Pomades nave bad their day. Tbey- belong totn musty past, noooay uat understands the chemistrv of the hair and the Ihilo&opny ot ,its growth thinks of uslag them, ostead oX clogging the pores of the scalp with thick ongucnto, and thus obstructing the im senstble -i perspiration t which is essential to the health of the fibers, wa now tone the surface of the c head u witbj an -Invigorating i applicaUen which; penetrates to. the roots of the ksir sad stimulates them in the saraaway that the f er tntfntr atnnt unrrsC Tf th meidows Stlan- late the enus rooU and cause the blades to spring up in mynaas coaung xns carta witn verdures Ths, invlzorant..beat - adapted to tkls purpose is Ltos's XATHAaioir; 7 It may well be called the tertiltaer of the tread. To the barren acalpltCommunleaTes vegetative wrwerVc-lftha nair ls ai witberedi or bliffht. glossy flexible under Its genial operation; and as a" dressing It is unapproached y any preparation that has" yet been laid: cm the teilet of Fashion.- ' ': . - -M i ' ,.-v.X If you desire rosy cheeki and a complexiom Mr and free from Pimples and Blotches, jrarify your Wood: by thc.ueo of LDrfc Pierce's Golden Medieal, Discovery, j It has no oqual tor this porposel",' :." - r' " . ' ::' w ' '; SPECIAL. EVERY ONE HIS OWN, DOCTOR Being a private instructor for married persons, or those about to be married.- both male and female, in everything' concerning the a physiology and re lations of our sexual aystem, and the produc tion and prevention uyf offspring, including all the new discoveries' never ' before iven in the English language," by WM.- YOUNG, 2 U D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain language for the general reader, and is illustrated; witn numerous fin graTings. All young married people, or those contemplating marriage,' sud having the least impediment to married i life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that every oae ehould be acquainted with ; still it is a book that must be locked , up and not ;iet ne aDout the house. It will be sent to any address on receipt of 90 cents. Address Dr. WM. TOUNGi No. 415 Spruce street, above tourtn, rmiaact- phia. -"j ,.: ;j BgAFFLlCrED AND UNFORTUNATE No matter what may be your disease, before you place yourself under the care of any one of the QUACKS native and forehrn who advev Use in this or any other paper get a copy of Dr. Young's Rook ana reatt it carciuuy. .is wui be the means of saving you many a dollar,' your health, and possibly your life.' Dr. Touag can be consulted on any of the diseases describee1 in his publications by mail or at his office. No 146 Spruce street, above Fourth, r&uaaeipma nov 23 " : .. :' ' y 151-Cm ;; CIT0S! The. new City Bonds ; are receiTefi and now offered for sale. Price 821-9 In Un- . . ' ' .. I , '. ... ' Prlncipul and Interest payable 1H KKJlJJ tl Wilmington or New York, at the option of the purchaser. ' 20 YEARS TO RUN. ! INTEREST 8 PER CENT. Interest payable in July1 and January IN GOLD. ' "J ..!. t , f An investment for twenty' years payitg TEN PER CENT, per annam. , ... . . - T. C. 8ERVO8S, Treasurer. march 3 - - ::' r ISO-lw HPHE WORKS OF ALL KNOWN AUTHORS, HtNi A ' ' - - : . " upon all subjects, are to be found at . , THE LIVE BOOK STORE. PEOPLE'S EDITION CHARLES DICKEN'S "e- IZ" WORK8 COMPLETE. JOHN J ASPa SECRET, sequel to "EDWIN DROOD,M With eighteen illustratea agraviBgf For sale at ! HEINSBERGEs's Live Book 8te 181 mar 7 TliOBE F1HE OILtt I1AT0 HAVE ARRIVED. CALL AND GET THE BBOADWAY, STYLE ' AT THE (- City Clothing tore . OF j mar 7 -f r- 1 , .181-; U. S. INTEiiriAL nEVEUUB A&s't A.soa!s Ornca, 2? Dry 8nDT.t o , . Wilton, NC March 5th, 18W. Lv counties ,01? new xiuw u.n. Bladen, Columbus andobeson. subject to In - nndnr the Revenue laws of the United States, and toT all persons desiring to carryon TTsto.i RfotPa have imoosed a Special Tax, that thA timfe for making applications for license, or l ..tn, n( wnmo haarriTd. and that all par- Ur -.-rti noUS. 'w'lUl Uie- rel1llre- ; i rneniB oi iaw ud w uciwyo iv, wm oe tar, 1 nrosecntad. ns- yi '- ': j All applications or returns to be made either meriting or personally tpme. , , rt - i . " THOS. M. SMITH, 1 f n h b -Office No. 10 8. Front streets : 2jmar Tn.-ivu tiai 10 j 131-St ESCAPED OR OTOtECI - ROM THE CAGE .ON WEDNESDAY, ropping out or dccobubk ry t ioa tt arrests .the process of, dilapidation The hslr thickens and becomes JD inaL a mala.: Canary Bird i: has crown on I i;, t.v .t:, " fead? tnberalreward?will bejiaid lor ..dij-: I Sr5lSt?? the Road 2'dd liven of the bird at ournMoace," or to i,3 ;-. i'V A J. TOP?: m-it 1 Booms Umok Rxtumjcau Kx. Con., I ,5 WxiJaoTOs, N.,MaT Ju- j ; THE MEMBERS , OUMHiS U1U RSr uO- I U . Ba llcan. Executive Committee ot New Hanover H . I TVpmtiTO X7omraiitee be present, aa matters feet counted; witoHhe tote Xwnnon;wlll;be Ch'm Union Sep. Ex. Com.'' 1 Joa. C. H aetretsrr. m-td t ... Hex Advertisement If. "WItyi inerton :-t:G: ALL APPLICATIONS rbr ENGAGEMENTS 2 : should be addressed to' ' 1C J. PEN KY PACKER, .....; . . , Leesee. " . ' lS0-2t mt'r 3 ' For Iwo Eveninra. : " ' ; - WiT. HORACE LINOAnD, , ALICE DUNNING (Lingard,) and laeir superb Comedy and Operetta CompanV IS in number, in - - TWO MAGNIFICENT PERFORMANCES ".': , Incidental to the entertainment, ":j '' '' ' ' ' ' The famous : -"; .':'. LINGARD SKETCHES L Including the late l-. - '.:.; ; : . ROBERT E. I,EE .; Entire change ot bill each evening : , i i Admission, 75 and 50 cents. Colored gallery, 25 cents. Reserved seats $1.09 each, on sale at uemsDergers iook qiore. mar H i l80-2t MAYOR'S OFFICE, ? CITY OF WILMINGTON.' March 6tb, 1572. IN ACCORDANCE WITH A RESOLUTION Of the Board of Aldermen at their regular monthly meeting In Tebruary last, I have ap pointed on the part of the City, Joseph ;E, Samp son ana oepn u carlo vr to list the taxes for the qity of Wilmington, for the yaar 1S72. The? Will attend at the City Hall tor th purpoac of receiving tax lists every working day from Mon day, April 1st, until Tuesday, the 30th day of said month inclusive, between the hours of 8:oO A. M.. sad 4:80 P. M., and at least two erecings iu each week, to be fixed hereafter, between the hours of 7:S0 and 9 o'clock P. M. All persons failing to list within the dates mentioned, will be liable to docblx Tax. 1 81LA8 N MARTIN, Mayor. .mar 7 181-law-0w WANTED. pOB WILMINGTON AND VICINITY, AN Experienced Life Insurance Agent. For par ticulars, address SUP'T OF AGENCIES, , Box 6705 New York. mar 4 181-tf DQOKE. JUST ARRIVED from KENTUCKY and for sale 75 head Of No. 1 Large Droit Aftite,- from 10 to 13 haufla high and 4 to 6 years old. Suitable for T lUrpeuuue and Timber business. 80UTHEKLAND & STEGALL. mar? , 181 -3t TQT OUR OIL BLACKIHQ. THE CE8T YOU CAN USE TO PRE SERVE LEATHER, NEATLY PUT UP IN GLASS JARS. DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of the Big Boot. 181 mar 7 W5I. .HcLAlJRIlV, J HAVE MOVED MY PLACE OF BUSINESS to the corner of Eighth and Cattle streets. My friends will please take notice. 7 181-tf COCO A and Straw Mattings, various qualities and widths, , For sale by J. S. WILLIAMS. - mar 7 181 J3 EADY-MADE SHIRfS, Constantly on hand Alai J.S.WILLIAMS. mar 7 I8l BAT RUM, Cologne, Lubins, Perfumery, Powder, Fancy Sosps, at prices that urili aery competition . For sale by ; mar 7 ' f. S. WILLIAMS. 181 TTMBRELLA8 AND PARASOLS, VJ For &1 bv .1 N WIMTiiii ' -iai . TMSH JEN. ln. KT. T7r AJ5?' fr M y ! J- WILLI A M8. : 181 iai- A At-m .V A 1 For sale by J. S. -villi AM8.' mar 7 131 IL CLOTHS, lor TABLES and KUk V For sale by J. S. WILLIAM 1 , 131 mar 7 I10TICE. THE UNDERSIGNED. HAVING BEEN AP , .fiJ tnc Mi Alfr8l L. Price in his aao Deinginerein du authond AX! 1 SSni & ) ducted by his testator, atineKS1?!: side of Market street. ioaadMVTW' l mABrvsi 1 1 vtzlh V?1, I Executor. f A iL.- , ' " f- ,-v- -181-,,, lord iiatirflaa v ;. Wnsaaotox, 'N. -C., Feb. 27thwlS72. XACOCEDS ANT ED eth CTWOHUNpREDJ good, handi are irT., j7r TTtV il. Liberal rstea wUl be paid, and payments made each week if uesired. ' tt0VarLCr: Si&iFH I TrxsPOrteuSn Pt AUen, Master of Transportation. Reliable colored men.' with families, can find pens an cut , homes on each Section where - h houses will be provided and fair compensation xor ineir services naa tor any term ot rcara. 1 i&:-y , 8. L. FREMONT. , , Enffluesr and Superintendent. i. :. "v.:.;".;..,,. . . . ; ;' , ' ; j .-.V-i- . ' y- t p "' '"'. ,: ; r : i;- "fur :" " -V-1 ..' ' ';! , " ;.' . f.Y-.'