Wfmmmimm'm'mm''11 ' " the Wilmington post. How, can 3LteU,T y t While thou art riear'nitv1 '! ,: Weaving thy spell t' i; Never was May-time r 6 flowery and sweet, Never was June so with Music coiapl jte, Never did summer so linger and atay Am now on Abb Mewed Saint vajenunjay. Once was it summer J-? ft r4 , - A fTnr onnld I'teU f As V it h ., H While thou were absent, ' : - , eWCet Clarlbel ? Never was autumn bo withered aDd sere, . Never was winter so cruel and drear, 4, A ' Never was niirht time so gloomy and gray, Aht mornlnfirin June wnBu uijuuiwuiw I . - . - mi , ,. '..v away.' ' . .,:v. m' May come and go ; ' " Snow drifts ma j deepen . . ? ' :Ana rosea may ft1"1' Hirers mar sob in their prison of ice j 3T f Broeklets with sparkle and Bong may .entice j Daisies may spangle the field as thef 1 Or the heart of the yew mayjbe sileut and chill ; I .'. My winter for evef is drlveulaway, , . .;'; ? And Bummer it Uyon this Valentine's dav t V . I , . x , . , j 'L . their i-ubiects, ana it is in this predilection o has nineteen huodred and e gb- gitr wnf the 8olutlon fff the prob, ialooLSrcportedpohce. em as tt, th, ultimate dispo8ition of the XT C. WactllirotkvinfleriHlcPTif ikt'.a mnfola This nhanrhtinn hv the , Splinters Both of Tales lit?rary societies aT9 d.eaa. Age 100 years;: :J f lt ltltmU if c The Wisconsin Lenislature, it i3 claimed,' ii incorruptible ! Chicag t j-f fren. salo Ooldsboro. N. C. h'astb fee-undertaker and twenty one, doctors, 4 yet o one has died since November.0 .v;r"itli 1 Fifty women are confiaed in the Louis ville workhouse, having been convicted ol being common scolds. tA- -:vA Missouri youth and a lortaae ol $120, 000 have parted company in less than four years at the gamicg table. - ; ; , It is said that there are more good people than bad in the world; but the bad get the upper hand merely because they are bolder. The editor of the Mid lietown.jaiZ Dfifors to "vaccinate, free ; orchr-,ftlalpr'!p-paying subscribers to uipapeTor furty days.'v " . . 1 Merely sketching Atwri id 'ortificat.iD brings twelve monlls, utijjii.Himent o m unhappy Russian, wa w cugU t i and regarded as a py. tji A German Where the Hold (ices. In the reign of Darius gold was thirteen times more valuable, weight lor weight, jftliUlume.. ot;K flato awKTf as Wentv Times moreV valuable. la that oi Julius cyr coldf sts only pine times more valuable, owidi ertiapto the enormous quantitiiR f gold; seized r by im-in his wars. It is a ajafural ? question to- ask what became of the gold and silver t A paper read before the Polytechnic Associa ti)n by Mr. Stephens, recently, is calculated to meet this inquiry. He says of our annual gold product, tally nfteen percent i melted down for mannfacture ; thirty per cent, goes to Europe ; twenty-five rjer c cent, to Cuba ; fifteen per cent, to Brazil -- five per cent, direct to Japao, China and the Iodi s, leaving buf five per cent, for circulation in this country.- Of that which goes to Cul a, the 7tst ' Indiet and Brazil, luiiy mty per cent, finds its -way to Europe, where alter deducting a larg percentage as used in manufacturing, four fifths of the remainder is exported tm India. Mere the transit ot the oreciocs metal is at an end. Here the supply, however Tast, is absorbed and never returns totbe civilized world. The Orien tals consume but. little while their produc tions have ever Jbeen in demand among the Western nations: As mere recipients, thes nations have acquired the desire ot accumu lation and hoarding, a fashion common: alike tQ alj classes among the Egyptian, Chinese na Persians: A French economist savs. in vhis opinion the former nation alont can hicle away $2,000,00(1 ot gold and silver annutlly, and the present Emperor of Mo rocco .is,, reported, as so. addicted to the avaricious 'mania that be has' filled seven teen Jarge chambers with the precious metals' - The oasaion ot Drinces. it is not t MISCELLANEOUS. See What $3 Will Do ! PreiiuTimJIjsuift h Sale !' . -FOB THE BENEFIT ot the CTTT v HOSPITAL. : l 1,019 IPHRKliUMS ; t :-m SharesC C3 Cach ,;t . - - - i'v-'- Vi, 'r Pattinson Marketi: .. ( - it I' i it it ; II II II 41 It l I u V. raiuiiBou -xLObci, 1 Valuable Farm,; s . .. . . . 1 Residence in 5th Ward,; .:.. . . 10 Acres of Land adjoining Corporation, 400 City Lou in Elmlra at 300 each, . . . l- Cash Prize ofi.;;::.;;.. 1 1 1 4 2 1 10 10 11 10 10 li 0 100 99 200 50 MISCELLANEOUS, tlLftl h r pK IIISCELLANEOUS. K. R. R. nftnVfAY'fi RPARV Dpi.. " nn . tn 'I Iran. after reading uu auvtruement r.ectf an RADWAX'S READY RELIEF IS a CCpf , - EVERY PAIN, r 1'E f0R - It was the first and ie The Only Pain that instantly stops the mot escr I TMHoimatinna an ri nn r a rl AKK1AOK MAELiw w, raiaiuw rZr whether ot tne lounge, eor.ach, H0VT.V f ...1. nn at hnrt nOtlCe. Alter I . . . 1 n,.ara ht- .. V J pa It UK ocavi! VI - - - - Thirty Years ofexpenenceat tne aoi prepared to co tne ijsm , la thftlMtv.! i nolo 1 iy. CORNER THIRD & PRINCESS STS.i Opposite City Hall. otber glands or organs, by one applicutj,,n . T-T 1,111 11 IIMU -I II 'I'WlfTV lt., ...., A-tku inJFS inn BEST. WOrK I Ai.f vl-5, Prizes of $1 000 each,; . , . . -t : . 800 ' .750isX?ri........ Prize ot.......ii..i.V. ........ Prizes o;$300vach,.... .250 150 i ii ii 100 60 1 40 85 35A00 25,000 15 00 15.000 15,000 120,000 5,000 4 0U0 8,000 2,000 4,000 1,600 1.500 500 8,000 2,5o0 2,2iX) 1,500 1,000 8.000 8,000 I,7B0 IilPPITT'S BUlliDING, pain trip. A' ii ii ii " i . ti L ........... II II t 41 WfH ahsirftlioldertrllli-eceiTe'bT xnall or de livered at the General Office, either of the tol-lnwinp- beautiful steel cnzraYincs : U. 8, Grant, ETaneeline, M. M. (Brick) Pomeroy, or pen; K; E. Lee, on receipt oi inree aoiiars, xn bquimuu 8ururi?jncr that the same spirit is shared by a Ri ' re the distribution precious metals, mis aosoiDiion py iue Eastern nations has been uninterruptedly gjng on since the most historical pen' According to Pliny, as much as $100,000,- 000 in gold was, in his day, nnnuay ex ported, to,-tbeEast.The bal vc oi trade in tavororjptbpse nations is now given as -IiTs !d clared that Governor Palmer, oi UliDois, is not at all -pleasetl wiih tbe praises. d t s!iioered upon him by the meri?wQ!n he -ought during the war, ann that he r .pu h itus any connection with iHt passive movement. jrA Wilmington hen has bcen laying h "VVlr ' ih 1872 Eagtand and America!. " 'Wren Hiiti hi'o-i ;(M'iim" f(! prop lesyinj :vfiat niny we not xi- c ? . writer, , vcTHahdni U. I jTh fI!t,,,, K uwfor spring ! . ... rhmVa is thePra ik co it. which miiiii: nit in i ill i in u iv i . z ' wn.c 5 . dimcuities in tue pro lish language, citcs tue wurd B lie says is pronounced D'ckeps Mr. Buskins -"election ; as ;rct4r ;,of S Andrew's University has been pronotuced invalid, on accouut of bis holding axpr fesporsbip, and tbe posjitioa herefpre de , rolves upon'tofd Ly ttdn: a r- In Philadelpbia, last year. 13,493,399,481 gallons of water were used in aduiicratidi milk and getting up isceam at Jtlie edger office to publish obituaries of ;Jiatin$;uisLecl citizens above eighty 'jearsVt age , A gang ct burglary were., hoisted witu their own petard, at Mauchester, Oui. They were about to blow riopeu the baft 2 ffithj?awdu:wlIin.ilJflhiitW .mtM blew up them and their scutme simultaat- ously. . . ; u. ' Mrs. Wbartou is, not allowed to rest in peace during the interim between hertwo . trials, for, according! .to a Washington noi respondent, the testimony ' BuopVn Neis case U to wor tarttlng and defi- 3nM ttawiD the Ketcuum tragedy. ' . . y William A. Hitcbeock, a young man ot South Wilbrahara, Mass., "was found dead by the roadside, about two mfes from Springfield. A ,p -ckt t iuil . of ioveletteis , and sentimental poiuy and u. bottle ot - atrychnine disclosed tbe cause t bis death. And now "comes Wisconsin. Astringent U nt: the: with' th. BOurT 'pockets and revniuttnary time. jBaron rvon Sctil.wser, the successor of Biron Gerolt as Prussihn Minister te Wash lHton, is said to be a remarkably fine mu Vicran. REWABDJ 39.000 , 7fiXfiCOTIVE DEPARTMENT, 1 J t . ilxixiQH, North Gakolisa., V a. a. . February 16th, 187:3. J Whereas, the General Assembly of North Carolina did ou thj Stn dy of February, A. D., 187 . pa tlie tliowinjr act, to wit; AN ACT eojicemiiV the Bcbe&cm County Outlaws. tiec: 1. Theeutfral Asa smbly of North Caro uu di uici: mt in addidju to the reward air. ad y off. red lor the arrest m certaiu ontir ind murderers in the comty of Robeson, Hii excellency ,r tiov. iod jr uaowbloj, is wivuj autttOrlztorind empowered by public procloma tion to .offer a an additional reward tothuae authorized by act of Jthe Cn ABen "J fled th m- rebruary, A. D., 1S71, ten Thousand dollars tor the arrest and delivery, dead or alive, lor the body of Henry Berry Low ery to the proper authorities of the State, and a reward of live thousand dollars each for the arrest and delivery, dead or alive, of the bodies OI150SS strong, Stephen liowery, Thomas liow ry, George Applewhite and Andrew Strong to proppr authorities .of the State. "Sec. 3-. Thia act shall be in force from and alter its ratification. Ratified the 8th day of February, A. P., 1872. NowVtfceitfore I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor ot the State oi North Carolina, by virtue oi the authority in me veBted by said act above recited Che- mung Co, N T, Israel O. Scudder, iSsq, JLimira NY, George Bennett, Esq, Horseheads, NY, COMMIS8IONBRS OF DISTRIBUTION Hon J B Clark, Elmira, N Y,! Maj W R Rathbone Elmira, NY. nt t VT . Dkpositobt- Bank vf Chemung, RlmirajtlY. REFERENCES. Hon Lucius Kebiud-n, Iftte Comptroller ot the State of N Y, lion J T Rathbun, Lion Gen A SDiven, Hon Boardman' Smitlf,irC7snp6 Halght, George 0'Hanlou.j pnenent Sheriff oi Chemung Co, NT. ' H 8 Steven, ot Revere House, Chicajro, IU, D W GillfittJ Esq, No 15 Nassau St, N Y, Attorney at 1-aW, 0 VV Palmer Esq, with Manhattan Fire insurance uompauy. No 6i Wall Bt, N T E F Babcock, Secretary oi Tax Department, S3 Chambers St,' N Y, JaB Fiynn, 7 Warren 8t. Attorney at Law, J T At will, Dep U S Marshal, M.V.B Bach man, Aitor neyatLaw, Horeehead. John Keuolip, At torney at Law, Mmira, Jcob Lowman, Siouth port, Ol Fitb, Horpehead-. "m th & Haii, linkercMroira . 8, Young, Geu'l Pa,eiiger A't, N l R Ba timo e, Md. Col J.Joliusoti, Artist, Battim rkjO'ia.l Jason P Woolever, Vat. Ett n, Ciit-uiu .a Co Y, ? U S Loan Co mm -rion r, & M foey. U Sttotel. HrrUburg. Pa, A B Galatia-o;JttUce ottDPeaer ! U ! DFSCKtPrioN or" HkaL E8Ti.TB-The" Paltiu- nn Market was built by i S PstUintoU three ye;ire ajjo, tx ited one - bio. msi uifl p.. itimira. N 1. tront on street ttjree B'ones hiah. .with hotai. k the Market Uite , atUcritd, sevtutj-tive teet iron' u iarKei Birei, ruuuiu& lvuu uw dred teet. forming an L, ruauinar west two hundred and fiity feet, iron iug u JBaiawm street, being four hundred and fifty fact, I with Publi- Hall above, two hundred feet longi and an offlvre in the center, with a burglar nd fire prool vault. - Market built and fitted up in the most couvenient aud impr.ved style Pattinso IIotbl- Situated on the corner ot Baldwin and Market streets, about beveuty five fe.t. front on Baldwin ana one nunareo ana RE END RSKD AND PRfcCRlBED BY more leading Physician than any other 1 onic or Stima ant now in use. They are For Fever and Ague intermittents, Billiousness and ah disorders arising from malarious causes. They ate highly recommended as an Anti-Dyspeptic, and in cases ol Indigestion are invalua ble. Ah au A petizer and Recuperant, and in cases oi General Debility they have never in a single iustance failed in producing the most happy results. They are particularly BENEFICIAJL TO FEMALES, Stiengtheni65 the body ."invigorating the mind, and giving tone and elasticity to the whole sys tem. "The Home Bitters are compounded,with the greatest of care, and no tonic stimulant has ever before been offered to the public so pleas-, ant to the taste and at the same time combining so nany remedial agents endorsed by the med ical fraternity as the best known to the Pharma copoeia. It costs but- little to give them a fair trial, and ' Every Family Should Have a Bottle. ? No preparation in tru wdrld can produce so oVany unqualified enaprsements by physicians of the Tver highest standing in their profession. indorsed also by the Clergy and ihc leading denominational batters. .. . . 1 1 1 m. 1r.11 Jl.i Rev Win R babcock, tne oiaest Jw.emoaiBi minister in" St.! Louis, says the Home Bitters weie most grateful in contributing in the re stirntion ut m streusrth. and an increase of r w appetite, j - " 80TJTH FRONT STREET, WILMINGf ON.N.Cm 8TJBA5I, & GAS FITTER, AND DEAX.BR IN WROUGHT AND GALTANIZED IRON; : PIPES, :M'. BRASS COCKS, VALVES, GAS FIXTUKIS, And all descriptions of FITTINGS FOR STEAM, WA TER AND J OAS. . I;.;;.,' Particular attention paid to fitting up of COTTON MILLS, s r with tStcaoi, Gas and Water. noTl2 I f Wtf CART ROUSE. TO MY COUNTRY FRIFNDS. - . mmm mf-. mw-m A. mm. M :' tT & T W A VIC OPENLD A f 1KB! UljABajUAlii X HOU&B on Princess street, first door West ot County! Jail. , ; "novas - T'-:X . 151-ly i ine Ktijjuiux uv, uiu-iiuum, iniirin pled, Nervous, rueuraigic, or proetivttd disease may suner, t KAUiVAY'S ItliAUY ItlOiJ! p WILL AFFORD 1NSTAM t :.w INFLAMMATION OF THE KlD.NEy " -INFLAMMATION Or TUE BLAblit ii INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELm v w -v- W V A. iiir. I V I : 80RE1HROAX, DIFFICULT BKF.A'l Hlr HZ8TERIGS, CROUP, DIPTHERIa, HEADACHE, TOOTH ACI1E NZa. , NIC U KALU1A, KHEUMATKv COLI CHILLS, AGUE CHILLS. The application or the Iteady Relief tQ., part or pans irnere me pain or difflcuUv ci'o ill anora ease ana comion. - wi ita. and au Wm. KELLOGG ... . . 7? 777X7) 7? 72 OF CARTS. DRAYS AJSJJ WAGONS. TURNING NEATLY DONE At mvold stand on Fourth streets, between Bla den and Brunswick streets. nov. 19 15fJ-ly sixty feet on Earket ' streets Suitable barns FAJtM Situated two and a half mild from the city ot Elmira, on the Plank Road, couuiuin one hundred acreo; ood tann oui djnr ard. &Cm, ill iu fjue tut . 1 KBHDKNOB-In Fifth. Ward, on Pennsylvania Avenue, about SO 4i-r.fitud inn tt dep A fine residence wiib uioderu i lioroveiueuis. kissidsmcx l Fonrm. .Wrdii situated jou Baldwin street, 50 feet trout, 100 feet aep. One block from Pot otHce. Ten Acres Land Adjoiulng: Corporation aoout one mile from Post Office, with noose and barn suitable for vegetable or duiiu FOUR8 HUMORED CITY LOTS PROPERTY. T There will be a duplicate namber of shares kept aud registered, i and previous to the dis tribution, tbe duplicate nmubers of all shares will be placed in an envelop and seated,. aud on the day of distributing the premiums, al. 1 lie sealed envelopes cootainiopr tne dupiicae num bers will beplaceuin a wneei ana oe inoruuguij m'xed then a number diawn out;-and the per hliriinir the correspondis e number, wili Bu . - J . .1-- -1 have the flwt premium mentioned in me aoove 1W, making U?WMeU. respone, We ;ior Ta e'thUmy' FflirtS ttT fci- Et oiVrcmums. and so on f..ti. th. P-miun;, niuchief wroucUt. constructed on the Oaio I inwnii,itri iS .flitinT, tn irtoinro .re dutnbated. Noice will be pubiislid and Illinois models, was passed last. Vweek ; in the Assembly. In a year, it is probable, all the Western States will be in line. " Prince Poniatowski the.favorite compos er 6t the Empress Eugenie, who was tnade' : sl Sentitor of the Empire, audoaJfierwara went with the Imperial'family to Eng'and, has returned to Paris, and is.nw a candi - date for Aubsr's seat, at th4 'Frencn In stitute. l.i.. yjMri ' , Tho Massachusetts - Commissioners of Prisons, ib: their annual report says : "A inan who by cilme puts the. Btate ex- j pense for itis arre9t and cobfltKUaen may justly be, ought fairly be, keptTfobgnougti in confineia&r to make his labor at least offered'tOloe paid In currency to the party or parties who shall apprehend and deliver, dead oralive,'ariy of the outlaws herinafter named, tOrtheheriffot-Koheson county, viz: 1 s ot usnry JJerry Juowerv, len rnousana lars. ' . For Boss Strong, Stephen Lower Thomas Loitrr.tJereeATplewhite and A "drew Strong, FifeThbUsand dollars each. Done at the city of Raleijr, on the T6th day of Febreary, A.' D;, 1872. -nd in the 96th year of American Independer6 - i TOD R. CALDWELL, By the (Jovernv 1 Governor. J. li NEfHEBT, t All ?tlff Secretary, j feb2&.... l7-lm i 1 THE balancs his c,. Chang, the Chinlsr-giarJl, has found a wife in ' Australia, the lady,' we are told, reaehinsr ur to the lower button of bis waistcoat, He! has ftturued fwl tfi he to 1 CJuina, wuere ne carries on vue .uuiueiMF 01 -merchant. 1 ! , teffisa&fcar! AMarvlaod uaiier . userts that since establishment f & If st church in their neighborhood, tho citizens of a Delaware town refuse to eat fish taken from a stream in which the convert arc baptized forfeat the evil spirits which they suppose to'., be Irom jtue oapuzau persons havf th removed entered the fisband thywill thus become noaseased bf tuem.a f.i J !. . The.Effect ol Light on Small Pox. 0 ' 'Among the many investigations how; be J lag made of the chemical action of light, there are ndno more interesting or more, im portant than those which aro directed to the observalron of its effects n ie health. it- Vi9 been observed bv.Br. AVeber that ti.e -,.tWMr ot the .-! very much in- i jlefta io those t parU of the body which " are always exposed to the lighrnd this" diflerence has ever been measured by that eminent physician! This remarkable fact is especially observable on persona suffering ifrbia small-pox the severity of tblTtkin disease oein visiDiy aogmeuieu 11 ine pa tient be not confined in a dark 100m. Dr. Waters has recently published a paper oU' this subject, in which die states? that if the ' room be darkened so that not a single ray ?can enter it, the effect is to arrest the dis ease at the papula or vesicular stage; it never becomes' purulent abd the skin be tween the vesicles is never inflamed or swol len liquor sanguinis is not changed into pus, nearly all the pain and itching are ab sent, and the smU is, if not entirely re mavmI' greatly diminished; Another ad- J AC OB I AXE, Guaranteed to excel all others, both in shape and material. , Pe 6Uie to ak Tor AN ACCEPT NO OTHER, For you will then be certain you are getting the best for your money. Every Axe Warranted. For eal wholesale and retail, at NATH'Ii JACOBPS Hardware Depot, No. 9 Maiket st, And Dealers throughout the State. IX; MX. AGKlCULTURAl"IMPl.EMfilO, uui lbby. IKtiN, 8TEEL. NAILS, GUNS, HARDWARE 'IMPLEMENTS, riaTOLS AMUNlTION. Ac We vould respecf ally call the attention of siUcu WHOLESALE BUYERS To our full and complete assortment, embracing au mu eTery uesenption of Goods In tne rraae, and. to the superior adrantagea we can offer from havlngAhe agency to several leading Factories in uio xraue. -Alwavs on hand Rni m-nn &.ip ana uair Skins, mediately after the disiribuiiou t.kc place, in the principal papers 01 the coun ry - which Have fiven publication, ana an pewou" nojuing nuuj ers for premiuma will be notified' by mail. Dis tribution of premiums takes piaca'Ai? ttfiuira. N. N.. Mav 1st. 1S73. or as feoou as shares are sold. . , !, 1 All remittances niav be sent in draft, pf P. O orders, or Greenbacks. All comaiunications addressed to r- - n r T. S. PATTINSON' a f f Business Manager and Cor. Becy, Elmira, N. Shares can be procured at the lienerai umce. Elmira, N. Y., at the principal HotBiS m New York City, and all the large cities in the Union. iebll 174-10 THE ORE AX FIRES in CHICAGO and the WEST by Rev. E. J. Goodspbeo. D. D., of Chicago. Only complet- history. t 700 8vo pages ; 75 engravings. 7o.0iJ0 ahead sold. Price $3.50. 2000 agents made in 20 days. ProfiU ,goi to sufferers. AGENTS WANTED. H. a-GOOD PEED & CO., S7 Park Kow, NT Y. j . RED RUST I'ltOO P OATS $2 a JiusheJ; Orchurd Grass $3.v0 ua h-J . ' ' end 8 cent postage st imp and tuy complete Priced Lists oi all kinds of Grass Seeds, Field Seeds, Garde u 3eels. Flower and Tree1 Seeds; Agricultural Im plements, Machinery,! Guanos, Chemicals, Live Stock, sc.,' win oe nrwaroeayou. inete Priced Lists contain much valuable information as to time and quantity to plantv Ac: MARE W JOHNS N, Seedsman, PO Bo -.330 Atlanta. G ; THE BROVrj COTTOtl Qltl fill., Manufacturers of tue "Brwn Gin" Cxttjoi 8eed Hullers, Machinery and Castings. Manu factureretof Harrts' Wenf Botary eam Eu gine the beat and cheapest o'.e ita Engiae -to plantation purptse.i Cutton-gin aJfe . SetcralpUttcru. rJor&er at hrt notice. Have naa Jong expc rienceinthe bus'ticss.-ana -guarant. e Baiteiac tion in every particular. Orders soaciteij A d dress as aooTg 1 TT .0 Piano Ca..Pi. Y. tt ciase f 4w U O No Agents. 'Names ol patrons ii40 States in Circular., j - . I 1 A GENTS Wanietl.-Afctuts maae moie LnL money at work oj dostt anything tle. Business ugm una permm icntr 'ranica lars free. 4 G. Sttssoh CojPine Art Publish ers, rornana, M.ajne.1 ,s ... , 1 ubbork Mo , June 24, 1871 Persons trreailv debilitated, as I have been, ami w o ouire a tonic or stimulant, need seek or nothing oeUer than the Home Hitters. aw cope, i residing ttlder M E Church, Plaitsburg District U ii iED 5TATEtJ ABI B HoSPtTAL, I i5T. LOUIS Mo.. Oct. 1S70. i James a J aJcksos & Co. I have examined tue lunauia i.r uiaki .g the "Home Stomach tiitter," and u.svd Leui iu tuib Hospital the ip.t ivur uioLituo. 1 cousiuer them tne most Yiaiuabie Ionic und stiuiulautl u-. w in Uoe. S h .viELCHEK, Keide. t Phvbibiau in charge U i Marine Hos- oital. Ji.tiitR a. Jackson & Co. (Jeutlemen : As viu iiiivc l oiiiijjua catid to the meUical profes iou me - recipe 01 me "Home bi tera,'ritcan ot. tiierLlore be considered as a ualent medl x . r tIT.. no put nt baviug been taken tor n, we r m 1 r .....1.;... uave eiauilucu lu- iormu 1 r iusuwiu iuc UuuifcBuu-ri.," ami unueeiiatinglj say the combinatith is una 01 rare exceileuce, all the itrtic.iKs ur.iid in itr comnoiiiii 'n are tbe bft oi tue clasa to wiucQ bov ' belong, being highly lufic. ? timuiaot,'toutactiic, ; aru-.iu.tive. and js.htiv i.MTHtivt. Tut: m .deo! preparing ttitm is strictly in iccordaucc with he ruies ot.'"-. mucy, Having ed tbem in oupJ orac- ice we ta. e v cu. j JJ BltteaTbS l d ?iw-tTtimalai. now offered to l HtANK G FOKTEK, if ti ' Btctrics and Diisea es 1 V omen. Col-H-tie ot I'Lyo'Ciiiift, :ud iaic member Board of iicami i J. C BukiLINiEitE Prof, of Obt-t ti icf and ; DifceHec-s of W'cmvii, bt. Louis Mid Coilce, :.!kkk Mcdowell, m, d., Laie-Pres'c Vlo. Medical College. A CLKK, M D, Prof. urger,i M Mt dKsi Cuilge and late RcBidtiit t'liihiiLin itv llocpiiiil, St Louis UkliBfcUT 1 UlMM, Prof. Practical Phaauacj, St l.oui Oolkge of fhar- mac). J C .VVaU'ElilU,. Ed. Medical Aichives. f4lf HmM.1s M l - Ilr I V F l.n.rlwisr. Ger.cke'M.lJi i: J,- & Gratr M D, C A WartvM l; ' W A v ilcox M D. EC FKANKLIN M D, Prof Surgryl Homcaophatic Medical College. T J VAST In ii l d, r G CO STOCK M D, Prof of Midwifery and DUeaaes of Women, Col lege of me nysician ana surgeons. Prof Matrria Med-ca aud Theraupeutics, Hom- oeophatic Meaical dllege ol viissoun. JaO ONZjufcM AN M D, Lecturer jn Diseases o Cuiidren, Hommophatic College ol Missouri. ? CHARLES VASTINE M D, Prof of Physiology, iiumceopathic Medical Col lege of Mo. : JOHN HARTMAN M D, Prof Clitiical Mtdiciue, Col. Homojopathic Physi cians and Surerits. Thev are superior to all other Stomach Bitters -ijNJNU aAun.it3. Anaiyticai unemisi. N Bitters in the world can excel them Rl MO firlt I RrslJH. Anal vticai Chemist Eminent Physicians ol Chicago. The formula lor the Home Bitters has been submitted to us, aud we believe them to be the beet tonic and stimulant for general use now offered to th public. Commisson Merchant, ' f And dealer groceries, provisions, dhy goods Every Day an liicreax; in CLOTHING, &c, &c, No. 23 and 24 NORTH WATER STREET, - ' . " ' ": WILMINGTON, N. C. Copsignments and Cash Orders Solicited. nov 23 10l-iy 6 EO. Is. ATTORtlEY AtlD COUNSELLOR Will nMoM.Min &11 Honrtft of this State. V Territory of Columbia. - - .,iD(1A The collection of Claims prompts stt eudea to. Office next door to CoutH6e' 11sif ft UABRIS8, " lndcrtaker and Cabinet Maker. CONSTANTLY on hand the most improved style of material pertaining o my business. Par- lea will do well to : give me a cill before sending their orders elsewhere. Furni;ure cleaned 1 and Varnished, Pic tures Framed, Chairs re-seated, &c , 8tore on Becond between Market and Prin cess streets. 1 decUU 159-ly Twenty drops in half a tumbler xf WMt... in a few moments .cure Cramps, &patm k!!' r. m. n.ii. nn J : .l u i'iairut jjysenterv, voiie, vt iuu iu iu liowelg Internal Pains. Travelersi should always carry a bote A. Radway's Ready Jlelief with th,-m A drops in water WiU prevent eickn.-ss or tminR from change of water. It is better than Frpnrh Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant Fever and Ague cured for tiltr-ceim Tt.. Is not a remedial agent in this world tht tn cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malari'm Bilious, Scailt, Typhoid, Yellow, and bthw Fevers (aided by RADWAY'S PILLS) so as RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Fiftv Vh per bottle. ' 10 HEALTH!! BEAUTY !t STRONG AND rUUE Ivlcli a 0 D-l, SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COilfLlXlO SECURED TO ALL. . " SARSAPARILLlAfa RESULVT HAS M ADE THE MuM Aoio "lahiv CUKES; SO QUICK, jsO RAPID AKE THE CHANGES THE BuDl' U.NDEllGuhS u DER TH& INFL.UE.NCE rF IHis '1KLLY and Wright h keen and Flt. THlfi GRtAT BLOOD l'LK ntK. Every d.op ol the 'k5ar.apuriiiiau htmvtnt communicateb through the biOud, owaK Unue, and other fluidb auu juices oi the teUiuiht vigor ofliie, tor it repuir6 the wast-s oi body witn new and gout d inattiial. Bcrolula, Syphilis, Consumption, Glandular dirtrt-e, Ll eers in the throat, Mouth, 'l umor.- 'Nonce in tbe Glands aud otuer parts ol the 6yteuJ, tore Eyes, otrumoroue. ui-.eUartf' m-m the Ears and the wOrst tt'-o or Skiu diseases, trupiioLg' Fev- -re6, cald H.d, ttii.g Worm el nucuui, Xji jroipciao. vciie, UiftCK CDOtt. VVo lumcriwu, xniuurs, cancerb in the V G A Mariner Analytical Chemist., tl ri Hahn, M D, B McVicar, M D, Nor'n S Barnes, M D, R Ludlam, M D, Jas A Collins, M D, H Woodbury M D Jas V Z Blaney M D Prof Chemistry Rush Meaicai uonege. J B Walker, M D, TSHoyne, MD. Thos T Ellis, M D, J A idann, M l. Eminent Physicians in Cincinnati. Nr arly alof whdm are t rolebsors in one or the other ot the Medical Colleges, -y No other Bitters have ever been offered to the public embracing so many valuable remedial agests J L Vattier, M D, 0 T Simnson, M D, C 8 Muscraft, D, W Talliatarro, M D, J H Buckner, M D, G A Dohcrty, M D, C Woodword, M D, D W McCarthy, M D, L A J ames, M D, 3 P Bonner, M D, G W Bigler. M D, J J Quinn, M D. W R Woodward M D. R S Wayne, Chemist G K iaylor, M IK P F Ma lev- u. lime - Eminent phv-' n8,in Jemihit 5 Th H..m i:r air u lUVaJOaOltt Harness Leather, "A NERVOUS iWAIilDj Has published for the! benefit of young men tmd Paints Oils. Glass, 8ash, Doors and Blinds, I others who Buffer trom Terv6unesV lebjltyj c &cL w ' &. I Jh.c . r treatise suDDlvinfir the means of self-inr Please call and examine, before purchasing, the stock at - f wvi ' NATffL JACOBrS, " ' Hurrl varo Tlnnnt tin Q "VfnrtPt t. ov9.; ., ., . ; , . 147-ly Cape Fear r Suildini? Coin- fJHE CAPE FEAR BUILDING COMPANY will attend to Alteration and repair of 8 tores, vantage, imporrant in a theraputical point DwelUngi and neraljobworldirm of view, it the assistance, given Vu4 medl-' wWir cxbnthi, at low prices. Office, Prin- CtneS tUO. WVUMV - Am.KmtmVUM VMM USCh t . ficreWy pqwera of Ue lo. J U!I liW &c, a treatise supplying the means of selfure, W ritten by one ;wno cured nimseil, and sent free on receivine a poet tid directed envelofocJ Address NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, . "- Brooklyn, N YJ QREATSAVlllQTOC0a8UUB&. And good busidess fo r one br1 1 wo persons i o f either sex In VV Umlngton and adjoining towns, by which you can makefropi , fi)t' flM per moutn, . wim ouvutiie, j. Krierenc?:, wiinr oral- nary iwibiucb Aniciea as a tame as nonr 01 cotton cloth. A good huilnvss for igenb, sure. Ii your whole time i given i hjuch, large? Vnm can be made. Club QrcukWrreei 'giving com plete 111 01 arucies and commissions alluwed. remftdw fnw .-igettion ana aiseasee anting from mala. rial causes. B Thornton, iM D, Alex Erskine, ii D, " in cburtre Cit H coital, M R Hodirsa. M n J -SI tiodifers. M D. Paul Otfv Vf n " il VV Puruell, MU, Ma Edmund. i D " Sanlord lieu U. J09 E l.ruh M n eminent Physicians in litt.hnr...' B FDafc. M l)w - Wm Clowea. M n W K Child. M D, -DA Willird. M n J Mr Uth, Clit-imet. J H .Vfonili m r Au lludredt oi othnra in ail psrts ol the N rto, W ja and South J E Garner. M D, Milwaukee. Coo.f cio Bt, yts, Maach 27. IS71 .MmMi.i.HmVAug examined he formula of the "Hbm Stomach ..t .J - t hav prescribed thtm in mv nrrt iv.. -V-. time, and pronounce them the beat Ton! ri, ILL0 ln use T U McMAHON M I) James A. Jackson & Co., PronritAr. Labratorr 105 and 107 m Vl0Pr.le50r8- tlliaiouri to tlf 7w ; , ot" ule 'omb. n M 1 Mil WW J...r.1,x-mr. .... . A . uu an wcttcmug LU paiHIUl aibChartO Nurl t Sweats, Lots ot rpertn aud all wusti & 0i h.. principle1, are witnin the eufativ vajitr, wonder of Modern Chtmlt-trv. ar.i f..,v . of Errors restored m nts to tfcffl 000 ks aa opes. 'ffecta and ihnj..., t " r vwlJ NrT'y Manhood MarrirT ca- IPdi- r ---- vew id, w methuM 1 i v J. wauckx Prrtiir. ft. H. MeDrt al nraggimMa Ota.Aa'U, Su rnaetMO C&L, aal tl Ml 1 1 Comare SUN.16 MI LLION Bear Teitloioay t tkek Wenderfal Carative - Effect. They are not a rile Taney Dvlak tnade ot Fmi Ram, tVhlskev, proor Spirits and Refoae Ixl. qaftfa doctored, epleed and sweetened to please tbe taste, called "Tontes,' "Appetiaer8tM "Eettorers," tc., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rain, but are a trae Medicine, made from tbe xatire Hoots and Herbs of Cali fornia, free from all ' AleehoIIc Btinalants, They are the GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A WFE GIVING PRINCIPLE, a perfect Jteno ator nd InTigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy con dition. No person caa take those Bitters according to directions and remain Ion; mrwell,provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and the rital organs wasted' beyond the point cf repair. Ta'sHreaGentle Purgative as well as a Toblc, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the LJrer, and all theTisoeral Organs FOR FEMALE COMPsUAlKTSt in jonng or old, married or rfHgle, at the -wn womanhood or at the torn of li. tliose'T-'10 Bitters have no eqnaL tim and Goit, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, nil. leas. Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Xlver, .Kidneys ana Bladder, these Bitters have been most sncoewsfuL Snea Diseases are cansed by Tltiated Blood, which is feoerally produced by derangement of the Dl sjentlTa Orsrans. " '. VSPEPIA OR INDIGESTION, Bead ache, Pain in the Shonlders.Coachs. Tightness of the Chest. Vtzziness, Soar JtruetaUons of the Stomach, Bad Taste In the Month. Bilious Attacks. Paljntatioa of the Heart. Inflammation of the ldugs. Pais, in the regions of the Aidneys, and a handred ether painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Bysyepaia. , ,t;-j They inriorate tbe 8tomaeh and stimolate the torpid LiTer and Bovels. which render thest of uneqnalled efS cacy in cleanaiac the blood of all Unpariiies. and impart ing new nfe and rigor to the whole system. ) FOR HKIN DISEASES, EntptioBf. fetter, Bait Bheam, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car banetea, KiogrWerma. Scald Bead, Sore Byes, Erysipelas, Itck,Scar&, DisesloraUons of the Skin, Humors and Die eases of the Klin, of whaWtr name or nature, are literally dognp and carried oat of the system in a short time by the use ot these Bitters. One bottle in such cases wiU ' eonTlnce the meet inereioloos of their euratire elects. $ Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Im parities banting throagh the skin in Pimples, Erap ttoas or Bores; clesnse it when yoa find it obstraeted and sluggish in the reins ; cleanse it when it is foul, and rear feelings will tell yoa when. Keep the blood pare, and the health of the system will fellow. Pin, Tape, and other. Worms,1 lurking In the system of so tuny thoosands, are effectually destroyed and remored. Says a extinguished physiologist, there is scarcely an indiridaal npon the face of the earth whose body 1 exempt from the . presence of werms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon tbe diseased humors. and sliwy deposits that breed these UtTbx aoniters of disease. No synteu of Medicine, no Tenalfttgefc no sjithelmintics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. M VALKXB, Proprietor. B. B. MoDONALD CO, firdggistanhd en. Agtats, Baa fiwciaco, OalifonJa. "i 1 1 sihI M anA W GnBmerot Street. Kew Tfc ubo Fivvc a.u) US1 v it 1, .i'f.r, uf these torms of diseauu its tmt r.. .1 1 ,L - X f ' i I'J 11 ihe ratient. dally btcomluk- re;!i... ,i -,.... Pastes and decoibiKisliioft that is e,..r.'..,u- piogreBsiui?, aucccedb iu arresiiu , , 1, ...... ... J" ami repair th; oaiue rilh uuy; J.ato. ; .;a' trum healtl.y blood-and tt,i , ral, , . ;.H will and dees tcure-a Cm: Ucl.u,.,: tor when oTjce tl.n reu.eii r..n,i!t,-.,f ... .: n. purincatiou, ud eucr;.eo iu aiunui Li -'t-i . iOSSOl wahlts, ilar.-airs-wil, i,t n:, d, aud every day the intif,M will fcei hwjc.rKio,jm appetite lwproTitg, and iJesi, uud wt?f Lt iir creasmg. 1 b 1 Not only does the 8ar?aparimuu Htr-ulvml excel all known remedial agent i). ib twre 0 Clhronic, Scrolulouc?, ConRtituticnul, tkin diseases; but it is the onlv osii-ve cure f.;r Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gracl, )dbetts Dropsy , Wtoppaee o; Water, 1 Vvai.hcunt Urine, Ungnt'e, Alhuiiiinuriu. and in all cases where there are briek-M t-t tap. eitV, or the water is thick, cloudy, ..ixed with sub stance like the while ol an -egg. r th'riads like white 6ilk, or there is a moib'id, dart, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust deposits, aud when there Is a wricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain in the Small ol the Back and along the Loins. DR. K A i W AV'S PERFECT, PURGATIVE Pills perltctly tasteless, elegantly coated wnn 6Jltt gnm. purge, regulate, purify, cvAi-.c aid strengthen. Rad aj's lills, for the cure of till disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Howe j H . neys,t Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Uta'uaci'i.', Constipation, Costivencsa, lndigctio-. v--pepsia. Biliousness, Bilious Ftv r, 'Lilauw . tion ot the Bowels, Tiles, and-all dmngtmciitb of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to til. ct a positive inre. Furely Vegetable, contaihii -do 1 mercury, minerals, or duleterous drugs. t f-Observe the following syrupiouib rcsHlt ins irom Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Ike oiuuu in me xieaa, Aciaity of tbe ' StomL, Nausea, Heartburn, Dieunst.of food, Fullutss or Wehjht in the fctomach, S6ur Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit otthe Slomatl. Afewdav of RADWAY'S PIlLS will free the system from all tho above named disorders; Price 25 cents per Box. Sold by Druggist? T READ FAL8K AND TllUE." aend 7?c letter-stamp to RAD WAY & CO., No. 87 Maid en Lane, New York. Informations worth thou sands will be sent you. June 29 ' 123-ly THE A MEK1CAN "Pit IN 1 Ml.-a ITaIAL X of Typography, containing coini tetc atructions tor beginners, as ve;l as practical directions for managing all departments' ot a printing office. With several u&eiol iahks and Schemes for impoaiug Forms in eve. y variety. Hints to Authors enH Pnhiuti pre rr r . KV Thomas McKellar. S35 pp. i2mo. Price, il. 50. By mail, $1.70. WHAT 13 SalO OF IT. 44 Most successful 9f the books of this class known to mv."-Correspondent of the AnUivfor JJucMruckerkunst, Leipzig. Any intelligent person will find this work a serviceable zomlon." Journal Commerce, 'The result of intelligent research and con slderabhVpersonal experience." The Ration. new j.ura.. A 1 neat volume; U Lnvrhiierie. PatU. Jnmct complete work on the subject." Daily Free Press, a tchi6on, Kansas. , JTIs inlly upxij the present requirements of the craft."-a Clarion and Standard, Jack ton, Miss. 'A great amount of curious information, lis torical and illustrative. "Seating list. New York. , The appearance of the book is worthy of the publishers as Masters of theTvpoirrauhical Art." Xcio Yorter. . 'It embodies information that has not hitherto " been accesbible iu a jconvenieut form." The Age. Philadelphia. 44 This is a volume of rare interest, not only to minters. hnt tn lit The CJirktian, Radical Pittsburph. 'This volume, the composition ot a t-ractical printer and poet, h a complete manual ot the Printer's Art' The Keys one. Philadelphia. Published and for sale by MACKEL'.AK, SMITHS & JORDAN, Typo Founders, 606 and 614 Sampson St. , Pniladeipuea. del7 , 155 tf; beauUfullYf printed' TTAVING REMOVED MY BLACKSMITU X i. SHOP to my CART HOUSE, on Princess street, first door West of County Jail, I bohcit Horse shoeing, repairing of Carts, &c. "ii" Ml

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