k' -I" r if -f-y 'y- 3 If III I5J JSIftrl CiiT - . '.,t'-; rv; ,.;:.- r.! A .ItJ.i . 1- i If ' a 5. t-- . t WILMINGTON, N. G. THURSMiSilB NO. 199 y1l II II P. II - II WAV I -vww h T fro r :i r k i ill riw:z rrr" f i -V, I i Pofet Office Regulations. Post. QfncE, WiL3iiNyros, N. C, i y&i tliijiite malls will cloie t fi .Nokiierntmorriing;) mail 1 . 7 .r..f i . .V. follows: 5ai m. f Northern (night) mail. 8 p. m . Southern, mail...... 'VI ... .... ... 8 p. m. Ed.R. Bbink, P M. ; Third Consressioaal' District ' -A' Contention cf the Republicans ot i thi$ T district is hereby called to meet at Clinton, Sampson conQtrrnrWe4njes4ay the 22d day of May, 1872, at 12 -o'clock M., lor the phrp08e of nominating a candidate tor the 43ra 'C6ii2res3aBX;f6r etlch other business :.'$ maypropeily come btfore it. Counties will Wjaliowed tbq &ame representation as in' tbe-"State Convention, one delegate tor each member of the House o'f Renrescnta- -., -. . . - . U7qa in the 8tate Legislature; ' . r r. :J John Reillt. ; . 'A-r- , J 4 i s i n i v t t' Ho m mi t tee. The National Kepublican Contention HVirr be hell iv Philad slphia, on Wed 2TRSDAT, the 5m DA.Y of Jcxb,; 1872, to nom inate candidates for; President : and ; Vice President ot the United States. s. Each State will 'he "entitled to the same number or defftTiitei icr said Convention that it has memlif'rs of "Congress., Why don't it rain ? Give it up ? Cause iU So dry, the cloud? are rattling about like dry sheep skins in a gale, and narnj arop of water. v w- . 1 1 : The Superior C.Vurt will convene again in this city on-Mnrlay June 24 ih. .The mur defer6f3raptRowc vriti then fie arranged . and probabljr tried. y.i - j : ;. EcnErN.rThe people ' of :: the :ohU Waiting to see what tnrna up beforo s they form into line, of battle, v ill undecided i Who; what oiT!vhre they wiil fight.- " - ' -' I Mr. Marsh a V cal 1 out the city cat taj and taWe away the dusL1 There is re in?tmn than all the - politicians in the country aever kicWi up in their entire li vep. ' ' v : Received 'iiis er dieu. l he commit tee on electionsVbave reported on alto'wtng 5Ir. amc3 H tfns $1,500; tha coalestant acainst Sun iRogers i a the dtlr congressional - districts vt - i- ,y ? l . The Lighthouse still sheds its sweet little lustre from its " gentle :club, and brings to ! dusty "quill drivers" the freshness ot youth and tha breatbot the, dewy daisiesof child hood. , The Ma3onirr Fraternity; performed the lur:al tCTeinony over John Utley, Esq., ilttiery a membe' of St; John's Lodge. The family and friends-oiithc .deceased were the 4only witnesses. 1 . The Confederate monument is in position l! and many have g6ne to. the cemeterytosee it; but most of them returned unsatisfied,- -.-. i , as the Btatueas veiled, .and we presume will remain so until their memorial services. ,. ...in i - - Up ik a Balloon. Rileigh was to have , a balloon ascension last night. Name ot ... the; balloonA. S. iMerrimon.V 3J$tar.y ::xyy ' i. , . Z-.-" ; .' y. . U - .ik,tbe Governor (!) hiust feel com ;J plimented by this cruel. cut. - . mil up Deiioceatic Candidate for the Phes ''i ID en CT. The Philadelphia Ags presents the name jof Cbitl Justice iThAmpson as a candidate before the Democratic State Con vention, for President of the United SUtes. He will doubtless be the nominee. "The Cape ear Teachers Association, will ..;"iolCa : Normal Drill for teacners" at the ..Williston school on 'Seventh street, com- mencing on rMohday.next, , and continuing "four weeks.' Tuition free to all who expect to teach, and dpora open to all. The Carolina Farmer for May makes its appearance: It is handsomely printed and contains much useful information for every ; farmer in the land. We are very glad that T tlie Farmer is sustained here, and hope the ):' day is not far distant when it will be in the !if hand of every planter in the two Carolinas ! Peterson's Monthly, as usual, is full of . good things this' month. Wneneyeryou f stay out late; and are anxious topropitiate your wife and your mother-in-law, always take home a copy of. Peterson's Monthly, and you will find it a panacia for every ill. Try I. ,, J.'ti, '.j. i , ...,.-,. We learn that a couple of enterprising young men intend shortly to publisb ft ;'.;.Buiibesi ; --j1o.be published monthly, thpyyilj 4canjass -l the city fori the ,'purpose pf i&olVP2?gM a Tertlsements next i week. - One ThQUsanu & - .... i . -. - ? - ? A. ' Steamboat routes, the Guide will be published in book form, W intersnersed iiwith jiDterestin2 fftidnpicy TOT Citt Elkctioit. We glre the result of the city electioa another column. Not the slightest disturbance occurred. We ventare the assertion that- there ii not another' city South better regulated and governed than Wilmington. ; Reptjblicxk Tbitjmph. On Monday, Nexv Berne elected the Republican- ticket, also Goldsboro and Raleigh. Last year the Democratic tickeV prerailed in the latter place. We congratulate brother Wbitaker on his return to bis old chair. The following named gentlemen s were elected Councilmen of the city ot New Berne on Monday last; ; EcL M. Pa vie, Daniel N. Kilburn. Ed.. It Stanly, George A!len Alex. Bass, Jno. K. Good and Virgil A.-- UtawlorL,Tb XtfSe bhjs the new Board has the jeqtiTQ confidence of the peu- Mft. T.iFentres8 is adVertUed to send up aJsxge,1 balloon named' A Merrimon in lionor of the . iGreensboroJi Convention. In August the people will send A. S. Merri mon himself tp in dis-honorof the Greens boro, Convention. CaroUnst 'Era. fjudte&A Topham 5o., No." 8 South Front street, OTlmington, N. C:, are manu facturers of etery description ot Trunks, Traveling1 liagsSaddlerv nd Harntessi A large stock ot. second hand government team 'and ambulance harness, saddles, bridles, collars, lialtere, reins, &c, constantly on hand'at' WhbteSale and retail, at low prices for cash. ? , 't Wc arc pleased to learn that Governor Caldwell bas consented to canvass the east ern portion "of North Carolina during the coming mpaigu shall bc more than pleased to welcome i . hurj ? bete and can promise Lira a rousing turn out; that will gladden his heart as well as J his eres. W e are forming in solid Tajiks Governor. " The New Berne Daily Times copies cur it looks, from this as if there was, a scar " Gone to CincinnatVVt.nd fails to give us city of the male element. There js an. ex- the "Droner credit therefor! How could you be so cruel Bro. Mahix, when you must li&ve known what a terrible : strain our machine had to undergo to produce those feeling Hum I ' .' V ' Gas CoirrAST.-The Wilmington Gas .Light Company held their regular annual j meeting on Tuesday, 7th instant., when the following Directors were elected; Edward Kidder, Wm. A. Wright, 'Z.Latimer, Geo. R. French, D. MacRae, and )r. A. J. DeRosset. At a meeting of the Directors, Mr. Kidder was re-elected President. r Piscatorial. A party was to go " out side " this morning and try and entice our finny black fish from their coral retreats and sacrifice them for gridiron purposes. Oh how we did want to go, but duties in terfered and we serenely said nay. Wc xealiy hope they vili have a grand time and catch many fish. Mfr i - " Prof. Bond, the wire-walker, will give us a specimen of his skill on Thursday, Fri day, and Saturday., The wire will be Stretched from the top of the Seamen's Home to the roof ot th3 building opposite. We stand the chance of getting a first class item. Morning Star. " Stand from uuder, or you will have your cocoanut bursted. ' Remember, Mr.. Greeley has no one to depend on here but you. Meeting op the Commissioners of. Nav igation and Pilotage. At a meeting of the new Board ot Commissioners of Navi gation and PilotS. held yesterday, for the election of officers, James H. Chadbourn, Esq , was elected Chairman and Capt. B. J. Lawton Clerk and, Harbor Master. The new Board is comprised of the following persons; Jas. H. Chadbourn, Eli ' Murray, R. P. Barry, B. G. JJates and Henry Davis. :, The march of.lmprovenient in Wilming ton indicates 'prosperity. . . Several new bouses are being put tip, and numbers Of moderate cottages are springing up every where in the suburbs. A ride around tho outskirts of the city would astound an old ante lellum sojourner in our city. The pop ulation of our city, based upon the regis tered voteouuoium upl8,00Ho 19,000. It is increasing rapidly, ; ? X : . X i Over Land and .SEAWe are glad to learn that it is rumored that this splendid exhibition will 'give one more entertainment here during he coming wee)r, for the bene fit of the Snnday 1 schools, ! We, sincerely. hoplttl!J?Pj6'trttel6r this is one of the inosl ebtertainingfand fealiy 'fine exbi- Itionsjife naTfr ever seen ,1 is true to life because it is photographed and. display ed through the stereoptic s lenses, ifl ft won dcrful manner, and many X3i the sceneJargei than i life especially ithe-Kgroups tpf. an cienl statuaryftkltlNt l instructive and :yey enUrtainlngJ beVmost desirftblft instruQtion fcx spitdreh, thacan be Droduced here this season and if the rumer proves truV.twe believe the managed .-.- pent win nay ea iuu QQUS5t.ior.wiey ncuiy New material arriving for the Post by every steamer, that is, we have received ft large lot of new type, etc., and will soon appear ift our new dress. ' ' A man swapped his horse for a wife. An old bachelor acquaintance said he'd bet there was something wrong about the horse, or its owner never would : have fooled it away in that manner : r i0.'f What Bernard knows about Frjjtt Trees. "tfdn't cut a big corner limb, un less you are 4 a Tenter and don't care what becomes of it when your lime is out- ':' j Now ain't that badof Bernard to' publisji such advice in the Farmer ? But what 'can we expect ? ain't he following the" sage of the Tribune t Does Greeley write tor th Farmer, or Bernard for ; the Tribune. 1 Wil someooay ten U9 ail aoout iz t - Capt. Penny packer deserves great' credit for the superior class of entertainments he frj hasj procured for. ns the past season and the. least uleasant waa the John E. Owens troupe last Monday, olgfat.. laughter that greetedLliis comicaltesjnst have been verpleaaing to biro, He ma,ke9 a mistake, ho.weTeti .iwhen in imitating: a genuine Yankee be says, Tll be dog-gonod.n That piece of slang belongs to - the Ohio and Mississippi htera anc is unknown, in New England. He Itas our thanks for his " J es so." It was refighing to hear it agairi, carrying us back aaildid, to our boyhood days, and the cool breezes from New Eng lands rocky hills. ;. ! St ati stics op; WiLMiNOToN, N. C By tha tiensus returns of 1870, the population is divided up as follows, viz: Total population .'. , . . t 13,97 i White caal es 297 White females. ......2,832 Excess of females over males 1S5 looiored females. W.Xi,455 Exces of colored leraales over males - 1.0M Foreign born males......... ......... 848 Foreian born females.... .... ........ 200 Excess of mal es 148 Cfss of .females over males in the city, of 9981 Sure'y Wilmington is the pl.ace.to come to to marry. There are four Jemale? to three males. So if every male was'married there " t wouid remain 996 females without hope or expectation of getting a mate, For some time we have been trying to come to an un derstanding about how so 'many desirable yotauR larlipg were left to Abloom unseen and unsaught."; The arithmatic has solved the question. Too mfny. "Vhat shall be done? Emigrate young 1 idies or immigrate young men anything to make a proper balance. According to this we need nearly one thousand young males in Wilmington. Verily, figures are wonderful. The chance in Wilmington, of getting married, is won derfully in favor of the men. Our State Ticket. We place the Re publican State ticket at our mast head this week. It is one the people of the State who desire peace and progress can rallv around with an assurance that its sucpess will make those desires accomplished facts. Our standard bearer, Tod R. Caldwell, , is one in whom the honest people of North Carolina have confidence. They always know where to find him. He bas been tried and found faithful. He is Inflexibly firm in his purpose to do right. He is not to be swerved from dutv. And he is an unflinch ing and uncompromising Republican. ? As for thaber-candidateBr t bey too Are x 1 able and reliable men. They are accepts ble- general favorites wherever known. With such a ticket, representing the sound principles of true Republicanism, we go into this campaign feeling that we can re deem the State from the control of a venal Legislature -and secure the re-election- of North Carolina's favorite, Hon. John Pool,' to the United States Senate. F. City Car olinictn. ','1 r-'' ' Republican Delegates. The following1 are' the delegates trom Bladen to the Re publican District Convention, appointed at a meeting held at Eiizabethtown on Saturr day last; Rufus Register, JohnlNCwell,5 W, H. Sikes, George Atkinson, Dr. T. MSikes,' D. Bine. It is understood that they are' all for Russell. Star. . . . This is the . first information the Post a Republicari paper has received ot any delegates having been ap pointed to the Republican District "Cbnfen- , tion. We have fathomed tha whole matter tery sun , shines through, This whole proceeding we denounce without stint or re serve, and we do it trom the positive knowl edge that it is an unprecedented, outrage upon the rights and desirek of the Republic cans of Bladen county, most palpably so when we publish the tact that Tour oi those, self -appointed delegates, are members of the County Efx: Committee,wboirithontxallinsf a conver lion, eiectea -tnemseives toQ tr Clinton and cist the vb We tell iheni frankly anCfaywejey ' . i. ... ;.....-. . ' . .r. present! themselyesitk i thicreaeaUalM,eWi,0-? .9r. .?? w rie,;:anai .;m ' k. ii,an,8bi.i;",r Th 't1 f7tior Window Glasair.!;! :T j.-nhU? signed- by themselves : tbJey. wiHtneettdib i tost dbkb wca. leia.ssnioDuoD quigi OFFICIAJC RfiTrUWS OB THE CIT v The following are: the official i returns ot the election .Jheld here on , Monday - for ten Aldermen: f or; t tbe i?ity; 40-scrre Jprihe en- aning-gefttu; 4 ' f) ijf f 4 r? r-c dl-u j Jkerciinex., ... ...... .297 8. 'Baflctiffn?.,3. Sf... . IVit 1 S18 r B Gt$zx&w ' 2! J ames Wilson, .... . . . . ................... 736 R. Britk.v.i .shZTt sZ... .l-Jf.lSSO Owen? Barney: sC. r. I . hiza i . . ; i . b ; W. H. Tlittrber.,....-,.,........,.... 777 J. E 8ampson. . . i . ... .... 1641 D. Rnmly.U.ir. ..t. .Vv?. I. . i 1531 F. Newman. 211 toW - ... :i .., WARD. I IV W. Kerehaer.. r; . . ; . 613 L B." Gralnffr,i'. ..., . . . i . . , A . .... 59 H. S. ttadeliff. i , . 569 J.-Heyer: ... . ; ;u ;v; . W 609 James Wiisoni... ' .i.i'...... 44 . R.. BjinlfT, ........ ....... r.J. .......... 25 Owea Baraeyv m-;. . . iTi.;i . . . . ; 413 D. Rumley,.... '238 W H.' Thttrbrf.i . . . .tt 1 1 A" i:; i 4S3 P. Mewrnaniiir.i. ... ,113 - - - THID WARD. ; me "I ?,, Bdcliff.:...:...;..;t;i:.i...i.,..'..ir 445 536 J J. Hyer .v . . i . ... i . . ............ 430 Hil James Wilson ;..'.v;:.'v:i.iiv.-. i.v.i.Mv 489 &'R Briuk t. ..,..,...,,.,...,.,...... 43 Owen Barney.. ;. 258 W&Thntbemi 1 . . .i ifi i... .v .480 J. E Sampson...... ... . , 26 D. Romleir,; : . ;. ; x-. . 459 F.-ewminwlri,i-ii ,Vi.VVfV.s'i tfa .'. -159. 8catteringAfini..3..i:i;.,;...;. - :J7 . - -Vo&rn wiad. ' ". . . 1 F. W. Kerehner. ...;...:."..... 497 B. Grainger.4. . . .. ... . ,530 J . ,C Heyer . . -........ . 43 R 8. Eaacliff.r.....:....V;..C;...:.. 466 james wiison. W. E.Thnrber.::.. 516 ......... .. V. ; 511 547 505 262 261 116 273 273 D. Bamlev J. E. . Sampson ........ . 4 . . ......... j nrca iiuruejr. ....... . P. Newman r.....:. , - ' ITTTR WARD. " F. W. Kerchner.;...'. I. B. Grainier; . . . . J C. Heyer. i.v; . . ..... ....... 231 K. 8. KAdClllT. James Wilson. W. H.Tkurberj&... E.R; Brink.. u... I....,,... D. Rnmlev. .'. vt .. i . Jr E; Sampson , O wen Barney. . .', .. ................ 800 865 860 431 429 851 857 109 5125 P. Newman.. TOTAL SCMJitSG UP. ' F. W. Kerchner;!............ I. B. .Grainger.-.-. ..... J. C.-Hever..;. ........ 2120 2123 2189 R. S tRadcilff hs.ii... . iiK.."i . Ovteti 'Barney J. E." Sadiip0 ti'V - 1 v : S3V6 D RnmJey . . ..... k . . . ". . 3162 E.R. "Brink. : t 1 .... .V. .... .v 3316 James Wilsons ...... .-. . 300 Wi HrThurbsrv. .: . . . SOoo P. Resrman ..... i i 70S The new Board of Aldermen is composed of the: following members: Edwin R Brink OwejjlBvunry, 1. 1). Grainger, John UeyerF. W. Kirphner, Ii. B. Ra&diff, pEARD RrjMLEYf J.OS..E. SAilfSoN, WM. H. Thubber and James Wilson. i ..... iV...... ... S331 This columri, of the Post is at the sen ice of JiepublicanSj ichlo desire to express their views upon tdgics pf interest, for ' which the control will in no twii6 hold I itself responsible. ' For the Post. 1 WiLMrNGTON, May 8th, 1872. Editor Post : As there has been a great clamor about 'the offices to be distributed by ' the new Board pt Aldermen, and as some men are raving and ranting ; about, raising a hue and cry demanding one office or more for a certain class of men on the J ground bgcolor;' thereby, starting for the first time, "a question of color," I consider it my duty, it I stand singly and alone, be ing a colored man myself,' to Repudiate this hetesy. la r4 I opposed to this movement. Let the Board of -Aldermen decide these questions, and apportion thescfjoffices with out regard to ibeqoestion of color.!' The only consideration should be is he honest, is be a true Republican, is be capable and honest? If the Board of Aldermen will appoint city ofiidals upon this basi$, and this alne, we may be- assured of a perma nently prosperous city administration and one that will serve as an enduring example to CTery Other city in North Carolina. A 7 E. F. Martin. - Some robbers haying broke into a gentle- manVbouse, went . to the bed of a servant, and told him it he moved, he was a aead man. "That's a Ue,'J said he, "for if I move Pin sure that Tm' alive.1 ' WILMINGTON MARKET. ,.J., ; .; MONDAY. May C. . CauDi; Tukpexiixb Market quiet, with a deeiinlns: tendency.' Sales of 294 bbls at $5 for Vnrln, $4 fdr Yellow Dip, and 53 75 for Hard, 'aso-'ibs.2 ' 'v ; - Sprarrs Tubpentinb- Has declinel one cent.' Sales of u 200. casks at 49 cents $ gallon for Southern packages. . i Bosin Only SS2 bbls changed hands at 5 for low Pale, and $6 for extra Pale. -TvTab-i.18 firm at an advance of 5 cents, and 40 bbIssoldatr3 75$ bbl. &0',i ..... ' . TUESDAY. May 7. ilOr'Tlrgin.;-S T for YellowilMnVand )Wor Hafoj V 2SQ fts. bring. dscUne 'of 50 cents on former, and 25 cents on latter qnality. inrr n-,ytuiwi . ee with sales; 61345 ; casks at 4? peats . .,':.rs? 'osfN--The sales are only 295 bbls iat ij for ' r i-ocL kki oi -i. .- w ImT -w ..... .. .fTW .vuwiw umi UiU All' ft j , " . - Cauna TuapfiSri3--Is cnclnrsd. in; xricel Sales' of 180 ibU at JU VXt or.Tirrin; Z2 for TeUow Dlpiiam t3 JS) fOrHard, V 2C3 Csi- : i 8pXRrra TuRrrxisa-It xfrci; : and shotrt ft slight advances CalS OflTp casks at 471 cists, and 25 ciska.at 43ceatt gallon for Southern Rosnr-r-iOQ bblschanged hands at4 50. for ldw;'ale,antl''$G' tpr'exUaale;, ' J , ; lTAR-i-2i5t)hlsbld at $2 Wig bbt"" 'i ' C6ttojrNd 8al'es;repb'rtedl; :rK -' f ; r .ARRIVED, . f ' 6Sfaf. Juniper, BmlttFayettsrUl Worth Btmr Wave, Skinner, Farettsville, iWilUams1 & Mnrchison. - l l;BrJg isola; Snowman; EocipOrti with5 lime to Worth&Worth. ; . ru - t 'Schr Battle E Ssinpoa TJivU. tlockport, G G Barker & Co.BWtO J S XippStt & Cov Scbr E Francis Fkynfc , Fairfleld, , IfeRcuet 7-8teanuhip Rfenlator, Freefean,New Tor k, Barry , Bros. ;.? 1...,, -i.v-: tf4$ ,-... ' Steamer- Cumberland,' Phillips, FayeUerllle, IrA.DeBosset. v :U l- v.irn; t teamerjQov Worth. rth,rFayeUevule; Worth & Worth. -! ' v J r - r ! ; ' Sehr Lucretia, Williams. Fairfield, Kprthrop : - Br Schr (Tarletbn. AuhuryNM &8on. . ; J ; i , .. ' t-V-;-:-;.'Si-!; . 88teamer D Mnrchison, Garrison. iFajette ville. Williams & MurchUoif. r r 1 : V r8teamshlp tFioneeiv: Wakel i PhUadelpUa, ,Worth & Worth V 8teamship Lnciller Price, 'Baltimore," A D Cazaurvj A;,-, v .. -;- v -. pj. . . - ; Schr Ray, Harriss, from JacksonTllle, N. C, to E wards ute Hall. - - Schr- David, Hanklns, from Jacksonville, N. v., io Aawarus cc uaur -Hi - i --H. ' 6 Steamship7 Bcnefactdry Jones,ew " York, Barry Bros '-i.tn,f f.vlt :? - 8teamer Juniper, SmithFayetteville, Worth & Worth. ' . v Steamer Wave, Skinner, Fayetterille, "Will liams & Mnrchison. , 7 Steamship Rebecca Clyde. Childs. Balti. more, A D Cazaux oieamer uumberiana, flumps, Fayetteville. LHDeRosset. J v , - Stmr Gov Worth, Worth, Fayetteviile Worth & Worth. 8 Stmr D Murehlson, Garrison,1 Fayetterttle; Williams Mnrchison , ; . .y RECEIPTS. PER RIVER STEAMERS, &c." . ' .Stmr Juniper 147 bbls rosin, 66 do spfs, 47 bales cotton, Worth & Worth, T D Love & Co, Johnson & Birdsey. - Stmr Wave 148 bbls rosin, 47 do spts, 41 do turpt, Williams & Mnrchison. 8 Beaty. , Schr E .Francis 900 bushels corn, 514 r do peas. " - . . " :-i Stmr Gov Worth 471 bblr roelnrT 10 do tni-ptr WtfOfar, Worth & Worth,.. Will lard Bros, Johnson & Birdsey, 8prunt A Hln-J son, LHDeRosset, Love & Co, HB Eilers. Edwards & Hall, Held Bros, J M Henderson. J D Woody. atmr Unmbe: ?and 229 bbls rosin, 58 do spts, 17 bales sheetiug, F, W Kerchner, L H DeKes set, Johnson cfc Birdsey, Sprnnt & Hinson.4 Smith & Strauss. : Schr Lncretia 1,250 bushels corn. j neme cros, j oouinenaua, i w rlsyer. J 'M Henderson, .i. i.-tr 'e-ilK'i'-i ?:-r-..n loi Schr David 435 bushefs peanuts, 7 bales cotton. - - Schr Ray lObbla spts turpt, 0 do roiinJ4 bales cotton, tm "" '" ' ' ' '( EXPORTS. COASTWISE. ? v c; Nkw1 YoaK bbls rosin, oi bales beeswax 'UALTmoBB steamshm Rebecca CWAt- 1,538 . bbls sosin, 403 do spts, 163 do tar, 2 66 turpt, 4 bales cotton, 13 do sheeting, 718 bushi TJfianntS. S7 rklrara mHsa ' s . . - Bronchitis , This is an irritation Pr. inflamaiian Of thl bronchial tube3. which carry the air we breattife into the lungs. It arises from a cold settled ift the throat, trom Catarrh, extending rto- these parts, from sci ofulous affections and from severe use of the voice. The irritation front this Utter cause commences In the larynx and yJoMit, which art the organs ota the voice, and extending downwards, produces hoarseness, couzhln and spitting mucous, matter, tometlm.es mixe a with blood. It rs chiefly ' dangerous ?rom iU tendency to Bprea4 into the lan&s and terminate In consumption. It Is In, the cure of severe and obstinate eases of this disease that Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery has achieved unparalleled sUQcess,and won the loudest praise from all who have used it.-: It is sold by all re spectable;4ruggiets.: WU j . ' The,, Harrest ot tlie Head When the comb acts as a rake, bringing away a roll of parted fibers every time it passes through the hair, baldness would soon he inevitable But even in this case, forlorn as it may seem, the mischier can be arrested, the loss repaired. Lyon's Rathairon, . aided by-a brisk application of J.he brush to promote the absorption of the flatd by-the scalp will 6top the thinning-out process Jn forty-eight hours. The roots from which the dead filaments were shed will soon be re-endowed with vitality, and a new growth will speedily spdng upon the denuded places. This work of reproduction, will go on until the dam age is completely repaired, and the luxuriant crop of hah thus produced will never wither or fall out as lpng as the vitalizing application is regularly continued. - ; SPECIAL. EVERY ONE flia OWN DOOTUR Bmg a private instructor for married personsj or those about to be married,' both male and female, in everything concerning the- physiology and re lations of our sexual system, and the produc tion and prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given In the English language, by WM. YOUNG, , M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plin language for the general reader, .and is illustrated with numerous En gravings. All young married people, or those contemplating : marriage, snd naving the least Impediment to married life, should read this book. It discloses secrets that srerr one should be acquainted, with; still It Is. a book that must be locked ,np and not let .lie about the house. It win ba sent to anr AAri a I receipt of 50 centsfAddressDr.i WIL YOUSG: Wo, 416 Spruce street, abOTe Fonrth.Phliadel AFFUCrED;AHI5tJOTOBTTJMATnU sio matter wnai may no your disease, , before yon ptace yourself under the care of any one pf the QUACKd nativ and foreign-rho adver ti-e in this or any other paper, get a copy of be the means of saving von o wviJk uu ICOU lb UUXiUUT. T 11 WjU ft dollar, jrcur neaiwic o posioiyour JUe. f be consulted on anv of tha dfo. itva lour; can i , li . .. ? 7. T rr" in ms puu'iouions oy mail or at niscziss; Ho. ii pruw iicw, ftOQTt Wtn,umiaes pkl Stmr D Murehison 103 bbls spts turpt; 2S8 do rosin, 22 do crude turnfr. 25 do tar. a Aldm-. man. T D Love & Co. Williams A Mnrehiinn Steamship Benefactor: 3.350 108 do spts; 177 do turpt. ; 20 do tar. cotton. S00 bundles shook. 46 hhii , 14 pkes mdse. ' J ' ' - - '' i " NDI7 ; flPVCnTISCENTS. , PRACTICAL' MERCANTILE LETTER . y' -' I By Willlin Alexander. . v A'coll4cticn of Modern Letters of business ' with notes criUcil asi explanatory, an analvti cal .index,"- and in appendix contalninsri Pro FaTmJnTS1& Accoaat Sale8 Bill of Udiog, and Bills ot Exchac-re. Also an explanation of tne German Chain Uule, as applicable to the cAlculUpaPfexchanees.at - UEINSBERGER'S. . ; STORIES TOL1T TO A CHILD. v.,.a $j Jean'Ingelb '' . First and Second Series, with numerous illus trations, for sale at . . , - . ,;HEIN8BERGER'S u y lite Book and Music Store, may 9 e99-. QEriTCCLOUB CALF 0XF00D G, GBNT8 SEWED CALF. ROB ROtS, s GENTS CALF IMPERIALS, ; .And many other fine Summer Shoes, . - - AT . ' . C. A. FRlCES. ' . 199 may 9 $10 Lost In this city, a BIBLE with the name "Isabel Graham'1 prlated on it. The finder will be paid Ten Dollars on rotuminar H io this oraee, and no question asked. v -: "J ' ; 199-5t - The richest IDress Siii-t , f of tho Season, , PANAMA, STRAW- - I and other kinds of HATS. V THINO-. In great variety. ' r Cjty Clothiers. . ; . 199 may 9 B;S?01 CB4LY, BtlMBAJSIE; AL GridtfS?'!6?' .GinKhaaw. Prints, rfS?-41?68' H,anW Muslins, -Canton and Tak Uoths, for sale by : J. 8. VV1LLUM8. BLACK ENGLIalfAFE and LoveVeL's. ,uBck English Crape by the yard, superior quality. For sale by ; i 8. VVILiJAMs! UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. . . , , For sale by . J. s. Wi WILLIAMS GQR8ETS, f.om 40 cetfti upwards, For sale by . J. 8. wii WILLIAMS. I?S?Tti?e;P!y an? B"8ls Carpetlngs, standard artiole. and at lower prices than can be had a few months hence. n f For sale by J. 8. WILLIAMS. IMADY-MADE SHIRTS. Iresb lot received - .;hy v . ; J. 8. ' WILLIAMS. DRESSES, and sundry other garments, for Ladles, ready-made, ' mlhJ 'J. S. WILLIAM f FOR GENTLEMEN, ' LIGHT AND SEASONABLE. 7.1 DUDLEY & ELLIS, Sign of theBig B f 197 vmay 3 Vniminstoii SJuliial lusitr- V ance Compauy, , .W WILMINGTON, C .. THIS COMPANY IS READY TO RECEIVE u fPPlictions for Insurance against lire upon buildiogs and other cronertv. liir one vku time at rates upon the liberal mntuaf plan al lowed by their charter. As only a limited amount can be taken in any one locality the frrst applicants will be preferred. Apply to WM. L 8MITH,' . .,; ,. Sect'y and Trtas.- pril25 195-2t S. MCILHESJiy, A. e. vrKlGUT, M. 1 Mcllhenby & Wright, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG- n glsu and Chemists. Cri (LIPPITT8 OLD STAND.) e N. E. Corner Market & Front Sts.. , WILMINGTON, N. C. mar14 183-ly LOT FOR SALE. FINE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE ON Third street. Lot 3, Block 206, size 66x165 feet. Appiy to W. P. CANADAY. april 23 190 tf Rates of Wharfage & Storage. ESTABLISttBD MAECH 18, 1873. I have just printed the Rates of r WHARFAGE & STORAGE, as established by the Board of Aldermen March 18, 1871, on cards, and will keep them for sale.' S. G. HALL, Practical Book and Job Printer 196-tf April 2S Capital Paid in, $150,000. : Auihorized Capital, $l,00O,t)00. - OAVIIIQU DAtJU. HE BAJIE: OF NEW HANOVER OFFERS JL -all the advantages of a , SAVINGS BANK, byUsniBglodpositors certiflcatts of denoslt T XyabTeafter 15 days notice, MdVearto- t-V-i.-;-.-;--,-.- INTEHEST ; Iroia Date pf Depoait to Date of Payatct. 1itig matted -z -ehM a-if liy L ; :':v tp.vhJflS tvdl -Mils i f-'c. our 190-lawg ti 'J 'r ' ; ' rr