1 i , The Cape Fe.ui, daily JVmocrat! newspaper, in printed! every '-morning ex cept Monday, in the old Journal Building, , ;lower floor, Princess etreet, att'taceiits a " weA, 25 ior jthree months, $2 for I aft months and 5-fo'ra jeaK, Mailed or delivered by carrier In the city at these-- rates. Subscriptions by mail roust uirte riably bevlprepaid i Advertimeia! iii6rUd for $1 (KJ ier1 square for the nrt day and 50 IU. adai ; tiooal for &ch day up. to one week'. One : square (or inch) !f S f?r one mouth, $16 fyc three moitbs, flijifor-six months, ?f0 or twelve mouths. A quarter of a column-j .for twelve months with privilege of ' , monthly jchanges, free of charge, $67. A. s." half column for (on year, with like priviT lege, Oae column for one year v $200. Contract for other space and time- : J t i i jt . a in .1 i . can D inaue ai uie omce oh iuH.-rai icrnw. Address, The Cape Feah, iVVilmiutrtoii, N. CV CAPE FEA It: (Jioeko W, H arris'. WEDNESDAY MORNING, 0C 2.5, -1.376. -i- DUMqCHATIC NATIOXAI.TICKIiT l con I'Uesidest: . Samuel J. Tilden. Of New York. FOK VICE PH ESI DENT J Thomas A i Hendricks, Of Indiana. .LECTORS: . The followilirj i? the ticket to-lc voted at the President ul box : Bf.ECTOS OF I'ltESIOiEXT "ANI VICE l'KESI itCXT OF JIIK y KITED STATES. UiSlEi, (f . Fowile, 4th Congressional Dist. .James M. Leachi, .1th Congress-tonal Dit i Loi'is C LatjiJim lHt Congressional Dist. John- F, AVo4tkx, 1 ngregsfonal Dist. JAMES C. Mciiit? :jhl Congressional Dist, Fauil-! . BfttEE, -Ith Congret-i5inal Dist. Fuank C. ItoniiiNS,5th Congressional Dist. ; Rouert P. WAiu't',jf5th Congressional Dist. ; WiU-lAMli.(lLii,frthUiiigre8sionalDist. i AhmioxpoC . Ay et i i Con ''ression'l Dist i j ' Democratic State Ticket. t " The f(llowinjg i the tiejket for Governor and State olncers: ! ' fl lor Uoverncr: f zebu;i)n; b. vaxce, ' : . Of Mecklenburg.- . .' . f For Lik'uleuant 1 Governor: TIIOMASi.1. JAUVIS, ; . 0L- l'itt. s For secretary of State: . I: SJOSEDn Ai KNGELHARD, ; I, Oil 'New llanoVer. , For Auditor: : ; : SAMUEL L. LOVE, Of Ilalwood. ' Vor ,S',asurer: JOHN M " WORTH, . ' : Of Randolph. 4 " ' . For Superintendent of Public Inst ruction rJOIINiC. SCARBOUOU(;iI, Of Johnston. . . For lAttoiruej- General: THOMAS I S. KEXAN. Of Wilson! . - ; HATIFICATIOX." , rCON'OKEpiSlOXAL NOMINATION'S: 1st Dist JESSE J. YEATES, of Hert: ; ford. I 3d Dist ALFRED M. ; WADDEIL, of New Haiioveif. . ; . 4th Dist- -JOSEPH J : DAVIS, of Franklin, - ' . 5th Dist iDFRED M. SCALES, of Guilford! ! '' ; ; 0th Dist WALTER L. STEELE, of Richuioiid. 7TiipisT WILLIAM M. ROBBINS, of Iredell. 8th I Dist ROBERT B. VANCE, of Buri pombe. TOjTHE WIIITC MEN OF NOKTl CAROLINA. There is 6 white majority in North Carolina, if- it should ever be fully polled, of Sixty-One Tliousand. Think of that, fellow-citizens. Thip- tcen or fourteen thousund is our highest polled majo'rity, and yet - the Demor cratic party , if all white men were truo, cou).d .roll up a majority, as great, as ' dftergia's or Kehtacky's;- ' : Shame on those who stay from the polls through cowardice or indifference I A deeper shame on those who vote to aufltain the centralized despotism, the . orgMized,. dishonesty of ihfi Eadical ,prty f . -. " ' '-'' '. ' - r . t 1. Ict this j election show an improved fmcijt. JCt all of our negro fellow-citii icnjl who sincerely desire to stand with white men on the reform platform come out boldly and vote for Vance and for Tilden; j But above all things oiato d& ihejr duty. The whole destiny of the Commonwealth is in their hands. Upon' their manhood debeuds the future. for weal, or for woe. I hey should cast their solid sixty thousand majority for the: cause of, .honest, government ami Ul)erty and l'emocracy. The subject of this article iuudoubt cdly a mau of intellectual parts. The trouble with Judge Russell is, not ' a lack of, subtlety, and' quickness, but. a voful lack of that which' gives tone and stamina to' a public maa -steadiness in pursuing right objects and that wisdom which guides .to just conclusions . Daniel ; L. Russell was one of the i El- speakers at the negro pow-wow held a the City Hall Monday night, f He Was ijj thetmost eaguinary leader of the occa i -1 , sion, ana jnrew out, uis noij.wortts- lite rurnace-neatcd snot, only- they fel 4tsi" in the water short of their niark not! even indulging in the playfu richocheting habit of shells fired frpin Afat-. llf likewise'wared Morton's old r - f - bloody shirt until the air of that pre cious Tocaltty was dense with thcsmel of gore. The cx-Judge (thank Heaven he is; onljr an ex) must have become extreme ly disgusted with the white men during his vlate tfavelsi in the Western ' coun ties Surely he cometh back to "this home by " the sounding sea" with the gall of bitterness 'doublyistille ill trough his system, aud with a more baleful- light that usual in hia eyes- Westeru RcpuWic&nsi are doing like Cantwcil,; Bailey aud Thomas tearing the hulk of the old ship as it float about in the blackness olY darkness, without rudder and sailless. Judge . . W A I lilUli L ailU UIH "V j,wj, his party. ! Repudiated by vthe people he may have looked to Hayes for some thing, which he now sees is a futile hope. The day of judgment for such miserable leaders always comes, and when it comes it is awful. THE STATE TICKET. The ticket headed byL Vance and Jarvis ha.s the confidence of the public. Everybody knows Vance, and the fame' of his brilliant talents and his sympa thetic nature, is no greater than the love that is felt for him. Jarvis is less known, but his career in the Legiila ture and in State politics is highly hon orable. These men lead the canvass J with ability and lervor.. inc people arc rallying eutnusiasucauy xo ineir call. Let us' give the State Hicket, headed l)v Vance and Jarvis, a tremendous majority. . w . I iTr . , t a u r j We noticed yesterday ' the death of this eminent divine. A friend in this citv tells us that at the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in Raleigh J a few years ago, Dr. Fuller referred to .the then recent death of Dr.,Poindex ter in the course of his sermon. ' . The Reverend orator became thrillingly eloquent, and, as if inspired, he seemed ,to forget his audience, raised his eyes Heaven ward, and made the. most re markable and beautiful apostrophe to "the blessed sjpirits and angels it had ever been our informant's good fortune to listen to. Like a strain of Beeth oven or Mozart's -.music, it lingers yet in memo - "Whaiithe Kirures Say. ' From the CTtat-Xoite Observer. One of qrfTi. townsmen ha?" ' taken a curiou way to find out who is to be our next President, and the result of his investigation proved entirely satis factory. Ijfijjays that figures wont lie, and figures.410.int directly to Tilden's election; andihig is how it's 40n ; Number eaCfletter according to its position in ttit5 Alphabet, A being one and Z twenty-six. Add up the num bers coTrespoudiug to the letters in the names. 1 he letters in the 'names S Tilden and T4ndricks and the' result is 19 1. AdjjLihe1 numbersof the let: ters iii the names of R.. Hayes and W. "Wheeler air you get 175. The entire electoral Tott Is 369, consequently 185 is necessary- to a choice. Now the names of the Republican candidates lack 10 of furnishing the requisite number, whiles those of S. Tilden and T. IIendrickgive 197, "being J2 over the number jitcessary- to a, choice. Carrying it a little further, 197 being grcaier inan. 1 id Dy z, or a nine over 10 per cpnt., the Democratic majority will be 10 percent, of the entire vote. This settles it." ' . - s Excelleritmud Well-Printed. From tlu- retersburq Index-Appeal r&z rsrss fN.JAC OBI'S The Cape new paper just established at "Wilming ton N. Crjai C. V, Harris, late 1 member of iha Star ; editoral staff. It is an exceUeat and well printed sheet, and we hope-Mr. Harris will make it a financial success. A special "dispatch from Philadelphia to the New Irtrrk Times states that a Sheriffs summons was served on Miss Clara Louisejvellogg, in that city, on the evening: of'the 16th inst.. while shfe was encasred inthe nerformance of Lucia di LdmmermSor. A control versy had arisew between tbe operatic management "ami some , artists, out of which a lawsuit had sprung. Bishop Gibbons, of Richmond, Va.. - is engaged ii-wri ting a history of the Catholic Chifrcif,' which it is expected win oe puDiiseflL some time during the coming year. O r ' DEROSSETwIn PhiladelDhia. Pa., on Monday, 23d inst., at 6 o'clock A. M., of neuralgia ot the heart, ELIZA J. DeROS SET, wife of Armand J. DeRo6set. M. D.. Aged 64 years. The funeral services will be held at. St. James' Church, at 3 o'clock P. M. on Wednesday, 35th inst., thence to O'akVlale. Friends of the family are respectfully invited. SHR I.J R HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE North, and has opened for the ' WINTER SEASON The largest assortment, best qualityand nicest made Stdck of Clothirig AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS - . . . v ever displayed in Wilmington. PriceVare so low as to enable every one to buy, even in these hard times. . - A large lot of those. t v w Snlendid White Shirts .11 ViAv " ' j Made (except button holes), j AND FOR THE SMALL SjUM OF 90 CENTSr-WORTH 2 50 A PIECeT" Don't forget to call on ' lA. SIlRIERy No. 30 Market st'reit oct25-tf XEW ADVERTI8EXEXT8 HEADQUARTERS --.Ijli t THOS. H. UcKQY, No. 8 Nobth Fboxt Pt. qM8 AJ?D 8ETJ US,' AND EXAMINE vy . our fine selections. gUGAR, COFFEE FLOUR, . MEATS, FISH, BUTTER, CHEESE, CRACKERS, CANNED GOODS, . 1 PRESERVES, PICKLES, 80AP3, CANDLES, SAUCES, WOODLAND WILLOW WARE, FRUITS, CIGARS A TOBACC LiaUOHS OH) BYE . WHISKIES WALTER'S GENUINE BAKER'S-? NONE OTHER; OLD VIRGINIA GLADES, McKOY'SPURE RYE, IMPORTED LIQUORS, HENNESEY BRANDY, SHERRY, PURE - HOLLAND GINr UNADULTERATED PEACH . j f AND APPLE BRANDY, ; ndivarioua other artlclee" too numcroo to nention. Fresh Supplies Received' Dally. Don't take our word. Come and exam oct 25-1 w Ine for yourselves; 3IIS QELLA NEO $S j REMOVAL ! HARDWARE DEPOT REMOVED TO N Oi 10 , SOUTH FRONT 8T., NEXT DOOR TO MALLARD & CO'8 8ADDLERY AND HARNESS 8TORe Where we shall be Very Glad TO WELCOME ALL OUR : . FRIENDS t v ' J t -. 1- AND ' CUSTOMERS 1 oct 24-ly t CHOICE GROCERIES. 500 BlLS R' dlffcrent eradc; BBLS 8UGARS; BOXES MEAT; COFFEES Rio, Lagujra 'and Old 5ov- enunent Java, very line. . . , Sugar Cured Hams, 1 Lard, In kega and tierces; Shot, Brooms, Buckets, Ac., &c., - octl Ira ; ' BIN FORD, CITOW CO. Orders Solicited . 4BesleyV Patent Cotton Ties, Choice Mullets and Mackerel, S. H. Syrup and Molasses. Coffee, Surax And Flour. CheeM I nd TUirt Tt- i r 1. . . t J--Tr f uuea wjwmatriei mces inroucn o20-lm PETTEWAY A SCnULKEN. Parker & Taylor, I. At -T- 19 SOUTH FRONT ST. LAMPS J.1 of the most artistic and durable de- aesigns, ugm ana gracerur , turn Cages. U."".ne Btralnera, Plktad Ware. Coal ScutUes, Dip! pers, MAtU Baskete,' Egg Beaters and a thousand artlcls to suit the most faatldloua purchaser. . oetI9-lw -I ' JflSCELLAXEO US. Diimv ivn tidtp vinimW jSt Mi wT mr'0 FAMILY SUPPLIES ii i ;r f.nwy '-; - SAUCES AND PICKLES 1 ' PRESERVES AND JELLIES 7- , . a ; i.:-n - CRACKERS AND BISCUITS-j- FISH AND MEATS rRUrrs jtND vegetables ' J RAI3IN8 AND FIGS " 1-XUTS AND WINES tT r CnOCOLATES A D COCO BROMA A CREAM CHOCOLATE TEAS AND COFFEES CUT LOAF t CRUSH ED SUGARS IpowDBBED & Granulated Si'uahh SEA FOAM A BAKING POWDERS" -rnOUSE A HEARTH BROOMS MARKET A FANCT 1 BASKETS ScbVbbixo ajci) SnoBavsHM 1 kc. Ac.' Ac. 1 -BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES Politb Attention . Qncx Dblitbbt i CHAS. D. MYERS, JOHN L. BOATRIGHT. . . . . i" CHAS. D. MYERS A CO., oct 22-tf 5 and T North Front ft. . Gia MYERS UU FLACL ? : ; ;! 3 ! . BUY YOUR Family, Groceries or GEORGE MYERS. 1 O E T Y O U R li a II 011S GEORGE MYERS. ft U 8 E ONLY PURE, .SWEET MASH YHISKEF A JC D BLUE O RASS, . ' ' . - . FOR 8ALB OXLT BT GEORGE MYERS, ' ' -11 and 13 South Front Street, oct 15-tf The Baltimore Gazette ' FULL 'OF 2 FRESH XEWS! mnE GAZETTEISPUBUSHEDBVERT X. morning (8undaya excepted). MaTJ Burocnpuons, posiaf e iree, i , 96 per Annum. In Advance. The WEEKLY GAZETTE Is published every Saturday. Mall aubecrlptlon, poetajre paid, SI per Annum, In Advance. No eubacripUon to the Weekly received for leas than a year. Address,' THE GAZETTE, ' 100 W. Baltimore at.. Baltimore. PEOPLE GO TO MORWS FIRST, Especially for School Hooka, : . ' .'r . 1 'i ' : : ' jgECAUSE HE MAT HAVE THEM ,8ECQND-HANpED, And perhaps he will take their old ones. I...:.. HE IS NEXT TO POSTOTTICE. oct 22-tf " C, 'W YATES, Dealer ta' BLANK ROOKS, STATIONERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ALBUMS, nrn -. I JICrVWRAMES, GOLD PENS, .,r.J( c Ac, Ac, Ae. . oct I54X., . ..' ..... - i : Bacon; Flour, &c. 100 Hhda. and Bbla. CUBA MOLASSES, 50 Bags COFFEE, " ... I. 800 Bales HAT. 1 BAGGING, TOBACCO., SNUFF, SOAP, I t v t u.twt, ii RPTRTT DkPDrra i iDn l aiuj, etc, xc. w VV I lAN.BEOBTABJED IX A7PLXA8ANT j 1 private famirrrooi far from the tmlneM Poq of the city, on reaaooabie term. For name, Ac,; ' 1 - . . AxmlyAt oct2Ut tteCxTVT VITH ToY AYE T LIVE BOOK AND TNVESTORS IN FANCY STOCKS CAN NOW iiUY .sTc K AT MoKK n .VANTAGE, A 8 TO REAL VALUE, THAN EVI.K WYXWT. , INTKUKST.TIfAT CMIMIMU-NHS By calling at the LU'E BOOK STORE and making y,.ur lr nf anirWj, , . . suk-V, for CASH, you cau1v. um- the . .. r U a i PIANO, ORGAN, ME LODE ON, OR OTHER MUSICAL IN.-IUIMKNT. . For Le'aure Hour I4 prccnt THE LARGEST .STOCK OF UKA1LNJ MA'ITI'.ir IS flini:!:m, WITH SCHOOL HOOKS. THK'llES T LITE U A A T oct 1 Vtf 1 11 11 E P 11 E INDESTRUCTIBLE ! THREE LONG WORDS, BUT MEANING EVEN MOUK THAN T1IKIK !.r(.Tn would Intlk-ate. , Draw your ow n Infrnntnu. I have Juat returnetl from the NORTHERN and KATE1;N-MAUK!.T?, l,tt 1 have purchased the handiomest St(K k of FANCY aud STAPLE DRY GOODS ever offered iu thi market. 1 have now ou exhibition a Urzt: and varied t l BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, BASKET MTITINGS, in all thv u wn.l; Black and Colored MOHAIRS, all pr!i- ; lfl'L!NS, MERGES, Al.PACAN CASHMERES, HUNTER CLOTHS, CLOAKING. KUKS, CIjiiAKs. SIIAWL,?. BLANKETS, Mm, Handsome CA8SIMERES. "DomcsUc" FashUni Ca "atai'iu- OC.15-tf WILSON COIiLEGE ! STRICTLY XOXSECTAJUAX! 3 EXES IN SEPARATE BUILDINGS 1 TBS ABLB AXU EXI'EUIEXCXI TtACHtKS'I V TT'INE LIBRARY AND APPARATUS. Healthful Location. Ijtcnrilff. clal and Moral Community. Preparatory' Commercial, "Normal, MuUal, Ornamen- tAl and Collcfrlate DonarlmrriTn. Advan- tagea unaurpacd In the Stale. Sclo extend from flrat MONDAY In OCTOBER tolaat THURSDAY In JUNE. Students charged from time of entrance, Entire average expensea t JOO per year, , . m.w At 1 1 'i Muslc t45 0,. 0ne hundred" ami eighty-eight Student lart. year. For Catalogue, add reas 8. HASSELL, A. M., Prvad't, Oct l5-lw ViIn, N. C. TUB ! I CAPE' 1 All I 9 ! ! t Ml I Only Ten Cents t ! -i y. GHEErV YOTpl MUSIC STORE., - tin Vnc fr m a.r.n tuu T V U K l F Til K A i; K HEINSBERGER'S, MM. rsi A: 11 MARKKT .T!:r.irr. S 8 I U L 'E ! a TTQ131?1STQ A - TM INDISPENSABLE! Vtoiucii fan.H hl In nV l NDKRWEAII,, :5flTLL LINE OK CAUPETINGS! arc now ralr Tor I liven. R. M: Mclntire. Cheap and Reliable! 1 IO()Ui.Tir ALWAYS. THE CAPE FEAR, A NEW WILMINGTON JOURNAL 1 iMotol ! Hie nait iui!, U.U JWlual, moral and pUtjosl Intrn-1 cf North Car luia, l iflVn"d Ui tbe uUat tie ehf-ap rale t,X 1(1 CeuU a Weei. or 5 Year. rpHE CAPE FEAR WILL ADVOCATE I in a Mraltfht("twrl T;;iitKT the trln- , riplra fa ur atl uuiuly I 4tK- rat x In Utr anI l.i:i.try. Jn it LumMc wjtvlt will upheld thr lanm r unfurled ly Jc f!T- Mn. carrl'"! aloft !y Jacltwni an! rww prrmdly U.n-by Tll W Tl.rCrcFr.ll will n-cttxulte no dSffV rdnre txiwec-n tLe who right Um battle of the J-llf again4 hlch-lund.iil Radk-alUm iulmK-htl la place of lvr and MxklngU rtiAlntaia it corrupt huUi in llie amo. Ijy wlatvT name ealletl, th- DcffnilcTi" of "tbe C'C try'a IilTty atvl th- Inali-nal.l RteM f the IWipIr are iKuKwrats. Tit them Ue Catk Fiui: 111 rycT ftvak ;th the kc nf niwin hihI aUittiou. In tluir l t.alf the CirE KtJUi Gliw be fwuul ttrUL Cling. T Tlicmw ipirwill trfve warm twwif- ageuu-iit t the ari-uUural, mining ai! manufat turiiyr int-nt if the Utc. It will nrv Inimirra'.km. Rut wl!!e It win extend the baud t if elrmne trt tin ftunlv farrizix-r r itlicr iaimicratit. It w lilftft k Jo Ltnj.rt o u the i-'upU? alnady bcrr tiic neec-fity lur rxuuouijr, thrill, lalr aud ndclitv to ljoiu and Male. North Camli-v 1 jitaii ciut bundiipNorth Caroliita. ) In limxii'Jiiir rrruin xtular Utrary F-aturtn the Cxrz Kcu I ahead of it Kib cnnlemrrarh.- No Ain rk-jin dallv nr - original f.ctinn habitualh 1- rr rxerj t In ihe fnrro f wu- ftatlonal hitelliffrme. Morie for U tn aide,. both M-rkd atil coin:lrtr, .will lie Inund tTUp leg a ruon rjirc in ri. Tnu. The literary maiur of ihc tltenew?. . Rn vity i.d Couvt nUiM .-, .it xirrfu-i IroirtiaWv wfll l h ading t harrt cf the Iti1-intnee. I rtrirntftbri tC K. Tlie new a of the Hr, CHv. i.tr and (iieral. w HI be it.-til In Urlr- t, rMtrUt4 mil ut atlracUv e form pt- , j1nt-il ou Ue firt iiagr. Under tl dr- uotu'r.xiWm we Um julc me urkn iiin aiil KiTrr and Marine IntrH'grtjre. Such fnUr$0 are Uf frriuenllr er"wdeI hi Mn0t)?tM turner. Ihe OmitarrrUl New Will lr n lull dttipilril itf mr rrrtol. SUBSCRIPTION 1IATLS. ' The baAi U tttbrr cm the week r the rar. Tlic Cart i ru ill 4e funihrJ at Ten (Via tr wrrk. ie IWUr J Twtntv.Ilve Cet.u f-r Three Mn:l, T I iKdlaw ail Hftv Cn;u Ur'M an.1 Hve lhAUr lit Yr. Wiirren liy Carrier in the Cttv e rdH. Nc ttttVr Kttii by mail unJethe alx rtiftkm h l-rn i.rii.L CUiit io.le by Carrier t rx wrrK. ,1" iy falotir'HaielhaNawU tu any one wbflortKAiy for Jt Jtotajdly. Ch ltheonI. rT - , " ' ' -TKliMS OAlA'MiTWNrt4 Are given In iiith-r plare. Tbx" are tnd' l-rUUy re!iaMcf In keejiar with thelitiH. Ctttrbrt rati e t-flt4 tC libers! U rma for a4t rtlK r. AddrvM, , tiu: ivi: fiuk act 15-tf Wrufi-xoTox, N. C. V i V- ' . ' ' -