fmrRSPA? '.MORNING, NOV. 9, 1876. NOUTU" C AKOLI N A. ' ThoH- K, Tarnell, State Librarian, The Friends of Temperance State nVf.ntiou meets at Shelby on "SYed- fnc cV waf spirit medium . -y fl-as called the Prince of the Pow- raiiiiah physician ac accusing each ' ' '0tber -pf unwise - treatment o& patients ilurinjr the yellow fever epidemic. The ',' inter True Southron says: The -The Cape.. Fear, straight-out De mocratic in politics, is well printed, and isa newsy journal. jt-. nurlincjton Ilawkeye : "They are jK-rfpniiing the cantata of 'Joseph' at the opera house in Des Moines, They trouble in securing talent to re prtex nt most all the members of pot -iphar's family, but they had to send clear to Burlington to get a man to play Joseph." , V riot occurred in Raleigh Thursday nijrht at the last grand Democratic rai. Pistol shots were fired and a policeman was beaten; the secretary of the Kadi'cal State Executive Commfttee was an aggressor in the affair, the win dows of Dr. Blacknell's private office at the Yarborough House were broker Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Office op Gen 'l Sui'eiuxt" indent, Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 5, 1876. Oi AND AFTER SUNDAY. OCTOBER 8th, 1876, Passenger Trains on the Wilmington & Wei don Railroad will run as follows : '.. DAY TRAIN Leare Wilininfrton, Front St. Dcpbt, at - - , . . . . 7:15 A.M. Arrive at Goldeboro - 11:42 A. M. Rocky Mount - - 1:40 IV m! !' J ; Weldon r - - . - 3:20 P. M. Leave Y eldon, daily . . u .12:40 P. M. Arrive at Rocky Mount 2:23 P. m! -'" . Goldsboro - t:C5 1 M? .. " Wilmington, Front .? ; St. Depot . - 7-eO P. M. NIGHT TRAIN, With Passenger Coach Attach :d. -Leave Wilmington at . - - 0:15 P; M Arrive atGoljsboro - - 12:45 A It pck Mount .. - 3:37 a! M , . eldon . - (5:15 A. M j-cuve emon, daily . . 8:10 P M Arrive at Rocky Mount - - 10:4f a! M 'a- id81boro - 1:50 A. M Wilmington . . 8:15 A. M , . ii.diuj iram maKes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bav Line,!Jaily except.Sunday, and daily via 1 Richmond and all-rail route. Night Train makes close connections at Richmond. . FREIGHTTRAINS will leave Wilming ton triweekly at 5i$i A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, octl5-tf General Agent, The Raleigh Observer Ui . inn xoiii jjAi uj? juvj:aiber 1876, and in the city of RA LEIGH the undersigned will Commence tl.e publi cat oabf : M ' ' ." ". . ZHE O BS E R V li 11, A DAILY AND WEEKLY D e m ocr a t i c N e w spa per. : Of long experience in their pi ofession as editors, respectively of the Favetteville Observer and the Wilmington J, iurxal XT rpTTTC 1 "rtr t-v i tr , , I wicy uo iioi, anecx, to aoubt the st undness of the general judgment which assigns them, ability to furnish a newspaper suited io me Deeds and adapted to the tastes of the people of North Carolina. 'Diflerinff m politics in the olden time, tl ere wat never a difference between the O jserver and the Journal in zeal for the interests and honor of North Carolina. To promote the one, and to uphold and add to the other will be object of the Observer now. It will be their highiaim to deserve the public confidence by t&rncst efforts to pro mote the public welfaFe, first and foremost of North Carolina, next of all the South ern States, and finally, and through these, of the whole Union. They think "that this can only be eflected by the prevalence oi Democratic principles and the dismissal ol the Radical party from the places and power;which they have so greatly abused, and under whose baleful rule the South has been outraged and the whole country has been impoverished '-and dissTac-pd 1 FETER M. HALE. W. L. SAUNDERS. KATES OF SI :z SCRIPT ro. Daily Observer, one year, . $8 o Daily Observer, six moniths, 4 00 Weekly Observer, one year, - "2 00 Weekly Observer, six'montlis, 1 00 .W.-'l: SAUNDERS, Wilraiat-ton, N. C Oct 15-1 ni CHOICE GROCERIES. 500 BBLS rL0'UR' dmrent es; BBLS SUGARS; BOXES MEAT; COFFEES Rio, Laguyras and Old Gov- ernment Java, rery fine. Sugar Cured nams, Lard, in kegs and tierces; Shot, Brooms, Buckets, &c, &c., For sale low by OcU9 lm BINFORD, CRO W & CO. TilEWmrPIIolESTA'n WEEKLY JlELKUOqs' -t ; 'NE WSPMPER, PublLshed ,at Greensboro, N. C, ; 5BYREV.J L. MICHATJX Price $3 'per annum. octai-tf MIS CELLANEO US. GEO. MYERS' IS THE PLACE. BUY YOUR Family Groceries ."-OP- GEORGE MYEB3. G E T Y O U R LIQUORS OF ; GEORGE MYERS. '.--- r j H USE ONLY PURE, - SWEET MAS II WHISKEY V X I) B L U EIG U A SS, FOR SALE OXLT BY GEORGE MYERS, 11 and 13 South Front Street. oct 17-t.f KtfXAXSVILLE AND FEWALE SEMINARY, R. II. MILLARD, Principal. TUITION : . Preparatory Department -$15 00 Higher Classes - - - - - - - 20 00 to 25 00 Board per month 10 00 to 12 00. COURSE OF STUDY. Mathematics, thorough2English course. Latin, Greek and French. The town of Kenan svilltf, is beautifully situated on- a ridge of hills in the most healthy portion of Duplin county.. The nhabitants of the town are noted for their morality and refinement, and the seminary offers great inducements to students who desire to learn and to be free from the temptations and . 'allurements of large tow- . novJMu- REPRINTS OF THE 1 t British Periodicals. rpiIE OLITICAL FERMENT AMONG X the European natsons, the strife be tween Church and State,- the discussion ol science in relation to Theology,, and the constant publication of new works on these and kindred topics, will give unusual 1 interest to the leading foreign Reviews during 18T0. Nowhere else can the in quiring reader find in a condensed form the facts and arguments necessary to guide i him to a correct conclusion. j . THE LEONARD SCOTT PUB- LISHINd COMPANY; 41 Barclay Street, New York . con tinue the rcpiint'dtJie four leading 'Reviews, 'viz 7 Edinburgh Re mview Whig, London Quar terly Review Conservative), 'Westminster Review (Lib . eraly British Quarterly (Evangelical), and BLAfKWOOU'S EDINBURGH REVIEW. TERMS Patable Stiuctlt in Advance: For any oneReie - - $ 4 00 per annum. For .any two Reviews - 7 00 " For any three Reviews, 10 00 ' " " For all four "Reviews . 12 00 " ' For Blackwood's Mag- . azine - - - 4 00 ;" " For Blackwood's and one Review 7 00 For Blackwood and 2 Reviews - - 10 00 """ 11 For Blackwood and 3 Reviews 13 00 " For Blackwood and the four Reviews - . 15 qq ' a" The Postage will be prepaid by the pub hsbers without charge to thft subscriber, only on the express condition that sub! scnptions are paid invariably in advance at the commencement of eaeh year. , CLUBS : A discpunt of 20 per cent -n-ni k i lowedto clubs of 4 or mrs'n . Ehu four copies of Blackwood or of one rS: allowed to the gettJr-up 0?" PREMIUMS : ' oiume lor 1S75 of such periodicals as as thev mav RiihfiKriho "wucais as j jui. ' 1 Or instead, new subscribers to anv two three or four of the aW tz7 two have one of the FRe'fJ of the -Four Reviews;"' "0 -inTlttaf BlackAvood's Ma Neither prenuums. to subscribers nor discount to clubs can be allowed IS the moneris remitted direct tofthelnS - - t-vuiiuuia guru 10 tluhs . Circulars with further parUcular'may be had on annhVitirtn 0 ,uaJ f f - vu .VU The Leonard Scott Publishing Co noy 3 41 Barclay St., New York Wood! Wood! Wood! 500 LADS G0D mY WOOD AT Prices to Sun the Times. oct 17-lw ' - WLVILLE & cb;? MISCELLANEOUS .S JS R.I JB'R. HA8 JUST RETURNED FROM THE othf and Lu opened for th WINTER SEASON The largest assortment, best quality and nicest madt Stock of caothing AND GENTS' FURXISUINQ GOODS erer displayed in Wilmington. Price are ao low aa to enable erery one to buy, eren intheaehard time. A large lot of tlione Splendid White Snlrta, all Ready Made (except button holes), ,AND FOR .THE SMALL SUM OF OO CENTS WORTH 2 SO A PIECE. Don't forget to call oa A. SHRIER, noy 5-tt No. 30 Market street. MUSIC ! 100 Pieces Q HO ICE SELECTION. TOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL. E. Vax LAER'S NEW PIECE, " HAPPY THOUGHTS." Received to-day. C W. YATES' novS-tf. Book Store. Bacon, Flour, &c. CTk BOXES D. S. ilDES, 0J 300 BBLS. FLOUR (all grades), 100 Hhds. and Bbls. CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Bbls. S. II. SYRUP, ! 50 Bags COFFEE, j 50 Bbls. SUGAR, 1 100 Bbls. GLUE, ' 500 Bdls. HOOP IRON, 00 Bales HAY. BAGGING, TOBACCQ, SNUFF, SO AP LYE, CANDY, TIES, CHEESE, SPIRIT BARRELS, LARD, ' ' NAILS", &c., &c. octl5-tf WORTH & YORTH. PLEASANT WORK. GOOD PAY. IN EVERY COUNTY IN NORTH CAR olina. Active men can find rrofit:hl employment in canvassing for (snherH. bers to THE OBSER VER. Price of the Daily per annum $8 00 Price of the Weekly per annum 2 00 v ery liberal commissions allowed t3T Address Col. W. L, Saudeks, Wilminirton. N. C. until nrpmhpr in After that date, THE OBSERVER, oct(27-tf Raleigh, N. C. . Orders Solicited 1TIOR WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.'S' Ma, nipulated Guano for Kmall "Beasley's" Patent Cotton Ties, Choice jiuiiets ana 3iacKerei, . 11. Syrup and. Molasses, Coffee. Suirar and Flour. and Candies, Bacon, Pork, Lard, &c. uooas .weu seiectea and promptly for warded at Lowest Market Prices throurh o20-lm PETTEWAY 8CHULKEN, The Daily News.. SUBSCRIPTION PK10E $5.UO a Year. Send Postal Card for a sample copy. The Weekly News. A Paper for the people, and a friend to the farmer and industrial class of the 1 country. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Sl.OO a Year. Send Postal Card for sample copy.. nov 3-tf . CALL AND SEpT SOME NICE C H II 0 If OS AT DAN FORT IV S. noT4-tf HILLSBORO RECORDER, ESTABLISHED 1820. THE OLDEST PAPER IN NORTH CAR OLINA. TAE RECORDER, APART FROM 1T3 'J,1 merits, offers superior Induce ments to the merchants of WilmlnMon as a medium of advertising. It haTt lar and increasing circulation In the counties AUmanee, Person and Casirel y, aj " wuubc Becuons oi Urangre f?iramf DC5 mo8t cloeeIy connected fy the Interests of tr&iA J. lanufacturers will also profitby 'the growing spirit of iigrkWnd Impnmv ukui, ana ine tendency to the adopUon of . w ftUUDUOO r-saring machinery, to reach the ej ears of a large and intelligent class and eres of li ..n .1 medium of the Re corder. Address . J.D. CAIIEEOV hot 4j Ed. & Pro 'r, mmboro, U. 'ci XISC ELLAS FOUS Catolina Central Rail I way CompVt OmcK Gexxjlil SrratxrcrDrxT. ! Wilmington, K. C, Sept. 15, 1878. j CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER 8UNDAT, THE 17tL Inst., trains will ran orer this Rail way as follows: 4 PASSENGER AND MAIL EXPRESS. Leare Wilmington at - - 650 A.M. Arrire In Charlotte at - - 620 P. M. Leare Charlotte at . - 620 A. M. Arrire at Wilmington at - 820 P. M. JDailj except Sunday?. THROUGH FREIGHT. Leare Wilmington at - - 730 P. M. ArriTe at Charlotte at - - 1220 P. M. Leare Charlotte at - - 0:45 P. M. Arrire at Wilmington at - 12300 M. I Daily except Sundays. tLOCAL FREIGHT. Leare Wilmington - - CAQ A. M. Arrire at Lanrinburg - 62J5 P. M. Leare Laurinburj? - - SsOO A. M. Arrire at Charlotte - - 425 P.M. Leare Charlotte . - 5:00 A. M. Arrire at Laurinburg 420 P. M. Leare Laurinburg 5a00 A. M. ArriTe at Wilmington , 420 P. M. Leare Wilmington'" Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays LcaTe Charlotte Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays! ; No Passengers allowed or Tickets' sold by Freight Trains. I JV. Q. JOHNSON", General Superintendent. ; X3T Papers publishing Time Tables ol Company, note changes. oct 15-ly REMOVAL ! N. JACOBI'S ! 1 HARDWARE DEPOT t t ! HliMOVEl) TO NO. 10, SOUTH FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO j MALLARD & CO'S SADDLERY AND HARNESS 8TORE. Where we shall 13 VERY (I LAD TO WELCOME ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS. i nov 5-ly r SUGARS FOR CASH CRUSH KD, GRANULATED, POWDERED, EXTRA C" I STANDARD "A," i . . YELLOW "CV All bought for Cash and will be retailed at l IAIYV FIGURES FOR CASH. FERRIS' TRADE MARK HEATS, " t3T THE BEST. j2 Take no other. For sale by i JAMES C. STEVENSON. 1 nov-tf Alex. Sprunt & Son, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WILMINGTON, N. C. oct!54f S. JEWBTT, "JgOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND j NEWSDEALER. HAS FOR SALE TURNER'S MTU GAROLIXA ALIIAXAC I , . i , . , i - tor ' octsita 1 8 :7'7- . - : I Highoat Award bit -cot- TLa United Butes Centcmlal Comntlsstan mmmj worn to Messrs. ; W &.1AU & CO.. -' - ... i . - ; DIPLOMA OF HONOR AND MEDAL OP MERIT FOR CONCERT GRAND, PARLOR GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS. f2Tf,bttlllir f fJrtt arrears mly tatb, tIu ' the judge. actomriryter; the medals. Tbe wrtJuLce the KNA BE PIANOS to U 1 Tke Wt expeaesta r the art aT Plaae fcaxln a4 nair eutltleJ ! the teaalAg position. . Combining all t Wms or a raarxcr ixstarxaxr la the iiiwni.v iimm: axAJTicmr or toccm, arracTiTrxts or actiox. r SOLIDITT AND 0RI01XALITT OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXCtLLLNCE UK WORKMANSHIP. The Kna've award L not eonflneU u any slogle style of luinioftu a. u the c s wiii ot' er exhibitor, to tils department, but cxmiprtM iU. ALL FOUR STYLE S . and stands unquaUfied by phrase. Indicative of meJJnrr iy The above Piano, are for sale st M f Heinaberger's Live Book Store. IRREPRESSIBLE! INDESTRUCTIBLE ! INDISPENSABLE! I b.Te Just retorned from the NORTHERN and EASTFRN M VPKTT i i hare purchased the handsomest Stock of FANCY and ST?PLE . 1AKKLTk hn 1 DRY GOODS eTer offered la this market. I bare now on exhibition a Urge and varied tVi,f BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, BASKET SUITING, In .11 the u A,.: Black and Colored' MOnAnw; all price.; POPLINS, SEKKE, ALPACAS, CASHMERES, HUNTER CLOTTIS, CLOAK INC5, ITIl. CLAKsi SHAWLS, BLANKET8, Mm V, Women's and CLIMrra's UNDKKWLWlf Handsome CASS LME RES. t2TFULL LINE OF CARPETlNliS! t3T "DomesUc" Fashion Catalogue are now ready for Delivery. oct 15-tr J. J. SHEPARD,. North aide Market street. VeU and Third, TYllsalnr.tsn. TTASCHOICEGROCERIESOFETERT 11 description and la endles. TsricUr.. FRESH JUICT APPLES, FLOURS, SUGARS, CRACKERS, Baker's Bread, and erery other artlcl. U be found at. FIRST CLASS J1AKERT. Also at the same place contracts may be made on the most reasonab!. term, with the proprietor for HOUSE, S1IP JLND SIGN PARTING. BRONZING AND GILDING done la the most skillful -and arU&Ue manner. Old chandeliers, candlesticks, mirror snd pic ture frame, made to look as food as new A new and well selected stock of Paints, Oils, Glass, Soaps, &c, alwsys on hand. Call on me If yon want a bargain and hare the cash. oct 25-tf New and Fresh Goods -or- EVERY CnmCTEli MO DESCRIPTION t ALL THE NOVELTIES IN Family Groceries Can always be found tn our choice stock at ... ,..' 5 and 1 Xorta Front Street, nor 5-tf CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. THOSE THINGS WHEREOF WE DO EAT AND DRINK .'-. RE TO BE FOUND ALWAYS IN GREATEST VARIETY AND IN EXPENSIVE COST AT 5 and 7 North Firont St. nor 5-tf CHAS. D. MYERS &CO, A CAHLV We REGRET TO ANNOUNCE TO our friends and customer the death of Mr. ElxMuxxat, the senior caexaberof the firm, on the 12th Instant. - The busines. of the concern will go on a. hereto Core under the direction and man - ..-.. - . ' atraeat of the surrhin partner wlihout . . Interruption. We hope to merit and receir. a coetlnu ance of the patronage and ccmldence herej tofore ao IlberaH bestowed. . ' , " ' MURRAY A CO. ' : Uj Gk. 8loax, Sarrlrln Partner. -oct 191m tho Centennial! aid the' Jcc!rr. of Awards, L utumI. ' R. M. Mclntire. TOE ALDIXE COHPAXrs NKW rUM.ICATlONS. SOLD ONLY BY KUJtSVMVTl'tX f THE ALDINE THE ART JOUKNA L UK r AMERICA. rpniS SPLENDID KNTKKPj iM: i.s X not only well uta!tKl Inrt.rv l-a. ture, but is brfnr citiUnUv dtt and IraproTcd. U uv-day tanls w;ihui s riral In the wbnlewr.fJd of r1o)i-! Jjw. atore. The teauUful dcnrjrtrs. -Mu LnelCih Friecd," a elmmio iirtx uu-l i. erery subscriber, U a dx-idi Ljt, t, 1 m If pnlble add tn the pu:riir hi. h r.u work has jraJncO. The Art i ll. aho promUcs rrrat snd liicfl4t rrult, la aroufclnjr public lntrtyt In ih fit r .m.. Circulars and full luformaUm uu i i4ka Uon. , . Parts I, II, III and IV rr t.w nJj sunox-s LEISURE U0D1 illSTOLVW To be comnlried In 4Q iru, luM irt nljrhtly. ich jart will contain an rle. gant fonti4ere, orirlnallr rnrraicl .u steel for the London Art Journal, rntt duelnu at a price wiil ln the .j.ulir n h eorrartnr nerer before tf? rt-1 at 1'- than fire times the amount. The pistes LaTe been the altractljn of THE L OSD OX A R T JO URN A L. Each Jrt mill eonUJn 20 c4uarV Including the fmntlplcee, cn brarr fste paper. A saperb title pace, ric l.lj illuml nated In red and ptld Mill W iv-n with the irrt part, and the tirintlus: tif!'4e t n tire work will lie a worthy rei-nx-nuijott of MThe AldJne rrcM," which U a guaran tee of somctbrojr, tieautiful and valuable! THE ART JOURNAL complete In 11 monthly parts at 11 l aeh. reproducing the best full pact? il!u-lrUon from the earlier volume rf ThkAujixc Each monthly part will eoutaln lx m perb plate, which accompatiylnx: deTip tire matter, and whether for lirdlr.ff or frasalng, will "be entirely lyond romprfj. Uon In price or arUatie character. Every Impression will be most carefully taken cu the finest toned paper and no jaius will spared to make this the richest pn-durticrn of a pres. which has won In a man cloudy short time a world-wide reputation. - UEMS FROM THE ALDINE, Especially assorted for Scrap Book Illus trations and Drawing Class Copies. A Luxe collection of picture of dl.Tem.t sixes and on almost every coder! rsMe sul -Ject have been put up In an attractive en. T Jope and are now oCcrud at aprkeJc tended to make them jf;uLar in errty sense. Envelope No. 1 , conuinl Ulno. t fol enrjarlns, is now ready and will 1 e -nt, postage paid, to any addres for ot e djilar. A liberal discount to arts and teachers. V THE ALDINE PASSE rARTOUTS. . In compliance with repeated requests the publishers of the AlxIxe bsre re- Ked Impretulow of many of their ftort otlfnl plate for pae-part at framing. Tho eats are mounted,, en a beautifully tinted axur. mat, with a handsome red border line. To attach the riass it I only left for the customer to paste and fold over an alreauy attached border, and this may be dnoe by a child. 17 subject., 12x15 In., 25c.; with rises 20. Ix of this slxe for II, when selection Is left to publishers. J fuhject, 10x124 la-, 30c.; with glxs ae. 7 objects, tyxSX In., I3e.; with etas. 50c 13 rubjecta, 11x19 In V"0c; wiih pUm tl '-Sent by mall, without glass, postpaid, far price. j Cairrassers wanted. . . f . THE ALDLNE COMPANY, C3 Maiden Lace, New TciTJ