-j - - r- rrr. r r .. a - j1 Jr.. v new panor, is printed every morntnp: ix- i th nld -7nM-tf Building lower floor, Princess street, at ten cents a elx months and $5 for a year. Mailed or n 1 I IV , " . . ' . .... . - , .. j .t r.l 45 frtr a tmf faUx1 nr delivered by earner m the eity at these rat. Sulcriptioca by rmail musWnVa riabjjvbe prepaid, ' J O i-i J Advertisement inserted for $1 00 per nj.ua re for the first day and 50 ctg. adJi i tional for each day up to one week. One i twuare (or inch) kS tor one month, $16 for tim e months, $2S for tlx montlis, 40 for twelve months. A quarter of a column for tv lve ' montbs, with privilege of ; -rnonilily changes, tree of charge, A. halt viumn lor.one year, with like privi letre, -1.V One column for one year, $-jsi!). .Contracts' for other pace and tiiae' cat: lw made ot the oflicc on liberal term. No communication will be publihed un-1- feamesball be aceompaniexl by some "for publication-but .as a guarauty of gOfKtl . . , . . r 1 . 1 1 lalin. v on:nou.uon 01 a mereiv jenuiiai character are not desired. hf Addresc,' Thk Cape Eeai:," ; ..--:': . ;j; ;'. i '; ; Wilmington, N. C.- VA PE rEAll.. Chkko V. JJakris. 'TilUlWIlAY MOHNING, NOV. 0, 1376f T II Ii PHILOSOPHY OF THE ..- -v i:vi;nt. - :'" Thery ..something deeper in politics . than politic:. And there i3 sora6thing higher in politics than its arts or its immediate eiids. Politics is a business tli" business of affairs: it is a science tin- r ie nce of government.' - As ' ous)!ii's, h is like all otner business full qf cark and worry, of Tabo'Tnd iiii.ii-iy. .s a orancu oi stuay at n i'tot (I1.--imilar from other studies fresh ui.il interesting to those who liket "dry and tedioasto those who Lo n6t . Few in ike it a si udy, many practise it ns.a. business, fur profit or "pleasure or l'r l oth. In this country under repub ' Ii;tit govcninientul forms there are .ii.e:esiiarily many politician.'; Aliaoat :;very voter is a politician,' though 'un fortujiately there are few who are pro found, or accomplished students, iu I'oliti.c. Indeed while a host of people read the newspapers, ' and . discuss public measures, it is rare: that. :u! -.individual is found who brings to t he study of the .science a calm eye and a cultivated nwud.'- Necessity has made a my riad of political talkers and doers, ' choice and opportunitv onlv now and theu jiave, formed a gifted, poised indi , vidua) like .'"-Moiitesquicu or Matthew Arnold, who gets into the inner Tife of lub!ic atluirs and extraets therefrbni the pan.- sweets of which the subject matter is capable. Again, there is "a philosophy in po- tit:cal events, as of course if therc be political philosophers there must be a political philosophy. Behind the-ehi- cane, lie raging : heat, the rancor of every .day, out-door politics, there is J an elaborate and a massive, a subtle and mysterious concatenation of motives and principles which "go back ' in their origin land sink down to their basis in the fundamental laws of thought and action. - ' ..; . lrHwe inust quit the realm of gene ra! hies and come to particulars of which we have abundance hi our publiclife of ... to-day, both in Europe and America. Here in this-country, cursed with the crudities and other weaknesses of a raw overnnient administered ostensi bly by the people themselves through their agents, it is not far to seek the cause of policies: that rise and fall every day. The student who deals with nio tnentous iicstions'faithfnlly can see in f . the course ot the Kepublican party a source of alarm, lie can see cause for uneasiness because its tendency has been .steadily, act by act. to remove the lines of State autonomy, and set up in their stead aii irresponsible despotism under " the name of the people. It has not haljedj inrits purpose. Qn the contrary, it lias pited in its defence all the love of the Union, of the Government, of the llag. it found prevailing in the boson of loyal citizens everywhere. 'l What was the j.Ji? AVhat ulterior pur l)use was in View if not the gradual but sure subversion of our commou liberties wrung by Angioma? on ancestors ' six liundred years ago from a . faithless T -. K ing. .and sanctilied iu the , Wood and prayers of millions of freemen since ? (Jrantisia was the eulmiuation of lladi car madness. In it was concentrated all thejyigor, power, ability and pur pose of Kadicalism; In the final success of Orautism by the election" of Hayes would have been exhibited the" . spirit Pf the .Repnbicanrgan'i2atibh, - 1o its full extent. And in such success it would have been charged with7 an . appearance of truth that the American people; themselves had consented to put away all the formerly accepted theories of . government, and take in their place the monstrous doctrimvnf . the. resistless weight of the majority ,.Jssing donR-n Constitution; laW:ana 1 iusut.utio.s- Happily the. purpose: of ? the people was" not, torendorse .G'wit Vi im aRtl tue doctrine of might through X the election of Haves.: The' people saw the dread spectre of centralism tV standing behind the Ikpublicaa'ian- umaie, anu iney reiused utterlv in fol- the placid-Ohioan to their bosoms' r This isithe philosophv of Tild' I election. KCorrnption in high places 'was a factor in tha ionU iv.. za. - :r3.,M ' .i"UH,ft;m xi was the revelation of the mailed, hand of the fiddle Ages in South Carolina " j" ii teenred the Democratic victoryi of Tociar. The . American : j Z,nA:uAftr ifit in a del -v - j monstrative manner. . I ' T1 !-!....-. ww.sNmnnl Tli -1 1 il uui ;,in0c fftiiffh Srmn trhfn all other mfilicin v w u j. u t lft Sore Throat and Coughs or Colds of I ng standing.- For sale by all Drug gists. GtO.'TtH'S' ISTHE PLACE. ,(HK Uf. HOOH IO 7 hMA'l ;. ir.iro; uoJJiAT .i.;i; BUY YOUR nift'I ia tiJt -.! J! 'initio j -f u-j i GEORGE MYERS. '- tV:..:.AT n rn mt r Jtflf Q,' U':0 4t &mU,-AD' FOR THE SMAU.: SUM OF !K 1 wcWllritin, j.. .. . . - ', 'Arrive at Lnunuburg OF . ' . '" iui. ';; ' .';.; tr i ' J '.il .? -'-'QKo'ftriE MYERS.- i J 0 "i PURE, QStitiQf fgIX(J mi rou sale oxlv br w '. iJ T" j::' pE01M3E. MYE1;':I !. " : i Vi) U ana. .13 Soun Front Street, r tact ttfa.'k : -. . f . ' : .TJi.'IiH.. ) "I :. TUITION Preparatory Department $.15 00 Higher ClVes -!,'- - - -l - : $20 00 to 23 (J Board per month ------ 10 00 to 12 00 if." Slathetuhourse L.afm, Lrreek and French. 1 jfvto-. ,f t-,f!'f4,K 3r,;..fft , The town-of Kenansville .is- beautiful ly sitUtdi on' a' ridge J'of Hfi'fnthe mcs'f .healthy portion of Dujnin county. The -a nhabjiante of Jhe Uwn are noted for their 11 Jnqrality and refinement, and the seminary pcirs great IftduCxniiTfs j'tr5i6s:Vho dejire to 'learn and '''to"' ' be'-freV ' ni1 'the towns mv i-lw British Periodicals. qiHE POLITICAL: lEfi ME AMQKG J the European uatHc, fth -Birife be tween Church antl .St jlu ,; .7: s , fecin.ein relation to .Thablojry, and.UK. M'wuk l-uuaicaiion o: new works 05 thepe and klrolrcd totoiwill interest to the 'Jeading. farclm Ileviw ' ''"rtmre can tne 111- q.u6nngre4der .finl ru a condense J form tJja facts ind argunients neceisary tdiriude lxrk to a correct conclusion. " ! ' ' ' .J LISHtXG COMPAXV, 4i L'arcay yc . Av ForA-, coy- thucihc reprint of the four leading view (1I7J, London ' : iresfmiWrr Beview (Lib- Evcuhjelieal), ami ; . ilVPrnrit urnTit- ILUL. TEIJMS--,PAyitBlLt!STR:TT:V I A-r, j . - ..n .nuiaALt; Fonanv one Review jl nn Fod anv tAvo RevWo t Fonanv three RptTWre ' iftiA i j,." 7. toriaIl "our Reviews . 12 00 " " Forj Blackwood's and op Keview -t..r:T 7 (K, is ii For Blackwood und 2 1H ' '::r: Reviews - - - - in on ii 'T? J ri . i , . ... ' x uijuiachu oou andtiip .. io VW . " onij on the exnrpss n,i?t,- . spmwpsd j 11 be aU for fir Lr nd Biaekwoc d lJl addition to tJ0' loi"PREMluii: ':: t- -TiSM the: jeaMlibmay have, without charge the ttirde or four of tho iw- ; wu o uia v niro tmn 1 ZatbrbSerit4w wwuiiocinpscan;be allows rJ SSfci.0 SSte. to Clubs! ifiihr&Ltr vuai ivu UUU 13 LtlLHJll rrf rr rrrrrt ue'ir I tit as t ix. nftNin wiOM the 111 W.r-'. 5,1.1 has oocne.1 for th i Tin .Jt: .V:I J wiT'r.u sr.vsov l.A ,ii: ;Sr(':n,;-?!"r ,uce,t maue . r; , u --. - - - - -'(31" FUP.NISIUNU' COOUS r riS '(SeXTS FURXISIUNU' GOODS rU r!.75-lli vf-Cl ill WHiulrfi-f h". Ti ( U are f ..i - - ..... - v ?r,...v !,.,r ,,t,. .,t Jlow a to tuablo every one luy, even j il. . . i " ' ' . l : . j in,tlseft hard tiT'ie. ; 1 , 1 , " . - lemlid IVfcito slrirtk, all Itealy j j Made (errrrpt button tolos). ' 'CENTS WORTH S3 SO A PltfJE. ; j-: . ' . i Ioht fcogn to ea!i ou"' " I A. SMR!! '. . 1 . I nov .Vif V- :) Market st.- vt. ;. .100 Pieces . i i f 1 II O IC E : Ss E,C I I O N . ; VOCAL A.D INSTitUMEXfAL. E.' Yam LAT!R;S NEW PJK' K i ' ' ' : 11 HAPPY TTFOT'dltT." l rbce:vedto--YOMLd H " t ; C. W. VATES' nov -'.-if . Stor?.. ' Bacon, Flour, &c. 5.U,M,t?K . J A G O B I ' S 10(,M1L-I.. and Bbls. CUBA MOLASSES. 100 Bb!. S. II. SYilUP, CO Basrs COlTCt-! - ' ! ' 50 Bbls. SUGAR, 100 Bbls. GLUE." , ' 500.BJls. hooi'h:6n; a, i: 0) Ba l-.s HAY. BAGGING,' TOBACCO, SNUI-f -OAP , LYE, CANpyr TIES, CiUlESE, ' SPIISTTiAI'.JlELS: LAili, NAILS, fce., .ve. . oct irar-t -. woian : '.vouTir. FLKASAM .V(!I!a iO-lil I'AV, JTN EVERY COUNTY IX NOIHH CAR 1 olina. Aciavc ji:cu ea:i tir.tl pnriMl:!e .vmpjoyment in cm' ; !::;r t;.r sub.v.-r!-bers'to ' r"; OB EK VEIL Price of the Dailvper :;n:UT!i c-o Pqeeol the Weekly per aununi 2 Oil I.SrfXry YIXTJl qonimHsions allowed Address Col. W. L. Sai-xlej:?.' Wdmin-rtou,.. C, until Ncvemii.'r 10. After' that date, ,s. ; Orders Solicited Molates, Coffee. Sugar and Fiou'r, CJjee.e ana Candies, Bat-on, IVrk. Lard, te r,ari(at rt Market Prices v h -Q-fm PETfEVv-AV SCHULKLX. 0 j The Daily News" 1: Wi .I.' . . i " i ' 5.00 a Y?ur, . ; j Sena Petal Card for a sample 'copy. " Wif.I-1 i i ' : Thp Weekly News. A Papcfte'trfeftfe j the farmer and indut.ial class i of the eoimtrv 1 . !".i! 7n- :;.;:! ',1:1:1; s tr is s c in p t 1 0 x i it 1 c e j iSI.OO a Year. , . 1 " klfena 10tal Card for sanlc copy.,.. nov;j-tr CALL AXD SEE ' nod 00 Sjjjj'ic;a .70 si) 51 e x 1 c 1 h n o ii o s AT J- j . rjCSTaSLKHED 1S20, v. I THfc OLDEST PAPER IN NOIITH C.i in-.;; i ou.A. V M ' a iafii,,m ..r Y"". V l ""njrion j trfiic "? i "a:ip countle- -nufacturers irtii "II. T"-.. TX)R WILCOX, GiniiS A (XL'S' Ma. L idpulatod Guano f.r wjuli iaiu Beasley'g ' Pirtenf cfutto.i4 T:VChoice Mullets and MaAreL fT -ivV.A, SarolmSeSSafSh hit , . T 1 1 way VUIUU V , , ; " J 0-ncEC.ENnnAL SyrjMsrzyvzsr, WiIndiiis,'47.,,ert..lr.liT0. $ XDEXT. CITAXGE OF SCHEDULE. SJ' iut., trains mil lollops: SUNDAY. THE ITtl will run over tiii Kail Lcjive Wilmington at - - G:-SiA.M $rpfeSt CliarlMU- at ' - I. M lAnife'tti CliarlA Gi) A. M. Antve st YU:i.incrton t - ? r. m. iPily t xctpt Sunday?. THROUGH FRE1UUT. . t Eitve XViJtiiinstou at T Arrive at Charlotte a - 7;S4 1. M. - IJiX) 1. M. - G:4 l. M. - M. V A : . ii-m...; . iv at ViIiiiii:riii :it ! -' ''any except S an Javs. j ) C(' I VPFTfMTT 6:40 A. M. -.ii V. M. A. M. 4 :t5 P. M. .i0 A. M. 4::JJ 1. M. .".to A. M. 41 P. M. t ....... I A rrive at Charfotle' - Leuve Cirarlotte Arrive at Laurinburg Leaive Laurir.burg Arrive at YYilmiugtoir L'ia ve Wii niin ton . Mondays, Weduetdai and Fridays Mux? Charlotte , , Moudayf WdiuVdaye ad Fcdays! N"o ra?.-ei!-ciaiywmd-or Tickets sold y Freiijlit Trains. i Y. Q. JOHNSON. i i , -; General Superintendent. i k-v-' I'tiix-rs publishing Time Tables oi Comnny, i.ote chancrs. M-t l.Vly REMOVAL! 1 1- T: I " f " ' II AHDW'AHK DKFOT i:::3sovi:i to N O, ' 0 , SOUTH FRONT ST., NEXT DOOR TO n , MALLARD vfc C()'S SADDLERY .AND HARNESS STORE. Where we ha!l hv VEIiV (SLAP TO WELCOME m 'ALL 0111TJEM WW ITSI01IEB& SUGARS O 11 C A S H . 1 UKUrillKI), tiUANULATKI), r,ri ' " ' POAVDKHKD, extra nr- . , , ; . STANDARD vA,', YKI.LOW -U." All UnigfTt fdr?'an anwS iV'retairel af LOW FIOUUI-S FOR CA?1I.- " FElllilS; THAUE 3IAHK MEATS, ' rar the best. Take no other. , For. t-ale, by . JAMES C. STEVENSON. nov 1-tf t 1 A ' ... , Alex. Spnint & Son. 'COM MISSION WILMINGTON, N. C (x-tlitt " ' " ' ' ' S;VJEWETTT rTOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND . :?1W4tW, HAS FOB SALE -7 ' ! '': if- . .rJ. !';. ' ; . i a I ' 1 ' . t Highest Award at tit -ro The United State CYutiu:Ul Cut amnion ir.uu1y det rted to MtWn. ijilM.OMA OF 1 1 UNO II AND MEIAL OF MKiUT FOlt COXCKLT CKAND.-FAJSLOi: CHANO ANU UFHIi;HT PIANOS. By tiif if tn! uI ;!, ri4t.- f all tr:: n! d M-.a' .f tfrriw'v the i!P var Ur. l ut tl:r in."- te-: -f Ju rft pp'-r or.tr In hr rrjn cf the .fVidt5 fcYirpjT.T;r tUe iMtiLi!-. 'I hf ju J. 1 nnraCCc tl.c' KNAi:i: PIANm-s i.i t The bet c;hiiciU vV the art of Piann ouaUn aud lully entitled ( ifct U-adhig iitluu, Com'.inhe,' thi: nii -iti of i i tv.tu T itwvrT In the niouor Drwtrr- 1'OWIH. KicUMrS AMI Mi . .'fI.17T ttr TO."r, CAt 1XX n.A'TMn er T"i i:, i nrc.ivi.Nr. ur viion. SOLIDITY AND OKI;lNAI.ITY OF CONSTRUCTION AND EXCELLENCE OF wo:; K mans; i if. The KnaK aMard i i:.t (m t',u! .. .,'nv ;J!. t.f li :n.ivr.tt as U Lh tit j '!li'T exhU it'ir iu t!;. i j ail lu- t.t, l ut c n:prl A L L F O U i: S T Y L K S t aial h'.utid ui lualii'el by phrac- iiulicative 'fin-.!'t;tr Tl:e ii!'"Vc ri:.- jre f-r le at Heinsberger's Live Book Store. ll, .v 2-tf. I 11 11 E P 11 ES-SIBLEf INDESTRUCTIBLE ! - INDISPENSABLE! rpiIISKE !.sr. w;:i... llt'T MKANIsi; IA ! X MuKi: THAN THEIR LENGTH L v.iuli'. indicate. Drav.- ;.uir i..vu 5u(. r !-.. "u I :iav ju retunu-d fr.i:i th- NORun ::N m .1 EASTf RN MARKETS !i have ..are! - M-d the hand.-oi,;ct StK-k of FANCY nd .TAi LE ;UA,'hkI-ytf wLfreI DRY GOODS cvir oir. n d iu thi maskct. I haw iu,w on exhibition a lare and varied Sxktl BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS, BASKET SUITINGS, In all the new sLsJ Black and 'Colored MOHAIRS, all j.r: FOPLINS. SERGES, ALPACA?, CASHMERES, HUNTER CLOTHS -CLOAKING"4, FURS, CLOAKi, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, Mr, W,i.1( a tn 1 1 liMrrn'n UNDERWEAR, Handsome CASSIMERE-. Z I LL LINE or CAHPETINGS! , 17' "Doinotic" Fahir-n Ca'al. truV 0-t 15-tf J. J. SHEPARD, North tide .Market trcct. Let. ?cccnd and Third, Wilmington. HA $ CHOICE G ROCER I ES OFEV V R Y decription and in n.Rc- xarlctiec. FirESlI JUICY APPLES. FLOURS, SU(iARS, CRACKERS, Baker's Bread, and every ether article to he found bt Fiita'T clas. j;ak'E:v. ANo at the t-aiuc place entra U n.jv h -made onthe.mott reaKiiaUe tcnin with the proprietor for ' HOGSE, SHIP AM) SICX l'AI.Ti(L BRONZING AND GlLDIN(r done Lithe rnr-t tkillful anl artitip nunixr. om chandelier?, eandlotk-ks, lairrar an I pic turu frames mad to look n gool a new A n. w and well selected --tock ri,.ir.t,. Oi!f, Gla, Siai, aUays on hand. Call on mo If you want a lirrain and ha?cthccjh. w-t 2-tf New and Fresh Goods OF EVEKV CilAllAl'TEIl AM) DESTiHI'llON ALL Tl 1 E NO VELTI ES 1 N Family Gr6ceries can always be found in our choice i.irfc a? 5 and 7 North front street, nov .Vtf CI I AS. I), y WAX ' CO. THOSE THINGS' WHEREOF WE DO EAT AND DRINK A,!E TO RE FOUND ALWAYS IN GREATEST VARIETY AND IN ! EATENSIVn COJT AT 5 and7NorthFm7lf Clf ' ; nor o-tf CHAS. D. MYERS & CO. ' A CARD. nr. E REGRET TO ANNOUNCE TO our friends and cutionwr n.HMt. .r r Plfw , i xai mi heat, the Kuior tucniUrof the flmi m ,. to.v I , . . . . i ine Duflncfs cf the couc. ru will go oa . ... i a heretofore under the dinx tlou and nan ag-mcntofthe surrivic partner wlihou! Ierruption. " ' We hope to merit and reccire a contiuu knee pi the patronage and eonfldener here toforc so liberallj, betnred. - ( 'i . - i ..... the Centennial imI tLc .f AarU, Lara u.. t UM. KNALK & CO.f , an- vow rc:.dy f r DiUn rr. R.' M. Mclntiro. TOE J l him: company's Nl-A- ITIU.1CATIONS. sni.it oAv.f. ::y rjssvi:iPTioy Tin: aj.lin::-thi:.rtjouilnalcf AMERICA. 'Pins : pl;:ndid KNTKurjusi: u I n-'t .!.! U CftiitM-l Ineiery U. ' t I Iii r ot.UT.:ir UntJc;a and ii.ipn.vi d. Il lo-'.ay flatid W.thf-jt a r.itl U, lh h !c iM of jh ri!iral lnr. ?' "r' V- ' l;1 lrlrait, -Mah Liw-!...i , r; -:;!, a c J.n-nio Jrrrtd t - e.m-id vf fVy. b a rfcU :1 Alt, u4 ttj.i if Je i.l 1 l 1 :J... -,pulsHiy ul khtlU w..rk lw i'al.l. Tl Art l rdti fcture alo pn.ii.Scs ;T.-jt at, j Lcnc.lct.t rruli. In r.ih.-p-ibl Ju-.mtlu the (team. I InuJara and lu!l iuf.mitioo untune t!on. " rjrt. I, II, HI aid IV rr nr rcaJj SnTi.iVS!Ivn!F.I!OlRi'lSlILLLV.. Tolioiin.Jct-l in 4J part, fo-u tilcIiUjr. Each ji&rt will rotjtaln an tlr-er-nt Irxnt.VjiMf., oriirinallr tugmed i tcel fr thel.tKhn ArtJo'JmsL i; d ie;n at a pr!-e ithin the prpclar rrca e:irra:n t vrr U fcre-n.! at lot tbin lhvtim Uw ttiwutit. Th" pl.'.trt Lire ln1l Ihr HtrrLi.aof THE loxpox ai:t jocrxal Each icrt will .'!ia!n M quarto pir, Ii:t-1 ;lii ;r t Iu fr,.o i. ot'i hry pU I'jj f. A i-upTb ;!( 1cMri::nr? nafi I In red audit.;! mJU Irlvra with th fWiurt. and th printing nfthe to f! wirk iil 1-c Vorthr rirrjtaJ'i ! -1 he AMJn Vr. ,f which I a re-Tin tc t r Ktsrt2dn.teait!rul and Taltutle. THE A I: T JO UfiXA L f t.l. ... . ...t I.. . . m.m . r .-.-1:1. tLf l t fa'l psr II1nTatSt I Iron !?i-et:t!JT -v.lij?Wer"Tnr AUifXC I- i'.:4!!lr rart it!!! .r(tif .! .. p h i Ja t h m hU H bc:-p3 nrinr d K r!p :e t.tiur .. l ?trtltrr jor Mn iintr'T r.a:i..'ar, t!I .I- cntlnr tnrul cm;, t'on iu v;ltv r 2it!.'r hf i-. -ti- f mtrt I.:? w ill lc lul ati fullr LlAi ta "7 li,cfl!4,; U:I gr and n. aJti will be pared to taaLe Jhi the He Lett lxicSm f a pns hlrli ha on la a randomly icrt Urr.e a world I Ir. rrTrrj;a!ion. gems r;:o.M Tin: aldine, Ei Lily aM,r!,d for Scrap Ikx.k Liu trti.m and Dr Jn Cli Ci. A brre collrriV n r.f j4 lure crCSZcm.t .Z and ca almct rnnr cflccJvabl rut- '"f liaVo lan ... .... tZ. ... . . J j;-; Vmlat arrVe ta- . Lct Joj No. 1 , r muii.'r .Vi !ro. IUre pa! 1, la any a 1dm for ot m .iar. , L,o.ril tiiKtunt to arraU U4 U-achi r. " ' THE ALDINE IASSE 1UUT0UT3. Iu cornrLiure wl:h rr-rUd rrBrU mc iuivii.o r r in- Auixr Lve itt- Freu Ir.iprrtiot f T inaay of their nt rul piate V r tji.;artoat framfor. V1? fuU artI rioutel" a Uaoufcllf tinsel azure. tnf. rttr lin!ii?n rr-d I 1. -1 ... i: t- . . i - m'iwi iiw. in t;;jra ur pwi a n era; 1 il Tvr ti-e ct t ccr Li iuteand fold ocr an airtanr atiaK.l u.:. r tn l !'.! cif - w - .'.-.v., - - 4 be done by a chfld. . -si nt;t, 12x15 fni, re.p ilr:w Six of th; !zr? fir 1 f Lea ietUoo lea to public her. ' 6 lubjc-cU, 10x13 Iu-, 23c wI0cIa , 7 utjecta, 6ix in., J3c.;. it2 We. . . . -fc' by mail, .without jtLim, toUUt Itrpifce.' , . . . V-4, Wnot . urrf, ! .. i.'i : MURRAY fc CQ. :iSl8?-'-'- 1 : ilE ALDIXE COSil'AiT, iV- i .t i ..."V -

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