The Cate Feah, a .dily Democratic 'newFpa per, is printed every morning ex cept Monday, in the old Jovrnal Bufldingj, lower floor, Princess trtreet, at ten cents a reek, $1 25 .tor three months, $2 50 for fix months and 5 for a year. Mailed or delivered by carrier in the city at these rates. Subscriptions by mail must lnvi Hably be prepaid. Advertisements inserted for SI 00 per square for ihe first day and 50 cts. addi tional for rat h day up to "'-one week. One square (or inch) $8 for one month, $16 for three mouths, $2$ for ; elx months, $40 for twelve inoiith. A quarter of a column for twelve months, with privilege of monthly changes, free of charge, $67.. half column for one year, with like privi- lk'', i2" One column for one yea ?2(K. Contracts for: other pace and tlnfie ' van be nial: at the oliioe on liberal ternia. No com muiiieation .will be published un- lews tlVV.anit-halIbe accompanied by some ' reionMbt name, which is required, not for publication, but as a guaranty of good faith. f&iitHhiitions-of a merely personal character arc not desired. Address. The Capf Fear, Wilmington, N. C A ! TTiTrrn,ni,f. GEO. MYERSMS TflE PLACE. B ITT' TOUk 3 Family Groceries GE0RGX MYERS. S . J E-O 00KBZLLER, STATIONER X5D Oft .i iolwsnm ciRwm-iiamc fob ocUltf 1 8 77. MUSIC I 100 Pieces pHOICJt-BlLXCTIO N , TOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL. E. Tax LAKR'S XXW FIKCK. HAPPT THOUGHTS. KacelTe-ajto-day. ' 6. W. YATES' noTff-tf Book Store, i - e IT TOU R LIQUORS CAPE FEAR Cickro W. Harris. FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. 10, 18 "6. ; tiii: victory. The oiretiuii ofTildcn by an electoral ute of seems assured; although 8 GEORGE MTKR8. v U BE ONLY PURE, SWEET MASH WHISKEY -A H D B L UEZG R ASS, TOR BALE OXLT BT GEORGE MYERS 11 and 13 South Front Street, oct 17-tf . . .... - MISCELLAXFO VS Carolina Central -Kail- way Ctomp'y, ' Omcfc Gkxzsal Sctertxtexdent. t Wilmington, X C, Sept. 16, 1876.. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O' X AND AFTER SUNDAY, TnE 1711. Int., trains trill run over thla Rail way as follow: PASSENGER AND MAIL EXPRESS. LeaYe Wflminztoa at - - G20 A. M Antre iri Charlotte at - F. M I MV rtmriotie At - CiM A. M. IrrlTi i Wllminftou at V. M. i .Daily except Sunda.i. K N A B E P I A N O SI Highest Award at the Centennial! THROUGH FREIGHT. Thh Uuitetl J?tatc CcntennUl Ctui:i -;d ib- Ju.b .f Ad. Lava ouaai tuouJy decrxrd t-y.c.. VM. KVAMI CO.. .... t- . GHANU. rAKLOlS CliANP AM' ITJrhSUT flANOj. Br the Artri:i J ard ulp;lnl. Fla: . -t U .t-.i - I M-U1 i f rrrii 1 tbe Mia cLunn tcr, but th- true to: i f u, ru at ai :.!y in t!,r rroru cf the iudtfs Httxrjiwiixln" ti- r jn;..un . the KNAIU; -JMANtK t" U- Leave Wllmlnjrton at ArHre at Charlotte at - Leave Charlotte at - - :" "'. M Arrive at Wilmington at - Wall M Daily except Sunday. TW I. M. ; n,e br citH,ncnt ol" the art vf ti'tii niiUinc and lull entitled ta tka 1-2:30 1. M. ! i t KENANSVJLLB . t - . -. MALE AND FEMALE w - R. H. MILIjARD, Principal. Mm Bacon, Hour, &c. rr BOXES D. S. siDES. 0J 00 BBLS. FLOUR (all grade), 100 Hnds. and 3bl8. CUBA MOLA8SES, 100 Bbl. S. IT. SYRUP, 50 Bags COFFEE, ;X Bbls. SUGAR, 100 Bbla. GLUE, 500 BdIa.HOOF IR05, 00:BaleHAY. BAGGING, TOBACCO, SNUFF, SOAP i'dLTK, :PAJiDY, TIES, CHEESE SPIRIT BARRELS, LARD, NAILS, Ac, ie. eet 15-tf 7 3 WORTH & WORTH. PLEASAST WORK GOODPAY.: .OCAL FREIGHT. lcadinr iHlliuii. Leave Wilmington , -Arrive at Laurtnburg Leave Laurinburg Arrive at Charlotte . Leave Charlotte Arrive at Laurinburg Leave Laurinburg Arrive at Wilmington Coml.inii-t: vt-t. tnr KK;t-iii f a i'M i-t t!.:-vj nt n; iiii.utT utcuix: r'?l'' w i SOLIDITY ASH ORIGINALITY oF 0NSTKl'CtVN AND EXCELLENCE OF .5 IK) A. M. 4&1) P. M. A. M. 4iW P. M. .rX) A. M. 4::50 P. M. t of tliis will proba!)ly. be counted against us by.tlie Jt;uli-al returning boarcj in Lousiaua. 'J'he following .States have voted for Til. leu : Alabama, 10 ; Arkansas, 6 ; ( 'oiiiicet i ut. G ; 'Delaware, 3 ; Flori da, A ; (koria, 11 : Indiana, 15; Ken- tueky, 12; I.oui&iana, H; Maryland, S ; 'Missi?sii, 8; Missouri, 15; New Vo'rk, 35;' New -Jersey, .9; North Caro- , ; TN EVERT COUNTY IN NORTH CAR lina; 10 ; Kouth Carolina, 7; Teias, TUITION : j I j 1 olina. Active men can find profitable , i eiiiif .see i; irgimu, u; nest rreparaiory Aeparuueni - w bers to . ! Virginia, 5.' ! ' Higher Classes - - - - - -200p to2.500 , THE OBSER VER. Jhw. a's we liave said betore, is a Board per month ------ -10 00 to 13 00 Price of the Daily per annum : $300 great vie lory. A country has Ijeen . Price ofthe Weekly jier annum 2 00 ivleemed from the hand of the spoiler. COURSE OF STUDY.' Very liberal commUfions allowed- a n-itiot, ln been liberated in a dav Mathcrriatics, thoroughlEnglish coure. J XW Address Col. W. L, Saunders, a naiioii nas ikcii iintraiui in a uy. wumimrtnn. iT. r... until NWrnhw! 10. After that date, . j ! THE OBSERVER,! et.nirratalation. Language' is all a Jail., re, external rejoicing a sacrilfe, The town of Kenansville is beautifully when the soul is so stirred with situated on a ridge Jof hills In the most AVoidsare ulmost a mockery in this i-aun, uree ana rrencn.. supijeme inonnt of heartfelt, joy and oct 27-tf Raleigh, if. C. CHOICE GROCERIES. I - . . mm I L. 1 ff K xj-s a WAtt v.v w am 1 hAolfhv rt Tlnrkltn Arwnfr . TK I -nl.JI.I... 7 ' Above all form of rejoicing, cause this is truer and nobler than nhabitants of the'town are noted for their ... - i t ion, the heart feels its weight of sorrow lifted, its Old Man of thq Sea offers great inducements to students who taken oil, and an incentive gainejd it K-arcely dreamed of before as possible. A new era opens wih the election of temptations-. and: allurements of large Tihlen. Henceforth the government I will be administered in the interests of the peot.le and not of the Republican REPRINTS OF THE - - - lnutv. The new President with new nd BBLS SUGARS; AO BOXES MEAT; ! COFFEES Rio, Laguyra and Old Gov ernment Java, very fine. desire to learn and to le free from the j Sugar Cured Haias, Lard, In lcega and tierces; Shot, Brooms, Bucket, Ac., towns. ' novS-lw . iormeiow dj Ac, octWlm BlNFORD,CROWACO. Leave Wilmington Monday?, Wednewlays and Fridays Leave Charlotte-r Mondays, Wedntbday and Fridays. No Passengers allowed or Tickets sold by Freight Trains. ,V. Q. JOIIXSON, General Supcrintcndeut. 3T Paix?rs publihhing Time Tables or Company, note changes. oct 15-ly Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD CO. Office of Gf.n'l Suif.kint sndf.nt, i Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 5. 1S70. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. OCTOBER th, 1870, Passenger Trains on the V ilmlngtoai A N eldon Kail mad will run as follows : DAY TRAIN I Leave Wilmington, Front St. Depot, at 7:1. A. M. Arrive at Goldsboro - - - 11:12 A. M. " Rockv Mount - - 1:40 P. M. " Weldon - - - - 3:20 P. M. Leave Weldon, dailv - - 12:10 P. M. Arrive at Rockv Mount - 2i2:J P. M. Goldsboro - - - 15 P. M. " ; Wilmington,' Fropt St. Dei-ot - - 7v0 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN, With Passenger Coach Attach 1. Leave-Ailmington at - - fi;15 P. M Arrive at Gol-lsboro - " Kock Mount u Weldon Leave Weldon, daily Arrive at Kocky Mount - - 10:4n A. M ' Goldsbro - - 1:50 A. M u Wilmington . - 4:15 A. M WOKKMANMHU. The Kn.itx auarj i nt coijiIihiI i 'V oiu.:- i Iiiruuu-iit. a U tL a4 wiJ other cshibitn tui d. jiruau luprii-v A I. 1 K O I 1 T V L I'. S , and Maud ui4Uliiicd l-y plira:e iai'iKti-.- rr.j-d. t 'y Tlie alm'.f Piat:v jrc !r . : Heinsbe.rger's Live Book Store. hot 2-tf. I R Jl E V 11 K S S I B L E ! INDESTRUCTIBLE! INDISPENSABLE! rpiUJKK I.ONCr ' WoKDS. nl'T ?. would indit ate. Draw vmir EANING J VI N V,;!::. 1 11 AN THEIR LENGTH n I it f n Ji' 1 have jut r turned fr:n iln NOKTii i.l.N I N !FI?N MAKKET5. whrrr I imr hae. d the liandMurvt ?tiK-k -f AN I A" r-uA TAri.M British Perioaica1s.-i:sf and honester aims will give the pun- T?0R " WDLCOX; GD3B3 & CO.'S"! Ma, Irv niMici' trimonllitv nnd nrnsnrritv rnTTir POI TTTr' A T: vpoupvt a wnvn I JL mpuJatca luano for small rraln- X the European natsohs, the strife be- I x,"Z:J A?"-To ,r , Villi STATli AND DISTRICT. tween Church and State, the discussion of I T V c ' i iV P i j rw!, ' , . .. 1 MolftjSRM. Coffee. Surr&r .twl FIriir 'Chfen . A ,if.,,l beloved gentleman in SS" oi'oZ on -OjBorUrf. ! Hn 1 Jirri-nr' f-lmii- nn onnnnm iaViorl thaon n1 bin, tic ;n i UOOO.8 WWl aeieCta and . prOmt)tlV for- . pVHian,cntrian for presiding officer of l'gSngl to'nSrftfggiS, me -eiiaiean aoic lawyer ior Aiiorney quiring reader find in a condensed form General, an efficient Secretary of State, the facts and arguments necessary, to guide 1 'S .nA" . "r"1 a. hiitKul 'TrcasUrer, and other kcers Wm o a correct conclusion. r - ; ; BfitteWay & Schulkeil, of tlic State government all Ai. THE LEONARD SnnTT P17n J TlROKERS AND COMMTRSTOV WPR lueB J;r:Vn CHANTS in MerchandLe: Co ton. wuuii i - , xs..x j i. . , i i.iTi ofcorea ana oinernronuM-L .it ii . - - Orders for Molasses. Melts, Lard, Salt, have been secured by this g election. Then we have carried the 41 Barclay Street rei Vn,b nn. wl 5fior JiolMC8i Metta, Lard, Salt '. " , ' , V, . ..J .. J 41 uamay Mrect, Aew JorA , con- p:iih, Coffee, Sugar. Cheese: Flour. Batr lone-ana soiviy neeaea xonsmutionai 1 rfn. tii. ... .rtfl ' r .,i uitc ic reprint vj ine jour leaalWI I 5 "L. V, ' - ' " "ti"t"o vi an 1 J , f 1 4escripUona of produce solicited. n20.3m xei'ictts, viz : . nainourgti He- '. Wew (TITim, midon Otmr- I Til Dally 116WS. - r . terly Review (Conservative), Westminster Rwitu (X'C'f. f; V'i .Amendments, we have electedj seven out. of eight Congressmen, including our. own talented Waddcll. This is victory enough in itself to rejoice over. wiv ;ki:iit you, brave south CAROLINA. I The Palmetto State has covered itself with glorv. It has overcome t remendous odds and restored its vhite man's government. All honor to South Carolina, and to her great cjneftain 1 iS-T "Wade Jlnmpton, to whose combined For any three Reviews, 10 00 " " (Evangelical), and ; BUCKWOOD'S EPURGIJ. RRIEW. TERMS Patabij. Strictlt ix Advascx: S.OO a Year. Bena Fostil Cart for a sample copy. 12:15 A. M :iil7 A. M I have pur DRY GOODS ever offered In titi market. I have i;nw evh K.ion a largt o 1 arh-d uci of BLACK AND COI.OKKD DHFS S!!.K. !5AKKT M IT2M;S i" all Hie new hadc: Klack and Colored MOllAlK:, all irV: J1UM.INS. M'.KUF.S. AI.FACAS, CASHX:KRES. lil'NTKll CI.OTII, CIiKI;. IT I IS, CTjOAKS4 SHAWLS, ULANKF.TS, Mm'.. V..:i . i.V 1 1 1. Vr. 1 lM)i:RVEAU. 3iau .1m,hio cass;.mk::i:s. n i.l ok cakfetimss! i t-T 'Dinic'jtic" l"aV!:1 n C'atal't:f .ir-!:. r:.-l f.-r It-:ht rv. R. M. Mclntiro. tt 15-tf J. J. SHBPARD, North idc 3lArkcl lrcci, hct. Second andTliiril, Wilmington. THE -ALIIINE I'llUPAWS m:v rchi.icATiuNs. ASCHOICE iUOCEKI F.SOK KV I.KY ?ik k ;5 1 1 TAi5CI,0ICF';,:oc,:u,,:: H'l'o V M i depcriitioii and Ui 111 1U The Day Train makes close connection at Weldon for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and daily via Richmond and all-rail route. 5!ght Train makes close connections at Weldon with train for Peters-burg and Richmond. " FREIGHT TRAINS will leave Wilming ton tri-vrcckly at 631 A. M., and arrive at 1:40 P. M. JOHN F. DIVINE, oct 15-tf General Agent. FOR CASH "T 11 J T wisdom and chivalry much of the r WTSts ri ir victory is due! r . .; azine -. - I - ""I X)fr x ' Jbor Blackwood s and Weekly News. 4 -Dr. "Hull's Cough fcvrup i3 particu- one Review 7 00 larlv recommended for children, it ,"va"T-au,t A 1 .,i,c . n Reviews 10 00 " " v.""-'", mo, : uj,, "'c yor Blackwood and 3 J hroat and v hooping Cough. Is Renews - - - -' - - - pleasant to the taste and acts eharm. l'rice, 25 cents. lS?Kf 't: like a For Blackwood and the v four Reviews r - - 15 00 ",..:. A Paper for the people, and a friend to the farmer and industrial class f the country. j The Postaee will be orenaid -hv tk 77AT BIBLICAL RECORDER, Ushers without charge --to tfee roteertrvl ' ? - only on the express CWieUtiotf thm nK.4--' PUBLISHED BY . ED'AKDS. BROUGHTOX RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILEY , Editor. REV. J. D. HUFHAM, Associate BEV, WvT. WALTERS, D. D , Agricul ' tural Editor. CRUSHED,' (iRAXULwVTED, POWDERED, EXTRA -T STANDARD "A,ni YELLOW "C." V i scriptious are paid invariably .in advance at SUHrimtTTnw onti n the commencement of each rear. O U BSL KJIPT I O N PRICE & CO. CLUBS: . A discount of 20 per cent, will be al lowed to clubs of 4 or more persons. Eh us: four .(Vtrttoa nf - niasbnrAn nf r 1 view will be sent to one address for $12.80r 1 r?a: Ctr for nple copy.. 4 copies 01 tne 4 Kenews and Blackwood I norS-tf for $48, and so on. ' ' -::r, 1 rr -. To-clubs of 10 or more- in addition itol CALL AND SEE H.OO a Year. the ftbnvfl discnunt Editor, allowed to the getter-npof the elub.- U4 ORG AX OF -NORTH . CAROLI NA BAPTISTS. In its Forty-First Year. ' Every Baptist Should Take It. As an: Advertising Medium Unsurpassed. ' ; Only 2 10 ier Year, v Address TmtI1(!4T. RVrrVRTVFWt - '- -I Raleigtt, N. C. Wood! Wood! Wood! 500 L0AD3 GO0D DRY WCD AT Prices to Scit the TmiJ.' oct 17-lw COLVHXE fc CO. All bought for Cash aud will 1 retailed at IXVI FIGUIUX FOR CA1I. ii PREMIUMS: UUU K V, P. H R A f A V v , v , 1 . " v " v u 11 v ji u u suufiuwe, Bptviiij cany, ioriflf year 1176 may Lave, without ' charge, ' the last volume for 1875 of such periodicals as I AT as thev mar mihrx1fw fnr, s s 0 1 1 Or instead, new subscriber to eiy iw.o, - 4-tf ; j) O A TH' & . :: " three or four of the above periodicals, may : j z - have one of the "Four Reviews" c tor V- HILLSBORO RECOTfnvrf 1874; subecribers to all Hve may have two ! nnu nil ,jt of the Four Reviews," wrl one set of i .,.. fmw- i.v - Blackwood's Magazine for 1875. i B8TABLI I. Neitber premiums to subscriber nor THS OLDEST PAPER IX VORTii r it discount to clubs can be allowed unless 1 ORTH CAR. the money la. remitted direct to the pub- oirva Msnei, 2o premiums giyen to Clubs j and Alamance the Interest of trade with Wilmington. Manufacture wniaVft profit bj 'Uie growing spirit of. 4rtcaltnral lmnroTa. ment, ana ttte tendency to the adoption of FERRIS TRADE MARK MEATS, ' XZT THE BEST. Take no'other. For sale by JAMES C. STEVENSON. nov4-tf ' ' T 1 1 K A 1 . D 1 m ; 11 1 i : A u r J U L 1 1 N A 1. O F AM Kill'. A. rpiHS M'LKNDID KNTKISPRISK IS JL. "tA t A m tahic! fuAcn- Ira- tur.-. t u'. i Ina-iT :l3aitly lrtrkjl uU'l It t-lay lJnN without a r :i TV wjf.l u rl lf rUH-al JIUt a ' '! r. "i 3 .i ;i : i ul ! c irt rai t , Mait'n L .i" ; Ij I r t: 1. a flirf'itirt prtx-nti-d ! o.vry m,U j;ui. i a ! t i tit, and will If j-fl.1v!d 1 1' ihi- iij.uUri:y uhlchtLU w..k !!. rjn'H-:. Tli Art I tin ft-jture al Ti.i- rrat r.l,d !n ln-5i-lt rrulu. made on the nict rraMia!!u term with arr.i-t:-g f.u:...c umrtMiu uienueanf. the proprietor for . I rtiit umi iu.i ii:.tnuitj'n en i''Ui FIJES1I JUICY APPLET, FLOURS, SUCARS, CKACKllllS, Baker's Bread, and every other nrtklc to be found at a FIRST CLASS BAKER'. Also at the taiue place t-outravu may lr- UOl'SE. SHIP AND Slli PAINTING. l'jtr I. Ii. ill nuA l arcnt.r. rtady aBBSlEHllEMlllIIsrEtLW 4 0:1s, Gla.boaiM,c, always on hand. ,....,,. jurl ill retain an rle. I irant fnii!j4tr, ri2!iiallv mrnvol cm Call on me If you want a;r-i;i ano I t.rl r-r ilia IwoiiJou Art Journal, rrpnw have the cash. Tu in at a j ti v. l:l(:n th- iiular rt-acli e:ira5iii nrvr r'-ffn'tirt-n-J at !- than New and Fresh Goods .V ' Tht- x-t. tare I I'.m-ii 1 I- a ;r.!'-'.5 u -f OF EVERY rilARACTDt 1 ; ALL THE NOVELTIES IN i V Family Groceries THE L on if on . 1 R T JO CRN. I .. 0 I".a !i i j.rt w't'A c.ut.-!n -0 ouarto vxze. iii-!ud';r V, frr.:;-;'-.T. .ti heavy 4ate a r. -uii.t !i jm ij Jilv iJlutni- : 1 '.:' -'A t ir!v-u trlth thf.r .:i1.i:i.l th j ruirirr cifthr ru tin iv !. nj:; i. r-n-M'ntaUoi of' - AMiiM- !-.. v. in a rtiaran tc T iu ua- Uutliul and luable. ; ART JOURNAL " ! i i X'A i..fiiild. totrjt rach. Can always Lk? found in our ch'-uc Mikatl rrj.r bu :: tin lt full ilJutrmUon Iri'i V.,t a.-jr v;tn; f Thk At-wxr. Ei-i ! : .!.'!. j . iutt cii:aiii ir u- 6 and.1 North Front Mrcct. I htI i uh'ci, t ..ii:tniu? lccrin live in!: r. '!ii Ur lor I li!inx or frai;::".r. will ! t-u;Jn lr U-s rnl cntrti. novA-tf CHAS. D. MYI.ttS A. Lh I lion !: ;.:i .-r tnMJf l.ara-l-r. EtitT - I if), r-f ..-ii v. .;j t;K! an-fu'ly taken tu L.r-t .:."! H r tid ttin1!l be jar l t- -!5. f t!. I Jif ri ht ift-luctioo of a ; rrr r .. ! k h 1m :i i:i a inrrrlua-ly THOSE THINGS 4 WHEREOF WE IK) EAT AND DIHNK A1 HE TO BE FOUND ALWAYS IN CiKEATKST VAKIETY AND IN EXPENSIVE COST AT Alex., Sprunt & Son, . pecUDy In thoee irctiowi Jjr Otanjre WEEKLY RSLIGIOU8 Pnblihed at Greensboro, . N. . C I Ur-avin machinery, to reach the evei BY Rpv j V xfTrTriT ' a U nd intelligent claw of BY KEY. J. L. MICH AUX. , I readers throujrh the medium nf th p- Prlce2per annum. octSl-tf nor 4 i Id.A Wr;HiiSteV 'c COMMISSION t MERCHANTS. WII.MINtJTON, N. C. oct 15-ti -r .i rj . COAIj AND WOOD! .... . ' t EGG. ; $TOTE AND NUT COAL BEST QUALITY. Wood aa wed, or delivered long, as pre icrred. j J. A SPRING IR, 3 oeH-tf :; Cor Front & Mulberry ts. 5 and 7 North Front St. nov 5-tf CIIAS. D. MYERS kt CO. A CAHD. E KEGKET TO ANNOUNCE TO i;r.'-:s i:om the aldine. E-j U1Jv c.i -M'-! f r'fsrj D1 Illu. tr-il'-.t: r 1 D;ain.- Cl- C4ra. A lar' ;-n t.f j4 turtm f diffefmt !'- a:: i a!nt -vrrv rtlt;v-ival44 ib- tjaw ' jm up in an aUrai-tire m. T.t;' an I ft' ti'rtr ir-rl tt a price It tti!l t'i na"i.f thrra pjHiljr In every niv. T.i:v 1(;-N. 1. rftitaln! V) ltti. t fu! i..r.iinr. I uAr rady aifl C1 b a nr. jr:.-c jtM, u$ any a ldrc frcrte d l:-r. A Lbrral 11mudI lu mru and trailer. . Air THE AI DINE PAv?E PAIiTOUTi our friends and cus-tutner the death of Mr. I !" hr -u U AMtte Lara prr- II-.irX l:n; T-:ot: uany JlhtiruxM l-ejntifiil t.latf f.r la--.MrUiut framltuf. 1 la m are j:.r;:i,t-i n a ItrautlfuJly nrm, on me irui instant. I Uiit I azun; mat. witli a l:andrne ml If.r.fcr line. T attach lh itUm it I )r The btihlnrta of th? i-cnccre mUI ? I !: '(: Ihe cut i:rr t i;u!ciixl fIdorrr ' I an irr..uv ar.jii ni lnracr. ana UaIm tmar as heretofore under the direction auJ man I ! !otic t'v a 1 :! I. agement of the surriTin-j irtner lthoat 1 c;x (.f 'ji.u fur ?f m ljrn etlcxrtlon U ' ' I llt t' pil!ll.CTIi. wierrupuoa. I C tubkvto. lUili'. in.. h. 1. It h Webupeto inerit .ud receive a cvntluu 7Va,,t, Ut c;,; la l; ance of the patronage aiiJ coiuldrucc here. I n ,. . ' a .1 iriubjert,. 11x10 lnr0c.:UhrlaMtl to lore fco liberally bettojred. MURRAY & CO. , By Geo. SLOJir, Sarrivln Partner. " 'oct 19 Dn i Si-tit by mail, uilhout j;!, fo.triW, I f r price , I7Cativaicr wanteJ. THE ALL INK COMPANY, , 64 Maiden Last?, tel & r,.illufro,N!'c joct.n ;.XA:Qi.fiTY'Y By Geo. Slois, SarviTln Partner.. . 1 JlilE ALDINE COilPANT, M MiUea Line, Ncir Tcl

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