ri! I PITY FVS I -t-.il .I f v i 1 1 .1 li II 1 , Tfce Clinton I'alr. V K. ri?ford,Jufti., Chief Marshal of County Agricultural Soci- " vh;,-h will beheld on the.22d, 23rd, l ' . ... 1 1 V t . . Mfh and 2-h 01 iuv- Iias appointed DC j(1i!owjnLr asihiuiu marsnais ana k- r t ...... Th". Ji- II ill, Astilcv Peter- L,., Vat. Ifobbs. .15. fe. Peterson. Mat. fe Hf-attj. 'Mathis, Thomas Black L'm" ('liut Corbet t : . prom', l'uruin flicks, JuIius L W. II. William. Jr. from Cumberland J. Haigh, :;(in;y Me Dan iel, p'm Uladen Henry Cromartie, )Vliitb-tl Krum New Hanover J. Mel). .J. 't. Honey. , Tn- P' will 1)0 a ball each night dur j the fair at liaison's Hall. Burning of a Steamer. vf ni(rlit. nlim'it. nYlrwlr tbn ol v r" T" vwikj uiui ui 1 1 ..... n - (lAtlrt T ttt1 n . A . . 1 Shit the steamer Hertford an old ves yf !M:Iui)iiiir to Mr, "Wm. Beery, and uji in dock near the Cotton Fac !t. rv -was partly burnt. Her cabin wiis wuuucu. 11 vub usct.'riainei jrini a jiortion of the deck were con- I 1 fin 1 1 : " ' . . - iiiiiiMi, nuvioss is about 300. No j. !-.('; ra!i;'. Jh firo' waft extinguished by the fT.H .f Mr. Walter (1. McRae and nii.'V'tx'rative.s at the Cotton Factory. r.l(l l.V tlm Fifth V:irn Hm-l-nt jlVnijuiny, which -arrived-on the scene Vi'ij al'tcp tho alarm was given. Domestic and Foreign Vessels. In .reply to the inquiry of one of our niiiiiUHsioii houses, we would state that 11 umber j.. of vessels which have Scared from this iort for the twelva l i'iuih.s eiHlintr the 1st of November. V, in as follows. This does not in Jfd;U(Je . vessels' uiider.' 100 tons or those .i) t jic .State trade : Cleared for do inc)ic ports steamers 151, brigs 2. liooncrs 77. For foreign ports uiucs 129. brigs schooners 43 domestic 230, forehn 205. Total 495. fl iitlre were more schooners, but the 'j.fh e is all that wo have any record of. Dunham Demands m8 Certificate. -$laj. Dunham has determined to Lhcim liis seat in the Ijegislatnre. jVcMerdrty he , demanded of 8herij0T plMiiiiu his certificate of election, which the Sheriff" refund, on the ground -A a in the House of Representatives lictji Nov.- Hanover. "Maj. Dunham 'ticii applied, for. a certified copy of the elect mil returns', which the Sheriff pniinised to give him. He also sent t'cr:a certified copy of the returns from IVinlor county. . . i ' ' - ' ' Mayor's Court. Mary Anderson, disorderly conduct: liiicjl 10 and costs or 30 days on the trocts. "' .-' ;; ' Richard Moore, hi rcenv: bound over to tin.' Superior .Court in the supi of r.M. . Ust eveniug Mr. Henry Jewett 1'iit! ricd Miss; Jennie Dunham, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. iNiimicl Dunham, on Front street. The prediction is that there will be "!..l, r weather to-day. ' i Hotel Personals. I'i rcki.l ; IIoisR AVednesdav J. ('"!lii)s, U. Urotherston, N.Y.; R.Mayo, H:-l l. liarber, S. C; O. B.Brittou, I'tiiiiore; Levi; Ernsteiu, R. S. Kard- T uuston5 I: Page, 'Jas.-Battle, P. rjjilhanis and ladv, Nichols, S. C; . llublard. - M anmxo 1 1 or s k. "VeJ nosday W. t.lMuiida, Brooklyn: Chas. T. Willis, HLe Ileel; J. Smitherman. Troy. N. ..;.( i. Vniifltno Pln.1.U.0 A TT lie t, hite River. , j XOTTIl CAROLINA. '.rV Grand Lodge of Mason's will ""ft in Raleigh on December 5th? , T1,10 Farmers' Journal, of Raleigh, l,een sold to R. T: Fulghum, Esq. A had -negro politician of Charlotte, Manuel Lord, has been arrested for ming threats thatGov. Yance would nuyer be inaugurated. . pufusFerrell, a :Democratic negrs of Aevv Light towuship, Wake county, is murdered it is believed on ac oint of his iwlitics and afterwanl wa found hanging in the barn of a Iute Radical. Fhe Xcws learns that tho Hi Hjick fctansill, who lives at or uear jina. Johnston rnnntv woe fnA itt. . . . -... --.. I i " J .1 mo ivuiiu 'irfcwncd in the well :tut sunrise" Sunday morning. A 1 :e of supposed suicide. V B. Martin, son of Gen. Martin, Col; Li T) Stnrkp linvo hofn num. ca 1" fill ted bv ihn (JAvoriiAi. r,triT;. ..:.w - Uleed5. Jcc, for this State. They 1 ' i n " Uts or orfolk- Major Wni. Uill, of Baltimore, has been rean Hinted also. . .. . For SnPilVnr rtf 41... tli,.., l" . " m " uwusc i names ; f. rsfrs- rles Price, of Davie, v t inuix, of Davidson, I5dr llinstom' of Tyrrell, John M. Of Chatham. nnH Jn TC Vffl? ' of GuiIford. are suggested as 'Senn- 4i s- or Speaker of the th? of Hon, James. L. inson is brought forward. VIEWS OF NOTED MEN. - 'if 'IH RaiiHiill -1 Pianos mat tbe 224 Joint Rule Still Exfcu-The Jlemedy witH Congress. - , SKftESAbK TO A DEMOCRATIC COlOng- At the Gait HoaseTlAjniavine, Kv.t Saturday, at midnight, 5,000 or 6.000 citizens, with bands of music, callod upon the gentlemen en route for New Orleans, serenaded them and called lustdy for speeches. Gen. Palmer, of Illinois ;- Gov. McCrcary. Senator Ste venson, of Kentucky; Messrs. Love. Manson, McDonald and Julian, of In diana; Doolittle, of Wisconsin; Sam'l J. Karnlall 0r Pennsylvania; and rrumbull, of Illinois, all made brief addresses, counselling peace and quiet and expressing confidence in Governor lilden s election and the desire of the whole people to hare him inaugurated. J udgc S,tallo, of Ohio, also spoke. He said from what he had seen - in the Northamong both Republicans and Democrats, the temper-? of ,thi ffcjQptf is such that fraud and violence wilt not be permitted in Louisiana. MR. RAX DAI J. OX TIIK JOINT -HULKS. The Hon. Samuel J. Randall, of Pennsylvania, in his speech, expressed the opinion that the presence of Northern gentlemen, of loth 'parties, who go to New Orleans to preserve the purity of ihe ballot-box, will prevent any arbitrary partisan action by the returning board, notwithstanding that it is composed exclusively of Republicans, He thinks the real remedy, however, lies in the Congress of , the United States; that the twenty-second joint rule still gov erns both Houses; that never since his presence, iir. Congress hare the joint rules been re-enacted atAth beginniug of an.y Congress. On the contrary,they have been considered as having contin uous existence. It is within the pro vince of the House to reject any fraud- lllentlv inni1f? nn rotnnn 1iAi)n. - i' tv,vA.., iimvuri iium Florida; Louisiana or South1 Carolina, was doue by a Republican House and Senate in the cases of Georgia and Ar kansas in JHoH, There is further con- stitutlonal relief in the -power of the House of Representatives, which it is not necessary now to discuss. The moral power of Mr, Tilden having near- vote should and will have great weight hu inv .American people. SPKAKER SAYIXJR AITRKIIRXIW XO DAG GER. Hon. Milton Saylor, of Cinciunbti, Speaker of the House of Representa tives, being asked by a reporter of the Cincinnati Commercial whothnr K apprehended any danger to the country in-view of the prespnt plftso ppn'.est, is represented as answering: ."J do not. I have too much faith in tho sobnrsprnml thought of the American people. There arc too many people who haye proper ty, own bonds and are ' the fathers : of children. We cannot afford to convrrt the United States into a second Mexi co, ' In ludtrment. whoever is faii-l-c elected, without taint or fraud, will oe inaugurated peacefully bv th Kmrnnnti consent of both parties." CONDN?EDEiEGRAS? . Eyarts declines to come South. Turkey prepares vigorously for , war There is an enffineer's strike on the Georgia Railroad. Torpedoes have been sunk in thp eastern part of the Bosphorus. A complete understanding it is said. has been established between England and Austria. ' '. ' ' ' ; It is reported that in an PTio-afrpnipnt near Puerto Trincipo, iCuha thepac- """a "111 uauijr WUIBIV.U. The Powers ure said to be in accord respecting the conference which is to meet the latter part of Noyemher. Department of tArinftnTftf.ffiH''ed ,nto Portland, Me, cleared from reports indicate a favorably snasnn fnr gathering cotton crops"; ex'cipi'in'some portions of North Carolina. An Oregon Preside alial elector has resigned his post office. It is stated that several electors hold centennial cominissionerships from the govern ment. " The Republicans in Louisiana con cede tha a majority of the votes actu ally cast were for Tilden, but fall back on the old dodge of charging intimida tion and violence. The Yiririnia M. K. CnnferpncA South, in session at Richmond, has ap pointed a committee to consider the subject of formal relations between the Southern and Northern churches. Milwaukek,Nov. 16. Several weeks before the election one of the Republi can candidates was discovered to be in eligible. A change was made in the tick ets though they did not reach all points. The faulty ballots are'not sufficient to raisea doubt as to the election of the eligible candidate. Attempted Suicide of a Distinguish! Teacher. ; - It is with deep regret that we learn bT,he Raleigh papers of the insanity of 1 rof. James H. Hornerthe 'great Oxford teacher. He has been exhibit ing for several months symptoms of loss of intellect. Last week he. took- erful dose of arsenic and laudanum, and- was barely saved by his Sdan,twhb was infitiintlTT snmmAnul ir I he was committed to th-A8vlnm in I . v cUlUu,uui.u. VU ittOllUav I T?nlo.l, . . 1 in The Observer learna that Miaa Am. I field, who was cMefataIly' shot by her .COUS.; I ASSOOilH) 7f RSS TELBGRA1K. A DARING AND BLOODY ACT. Eleven Cabana Take Poaaestlon ra Steamer on the IUgh Sea Marder r Her Officers. HavTka. Xov. 15.-1 While the steamer Moctezama, belonging to the line of steamers running between here nd Porto Rico and touching at . vari ous ports of this Island and also at Puerto PlaU, WRs at the latter por about eleven passengers embarked, who, when the steamer was on the high seas, killed the Captain, first mate, first engineer and turercargo and took pos session of the itoampr TTipv Ln landed the rest of the passengers on Romero Key, Cuba, and put to sea again. It is sntihosMl llit 1ioo orw ealled passengers were Cubans. The wnereaoouu of the Moctezuraa are un known. Puerto Plata is full of wfn- gees from here. FLORIDA. The Herjdd' a Return Give the HUte to Tilde u. AVasuixgtox, Not. lS.ThcTerad ls an elaborate Tallah has which saya official returns from nine counues justify the unoffieial returns made a few days ago. It is settled that the full retnrds of the county canvass ing boards will give the State to Drew by over 900 and Tilden by over 500. Thec returns. will be attacked before the State canvassing board by the Re publicans. NEWS OF THE POUT. Port Almanac, Nov. 'if,. Sun rise 6 38 A. M., sun 6Ct84.5J P.M.; days length 10b 14m. High water at Smith ville 7.11 A. M., 7.: P. M.; hhrh water at Wlmlngton 9.41 A. M., 10.a P. M. Noticr to Marinkp.. ; Both bar buoys at Now Inlet bar (at the mouth of the Cape Fear River) have dis appeared ami are fuppcotl to have drifted to sea. Arrived Yesterday. 5tmr D Murehison, Skinner, Fayette Vlle, to Williams & Murchison. -Steamer J S Underbill, Latham, Smlth" ville, J H Neff. Steamer Dixie, Piatt, Smithville, O G Parsley fe Co. Ger Barque Frederike Weyer, 3T4 ton.' Krlegel, London, ria Hampton Road?, E Peschau Westermahn. r Schr Jos H. Nell, Reynold, Orton Creek, naral stores, Kerchner fc Calder Broa. ! Cleared Yestbrpt, Steamship D J Fojey, rrlce, baltimore, A D CazaHi, Stnir D Murehison, Skinner, .Favette ville, Williams & Mnrehlson, Steimer Dixie, Piatt; Smithville, O G Parsley & Co, . Stmr J S Underbill, Latham, Smithville. J H Neff. . ? ' Schr Jos H Neff, Reynolds, Orton Crek, Kerehner & Calder Bros. Br Brig Baltic, Brinton, London, Alex Sprunt fe Son:- , ' Sehr W G R Mowry, Eaton, Arroyo, P R, E Kidder & 8ons. TrSrfel' Maloney wt au Priuce, Hayti, B KWdtx&Sons. ExportstttDomest-jc. j Baltimore Steamship D J Foloy-o- bales cotton, 328 bbls rosin, 125 bbls tar, 50 bbls crude turpentine, 20,000 feet.lu4n ber, 20 bales yarn, 21 bales cotton irbods, 1 bundles and 2 boxes paper, 27 empty kegs,1 260 bushels peanut. 4 packages mdse, t bbl flsh. J . Exports FonElQK, Zottio.Bp Brttf Baltic-r4,100 bbls rosin. ; Arroyo, P J Schr W G R Mowry 130,737 feet lumber, 100,700 shingles. Port au Prince, tlnvti 8c.hr Mahpl 1.16470 feet lumber, 47,800 shingles, 25 j?oit ir, o DDis pucn, l ooi rice, 1 patent eonee mill. . Memoranda. j Tl Via m- i a "Xy r-Vw r mm ' a. A ...1 1.-. a. . 1 Lin our issue of yesterday disabled and this port Sept. 15th fpy Hull, Eng.; during me siorm oi aeptt 17 she aragged her an chors and went ashore on Bald Head beach. On the 21st, having lightered part Of cargo and damage to vessel reported ehght, proceeded a day or two after. Cargo consists of 330 casks spirits turpentine and S,7m bbl rosin. . No vessels in sipht or below bound up at 4 p m yesterday. Went to sea 1-V-Schr Annie Lewis, Ald rleh, Demarara. Below bound out Schr Joseph. Souther, Watts, Thomaston, Me, via Boston, j Ger barque Qceau, VA cfckman.ia expec-U eu w WAWtitrrPT ist of Vessels in'ort Nov. 10. w List Barque Br Nancy Holt, 318 tons, , Vick & Mebaue; Ger Ocean. 432 i tons, Weichmann, E Peschau A Westeimann; S wed John Fougt, 521 tons, Carlston, R E Heide; Ger Ljdia Peschau, 403, tons, Feehter, E Peschau & Westerman; Ger Vlolettei 382 tons, Rogsratz, E- Peschau & Westennann; Nor Jupiter, 306'tonii, Fel lefen, R E Heide, Ger Die Helmath, 320 tons, Kraeft, E Peschau ; Vestermann, Nor Mathilda,552tbns, Bradenbur RE Helde. Nor Seoncol, 324 tons, Jlortenseu, R E Heide: Nor A Q Vlnge, 333 ton?j Pe dersen, R E Heide; Nor Success, 35(1 tons, Jahnsen, R E Heide Br Evangeline, I'M tons, O'Hara, E Pechau & WetermAnn;: Nor Denorah, 340 tons, Jorgenseu,' R E Heide; Nor Frey," 290 tons, Halvorsen, R D Heide; Ger Frederick Wever, 364 tons, Kriege), E Peschau & Wetermann. ;Jtrig Nor - Lucy. 298 tons, Neil son,' R E Heide, Br Baltic, Hi tun, Dowbilin, Alex Sprurit &Sont Br Republic, 239 tons, Thompsopj C If Robinson, i ScAoonrt-Sclllf, tons, Prry, Worth Ar WMTi TCvnmlni. 1 (YT inn. Tu T Ktdder fo Sons;. Julia Elizabetlir 80 tons, Incram. master: A'nnf "P. ninvr. tnna. t . ' .I , ' . .. rtKls;r ort" north.' . n ' TT " : ; , BALTncOBl,'Nov. 15. Oab? steady. Rye itMdv. I' PnTrtatnma nnt Am an1 tm. steady. Praviaiona quiet. Una and- un- SiSSSi TnCE3DAY MXO, XOTSMBEB f A Vff mm wm m r WILy.IXGTON MARKETS. November 15. 187&-6 P. M. iow-vur market opened dull and Without any disposition to adr.no or 9 cede the prices quoted in our report of j twraay. i ne official quotations at mid aay 10 cents lou a basis of V( entrt.formid.Hfmr .t.t,ufc ngures we qucte tb market closing quk t " mm m V M vin ,j urptuune Market oniet and steady and without thanfn- in nrw with light offerings Sale of only 31 casks r,v ulars at S5 cents. ofi-OfficUl Quotations: Firm t 1 ? 4 ior strained and good strained. No sales of those grades are reported. We noti wj oi ow ums at S3 for (II) N.. 1 and 3 122' for (I) good No. 1. There U a better demand for all grades, and lot meet wun ready sale as offered. . ' T r: . . - . . . . " nrm an?i uiKiianired in t.r oaieu-iay of 71 1J.U at $1 7.r. ilosinir steady' and in pood inquiry. -uc AnriteuiiH' .ncet With Drointjt sale as received. The advance- noted on the 13th has been sustained and the reeeints Of the day were placed at II 00 for hard and (2 .50forofrani virgin. I . Daii.v Pkckiptj!. Cot Ion 1139 bales, spirits tunx-iitfue 2 casKs, rosin 11,; bbls, tar 71 bbls. crude turpentine 273 bbls. Reoclak Wholesale Pkh es. The quotations, it should be understood. represent the wholesale price cenerallv in n.aKing up small ordera higher prices have to be charged. . i-777 iunny 1:13' A. Double Alienor Wal34'e. ifacon orth Canlina: hams fnew) lUc, shoulders l(r l2e. sides (N C choice) l.V; wcKtern smoked ham 17M l8c, Mue iw-c, hnouiuers vc. BrcfOn the h(H.f .ak- " Barrel Spiritstuqentiiie: second band, each t 7.: new New York each 1 IK); new cut eacn Beei'ux 2ti2Sc. r-A Wilmington $GK; Northern i(a,l4. MirNorth Carolina 1825c: North ern 2.y5-35e. Ca;to Sperm 254Jc; tallow Ufa 15c; adamantine 13Ue. CAe-Northern factory Ufalc; dairy vnaui i-4V3ic; ciaie i'j;(vld. Coffee .Java 342,S5c; Rio 19Q22c; La guayra24is'(a2r,e. ' com Jieairer bushel, In sacks, 74 Cotton Tie A '(of Domtti Sheeting, 4-4,peryard, 7'e: 4,tJ i'v uuuen, wc. 7 30: No. 3. tcr bbl. H1 111 zn c.,t -t-' per bbl, $3 1507. N C herring, per bbl, 10 8. Dry cod, per lb, 7c. ' L.; vnrj"?i ir ooi, ou.1,: super, northern, So&O; extra northern 16 207: ,,,uuJi uurineni, -035; city mills: !!?r r -i extra c 75; family f 7 257 50; extra family pi 35(a.8 50. FerliKzcra Peruvian guano, i r 2,000 twuronna icnuixer 4-?(o;5'i Na vasa guano cash; complete manure o; ,nann s phosphate if 43; Wilcox, viiuus x v,o. easn; soluble racific f50. Uratn Corn, in 6tore, in bags, 70(n, 'iW, cargo, per bushel, Kr2'a'c; vel low, per nushel, .ysOOc; wholesale, in bags, 6."K5(J7c. Oats, per bushel, 6oc. reas, cow, per bushel, 75(5S0c. Hide Green 31 fiL4v ilrv KOi n ia-.Eatern H 10, North river U0c$l. Zr(ZNorthern 1213c: North Caro- ca a Zime Per bbl il 40. Lumber City steam saweil: bhip ttuff, resawed, per M ft, ftlft&si; rough eilce plank, per M ft. $lo(5il7: Went lnif ear- goes, according to quality, per M ft, 14tfU uwnui;, Bciuoueu, im.; scant ling and boards, common, per M ft. 14 23. ib7Mc Cuba, hhds, per irallon, 3.S 40c; Cuba, bbls, ierffallon,4KHc; sugar nous?, nnus, per trauin,- ; sugar house, bbls, pisr irallon, 2?c; s3rup, bbls, per gal- ion, ioujouc. Oils .Kerosene, ner pullon. .1V per gallon, 00c$l 15; linseed, ter gal lon. 700.85: rosin. ter pllon. 5UW7LAA.. Poultry Chickens, live, 254J0; spri'mr PtanntrVer bushel 75ca.$l 25. Potatoe Sweet, per bushel, 50; Irish, northern, ner bbl. 3 2503 5o Pork Northern cltymc ?2oO,21, prime uui rump ihtoui el?.: tioe -waroima, oiht lb.''c; rout per ousnei, .K-ml. v Ti per ro, 2c; city, jn-r ,-AUm,perbu,heI,75c; 14venl fr scckWJUSc, American per sack UOc .Wo 1623e. anaar Cuba, nerlb-8'fr Port. IM. per lb, Ic; A effee, per lb, HUc; B cof- lee. ner lh. lie? I: -itr..- ror Ik exira jer io, iuiic; crushed, m -7 ..... . , . 'V . mmJm 1 1 -. Ier io, i-;ic. , . , ... xid Northern, ner lh. fUi'. tSMnale Contract, iter M. 40.: i-nm. rnoa, per M. 2 50(s-3; cypress saps, per ai, o .; .cypres nearts, per M. 50. mare v u DDI, jer 31, ?1SQt.20. . TaKoir Per lb 80.10c. Timfcer Shipping per M, t9l2 00; mUl prime, per M, fi 507; mill fair, per M, fyi inferior to ordinary. Der.M. fZifaA. IVhitkry Northern, per pallon. $1(5; North Crrolina, per gallon, $1 752 50. ' Wool Unwashed, per lb, 18?20c; wah- ea, per id, z.narxc. ' FlXAXCIAL. Gold, buying, 103: aolUng, 111. Exchange (sight) on New York dis count. Baltimore Y. BoMton X. Phtlet. phia i Western cities f. Exchange 30 davs 8 cent. Interest added to above. Bank of New Hanover stock 100, First auonai uanic io, uawson Bank 75. Wilmington Building Stock 115, Me- ehanteV do. 100. - ' Navassa Guano Comnanv 8toek 140. N. C. Bonds, old ex-coupon, 14; funding 186, 6; do. 1868, 6; new 5; special Ux 1, to N. C. railroad 20. ' TO jtV TIT 1 Tl 1 W. & W. R. H. bond. T H rr7,l fnt . 101: O. C- ft. ft. bond. R e - 4n. Wilmlmrton citv bonda.8 Vp...V 7 .. oia o f?c., oo; new 9 jc, goia lUUMtRLt AND FIXA.CE.I5rJ?,'oj) were: Market ouiet twi r,rint- I UiilP9l. c;t,vrrt,m.r,. J7i " , low middling 101' ana miJJllll n 1owt-iicw 5 lli.. SUte N.il. ..uirt bid. Later .vt , na nominal. , , . . . . rt-n III MUSJ I Virw V V , amounting tu CI l,al. .....i. JvrJl0RK- .oT- Hr 1. Ji Maekcral, No. 1, per bbr. flC 20; No. 1, per hair bbl, $8 506.9; No. 2. Per bbl. ?KKa.l3 50: No. 1 twi-ii.if km' 187C. uTIn Seaboard railroad tVk 20. - -jr . .. Ami v m ipre MARKirrS BY Ti:i.i:c;UAri!. Flnanelal and Com mere lal. J. k . ... . . ... i- .-. i i'ru neMt. Oat WltlMrtlt lli.l.rl1 . I.-.. ly, , ..... iiuKr. !! Klo lower: cm.rtr.m-. i.. .u. . . fair t CI! rennh.- 'j(.t lot ;c: u fin, tiw irrfm rrademrtiTr and nnn Isice ouiet an-1 teady at 8' 5 (Is t;c. il( nrmrr tt f., . ai a amiiaiw yy swrii turpentin nuiet tTS mrk Trrv nrm mru i7r.i.ir i - . it . . " urnicr iinme sieam lie. AVki.kv . - - " mrn-w, mm lift tied at 1 OU. Frriirht a had fin.'. Cotton Varkett . . V 1UKK. .M.T Cut!..!! I.rt...., wun sales or I Wle at Y1(h'l rt-ir.. rniiM)nuairu Iirt re rlt ls il. Ul.V nr..H . ... . totJrcat Britain 4Mrc: . ; tnee 21.-W7 io me comment 4.u: net rc-f!pt. -.Mo; prosH m-elit ..,Z: futare r!i,l r-- wun sales or 4kHI bales as foll..wm v.. vcmlwr 11 :UUcrnts. Deeemlier I . January r.SH-:! cent. K.J.ni.m- 1 r.ir. eents. March ViK renin, April 12 iXli;, ;-. .May vz :fi.TJti-l-i cent. June 13' ;( 13 .V"t CntJ, July 13' 13 Hl32 rent. Aum.t B.iLTiMonr. Nov. i.-Cottii firm miMlinz ll'.V: n-t reivb.t lift- r-r to p!nneI :rtO; rxf.n coast w 1m 41... SAVANNAH. Nov. l.V ('..It. in tnx m.UUIing II S.e; net rcceii.u 3J7:: mI.i -.A: exiK.rts ! Great HriLafn 4.4..7 - m - rmm ClIAHI.rTOX. Nov. 1... C'.tlOll t.lv middling 11. St! net reeei pu 4.7.11; sale tjAX): exiHirt eoastuU l.HU: to th uncut ' Norfolk, Nov. 1 l'.iti.Ti .n,T middline llc: net receints A.fiU'.- -t.m. . . . .... I . lit. d..m ' Foreign Market. Livi.itriuL. Nov. 15. Ci.ttmi! r..i.. sales utilmids 1. m. c. fr. . .i delivery. 0';d' April and May -i'.d: . ... ... ... . . crop. sliiji(cd fi :(-H'h1.. Jan. Nov. and lice. Hew sail. and Feb, r,'sd. Feb. at.d IT ManhJ!eir-l. LatkuJ li :tute ilrrn: uplands 1. m. c. 7.1 CI. Nov. 1-1 A cry IXIMKJN Nov. turjHijlinc 2.V TkI. lotavl Ilourt. close at the City Post-OU'cc The mails as follows : North cm throurh and way malls, dallv - - - :XIA.M Mails for the N. C. Kailn.ad and routes supplied there fnm, at--.... . m. 5:20 I. M. G0 A. M. Southern malls for nil l-iints South, dallv Wektem mails C. C. R'y, dallv rayciicviiie and oHlcc on Cape Fear River. Tucsdav and Frilav - . . Fa. vet to ville 'bv C. C. K. law P. M. Gi0 A. M. daily Cexcei.t Suiidav..) . Onslow C. II. and Interin.ili- ate offices, every Friday - A. M The Smithvillu liulls. by olramLui . l.i at 8 A. M., dally, except Sundats. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Sup ply and Sliallotte. every Friday at n A. M. Mails delivered from f! A. M. in ?in P. M., and On Sundays from 8;jo to KVi ... Stamp Office oncn fnin S A. M. tit l-f and from 2 to P. M. M ilii-V unlor fur Register Departtnut ojk-ii satne as Stamp wince. Stamps for sale at renersl ili-Hvcrv ti Nliitrn. fkMY.. 1 .1 ..1? in iiini, Key Boxes accessible at all h. and nbrbt. Mais collect e.1 fn 111 fctr.N-t Imiv... . vrrv day at4::j0P.M. XK W A It VKK TISKMKXTS CEO. MVEHS' IS THE PLATE. BUY YOU K Family Groceries or IGEOKGL MYERS. GET Y O 1 K LIQUORS ok GEORGE MYERS. USE ONLY PURE, SWEET MAS1I WHISKEY A X l J ; V Ij u t. U ti A , FOR bALE ONLY hT GEOKGE MYERi, 1 1 and 13 South Front Street. tK t lT.tf 50 boxes 50 AY E HAVE FIFTY BOXES OF GOOD SOUND LOW PRICED TO BACCO, and want to sell it. 4 CnAS. D. 5IYER3 & CO., nov 12-tf 5and7KorthFrotitrt. 10 CKNTS .. VKKK REMOVAL N. j a co v, rs HAitii-WAHK imrtn ikmovi:i Tl N 0. 1 o SOUTH FIM.N. M f M.X1 ,mh,.; i, MA!.!.AUh .V. t i n ; H "i , hi . J4.,;; I'EHl t:i li. it, it i, . ALL mil H;iEIL AMI UMi!l!ll; l!'T 15 White as Snow" JllV. THE ItlM-Ui AM. ,!;i ai mam; fumm iii i: FA V() U iT ! r.if. . rittrs FATPi.l FILMIA 1'. T.r yfi t S 1 A . , :tar;--l. lUlf lu, r. U. y,. , .,, j fc Fr-.. , ii ,j , i -l . t v li ;f 200 r.ii 200 'VY!.t!rs. rti'.t.ATFV I ami h:m-. rviH t mi t I1A. I. M Ki: . The Election is Over . AND W i: i AN Now THISK . v. t, as it moke nr r.r.t.E ca:.i. i DANPOETfi for whate. rytMI Haul in b ,. , j,,.. remember' C. . Y A TKS K Kill's Till. V(,m n.M!-. ii slo K K PLAIN AND FANCY r 1 i:k BLANK. M Huiil. Nli i f i . N EO U S ; U K !; . f v i y i . : i :t . -. .p Tl l;K ami r!MI. GOLD PEN- ANDPi:ULS. a . In fact even U u-uAh l-n ii, j. imok .v si a ihm:::v mhi:i THE XATl lSAL!ZAT!u PAPERS -- TIIK litUBlKli-PiirEMVMIiWlKii'. 'nil'HMANV nA i:ni riu. im!i .y r. fiij, ..:i:.tr M.-J5 .. 1..,? U-.l.i.- fnu,.Nl ... tu, , 4 , Ut 4 . m'hi. . .- i ... . .... ... . aui i . 4 .."i i .: m'Mr.! m.i ... m - .. 4 t if9" yu an- ii fun-1. j'1. ii J. V. tf I'll ION- A: BKO.. at 21 Nurth 1 n.ntstrrtt. all XT'l ir j.aj i,.. ,,.v ; j j COAL AND WOOD! Iiii;. ToVK AND M T t (i.,l j mT guAi.iiY. VrI 4 I. .f dtlli I-I !..:.. i k fcrrrl. J. A. M'XINi'Ki:. Rt 2-tf Cr Fn.;.t .v Mult-rry u. THE 1'EMP.AL PP.nTESTAXT WEEKLY RELIGIOUS .v; WSPA PER, PublUhed at CrcvutWu, N. C, LY REV. J. L. M1CHAUX. Price 2 per auaviai. . uct 31-tf V. A. Davi- A, Co., W. A. Davii. Eili'wira and Prvjt. Uuiues Mitugtr. TIIK OXFORD TORCH-LIGHT, Circulation over 2 l Conic. Tu lKllar Pt Annum, ia Advicre. The Democratic Orjzn cf Crctrrllle.