.Vi"0 : - ' ' . v ' ; itlTi CITY X E W. if. WILMINGTON, .NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24. TUB lTUATION. Departure of Father White Tetf- moiiial of Esteem. I. W. Father White; of St. TlioinaH Interview with Congreaaaaan Had. dell No Danger of a Fight. A conversation with Hon. A. M. ,V . i t ...:u 1 1 aaaeil. mfMTiwr of I Vkritri-oaa IWun tha ,('itlniir) "nun:n,,wno" win Riae mis v .v tVwiay to take cliargc of the Cath- V1 district, enable the Cam Fra Cl.urcli in Newbern. was waited the views .'of this gentleman on ' n i;1,t evening bv a committee of the the ngd condition of affair before y,,m.ir Catholic- Friends Society, and he pnblic. ; The conversation was alto- w.a. ..resented with a hand.some purse get her informal, and as the intentionto , ,ilf,:i.v and an. address of thanks and turn it into an interview, is an after- will on behalf of the Society and thouut effort will be made to give .(.tri'lnners.. . Thecremouy oas jifuite Lnnfve. okf Father White in hid ...MiMi Hoke leelin-lv. re-rettin-to ' ol. AVtwldell thought that there .,!cr tics that had been so strong 'f no danger of eeriooa trouble. The a,i long-voniinued. f country was deeply birred. Every ef- TV congregation feet that they fouMbe made by the rascally ele- sustained a irreat loss in irivinir mcui IU luc mI,uol,u Pa". -'uni out Tilden and count in The movement would not because the better portion Republican party was Haves, succeed of the hardly 1 i'VC uji a rVrgyman 'of great industry.taste, ,,it and general usefulness. AVil luington's lass is however, Newborn's Death in the Wood-Pile. The ( iistnm of piling wood upon the uii.irvcsMji Mich ( lose proximity to the Uountry to surrender without a consti- ( ,i .'f tlie wharf is most certainly an . v rl tliiit needs abatement. AVe defy -.Fat Cohtvibutor tu find room to iKi-? in.nianv jdaces. wliile a lean man ih I. ar and -.trembling. Certainly one )h i n has been drewned from this i'i v t auM'. Some if the wood-dealers ami the -authorities ate to blame for jK-rliujtintr this iniisance to exist. The Kiver. The haVbor yesterday afternoon pre-v.-nted ,iuite a lively and busy s-cne. Thef arrival of the steamship Ilaleirh. the beautiful barcjue Lydia l.'e-s'cheair hv tow of one of our tugs on prepared to endorse the policy of fraud. .-f .rvi.i '? . i . ' I i jir. j lmen s inumpu was iairiy won, and he would )c the last man in the tutional struggle his indubitable rights, in the maintenance of which the people, as well as he himself, had so much interest. "Then, Colonel," said the reporter, "you think thore will be no fighting ?" -AoiaDii.; iiitien win be peace ably inaugurated. There will le no blood shed."' V Well, what do you think of (jrunt's movement of troops IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE FLORIDA. " . The Governor Restrained Tallahassee, Nov. 21. The attor- IXUIHIAA. The Betmrnlji Uoard olorcf Pei ocraU. New Oklxans, Nov. 21. A formi dable breach was made to-dav iu the in- M AT THE STATE QHTAL L1XIHIATURB OF M)RTII CAR. OUXA. rob liar trenchmenta of the returning board. neys of the Democratic managers on I and the warrior who made the assault 1 w- tk tr;jk Xm. yesterday applied to Judge White, of now fits a riPht of thc c.m' iU k A 4. r t mandant of the citideL This morning the Circu t Court, for two orders-one ex.1Jov ickliffe, one of the iVmi resiraining tne uovernor irom canvass- cratic electors at large, addressed the ing the returns of the electoral vote or board, demanding as a right that be le Lssnincr his cprtifir-ito tn inTpWtnr or admitted to the session of the board. , ! , , flx . and to-night he received a communica- ;r.l-":.u."2T "r 01 J rr1: tion from the boanl coixiilinir his dc- The Conservatives gained that. ly appointed board of canvassers, and i another in the shape of a mandaniiu to n .!.: i . .1. " ui thcrctnrning bcanl, ordering to pre f-JS 'C 'Zl T -L rrlimr,. J A j-- A m . 1 , I Mftft h.ft. BU. r .It ft..- . - ..... - r it" uii uuic iu a eun u. ui me voies. Ti nv, Nv. 21. 176. Calnmfthe cond. Nichol-4o and York of the thiiiv-fourth. and Finrer of the thirty--rventh districts, were al- lowctl to come forwanl and qualify. I The liomiu.it iohm of rl.-rL.! arxt t....pv keepers having Uvn printl in the I out ,,f fl, Iw,nI tin i-e t ear. ar.- h re omitknl from the I " lTl",ur!J- 10 CKNT A WKKK torcf Pender rountr. l'lircl il- calender. The bill (rvferrrd to iWi rtbitier to HberifTs returns in Cob-tp elertioo pA-nl third readinr. Hy aughn-a bill to CTbiul th lin of tbe veverml herifr. ainl Ui cvl1-- tor. Tin Iill irvHHoJ la rxtfn! time (or the "col Ire ti en and K ttU m t of Ih- lair of "'J t. Jatmarr l-TT. ti moiiun ui an run. tue n! r u-j-eu,!-,! aud th bill ? a J il tfoa nuinr. After a Ion? dth!r ji.d li e -trikuii th- bib igyraa porsx-jy m snuam mn issue , ,i4.. ... . v... i.n .. r..n.i- r.f vh mai lurnuv aiicr . . , .an elector, but he Siijs he ha a coty 01 . . e . . ,t also issued an order th lh of amnwtv. which ho took lhTnnr,, .Clr!n f'- i embere of the return- when lien. Bank ww it, command in 1?-, i Pi,1b,;U,S,i! caufe on next Thurs- v. r..t..- the matter hou I le xttendeil in at i i rsew Orleans. , , amus ordenncr them tt. . onee. ITM 1 T,v7t,r ;"- i that Gov. WicklifTe U not eligible as " va Jiijuautivu siivutvt iirw i.vur permanentlv. lie commanding the members ing board to show cause oi .-.- ...1 . I- i il v.aj nujr lue nianuamus uruering mem pilu.hback denies the . urn nt rumors nntPf rA,anVaSS at onwJ tJ1 that he is coquettiog with the Demo- not issue. The papers were served this crat,. but be will control all the rrl!!!.?: i .i negroes in the Legislature, and he in There is an appeal. .from the circuit tei?d, to make the?, ,,ar!rain he can juugu iu ine supreme uoun, suojeci, f himPif however, to thi3 possible ilimculty the Supreme Court is not now in session, and will not convene in regular session until nest January. If it does not of its own volition convene an extra ses sion before the fth of December, when the electors' certificates are obliged to issue, there can be no appeal from Judge White's decision, as there will be no court in session to which the appeal can be made. The following is a copy of the re straining order served on the (Jovernor at noon to-dav: The chair called attention to the law id counting sadrcrtir.g ueirvd tbi to le done rn the fust Tuesdav after Hv I'urtwll: A bill 1 ... i - - - - wv rcgnlating the rates ofinten t of iat:. et tknumi a the nurv bill '11- bill wa plaf,l on the calender. Ru?-ell. iiuvctuvr' im-.' iva!. 'HieUMUM'iiaiiofihejoiut loiuniittce I vole to wait on the Governor was aunounced. counted the cMton tonk a ivce tinti viz: Carter, of II vilo. INo.of Corner-1 3 o'clork -ir j.it i i. Th' tn. Ik.jh, met at 12 in. in tin- ball of the hoUM to cmnt ibr tji. After 26 countie L1 I u il land, and Have, or lVninimatii, and for himself. i,..r,rT .', . Tt,ma II ltnn.U- f..r,nerlv ..f SnlU- I i . ? : A V WH.Wn. . l nnrfl I lb-LmT I I r tr I . -mi otul 7 I v fti."ft sftftftft-ftv-B - - - -w-a m ' . . I I 'immiitim i.ti lctilva na... .-.1 - New Or cans, the most profitable omce 7; . in the State, and the n'turning loard Seator!t roy, Graham and Dockery. 1.;. f A mes,-age was received from the VailllUb truill VUlt if -1 11 . A ti, iinmA..-..w .. vft.r- "uum: mm 11 oum pnwu ai 1. .. j iiv: .1 ui 1 iivi 11 j 'i ui" 1 I.1 ni 1 4 , .1 e - . .a ima.'siiift luin im'i unir j'iih . - . - cation of colored Iemocra1s fnm Oua- u-. "7,KT Ul -u,: oaic. o It also usketl for concurrent in a ored planter and wvcral school teach- ich ha.1 ,1 th. UJt to e and ministers. Tbev statnl that amend 4 chap. J J Ha tie lltxir they were from every ward in the par ish. 1 hev denietl nhsolutelv the exist- eneeofanv intimidation. Iirtre col- . w;ouF; 01 bec;nu Juuai" ored Democratic clubs had Iktu formed ircuiioi rioriua anu ior iieou cuuniy i . ... t v. n 1 4ift;.fti. ...... i.. 1 . n . 1 . i tt:ii- u-i . I in xne r: . tutun, h tne rei, m e mnccrv xwoer x iui. nuw-ri tjcket thcy wo CumpU.teIv dis- nm. xu. xt-uugv, i.kiuu ltacliraliam. govemment. The people of the North " r.,1" XEW Orleans, Nov. 21. Among nr. t liWnlv kwnv n t.Vn on;-Hn 1 the colored Democrats Wforc i i aiucring i He Dili 01 complaint iiu-u in arms against tho seating of Hayes, the case and on motion of (Jeo. 1. ,.: :i .f fi -1 i r t 4.. cin.iuoi riuriua auu ior xuii cuuiuj . . . . , f , ipfllft(Pr!ltIv 4V4 nftnr.4- 4 i. a. Knllrwnh .1 nmf5 h, V pnn rro W illrinsnil iuav uiaub 11 iv i iir iu auuttiL 1 111; 1 , 1. , ............ arns, (.over- e v. ... .,1 the Northern committee to-dav was one old 1 t-iM. iiv ni in 1 w w - r- 1 . I . . . - I mail n liu .miu miz iiuu 11 v -W W fp river, the dop.rt.re of . .thoW-t ffilSffieK Jeflerson I.av.san.l vvh,. ha.l l-ife t. Mnsnuito fliH-t of Messrs. Hall & 4uu. uvtr prucubeu. xi mere nau . R.Mrna An Mliao ulf nt engagetl in coniracung ami uin-rung " ? ,i ' r been no civil war thev would not stand ,17" v fieldhands, c. He rcmarkctl that he I CiirSUU;.j illlll UIC I'tAIU IIWIIVIO VI sal. chanzing lhe time lor th im-etmg or shenns io count thr vote fnni lh( third Tuesday in Augnst tt th third Ihursdav in Novrmwr. Upon motion of .Seuator Trov, the rules were fcUMenlHl atnl the ti!i passed its several readings. nothcr message ha btHn received from the IIone. amendug the previous bill in such manner as to make the act apply to election heretofore held under the acts of ih, ii.rhansniir the election of 176 fram August to N'jJ i i . . . . . i niuer, iiii'i iij puppiv an omi i.mi m oin mey woum noi sianu Tallahassee. IxH)n countv. Florida, at """ '"1 said acts respect in s lh- nine of coi. x, i V Mit.n a- Son .and other usurpation of that sort. As to the eleven o'clock a. m. on Thursday, next Ac. ... i! -...iftW.. n South, everybody says there has been why an injunction should not be grant- . . w ,r. hnA i ' finf The Senate tiiiaiumuuJy conrurred - Illlll ltll lllf-ll nillli; .-M11IS Ol'lVtlVJ LU I - - I . . . . 1 " J IIIV IIK -A.V UUi;il-UII. - V- ... .'Vft... I .. .1 . tt . . , , . , i enonn-h of fio-htino- f,r nVhts with arms I anu issueu agamsi nun as prwcu ui a pleasant breeze made quite a hand- euonSn 01 SntinS !f ngMs witharms bm of laint . miiaiiu. xi, a x uo uoi iuhik, me And it is further ordered that in the fraud is consummated,' the people will I meantime and until further orders of home a po ranee. uery. submit and the masses will bide their An chlcrley cit iwn whose way home- time. Two years later the Republican wa.nl is' past the Court House com- party will receive a stunning rebuke plained 'yesterday, that he was tripped t at the polls." ujp by a; large rock, one ol several loose this court, that said Marcellus I Stearns, (lovernar aforesaid, be and is restrained from making out, signing, sealing and delivering as such tov ernor to or iu favor of any person or Republ for eight years, and now he wa as pun as a marsh hen. As long as he con tracted tvith old citizens and Democrats he had always got his money and was ahead of the world, but he at last un- n the House amend nun I. BILLS M KKMiLt 1lo.. ArtERxoojc rvio. Hy Lincback. a bill eemiiti! ..... . taxation persmal Mmtcriv t tin .hv of $300. Placed tn th fTah-tNl.-r. A tnvage wa rtvivcl frt-in th. senate concurrinc in the hoiw- inii-H tion to print lhe tr- f the llet nor. jnT ito hrrt. In tit Colunibn rtnintv rctuin T.t vut vrv cmlited ! W. . tt,,t. f ir Attnev ileiier-l. On motion of S!- tin dcml t pl oil to itM-lfJ A m. . -n exauiiuaiiott into Lenn rt terns wai moved, but th matter aj fab!cd. The joint -4-niblv tooka ic-nt:l Tbursdav. COSyEBTE AXU FINWt E. WI l.M I MiTON M A HK l;l . i".rY.Yr iK)rru v. Noveinter TX l?Tr, C 1. M. (ur t...tLt iMlar b raie-J hurevrr hr l- ti rrutJt. uhitfi --n f ttrnt to thr -mall i-fl-rirt j u 1 lti- titn ftnaW ui. wtti. b a!- li4 rrni.-,ii. fllliti.C f Mr alil -m -f -ir Injur goinjf Into tW tnark.it. 11i m)r t-.-J Miijics which are in front of that build ing and fell to the pavement; receiving several 'severe bruises and abrasions. He requests us toask if it cannot be made the duty; of the Janitor or one ofthe - attendants --to see that these rocks are paign Hotel Personals. Pi-rcki.l House Thursday W. H. dent and Vice-President of the United I ers i i r i : 1 tratic Hy Folk, of CaldHi ll: A bilUliang ing the time lor the count of the vote from TllfMl.1V nftpr n-f-atiiviti.tn I t-n 11U Italn. ml ihf f.ftllutt ltif.nr.11u.i - happilymade a contract with a He- 0fthc (icncral Awcmbly to Monday Ordimiry y(V'.rt.-l..raillrTliio . pUDUCail cniCI ana was SWlOUlCtl OUl Ol af.r nrh nriranixation. I L .i.l-1ll- i.o I i - i , every dollar. Duriug- the last cam- Sandifer. of tjaaton. ioAvel to further Lti.inT- .1i.iw'..V ; . -, a iiiiiiii., a , a m. m s am i x. ' r-j r -i- -i P rn, he concluded to join the Demo- amemI bv inking out all tic party, and with hundreds of oth- section after the words Mi of his people voted the ticket. lbe organization of the two McFarlane,Fla.; J. Munx, New Orleans; W. J. Corbett, A. B. Nichols, S. C; J. E. Jones, Baltimore; R. G. Clark, Phil adelphia; CM. French, Y.E. Bearner, I n: . c cj 1 t i. n: : : . i.. removed before night, or still better R--wnui tlI,tluuau' AW, that thev be taken from the street I icisoii, nuiiuon, xng.; r..uc entiirlv. i I - . . niiug, Miss Delaney, Louisville, Ky.: I states, as having been chosen, ap pointed or elected such elector or elec tors at the election held in the State of Florida on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1876, unless such certificate or certificates shall be in accordance with or pursuant to the declaration and dc- TIIE SPEAKERSHIP. Three Sided Contot Sensational Dispatches Denied. Washington, Nov. 21. It is now believed there will be a warm contest in the first bndav after rganization or the two Houses. The bill paed its third and final reading. iy .ueijune oi jtockiiigtiani: , reso lution aud bill in relation to the public middling IP; fni TV markn tl qult-t but M-al. Sjttrifo T"'tt' h- Li. to repurt In tVr x-tw f the iuttt t prtern Jm'hl. Ih'. !- to-dT -t debt: requiring the Treasurer to report that flguix. to wnat extent there has tecn a com-1 ... tik iv u t-n i.h; for the speakership when Congress re Neal. Robeson Co,- Mrs. Oro. D. Cum- Vl , , , " . assemDles. Jt xi- ' t mi T. t proviaea tor or consuiutea uy ine aci journmeut last summer that the place rould be quietly conceded to .Mr. ay pt. as the omce would not have no The' people of 'Wilmington and sur- Shortridge, ltockingham; Chas. Vance, --n MMiuiuim euiiuu .mi; niiiu iinuiu, im unit-, iiiaiiu tie. i c . i icpoh """'"M " v r r- -t, sav. , attend the Mxkmxo Hor-H.A. iTfflltS6 &.t S? grand Demoiratic.jollitieation at Wades- Masoh. Richmond; H. E. Whitehurst, Quincey, in Gadsden county, Florida, iH be made the Speaker of the Forty kro on tl night of the 28th. Cob L. Tarboro; R. Simmons, Smithville; J. B. this the twentieth day, of Novemljcr, fiftb Congress, and hence the struggle I.. Polk aiid Messrs. McLauchlin, Pern-1 Iavv, Sampson Co.; Walter L.Steele, AO'V:. - " i" : for thc lat1er l,,ace' wh,ch wonl11 otlu'r bertoii and Patrick are the committee Rockingham; W. W. McDiarmid, Lum- I pliance with the bropositiutt of the I fu thl ai U-1o. Thr. fUftitlon m.M., creditors in regard to thc act to sttlc the Mate debt, Ac. Calendar. Hy Mebane of Rockingham: A bill uroviding that the seaker of the house ami president or the s-nate re ceive per da during thc ss.-ion and ten cents mileage: and that the mem bers of both houses receive Hi per day wtre Arm at tl HI fur traioM inl -- ftraini-l. at which rk.") Lt.J. .f J.-.--J utmiiwl rt; 4Cf. Ti- tni t -(. firm and 1U r- riali! .-. a: ' TafThrrr i cot-Mt Tab.c iu-j .(,. r th' aiM- sol zf-l lot" if fXr- nirH itli pp.tiipt Mlrat fn'j ti- TIh- of invitation. berton. The marriage of Mr. AV. F. Wil liams, of our city, to Miss Emma ; 1 Have It Repaired. There is a place on the pavement U'tween Orange and Ann, streets, on I'reiit street,, where the windows to a l'Uenient projecting into the street lave been broken in. This makes a incee?iion of ma-trans exceedingly. I south Carolina is Willing to Abide by Edders, of Charlotte, is announced. '-' . tt THE ADDRbS WADEHAMP ; TON TO THE PEOPLE. P. W. Whitk. The petition of the Democratic elec- ,nvtt on AnformA nntii l wnm. tors for mandamus vs. the secretary of next year i.roujjht out this tuie, cuuipirunci oimaiiuiirejftvi.wm, next lHjecniijer. ror this reason' .Mr. constituting the board of canvassers, Randall, who has jrraciouslv vielded to after setting forth that there arc on Vr sw w lil-oU-tn.i; nn fr tVio i nn. file in thc office of secretary of State Uat with him bilc jSunsct V(lX 0 torsreci returns ior eiecxors, siaics iuui :n fta a v:r,i andintt. U wt if C. A. Cogwill, comptroller, and Wni. -t wo-lti tbo thrtided contest of 4 A1ft. f'AAbA nir mai vnnmn 1 lo xra L . ''. . . leuci V.W.1V1;, iiuiiivj cuv ..., laa wlnter over again, with .Mr. Javier exnressed their willingness to proceed :n cfftwi r ,,a c.i-,. with the canvass, but tnat secretary 01 yell informed republicans here to-nisrht nour 01 Jn,tv(-i. and the .senate re- 1 T 1 A. a 1 1 I tfM X 1 . . . ' . t . m anu mm'azre: mai ine iirinaitkai ana as- I u"ri iutMiitii iv i"ita i rii distant clerks receive C, and the dc or. I atih"n:i. , keepers and ai"t:nt .4 ier day. Cal- ennar. Hv Finger of Catawba: A bill to n- eal thc usurv law. CaleniU-r. Hy Albright, of Chatham: A bill making the- ir diem and milcaire the tame as provided by the constitutional amendment-, remit Iv ratified. Cal endar. arioii 1 -invodmeuts were offered but pending further dieusion. the ', 'Vt (iV tV- i u4 otliT .lvac f i om .u mU -jt . with al. -t 'Air tbl at M ?C f 4rl i cxi f.,r ao.i rtiu. A Dvtt.v Hk in-. I ..r.Mi ti'.'l bale, fj-int tut i-i;' '. ?j: Cl-k. roiti 1 4 titj,, tr pr oM-. ru H duiigerpus on dark nights. Rosette Party. The ladies of the Fifth Street M. E. 'Church will give a rosette party and oyster supper, at Mrs. Sholar's (just uvitli of the ('huveh) this evening 'it 7 o'elook, ' . To a Cuiitributor. I'lie tory of "Cuflfee vs. Morpheus" ba been, doubtless unaware to you, printed elsewhere. Otherwise it would ai'pear itt the C vif Fi: u:. is u good .one. the Decision of ths Supremo Court of the Htafe. - Coi.vMiiiA, S. C, Nov. 22,-1876. To thr People of South Carolina ; The Upqrd of c:auyassecs have, by their unprecedented action to-day, shown not only their contempt and de fiance of the Supreme Court of the State, but their utter disre gard of their own official in- tegrity, niie the grave cpies- State McLin refuses to convene the board so that thc canvass may ceeded with 1 tt . mm. mvenc.inc are quite depressed over the latest in- famu inatj- lo the luill of ay oc pro- formation received bv them from I ums?. I t-i- - i- ' I fi fhA ...i:..nr..- . . . . r .1. . I . ft . niv ftJi"ij. ..Ill'Mll tl l'MUl Florida, ABOUT THE TRtKP.t SUermai Annoyed Ills Secrecy the qause of the Reports being Circulated, CABLE SEW. tions determining the result of the re cent election were pending before the Supreme Court, edriifio:?d of three Missing. .A 'Colored bov. about nine vears old. Milieu nnaip ideally, Has uecn mis; lused to giye certificates to us- tvom his home, on bleveuth streets cratic members 6i the Lg . - . .. . - - ' r .a . Mm . weeii cintnut Prin! sinr-o showu, by thcreturns ot the " .VJ Ktmxm, m, mm i x A m m..y m m. u -w 1 bet Monday last. Washing r., Nov. 21. The Secre tary W War and Gen. Sherman are much annoyed at the commotion pro duced throughout the country by the sensational report of the arrival of th&se'tkwps, and yet those two officials are primarily responsible for the public judges belonging to the -Republican agitation which has followed their mys- party, and indirect violation of the tenous movements and equivocal stac orde'rs of this tribunal, the board have ments. On Saturday last thcy denied issued certificates of election to the Re-1 thai troops were to be concentrated publican State uScer, and have re-1 here, and yet "nt thc verv time they the lemo-1 were making denial eight batteries of lslature I artillery were wit-hia a, few hours' ride same board ! of the city. Had thev be.en candid to have been elected in the count ic of tM-.i-il-.-j'T1 L:'J -.- ' ' ' h.s, highliandc'out jage is rell calcnT lated to arouse' the indignation of our loner suffering ueonle. but I assure C. Stevenson. Nassau sweet them that this daring and revolution- Oranges. svect apple cider, currants, ary .ac.of the "board can have no niisions. etc. legal lorce whatever, l appeal to you, tnereiore, in ine iuuesi connaence that . . fifty Advertisements,. Kastern Medical Association. The funeral of Mrs. Priscilla Jusslev. the anneal will not be unheeded, iiiat -enerable lady, notice pf whose death m W y.mWh'Mn tinker hat pro ''. ' : v A . i ' t .$" vocahon, tout character as an orderly 'toi4ay:s issue, wil) takftplftce law abit, UIa ' at 10:30 o'clock a. m., to-day from St. Durlncr th rst AseltlnvpanvaM vnn Paul's Eniseonal Church. I have studiously avoided even the sem- 1 blance of a purpose to disturb the nnb- I he voun? inen's weeklv nraver-1 lie neace or to transirwsa b hv -meeting at Front Street Methodist our cause, ana it is the cause of tJc Church will bo held this Qvcniu? at U wnstiippji goyer.menl ot the couh ' . , e -v . try, has been earned to the highest I'CIOOK. - -Jr...i- nii " .. V... V.vui t ui iuc tqiaye, uuu e arc Willing to abide bv its decision, feeling assured that this, tribunal will see that the law shall be enforced and justice iecured. ! Air . 1 T - V - A11E riAXPTOX. Mt rs. Charles and David Vance, ns o;f Gov. '.Vance, are stopping at i - tlic Ihircell House". ' - v! about the matter.and stated that troops were to be brought here as a matter of precaution; fhey would have rendered the present sensation impossible. It was the manner in which they caused the troops to be broueht here, rather than the arrival of the troops them selves, that produced thc commoifUj. TV A r-' rrV f T-.c V l"Vfi3 TrtT tern l though chniily ' known as 4batte: ries. because they are component parti or artillery regHaenw. nave not a sin- gie neia pioce among mem. iney nave been acting as infantry and are armed with the regulation small arms of that branch of the military service. While the presence, of thttse, roopa 'ii y$ry generally (discussed, tfie universal opinion is that " there is nothing to justify the belief that their presence is required. Mr. Hory Perkinson, was run oyer andTtUlea by the material train, near 1rV At 'IH ' a 9M9 M mm mm. m. . Kittreirs weqacs-tay. Rtisaia'a Pacific leclaratiun. London, Nov.!2l. A conversation of the Czar with Ixrnl Loftus, thc Hrit- ish AmbassaJlor is at Pctersburu. i. re- Krted to the gftyeviat-nt here. unl ifus ii ipioteit : 44 Czar said nothing could 1k more absured than the intentions attributed to Russia of the future conquest of India, which was a perfect iaiioisibihty. Jie deejay oeularrxl thc distrust mani fested m Kngland. earnestly rcqinstcd me to do the utmost to dipel it. and charged me to convey to Her Mjajtv s government XhO solemn av.rancs he had given me." The dispatch also states that iu re fard to the rumors that Servia and loumanja demanded that they should be erected into independent kingdoms, the Czar said that there was no inten tion of establishing any such kingdoms, and such a course would be foil v. The Czar further explained th, he had permitted CSrs. to, 50 Set;via, pp Vhedj tjc!y. lei the Russia service, in the, hope o,f calming the. egtUtioii In Lord Derby repliel. iatruc.ing Lord Loftus to inform the Czar ami Prince Gortschakoff that the (ueen and her government Kvetlhe.Ca,! assurance rith thfc gTca'test satisfac tiVV " Some idea may be formed of the vat number of stock in Texas and the ca-h value there a head, from a purchase made iu the southwestern part of taei State, of 41(XX) head of cattle and 2,000 horaea for $140,000 in silver. W ing $4 50 a head all rounl frir cntvle and horses. . ' session the Hehate n-amnblcd Upon motion of Stanford, the bill intrcubu-e! bv Finger. nr the rep-ml of the unry law. wa. .oVrci to N printed Tlo SeuJte then, upon inoiiou. .J- journcd to 3:1. p. la The tintinihetl bnir.e. the re-ola- tiou of Albrisht, came up f.r tn-ihr-ation. A lnf-ajre a nived frcm the Houm. infonninc the Sniatf f the re ceipt of the GuiernorV ima?o. and asking its cou unfBi' in a proposition to print. 'ilie proitOidtioii wa roncarml in. .Stanford offered a uljstitate that thc per diem of thc President l made 80 per day; that of clerk at 85. and that of the door-keeper and nx-mbcr at $M per day. Pending acti-m the hour for inoetixig with the hotiK arrivcnl. ainl tLo fi nite took a recess. After it 4 ioii with the hm ilic senate, resumed bn-ure iu it own chamber. On motion, the ix'tiate adjonnHd until to-morrow at 10 a. nu 1 HtiKSK OF RKPIIKSKNTATI Vt. Xv'Pav, November 21. A number ff members, presented them-elvcs;anu toic the oath. Resolution of Moring oSextO a a sultstitnte for one oX "tUtiom, provided for a cmxeittte of five to draft rule fox the. permattent gorernmmt d"tho House, and adopting thc nuc4 of the last House un,til the adoption of others. Tl;2ibtitutcajidreoliiticjadj(del Hy Llovch fuh. a bill p extend tic .wt.k a- a WUiC CJ i. u. Mernrr-on a tax coucc i; of Tin; imikt. Y"'.t Ai.-4.-, N'or. H. Miiniil; . M., urn -t i I lx htiUi loh Vim. Htrii matr 'jit ai.;l. rllle l.ol .. !.. 1.2; 1. M.: h!-U r , Wiliin2t..n 'IM A. M.. 3.1 7 V. M. Aiiarrni YrTrntr. fc r. a i) r.u..T. fcu-jitiiorNur'hMat-. r--u. rtrt'-d.. . iuih Worth. M-au-r IKxt. lIt. JruiiiliidP . ! Prdcy&Co. 1 ht-amrr J H tilr.Ul. I:li.. ..ot, vtll. 4 II NrtT. fi.tAet.t rYtratA. A ll C aXut. M-ABvrr North Mat-. fri9i. -t nie. Worth it Worth. SUatnrr IKik-. llf, rr i!tlU.. Prlr- C. HtraDtrr J & I wh rmil. L. ill. vU!c( J II NetT. fT IiifuVK Frej. Halt OuV Utn r Falmouth fsr .rlr. WUlULrt- . Murvhif-GU. 5 tkbrMar. Ik-iU, Dijitt ty, Hi Mitrhf-U .v. - ?cUr WlllUui. M--u. r.lUatti'j Citr. ; F Mitrheil A S,u. ExroiT 1 m t ti:. rutUB. 101 rak turjt. Z lft rv 1 Uirpt, 37 boir. atl r4 lc drV'I fru;t. I bM mar. I W4 puu. I trunk. 5 park. gr in lw. 1 hot t-riiji. ElxrosT Tc.hi Sz Banjue Frcy 1M7 eak tuq4. Mrnou. Sailed il irr Uriue A O Vlnjr. IV drr-Ti. Fatrnofith or tun n: N'ur briz Iy, Nflio. cj'a-v Tr h'nrr Julia nizat-nh. Iorr!tu. HarVr I4il. DiKama. rVlrm" ttrfit.! iit 4,rT tnir I.ttUa Pr-rLaO, F ttrr, Am-rri"jtr:. In ll tmrn houtt. f'mn riT N Iarr4ue Frry, IIhvrm. tue-ti'tn r Flmnith;cN'trr N-M--, Prrrj. lo ftrl'w fnut'rthTii jrt axxllml Mrth arl' toop a h Mia. In b lw Nor irt (tizrllca. A lrrxo. TheU 8 l-am rrTcrf eutter ";4fa. having had her copper tMirHihly Knfd. hall pllntfO, .V. yriviltr tjk-n rQ . 1 1 I' 3 1 1 'i