JH3E Ml- FEAR,, i 39. GENERAL CITY NEWS. County Commiwdoners. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday In special session, pursu ant to Appointment, at 11 o'clock a. in Present : J.jG. Wagner, Chairman jiUU tvuiuiwiv mho tjiavj uiiviiiriijo-e J'f'r.tnmii!Cifttiora C T.. t . p. C. Davis, Delaware Nixon and Duncan Holmef. , un iuuuwi, me .onowing order ,uwdtbe lfoa,rd; "Whf.rua, Same Ilea ton, Clerk of Superior Court of Now M,. County., was dllowed until TuesW - ..... , t - , " i v. a I ovcmwr, ioio,ai 11 o clock, to The said James! Ileaton is not ready to renew inn uiiiiai uu u. iimi 11 nt-reua renew uW .nu, now mereiore, kr. it . I . i I U f tier o uie oupenor i.ourt, beallowed ..i !. il.cj.j. ..' . . . i mui inc &uiuua.s. IieaiOll. ti. t. ... i t. ir , until this aftemoftn at 4 o'clock p. m. 10 gic ui. uicei-utuic uoiiu, oinerwise . : i.il. i ..1 .i . I Clerk of this Board is instructed to -end Mr. James Heat on. a copy of this (iriler lortnwitij. On motion, $ic Doard took a recess until 4 o'clock AFTEICNOOy session! The Board fifct, pursuant to recess taken at 4 o'clock, in full session. The report )f.' Delaware Nixon, for magistrate's fees, was - received and ordered to be placed on the records of official reports." s,i Application; of W. K. Price was re ferred to the Finance committee with power to act. Rejwrt of (jeo. AV.Dortleaux, Regis ter of Deeds, was received, and ordered spread on the records of official reports. Application- of Richard Reed, Sr., was referred to. the Finance committee, ( rdered that the valual ion on iU Qrtn -J...J on-nl'uf ' V. 1JJ.:-1. .1.1 --ivv. . u if V ; . ' -"cuncK' De listing. James Heatbncaine before the Board and asked that he be allowed until namruay to give lits bond ;. that Be bad not received the previous order off tne iJoard until Monday last, or he would harp W.l ik ,r.nA 0,1 :r his prayers wejre granted that he would be prepared torsive a good and justified tond; if not, lie would not expect any further favors from the Board. His petition:, was allowed, when the Hoard adjourned - The Illstoricai and Seientllic Society. ve are requested by. Key ii. I). Hernheim, Dresidenl, to remind the members of the above Society that the first ineetin c undep-1 hp anization will take place next Mon - .. f ' - v --"VJlV V - day evening, at 8 o'clock, at the School Room in the rear of St. .Tames' Church. At this time Mr. Iiobert 3 both, of the United States Signal Service, will read a paper on Metcor ulogy. : . I? By request we mention the names of the members :V. A. Wright, Hugh Wuddell, Robert Strange, J. G. Burr, George Davis, Henry Nutt," S. N. Martiu, A-Sprunt, H. B. Filers, Fd vard Cantwcll, Fdward Kidder, Rev. Dr. "Vilson, ; Graham Daves, B. R. Moore, Col. Bennington, U. S. A , R McKoy, Rev. T. M. Ambler, R. K. 'ry.an, A. R. Black, G. W. Jewett, J. W. Bowles, J:K. Brown, Rev. J. l. iavlor, Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, Cicero Harris, W. B. McKoy, Robert Soyboth, Janres Sprunt, W. it. Ber rd, Dr. Thos. F. AVood, )r. W. G. Thomas, John D. Love, W. F. Wentzel, Norwood Giles, 0. Bissenger, Dr. K. A. Anderson,! J. C. Bailey, J. F. Di vn Dr. S. S. Satchwell, Rev. D. -Horreue, l,r.,W. K Freeman. The Heaton Ilond. Case. i Why. do the County Commissioners wntinuc froi meeting to meeting to "tend time to James Heaton in which to arrange li bond ? He fills the vcrv l'onsihle position of Superior CouA CIcrk- Jt is-highly important that lie "hould be under bond for the faithful rformbce jof -his duties iu such ca ?city. Let rthe Commissioners require H forthcoi)hig of this bond" or de- vacant. Magistr.ite's t'ourt. rt- ,1 listi. -p. 1 : W !': wu arraigned lr assault and ' ! : .''.rfcinlant dismissed on pay it of' v .. ". i'hra 'ini nnth was arraili-ned' on - V -i J ' - a ! "" arraivt and I omul uviT to the 'jurt on a 'bond of si no. cv Advertisements. 1 a hi,, u . 1 1 . 1' .. .. V y : fr-) VP1)1V at the Capk -Uv lfl'-e fur name of advertiser. f y0Tw V1 hutt Smoked beef p h;Uf breakfast strips, kc. meat VVVrison uit buttcr? mince- jellies and a number of other' fwry articles, THE ATHLETIC CLUB. "V6"UUU1C Kevised L.It,t of Prizes for Thursday Assistant Marshals. i' n-. ...... u are furnished by Mr. IJerrv ,v,, vh;i iaisiiui, wiin i ne re- I V1SVI Ha r.F .1 j ' ... I "- piix.es uucreu ior sUCCOlSlui contestants in the raees and rames of the St. George and St. Andrews Ath- ,cllt 'UIJ. i -awe p.ace at the? Club o rounds on to-morrow beinr Thanks- Pr Day. Also with a list of Afar. shnlV fcs, tW ' . . Li.,.,, " ' w au mm j iu?uii. I iipro :,, i . , ' v" lv ficiutr, win uc a frnnr iir.nS.- tne ra.in pours in torrents 7,- . -v, uuaw r.ven then, e wneve our indomitable AtUfitw -i, , W ill iMvn r.i-n-Ui i . . . vv.iuiiuir io carry out that If ii - v - uai l hi i p nrn.rammn . : .. v , , 1 . c " uuu ,e conucted under canopy. mdercano'DV rnt. 1 . . . r" .1 Je programme is as follou- . at H). j -. ijc-n. u inxe vaiueti I - iijciii.ii prize vainott 10:30, standi. hih m- , sot,!,,,.. '-i 10M'), one-fourth mile runnin"- race puzei silver cup. - . . 11, running long jump prize 1 i.air sleeve buttons. . 11:15, three-lecd race-nri i i i , I 110, one hundred yard's runninrr race prize 1 olo.de.' 11:45, potato race prize 1 barrel potatoes. 12:T.-,, hurdle race prize 1 silver cup. Ti:TJ0, running high jumpprize 1 pair. vases. 145, one mile running race 1st prize 1 dozen pkuted knives ; 2d prize one - ftolt dozen ti latpd l; i - . ---- i . ..c.-. i .. MR n '..J1 1. .11. . -I r ii . . ,UUJ mu,e race-prizc 1 . 1:0, hop step ad jKrapprize ! inkstand. 1:45, ".throwing heavy hammer prize one - halt box, cigars; 2,-hcelbarrow race prize 1 wheel barr.mv, 2:15, fencing prize 1 set studs. 2:30, all-fours race prize 1 slippers. ' pair 3, one mile walking match prize 1 walking cane. 3:15; boys' velocipede race prize 2 50, . , J:;,-sack race prize one-half box Cigars. i I pig with greased tailprize the pig. The following gentlemen have been appointed Assistant Marshals, Messrs. I.Davis; DuBrutz Cutlar, W. Rod W V. (iiles, J. Colville, R. G. Ross, A. m. Brown, Dr. W. G, Thomas, N. Giles and Don. McRae. ' Bkhrv Glkavks, Marshal. Appeal by the !L. B. A. The President of the Ladies Benev olent Society requests us to call attcn tion to the . low state of the treasury of the Association, and to the great suffering which it is the duty of the Association and the public to relieve. The members of the different churches are requested to take up contributions off Thanksgiving Day. Contributions in goods, provisions, etc, can be sent to the Vice-President, Mrs. George Chadbourn; money should be sent direct to the President, Mrs. C. G. Kennedy. Tliermometrlcal. The state, of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob tained at the Signal office in this city, yesterday at 4:31 p. m.: ' Augusta, 47; Charleston, 63; Galves ton, G8; Jacksonville, Fla., 66; Mobile, 05; New Orleans, 72; Norfolk, 44: Sa vannah, 66; Wilmington, 51. OBITUARY. Mrs. Mason L, Wiggins. 10 ihc Cape Ft or. 1 regret to annouuee the death of Mrs. BeUe Wiggins, wife of the Hon. Mason L. Wiggins, who is so widely known as the "Old Senator" in Hali fax. Edgecombe and Nash. Through all his political troubles and triumphs : tbrougli tii- more recent disasters and" losses she has ever stood at his si.lo ihn same true, noble, steadfast wife and Christian friend and adviser. " From her girlhood, her daily life has. tauebt those around her. a beautiful, instructive and holy lesson.- Her last moments were calm and resigned. She was conscious until her eyes closed in death and con versed hopefully and cheerfully with herniourning famjly who had assembled, grief-stricken, around her. She was 72' years old. and previous to the sudden attack of pneumonia that proved fatal, she looked so well and strong that her friends scarcely ever thought of her as aged or infirm" Her decease adds one more name to the list of the honored matrons of North Carolina, who have so recently folded their hands and closed their eves in the blessed Tiff, pa rf I v tjrOd. AMir. WILMINGTON. NORTH C A ROT TV A tpcnvcaniv wAnt,.... " . Presentation of a Silver Service, To the Cape Fear. iL.vrMToxf N. C Oct, 19, 1876: Co. 8 L. Fremont, Late Chief Fnginerr and General SuDerinUmfomt ' Dear Sir: In behalf of the employes or the Carolina rVntml p.;im . r pany, 1 hare the honor to present to I OU a SllVPr SPrTIPP in Abn Af I - i - . -v tuxir thS- .J?,"Af as a railroad manager. Itt fS lu peaK 01 your noted efficiency and VJi, ' uunn8 inc Wrm of jour serrice flS?i7?r?.Gera? S?P- ui iue Carolina ventral Ilail- 17 Ul. u,u l0 11 - dral f a. ':r .r. - I viu ;rvne as inesA mat. i. nM p(k , hut T r-: ? ' " . i ' - 1 1 w i iiiiaiii i II nil nn mi TTirnn r f of our dwn nnd flu.ZZr1 r ,lcn nnA V r-it." r . i -1' '".uivim ivkitv ait lug I cni n f . , 6 . . . i --tuvv-u u connecuon tnat hMhMn i w invuNiUL in ns. arm vm. h ha caI i . . . ." ."4SU n nnrln, kkT. ' ; ; """6""" wgra"iuaeioyou TmehV .u f i- . - t vu uv miuv ia uuLr I fi rtTfiT TfT ri M .. . ' '-s juu nn siwdi -a ... It With hno.M-A.:r t , " a T:uiqulc U1 uur ?.'&n re.ra " J?r you personally and offi- - v 'l-"";...wure J V, ... ., T. K. Lkooott. Goldsboro. N. C. Ooi- 94 is? Ca J. E.Leaaett. WUmintnn v . Dear Sir: Your letter of .hoioth In ?Zf .m of X Carolina iiL-iiiiai iui iwnv :smnnn. Kn r. i ; , w c"" wim mc suver service to which you allude. I can hardlvfind words to express mv sinciw tnanVa rrt I . i . , J 'Wl this mark of esteem from the emnioyes such a testimonial in the face of sus- ...v, vvriwjmujr. iu me recipient 01 uv low V SUB- liPnilPfi notr I- J - c' cation I ffi no lnHoin i,u;rt,i, Tt. . 7-- vu,i"-i' a uau 10 encounter ana over-1 come, Doin in the work of construction Of "the tipw nnrl MAM4iAnAr 41.1 J was not well understood, and Tipti tl, reater mJ appreciation of this act of V1UU11CBS uvine pan 01 tne donors. g,,v : ,i r- . t . ... . ... . UC for the little good I was able to render uuL-ii cviueirce.as xnisoi tneir gratitude them is most deenlv and RinoProl v on. Preened by rac. ,Wthcn fotheS aim )uun my neartieit thanks for U1 iu.cir. g?ru ana esteem. I sm vnnr trmm nnA nK'i n.i I "iuu uiivc uu b cci Y i, 1 a t "pw..A I . L. r rkvxot. rmi 1 , I 1 he above was crowded ont of our last issue. The Burning of lVade Hampton's Residence. From the Chariot, Hh, --- -- - -wvf.bi. v.c.11. iiuw liuiuuiuo, it seems, nas 1 T ' x - 1 . I selling with friends and "watching the proceedings of the returning board, who had charge of the election returns. ' Coffte Java 3435c; Rio I023v La While thus engaged in the commenda- guar 2425c. ' ble efforts to preserve peace and pre- ST, Meal Per bushel, hi nacke, 70 vent bloodshed among the excited fac tions at the State capital, his home was reduced to ashes and his family escaped with none of their effects and barely their lives. The dwellinsr was satnratAd kerosene all around, with no avenue 3 uk i h CAROLINA NEWS, The remains of Capt. W. T. Avery eiu iKen xo jioreranton on a Bnoeiftl I a. -m a" . car and were interred lastSnridav Gen. R. B. Vance's official mainr-tr in the Eighth Congressional District was 8,385. . Charlotte Observer. Vp lio. ln ... . ; - - - . . w . received in this ritv of tb .lootTi r 1 Mrs. Lily McPhail Ervin, daughter of the late Dr. McPhail, President of J v UbWVU VI I uavicison college. She was ill two days and died at her new home in Ten nessee. Appointments Of Blshon Atklmon. AVilson 2d Sunday in Advent, December E Xni J ; : : : : - K25 left by which the inmates could eseAnA K1"'1013 50 and the torch was then applied. For- DBvfil" Collet.. c 1 TO -onneaen, Am unatcly none of them haa retired, as i ihTcoF Sir lb 7 S' DI' W Ppran. it was only about 9 o'clock, and ther Ttae.rbb : awa. EaXro8JTDt,5IC-- thus were enabled to escape a mn.t northern, $506: extra oV. I .-:",5?T?5"' awful and cruel death. r famfly, northern, f f Sair rtr f. ! V0 ro"lu' W tar, KtaRwood wuT ..... . ' TTalifv ms,v.( .i. : Vldon I . . V . . "it re".ri' Jackson - - wwS - a ww m - 1 ill im v iu Rockv Mount - - - December 22 w.-v i.w 1 n 1 1 1 TIlP rnnllj r.titca of r TJ.-i. j-wm-' I n noun, as follows : Northern through mails 5i30 P. M. Northern through and way -maUs, daily - ..... 7:00 A. M Mail for the N. C. Railroad . Vtwv tu.ii viiv riMuimpp ana routes supplied there- I frm, at flW p r Southern mails for all points South, daily ------ Western mails C. C. R'y, daily Fayettcville and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays - - " , Fayettcville " by C. C. Ry, daily (except Sundays) - Onslow C. H. and intermetli atc offices, eveiy Friday - ARRIVE." Northern throuerh mails 7KX) P. M. OAK) A. M. 1 P. M. .5:00 A. 31. 6K)0 A. M. 12:45 P. M. Northern through & -wrav mails 8:00 P. M. The Smithvillf m.ails, by steamboat, close at S A. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hill. Town Ciwk. Sun. I anu cuauouc, everj- rnaay at d a. M. I Mails delivered from C A.M. to 7D0 r. M., and on Sundays from 8:30 to Octfi I A. M. I J?tamp Office onen from 8 A. ii. to 1r I auvx ii um to aaw r. M. Money order and I KHdtA. T1.. c I piiruiieiiLs open eame as ctamp Office, Stamps for sale at ireneral delivery when tamp Office is closed. ccssiDie at. au nours. day I "ftV.n?":,. . . . .uis TOueciftt irotn trAt hnTM I H t - ' COUIIERCE ASD FINANCE. WILMINGTON MARKETS. - i I Cin Fm Orricr, 1 Ncrober28, 187S P. M. f OffldalqnoUOoM of the Prod or Ex- change at mid-day, 28th Not. 17 : Cotton No rrport to-day Ordinary, Oood Ordinary, Loir MJddliny, Middling, Oood Middling, Spirits Turpentine-lfinn at 35 cent. Kon-Strafned tteadf at 11.73. C.ood onweieioy at f 1,73. I T ft I r-rinnnt;. Crude Turpentine Hard flrtaBt 1.75 : i m r Soft firm at 3.60: VlrxHn firm mt 12 fVl t'owi The market tevday opened ni,l.(ik- i ' ny uu -iiinn-ui uiRTXMHiinn nn Tnp rrt . ' . v . . 1 - vr ...... h. men mr Tirwn ncaoi i iuc uiflrT. Jn n in in .r k .. I 1 v. rKit n iuc ' - I. . 7 " " j rnuie smm rnnrM aii mA r joi were made at prices rtntrlnir from 10 Prices ranrini? from 10 to irent. We quote ordinary 10, rood 11 eent. We quote ordinary 10. rood ordinal, low middlinrll, middling , ua gTjoa inwunng ii cent. Spirit Turpentine Out market to-dav han ruled firm at unchanged figures. The sale, to-day were 157 cakj at 85 eenU. i-n. . .i.. The market In this article has been quiet. We note Mies toI.v nf nnt o DDIs, b trained and 300 Oood Btraiaed at 170. . Jar Rather easier but not quoubly j Iower (The eale to-day were 123 bbls. at l w" " w. Crude Turpentine Ylrm with a v' ciinnf x iril I . . "T" ' i"" 1" irI.,. r - '.ini ana ior lion and f Viririn. 1A1LT xiECKlPTS. Cotton 774 balen, uplriu turpentine a21 caflk roe,n 1M7 bhl, Ur 123 bbls, crude I ""vuuriw uoib. R kulak Wholesale Price". u'."uonf l 8D.oultl understood, The quoUUons, It should lc understood. ffSiS KiKfi pave to be chatted. 4 "WC'Zr? 4i3e. Double Alienor 10a 13 if. - r . V. 1,1 v,imrwiiua: nams (new) 16c. shoulders lorl2t'r. .m.. v . . r . I T V S,c !? TMtf ? 8okdhams 17Gj,18c, omwiv74v;,euuuiuenwijc cy un me nooi oc7c. Barrel Spirits turpentine :eeeoud hand. each $1 65; new New York each fl 80; new TT 1 . " - A y . r . ivi. B..J. cream .Hitfauwe: 8ttZi.il5'a1'7 fhA.Ai VnK. C l . is . - . Cotton Tie$ ZZ(a4c. arrow tips an "1A s bundle. ' Dome$tin Sheetlmr. 4-4. ierranl. 7i yarn, per bunch, 90c. Jcggt-Mc. -rw MackeraL No. 1. W7i Mackeral. No. 1. rvr 1.1.. an -cw; 10. 1, per naif ; No. 2, per half bbl euperi5 30: extra M IMftLtl fn J 77 50; extra famUy 258 5o7"J Fertilizer, Peruvian nnn o rw. Acenizert reruvun irnano. tvrQnrvt lb9f f 585 C'lina fertilizer $4S$53; Na- t ainnn v um. 1 if ah. m aa n AAmvtiMj - r. . uiraure EL. Zu?e . ? wUcox, Glue Hai215c. f w Grain Corn, to atore, in ba. C7(3i L4UCi carKO per bushel, 5657Hc; yel i rC 'T.L --r-7 a vu, uusoei, ooc. Pea. cow. rr huhi Lv.rrv. . ' ' C T ".w. i Green 3U'(aic: drv fiffio, a-ri$Vrt0'orU,riTertL Lard Northern 12izC?.l.i .-iou n 1 V Xime-Per bbl tl 431 so. ,fl:,L5 Pr it, 911914; e5t India Mr. ' a viuru rviafT? commonVr n.lU 23. , -.i-vui, nnas, per cral on. SxTd. Uuba. bbla, Pernllon,41fi44e: ;r ram.ji w w a. m n vvri.u.n"8;.Per?llon -! ur houw, in na. tvr in nn ft. a. 1 Ion. iOfisbr . ' ' " 3 1 ' DI8' r U . Otb-rKeroaene. nee illrm "a,, i 1 . ' ' r f wv, Liu. per paaion, WOcWil 15: linnced. rr Mil mn' TW.Qft. .-l- ' K1" .v5v. iubiu. urr nnnn ew w r jfvv . r - Poultry Chkken-, live, 2530Drin 15C4 reannte Per bushel 75cl 10 Potatoei-S weet, per buhel, 50; Iriah, n orthern, per bbl. th 250tt hy 1 ' Fork Northern city mew $20(1. prime per bbl $00, rump per bbl tl. Itiee Carolina, 64'per lb.fli per bushel, 90c$l.'" fraS? Vit dty, per Hope HYSfZic. Salt Alum, per bushel. 00: Livertxiul per seek 92V$&5c, American twr uc k bivjar Cuba, per lb. 8'-': Pnrtr. Rt per lb, 9c; A coffee, per lb, llre; B eof lee, per lb, lie; C coffee, per lb. ma'. extra C, per lb, lOllo: crushed, tf lb, 12c. iWpNortcK'ru, jr lb, .i7t'e. Shingle Contract, per M. UhS,: nm. mon. per M. 2 Mfiui-- rrnr.ii . a.ru M. $5 30: cvnre hp.rt. Jr r it omree j DDI. per I, fl(AJX Tallov Pot lb 6t,10a. Ttiafter Shinnhiir. TiptM. titVi- oo. mill nrimtv. rT Vf aat fcvr .ri . 2 X."- fO: common mil) ir At ,r JL- ... oruinary, per m, aU. TT C . - ed, per lb, 23053c. ' Fixaxcial. Gld.'buyW. 109: llW.lll. X- u - , . . ' . . . .. iwiui iiirnii no .in inrv ' ills. rAy onnern, per gallon, f lfeo; North Crrollna, per gallon,' II 73J 50. H"!oI Unwashed: ner lb. iHfrSHtc: ' w" - T " wt 187C NUonal Bank W, Dawioo Baak 5 X. C. Bond.. rl JL.r. 18, 6; do. 1, cYnTYT to . C. railroad 20. .' - " W.4W.R.R. botxK 7 e 4d int. Int.) in tk ' rM New ''Urol ock T0,N. C. do. -n Vi.0':! .rmHrefa. 00. Wllttlmrton Cotton Mnn r Compary 102. iy ' j Other Markets. .N .OT- 27- Cotton firm, mlth rTlHV1:: I n?rrjpi OiilC oai Flour VI? wertern i itM,). . " ft wW 14. Kic unchanfcxl eoLr m iiAoi' . , T -wv &ErEES i " a luiAirrmic nniin. M. frlr ..nil .1 . - " " U IUU it rained. I . "i-lllDHi, . I X) . . . TIvohe, N.,v. 07 Cotton oulet W I nnnmiddllnff lH 'ftlv: t-ent nrm-m! ITJ -!' T5 'i BuIk bouldr 7ft KbMlSS 8 eS,t!e2ft ar nb 10 cent. Lard I cent. Coffee dull and nominal ioh I lot eta. Suar dull at l2l2Ue. LiVFJirooL, Not. 27. Cotton buoint TS,ng VI,Ian,dftf vS Orfeana U-1M; lei of 25,000, inclndlnr 7JX to .De7ula rf balei. Includlnir 12 i00 Ymle An? I K1VM nv tih; iiodt w " " ' mmmmm m A I'onrAurAXAcNor. 29. feun rIo 6 31 A. M., un sU4.44 P. M.: I L? KP- Rl?b vater at Bmlth " u. v!r -i mn wa.erat WUminon 7.0 A. M., 732 P. M. SteAmer Dixie. Plait. Smith.. u. . T . ' ' Steamer J 8 Underbill. Lathim. -J11. T . - " " otmr CasweU.. Henrv. HiT.ni.r,.'. onu, . ii anuokkeleo. Steamer North Eat. V.M(n pt -'o11 X . at. '. - Schr Spray, Penton. Little Rlter. tiar.l mum vumroimc Co. KAhv v.' .... 1 Worth Se AVorth. . stmr Wave, Robeson, ravettuu. wn. I II. rv,. S. v. ., ' 1 - 1 iwmn u Jiun uimjll. i I aimr A t Jlurt. Kramliert Tar4fvni I xL-ilt"' JTiXlef I "wnuiv MUl ill. 8teamshlp Ashland.Douirhty.NewTork 1 a IJ Uazaux. Steamship DJ Foley, Price, Baltimore. A D Caraux. ' 1 Scht Nancy W Smith, Dsvis.Kew York. A. P. Cazaur. Clkakrd Yestkbdat. PawfS1110' HaU Ttlle, O O nderhlll, Latham, Smith- ASffikB&SSL -- Stmr North Eat, Paddbon. Point Caa well. Prcnton Cummin? ' Wnt C otmr ae. Robeikjn. V -ii. ... liama&Murehlwu. ' ' I .Stmr A p nurt, Krambert. F. Worth Worth. ' ' "v ' t .8ch.r NeUIe, Perry, Boston. Worth P . , cv.ur -vnna t uiover, Podirera. Pro!. ance, u 1, Worth & Wor.h. ' ' Al "V ?n- terdam, leet lum - m m coo br u I . . : . 1. Tee liSiiS if1- ,nMU". ExPOBTs-FoawcK. GligoG;r. brtz Dr Strorbenr. lV.I bbU ro-n. ' Amsterdam Nor brk S,,t.ir fwr i,.i Memoranda. "!??, ! 'i16 bt' S Und.r- I t our manjco lor reoeateu r.vnr. I wi.i 1 ... ,rLIvPctru ,Tor?' ve; ""'u I 1.1 ilnil tiii-wioM a rvM t. - A A. An known !rk and a German brbr I I rHr.i u 1.1 ? . urnntn f,r I Cl . 11 . 1 rv.-. c . Balled 2ftthn;...i;:r' . UtZ.V I",nj'ruuru RSld,0h hOda, I - vai 1 I Below townorra-lmouth.4 Nellie, Perry, Bo-ton. "'AT E G,ow- P'J rrotI- dedce, . r4w Sb Ihf Br-etrimrr J S u.ft.Ki. j m . "vl.: Tm -?-'Irl -ound South. I. ---w.i iu jcu uurn nrer uMlav Nor I v -4tr lleion ,.TT7"' or -".v.. .nuciFrn. uimptw. ndenwn. filir- CJer lark Fred-rike WVror irJ. j ... rv ' m wmm 1 1 1 The whr r.ff New InVt 1W r.n its rt. 1. "JW 10 u the Albert Maon, Roe, with guano for the C C R R. Til. 4lm. i!.rt U...il. . v . ... : - r "' "wnu, waoe arrival wr Wl, ou the marine rail wav for repair. ine river below Vti-t-ni-. I as fallimrranlitlr ... ... . .- . .... .-. irinm Pkeu-BariT Hi.mm.t iK Cfo KTMOITH. Nov. 14 TIS .. .. (Uric) of Halifax. Gould, from WilnuV ton, H, for Hull, (rtwin and turpentine) came into Portland Rod4 on baturdav last, as previously rrjed, owlnx: to the rle then rajri. Lt nijrbt at 8 n'eiork. she left the road, but after round in the breakwater the wind died away and he V7-l? h Bm of Tortus, but on the flood drifted bat k to breakwater and brought up with port anchor, kedjre and hawser. This morning at 10 o'clock the vessel had anchor weighed to eome aain Into the ruads and while fc ravin? on he hawser it parted, and she drine4 on to the breakwater, unipplnjr rudder, rau. Inr her to leak ldly, also damajrlnV keel, &e. The Ocean Brkle, breakwater sUaxner and the Commodore tnr rv. r.. Weymouth, were quickly on the spot and towed the veel inln Pnni. pITT. r-C. amount of damage la not yet aaeerta!neiL A nunrey ha been held thit afternoon vessel leaks ba-Uy. nxernoon , T . ' arr-Af Lliad, Dosglty, & D Cli - . i 10 CENTS A WLKK Xe- Nor oore-iM Urn,, J.Lnvm, R E HrtJ 1 ""5 uer Birrn, too, CLW. E ' J N I, aa. I ,"Vfu' l UTTS ' . , 100 ' Ardrnt,. ton. Jpront A 8on, fiird Itrarl, : B E Heide. I on V II Eotlmun: Nnrr:.ii -v-... . ' do I pri, A D Cmai; MonuiMUM.n J: , " VManoofD to; Helm, 14 i.w,t orf.t .onhrop Cumminc .VAM- .iirriir5r.v.vjrrs GIVE THANKS " FOR REFORM! I 1 fOKtl I TUXtiff. HlV WiniriVT iTIIIIV saw; "-"J u.ini.ioi 01UJI barley, nvvKw jrr.A r n.vn;. PRBB AMI DRIED AFPLES. nl - ACCE. PIXKAPTI.r t. I " " - -- KDAX CHEESE, r.. c. -AT- Qeo. L. Schutfs, nov20-lt X. L. eor. -rL ... I " - FRUIT BUTTER. PPI.F.,(jl IXCK, PKAK AND I'KACll Pomona. JEMON AND OIUNGK. jellies:. cLBttANT-,USPBERRr- BKRRT AND ALL OTHER KIM. IN FIVE POUND DUCK IT.. . Tfrlgtit'a Plua Vitra"' MINCED MEAT. m am m. l A?oVK SXXVli arp of thr trr..t ..... r ... ; 4 su.v, .ua .re oafid.il.v ttcoav - OT. F. .1e n.U .nd ,D DTe rcm,Hl ,,ttCk. I . - ... .. .. ... I naarea arrant ed ail Port. nor "-tf JA6. C. .VTEVKNSON. TABLE BOARD. A ENTLEMAN. OR fiENTI.EM!t r ran obtain board In a t.ri Vl fllililt' I nm rery ur rrrm 1 who lire not Tery far frrm th i..;n. portion of the eity. Apt-.J t THE CAPE FEAR Or' Kit' E SttSCELLAXKOCS heme: ER G . W . YATES Tr r rN Tnr ' a " - - - MOST coMPi.m: STOCK OF PLAIN AND FANCY STATU j VI! hv BLANK, SCHOOL AND Ml.HJEI.LA-NEOLSBOOK-S FA N C V lAjtjlt. PICTURED AND FKAMD. GOLD PENS AND PE C :i U, AcX a . In fact every artlele uua!Iy k j.t in a Br.t claaa BOOK 4 STATIONERY ToKE. Meal! Meal! Meal! ACiCi BAG FREH MEAL IN NEW COTTON 5AtK.. MOLASSES! Ql'BA,. DLMERARA AND SUGAR HOUSE. oOO BAKR.ELs rL,iLu a rj vjltf TJtXFORD. CROW i Co. Orders Solicited T?0R WILCOX, (HBU9 CO.'' M, rJ ,1 nirmuiAi uuano ior ftotall rrJu- ipnlaw I 44 Beajley'a" Patent Cotton TW-. LImjiW- uUrt4 Mackerel, lj. II. brup and VfoU Coffc CoAr ami nnlr. tLmr Candw Btcoa PorL La, I uowis wen arierij a Da froroMlr far. 1 o30-lra PITTTXWAT.t tK.HUI.KEN

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