" -"--. t - - - - UEXJER A L CITY NEWS. TUankHivii Pay at the Athletic I Grounds. On account of the weather the regular programme was not carried out. The target Ihooting however took place. Prior to. the. match Mr. J. I). Woody 'set.wp a?ilver half dollar to be shot at one hundred yards, which was won by yir. Junius Davis first shot off hand at half past ten o'clock the shoot injr match pegau; . ' E Liily I- - -.-L 6 Brown -v-' L S Iiclden - -J E Crow . - - - 4 3 3-1 24ii44 4 :r - - - 5 454 0344 4 4 :i7 .--44 3 4 3 5 434 3 i7 - - r 3 3 4 5 4 3 3 4 3 4 mi - - - 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 4 : i 3,5 - - - 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 0 2 433 - - - 02420040 0214 - - - 4443434354 J Davis - - -B Gleaves - i- . F. J Lilly -Tr - -V K Kenan - -V L DnKofet -J I) Woody - - - - 4 0 4 5 3 0 3 0 4 2 2a - 4 443 4 43 3 42: A Coiiolev - - - - - 2 4 0 3 0 2 3 2 2 0 IS K ii Kosb"- - - - - - 5 4 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 :' 3S JCazanx - 4.- - - -'334350444 434- J C Bollfs - I - - - : 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 4 3 3' 4 Mr. V. R. Kenan won, Woring les thrceatnan Mr. Ross. After the match a pool mutch was shot, diitance one hundred vard is: K Lilly ,- - - - - - -:- W L UeKcwset ------- L S Brown ' J Davit.- - f - -- ' - ; A t'onolcy y- 4 ----- - J I) Wokly f - .... . . ; V K Kfi;ai - - L J i'ujhson - - ...... J Cazau'x - j - - ------ T A S Casstdey ------ KG Huh, - i - - - R Cliayrnari, - - - - - - - 4 r V 5 r, t 4.5 5 4 514 5 5-14 41" 41 412 411 4 13 3 10 5 14 3 00 4. 4 4 5- 5 4 o 4 4 4 o Wonfoy C61.V. Ii. DeKosset. The Ilyatou-Jcnklus Shooting AH air. Tln re were a number of reports on l he rtreets Thursday in regard to tin bhoutin of; James Heaton the night - he fore. We refrain from publishing anythiiig further than what appeared in the last issue of the C.vrE Feak.. Jenkins -who shot Heaton, was struck with a chair by the latter after the shpoting' and severely hurt, lie was arrested and is incarcerated in jail. Heaton is seriously injured, but there are chances of his recovery. . I he afliiir created quite a sensation in town, r .'. . . Leads Ills Ticket. ' The Raleigh Observer says: "Our friends of the Cape Fear coun try will be gratified to see from to day's IiCgislative proceedings that the repre sentative frouvtheir section, Maj. Engel hard, leads the whole State ticket, hav ing received the largest vote ever cast for any man iu North Carolina for any office. I "It will doubtless ulso be gratifying to them to sec that Judge Russell, 'Our Dan,' was the hindmost man ion the Radical ticket. .North Carolinians are an appreciative people." MaJi Engelhard's friends are highly gratified at this result, which is indeed one well worthy of congratulation. 'i ure ai smunvint'. Yesterday morning- about 1 o clock 1 f the house and kitchen on the west side of Dry street, near the court house, in Smithyille, owned by Mr. (J..W. Ds Mrs. Chapman aud Miss Trout,' was dis- cou'reu to ue on nre. very enort was The grand to.tal of deaths in Savan iiiade to save them but they were eoon nah bv the late '.vellow fever scourge l onsuiiied. The house was inhabited by Me. II. K. Rouarfc 'and Mr. Edgar Gnssom. 7 It wis insured for $050 in the Irauklin Insurance Company of Philadelphia, represented bv Mr. Giles of this; cit v. . . Kastcrn Medical Association. This progressive : body of medical gentlemen will coiivenc in annual ses sion at Tarboro on Tuesday eveninjr uext. J The professibn at large are in vited to attend.1 Fhvsicians can travel hp rol).n.i0 .Juift... Ti 11- m T 1UIII lliLII, il I I : l.l'.l I I I am, I i : . ' v v " r-nnctt of Tender will deliver the an- nuftl ftNimn -.-TV -4.a 4i. T ' -Apecicu melt uiuei pujbiQiaus irom Aew Hanover, render 'and other emmf'ioc in 4h;d coMinn'n-m 4.. i r, s . . amuy. , j nc indications are that there will be a fairaltotiflnnott nf nnr-1nadiiin1 -niedical men. Thermometrlcal. - lnq state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was' ob- laineq at the Signal office m this city, yesterdav at 4-11 n m ; . f Augusta, 34; Charleston, 37; Galves ton, 41; Jacksonville, Fla., 43: Mobile. 37; New Orleans, 41; Norfolk; 27; Sa- Tannah, 37; Wilmington, 33. " . Fire. yesterday morninir a wood- housejou the lot occupied by Mr. Cato Uankins, on Fifth between Red Cross and Valnut streets, was burned. It was owned by Mr. Albert G. Hankins. i Personal. Maj. Eugelhard, Secretary of State elect was in thc city yesterday and. ? 10 see us. mie ne mauc a ery energetic cauVass his health does Mtseem. in the Itaat impaired. ' flavor's Court. The following cases were disposed of by the Mayor yesterday morning : Ben Allan, disorderly conduct; dis missed on payment of costs. , Two white women, for keeping a di.-r orderly Initio, were fined each $50 and costs. " " ; Mark Johnston, larceny; dismissed. IVo men fur iIiorleilv conduct ; else continued over until tod iv. Hotel Personal. .Pikcrm. Uocse. Thursday. . II. McRae. Bertie; Miss E. I). Fox, Mi?s IT. S. Fox? Portland, Maine.; II. P. Bowers, Wilmington, Del.; D. T. High, A II. High AVhitcville; 11. Mayo, Richmond. Va.: L. II. Chattcrton, X. C: A. W. .'Greeley, U: H. A.; O. V. Smith, Portsmouth. A"a.:T. E. Patrick, Charlotte The tug Dixie, which takes the mail to .Smithrille, arrives in the city at 10 a. m. and leaves at 3 p. m..' the time of arrival and departure having been chansred. The -British Barouc Fairy Belle, 04 j tons burden, arrived in port yesterday. She is the largest vessel that has vis ited this port since the war. There was a slight fall of ?iiov Thursday 'night about 8 o'clock. C. Coni't rence 31. Z. Church, South Fl'vn lh: f'l'ifl xJ'Oi'-J I'atriof. The annual session of this ecclesiasti cal body assembled in the. Methodist p 10 me nour oi croincr press is for the 'Centeunial Exercises," on Saturday. The following is the r roc; ra mm;:. 1 . : fter the ofsoning exercises of the morning to 11 o'cloek a: m., summary rewrt of vhat has been done for our coiloo'C? dnrinfi tlif nripiit. vrnr. i 2. Eleven o'clock, a. m.. subiect for discussion: Tne relation of'onr collfMres to thf nrosneritv fnd snfi-!' nf Tlio Church, and the t-.oiisef.iiP.nt.dntv of the enlire minUtrv niul mor.iliori"'nf tl.n I Clieach to foter and Vustain these in- i stitntioha" Ao.l.-e lv Tfpr AV li!:wk- of iLp Wilmintrfnn Tiktrm nn,l Hr.ii. V. (V.Rnl.liiiinfT:ii.frtmi V i) mv m 1 iO n.liLnara inimodi. O diatelv or at. nn ndinnmPfl P4mn of the Conference, as the bodv mavnrcfer. a general interchange of opinions by the members oi the Conieren.ce touch intr the best methods of hcloincrour col- leges, and also such specific action as the Conference may jiidge right and ne-: cessary in the premises. (i-urn;d) : . ' N.H. D. Wilson, S. 1. Adams, 'Will C. Douk, Com. One of. the Rest and IJvest. I'i'viti the rfurfrCi'sboro Emlmrer.- One ot the best and livest dailies in the iitate is the Cape Fear, owned and edited bv Mr.. Cicero W. Harris, Esq., of Wilmington, N. C. Brother Harris -iun.- jil-v.s .uiu ooiines oi n, unu !:-.- rr - ,i ... ... srevuams aims grace to its literary columns. Xo wonder it is jrood. woman has somcthin n ;' to uo witn its manasce- ment! c ; i ; m :it a i su ? i m a u v. . was, whites 1,058, blacks ,510. FavetteviUe is to have shortly tele graphic communication with Lumber- ton ami the rest 01 the world dispaired of. Postal Ilouri;. The inaik close at the City Pof-t-Offiee follows 5:30 P.M. J Northern through mails U ' , -m - -iNortnern turouffn . ana' way mail?, daily - - ... - 7KX) A. M Mail for the X. Q. Railroad and routes supplied thert from, at - - - - - - csJO P. M Sontlrern mails for all points f bouth, daily - .- - - - - 7:00 P. M Western mails G. C. Rv, daily 6KX) A. M. Fayetteville arid ofiices oh Cape Fear Kiver, Tuesdays ami Fridays - - - 1:00 P. M. 6K) A. M. G.-00 A. M. Fayetteville by C. C. H'y, daily (exeept Sundays) Onslow C. II. and intennedi ate offices, every Fmlay Northern tljrouffh mails - - - - 12:45 P. -Northern' through fc way mails SKK) P. M. The niithville mails, bv steam! - at 8 A." 51., dailv. except "Sundays The mithville mail bv teamixiat eloe liu -pijiiiume man., vy hieamooai.tioe Mails for Easy Ilm Town Creek, Sup- ply and Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M. .Mans anverea -ironv t a. .n. to T.-oo mm .. . - i' m.. ulu. uu cuuuin s irum dmi 10 if!, mi A. M. Stamp Office opon from S A. M. to 12 M., aud from 2 to 5:00 P. M. Monej order and Uegistcr Departments open same as 5tan;p Office Stamps for sale at'.geiu-ral delivery when Stamp Office is closed. ' Key Itoxes accessible at all hour?, day and nis:ht Appointments of Bishop Atkinson. uson,2dunuay mAaveut, uecemberio 1 sn.it -Eatield - !' - - - - December - eeemner Kimrwood - i - ":.Lii Halifax. 3d Suudav in Advent 'December 17 Weldon - -Jackson - -Rocky Mount . l'eceniber 1 - December member Uhurch ot tins place, Uishop vava- r o Vi x" o- ir 1 nangh presiding1 The delegat on is f . 9 3 repealing chap. , 9, verv large and L interestingession is t'AT'2; - f , i ,, tv trom 4th to 5th Congressional dis- anticipated. i.jie only public announce- Mr. IV. Frank Vitt of Rattleboro has W Ken up Enplhard's majority 15,096. . inline :;7,. ro,in i tarf 40. emd. acoontod a wition on tliedDurlnm ' r . u , u Auditor Love, D., 122.7G3; Reillv. tunxntir.e mi. iw. 1, 17:-C.tn.i Hhl r J 1 Upon motion of Senator Sandifer, R., m;64. Love's majority 13.199. i?-Trit nntlnel. mn 1 l,r; the resolution was indefinitely post- Treasurer Worth 1 193 936 U4.,tar i?l 0, crude tui-penUne ?2 Cfj. ; Lizzie Hawley. a little negro girl df poned Wheeler, R., 109,225. Worth's mal i:r,n.u Wdollmu Tk.. ,?tl " fn v ii,rCf ' badT " r r - Se?atr 0lk S1rc110" 0f m8trUf- jority 14;711. n,e rjuotati.s it .houW un.l.r.b-Hl mthetonndn machinery and her life is tion to our members of Congress in J c,: ..r r.,i i- T- r,nft ,i n- ,vi.i-i ..h.-. '....n. WILMIXGTOX, NOBTO CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER THE SITUATION DOWN" SOUTH. THE SOCTII CAROLINA MUDDLK 1 The Majority lor Tllden lu lxuIsUna Placed at 12,000 Democrats Con. hdent or Florida. :J"C:ll JJifpafch to Vtr i'oje ; V.wiington D. C, Dec 2 12:30 a. iii. There is no change in South Carol in;:. Both parties hold thi Capi tol. In Louisiana the Democratic Com mittee figure out a majority of 12,000 for Tilden and 100 more for Nichols. The Democrats are confident of Flor ida. McC. LEGISLATURE OF NORTH CAR OLINA. Eighth Day. CviuUitt.d from the Raleigh Xttc. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES' Tuesday, Nov. 26, 18TC. House branch of the joint committee on county government : Roberts, Rose, Richardson, Purnell and Wilson of Burke. Bill providing for extension of time for registration of deeds and other conveyances passed. A petition of Wake county mechan ics in relation to public printing was referred. A message from the Senate was re- Senator. ?Ir. McGehec nominated Gen. Ransom in a speech. Ransom received 82 votes, Dockerr 3?. JOINT SESSIOX. At 12 : 30 Speaker Price, in the l)ros?ncc .f the Se.natc proceeded to continue the examination of bhcrifTa returns -Henderson moved that the joint as Semblv take lip the deficient returns separately and disposed of them. Carried. Jackson county wa3 .the first, the re turns of which shows 288 votes cast for iOOmaS M. fceitlC. n... l l il.i .1 l AieUUeifcOll HlOeU mai XnCSe DC C3nniou as ior inoraas oeitie. earned . . l? Assembly adjourned till 12$ clock to day. Ninth Day CouJeiuedrom the Raleigh Xeics, SENATE. Wednesday, Nov. 29. HILLS AND RESOLUTION'S. Biles : A bill to be entitled an act to amend an act of last Legislature, in Johnston tp insure the onrlr oAmnlnllnn nf Lrt IVocrn VL' yr Jv ; -V 1 Carolina Railroad. On motion of Stanford, the bill was referred to the committee on Internal Improvements and ordered printed. SPECIAL ORIiEll. The concurrent resolution by Senator Troy, asking the Judiciary committee regard to the revenue laws, was taken leholson introduced a resolution in the aniendcd constitution the joint committee on printing be instructed to .ua.. bM..tVUt v- mjr one oi imporianee. l oiKmoveato amena oy reiernng the matter, which is one of crave mo- ment, to special committee, to be appointed by the chair. it ucvu uivivu iuuv . v iliviiiu tv the Senate Judiciary committee. llsrtn niArort t hot it h mfarvni ir Nicholson accepted the amendment, anu tne diu pa&ea. ppivpn informing ihr TTrmcn nf tYn nnJ TO : rri tt ai t-.ii p. t- r i iie xiuusu ineu oaiioiea ior u. . regard to the gauge of railroads so .as Govornor was-233,521 i lLieutVnani lur ,i..iine371 bill. ' " u uIV n vJrfLL Governor 233'443' for Secretary or o.mpau vr.vnbT vTr.Mnvi rouXovrvnrB, '-bio ,uAaV- ,.k. Iwadroad trom its operations. Allows State 232 924- for Auditor 23 77 t i:Uimor( M.iti.Li;-L.:.i;i.- the company to complete the road to for Treasurer' 2111 f.l for nnorin , , 'ott.,n, mr ca-k i4tuqt.: U Wadesboro with the South Carolina SndeSf kJuc.l.lsVaum AMule.. 35MJ-tar. -rii- tar, 1 1U- tar .... auel Calendar U ?f C , on? '231'9?3? pintMunvi.tie fi,.casniii 57.1.VI LuheU -r.ut,. 7 W 130 , ' 1U Mooip nf Sw TTnnr. A for Attorney General 232.995. U.1S tar 1,275 this trud-turntinc 2, IS ..Itch, lM ?, .r-ai:-l tv:-l-. I 1 V . Moore,of ew Hanover: An act As the Speaker declared each of the bi.l. mty kr,3rrau- uN ... . to provide for-a House of Correction Democratic candidates elected to tic AWniki- lNl.WO.ttou l?,7 1 bid h.,rMradid3, i;.: ,.n m JNorth Carolina. 1 ubhc IHuldings nfTicM for whinb W ran nnnU.un M,iriU tunmitiue r,,t.v. ralN rodi wat lilaH-an.-.-.M-h.eoiii,-, and Grounds. I r, r .vA.h1 !.. bids tar 'J.174 bl.U. crude tutTH-n-l UaU leatlnr. 1 I'-'.e ra-r. Vl.llj !..: a a V bill n ib iuuukui oiuuci iu itiuiuuuiiiic in.1 mn. 1 1..4 ir wo ni 4 i . . - .u it i f 4 h All vl t rv awv k 4 -v waia1 wavnafw I ii xi . i -,vxv , .iiwisuu, . av., ivc.ji-. ror i. i"s !. "ot ton n:n - tar upon motion oi Laiea, tne rules were tbe resolution of protest against Grant'. siispended and the Senate took up the conrsc South Carolina. Dili mtroaucea tnw morning m regara to the gauge of railroads. Referred. FI 1 "11 a "V T 1 A - Al A 7 e Vi i.V- "7- tp f.-vr 4llf nnhlin nnntirnr wais rallprt i ne oiu oi.icnoison as xo me con- ron. . j x 0 UP: . . xwooiua i iu tu w fmcuu u) Nuwug - . w i a r i r l out 40 cenis ior piam vorK auu xnseri 1 1. 11 oni ctniro nnr. si .in inr mo onn CO, and stnkc out fci.50 for rule and figure work and insert $1,20. T i: V i-uu.u8 .uuu i J-T1 A .7 tion of Tror. ndioumed until Pridav morning ai o ciov-k. UULfeulr ivtstrnrM iaiiw. KEsoLrnoxs axd billr. Dv Parish: A joint resolution pro- x ? V it." 1! 4 it. "-; iesunr airainsx xue acuon oi lue x rvbi aeni ot the united fctates in regard to 12 the State of South Carolina. The w third resolution reads as follows: That to our sister. South Carolina, I Tea canH nwuiloi.. 4lnnl-inn ha in 4hn J I -v. ;iccuug, iuauuis " JO I name oi me people oi ionn Carolina 3 1 ior tne loroearance already snown, and trusting that she may bear and forbear all things for the good of the common country, believing that the sun of peace will eventually rise to bless and invigorate her noble people. On motion of Staples, the reflation was referred to a telcct committee of fire. By Johnson, col.: A resolution oT in quiry into the right of Geo. II. King., col., to a scat in the House as a repre sentative from Warren county instead of Hawkins Carter, the sitting member. 1'iaceti on calendar. I By Richardson: A resolution in refer ence to the Wilmington and Railroad. t inance committee. By Austin: A bill to incorporate the town of Griffenville. Union county. Corporations committee. liv Geffror: A bill to provide for the appointment of special tax collectors in certain cases. Judiciary committee. ! I he bneaker announced the follow ing gentlemen as the House branch of the joint committee on State debt: McGehec, Moriug. Carter, of Hyde. Simpson, McCubbins, Hayncs ami Bagley. j I BILLS OX SFCOXD RK.VIIN. j On motion of Moring, the rnles ere suspended and his resolution to rai.e a committee on county government, was taken up and adopted, j On motion of Richardson, the rules were suspended and the bill to rcjH-al the act changing the county of Samp son from the 4th to the 5h judicial district, was taken up and iassed. Purnell ofTered a resolution to raU a select committee of five to correct and revise the State constitution, and to furnish members of the House of Representatives with copies of thecon stitution so revised., On motion of Purnell. the rules were suspended aud the resolution adopted. 1 A petition from certain printers of Raleizh in regard to the public print ing was read, and. on motion of Carter, of Buncombe, referred to the commit tee on Priuting. THE SEXATORIAL VOTE. At 12 m. the Senate repaired to the hall of the House of Representatives in order to compare the Senatorial vote. The Secretary of the Senate then read so much of the journal of that body a3 referred to the Senatorial elec tion, wherein it appeared that Hon. M. W. Ransom had received 30 votes, Hon. O. II. Dockery 8. The Clerk of the House next read the House journal referring to the same, which showed that Ransom re ceived 83 votes, Dockery 31. President Robinson announced that the whole number of vote.? cast was ICO, of which number Ransom received 121, Dockery 39 ; necessary to a choice 81. President Robinson announced that Hon. M. W. Ransom was duly elected United States Senator for six years, commencing March 4th, 1877. - . TIIE RTATK VOTE. I he joint assembly was called to order by Speaker Price. ine whole iiumtcr oi votes cast lor --y- " - Vv . "efj'.'-fc- 1 ill uu nv nrr ennn-s t nn o rrrrNifii t rk vote of the candidates with the majority lor each ; Governor Vance, T).,123.2C3: Set- tie, R., 110,25G. .Vance's majority Lieutenant Governor JarvN, I)., 123,863 ; smith R., 109,5-0. Jams' maioritv 14.2P3. Secretary of State Engelhard, D., 3L ' Z' Sn rvrin fpni1fT t tion ScarborouKh, Hem.. 123.860: Car- jorjty 15 737. 123,603; Hargrove.- Rep., 'lOD.nl Kenan's majority, 14 921. The Senate retired to its chamber rj, i i...,: t Cftlnt;rt r nf r. ti 4i.:I insteft(1 of nwkins . Carson, the sittinc: member, was biken un aud I . . . aQOp teCl Thft Qmtop AnnAintA.1 tn., p,. ighf Pinnijf puren ana Ra2fev an th- committee to whom was referred. ,The retort of thc ioint comit reference to the emnlovea of tho C.i-n. . a tvml.lr s td-nn ..n it n-c I I J " eraiicmuiy was WKtn up. i I it . t. . . i i 4 n Ai i luc uoorKeeDcr oi inc Jennie i wo , em hdoves at S2 perdav and two atl per . day; the doorkeetKjrof the House three a. i a x w a aa w v- v. 'v. aua iiiw a . ' a. a a i. employes at 2 and two at $1 per day. rm .1 i 1 . - on.' nrinriml elrrks of Md, Un 'r 1 otii an M;4 .. c. .v... I "".-" -------- ' 1- J .mil al owing the clerks of .Superior I i i ? . i vouria iu name- commissioners io lase depositions ped its several readinr? TTift hill t rfvil fli gmorrl chanter 64 littles Rcvual. landioid and tenant act. was taken un. i - a - - L IThe act proposed to be repealed i? I .1 . . 1 ... . . - mai wnicn wmpeis xne tenant xo err i nre day s notice before removmr t r dqctiV .. The vea? and navd were called, and the motion to table orcrailel bv a vote I .44 - On. ' - ot cas cy, ua s uo. i jq motion, tne House adjourned nn- til rriaay at 10 a. o. 2, 1?7G. C0M1IEUCEAXD FINANCE. WILMINGTON MARKETS. CjirnFEAR Orncc ) Dcwmber 1. 7G C P. M. j OCJcbl quotatSou of the lrrduc Ex c hat at laki-diy : C3U'n ... Noiiuu. Ordinary - - " GckxI Ordti.arr , Middlii:- - -I (I' Mi l 1:1ns - t uijvr.tir sua lr at :.'. iruU bll. stritiol qr.l t atil To. Tar Quiet at ?l Ni. Crude TuriHUtau ifard fmu l fjft lira at f-J 00; tinda ftim at -J X. 1'otfon Oalnc, la a crrat mf-jfurr. the M-arci.y cf b!p r.iii, liuyr hir? hhowu tut lilllcdij-liHi toD-rai id) we have n port f ily KCi 1mI !-M Uu day at yrlrn rang: .g from tu IP. cent?. Wc ia.t' llso i!t.iik, ti',it.. t at'n.o tation nontitially u;, i, -,1 from tir !at rtfort. Sj-irH T:rrj ,( .Tin i:trkrt h.-" nilcl Jinn and i-li!l Iuti!. r a lar.-. i.f ; nut was ci" t.i!r. d t-day. Tlie fli w t r 3.V) caks at Si ei-nt, vlc!i firm ith an upward tendency. ,f The market to-day ha tim nno r.cw ftatun tJr.ce our Li; rjiiiite rtraim-d dull at Jl njrt. We ?- and itmm1 strained firm at l Tlie taltvjfirtinl '0 to-lay were f2 t.L nuxrd tTad- of Xo. 1 at $ 1 s to anl . l !l. ttd drained ?!.";. Ti'.r Iu tlil- ari? ?r wi h t mi- a Ictlineof - ccnt ihce our Il njrt. Th? iri!i: d:.ato l'Hiaiid ha been lilh-d and th' fale of the day m viv itn :l M n at 1 S ia wai-r. Ci T'trp' u'h.c Kiria ui niu haiil r5-r. '1 h- nt-i-ipis are until and hare l-trn t'lafei! at l ? fir har-l and 1 0 fcr ioft and virgin. Daily Rk-kiii. Ci'tn 1,T1 talt-i-, ninlc tuqnWue .VJ ca.ck!. rt)"In 4,'joO MjN, tar l U. irude turiH'utSn 4C bll. OrncivL Kr.roKT or stlkkci Cotton axi Naval sToitn. Wn.rnxoTox, X. C, Die. 1, !;. ('lion a.-h.re 4.121 hale, afloat G.'.rZl, ita! ll.onoale. ;ii1t.turentiiu'ashori ' ea-k.-, afloat l.,T, t.tal G.uri casV.. tosln achire.irU.M, allnat !iiM,ti 7X1 W.I.. Tar ashore Oil? Mils aflnai 'j toUl jvj L!K. Cn:do tnrjntiui a h rc V.'7 t.1.1. af.r.jt total W hhU. Hr.ci.ii T.- rem NovLvnti:, MIC. Ctii U.".:i.S Iml.-f. nori.'tur,H-ntlr.e. 7,1::.$ mU. ninU.VJMils tar 2,7l LU, enid.; tuqH iitiue 0.bl5 LbU. Export roti XovrvncK, IS7.. Jh.mC. C.tU.n 17.SH0 Lalt. n.:;t urjH-n?lnc 1.707vak-.rln 3.34 bblts tir i..d l5,!r, crude turpi n ine .7 bblc Fvr- Cjii Cittjn l,!! l ah.niiittunMitIn l,cftke, rofn W.'M'J htl. tar I !.!. crude turjH-riahic "J4 l.tils. Tt,t! Cotton 27,0 57 laW, nirit tuq nlliu- ti.4ll eaeko. rtiMii 4 1...J iii.i. tar -.ll- OM. enidc i v. . - . . . tun,'U vr,,Uc, 1.. VwHtHie LCt.:t.jul3,ii271alcirititiincut!iie2 caftks roin SJiGO UhU. tar 1,01 ltdi. crude tiirjHntjne .Whin, tvrtiqn C'ot tou o,6 tale. Mirlri tunx'TiUue 2,Va. eak. ro.dn 41 C71 Idds crude tuqientini Hf) hbli. 7oM( Cotton l'.,2V5 Iwle spirit turjntlnp 5,171 catk.roin .VjiJ' i.hlss. tar 1,.1 obis crude tunnllne hbU. In r.akin-up .tnall orden hicher price Laqniifi (Sunny Y2.('i?: lKubl( Anchor i:iai:i.V. u-o. Nortli Carit.'na: ham- (nfsr) olmuldeni lJ-'ili";-; -id (N ( choice) 15o: Wfi4-fnMnok-lhann' 17elc, Miei 10 c, -li(ulleni Uttf On the hoof ti' 7c. IJirrcU Spirit t urtM-nt in-: Mto:id hand each 1 05; Dew Nttv Vorkt'ch 1 );nev citv each Uriel- Wiindnrtoii $G Nnihen Jjutur North Carolina l-SP-jp; North- cm 25Ti-.15e. CW? S;crniiVal5c; Ul low 11 5c adamant in 1','c. C'AJw-Northmi factory 14 l-':dir cream U'H'fc; State 12', fair-d. zuay ra 24 ' s ft. 25c. f ". .If a! Per l a-hel, in f.ckt, 7 i72se. Voltoa TU c, arrow tk C .5 i.in.,ii Jjo.not; heein, M,f yard, T'i'c; yam, i-r bunch, v. U. Mackeral. No. 1. per l.bi, Ifrr I , v.. I i-.r half H -rMlT-il- NI ' V iVV' n Vi- No tr hair i ki r I",,1'ri " V.'r. -1'. lTr bW l 7 5l: N4. 3. i--r LM. siKu.ll 50. SlnM tr LU. 'J 50A7. X C bcrrtair. tkt UA. M I .vM. Dnr crxl. icr lb. 7! c. or nc. per wut 4 5or: Supn northern, extra northern i 2.V7 family, northern. 7 2'j$: city mill upvf isi 50; eitra Vi 5ixy 7.1: famfl $7 2.V7 -r0; extra family 5 35fjj 50. Ftrtui2T$ Pert vi in iruano, tcr 2.00s .bs. i?; Carolina fertHLtcr tiZZ; Na .'afa euaco V0 caah; comrJrtc majmn !w'nn . V7; Whann'n phcphte n: Wilcox. I u,uui - Z Vi casu: soluble mine 100 (;?elini2i31ic. fi'tii Com, In atorc, n laz, t77 41 cago( per br.iacl, &37lmc; yd 10 CENTS A WKKK hc. CXSc. Oat., t-r l L1, O. rca. cow. lr buVl. CV'- tiv. Jfxu tirru3s !-; dry yj jm Lm No tLera l-'j l-': NorO t n Utial.V. ItWrUltl 1 5. Ln$!-r Cltv flan iJt t T, rravfsl. t-r M rt. r-jrai l -Axt. ir yi ft. 17; Wo? It. Ua rt-rr.at-rd;txtorUU:T. j r M fi.ll'- 1C trrol Cmring, aoi. I liuz aLl tanis ct rr .4it r 34 ft, f U ': CuU. !!.:, i-rrn.i,ll' . u.-r tKiM, hid. r rlt.i. v: t-r"r . uhU, r rail 'ii, -Ic; 3rw. tU, nr il !n. 4e itr. inr fci". iVtl li: lli-rd. ;t lon. 7.V-;': rria, per ra"l?. IV ;lr. Wfry 4.liirkru, lir. ;;1r l.Vi.20c. ,u:.w..--t. r 1u;h, hl4, U'.nhr rr, r I !.!. 1 1 U-V 1 VK Pork NonlieroclHm -v2tf prli- . I l lump ifl U I!". v.h or Tin: ioiiT. Port Ai.VAXAO.lKt. 2. u:i i;. r..J A. M..rn Mt.- 14 ". V. M.; lIr.ctht'll .Vr.l. lil-.ll -t f T "..4L- ii!l.-7.V.. M.. v.ir. M.: J.LI. M'irat VVinu!tiit.i. 1M2 A. M.. lo.l-'J i. M. Ai:.tivr; Yr.-it i:it. M ju r Dixii, flti. M:.it!: o i lr.rl-y v t o, ?Un'r A T llu 4!. nh, YjmIW .1; Worth .: Y.rxh. htcanu r N.n!i Va-t. A- ! i.. I'.-t "arll. l'rr uw t iiruuilTi- .v t.. StmrWarr. K-.'i-.n. l iji;;, -.sii-, Y:J Hani tV: fun-!...:i. Steamer N "'at.-. i: ti, r.v4u -. tlllr, Worths Worth. . Hr Hsrjt;" rt.- m :1. ..;. t... , jM r. Xrnr Y. rk. V. Kl VKr.V: Schr II S WUHus t r. . .. Pr:U'lKVj.si7tot, i-4l. :.-r. w.-y.h chr .lr v ; 7Ur, v :. l'rr-riiila.lc-lj.'da." r.s.1 1 o-ul. (I. r.r-I- .k Co. vr ju HarrfV ll.-nt',i. .vhr Alli rt M. : m . 1. ... . arr: hiir 4"t"v 't C A I: I:, t lUf. f A: IIowiU. ?khr naiiott.- Anu 1V-.'.. Y. r '. !Jv.v riivrr. r.Hl '-rr arilr.-'.. Ji-rt; V CaMer Un Shr Lillian, Anwl I. TuM. lu:t t. ! tnr. Krrel.Dir .V laM.r !'. . S!r Zu5th. M-.if, ScirWJ I'otier. l'.u fc'l, ' ; naval l-ir-: A Martin. i CLt.Lt.: Y i.:-1 r.::;. v. Malniiip l.u . IN-tuut', t'.a A I) Caram. S:mr A 1 Hint. W. r:. K:tti 1 Worth A: W.t tii. t-amr lMi4-, ntt. O f; PardeyArCo. Mmr Wave. nlw .u, i ;il -Ham : MurrhM:i. St-amcr N"..rlh M.V..r n. ',' "!r, Worth Worth. itnr Xort'i Eji-t. IV! 'n'it, l'-m't well. ProUm I'unuui'i.v ... , Schr Chariots- Ann Pi.ti, V r . Li:il- llitcr, Kt-rrttiirt ; C'aM r Hr. S hr Ulllan. Am Id. !. nr: C'aMr 15n. chr cuith, Mie, n 5v-.a t Ixk ll. Jv hrWJ r..t!r, K":!t M 4 Pv ..d. A Mtrtin. Eln)RT I4I-TI. .V I'cri Mraii-hlj I:-cfa'.i !V fair c.tUm, l caJ. i.V.t! tu:; n'.:.i lumlcr. U'tt U. , 'Jirj Lai.-f. !!.. i. : .a f;t tur t. 1 lale cUn iu i-f t ' :p-' JT ccs an l lbl. 7 packa.a u.Jz'2- 1 t;Jj '!. Kauul, 1J a k altf 1 VjX V,., 1 tM himi:iy, 1 kitrh, 2 hid 4 u.- It oale rat i Mil fih. 2- IV crca u 1 metal, 1 tierce ru-i-, 1 tSvrcc tavla?e-, -iKxe tobacco, C hb!4 li-suor: ' Mlmiko:o. Tl4' Pr lariiirKlla M..-c, I its S:ia. ila frra Al rl-.--ti via t. Th u.a. t Alt x Sj ruDt ic t (prtviou y), on the 2Ilh Nruiin-r -scw -i .'.-,4 .. rale alout md mmju'i'l cf f tji . I'm !iLs Ij fre bud i:iu lop i;a ant inast. fore l;:nalt f'jre t-p j.a tui .anK and fore t.j-ail; n th r oautajf ill com up to city iu a dir or tn. Arrid l-lw Nor tr'r luna. C'U;, foii!iat'ii. IJritl,En,J dj, II KlU-iui . 1 Nov ai-l lt I.-e v-hr Nl 1 e 1 e tj. Uoftotu H-liftt'-T Au t H Gin .cr, 1'tH-er. Providi n . II I; ?.t bar.j'j' A li Vinle. PedcrM ii. Orrcitor. n .- 2 !- ii'Hith: icr bri Dr .;rotH'r,' Iirrt. Ui-'v: .4-arnhijt Bjih factor anl Ah . ami, N-v. York; fc"Suwt 'N W ftritii, .at, Nrw York: tu-ajuuip LtuIIlc, 111 timorc. . In iwl-w lfubd out fior lir il lert, iutid4rMii, dazow; l!r bri iipuUic. "ho:iipou, Hall Knx; Nor banuc iNtik r, Tanatx-D, Aut rdaia; tcr tarue Fmle nke Weycr, Krclvr, Hottcrtau.; ftd ariU John FuLtt C.un IrrM a. In jrt rraily to jr d'wu ihc rirc r Nor arque To Ventirr, llan.burr: Iir a.Vmr lonaita, W'llliuirale, Kio dc Jaiuiro. Th to? Warrivr ia u:i ltv tur -on iec-ary rtlr m bk-h ill cuut.-l n a lew day, wbcti the t .vr.d aad Jcr Jaltiroore. The wLootier Hil-i. lunvrc, IloaJ xx'4 ith lum'n-r for Port au Pnrc I.i-t or Vcn. ix Pkr Div . J. llarqntt-Jtd John JV-uct. i-l U, unlrn-m, Alrtandcr J'prutd .c Sa; or i?urcct 3VSUa. Jabnn. William MurcMfrf n: Nor IVooran, -iO WW, Jcr niTTi, II K Hcil; icr irTi-, r 'allj. E l4iietiau & Wt-Urtnann; N" Mjt, :ir.i tntif, 11 nrrkm, AI x J;raot Son; Ntr U bkjalf, 27 Au lrro, V Pprant A , Jirtl Iml. 2- aJ5in. K F. H- : !ry UJ, Cll tvtJ, Jardncr, E Kidder A 80s. . iiri-jwSot t iH-'n, W2lam. : Murchlwju; Nor ;aP2n, srJ Uku An lfa, Alex iira3tn:A'n; Crr. Atiia, 11 tnn, Ehrmril.b. K Aicx S.ra-t A. VroMicr Dr L';cTf 2i tn. Di-r, 1. ?echau A Wctntain. GrrCa-Ur. 2: o i, Banrbom. E Pcxbaa k WcrtiuLau .vcUxmcr Helen, IV toat, Dji ra r, orthnip Ccmmlnj; II Willi aiViiton. Worth Woia; SHcerC Trier. INI Uc, BirMt, Ha ri.t Ho til; QoircIL ;. 1 . 1 l ' I ! ; 1 i ? 4 t ' 7 i -