APE FEAR. i CEKEK VL CITY NEWS. l ire i a Photograph Gallery. Sunday, uooui -1 o ciock, p. m.f tiie rar,.f Mr. CM. VanOrsdells Art (;aitriTv.as discovered to be on fire. .,.vl;ra gentlemen, on forcing the door ,:) perceived that a window in a ...all rt-H' where negatives are kept in a light blaze. Buckets .of 'J.ti-r were thrown upon the Humes. Vbivfj wu extinguished them. It I Il0t kiVwii how - the fire originated. . It mijrbt iiave caugljt from a camera, which was near tlje window, eoucen rating the rays of the sun upon the .;; Itut lhis knot probable, as the niTa'ttuod in the same position, all ilir&uirli the suimyer, when .the heat of iiic sun was much more likely to engen ,,"r" a conflagration. . It is likely; that it caught from u p::rk frcm a chimney. The camera, a -rv large, hue one, was destroyed. yv. YaiiOrsdell's loss is about 525. w;!i :in.jnnranceof $T25 with Messrs. Atk-iroh&.M.anning. j The . 1.. 1. It having le.-n arranged for theWil-i,i:nttu:-lglit Infantry to escort Gov. ', i:.''une to. Raleigh on the oeca !' hi iiiatigiiration, January 1, the ..iii!i;uiy'-will proceed over the Carolina ( Vntnii jiailway to Charlotte, where ,li.-v will iii.cct .the- (Jovernor and his olhvr (i t: Tlicy will take the North ( '.ini'li'iraf llailipoad ' for. lialeigli..' After 111!-, luauguraui'ij our AVilmington boys wi.lt' rctuni y the Wilmington and Wcldiiii '1 ii'-y will have free tnmspurtatiuii throughout, and will no ijuii'.t li.ivi' a Luge time on the round u. The occu: ion will be a mammoth affair, cojiinvjiiirate robably with the vjtti'iy It cfh'Vates and the fame of the ijii.-'t;r.'ns and dearly beloved victor. Church Notes. S'l.itw ithataiiditig last Sunday w: sshclv cold, the congregations m tiie city 4 were lull. In the morning K"V. Dr.'AVilson preached with great p 1 wcr on 1 he beatitude.. "Blessed are t!ie 'merciful." Bishop Atkir.son de livered an interesting sermon at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. In the same Church, at night, lie v. .Mr. Am bler continued t he subject of the inter- liU'diatc.sjtate after death in the partic ular theme of recognition in Heaven. We 'have no notes- of the other '..-- . j -churches. The Methodist pastors are absent at; Conference. . a An Old Paper. The lirst number of the New York Co?? rncrcu!. Ad ct-rtiht r, date of on- shown to us by Mr. James Jones, of this citv. f it has twentv columns of matter, chielly advertising. Among other interesting items, is a statement that. Governor.;; A she, of North Caro lina, "had issued his proclamation for sizing Burklat l'olk and John Johnson and others, for preparing a military expeditionagaiivst the Indians," and the editor's remark that "this is prob ably some branch of -Blount's project." Major's Court. Marshall Morris, disorderly conduct; . r . - ' UiiiM i?20 and costs or thirty davs on . , . ' tiie streets: ., . . . - Havid Alallef t, same, fined $U) and e sts or fifteen days on the streets. Thomas J Helips. begging on the tiets; lined 20 and costs or twenty uayson thc streets. ' . tieO. H. Adams, violation of tax or-r-dhiance; coiitinued until to-day. The 3Iarliie Temperance Society. The Total Abstinence Society met at the Hethcl last evening, and. we earn had'a7 yerv. 'interesting- time, ad dresses having been delivered by Messrs. K.y. Worth. W. J. Potter ami W: M. lays, resulting in an addition to their mdiiibeiship of eleven new members The meeting was -raeed bv the pres- viioo of several ladies. 1Ariosp l'he L'Arioso Pleasure Club will give a series of hops this winter ' on the first md third.Wednesdavs of everv month. ,J--asn, r. ftnoucr, J. 1. Ale- X , -1 1 -r . 1'ee, R. F. llanime, J. AVtf Rblles. A. . - . ' n. jveuey; w. j. uordon; e ac II 'I r . 11 'IT TT - t IT knowledge the compliment of a haild- eniely printed season invitation. Thermometrlcal. The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob- tamed at the Signal olhee in this city, yesterday at 4:1 p. m.: Augusta, 41: Charleston. 43: halves- ton, 49; Jacksonville, Fhu, 47; Mobile, .i.v va rv,. .l, x--ji.i . neaus,o; -onoiK, 00: aa- VomiAh j?- n'i .1 -1 - ",u'wu. : iiraingion, 40. ' The New Board of Ccynty Commls- . sloners.. The members of the new Board of County Commissioners were cpialified yesterday and will have a meeting to day. Miss Lisette C. Bernheim, a young lady of AVilmiugton, who writes for the Cape Fear and other papers, is flatteringly noticed in the Shenandoah Herald, of Virginia. Jt is said that Taft, ' Cameron and Sherman passed through en ronf to South Carolina, Sunday night, The thermometer stood 15 degrees below zero in Fayetteville, last Satur day. a ' ... t New Advertisement. C. M.VanOrsdell Notice to patrons; art gallery.. l.FXUSI.ATL.. .NORTH (Wit OLINA. - IJcventh Day. Cotttl: uni from the Jlalcirjh St ntind. Saturday, December 2. senate: Graham: Bill in .regard to bonds of sheriffs was taken up. The bill pro vides tne Khenlis shall execute their different bonds payable to the Stae. The gist of the bill is to make sheriff pive a bond double the amount of taxes they have to collect. Graham explained his bill. M'oore of New Hanover certainlv didn't understand it and movodtoinake it a special order for next Tuesday at 12 oiclock. No seconding voice to 'mo tion. Folk moved to suspend rules and put bill on third reading. So ordered. Bill on motion of Graham was referred to judiciary committee. Latham:" Bill to settle, ridings of several judicial districts among the judges of the Superior Courts. Didn't propose now to have it passed but to refer it to judiciary committee and be printed for consideration of members. Stickney thought it was making too radical a change in so short a time. Bobbins held that the constitutional amendments which go in force on the 1st of January provide for the rotation of judges. . After discussion, Bobbins moved to indefinitely postpone. Motion carried, aves 17, noes 12. Bill to change the act in relation to gauge of railroads. Moore of New Hanover said there was so much talk of railroad rings and that sort, he was frank to say he didn't understand it, ("I believe you' said a voice), and he wanted it printed before he could vote on it. Bill passed final reading, ayes '31, noes 2. House resolution on adjournment. Stanford moved to suspend rules and put on third reading I t adjourns from a. m. v eunesaay, ijui, to featnrday lJin., December JO, 18 1 G. I'aSSCd third read-ng, ayes 31, noes 1. Aiittiv um w, an ,iu au p uicmtuiui nnntn K.ll TO .... ..41 11V1 LUUIIl V Ol X illlillLO, "US IUKC11 iium .. f i...; tne caienaar. rroviues lor leaving to voters the removal of countv site, &e. l.o I;e explained the object ot his bill. t assed second reading, ayes 32, noes 0. Aiust go over tiu suoseouent uay unaer " the constitution. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Shackelford, from co.nmittec on en grossed bills, reported back correctly engrossed House bill Xo. 08, amending section 2. chap. 18 Rattle's Revisal. TNTROlJl CTIOX OF UKSOl.UTIOXS AND Bll.l.S. Rv Purnell Rill to provide for graded schools in cities of 5.000 popu- hit ion by taxation. Committee on ed ucation. ByRrvant ; Rill for the relief of sheriffs and tax-collectors. Judiciary. Rv McRae : Resolution relative to tire internal revenue of the United States'. Calendar. . CAI.KXPAK Oil motion of Carter, of Ruucombe, the bill relating to building, loan and other co-ope. ative associations, was or- elereu to be printed. .from December 13 to December .30, was laKen up ana passed second and third 1 - "1 - 1 1 1 . 1 -m readings and ordered to Senate with - out engrossment. " On motion of Yaughaii, the bill to prevent the burning of dwelling and other houses was made special order lor 1 hursdav.at noon. Resolution instructing the Xortk Carolina delegation in Congress to use their efforts to procure a prohibition of !nore ,lian l)Cr c'e.nt- "Merest to na- (;,i 1 u " 1 1 -i ii '..1 uoiiai ouuivs, oasscu sccona ana mini reaailisrs. Resolution instructing the judiciary committee to investigate the reports relative to hiring out of JoritS COUlltv paupers, was taken up r ,-o.i au "'""V i4oiiemenu .ucv,euee -li; . - . it opposcu uic reso.iui-oii as neeuiess anu lnilldiemnS: ( Iflflr if (rmn lllo.l- I v . ... soe and .Linebaek favored the adoption tnc resolution. Carter, of Run- I 1. .L 1 1 : A , com ye, inongni 11 useless to proceed to a legislative investigation of the va rious rhisdeeds of the Republicans in Jones county or elsewhere, unless some guarantee were given of reform at some time prior to the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds. McLean moved that the further con sideration of the resolution be post neA untii the turn of Hon: Jake Scott, member from Jones. Ruled oat of order 4. DVS: 01 "aW00 m40TKctd the whole matter on the table. The YOnsJ nn,l were enlW rnltintr I . O veas 61 - navs 22. j WILMTYnTfiV vnpTii n t tiat tv- . , vmr. yjixvx, iLtauAl DECEMBER LA TE AN D IMPORTANT. T1IC IMI'LTACIIMKNT SCIICMC. Grant, Cameron and Sherman to lie Impeached by Coiirew Itaudall to Be Speaker Bloody Coipiracy in South Carolina. Washington. Dec. The imieach- iucnt plan includes Grant, Cameron and Sherman, and. if subject to im. peachment, Buger. Sherman is con sidered undoubtedlv subject, as lie is a creature of Congress, and his office e.- bires with him. It may be stated that the temper of the Democratic leiders here is averse to any course of compromise, and they will demand and concede oi.lv what the constitution ami laws allow. Waiiistox. Dec. 2. In the caucus to-nighi Bandall beat Cox teifvotes for Speaker. There were but two candi date?. After the nomination Mr. Ban dall made a brief but eloquent speech. Mr. Cox 'then entered the caucus.which received him standing. He congratu lated his competitor. The vote stood: Bandall 73;X'ox t'U. It was resolwd tosendconnhittees at once to Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida to ascer tain' the facts regarding the 'electoral votes in those States. Coi.u.miita Sundav. Dec : '.:15 P. M; The following has bee., tele graphed to 4he Xacs (did Cii) ' r : Gen. Hampton received an anon v. mous letter.this afternoon, purporting to be written by aI laves Republican, in which it was stated that another conspiracy Li on foot of a more start ling nature than that developed list week. The plot, as stated by this un known writer, is that a party of 75 or more roughs, of both colors, some of them being members of the Charleston Ifunkidori- Club, will be brought to Columbia to-morrow, appointed State constables and stationed as spectator--, or be substituted for the members themselves in the Hall of Representa tives, and that at a preconcerted mo ment a demand will be made upon Speaker Wallace to vacate the chair- Tho demand will not be complied with and a bloody fow will be precipitated. lat:r Midnight. The Democratic members who were awake seemed to be. unaware of the impending crisis. 1 am informed that the anti-chambers of the executive offices and committee rooms arc filled with special constables to be used to morrow in ejecting the Democratic representatives. Gen. Ruger and his aides have been telegraphing con stantly the entire night, and the Dem ocratic executive committee are also sirnilnrlv Pinrnopil lmfh nf tlipin i-mn mmiicatin" Vis supposed, with Wash iusrton. The indications are that there wm bn a oollUmn tn.morrmv Chamberlain's cnnstabnlrtrv nnd il.o . . . . J f.,ti7Pns in 1hf ctvoots if it .Wu unl ... GENERAL SUMJIAKY. (iu. Broaden has pardoned Hoiton. 1 ie Mecklenbuig iorger, out ol the peni- me 101K -ifto, an awe i.ejiunn- c:Mi weekly journal, makes an eamost an peal to Gov. Ilajes to refuse an clec1i?i accomplished, bj Irauu. Jav Gould's Tribune treats it as oulu? a joke that Chief Justice AVaite bhould le invited by the peruocrat: to po down t .South Carolina in the interest of law and order. i ne r.icmnoiiu j-.wxtrcr, alter a rew-ec often weeks, Iras been revived and appears 111 the same iruie which lHeameio laminar. and to popular, tome months aero. Mr. fJ. Watson James is the man at the wheels A deaf mute has been ordained into the Episcopal clergy in Pennsylvania, and oisiK p elevens, wno periormeu ine cere mony, is censured by those who honor the apostolic canons which forbid the ordina tion of persons "defective in the senses or grievously maimed." Oil SfltlITTl.1V PVniin' l:lvt jl lni'i finer nf citizens, inesocctive of oartv ties. washYhl in Philadelphia. The call was couched in t,ie loiiowmg language: A meetmrot the tiumis ui 1 uuautMpiiiii two oc uc ia on I W.. 4-.. .A . I , . . 1 ... .r.I . . nil cx?rv attenn,t t dishonestv or fn,.,,'! I - L - in the return of votes at the late l'roiden-' 1 tial election, wherever or hv whomsoever the attempt may be made." Postal flours. close at the Citv l'o.-t-Oihce The maiir as follows : Northern throuiilwnails Northern thromrh and Avav oSiO l M. ; :liU A. M mails, daily ------ Mails for the X. C. Railroad and routes supplied there- iium, ai ------ - ujvi. ji. Cm.tWm mu f.r oil i,,te South, dailv - 7:0411'. M. Western mails C. C. K'y. daily 0.-x A. M. i ayetteville and oilices on vape rear rmer, luesaays and xriaays 1 .uo P. M. 6:00 A. M. A. 31. 12: P. M. I tt CUCI IIC U V. V. Xk daily (except Sundays) - Onslow u. 11. and intermedi I otri nffinM even: Vrlilou I ' w ARKIVE. Xortlieni through mails - Northern through fe way mails 8 AX) P. M The Sniithville mails, by steamboat, close at S A. M., daHy, except Sundav.-. Mails for Easv Hill. Town Creek. Sun- ply and Shallotte, every Friday at A. M. Al ails delivered from 0 A. A., to Th) P. M., and on Sundays from Si to 100 A. AI. Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. U 1'2 M.. ahd from 2 to 5 :00 P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as btaaip Ofliee. ' - Stamps for saTe at general delivery when Stamp Office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at .all honr, day and night. Rev. Dr. Moran preached in the M. E Church, Greensboro 'last Suudav. . , . M. E. CONFERENCE. Abstract orproccediuir. ; Some account of the first day' es iou was given in the Cape Fear on Saturday. The following are the stand ing committees: EDUCATION. Clerical F. L. Peid, A. W. Man gum. Dr. IJ. Craven, M. I Wood. W. M. Robey, W. D. Ua, I. II, Uibbon. J. Alfonl, AV. C. Cannon. J. R. Griffith. - Lavmen M. S. Davis.A.tJ. I leaden. Dr. l.M. Jones. J: W. Manuey. A. A. Serous. C. U. Montcromcrv. V"..T.Lilv. W. .1. Iarkcr, W. I. Knrm-gay. T. i Williams. Sl'XDAV m IIm.I. Clerical S. V. Hvle. .1. .1. Kc.ia.I. L. Uerndon, I.. W. Vrawford. .1. C. Crisp. T. P. Rii uud. Ir.t T. Wvrl.o. O. J. limit, C.C. Dodst.u, I. !.. NVh Laymen R.W. Rest. Alex. Walker. O. W. C'arr, R. I. Summerrov. M. t. Sherrill. Dr. D. C. Smith. Dr. F. K. Asbury, W. M." Darker, W. L. Arcn dell. N. A. Lawrence. IKMiK ANI rK"lMO.i.-Ajj.. krical Dr, .1. 1. Robbitt. T. J. (iattis, V. A. Sharpe, T. C. Coon. J. S. Krwin. C. M. I'epper. II. T. Hudson..!. T. Ragweli, .1. R. IrooI: a:al J. I. Uuie. . . Laymen R. W. Rest. T. N. Jordan, M. R. Southerland. J. W. Mauncy. W. T. Shipp, C. ti. Montgomery. K. H. Wrthy. A. J. Johnson, T. A. Waiu wrightand R. W. Rrowu. I HLl'.CII rnoi'KKTV. Clerical R. S. AVebb. II. II. Cib bous J. W. Lewis, T. S. Triph tt. J.T. Harris. T. H. Kdwards, R. C. Phili ps. S. M. Davis, X. A. Hooker and R. 15. Culbreth. Lavmen J. R. Flovd. J. K. Mann. R. P." Troy, Dr. T.Holcomb. R. S. Abernathv, J. I). Squire, R. S. Li dbet ter, J. T.O. Culbreth, J. C. Webb and X. A. Lawrence. K1BI.K t'Al K. Clerical A. A. Poslu-mmer, H. P. Cole. J. F. Heisrhtmau, James Wilon, J. C. Ilartsell, D. May, W. S. Chaflin, J. Sa.idford, A. R. Raven, R. O. 15uv- ton. Lavmen J. R. Flovd, T. X. Mann, R. P. Trov, R. F. Summerrow. R. L. Vbernathy, T. J. AVilson, Dr. F. F. Asburv, W. M. Parker, J. R. Webb.T. C. Williams. SECOND PAY. Rev. Dr. Craven. President of Trinity College, and Rev. Dr. Jones. President of Creensboro College, read the annual reports of their respective institutions, deferred to committee on Kducation. Rishoji Kavanaugh pivached the Thanksgiving Sermon lroui the 10J Psalm. " TII1KD DA V. AW 1. Taylor, of the Xoith m M. F. Church, and James II. Tart, of the Raptist Church, were recognized as elders. I sham Cox and Allen Jay, of ihe denomination of Friend;?, were intn1- dticed as fraternal nicssencrcrs, Messrs. Cox and latum making some remarks. llev. Dr. McFerrin, Secretary of the Missionary Society, v.as introduced. A resolution receiving Me??r:'. Cox and Jav as fraternal incsseiiircrs was passed, prefaced by some remarks by lCisliop Kavanaugli. vii moiiou. 1 wo iraicrnai niesscnut is were appointed to the next yearly meetinir of the Society of Friends. . Rev. lr. litlerlv. of the Virginia Conference, made some extended r- marks, complimenting X'orth Candina institutusio. Candidates, of the lim year "were called and the following were reported upon and passed on the class of second year: R. R. Hall, X. il. Whittingtou, J. M. RhcKles. J. P.. Carpenter w.:s 14. - continued 111 hrst year. The class of second year was th. n called as follows: J. W. Shackford, X. M. Jurnev, J. V. Craven, W. S. Roan. J. T. (iibbs, L. I, Xa-h. J. W. Randle. .1. R. Scroggs. I". A. (iault, M. W. Royles, J. Lumley, X. S. Norton. The class was addrosd at length by tho Rishop. R?v. R. A. Long, fraternal ines-ei,.v t from the Christian Church, was intro duced and made remarks nf a pleasant character.. U11 motion, two Iratcrnal messengers were appointed to attend the next session of the North Carolina and Virginia Christian Conference. Candidates of the second year were called and reported upon, nnd admitted to lull connection, as follows: X. M. Jurnev, J. E. Craven. W. S. Roan. J. T nil.hs T. T. . Vnli .T W Uiimllnt' A. Cault, M. W. Roylcs, J. R.Scrog'gs, .1. M, l.umley. N". S. X'orton was elected to deacon's orders and continued in the cla? f sec ond year. I). P. Goode was discontinued at his own request. The report of Iavcnort Female College was read and referred to the Committee on Education. The time of to-davs session was al- most entirely occupied over the endi- datr s for admission. 1 he Suudav school concert held ai inc -ieinoo:?i cuurcn 10-nigni, ar.u address was delivered bv Dr. McFcrria. Missionary Secretary. Rr. Jones in vited the Conference to visit (Jrevi.s boro Female College this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Confercucc theu ailjoarncd with the lenedietion until tomorrow at 'J a. m. To-dav.s debates have shown great care with which the brethren ccivc meir new wcraw anu inc 5. 1876. they have for their Church. lj the manner in which thc guard ker repu tation. The be? t c riterion by hich to judge as to the imyortance and dignity of this Christian body U to fee their htxndredi of ministers and laymen in annual cs sion as thev are hen? new. 1T.OM M ASUIXGTON. The l'reidc:a Ir'cpriPf; lti lir itne I'-S'ort !o JustlTy Uorption Secretary I'ih Iiaetit Tbe Pol icy ItKliticd lropcct t,l" a llemo crtllc Trinciph Tlic Speakership. Wamiim.t n. IVc. 1. At tho cabt net nice I in 2 to-day the l'reidcnt men tioncil c.-rtain topiccj which he will treat of in hU annual ii.c?-js. . iutluu-I lug the int:on i"f the Presidential 'Kvesiin ar.J the cornplitiitiomin cer tain of the S-out!" rn States. The Prtr i lent will in hi 1 'e.uge treat at length 0:1 Southern af ir. will dclend the aclioi v.hicl: :e taken in South Carolina and l..i;:;ana, and will give his oHici.i.1 cndor.v'i tit iithe manufac tured tales of utr.igc 1 iutiuiidatiun. He talked very bitterly cn the falgitt t-day. The pnvdincif of the cabinet were p.'im ipr.llv con lined to lh consid eration of Soulhcni nlTairs, aud more particularly in South Carolina. Mr. Fi.-h. it is understood, did r.ot concur with the estrone views of the Proideut, and i idi. a'.i d hl cut in dis sent from the pre puvtv of the military interference with the L'lr.Malur. The result appear to 1e that such modified orders were Miit to (i:i. Ruger r.snecd not be construed to warrant his inter-fereiu-e uuloj in ca.-c of violtuce. Mr. l::nar reeeived this evening a tel'ginm IV in Civn. Hampton ;;ud Senator or dtn renuestin: him to inform the Pns ident that loth ItnixratJ and Repub licans in the Legi.-lature desired non inlcrfcrcnci of the miliary, and a-ked that they be m instructed." Mr. I.mar showed the telegram to Secretary Fish, who iulonned him that orders had al ready been sent to that elTcct. Mr. F1V.1 al.-o said that Men. Ruger i:ver had been instructed to iuterler- v. lib the organization of the Ixgi.-laturc. This indicates that tLe s:Mi:e excuse, will be nude as ia the Louisiana ca,e, name ly, thet the military cr ted, without or ders. In connection with this subject ru mors were circulated to-night thru Sec retary Fish had resigned 0:1 account tf (iissaiisiacimn wnn me course 01 tue President, but there appears to lie no good foundation fr the rumors. Much speculation is indulged in a. to the causes which have induced this unex pected back-lov,n. Ry s-orae it is as cribed to pressure which it is alleged has luen brought to Uar from inSucn tial Republicans in thcXorth. Utheri say that it has been concluded to aban don Chamberlain n.ov that the Hayes elector.- are secured. P'.t if Chamljr l.iiu g.'S by tiie board. he tiv-urcd'y will if the government hep. it-, hand off. the Hayes rhvtors will be npl lo follow suit. ' mi: M-KKfc::iur. The SioaKcrship continued to-day to e the principal !ep;e at tl;a liolels. Me-rs. Randall. Mi.ni-on ami other audid.itc wck in the lobbies of Wil- lard's for a cuMer.ibl. time, talking with their fri -mls. There was tome talk J-day of Mi. J. P.iudolph Tucker, o! lrgnua. uxi 11 M enni lo cmcic,t 1 imri i ihmh i-i-oh vm-i m-ri: member-:, I The Republican Hou-e m also hold a ca:uii. to-::.,- low i::rht, and it is said jen. (tarfie.d will receive the complimentary ;io:niui-1 t ion. for SiKiker. Senator Rlaine ar I ried to-night in apparent good h-alih and ready lo shahe hi blovdy t-hirt at the first oppoitunity. rot.:Y t z:k liorsE. , 1. .1.11 n.:,, 1 1 ... ,r I mi . T i . 1 II' 11 II 1 Mill. 4 Blill. , ... :i.. U.iV I" VII iH I IVH ' l'l."llll.lll'ja arranging tin policy to le pursued on the opotiing e! 'r. Hol e. It H tl C opinion that ee;yihit ,' that ii to ! doue'uill !iIii d up!i in ad vance ami .:r fn!!y in itund. and that the practic "f lnembi rs jumping U 1 t la itLl. l.'sitiii.ll lull. fill tl.A tt f important hi!.;. ,;!-, and v. itle.nt tonsil tatsoji with any on-'.ui'l be discounten anced. Mr. Lamar, as clnirnmn of the RenK'cratie emeus, h.i-. i-nncd a cill for a r.ieetitig to-iuorrow night. Arpeintmciil" of UUhop AtklUMiu. V,ilMi!i,-:dh ;u lay in Advent. hrt mVrHi Toi.-not -' JjWetnVr VI KuSeld ------ - IKituiVrH lMngwfwl ----- - llervndK-rlt HaUfav.n.1 Sunday In Advent iM-c.nUrlT Weldon IWihUtI'J fack-ii - - -Iio kv Mount - IKtrndr 'JO I. A A ir AbYKItTl.SEXKXTS Notice to My Friends ana jyatrons. R y Tun KiMNr.s or mi:. . w. YATE, wl la placiti hi e:.lar-:t.e; Criacra at mv di.i"l until I cju r p!i '': that wire dc:myctl by th' fire n ru ln.- .,11,n,.1,,l,;r lV 'i"''- l Wwultl aN n,lKnJ luy !4llccre lhluk, lo a w'0 a-Utnl in faviog my prriTty I from further detraction. Kcp?ct ful!v, c. M. VANOitnr.LL. Wiln.lm.tou, N. C, iVc. .1, lS7i-lt 1 CiENTLLMAX, OR OnNTLEJIKN f eautin loarl In a r-rivatc faxnlly the who live u&t very far from th beta' re - .rtion of th cltt. Atn4r at iove 1 nov .J-tn 1 lit. VXl i. LIU Vt t n 10 CENTS A WETK FRUIT - BUTT Ell. A PomoiiG. I KMo. AMi OILING t. ' u:ujk. "ttiuiAM. 2:Airn:::, . DF.nn v ; m u. rnrr. nnrj , IN 1 1 V K 1JN U SVC -U-T.". ttzU' Nc riti N!tri" t;u iuIcn! 0.o I'i T. i i fre i!i ! !. ki r Kirhuinnd Saitgi IV.-- -A c. I SHRIE XV "y t as .iT li.ii tNi it . .1 I N rl'-, ! ,. v.- 1 Stock Of Cloth:. and ;i:ni.-" i i i:N::ii:u;- s r :', ! it; . I" ..r, l J ;is L . i-. 1 ; iji i t.-.. , n l!ie' li.id ;.:.u; . A i.o ! i . ; ;. - ani kui: i:ii: smas.i. . C I ST Vi.i:t:i .-.t; ( , C. W. Y A rl K':!l' liir. t.'c:; c n.MN r.N r sr. iii.xnx. sv!ijoi. :.! y.: iicii';:i amj i ::.v t.oi.D i ::n- Nii . cn. ... 41,. J isl U ; t .1 m;-m . .vi :;v l "fc UM'A' iiHvi.ru: cm:. . or crN; anu Riivni.vi:::-- t..f. a.l !.- !." j;v.n.v. ! p; v., Iowdr. lit and t w4-. She: Itr.U. ! . t I AT RKll.Vi-:i PilU i;- - AXeSailU GrinClStCliCO Cl'TTZIJti, r 1 r. !. i o 1. uote! and Ttnuc, WOOD SAWS A Xh. JIIkW tT Aio loll A1X. TWO !tX. ort:.c lc: Zi..rUl, u ! inide lir NK'.Vr.M'iUV.of i. ia . lero'U. tVf.l If. f-Ul 1.0 V.', k A j j x j r L 3 A r Q i; !. UMWWAlii: DEPOT. N0. !0 hr.t:i Xrt.tJt ht. 4rr l-'.t Bacon, Flour, 6:c. OVj liUL. tLOUU ; ,,1, lal IlliJ.. aiJ I. !.. CUA I0LAl-!. ioj tu. 11. rrnv:. . hbU. hCGAR, Ioj Btnf. c;i.l, Bab HAT. UAr;iN(;t ToiiACc. :cir. tow. spikit n.R!:nw.'Ujii. XAILS, tc., &c V I I I