, nPTT.. -.TT,T' FEARo "II I J . I - I (- I 1 1 Hj 'JW J' ' : 11 li i I li 44. CENER ALJITY NEWS. County CommlMioner, The Board of County Commissioners pet yesterday pursuant to an adjourn ed session of the Board. Present, J. ( Wagner, Chairman, D. Nixon, D. Holmes arid 8. Van Amringe. fn aonlicaiion it was ordered that James Henry; Jones be excused from vorking the public 'road on account of disability. Sheriff Manning and Coroner Hew- lett came before the Board and quali- ged according to the requirements "of tbclaw. , In consequence of the absence from the city of the sureties of ' Elijah Hew- jat, County Treasurer, and of the Register of Deeds elect, they did not qualify. The Board then took a recess until Toeauay at 10 o'clock A. MV the 12th 5 tant. The Noma Outrage Case. Mr. Alouis M. Noma, who declared that Nat Sampsou had struck him at the guard room Saturday night ;when (wekiiig information about a watch which had been stolen from him at Weldon, an account of which appeared in Sunday's Capk Fhar, had Samp son up before 'the Mayor yesterday and the case came off. U was proved that Nat Sampson was down street on his beat at .the time which Noma said he was struck. .Xorna's testimony was tnixtd and tangled, and the case dismissed at his cost. The 3layor ascertaining that Mr. Noma was selling bagatelle tables without a-liecnse fined him $10. . Mayor Court. Fidel Bernoaer, disorderly conduct flucd 010 and costs or 30 days on the itrecfe. V Louis Nixon, resisting police while in the discharge of his duty ; fined $25 and costs or 30 da vs on the streets Annie J. Speight, drunk and disor- derly ; dismisjbd. N. G. Sampson, disorderly conduct; dismissed at: he prosecutor s cost. Scott jDanicls, allowing his horse to go at large on the public streets ; fined $10 and costs. : Win, - Daniels, draying without a license ; judgment suspended on pay- men 1 of costs, i I Alouis M.'Norna, drumming in the I city without a license ; fined $10 and J eosts. I A New Faper. The Wilmington Amateur Publish ing Company will commence the publi cation, on or about the 15th inst.. of a Pemi-monthlj paper, to be called the Sunny South. It is designed for boys and girls of all ages, and will doubtless prove a pleasant visitor to many fire Hules. j Let it be encouraged. For particulars, see bur advertising columns this morning. Thermometrlcal. :. The itate of he thermometer at the various stations named below was ob tained at the Signal office in this city, yesterday at 4:31 p. hi.: Augusta, 40; Charleston, 40; Calves- tun, 48; Jacksonville,-Fla., 44; Mobile, 43; New Orleans, 43; Norfolk, 32; Sa- Tinnah, 41; Wilmington, 36 A corresnnndfntv alleorpa that a noor white woman Wl charitv at the 1 i - . - , c bands nf in trnnntv (Commissioners of l iv- , . " , v 1 . ia SUMBER khc Democratic ticket. How charity crJ a ? lar frtion of the 'ate i, , j, T. - , Mr. N utt said that there were three assuraea ne these latter days! Devil's garb in fc?ee our marine column for, some notice of an extraordinarily quick ocean I trip. Postal Hours. The math clows at the City PoetOffice follow a ; i Northern through mails Northern.' through" and way mail, daily -i - - - - - 5:30 P. M. 7:00 A M Malls for the N C. RaUroad nd routes p upplied there from, at - . - - - - - 6:30 P. M. Southern mails for aR points I South, daily a. - - - - - 7.-00 P. M. . , Western mails Cl C. R'y, daily :00 A. M. ) eHeruie ana omce on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays tnd Fridays -.j - i - - - 1 KK P. M. "yetteville bv C. C. R'y, daily (eicepHSunday) - A. M. Onslow C. H. d intermedi ate offices, cry Friday - 0. 00 A. M. v ARRIVE. Jorthern through mails -12:45 P. M. Northern through & way mails 8 KX) P. M. The 8mithville malls, by steamboat, close ftt8,A. M., daily, except Sundays. Malls for Easy Hill, Town C?eek, Sup ply hd Shallotte, every Friday at 6 A. M. Mails delivered from fi A.M. to 7:00 M., and on Sundays from 830 to 930 Staran Office onen from 8 A . t. tn 15V . R r oney oraer ana JWter Departments open same as SUmp 8tam- r. .i. .t . Stamp olfice loosed 1 . Key Boxes aceble at all hours, day f HISTORICAL AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY.' 7 ' Discussion Subject: Meteorology. Thi society had a most enjoyable and interesting meeting Monday night at St. James' schoolroom. Besides the regularessay the discussions of the even ing, to which it gave rise, were partici- Pted in by some fifteen or twentv of the gentjejneri present, each of whom contributed something- to the general amusement and instruction. Among other items of instruction we collected. and which hare fortunately not escaped 'our, recollection, we mention the foi- lowing: Mr. Alex. Sprunt after compli- meeting the essayist regretted the omisiion of the name of Lieut Col. Rcid of the Royal Engineer!, author of a ork on storms, in which he not only confirmed the views credited j to Red- field, but proved his the ones by origi- lnvcstigationa in the East and West Indie. Col. Reid was the first to an ubunce as a . fact, coming uudcr his own observation, that in the Southern Hem isphere the storms revolved in a contra ry direction to those iu the Northern He was also entitled to credit for the direction that ships.l when obliged to ly to, should choose a particular tack to ly to on, according to the side of the path of the storm on which they were. This rule was of the highest importance. In- reply to a question from Mr. Sprunt, Mr. Seyboth stated that little or no confidence was now placed in pre- diclions of the weather exce t tbose framed immediately before the event Kid time. Mr. Jewett conceived that the science of electricity was still in its infancy It would, doubtless, be applied in time to uses of which we have not at present the remotest conception. ol. 00lc rcniarked the omission ofthe name of Lieut. Maury in the essay. Mr. Maury had, among other thihsrs, compiled a series of sailing directions from charts prepares by him and sent over the world for that purpose. Mr. Burr inquired the date fixed by the essayist for Redficld's theory con- cerning the progress and movement 0 rotary rStorms, and said he would try and recollect the date of the con versa tion he had upon that subject with a young Wilmington officer . named Boudinot, which he believed was prior in date toboth Maury amj Reid's speculations. .' The essay itself was an able, elabo rate and carefully prepared summary of leading facts and results ; obtained from the observations of the last fifteen or twenty years upon the subject of Meteorology, its history and present condition. At the close of. his essay Mr. Seyboth was warmly complimented by many of the members and a vote of thanks was unanimously adopted. A very amusing discussion arose, in reply to a question from Dr. AVilson for information as to the meaning of the name Cape Fear. Mr. Nutt stated that it had a social, as well as territorial, meaning. The settlers !of .the Cape Fear inhabited the countrv between the Pec Deo and the veuse. It was probable that A. the Cape Fear included counties as far West as Orange, Stokes, Surry and Gilf6rd' as Bellas Robeson and Onslow. A fflanee at the map would show b that the valley of the Cape Fear cov- points in the early history of the Cape Fear, which were yet involved in ob scurity. First, the precise date of the first settlement at the mouth of the river; second, the date offcthe settle ment and extinction of the first New England colony at the same place; third, the particulars concerning the obstructions placed in the river by the -Revolutionary authorities in 1775, to the invading fleet of Sir Peter Tarker. These obstructions were erected by the Committee of Safety; fourth,5 the ear liest date for the opening of New Inlet, and whether any such opening existed prior to these obstructions. Mr. Burr was appointed to read the next essay. Subject, Local History. The Society adjourned to meet at Dr. Wilson's Lecture Rooms on the second Mon'dav in January at 8 P. M. Hotel Personals. PcKCELL House. Tuesday. Jceph Herzberg, Albany ; Peter Sanghliu, S. B. Taylor. Onslow county, N. C. ; H I Moore and ladv. A. Tiller. New York ; j. Tiller, rnuaaeipnia. Masking Hocsk. Tuesday. C. V I Raymond and lady, Atlanta : R- A. Johnson, Rockingham f P. T. Callahan. C. C. R. W.; G. Freena, Sand, Hill ; i v. j. vaiais, v.. j. xv. . WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER MORE TROOPS FOR WASHINGTON. LATEST FROM SOUTH CAROLINA The Houe , CtWftittec? .to Jcave iur Columbia To-day Arrival 0!' Artil lery at Washington. Special iitiyi1v th f'fj,f ',ur: Washixi;t... Dec :-ii i M. The Hme Commit Ic will lavv for Columbia to-morrow niirlit. The reported movement of thy Sjiith Carolina 'riUvfCiub. Uiis, a ubjcwt( of . . iscu!o!i ut the rauinef loot- eung to-dav. Three :i i t ill-j e rived here last nisrht. Till; SITUATION. Kiptlling the South Caroliua l.tj;is- laturc. Frmut thf Ji'n'!m, jn:l ta' . Coi.UMniA, Dec. 4. For the la-t four davs it has beeome more and more ap parent that the pressure i f South Carolina is to make her ;rive up her vote for Hayes.. It is now avowed that if Hampton and other leaders will make speeches declaring tln-ir belief that Hayes has carried the State, the militarv interference shall bo removed on Thursdav. The same irotosit ion was made by the Republicans to. Hamp ton He said: "l t not believe Haves carried the State. 1 do believe that if you could ret down to thelejral' votoa.'ilden qarrjed it lij. 10.000 .ma jority. I wuld not make such a dec laration to be I resident 01 the L nited States." 1 repeated my proposition for a fair rount by the two Itepublieane on one side. and Cordon and self on the other, and it was endorsed by Hamp ton, Cordon and Haskell, and declined. Coll m hi a . S . C. , 1 ec. 4. 2 : 1 : 1. M Speaker Wallace, just now, was offici ally informed that one hundred State constables, armed, were in the Stare? House, w ho were about to enter, backed by the United Slates troops, to expel him from the chair and the Edgefield members. from the House. Carrying outour tried poilcy of avoiding blood shed and collision with United States troops, the Democrats adjourned to Carolina Hall,"where they are now in secret session. Mackcy is under man damus of the Supreme Court to deliver the vote for Governor to Wallace, and therefore cannot count the vote with out defvini; the Court. RCPiruLiCAX nouns Tildcn the .Man. Washington", Dec. 3. To-dav state ments were freely made by leading Ite- p'ubheans that lilden would get at least a portion, if not the whole of the electoral vote of Louisiana. Some said that the Democratic party had got it self into the greatest . panic of the age, and all for nothing; that Tilden was the handwriting on the wall, and that Tildeh 'it wbuld bo. Whether these statements are intended ns chaff, or whether it has been discovered at the eleventh hour that the contract to give the vote of Louisiana to Hayes is too big a one to carry put cannot be' posi tively said at this writing. A gentle man 'here from New Orleans states that C en. Anderson, of the returning board, remarked to him: "You people think you know what the returning board in tend to do but some of vou will m verv much disappointed. ' ' : It is understood that in' "accordance with the advice of the National Demo cratic Committee the Democratic elect ors in the States of South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida will under any circumstances meet at their different capitals on Wednesday next and cast their votes for Tilden and Hendricks, and send certified copies on to Wash ington. ' GKXKRAL SUMMARY. The vote of Colorado is t Im- oi- Ccted to. Mr. Piatt D. Walker, ot Hoiking tiam. hap removed to l.tmrlotte and brined a law partner.-lip with Mat. Dowd. The President stated in con vernation with Mr. Hewitt that the vote of Louisiana was fraudulent and should be thrown out. The New York Evening Post, lle- publica'n, rails (Jen. linger, of South Carolina fame, 'sludge Ruger." and speaks of his "contradictory rulings." lYedneday Religious Service. Services will , be held to-night at Ty o'clock at St.' Paul's Lutheran churcl.- AUp at the Second PresWtcrian church at 7 o'clock. Appointments of Ilhthop Atkiusun. Wilfum, 2d Sunday in Advent, I tvecmber 10 Toisiiot ------ - D.H-eintKr 1- Enfield ------ - Deecm!erl3 :'Riurwool ----- - IKHemlxr 14 fllalifax. :d Sundav in Advent IKeemWr 1 . Weldon - ----- - Deeuilx r li Jackson - - -' - - - .- December 20 Rockv Mount - - - - - De.cinU-r NOTICE. JOTICE IS" HEREBY (SI VEX THAT application wiU be made to the Oeneral Assembly of the State of North Carolina, now in session, for; an Amendment of the Charter of the City of Wlimingtou. Wilrafcgton, c. Nc..0, 1S76. SETT A D TER TISEMEXTS V R OSPKCT U S or THE SUNNY SOUTH. r I MIK L'XDElfcJIUNKDCOM PAN V WILL L commence the publication. In thbeity, o! a Boy's and (iirl emi-iuonthly lir, to be kuown as THE SUNNY SOUTH. The tafer will contain Stori, Selec tions and General New? i:utt;r intt-rotiiiT to the younsr people, and it will Ik the cn dr avor of the Company to U-e li aud Uirl of all aire?. The paier vrill be dfVot-l Rirtkularlr to the interests f the youth of the South. an-1 more i;trtieularlv to the voiuur f thi State. . ' Xotinc the sue-cs juvenile jupers meet with at the Xorth. and it leinr the Ciu jmiy's Ix lief that a apcr of ju-h clarae ter would 1k intt restinjr and in.-tructive t lhe youth of this State. He will ln-inu put lu atioh on or about tin 15th Instant, fi lir.tr a full har. cf ptihlic patronage. The .ubsciiption price for ttieSt'XXY SOUTH is as follow : I One Year - -- -- - lt Six Months tV) Three Months Advcrtir-rinetits inM-rt?l at reajtiable rate. Wll.MlNOToX AmATEI K Pl llLIslII.M. Co., AVilmiDston. X. C. he n-tf FKl'IT BITTER. (PPLE.tiriNCE. PEAK AM) PEACH Pomona. "J EMON AND OKANUE. 'JELLIED. 1LHKAXT. RASPBERRY. sJTRAW- RKRRY AND ALL OTHER KINDS, IN riVEl'Ol NI) Rl'CKKTS. U right's "Xc IMun Mtra" r MINCED MEAT. Abort gooda are of the m t Mi'M-rior equality, fresh, and are confidently recom mended a8 the BEST. For sale retail and in five pound bucket?. Richmond Sausages Warranted all i Pork. nov -U-tf JAS. C. STEVENSON. SHRIEK II AS JUST RETURNED FROM THE North, and has opened for the WIXTCR SI2ASOX The largest assortment, lcst quality and : nicest made Stock of Clothing ! . i AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS i ! ever displayed in Wilmington. Prices are 6o low as to enable every one to buy, even n these hard times. A large lot of those Splendid .White Shirts, all Ready Made (except button hole), AND FOR THE SMALL SUM OF CO CENTS WORTH $' 5tl A PIECE, Don't foTK.-t to ca1! on A. HR1EI:, iov -is.lv REMEMBER C. W. YATES JEEPS THE MOST STOCK OF COMPLETE PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY BLANK, SCHOOL AND MISCELLA NEOUSBOOKS. F'ANCYtiOODS, PICTURES AND FRAMES, tiOLD PENS ANDPE CILS,.S: .. ,V In fact every article u-ually kept in a first c'as BOOK STATIONERY STORE. Bacon, Flour, &c. XA BOXES I). S. SIDES, QVJ 1 800 BBLS. FLOUR (all radea), 100 Hhds. and Bbls. CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Bbl. S. II. SYRUP, 50 Ba?s COFFEE, 50 Bbls. SUGAR, 100 Bbls. OLUE, 500 Bdls. HOOP IRON. .VK) Bales HAY. BAGGIN(5, TOBACCO. SNUFF. SOAP, ! LYE, CANDY. TIES, CHEESE, SPIRIT BARRELS, LARD, I NAILS, &c.t &c. oc -5-tf WORTH & WORTH. C. 1676. XISCELLASEOCS Sporting Material, &c. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF REVOLVERS ap;nitcl (utlerii GUNS AND of ill the iti'Mt Powder, hot and Cap. Shot BclU, Xhot Pouchr. Powder Plaia, Ounmal.r'i latrrlal. Ae. Jke., AT REDUCED DIUC. Axes and Grindstones, E AT CITTEKS, F I R E D O (i S , hotU aud Tongue. WOO) SAWJ AXD 11CCKS, Hope, Twine. Ac.' 17" ALiO FOR SALE, TWO CARTS, or the bet material, and made by XEWBKRRY,of Lurn In rton. Will W n.ld LOW. NATHANIEL J AC OBI, HARDWARE DEPOT, No. IO JSouth Front HI, dec H-tf REPRIXTS OF THE British Periodicals. T IM1K POLITICAL FERMENT AMOMJ the European natf-tn. the trife !e twh-n Church and State, the di-uflon of Ki.nce in relation to Theolicy, and the entant publication of new work, fin theM and kindretl topk , will rive tumi-ual iuterebt t the leading frcipi Review during 17. Nowhere cIm tan the In quiring reaib r find In a eondrnM-! forra the facts and anrumeiitnrveary tojnldc him to a correct cnchiion. THE LEOXARD SCOTT PUD- UZHIXG COM PAX r9 11 Dtti'rlay ,(ri'l, Xt irk , -tiiicc ihe sprint of th- fuirh(tiling Ri t o tc', i i'z : EtlinlnryJi rt-tc ( ir?iy, Isjiulon Quar terly Rcn'frtr Comervativt), Wrtuun$tit' Rvvitw (Lib era, Britnh Quarterly Evangelical), and BLACKWOOD'S EDLWRCU REVIEW TERMS Pat able Stkicti.t is Adtaxcz: For any one Review - - 4 uijn r annum. r or any two Review - OO For anv three Review, 10 00 For all" four Reviews 1 00 t. it ii For BlackwjiHl's Mag azine - - - - - For Blackwood's and one Review For Blackwood and -Reviews 4 00 T 00 10 ltd 1: oO 15 00 For BlackvMl and li Reviews - - For BlackwoKl and the four Reviews - - - The Portage will In prepaid ly tlie put lisher." without char-re to the utMriter only on the. exprew condition that sub scription are paid invariably in advance at the commencement of eaeh year. CLUB?: A discount of 20 iter i cnt. tv ill U al low el to clubs of 4 or more ienonji. Ehus: four copies of Blackwood or of one Re view will le sent to one addrcM for 12.0: 4 copies of the 4 Reviews and Blackwood for 4. aud fo on. To clubs of 10 or more In addition to the atnive discount, a epy irratl will be allowed to the irctt-T-upof the club. . PREMIUM: N-w ubiiTi'"Ts. applying carl,lvrlLe year 11 1 may have, witliout chanre. the last volume for 175 of ."Uch periodical as a? they may .ulxribe for. Or instead, n-w .ubferiter( ti anv two. three or four of thaliove jt-riodU-alf, may have one of the Fur Reviea" for 174 : MilwriU-M to all live may have two of the "Four Review or one net of Blapkword Magazine for l?."!. Neither premium to ntrit-T nor di-couut to elut-can le allowetl uulr. the tnonev I nmitud ilirrrt to the iKib - ll-her-. premium pveu to V Iuim. Cin ular with further jartii ulan may Ik had ou application. , TlIK LljONAKIl OTT PlfcLlIt1.0 Co. ixtv :J 41 Barclay St., New York THE BALTIMORE SUX. Published dally (rrrept 8unday) at the Sun Iron Bulldinsr. Southeaat Corner of Baltimore and South trrrt; bv A. S. AlitLL Jfc Cu. Prices for Mailing t Single copy, three cent; one inotilh, ixt) cent.: two month, one dollar: three month, one dollar and fifty cents; six mouth., three dollars ; 1 year, six dollars. PotUire prepaid at the oflke by the pub. lihers. No paper 9 f sent linger than paid fur. THE WEEKLY HUX. Due dollar and a half a year, rnd II for tax months, with Great" inducements to novT-lf CLUBS. 10 CENTS A WEEK GEO. LITERS' GROCERIES SELL RAl'IDLY ! lb a Meal, Flour, Meats SUitAIL COFFEE. MOLASSES. And ayriivusaiM rticl- lou, 1 1., F I KST-C 1. A s i i ROC EU V STO R EVI'lltENEWIMESsnVILVI'lJiUi WlTllfllT A .I PERIOR, Hut Try aud Jade for oirclf. Gr T V O U R Table Delicacies AMI IMMS-PENSABLES - FROM- GEO. MYERS', t II and 1.1 Houlh I'ruut M. dec:i-tf Meal! Meal! Meal! 400 UAUS riiOll MKAL IN SKU' CHITON g.WK. MOLASSES ! c JBA, DLMERARA HOUSE. AND SUC AH 500 DoylSlf BARRELS FLLR All gj.l t B1NFOKD. CROW A: I . TEirrs FAMILY LAGEII. (Hrit Vxtjc rt the 'tiumaif. Packed In Cae of Two Ikiu Iwctu I ThViII t Q O n H TKrotflVtil nq I A U1U tiAAU vbWUlC3, 500 EVERY VARIETY .500 F 0 I! the mi lid. us. AY E ARE PREPARED A- 1UAL WITH A fiREAT AND VARIED .SIOK FRUIT, XCT.i, AXD CAXDIE'. dot ii rot Faaally ana tc Jobbing Traft. Will m-U pmI- at- ; Low Figures and execute order promptly. CIIAS. D. MYEIL & CO.. dec'J iaDdTNoTih Frot Si.