ox hp, . a? ja,fljjt. jgDAY MORXLNG, DEC. 1876 'Zittn for the Cape Fear. (HE GHOST OUlAYLNSWOOa 1 V. fOUNDED OX FACT. r j MRU CICWRO W. HARRIS. '" iv- ' - II. preparations for my departure were nee commenced. Mammy crradu- $jjt became reconciled to the prospect mcd suddenly toakenp to the fact Z thJ .daughter his only ,hild and the rightful heiress of CU" . - :TT A.' " renswoou. "e consequent v oraerea jjASnakers to come from the neigh Knrinir village to prepare a suitable outfit for ,. me; Mammy enjoyed-lhr4 idea of m y importance and at'iiigbtr instead ff mn? me fairy talew and -jit jUrica untill should go to .sleep, jibe recalled the former days at llarens wood when my own grand-mother came there as a bride. Mammy said even was young and comely then and I coaId pee from the portrait of grandpa pa's first wife how beautiful my own raadnuimma had been. That portrait hivl ta;n hung over the mantel in my 0n little room by grandpapa's order, mi I, was very fond of gazing into the rtrectj wistful, tender eyes that looked iorfl upon me from the canvas. Main. ttv would wax eloquent as she dilated 50 the charms of her "young mistress" j!be would persist in calling nW grand mother. 1 naturally grew upfto think of her as an angel without wings. , My conception of the angels I had previous ly obtained from mamma, otherwise I would have had very peculiar opinions on that subject for mammy was much more, prpnc to tell me of demons, fiends and evil; spirits than of , good and guar dian beings. It was only when she would talk of grandmother and mamma or fondle me that the gentle side of mammy's nature '"would shine forth. I fancied she imitated grand-papa in her haughty, cold bearing toward the other uervanta. and I often fancied that she obeyed grand-mamma because she was "Mrs. 'Haven, of Karenswood." The rery name mammy considered a talis man with subtle influences and' I divined,.; long before I was sixteen rears of age, that the name he had given her was the closest tie that bound grand-mamma to my grand father. Once, just before' I left the place, I was passing by the drawing room, and on glancing in saw grand papa standing near a harp that had been my grand-mother's, and twining the broken strings around the tarnished gilded' column. : I had always felt a veneration for the old instrument, though the only time I had ever heard a note of music , from, it was when the tawing room was being aired and the wind swept among the strings that had withstood the ravages of acre and netr- Icct. I ' loved to imagine how grand mother looked when she played upon it years ago' and I wondered if grandpapa dirt not vilh tn hrar yyiiici unmoi lmna Grsndmama did not love it, and the only Bong I heard was a wild lullaby mammy would sing, varied on Suudays, bv a doleful hymn tune with still more doleful words. I peeped in the drawing room, and seeing grandpapa was alone, I went up to him and offered to pick up some of the strings that had fallen on the carnet. He accented mv offer. and when he had finished, he sat down near the harp, took me on his knee and aid,. "Alrqa. my fancifql name had descended . for everaP generations "when you lea vt us, you must learn to , ding and play forme. As I was tying an those broten strings, I was think iug how much depended on your future conduct and training, how many old wounds would momentarily cease to rankle, if, as David charmed Saul, your fingers could be taught to bring to life ngairi the sweet chords that once breathed from those broken, silent brings ! You will be a good girl and learn for poor qld grai-papa'a Bake, will vou not, my little Alma r ' "Poor old grand'papa !" I thought, f l hesitated to, answer him. "The idea of grand-pa pa V calling himself poor when everyone thought he was so rich, and I thought he was so pompous and well satisfied with himself." My thoughts were verv vague and unsatis factory then, but in after years, when I had read more and seen something of the world, I always associated graud Ppa. with Sir Leicester Dedlock. But gratid.papa was stroking my hair and waning tor my answer. Impulsively I sprang up, threw mv arms around his neck and, promised nim I would do everything I could to please him. He drew me close to him. and kissed me. Hearing some one coming, I darted from his arms andean up stairs just in time to. catch a glimpse of grand toamma as she came up the passageway. Mammy was in my room packing my trunks, and her employment mast have nruiinaea her or the time when she per formed a similar service for mamma just before she was married to my fath er At any rate, mammy began to tell nfc how handsome papa "loosed in his uniform when he came to marry mamma, nd how extensive the preparations for ne wedding were. My father was Wain .-Willouhby " Aylett. of the tinted States Navy, and was lost at a a few mouths before mamma died, i hey ere married nearly six years and their home was in Baltimore, many, Jdw from Ravenswood. I tried to fix wcs? points 'distinctlv' in mv mind ns mammy repeated her often-tod storv, ior I tad an indefinite idea that 1 ought y !0W and rememlvr Abe nicrht befow T mdn , a v . ,-wu . v ivm v v, vault, rJMnot ma4 the contemplated ef fort to find out what the ghost of Ravens joodvas. That nisjht I kuew mammy 'ooidbeup late, and I determined to l P also. Report said that the ghost JSv aPPeared just as the tall old SSto ihe ual1 struck twelve at mid li Jdid not tel! mammy whv I n Vi y -0 remai awake, and as she 0Uld have humored anv whim nf mina gh' 8he noddcd in her corner by to7 hearth until I was ready to be cost- ly t6cked jnmligd for the last time in If J her kmdfaithfal old hirads VV h n the clock commenced its strok , 1 W waterproof over try lighi wrapper ami softly opened my door. In a minute or two, I heard another door open, and grandmamma, with a lighted carJdle in her hand, 'came' njS 4tairs,too a key from a key-basket she held, and opened the door oftnamma's room. Her eyes ere?? fixed khd i starmgr" I had heard of persons who walked in sleep. $Q I concluded this was wbatfrrandmam inaiwaryaang.1 Undaunted. I followed her. and standing on the threshold -T saw het place the candle on The tabic, 2miitw - K.;i. - - 'iLc i j iS.Jl.feJ1?!;; t and leave as she: had come, alike uncon scious of what the. had done and of mv presence. , Xerv6usly, I hastened back I to ieu niammy who the tancied ehott was, when, as if my guardian angel had wlfipercd it, "a sentence I had heard mamma, utter when I was very voung, flashed like lightning through my brain It wag thi " Ke4ueittber fihei&. iira Raven'of Ravenswood. "As 6hch. you must respect her and guard her honor able name." I went to sleep without saying anything to mammy about it. TO BE COXTIXI ED. REPRINT OF THE British Periodicals. rpjlE POLITICAL FERMENT AMONG JL th European natmans, the strife be twcpii Church ani State, the diAcUfii ol Mien:e in relation to Theology, ami tlie coiurtant pubiicatiou of new. Works on thene and Icindred topics, will jive uuut.ual iiitereitto the leading forHn Reviews during 1876. Nowhere else can the in quiring reader find in a condensed form the faeU and arguments necessary to guide him to a correct conclusion. THE LEONARD SCQTT PUB LISHING GO MP ANY, 41 Barclay Street,- New York , con- tinue th e reprint of the four leading Review, viz : Edinburgh Re view Whig, London Quqr trly Revieu- (Conservative). Westminster Review (Lib- eral, British Quarterly (Evangelical), and BLAt'K WOOD'S EDINBURGH ' REVIEW TERMS PatabIeStkictlit in Advakce: For apy ope Review - Fqr any two Reviews - $ 4 0J per annum. 4 UU 10 QJ .'- 12 00 " AA It . For any three Reviews j For all four Reviews For Blackwood's Mag - - -- -For Blackwobd? aud one Review. For Blackwood and 2 Reviews - - - - - For Blackwood and 3 Reviews - - - For Blackwoo'd and the four Reviews - - - 4 0 7 oi 10 CO 13 00" 15 00 u it i The PostAsre will be prepaid by the pub f liaherB without charge to the eubecriber orilv on the express condition that sub scriptions are paid invariably ia Advance at the commencemerxt of tacn year -J CLUBS: A discount of 20 per cent, will-.be al lowed to clubs of 4 or more persons. Ehu6: four ; copies; of B.laekwoc d, or of ene Re view wil be sent to Cyie address for $12.80: 4 copies of the 4 Reviews and Blackwood for 48. and so on. . "To'dubs of 10 or more in addition to the above discount, a copy gratis .will be allowed te the getter-up of the club. . . ' PREMIUMS : New eubseiiliers, applying early, for the year 1176 may have, without eharger the last volume for 1875 of such periodicals as as they may subscribe for. : Or instead, new subscribers to any two, three or four Qf the. above periodicals, may have one of the "Four- Reviews" for 1874; subscribers to all five may -have two of the "Four Reviews,"- or one set of Blackwood's Magazine for 1875. Neither premiums to subscribers nor, discount to clubs can be allowed unless the money is remitted ..-direct to the pub lishers. No premiums given to Club. Circulars with further particulars may be had ou application. - . Tbe Leonard 8cOTt;Pu6t jtoUw W nov S ' 41 Barclay St. New York r-r . v 1 ;j : rrt Tlie Baltimore Gazette FULL OF FRESH NEWS! milE GAZETTE IS PUBLISHED every jL morning (Sundays excepted ) Mail 8ui)!icription6, postage free, $G per Annum, lu Advance. The WEEKLY GAZETTE lo publiihed every Saturday. ..Mail eubseription, postage paid, $1 per Annum, In Advance. No subscription to the Weekly received for less than a year. Addrees, 1 ' . . THE GAZETTE, .100 W. Baltimore st.. Baltimore. THE BALTIMORE SUN. Published dafly (except Sunday) at the Sun Iron Building?, Southeast Corner ; of Baltimore and South atreet; by A, S. Abell & Co. Prices for Maying ; 4 4 Single coiy, three cents ; one month, sixty cent ; .two . months,, one dollajr ; three months, one dollar and fitly cents; 'six months, three doUaxs ; 1 year,' six dollar. Postage prepaid at the office by the pub lishers. ' : No paper , t , wnt longer - - thau j)aid for; THE WEEKLY SUN. One dollar and a half -a year, and 1 1 "for six months with '' ' " ''' .- rcat . . v inducements ; - to --. OY7-tf CLUBS, -..j;: v , MISCELLAXF.O LS AtesagpCTt) &j Sonirfearonna'Oenitral Rail- commission W1L3IINGTON, N. C. EUGENE L. HARRIS, ARTIST IN Crayon Portraits, SASSAFRAS FORK. N. i,. BEGS I. E A V K TO CALL YOUR attention to hia Turtrait in Crayon. I'ercons withinff jrd pictures .of t hem- eelves or deceased t'rindc, c:m have tliem tiicely exutil by s-eihlitiir hinr &' photo graph work from. A trod photograph i neceffi.m-to ln.-uit a irod i:kfiir-Kii. The prices below im-ltidc pn.-taife liv mail, on poller. ' A neat Irani f walnut" and ciit wHUhj tuiiuVliHl to tin e who desire it at 1 50! m. PRICES Size 1 ixlT iiK-Iu-4 ' 5 00 10 00 Life Size 'bu-.t) .TESTIMONIALS: 4Mr. Harrif? pof-esKe t lu- rar? beinc: able to dellnhtr. aeeurat'-lv gift of from a photograph or other picture the exact likeneft of any on-. V- iruarantee t-atb-.action." Oxford LcuU ri "We have t?ee hL work, and consider it excellent. Try them." iitial l'io tettant. "We have s in a etipital portratt of Hon. A. W. Vnable, by .Mr. E. L. ilairic, that reflect additional Iatre n hio genius in !:hat depsirtmeiit." Torchlight. J octl.Vtf TEN CENTS P-h lor a Vcek Subscription TO Tin: ctr; rr.AR. NOW IS THE TIM E TO COME FORWARD AND SUBSCRIBE For a Cheap Democratic Paper. TIfE BIB LIC A L R EC. ORD IfR: ' 'PUBLISHED BY " EDWARDS .BROUGHTON k TO.' .- RALEIGH) -N. C. REV. J. T. BAILE Editor. UEV. J. D. HUFHAM, Ansoeiati- Editor. BEV. Y. T. WALTERS, I).. D AsHeul tural Editoi ORG A N OF NOR TH ( 'A ROLI ' KA' BAPTISTS. -'' In its Forty:First Year Every Baptist Should Tnke It. As an Adverti&ina: Medium t'liMirjujcd . Only ?2 10 per Your. ' Address' ' ' BIBLICAL- RECORDER- ; :"; -;Rale!pn, N. C. A Live. Newspaper. Thi Newt, audCourier i . CHA.kLKST.OX. lied- at and has three eJitiouer-Daily, Tri-weckly and Weeklv. . TERM OF THE NEWS AM oU HID:. Dailt Edition, by tna'l, .W sio etx mot.' three ni-wt-. l; mii'i Tht-Werki.v ' Edition, .Tucyt-'t'fx. T'tr.'itt; uin .S':..r '.. 50, payable id 'KV.'lilrir. . J . Weekly Eiitio, on payable in udi'tiiif'. RIORDAN, DAWSON iV I Pmp'rs. 'J iiroau street. Charicston, S. C. nov S-tf IULLSB0R0 RECORDER, THE OLDEST PAPER IN NORTH CAR- . . OLiNA. THE RECORDER, APART - Fl; i i S political merits oilers superior ind.;-- -ments to th4 tTierchadts f 11uilMlr,.n a.s a nfMllinMf Jadvitflrn-: 'it ha.' V large aud increasing circulation in the i fiuirtiesi of Orange. Afamanee. Person ja:id Caswei anp especially in thoe sections ol Oruire and Alamanee nvjst closolv c-.m:"'.u .-iei Lv tlie interests of trade with Wilmington. 1 Manufacturer will clso protit by the growing spirit of agricultural . improve ment, and the tendency to the adaption of lalHr-saiug machinery, to reacn the eyes and ears of a lanre and intelligent clas of readers through the medium. of the Re corder. AddrWs- J: D. CAMERON, n6V4 Ed. & PropV, Tlillsboro. N. C. ' tCASHEVILLE cltlZEN, A QUARTO WEEKLY PAPER -GOOD t a v .-. ' ADVERTISING MEDIUM. IHE CITZEX IS A FAST FRIEND OK j WUmmgton, and has dcrti d hKh time and space tu eucuragiug. iln' trnnvih of businee., relations betwetii .the.Capv Fear and mountain regions. Seiwl for rate . Address, v,Pl STON E o: FURilA N, noT.-i-tf . - AhevUle, N. C. misciLLaxfvcs way. Comp'yi OrirvE (JLNEHIL SiTtUtTTEDEST. Wilraingtou, N. C, Sc 10, 1ST. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O' A ' ' ' k I V ' - r N AD tim St NDAV, THE 17tt ln-t.rtnifi"wni runOTr V.:W KaII war ii lulki': PASSENGER AND MAIL EXPRESS. Leave Wilminctou at "AxriTe in Charlotte at Leave Charlotte at Arrhr'at WHmitHftou t - A. M. - P. M. . i A. M. - io r. m. Dally except Sunday." ; THROUGH FREIGHT. Leave WilranaptonaO f- ' 'I 7uS0 V. M. Arrive at Charlotte at - - pj-riu P. M. I ave CharlotU; at - . :tr'P. M. Arrive at Wilni!n-t.u at . li:,loM- , Daily except Snu U. Local freight. Leav? Wjlininton Arrfre at Iaurinbun: . IaY.e. Laurinbu rg Arrive at ChaHotte . Leave Chariot: Arrive at Laurlnt-urj: Lave Laurinburi Arrive at Wilmlnirton 0:44) A. M. nrJ5 P. M. A. M. 4 P. M. :) a. M. 4::U) P, ) A, 4tt P, M. M. M. Lave Wilminijtt.u" Motiday, Wediit-mlayn and Friday Lavt- Charlotte !ondas, Vlii' la and Friday. No Pa"f-:urei allied r Tkkctn fold by Fr-iirht Tr.iiiiR. t. JUIINSDN. G m ral Superintendent. -1' P.i;yre publWiinj; Time Tables ol Company, nrte changes. rn-t 15-ly Second Hand Books ALWAYS SKLL TULST. DANFOIITH'S, Near the oi (Ifike. I THE ONLY -PIVCE WHERE THEY CAN HE HAD ABOUT HERE THAT WE KNOW OF. isov20-tf 3. T. 1'ETTEWAV. . H. SCIULKEN. Petteway & Sclinlken, BROKERS AND COMMISSION MER" CHANT: in. Merchandise. Cotton, Naval Stores and tithvr produce: Orders fur Molac?, Meat?. Lard, Salt, FMi, Coffee, Suar, Cheee: T"lour, Bni: triiiir. Ties, vVc, and coiii:v.p.:cut- of all dcscr:itioas of produce solicited. u-OJni The Raleigh Observer ON THE HiTH DAY OF NOVEMBER . SM, end. in ;.the city of RA LEIGH, the Underpicrnwl will couumia-e ti e pul.R cat on f THE OBSER V h R, v daily and m:i:kh n e m o c r a 1 1 c N e vr r p a p e r. Of lonr experience in their pi o:V...ion as ediUirs, respectively of tlH FactlevUk Omsehvek and thy Wilmington .I.t ;tXAL, they do not alfect to douht theM undn.'ss of the pcneral JudoTnent whidi af.izn them ability to furnish a r.evpap.T suited .to the needs and adapted to theiaftesof the people of North Carolina. UiSeriny in iMilitics in the olden time, tl ere wa never a dilierenee betwe-n Xhf. O iEUvrn and the Jorux i. Li zcil for the intcrcftr and honor of North Can.lina. To pnmote the.one, and to uphold and ndil to the other will be object of the Oissekvei: now. It will-be their hih aim to deserve the public confidence by earnest e:rrt. topro mote.tlie public welfare, first and r)rtfcnI of North Carolina, next ol all the South ern States, and linaliy, and through thcoe, of the whole Union. They think that this un only be effected by the preal-nceof IMnocratic pnuciplos aiul the di?missal ol the Radical iarty from the places and power which they have ?o greatly abiiMtl, and uuuer wlif" bakTui rule the South has been outraged and the whole country n:;p oeen lmpovensnea ana ujsrraeed. PETEH V.. HALE, W. L. SAUNDERS. 7KATES OF Si" ::li .N Daily Observer, ! eai . fit Daily Observer, six months, l on Weekly Observi r, oue year, 2(H) v ee! Jy Observer, t.ixuioutSifr . 1 00 Allcommunicatiouhfthould U:suMrc6cd, ! until further notice, to J I W. L. SAUNDERS i ut l.)-lni 'Vts.nint.toii, N.t: i The' -Daily News. . , 6 U RSCUIPTION PHI CIS 95. OO a Year. it 1 ' K.rd for a simple cipy. . The Weekly News. Paper for the people, and a friend t the farmer and iudnstrfal ehu-s nf the couiitrv. U 15 n CIIII'TIO N V RICE "SI.OO ,i Year. Send' Postal -4ir.l lor saii!)Ie -py. - . . i'LEAS.OT WORK GOOD PAY. j TN EVERY COUNTY IN NORIH CAR. , JL olua. .evivc iu a m:i p.x:'labie j employ iaei.t in ea-.v -iug for sub-crl-Wrs to I t ii e o-i: . e r r ; . I; Price of the Daily p-r au:iu?n .... i Price tf the Weekly pcrar.nuKi .... ! 13?" Very lilcral ckHiu.I."!oii uIloed' ! Z-iT Addres Cel. W. L, mc xdek4 AYilmlngti'U, N. C, until NoveaiUr 10 After that date. .. , THE OBSERVER, oct 27-tf Raleigh, N. C. ALWAYS I1ST MT STOCK OT m, im and chop ore s coons, for ARim. snu: ami m Deflr totiipelitk. All the tew hd.-. Ul Tnuu.tci to mirh 10, U and 12-4 Blankets, SHEETNO'S. SHJRTINGS, I COTTONS ANf ..V;.V LAD1HS CLOAKS XKW ANI II ANPSOMK .STY I. lit'. HIKES' I'illlMYS AND UEVS HERLV) IMiFT.WEin UO.UKKV. UASDKEnailKFS. tU.OVKS. 4,TC- i:i . CARPETS. DOT IMi K N A B E Highest Award at -:o:- Thc Uuite.1 tate t entvmaal lV.mn'!nn ci"ulr ilNrrcd lo Mer. DIPLOMA OF HONOR AND MKDAL OF MKIUT Foi: 0M Lin ;i:am. t'AULou i;rani and ufi:u;iit piano.-. By the ayMr!n ol ?u anl sd'.j.tr,!. Plan. the ratne eharaetrr. ut thr true t-t ll:C judj accompanying the the KNABK The bot c;snent ol the art of IMauo tnaVIn and lully ctttillr4 to thr leading mltlu, Coriiiuuhc u. t lie uioiu.. or x I'EKrrxT iN"iKtMLr in ihe a:-uti ncurr.: poakk, i;n tii axu muin. vautt or tor. rr. m i.i. "ju itr or Tortii, rrrrTir.xt r c-ri. SOLIDITY AND OIIKi 2NALITT OF CONTKL XTJON AND P.-TCLLLLNCi: OP WORKMANilIP. The Kuabeanard I" Hot cimfnied to any iule Myle t.f. lti-trumeut, a I th tiur exUMtoro in this dej-ariiiuut, l ut c inpre A L L F O U R i and allll unqualifled lv thrac Indicative Tlie alnv; P:mt are fur Heinsberger's Live Book Store. nov 2-1 f. CE J. J. SHBPARD, North hide .Market street, bet. Second and Third, Wilmington. 11 ASCHOUEGROCERIESOFEVERY description and in endleM varieties. FRESH JUICY APPLES, FLOURS, SUGARS,, CRACKERS, Baker's Bread, aud every other article to found at a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. Ab-o at l!i.? u.i place contracli may I ma le ou the mftt rcaou it-lf Ii rm wllb the jroprictor for iWlSE, Mill' AMI Mli I'AINTIMl BRONZING AND GILDING done lu thr not skillful and artistic nannT. Old chandelier, -cai.dletick-, mirror and lc tare frame? ma Ie to lo.U a- ckmI new A liew and well M-Wted bek of Paint Oils, Glass, So..ps, Ac. alwa ou hand. Call on uie if have the rash. you want a buriraiu a4d o. t - -tf Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD. On VVi'.iiuniiion. ?. ' i: k tti: i. m p i. c. nv. ij. i;;. 0N N AND AFTER SUNDAY. Now mUr 1th, lrr., I4vrfns-r Ttai:i ou the Wilniington it N Idon !:tinad will rur as follows : DAY TRAIN Leave ViJr:iingM. Tront Si. l)et, at - - - - -Arrive uUGold.-lmro - Roekv .Mouut - -Wehb.a - - - -Leave Weldon. Ully -Arrive at Ro kv M 44 (ioJd'"n - 44 Wilmington, Knnt 7: A. M. A. M. l.io P. !. :ri' P. 1 'AO P. 'Ztl'i P. lisiP. M. St. Iepit - - 7U P. NIG in TRAIN, Vith PaM-i.ger Coach Attach J. Leave Wi'.i.iigli.n at - - n:l. P. Arrive at ioU.lm - - lOi' 1. Rock Moun. - 12s:i A. 44 Weldon . - -2:V, A. 1 a vc Weldon. daily . - 4:30 A. Arrive at Eo kv Mount - . C1TJ A. " tto:dt)orti - - jol A. 44 Wilmington . - lit P. The Duy TrmJn niakea clo oounoelion ; at Weidon for all point North U t Line, daily eeept Sunday, aud daily ' Ri- hmond and all-rail rout. Night Tra:a make) eloe -onnectIu ' Weldon with Uaiu for IVtrrburg By via at atid ",' i lUehmond. FREIGHT TRAINS wUl have WQinin. tou trl-weckly at Z31 A. M., and arrirt at 1:WP.M. JOHN F. DIVLNE, HOT General A rot. THE TAN! i i U. M. JlrlNTUt: P I A N O S! the Centennial'. tilth Jul.f ff Awifi, hn-u'iM WM. KNAhi: A C . t.f H era lr rrrltcl V.da! of j m j ,f mrrit at-i- aro .ml in ihe no ti.rf nirial. Hie iu liT- iin :iu. PIANOS lo te STY Ii K S . of inediocritT ale at . THE ALD1NE rolli'AW'S NEW rt'DI.ICATION.S. HOLD ONLY 11 Y AfLSCKIITJiiy THE ALDINE THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. rpiIIS SPLENDID ENTEi;l'RIE IS . I . a, j 1 iku iiiijt u: a'ii-i in io n1 n a- ture, but U biiir t -.ustaiiily del t )-! and Improved. It to-day util ri;bui a rival in the whoJeui Tl Ioi - rilVtl liu aturc. The ticauiiful do jtitrii'. "Ma Lnselnsli rri. nd. a chroin i prr . cl io erery KuUfcrllnr, 1h a l4tld-l bit. a: I1U If ixihle add lo lh pulriiy hi wtU wcrk haspalncl. Ihe Art I ukm I at.;it alfO proniiM rrcat 3td ln-:.rx.l r mi. is In arousinc putJie luierc! In th f.n- n-. Circulars and full it.IorttiatI.ii u ap -lira Hon. Part I, II, III and IV nr.- u n;i SLTllVSl.EIn!Elliill! WMUfu Hi ! ntir.yh le- i.t J,l ..ir . ...... .t nightly. Kvli hi!! ; . .aut fn:iiii'4f. i;g1iw'r m a. '. i t- for Ihe Iud-1 Ar ' ;r- Iu i: gat a prief H js.' iu il.-e -., u;-r ligraijg li-cr r r -dnl I. - an Ive llu Ihe n. !..!. TU . bt ii ihe allr Jt Co-j of THE . OND ON . 1 : T J ff UR A . ; Ei h art uill rti.tsin tM -.ivu i-. . itu lu li.ig the fri(il.ji-e. hejii j. . . ajrr. A Miju-rb G:i j t. u r!.:.4, uatol in r an I -..Id Mi l ! lh rirst ;art. id itt- j il-.U:. . h- lre rk tiili u ct':w f.pr:.j: of Tlie Aldin Pr"-," ; g.i. -ji tee of .mu-t'iiiig lmliljil I THE ART JOURNAL co:Jipl-:i n l:: tn ;.!li!v jim-: si rvpn "iutr:g " luup'g-- from the aHI r . -!;itji s f rt A Ea:-h nioiiiH ; ;tl m 111 -t nr! J-l.'te h.'I jntm;' '.1';' :. tive n.att-r. and wJ'H'n r Jt n -; framing, til ! entinlv i-M..:l... " r g Ol tion in pi-"' or art!'!' t'.' tr.u'.fr. V.k- y Impn wMl f tn- rar-:ul3 t n i fliefilH.1 t !. "I aT ai:d II I alll Mill I . 'arel to tnke lh' tli- r. het prluet!' n of a pres uhk-h has won In a man elouly snort time a nrvrM- i Ie n-;;jtatio'i. GKMS FR M THE ALDINE. I!p:ially a(ortol fi-r St rap R'.k li!uj trationa and Drawing Clas C- ;. A lanre collevtionof jNitnn of l t!rtn? lze and on alnior4 cvtTy eo-Jc sul' jeet have ln put up in anat:racttc c V. 1 M. M. M. I veloj-ana are no firndat apitt. ;t. tenaeii u make them m.-t,'i,xr i m-us. Envelop No. 1. cor.taintg l-au. tiful engraviur, i now n-ady a;l iil I cnt, stae vM, to any a Mrc !t cue dollar. A liberal dinbnt Vt ajiaU mts teacher-. M M M M THE ALDINE PASSE PAR rUT.-. In ciup!iuce rith ni---l rw'f thr publ!her of th ALKiMC av r pareI Iinprehm of many i f thrirnl eaUtiflll t!.lte fi.r IM-larli.'il f.rir.'?i M M M M The cut are twfiuU-i on a Uiu'J:ul tlntol a-turc laat, mt;h a tauIme red border Hnf. To attach th-gla it ! nur left frthe eutorrer to iVir.l f. 1 ,tCz an a!rrany attMrhl border, tin icay be lot:r by a child. 27 aalject, 1 .1 !n .. t-V. ; v ith d a V Six ol thl XXs- for II, LrU 4rclSoU i left to publisher. Caubjcct, luxli;; la., ITv.; i:Iaf 7ubjecu,6;;iS!; lu., iv.: :tiw oue. PJubjcct, UVJln:,ZK:: itU :Um1 Sent lj tnill, without lw, jt4:d, for prjee. rif"Can acrt waxiti THE ald:ne COMPANY M WlbTJ Lanr,

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