FEAR 1 o.Frfor! tV . WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY lORNING, DECEMBER 9. 1876. 10 CENTS A WEEK 1L II JiiJJj J. 111 M f fiENEft A L CITY NEWS. Tin' SntV HAXOVKK AND PKN Dllil LECTIO'.. jJorlty f the Committee Fat or tire ratliiJT of lloy The Minority I'rjre Nctv Klectlou, We e by the proceedings of tfie l.fi-lature on Wednesday th:tt our tal nul frieiul, Dunham. h not likely sciirc me Mai tiu in uh- rr'l :ii 1. ! :i ; u..ie. I lie;, voiiiuuivct' un i riYncjfc:; t Ufe Four fetages. We" had the pleasure of examining, yesterday, in a private hout-e, four oil painting that hare Ix-en in Wilming1- ton nearly a quarter .of a century. They exhibit.' we think, more than or dinary artistic skill, and wc surmise they are very creditable -opies of the original painting that lcars the above name, and is justly celebrated. The ldendinir .of ; the -lights and shadow?, the .hits of the coloring and the ex pression of the countenance are very fine. .The outline of the set of paint- iiii;s is laminar lo nearly all our . The steamship Raleigh, from Charles ton, S. C, brings to one of our com mission houses a consignment of spirit of turpentine amounting to .several hundred barrels.' Ui-t 1 ick. We regret to learn of the serious indisposition of L. H. Bowden, Esq. He has been very ill since last Sunday. A good citizen, and we hope he may speedily be. convalescent. VnH Ktioni have reported .against right to theseit from this county. , r,a,kl,s bnt ve a ;hurt sketdl of them because we were especially pleased .with the .skill displayed by the artist who executed the pictures we refer to. In the first, an infant is launched on . r ,.r I I i ...a miijonij arc, in iuoi oi ijuo, fjoi., fri.m render,: Keeping ins scat, wnue a j minority', headed by the Chairman. Mr. Muring, report in favor of a new elec tion on the ground that the act under f jiich the election was hyld : was nn-it-iistitutional and void. They further declare that in eonsetpienee of that act ike icople in New Hanover and Vender had been deprived of the op portunity of exercising the right of, the MiffiMgo to which by larjv they were entitled, f and recommend that the catsf the two. members from New llaiiMverJus , well as the beat of the memlHT from iViyler. be declared vucuit, aiidJ the Govei-iior notified thi-reof. to the ci.d that he may order u new elettiot After the reading of the report of the committee and of the views of- the minority, the matter went over for further consideration on Mon-. day next.- ; - . ;, -- ----- i Minis' ni:M:vjM:MM)ciiyrv Annual Meeting Abstract trom the Presidents Report. In accurdance with the wish of the Indies assembled Thursday at the au Niuial meet injof the Todies' Benevolent , Society, (tlie jfrocecdings of which have Ull II JUIIIIVH iU .1111 VJ.l f v..u. those who liavesq materially contribu ted to its ineans of affording relief to the necessitous . should be informed ttj-uugli-the' papers in regai-d to is dis lrilutionan abstract from the Presi dent's leport is here printed: "In 'November last the College of riiyicians placed in a drug store $350 t'i hb iTiveh bv us in mediciiie to the We return thanks to the Hon. A. M. AVaddell for the, CovfYesniwfl Record: OF NORTH CAK-OIJNA. Fourteenth Uy. Co ltd". neil J tfvul (he iHtntevtr. SENATE. Wedxesoav. ItC. . KEPOKTS (K COMMITTKKS. Robins, judiciarv: House bill and substitute irom the .Senate to extend life's uncertain current in a boat that emerges from gloomy chaos aud cloud. An angel stands .very! near aud Time holds his hour irlass.in the bow of the . , hrvit riUntlnrr tin 1i!t1 rru-V frrin i v.- i i i ij i i , , . A. the time for the registration of grants, ." u ,,ll,tlWu,,.,ull anU otner 0ollVevances. Com sunligut ot the golden dawn. This mittee propose amendment to the sub- same light discloses fair fields clothed stitute and recommend its passage. in verdure and buddincr- flowers. ThP . By the same: Bill for the relief of .. i .":' ' i a-l n e shenfls and tax collectors. The Com l"rK s,,u:5 luu "Kure m a mitte- "Kgest amendment and rcrom- uoiu, uurepiu youin,m xne boat. I he men !J lassaze. current ot tlie stream is bi-oader and ftj. from juUi-iary commit tee, brighter, and throntr, n vista nf Uubmuied a report in reference to bill ;,,. , . 4 ',- , . i to amend section 1 of c'.apter 07 of gracehil trees, interspersed with Area- Hani tov;1 . - (Jmn hmdscapes. gleams the gilded .The State is prohibited from nasinir Temple, of Fame, high up in the J any law impairing the obligation of a ethereal atmosphere of fleccv.' crested contract. I he proruunii or this bill clouds. The Angel has withdrawn frtiii th'j lifeboat and wafts the voting piariuer a ''(Jod speed" from the shadow of a giant palm tree. In the third a man, haggard, despair ing, angel-torsakcn aud aloue except for Time and its fatal hour-glass per mits the boat to dash madlv on over a dark, angry stream with white break counties be declared vacant, and that the Sneaker of the Houe notify Hi Excellency trie Gorernor that three seats in the House of Representatives are vacant, and that he order au elec tion to fill the same. Staples moved that the further con sideration of this matter be made spe cial order for 12 o'clock M. on Monday next and that the reports be printed. which motion prevailed. - MASONIC Git AND I.ODGK. 21 ISC ELLAS EO VS. GEO. MYERS GROCERIES SELL R AVIDLY ! j would Qidv apply to future contracts and the committee see no necessity for its passage and ask to Ik; discharged from the further consideration of the bill and the accompanying memorials. Flic following bill and resolutions were introduced and referred to appro pnate committees : Cuningham : Bill to regulate the practice of dentistry in North Carolina, lroy:.BiIl to incorporate Gideon Rplief Brotherhood Lodtr nf- KVv truggle through a rift in the black, Troyr Bill to make Cape Fear river a oniinatfjf clouds above him. awful tence Itru fourth, the scene is bathed in ('Ahl'PA" m I n.. v.n, i u:ii .. a softened radiance that breams from u , - J ." I jH.-., , ; ' , , anu aisposea or as ioiiows: vj1'" viuuc. xm. -inu- x i Kin i r nmpnn nn rtor tit (lAiniimiinca tiy-ned to the boat and directs the old and settle the tate debt., Referred to man's' craze' toward troons of celestial committee on State debt, . . spirits that are dimly discerned win-ins BjU 'V "fcfiH needy sick exhausted by the end of May, A contract - for June (for the same purpose) left us in debt 26.62; (paid a fewidays ago). Since then the county has dispensed medicines through us. A donation of 1 barrel of molasses and another, purchased, have both been distributed 'in "small quantities. About '20 barrels of flour huve Ieen purchuried . for distribution -and 'H or i given us; We have jjoiiglit more than 100 bush els of meal and 1 or . of rice. Ten bushels of potatoes were given us last inoiith: atrdifferent times a considerable : amouut of wood from a gentleman in the coutitrv and from one in town, bc ftiiU'S what we purchased, and frequent ififts fromUhe several steam mills. An other genUeman also gave drayniro for 50 loads v 'V '..- "The Treasurer reports about 225 as rcci'ived by Subscription and donation " 1 - . 1 - ': Some more private donations 'amo.unt- inc to nearly 100, have been chiefly expended in the necessary articles of flimiiel, blankets aid other indispensa hh clothing," and iu such extra com-' forts as are brdored by physicians for the sick as meat, milk, eggs, coftee, lard, sugar, and stimulants, sometimes iu extreme, cases. V-Very recently several of the iner - chants sent us numerous remnants, serv ing a valuable purpose-in relic vin'g suf ferers. . - " For all these things we thank our friends, and trust they will be blessed ith the reward promised to those who consider the poor," . ' their way toward him from the far-off abode of tlie Blest. The sands in Time's hour-glass have run out, and Time it self is no more. Behind the boat is uri- or placing other obstructions in North .hast river, passed its several readings under a suspension of the rules. V Bill for the relief of the tax-payers of North Carolina. Proposes to ex tend the time to Jan. 1, 1878, to those threatening Capt. John Duggan, was fined 20 and costs or 30 days on the streets. fathomable darkness; beyond it ineffa- parties who wish to thcir amIs ble Light. v , . which haye bepn splt at a sacxafice for vt e nave otten seen snnuar copies of vaxps.j jqennijeiy posipouea. . the same pictures, biit these are Vastly "csowtion or instruction to the rep- cn..v; '. ' ji f i i i rerentatives of this btate m Congress supenou to anything of the kind we n efcnce tQ the reTcnuo laws 0. have ever before examined. haeeo and brandiea iiaaaed ' -j i v - - - j , .On motion of folk, the rules -were Mayor's Ceurt I susneuded and the. bill to provide for ( Iut i k s Needan, for abusing and the registration of certain grants, deeds ana otner conveyances, was taKen up, amended and passed its several read ings. By consent ot the Senate, J rov m- James Hostler was arrested Thurs-1 trodued a bill relative to the convicts dav night for cursing in a loud and 01 l?,e ? laleV k . 0111 .Pviae8 that I i , , . . . I UUU1 tUlb DUttU Kfi iVVCilU lUC ootoierous manner on tne puoiic streets, peniteutiarv4o0 convicts-in excess of 1 .Mil 1 1 I ... anumnae a nearine: oeiore tne a that can be farmed ont or at work- 0 the Y. N . C-. -B. B., - all convicts sentenced for one year's term or more Thermoiuetrlcal. shall be received into4hePenitentiarr;l The state of the thermometer at the On his motion the rules were suspend- various stations named below was ob- m oruer lo Pul ine "1U " ns Pas" tained at the Signal office in this city, motion of Scales it was amended yesterday at 4:31 p. m.: by striking but the W. N, O. R. K. and Augusta, 48: Charleston, 48: Galves- inserting railroads of the State and ton, 57; Jacksonville, Fla., 60; Mobile, 4iner Pu"uc VrKS aDa ,ne 0,11 P?s lis rcauiii. The hour of 12 having arrived, the doorkeeper announced the arrival, of the gentlemen composing, the electoral ro be Heylved, college. Yv learn that it is the. intention of HOUSE OF Rtf 1'BKS KNTATI V KS Col. IS. I). Pool to revive Our Living I . ; IWkpmjsdw. December 0 and Our JJcad, in Kaleigh, about the Hose.' for committee on counties,' first of the year. The first two num- towns, &c, rcperted back . H. B. 113 MavYr to-dav. secod l)a. Ctndatced from th Ht'"i'- ':- Tari"iay. Committee u Orphan Avluui V. R. Cox. John Nichols. U. M. Pashai; F. H. (Jlover, J. Q. Jack.-on. J. II. Mills, Superintendent of the Oxford Ornhan Asvlum. it ad a loiiir. elalorate and interesting reinirt. Matting j forth in detail ths workings of that no ble institution. The report wa re-! ferred to the conmittv on Orphan Asylum. Cotnmittet on Appeals Ths. S. Kenan. R. W. Btst. M. .S. Davis. ! , Committee No. 1 on charter.- ami i .it. :.... ...i.... .. I was, on motion ixceivedaud adopted. IKTKKOON HKSSSIOX. K W. Bain. (Irand Sccirtan. ivad L a communication from R. .1. .lone.-,' (Jrand Master of Crand lnlge I. O. O. F.. relative to the orphan work, which was ordered to be spread upon the misi ute. A numlK r of reports teiv acted on. J. 1. Macks introduced a resolution, which wa referred to committee on Masonic jurisprudence. m;ht session. The attendance was very large this evening, tien. W. R. Cox, chairm.iii of committee on Orphan Asvlum. sul- mitted a report, which was. on motion, referred back to the commit tee. and made the special order for to-morrow at 10:30. The Crand Ixwlge proceeded to the elect'on of Grand officers for the eusu ing Masonic year, under the fuperin tendence of W. R. Kenan. .1. 1. Macks. Robert Bingham and d. R. Williams, with the following result: H. H. Munson.of AVilmiugton,(;rand Master. R. AV. Hardie. of Fayettcville. (irand Senior Warden. J. C. I. Cudger, of Haywood. Grand Jnnior Warden. W. K. Anderson, of Raleigh, Grand Treasurer. I). W. Bain of Raleigh, Grand Secre tary. The following committee was iqi pointed: S. H. R.ountiee. B. Walkce. C. J), llice. G. B. Harris, II. F. Granger. th inn day. Thursday. Dec. 7. K. s. Martin's report on suspenslona and expulsions was ailontotl. After several withdrawals and amendments of sections Ornhan Asv lum report was adopted. J. I. Macks report on work, pro ceedings, etc., adopted Mr. Mills unan.iuiou&fy re-elected Snnpriiitrnrmnl or (Irnlmii Atvlnni. W. R. Kenan, chainnan of commit tee on propositions and grievances, pre sented report, which was adopted. Other reports adopted. Night Sesslort.rOammiuec to pre pare suitable resolutions respecting the death of the late John 'Dove, Grand Secretary of Ihe Grand T,odgc of Vir ginia, viz: Messrs. T. Kenan. C. A. Cilley ane C. D. Rice. Past Grand Master, K, G. Reade, then took the chair, and asMitcd by E. S. Martin, Grad Marshal, proceeded to iiiaiall the officers for the ensuing year. MTSCXLLASX0C3 Sporting Material, &c. . UIVPLTXT. A.SOKTWrXT or GCNS AND RKVOI.VKR of II the ruewt ppnT4tt p'WT Pw4er, Hbt a4 . Hbtt twits, Hhoi Prb. Per iaaka. AT RKDCCED TRICK-. II ha- Meal, Axes and Grindstones Flour, Meats, SCGAR. COFFKh. l o i A i CL'TT F. K S r i k i hcU and Tospit. woo if saws axp aretes. m MOLASHKS. And aTTliuunand Article lovnj la F I RST-C LA SS G ROCKR Y STOR t& AIU FiJK SALV. TWO CART, f the bet tuatrrUt. and made hr NFAVBr.KKT.or I.um trton. Will f LOW. - NAT II A MEL JAM) HI. HARDWAUt: itElUT. No. to th IrBt t, d:i-if The Baltimore Gazette VUU. OF FRESH SEWS! EMPIRE NEW FROCtXS F.VMILY FLOLR WITHllt'T A MTfEKIOK, Hut Try aud Jnde ir Vwtrlf Y O U H G E T Table Delicacies 56; New Orleans, 58; Norfolk, 47; Sa vannah, 49; Wilmington, 4i". lers of the new series arc nearly ready. The Magazine lias done the State con siderable service, arid if properly sup ported will be able to do much more. AND IN U ISP ENABLES - kkom GEO. MYERS II aud 13 South KruntXL. d-:i-tf MAHHIi:!) BELLAMY UAHCiUOVK.Atthc rehl dciMf of the bride's father, on Welnsi'Iay the ttth Inst., hy the Rev. W. lVtti "Tew, John' D.. Bellamy, Jr.. of Wilming ton, X. C, to Emuwi M... damrhler o' Colonel John Harjtrrovp of (iranville Coun ty. X. ( . yilSCFLLA XJ-.'Of's. . ' Disgraceful Conduct. ., A day or two ago, as a crowd of boys 'Were returning home from school, they stopped at 1 the southeast corner of Second and Mulberry streets. Espy hig a pair of brifk steps, on which they .W sat and enjoyed themselves many times, the thought entered their heads to pull them down. ' They set to work, nd in a few minutes the steps fell with crash. This might have been fun for the boys, but it was . not to the owners of. the house, 'which was unoc cupied. Jjys who arc guilty of s.uch conduct as J this, should be. severely ' punished. ': ',.,' : w. & w. it. it. : . .Uu Dureday the resolution author ing the State Treasurer to refund certain taxes collected by the Sheriff 1 -ew Hanover from the Wilmington 3eMon Railroad, under protest, Passed the Senate by a vote of 22 to 14. - Postal Hours. The mails close at the City PoetrOffice as lollows : Northern through mails r - - -Northern through and way -malls, aaiiv - . - - - - Mails lor the X. C. Railroad and routes supplied there from, at - - - - - - - Southern mails for all poiuts Soutn, uauv - - - - Western mails C. C. R'v. dailv 6.-00 A. M FavettevUle and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdavs and Fridays . Fayettcville by C. C, R'y, daily (except Sundays) - Onslow C, II. and Intermedi ate offices,' every Friday - akriye. i. Northern through mails - - - - 12:45 p. xr, with an amendment and recommending that the amendment be adopted and that the bill do pass. Henderson, for committee on r.rix ileges and eleptipim submitted a report upon H. B. 9 inquiring into the right of John W. Dunham to a seat upon the floor of the House from New Han over, and if the sitting member' from 5:30 P. M. Pender is entitled to his seat. This i)0A. M . iLi j which arose and: recommended that if G30 P. M. farther action tos deemed neeessarr III 1 1 A J ' . .." ine wnoie mauer oe reierrea to the judiciary committee. .The substance of the report of .tho majority of the committee was to the: effect that -the electioua in Pender and New Hanoxer were conititutioual and valid aud" that New Hanover wa hot, entitled .to three representatives; in consequence of which John "NY. Dunham was not entitled to a seat and that Alfred Lloyd, the sitting member from Pen- - 7.-00 P. M. IKK) P. M. 0:00 A.M. 0:00 A. M. XMAS GOODS. 1 HAVE IX 8-rtXK A FULL LINK OF Christmas Goods, jut received and iruarauteed freh and of lxt quality. CURRAXTS, RAJSIX3, OiTROXS, LEMONS. ORANGES, APPLK8. JKLLIES, PRF-sKHVi. GELATINE, NCTiWall kinds COCOANUTS. CRANBEKRIEfii, PULVERIZED SUGAR, WRIGHTS MINCKll MEAT, Hitter's Centenuial Premium'' FRUIT BUTTER, Meal! Meal! Meal! 400 VKyn MEAL IS NEW COTTON SACK!?. MOLASSES ! QUBA. ULMERARA HOUSE. AND SUGAR THE GAZETTE IS PUBLISHED tvtar X morning (Sunla) excepted). Mall uhecr1itltiti, iUf free, 90 per Annum, In Advance, t The WEEKLY GAZETTE i puMLbed eTery 8aturdy. Mailutrlptlcm,purv Pid, 91 per Annum, In Advance, Xo utcriptkr lo thr U'rricLT m-Hed for Im than a ytr. AdJrw, THE GAZETTE, 1 N BaKlmort t.. BalUmore. r h t) r k c t u s or THE SUNNY SOUTH. TUKUXDERiIGXElKOM PAN Y WILL commence the publication, la tUirit. of a Boy'iand GIrt mI-moutbly ipr"r. to be known THE SUNNY SOUTH. The will cuntln Ft.rl. Slr- tUmp and Gmrral Xew tnaitrr lotrfrtln to tbr jooar pmple, aud it will tx t ir -u- ' deavur uf tb CocDtny U t4ear B- . ait3 GlrUuf.alU.. Tha paper will he d-rtl tni-u1arlj to the lnerraU of the vouth f the i-uXh. and more partWiTarly titbe juunjc f thle Sut. Not I B ihe uirr Javrullr ptmm n wltbt the Xrth, artd It Ultijc thr C pany'a bcJii-f that a paper of uch char -er would be Ioleretlo(r and itiirurt!tf to ibe youth of thl t5ute. ovil Wtfi tub- Ucation on or about the 15th Instant, cxpeiilns: a full hare of puWIr jtronae. The utcrlpUon pHce for the fcUST iOUTII liuldhwi: One Year 91 H ?lx Month" .... ...... Vi Three Month- ......... : Alurtlrtnenl inrtcI at r-toi:ll ratr. " WlLM!N(.Td AVAILl l: PlIiUlllNi Co., W!lminon, X. C. ! doc ft-tf THE BALTIMORE SUS. (( bAKnELS FLOUit All frades I puUUhoI cUlly (rrcpt uuU) ) at tl t-'vyW I 5un Inm RulM(u-. SMtH4t t 'f- r UIXrOKO. CROW t CO. uivlStf mV FAMILY LAGER, (Klrift Prize at the Centennial), Packed lu law of Two Dox, Each. Fruits and Vegetables, 500 EVERY VARlkTY. 500 Xorthern through & wav mails 8:00 P. M The Smithville mails, by steamboat, close 1 der, was lejrally entitled to his seat at 8 A. AL, daily, except Sundays. Moring submitted a minority icport 8SfJSJ frPm same committee, in'wnichthe " SfiS deliVeVed fVon Q Af Ml VVSo dltect ?PPlw of, the inatter was P. M.; and on Sundays from 8:30 to 930 presented. This report cited authon- A. M. ties, stated that parties were reprc- . Stamp Office open from 8 A. M. to 12 M., sented before them bv their attorneys and from 2 to 5. 00 P. M. Money order and and that they had ptttrod Wlow- Rejister Departments open same gtamp Ing'pesolution biid'upoR their viow of Stomps for sale at general dallvery when' P of which thy recommended Stamp Office is closed. ; the adoption : ' - Key Boxes accessible at all houri. 'day itOfT. TTjat jLhc. eag, of mem- and night. bers from New Hanover and Feeder FULL ASOKTMEXT OF CANNED GOOD, BURNETTS FLA VORING EXTRACTS, and everything nced for family use. Kt B,tI sell no goo.1 but the BEST. I tell a low a anybodj atnl sometimca lower. I will deliver promplly. CJ1 on me. doc7-tf JAS. C. STEVEXSOX. FOR. THE HOLIDAYS. ARE, PREPARED A9 USUAL WITH A GREAT AXD VARIED 8TOCJC or FRUITS, XL'TS,AXI CASDIEi$ both roa FamUy and tte Jabbing TrU. Wm 11 good at Low Figures nl execute order prcrapCy CHAS. D. MYERS A CO dec Q G and 7 North FrootSL. of Baltimore and South trrt; by A. S. AiOL t Co. Prictifor Mailing ; Single cyf three eenU; re uioutli, ittj cenU ; two month, one dollar : three months, one dollar and fifty rmi: rlz month, tkre dollar ; 1 Year, t4x dollar. Poettfe jTrpaUl at the oftice by the pub liahert. N Kt mt I njfr ' than paid for. THE WEEKLY SUS. One dollar and a half a year, and tl &r tlx montha, with Ore it induced cfi la to uor 7-U CLU'8. TABLE BOARD. A GENTLEMAN, OR GENTLEMEN .f can oba!n toard In a tlrate fml1 wbuIrretot rery far from the ti!uo portino of thueitr. AtlJT at Dor23-tf THE CAPE FEAK OFTICE Bacon, Flour, &c. Cfl BOIES D. 8. 81DE9 OU S( BBL9. FLOUR (all cral., 100 nhd.anl Bbl. CUBA MOLA&SEA, 100 Bbl. 8. II. RTRUP, SO Bag COFFEE, Tn t.i . er'n r 100 BbU. GLUK, 500 Bdla. HOOP IRON. A00 Bales HAT. BAWJTXO, TOBACCO, tiSLrr. KJ.r. LTK. C1XDT, TIE5, CHEESE, 9 CO a5-tf 'WORTH A WORTH. 1 j1 S