Democratic J morning cx J "IBuflding, cept Monday, in the old Journal Building, lower floor, princess street, at ten cents a ! week, f 1 25"lpr three month, $2 50 for six mouths and $ for a 'year. Mailed or hsUvere,l byearrter.ta the city a thm f :-au s. euoscnpwma oy ,mj must mva riably 1c prepaid. Advertisement Inserted lor 11 00 .per' j square for the, first day and '50 cts. addi tional for each day up to one wk. One -qurre (or lnc!iM fne &M?ttfhYor rt c months, for ix months, 40 for wetvc month. A quarter of a col u urn . f r tw ei ve uionths, with , privilege "'of The Cafe Fear, a daily newfpajKT, is printed eTery .V.thly chang. free of. charge, $67. A ; j; V-ihree verr have.icd half ckTums .for wfe 'year, with like prtvi,.;: trfq uf JodnclJ iti qflDr. HuH's Coiiph-1-g -v el-- column for one yeaJ j .Syrup.and . it still ".stand unrivalled. ?.;"0. ConiYart for other space and time ' I 'Vice. J. cents: rive butt 1 . . ni4 u-made at the omo oir liberal terme. I ' . . . - ----'-.- - Vn coBiriiu:ii:atit.ii will be published uu- i REPRINTS OF THE ! the hiiuif f4;aH;Ji ac-eompauied by some rvi:bl f ai!.ewhit h requfrMurrt': British. Periodicals. lor j':i' i".t jUoa, but lis a plurality A good ! , ai;h. L.traW of mertlv tx.n.onal ! PHE POLITICAL FERMENT AMOX'i . ; . V t t At!..r.(-, TilEt'AVKFT'ABs iioiif'jfoit, X. '. i A D V W A 1 V - j. V X Jl,-i .A -.JLitX. JLV '.'., ,V " ,, -' ' i r . t.icKUO AN . llAkiUS. Ml K!JAY NKiRNiNG, DEC. V, 17. i t i i ; m iiti:n: coukt ol' ho v ti i ! I AHOl.INA. . j in tii.M-iioi i-.xecuttve tyranny, . lli turning I'uatd villain and general j oflicial cfiri'ujiiiojj. as well ;i5 of judicial weitlvii . tinndit y ami partisatitsni, it i cfp hlijiiir cc a Court, the mom bers of wlach :iin:Iejtublicau?' i: full. ininuiiion. in le -o . decided a stand in liiaintaining the caUf-t; of justice and; iiplioldiitg ita own ' dignity, ias the - .-ujtrcnie J 'ourt of tfoiith Carolina i doiii. Ibjc member of tbat.Vnrtrf it nntetnU'red, U a negro. All have reiou?iy lent their heads to the storiii o!' conuiit-iou that passed over the Prostrate Shtte. A time now ronies whin the . Judges, who seem to persons of fome respectability; -feel that 'they; v.ii . submit to the robber crew no V longer, and they boldly throw themselves into the -breach to ?ave the remnant of the old Common wealth, fn their course there is iu) tincture ui ptrtisanism. The Court knows no party. (Ousting behind it the predileetioiisof its ncmbers for thesuc eess ol' their own party, it reVoluteiy decides in favor of those who hare the ngui lo.ute oinces in .siierstate: ilnJ mi.' ini-.y oo noiiiiitg imt sneir utuy; ft ill for doing it tlK'V deserve 'the honor due for a great achievement. : and tnd h-aise of all men who love right, virtue! and justice.- H is verily a notable thing loruIludiuU C04irt.toctastb,vei,4b !" m,'r'- : . 1 rente ourt of South CarOliim'tias acted in tlvjs.crisis. ;ooo oi;ds iok noktii caho- ': :.-' - ' ; Una, ;. ' ' ' v 'i'he election of" the Democratic ticket in this Sta by a large majority has, greatly increaseol confidence in our pe Uv at the North among business tneii. We read iu'the JJaltimore Siui thaf'tbo ,' "ilepressioitinbusiuss in thfteitiea north "of - Haltiub'iv since the :PreHidentia.V ''election Itas been the. subject of gen "eral comnjnt by the preiiitfdn busi "ness circles. It has been a matter of interest cq know how far the depres "sion is felt in Ualtimore. Thojobbiug "Inmses on " J Baltimore, Charles and ' I laimver streets, iu the various lines "of ,tKid with country dealers, state "tbat luisiitessjias -Wvn almost at a stand "still, except in rare cases, and base the "caue of the increased dulness almost "wholly upon the uncertain condition of 'the political affair n of the country. I l.uses doing' business with the SoutK West speak, of the depressioif as "not coniined to either section. One "large dry goods and notion tirm. how "ecr. states that while 'tlteir Wines, "has fallen oil' elsewhen their tnide "with North Carolina is good: that tlic'r customers and the people in that State "have lteii grea t ly e n eoura ged o ve r t he "promise of an era of prosperitv to-fol-"low upon the. election of (jr. Vunc" H lUtrm av ANDISCOXTEXT. The S i'ringtield ( Mass.) JZpvblican ea vk that the 5ctaele lately jireierits to the country of a State Ilouse in i possession of Uniied Statesoldlcr?, dictating who are and who are not members of a State Leuis lu'tit e, overruling the deetMons f a State Supieme Court, anvJ prrvmting the inau guration of a Cipverhor who has received a majority vf th votes' cast, Ms not a very tessurinr or comforting ' 5gh Jt.jr lie' it iebds of republiean Ooverhmenf, inJr doe.? it give promiseof continued unity or even existenee to tli Republican party, which' as a iH.litieul rganizatton, must be held resiKnsible lor this eondition 'of things:" Tlie New Yorkt W,; Republican, alsolHj--tineutlyaeksj nRtpuJll to give the Dcm. vrats the advantage which they have given them iu S.uta Canfth Can the Republicans afford to be not oidv I moo,;, oui rnucuiouPiy wroug; ' V.... I! .1 ' The Hillsboro RecoMer ' suggests the name of e-.ludge D. G. Fowle. for Attorney Ceneral. in Mr. Tilden'g tabinet. e se that orbee Rtnto pilars vvarinly approve'this suggwUoii ! Fowle wjould make a rfine lAttortev ! Oenerar. The fZ&T? ' Obs&tcr thatf thc pHccd? gs? ii&e E!eaoral College Ti IlisediyJirere teox A and becoming manner, lion. .i. .vi. ? iadi presided- Mesrs.. Fowle, j u.. ., addresses .Mr, tv wring s aiiviiiu'i ; MesHfnger. y Tliaorkerr-of iftc'-tii"itMrr- Uhaiii berlam is'tioVcnior of Smith Cirolina was gone through with before the bogus Legislature at Columbia on Thur.-Iav. '1 t!;f KuroiMiiii nations,-' t rtr twern (, liureh anil Mativtir U!.--;-u.--; n wit jiif in rtlatioji to Th'".l:rv. :.r. l tht ron-t;tnt publicatio'j. lit v. work o! ; thow: and t.j.i ., w ill tivt- uuuUiil i itiTrre-t t th b a lai Jorri'T! Review?. duribz, A3&. No,ire else ia:i the iti ' ' niirfrrf; r-r Jliil sin a conih-n?-f'd f w orm i the faetw a'.id arganivnt- nec bi:n to a cornet roi.ciuH' i.. THE LEoS'AUIt SCOTT PVH ElSIlXf; COMPAXY. 41 liarda! Strrrt. Xiv Y'-rk . ,. UvvD ;hr,,hr'uti ,tf ti,. f.t ,. (,):;.,, Hf riei'-y; t i:: , E:l'iihi'njit ' rirtr ( H7'i, A A'-fl'-n (hiiir ftrlif RecKir- ( us-i iv'"'' j. criii. llrilish (J"t rj-rltt ( Evamjclicul), and BLUkWililll'S ElilMilliliil I1EVIEW TERMS Pa! aj.i.e.Sti;i i i.y in A;vmt.: For any one II- view . -For 'any two lb-views. -For any three Reviews, ?t p,.r annnit . 7 Ot) : ' in i;o " ; 4 GO ' " . e 7 00 . -10 00 : .1:1 '00 . " i: oo ' t or all iour Reviews j Ff.r jsckv.iHxl's Ma-r- azine - -For iijaekwood's nnd one Review - - -' - -For bHekv. o. .l and "J Rev iewt? - '- - - -For Hku kv. ood 'and For BldcKivi .oi) and the four Review s - - - T be Rootage will be repai.i b. the :ih Jish'ers without charge to the Mib.-eriber - oiiiy on ti e expires condition t--ar sub-j setip io;-s aw iail invariably i;i advance :it tn ' .i;.iiieive.ic iU of each year.-' A iiicii;n,' f -J,! jr eeiil.. v. i'i be a: lowed to clui-ji or 4Unre yue oi.t. Eu: four eoptfi of" $1 jek'Vx d or of one fte viw will be sent 'U o ia blres" 4 co pi en of - the 1 j-v'ews and Rlackwf.i d for is, and so on. . . ioo'iiib oi !0 i.r a! I wed to the potter-up of the elub. ! ilRREMll'MS ,SCW rub. e b-TS, H!o!villJr OtaHv. for t.ho VCar llol na.- have, M-I.r.r,. .1.. 1'ft vt.lunie JO iH7." f f such pi-riodicais : s as th-v n.av subsoti' e f.-r. 1 Wl II;.-'- ,H . 11 V ftll II -t I: 1141 Til '11 1- ?".. i fn .....l . .... ... 1. :i. . thril- o io ijfrf he' eJuc porj dituls. may a:ive me 01 u:e "l-our Kev.ews ' fur l(i57 : u enters to all th e mav have two oil the "Four Reviews," or one et of Piackwc:Hd's Magz?nefor 1S7. . 1 .r'tiiir j r .'tin urns to r-c)int to cbil'ft can be eni: c: ;iej s n r allow-, d uni ;--; tbe money is remitted dilVv-t the 1,1,:,. RsIkt Jio prenu:un-4 gHu to Cluyss' Uretlfars with f irth-M-1 pa rt ier la rs ::;a v he had ou application. , . Tke Leon ako-Scott ri:r.i.imxo Cj nov.:S 41 Barclay Sr.: New virjk ; TO POSTMASTERS ! DEALERS. 5EW VOllk HEHALii. 8UCRl"nON RA i lls. jrhe L).ii! Edition of tJte Hkrald is conceded lo bo the 'Mi rent est News jKipe.r of the age."' both-in point of cir culation and popularity-. H'7 En' D i:t sh ro fosTAiiK KREK. Mo-pustor or.e vear. uieh.N elud-d. " , $b v !or one year.'- without dav.'- v ' - - in- I ;:wib nays for .-;a uonts. :i;...-. a.- ClUUlXl. ' $4 p iys ! ma months, without .Suti- days. .V-'&WMcitioWfor. anv suecr fied d.ty of the week. . 1 SI ivi; s .for six Mnonths C. n,,,- cuh oj Hiflf the w.V- , ; ' 1 ct o ' s tor onr m,-in i h SUno.iys ciuuet WK 't'KLTSU yo SKMl iik Ti wft.i-. Eumov. TlIK WKKKl.Y HKlJAi.Ib eosTAOi: FKKK. AmV u,py: bneyeaf. 2. 'I Vo copies 3v-? our copies.: $5. Anv larger number at $.2; ptrcopy. iWv will receive !rom lVti;uters and Ncwsilealers yearlv sul.scri)tion lor Sing:evonies of our AW.L-'.v i-.i-V NrrvVflKALr-RS SUPPLIED, ' lSTAfiK "FREE." lai!v F.l'tion T-.. i .. i P1r...5, f"-wpt Sunday. Sunday J KdltlOU. tour cpnts i i canton, l hree cents per copy. THE PATRIOT. reewboro', nc! ! -A1?8 r i '?" ' 'fi ;t Ratkiot, noy4tf Greensboro', X. C. itE Jj r I ,U CAROLINAU M f ! i hi'.' - WilmicgtoQ l ! V iHIUTUtlXUU.'M. r EBUITEXUX. WTCUTi : . - . - . . Cjij.k rsA((. daily (Democratic) STAItf dafly and wkly (Democratic). Raleigh: j CuKiTH?5 AnvocATK, wreWy, sIetiodt ' UiHUAi. Krf okdeh, weekly (CapUrt). ' New, daiiv and weekly (Democratic). f ; t ET4L. veckly (Democrane. i No;ri" '. a kolina GoodTempua,, weekly ( fi-mpenince;). : Fkiemi ok Tempera?ce, weekly. ', i No:tfi K AnouvA Farmeji, we-klr. Era. weekly (Kadieal). CharlrUe : ; 0.:k.': daily and kly (DetoacraUa) ( Demo' k at, wn.-kly (D rr.ocratlc). ! SoiTfir.j:N Home, weekly ( Democrats-). ' tiretnhboro : i'A'i :. i . weekly (Democratic). New No .tIei State, weekly (Kadlcal). Ar-heville: Citizen, weekly (Dem.) Exi'-iT.i:. w eekly (Den.) l'iNfrr. wr vly (Radirn!; H liribu-y : W.m iiMAN, (I?m. E t.r::. wi t-kly (L)em.) . .l'.ej weekly (Dcm.) Fki? Wintttm : Sk.nxi.nk!.. weekly (Dem.) Statef-ville : i.Mi.itK, weekly (Dem.) J Amfmk x. weekly (Detn.) Morgan toa : Ij.ok. w eekly (Den.) Mt. Airy: 'A"Tcn .; vn", weekly (Deia. Visitok. weekly (Rad.) Hickory : hs . w t ok ly ( Dem. ) Uneoiuton : FijooitiSj weekly (Dem.) Shelby : Rannhk. weekly (Dem.) Danbury : j R-'.eoinr.K. weekly (Dem.-) j . Reidvi!le : ; Ni.w-. n'eeklv CDem 1 Times ru Mbrourt, woekly (Dem.) Lexingtfi'B : Re! oi:n. -.v eekly (Dem.) weekly.' (Rid CJraham: ( j i.ea n Ki'w eok ly ( Dem . liillsboio: e . Reco!U)ei, weekly (Dem). Durham: i T.w. 4 i t 11 V-T -r-vx..l-l,, FA ' Heuai.i. weekly (Dem.) ! '1 ! Oxford: Toir ui.ioHT, weekly (Dem). Warrenton: i.ETTE. weekly (Dem). v'en m::sxiaj., weekly (Dem). Weldoo: New s. H.,:ii-weekly (Dem). :TarlHro: Sot tijkknkk, Weekly (Dem). Rocky Mount: Mail, weekly (Dem). t ' Toisnot: Tn AN.-x.Kirr. feinl-moiithly( Freewill Bsp tisi.) J ; Wilson: Advance, weekly (Dent.) Ztox'b Landmakk, seia: luothly (Primi tive Baptist). Newberu: Nutshell, 'daily (Dem). Newbekxia.v. semi-weekly (Dem). ; Timi. weekly (Rad). Wcshiqcton : - ' Kt no. wtekly (Dem.) j What Next, semi-weekly (Dem). EUzabeth qitrj - : '") Economist, weekly (Dem). Nohth Cakolixiax, weekly (Rad). (Joldsboro: M e?kv.. ;: k .eemi-w eekly & weekly (Dem). Magnolia: Rrco;:i. w eekly (Dem). Lumbertou: Koh;:n).iux, weekly (Dem). ' Fayettcville: Gazette, weekh- (Demi WriE Awake, wrckly (Dem), Rockingham: Col hick, weekly (Detn.) 5eiKiT oe tub Sncrn, weekly (Had). adesboro: "u.,,. eeklv (Dcm) .. v-iy. T'olktou: Ax&om an, weekly (Dem). Monroe: I Exquikee, weekly (Deir.) Concord: REtilSTEK, weekly (Dem). Sex, weekly (Dem). ' terse ETLTZOnrzux. r-e 1- ' e-rpand Eoliable! ; ALWAVS a xkw til;lm;T(i.n joukna Devoted iotheint.Ial.lutlle.tual. moia i and polideal interest of North Car XI i lniith oifrrrfl to the the ehoap rate c? IO Ctata a Heek, or fS a Yeat 1MK CAl'K FEAR WILL ADVOCATE . In a straightforward manner the prin ciples of a nure and manly Democracy in State and Country. In its humble way it will uphold the banner unfurled br Jeffer. I fon, carried aloft bv Jackson aiid now prouaiy Dome oy inaen. Tbe Cape Fkar will recognize no difference between thoe who fight the battles of tbe people ngainet high-handetl Radicalism intrenched in places of power ami seekine to maintain it corrupt hold on the same. By whatcrcr nnFie cauea, me ueieuaers or the Conn !rv Liberty and the Inalienable Rhrhfe n the People are Democrats. To them the Cara Fbar will stct peak with the rolce of reason and affecUou. In the it behalf the Cars Fear will erer be found etruz. The new pater wfll rive warm enconr agementto the agricultural, mlnlnr and manufacturing interests' of the 8tate. It will urge immigration. - But while It will extend the hand of welcome to the sturdy n A. .11. I , . y wtciurr w uiucr immigrant, it will seek to impress upon the people already here mc nrceesiiy ipr economy, thrift, labor and fldollty to home and 8tate. North Caroli nians must Doild up Jiorth Carolina. ln'pretH-ntlnir certain Tiotmlae r.ftjr Fentures the Cam Fbax- is ahead of it eontemporaries. : Ho American dally new Pper places oqgjual fiction habitually be- orc iw reaaers except Iu the form of sen sational Intelligence. .Stories for. the fire side, both serial and cownlet win found oceupyfcs a short spacrtn the Cajt. Fear. The ltterary matter of the paper will, however, sIitats bo iubordJuated to idc newt Breviir and Conreui-ii-. ifrnr. Impartiality will be leading characteristics oi me luveiugence LHpartmentof the Cape Yrx. The ner of th "aw r'lt o vieral, will be presented in theclear- ,w CODlt -nd most attractive Torm pos sible. Usually the important news will be printed on the first page. Under this de nomination we inelude the Market Report and River and Marine Intelligence, ouch matters are too frequently crowded in maUtypIna corner. The Commercial News will be carefully compiled and cor rected, ' 8UBSCB1TII0N BATES. Thehni either on the week or th jvzr. ThfcCApi FA will be furnished at Ten CenU per week, Ono Dollar and Twenty-Five CUa for Threo Months. Two Dollars and Fifty Centa . for filx Months and Five Dollars for One Tear. Delivered by Carrier la the City or'8uburU. No Eaper sent by mall unless the subscription as been crerjakL' CW lee tirm. . k. .....v. tivi; lire., sou Dopaperaeiirerrd .vi iwurr uinc inan a wee to any one who does not pay for it promptly. Cash TERMS OT ADVESTTSTKO Are given in another place. These ar ' made especially reasonable, in keenhi . on libe tenna for advertlsera,' " " 1 Address, - ' ? TTIE CAFI Ifl2A)Xt , . Oct 1541 WzuaxoTOK, S. C jntAYfifclAL niUIOCHATIC PLAT- . ti at bt uuuin. I Wf, tbe.'delrgatca of the Democratic party of tjit United.. State, la natkmal eorenlito assembled, do hereby declare the administration .of the Federal (Jotrm in rot to 1 in urgent need of immcdiAte reform : do hereby enjoin upon the nomi nee of this Convention and of the IVmu era tic party in each State, a xcabm rfl.rl : 1 and eo-operatioa to this enl, and do hereby j appeal to -otir fellow -dUxms ol eTery i former political connection to ondcrtake ; with us thU firt and tnot preying patri ! ot!c daty forth Dmorracy of the whole ; country. ' V do hrre rr'!5no vur faith in the per reaHicy of tLe Fcleral L'ulon, curdeti- t !ma Ui the On.stltution of the United S'atcr. with Its amendment, uniTially acerptM a S:al rttlet. tnt of the con troT iir that ro-ndred tbe clrii war, . and do UTcrtv-rdourtiftcnfUlence . iuthe prpetui: of rrT IU-an lf-gor rrnmrnt; in an aUolnte arrjr.ieeence in : the Will of the (lukiHtT. the t1Ll lri:M-ltV ; of the Republic: In the ni;rtncy of tbe i cltll oTer the mUlUnr authority ; lu the . toul separatioa of Church and iStatc. for . - - . . . -" 2 ' the sake alike of civil and re!Lriou ftet ! don; la the equality of all citbeen f.rr jUMiiwam laiir n ntaruarnt ; in me liberty wf htditiiaal rihlti-t uneiel b snmptuary law : lu the faithful ducstioti of the rising gmeration. that thev mar crene. rujov and transmit these 1t j conditions of human hain4tica and botw. I We behold the no)4et tTodurt of m. butt. dred years of chaugrful hi-tory : but I while upholding the Nmd of ur" Union 1 and great cbsrter of three oar ririits. it behoove a free ipl it. . T V. . 4e to tiract ice alMt that rhich i the pric- t.f i etenial vtinlsuce w lllertv. lI7.MtH katic ri NANCE 1EMAMEI. We demand a judb-ious yt'iu uf prra ration by public ecouomlep," l.y official n trenchments and by uinr dii'aiice. which shall enable the nation to sure the u hole world of it perfect ability and irtYct readiness to meet any of its promiec at the call of the creditor entitled to idviucnt. We believe such a synteni well dcvbed, and ! above all, entrusted to cotujetent band j for execution, creating at no time an artl-1 i... i . "on pvr uy oi currency, ui ai no ume alarming the public nihi l into the with drawal of that vajt machinery of credit by which 9.1 per cent, of all buMnc. transac tions are performed a system open, put -lie and inspiring gcucral confidence, would, from tht day of adoption, bring healing cm its' wing- to all our harassed indutry. and sctlu i iotion the wheels of commerce, manufa4. ture and the mechanical arts; re store employmet to labor and renew, in all its national source, the prosperity ol the people. HErORM is TAXTloX. Reform is necessary in the mim inole of Federal taxation Mi, that may be set free from distrust and lator lightly bunlenel. te denounce the pre sent tarifTIevied ujNn nearly live thou-aud arlirb-H en h materpiece nf injn-tier, ine quality and false pretence, "it yi.M a dwindling, not a yearly rieiuir revenue. It ha impoverished many induMrio to sub sidize a few : itprohi!'it?iniiHrtsthatniigbt purchase the product of American laUir; U has degraded American commerce from the first to an inferior rank upon the htirh teas. It has cut down the sales of Ameri can manufactures at home ami abroad, and depleted the return of American agri culture or industry,, followed by half our peopled It costs the people live times more than it produces to the trcanurv, ottruct the proceepfs of production, and uastes the fruits of labor. It promotes fraud and fosters smugirling, enricbet dishonest offi cials and bankrupts honest merchants. We demand that all customhouse taxation shall be only for revenue. RETRENCHMENT IN Eirr.NfE. Reform is necessary iu the scale of i.ub- oc cxjienpe. rcaerai. state and municipal OUt Of Federal taxaliotl Iihs nuollen fr,nn 160,000,000, gold, la 1X, to 1-V).twu,a0, currency, In 1370. Our aggregate Uxatlon was from 1H4,Ci00,000, gold, Iu 1SX, to rJO.000,000, currency, iu lsru, or in one decade Ices than I per head to more than fltf per head. Since the teaec the ihhV.c uair jiaiu w iueir lax-gaTnerers more tban uincetnesum oi the national debt, and more than twice that mm for the Federal (overnmcnt alone. We demand a v;gor ous trugality ia every department an.i irom every ouicer oi the government. WASTE Or THE l'fnLIC 1. 4 Mi Reform hi necessary to put a ston to tbe loouiair T eiep oi me public laud and meir on ersioii irom settlers by the party in powar which has snuandered two htm. dred millions of acres ujKin railroads abme. -mi uui in more man innee tnatanrrexHtc has dlioed of less than n tixth dire7 tl 4-Tmt . . .... iior.A7 A N li HEATlIt.N fill NESE. Reform Im notes pa rv to comvt ii nn takes of the Republican Congress au 1 tbt errors of our treaties, and our ilii,..i.,.t.. relations which have stripped our adopted citizens of foreign birth aud kind recrossing the Atlantic of the shield of -mencati ciiucnsnip, and have exporH-l our brethren of the Pacific ooat to the iucursiou oi a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, und, in fact, no by law denied citizenshlo through .. rallrtlon, as beinir neither the habits of a progressive ci1lizatioii,nor cAcrcisen iu ooeny unoer equal lawc. We aenounce uie policy wuici thus di ards iue uocny-ioving uennan and tolerate me revival oi tne Coolie trade in Monro Ran women, Imported for immoral pur poses, and Mongolian men hi nil ! ir form servile labor contracts, and demand such modification by Congress within a constitutional limitation, as shall i,n. the further Importation or immigration of iue jiuuguuan race. KSrORU is Tne camfajon JsLE. Reform is necessary, and effected but by making it the controlling fun. ftf lit- .! ...1 .... 1 1 j ... . O two false Issues with which the otocc- uoioing class ana the party in power seek to Pmother it. The false bvue ith which they would enkindle sectarian strife In rrepcci to tne puouc schools, of whJeh thf establishment and sunoort Iw-Ion r.i.i. ahrejy to the several Watcs. md which the Deraocratlc psrty has eheri-'ieil from their foundation, and resolved to lainta'n wttb ui paruzanry or preierenc for anr cla eei or creeii. awl without -ontribut!n? from tbe Treasure u anv tbe rai i... by which tliey peck to H-htanew thedylne emtiers of sectional h--? !tvnm i i.f aren people, once UntiMiuritlir MtMnn but now reunited in one Indivisible Republ uc and a common destine. j - RErORM IJC THE CIVIL SEKVKC. Reform la experience proves that the rfflrfnt service. nomica conduct of the rnrrmmctit.t eco- loess la not possible if lu chfl service be .jcvwoeoasge at every elrt tiot t a ugni lor at tne baRot-Ujx be a trier reward of party teal, Instead of iU flf Kara, m mtJ. r w r m uie pnouc emDlov- ment. That the dfnrfr;kr r..t.L ahould neither be. UxxlZumTVt IJ,r Public men. nor the IdrtrumetJt ol xuelr ambition, iter a(.fn r.i falsified In the perform inre. mite,t n,.t .- mh, ' -r-"rr A...ln4. r ar mj cr c.n wotk out. MtinHii.. aWIUI AJCOjra THE HIGHFJCr f.i IZJITAXTS. Reform Is neeeasarr eren mr.M i. - - - - awwtoW hffher grades of public serTice--Prtaidcnt, lcerreUcnt, JaJr, israAUn r , sentatiTes. C'btrrt ,ro-r. Tl'l' and other In authority, are th errantA. Their of!W are a't rti. iwrubitr: Ur? are a I tiUir tra-. " the miU of lhl KrpuMic !. rrceand cruure of m Ve-lre4,jrl UteSpkerof the t!oUe t.f Kfjf' tir markriiar If rulfns a a prrV'n otZr: tbe'r prdt!n eru, their t4 l.mer: B ra:, rthlcad5temrTt!!.'r,.f thclav tf Keprr-etilatift ep-M fn j 4.rv "1 late Serrlirv cf tbe 1rrnr f ,.., halanrc in t!e jnt.!V 3.jn,: it1 Atlfraey tlenrrai r fun!: a s-T. Ur3 .f te Nr rrwls? or rnrkhing hU frt- .y pVrcu!- lfriel t,iT th-! po3' f rontra!r Ui iV partnicut ; a g.. t ErIan.1 cniur! l e tiub. ejtecuUiin : tfie l'r tttt ieia!e tary tarely e--apl:.r .ab :i,n r, f r cuilt i"tii:41v-itt in frsthl . , rrvmne: a Jj-rrrcUry f r ime r-r high rrinw al out-Hr.l r.;l '. f,, t. .r. 1 1, ,l,t ,.h.miL. . " i ---" im m plrte thst the flrtt strjiln refor ty the j4e. -r U -mt men fr tartr. The dlae of t.e inH frota anw, i lxation inft the U1t t:i?ien 1 1 making n rb.u:c of rum tr partr. . can ret t fhirfi.f a.rum rrforrn. ' CltUf At. M Hlll l l4 Mi t PKIVE" riSK lEfc. All the ati-. kvn rvl , the pnoluct of the Mftem r inr) of the RHibl'u jail .n t lirri!v ftr t-rifr-i .r H llcati thetti-le.. but iMr rVJLJL ? v'' i.t mentis ,.i tUM f,. " . .ft r. (. ,k-,mrrfr , "f t It'htV tlloUeaud tnt'-e-lMbb l it. ana trui i . Reforn rtu uly le b 1 l a j,, u cU k rcolut''n. W e tl.-tiuni a eiai , j svst:n: a hinge of i:nui.trj:i t chanre of atli. that wr w. fcate t chauge f mep. . Tin: tati: caivi hmi:xt. Value oflhurrra. i:vn t iivr rrnTMEM. to.cru--r urtb II. Bru.-d-n.,.! MXur Lienbuant (nrti-rti-r-l!. f. rij5ii oflr.-lell. Sti-rctarv of h".jt Wi.kc. " t . II. 1 1 a rr;c. 4 TrtM-nrt-r D. A. Jctikhi. ..' tiA Audiior Jo!iu Reilly. ! rful .!. .uniey iteuer-i I . .. Iji;rr.. f tiraiiville. A5juta'i! tirlieral b'd;U C. b..naij,u Wake. S l ril:telid lit of Jubi:r Il.t, ,., John Pool. f Ia-M'.-nk. ,n -n,J i..wn...r- Pria:J-t.-n-cap ul Ncail rv...f Wake. ! in ''i f. 4i ticnuT i!t;MsjT:i.T. t l.i f-IitfceSupteitit-4.orl Rii l.U)1wi M. lVjrs'ii, of tVlkio. A?s M-i.:teJi..-i5.-.-4-i:d;.i t;, i:,-4..,r Beaufort: W. R. i:f!n.-n. i.f Hcs j'e Tboma Settle, t.f JvklliLaiii; YV.'p Ryim u. of Mixklctib inr. Clerk .f itprcme Court W. H. Ktr ley, of Wake. Marshal D .A. WVk. r, of Wake. Oilicer oj the laulclpllt) l niU uiington. Mavor W. P. C.nwd.. Aldermen T. M. I.'ardti-r. J. J.i aMf ley. It. ;. Batt, J. J. Neir. R. C. Miu, Hiram llaiikin-. cob. lt.uctl Holxoe col.. W. II. Itrfl;igton. cl.. W. H. Banki. cd. Clerk-and Tir-uirr f. C. . r. . Chiefof Hre DejMrtineUt RorMcKtt. Tcdrral I XnriaU. Cf.lbi ..r of ("u-toin- .tiM.". Ablufi Dep ny C..ld-t.r R. W. (.'bad-1. IW.masVr K. i:. Brink. 'Sew Hatiovrr County tionrntnitt. Clerk if the Superior Court kt l Jul: of Probate Jam. - Ibnj.m. Sheriff S. II; Mauiiing. l'ommiiiurr J.- li. Waguer. Ivl. wan- NiAoii, c.l., Stiev, I. C. Dtvl-. t ' Register of Ie.d. col. 'n. W. ttTd'-sui, Treasurer K. J. Mvl -ti. Coroinr 1UI. Id J,-tt. THE 8UAT! LLAIMNi, i FAP SI A. p;.i; 70RLD! BR! 1 r:tiii. FFM f.l V o I. lit r. at 4 U) b4;-! and Bet Daily per lo oiui. N e .... f-r i ti t United States! I tT The HV.1.; .S.,. K CU ptf atriuia. i-U;;e,ui i4,-Cdc jjTfor Os COUNTIIT! Aiel for thoee who Lave no leisure fof dally realirg. T3T Addrc-e, THE SUN, NEW TURK. el l-U W. A. Lai X i: ' v . Davis E tit .m atel P,i.jil.. -4 THE OXFUUU . ClrcuLmtiu u rt 3? t 's'o- Iiilliii. la AIaBee Toe Democratic Oryan of Granvfl e.