a X V0MBER 48. GENERAL CITY NEWS. Sunday Services. Worship in the various churches oi the city to-day da follows : Si Paul's Evanar. Lutheran, corner of Sixth and Market street?, Rev. G. I. Jk-ruheim pastor. English service at 11 a. v.; German service at 7 r. x . jjonday School at 2 p. m. St. i nomas vainoue, iock s-ireet. between Second and Third street'. Morning Services at 7 and 10 a.m. Vwpers at 7 p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. m. . f;:;v First Baptist, corner of Market and fifth streets, Rev. James B. Taylor pastor. Services at 11 a. r. and 7 v. MnnHnr SrhfHil at U a. v Tho 31i8siona:y Society will meet in connec tion with the Suuday School. First Presbyterian, corner Third and Orange tretf ReV Jos. R. Wilson ' I). D., pastor. No services at 11 a. m.: services at 7 j p. x. by Rev. C. M. Payne. The envelope collection .'will le taken at night. Sablmih School : exercises at : o'clock p. m. ;. ' Second Presbyterian,; corner a Fourth and Campbell streets. Rev. C. M. Payne pastor. Services at 11 a. m. No services at night. Sabbath School and Bible Class at 3 p. m. "Seats free. M. Jonn S, corner oi aiiiiu uuu Cross street, Rey. George Patterson . rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock ; Evening Prayer, 5 o'clock- Sunday School at 4. jf I; St. James', eovLcr of Market and Third streets, Rev. Pr. A. A. Watson rector. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Evening Prayer at o'clock. Sunday : School at 4 r. r. J Front Street M. E. (South), corner of Front and Walnut streets, Rev. J, E. Mann pastor,, j Service every Sab- 1 bath at 11 a. m.' and 7 p. m. Sabba th School at 3 p. m. i Fifth Street Methodist E. (South), situated on Fifth, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. J. M. Rhodes pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 A p. m. Sabbath School at 9 a. m. St. Paul's (Episcopal), .corner of Fourth and Orange streets. Services At U a. jr. and 7J p. m. Suuday School at 3f r. m. Rev. T. M. Ambler rector. Seats free. 1 Second Baptist, on Cth between Church and Castle streets. Services at 11 a. sc. and tip.; m. First Congregational. Services eve ry Sunday in Academy Hall, corner of Seventh and Nun streets, at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Seamen's Bethel, on Dock between front ana water streets. Kev. J. u Keen, chaplain. Services at 11 a. m. x no a itvniii Ajaptiair, tuiuii r uui Lti wi Ywm rtmu. ; i a- jo. and f J p. m- '; Services at St Mark's (colored) Epis copal, corner of Sixth and Mulberry ' streets. Morning prayer at 11 o'clock; evening prayer at 8 o'clock. Bmy Agent. Jiaviugqepided to emuuig in other business, Mr. L. J. Thornton retires from the City ; Ageney of the .Cape Fear. He is succeeded by Mr. .Wm. J. Beach, who assumes charge aud be comes responsible for the city delivery ff oia tii ate. i e will solicit and col lect lor the paper. , Mr. Beach, vrho is an active, ener getic man, has iftxmiliariied himself lo some extent with the route, but it is i. ' 1 fww.w.v UC , UllJf lWV CVUIVi Clltjui; A . . ' ' m : . It . uiuin'Dce lor & ? aav or IWO. ue are Li.t. t. i -uuucuv uiat aiier - iarus uu tuc ff&tes tor delivery tnere will be no trouble abont receiving the paper promptly. - .v Kitchen on Fire. Yesterday evening, about 4" o'clock, tbeJf ag puhded "ftftd the kitchen connected with the dwelling occupied by Mrs. Williams, on Fourth; . j vu MVW "iaen Btreei, was lounu 10 oe on ore. The roof was iu a light blaze .nen discovered, but several buckets of ntr8oon, without any assistance from lVw: .Ll-i. 1 .ic rcpariiiacuj,, ; pm a siop vu a ttorning service atlthe First Presbyte- rui Chnjch;toiay. Eveniu"- service ;iik. Ji;V'h , r L i, " ' conaucted by Kev. U. M.rayne, . m Ifeekiy envelope collection MOtCl PerMnalS ' j fCKciLi. House Saturday -R ii"i iL V -2 ! - ooes, Baltimo: re ; W . J. Keebler, fJ course oi ine devounnff element, the Urpnan -isvium, vi..: . 11. tno ?nditornm was clear, ir.o a Teouly damage was a little patch 0- A. Oillev 'and W. 12. Anderson; : ha Scd fcow, theia and the fl hnmivl 4t;i. r J , John Aiohpls, for the committee Cu were roaring and suapi.ing in-a 11 1 tyHXt: '. " . !. -. ".- : Masonic' jurfeprudence;' submitted a re-1 tcirpest ,'ovcr the fcotlight?, nin TT??ZZTr A. port, which was adopted. V weie few'to fee the hcartmiaking Rp. n " 1 "tr ' RiPCoffbreat; resolution .re- in the balconv and in the top Ar. u iiboi , mere win oe uo ferrincr tho Question to the committee T'hP rp.it clouds of black smoke ff . .: Jqlius Ilryfns, At- PWb ta HM ain.es tenntn Philadelphia Christmas Ccminr. Ou the evening of the 2Lst the bdieK of the Front Street M. E. Church pose tohold a fair and festival, at which ! time will be offered articles suitable for r Christmas present?. At the same i::n in our imagination, vve picture tlu de.-r little children gathered under a Christ mas tiee. Won't it be fine! I Tun: j i::if: - ThcniomeUi.:ai. The .suite of the thermometer ai I i v? valors' stations named belov v,;? uV sei-ved at the signal ofilee in this e'. yesterday at 4:.ii p. m. - Augusta, S3:' Cha-Vsfoj.' -' J: C. i- vejLcn, 50; Jucksoiiville. 5-; Mubi-e: j 48: New Orleans, a-'r Xrirl! 1- XsJ vannah, 43:' "Wilui o-.i sevci-cly In.iuicd. Mr. - soiomon, we are :.o:y to I learn, fell down the length of a whole flight VlLsiiiIf. 'on larLct etieet, lart night about 10 o'clock, injariL1 sen.. severely. An attendir.g r-1 v i-r -f. ; 1 says he was not hurt"dangerd'.ish : lie bled profusely, however, from his injuries. ;.: lilagifcti-ale' Cu::ri. - Caesar Easterling was before Jr.tleo G'ardir for abandoning his wire: fined 50 and cos'ts, but promising to maintain hia wife Iierealter. he was li - missed on pavment Of cols. . Frank Eryuiit. for refusing to vork on the road, was fined '$10 und cost-. but he a-ooealed to the Sunerior Com. j uic y i.'S v Oi'.x aucrjioon a ens ..i;iev to a 1. ?n on the premise m:scs Oi S. tinsel L ; ;i ham, ou -ovit t2tv.:c.i DiA-k Sc Orange street, caught on fire and .burned for a considerable' tkr.o. There was no alarm . bounded, bii t .'nonre excitement ou the st, -eel?. New Advertiaeaieiili:. Mesiris. Charles D. Mvors cz Co. nan eoiumn ao.. ; suTai-curcu r.ans, 1, gelatines, tapioca, farina, sago, Plane's extra and other brands of flour, etc. - --e L - - Tlie lialeigh Suincl has heard the name of Col. Fremont sugsested in connect io.i with the "Presidency o" t-ie Atlantic llailiO.id. "' i -, I-ast week there were 13U aniiii.k'or all torts slaughtered and sckl in citvmarkctr" Rev. J. W. Randall vdil'. preiieh iu the Front Street M. E. Church to-dr.v, both morning and evening. Ihe Ecenhnj itVvV.-.r is expected io appe;ir about the middle of this' week." Postal Hours. The mails closr at the City lt-OIilce as loiloAvs : Ndi'thcrn through mails vo r. :i.. 1 iix) a. :.r r. m. 7:C0T. M. Northern through aul way. o 1111 w Mails for the N. C. Itailroad and routes supplied there- ti-om, at - - - - - - - Southern mails for all poiuts bouth, daily - - - - - - Western mails C." C . R?y , daily C :C0 A . M. t ayetteville ana oihees on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays - - - - FayevtevMe- uy C. Or it'y, daily (except Sundays) - Onslow "C. II. and intermedi ate offices, every Friday - ARRIVE. 0:u0 A. Til, c:0o a. :.r Northern. through mails 12:4 P ply and Shallotte, evervFridav at o.A.-M. Mails delivered from 6 A. M. to 7:i:J P. M.j and on Sundays fro:x 8;0 to O.OQ A. M. ' Stamp Office open from 8 A. ii. to1 1'2 M'., I and from 2 to 51K) P. M. Money order and I Register. Departments opeu same as Staimi yUJgp I " Di - ! ' i 4 t t i oiamps ior eaie ai general aenverv wuen Stamp Office is closed. Key Boxe aocesble at aU hours, day and ntgut. MASONIC GRAND LOUUIV ; i.ast iay. Knl V 'iY? CQnoettU from the kaUbjh: Obtentr Ane committee on work submitted a ;'t -AUU BT i rV ferred to a, committee composed of Piist (jrand Masters E. (i. Eeade, John MS ichols and W. G. Hill. HoGr of ncit meeting 7 o'clock, p mrseSday fec' J following gentlemen wpre p- pointed tr trustees to hold proneriv !or lerrinir tho oue M " I on jurisprudence, to report at the next session of the Grand Lodge. Adttjited. I J. "WJ'-Cotton offered a resolution in- Rrnetinfi( the Grand Treasurer to" t.ur- ch.ase a new efc pf regalia and jewels. I he Urand Master appointed x the I fllwr!ri4nr ctlTiUii(V fiirnilit'iio JI On Foreign Correspondepce ;. 0. - ! rr ' -. , - , T: W --.. . cr?dential3 : J. B. . Xeatherv. C. D. Northern through & way mails brtK) P. M. 01 oer nia.uv ua.v. m iu 5.0 The Smithvilie maUs? by steamboat, t-loe I" lending to -the c orridor on which the at 8 A.. M., daily, eeej:tSuuduys. - j purine t circle doore opened, the crush Mails for Kwy "Hill,' !irowil Cu-ek, bun- W? in v. So' too. in the corridor. 7 " ' IK. Anderson and U. . isam. On Rice and B. W. Best & vit,mi:cgto:, xoirni Carolina, sun Z.F-ttiSLATtfKi:- OF NORTH CAR- I'iiteeniii Day. front X-v' ?::nate. 'iY.ii: -;)ay, lec. V;.:it V. c I led the "bond-swap- :"' s-ct cf "7 '-'75 VtW", reported wpm -r.'.b'v bv-iii:iif"iiv of .le.cnciarv i v I S: t: : t r T.; '. I. ill i ai r.mcnd ; I.5?;;' (. ...,vi li..:;r there i Iiall be c i i.-.:,:ip i i.i j the ienUen- '. i'y. oi' llirectors of that i i l iic:: p'i -.li r-f!U?-et to l-eceive I L I CO'V .-"htf ;",1 for ott'o rt-ar or i i i . . ;:. -: vl l:-Jg;Ii. Bill .i ,: .il;.icly po.-tpo:ied. jit !.: ii I.ucepy cjibe;:z!e t'uty liMtli c.-iiie r.p. Sub-.-. .i:;,iit.;c nK!.iijg enibezzie- i: :!'.? cf cor u lies." citiei. in- i i i . coii?:..rlvd Uuw.r. or m-Oiil cha;itaile- -'.i:. ;:cl.:ied and bill a IIor.3. iiil, io extend I i : I . v ai:d t o. p. :. "',: io.i of L.ant, dees v; i Hi"-c u v. r:.Ji i - v i i h. ' : cor 5: CheiV.w and I!. ! 'j . . ' I.;w i.i .v'r-'.iou to io .eii'e tl;e Prosldeiit 11.- to repo.t pi-o-fcv,-p.soii and C iJIin Li- I VI .cvciit rljeaipts to burn ps-:0.. io ihe piOpoition to Cr.verncr's mansion aud i h on the public suuarc 1 Tf:. n , : 1. i n "-r. led b L;veiovi Academv, :o .;i iiv;i ofeinirv r.s to the State's i,l.i i,) iiw i'l.-ucr, ivc. was pa.-ed, ii-ito,' PrMic 1.:;ld:nu-s' comniittee o.! or b.-.Vr lecembcr It. r uv.n.n-.'nic.viion wns received from Pi-.bilc T.v.-mvr, tainsuiitliag, a v.)c.i la iv!..;ion to ilia Stale debt. . licii v,u; (-.ei( d to bo transmitted to Ure S'.-iiiri j v.Hh a ltronosilion to print. 'V'jv b!;i f v il;o relief of the sheriff's r.a-a if..v.(.'0!ie-Vo:s of the State, was hiiJ cn tit table. Bill in r: 1 r. l ': i.ieor-ioriilion of ( :o-c;)'j-;uIcn, building, loan and saving e.i. oci;i t "o-is. was yiorftponed and made . ve .t .ipei i order for "Wednesday, Jan r.;' -v if). nV l!: in. " . ' o-m? -I'ltViOi' Jiiviiculars. Otct T.iies Handled I..ivcs Iot. From th? Nov,- York Smi's graphic account of the Urooklvn Theaiie cala trcphe v;e coy the following all e iui-.c room for: The lirooiilvn Theatre v'as lul1t in Sc ptom'er, ibTl, opened for public en- le.ta.inment, Uct 2, J84I, and burned to tho ground fiii the sacrifice of 300 hum in live.-; on'the night of Thursdav, Dee. .". 1STG. The origin of the fire is not entir;lv cle ir. but it vas-due, doubt- less, to the t'appmg ota line of border i::g t u (border lihl, in the flies or u;:;.';t iavt va.rt of the -siaao loft. The niidi.Miee was divided into-two clars the high priced and the low .priced. Of the former none yet have found dead: of the latter more than 300 sleep their last sleep, charred like coals, and dii figured beyond recognition. The occupants of the parquet, orchestra cir cle, and nrst or iliess circle were not very numerous, and they had bide door as two doors at the front fro a which to e.-c tpe. :v.dri.dinc33 dominated every feeling. -To thing but personal salva tion v;u thought of. Netting e could .11'.". pl'Oi moicu .-uc.i an utter -luorinjr while the aisles were hi ed with fainting women, tcriOr-lr'ekca men, and cries from wandering children, too young to know their danger. Occasionally dense clouds cf sulphurous Kinoke rolled out from tb? great gulf b?neath Ui3 stare, Hiding lue Uao-a roc-v. in darkness so qr;tc: ysdy c?caiciul gleams of li?.rne coukl. pneti-ate it. Then the house rang with 'streams, inournfulealls betwcea separated friemls. moans from weiu?n v.Lo v. ore h-Aivg crushed-in the ehulio-u up e: its. cries from frightened m?:i who were bfot'nx of thci in frc-nt. who were lioldlng back in ext'rer.:? " "1 ' T "1 ' . 4 : 1.1 itar 0 oeina pusuou oer anu irampieu to death. The chief usher, with r.u iron hook which for six years hung. by the doors at tV.oside, unlatched them, threw them wide open, and warned those to f leave -that- wav who were with throb bing ieirts standing in fear of 1kin.' part in tle f,ctcd iasto at the frbiitl Ii was a great relief. The doorways vrera Taiildiy Cil.cnd in what the ush- er estimates as terec-minutes of time oturs ames fiery There sights gallery. which were belched out, hovered over the only vantage ground which the four hundred boys and young men in the gallerv had the onea space e.bont the scat?. Thev weithe.ldst t'o( Startled" by "the ex citement below them, and when the au 1 diene? below'" ih.m v.-pre cn the streets ' i 4 V r. 15: tqw aulei and over W backs of the 1 . 1 hlgn scts. The oniccrs were uurrying thein ahead, but-the black smoke wa3 swifter than they, and as it ctt!ed abou&them and choked them they be . -- - - - - - came like dumb animals and hardly day morning, December knew how to move ahead. Tbey strug gled and fell and being overcome bv tmoke lay in one mass on the first land ing below the gallery. The multitude of blackened bodies taken from the ruins yesterday tells of their fate. Appointments of BUhop Atklnatn W!lon,2l Sunday In Advent, December 10 Tofenot ------- December 12 Enfield - December IS Kinjrwood. ------ December 14 Halifax. 3d Sumlay In Advent December 17 Weldon ------- December IS Jackson ------- 1 December 19 Kockv Mount ----- December 20 XEW A D VER T1SEXEXTS Chas. D. Myers & Co. OFFER THE rELEBRATED SUGAR CLUED I. X. 1 . t'MALll PIG HAXs'fr BREAK FAST JACOXt Bcti cured meata in market. (OOhEU: & NELSON'S GELATINES J I AND ISINGLASS, TAPIOCA, FARINA AND SAGO. IMant's lixtra, White as Snow, C. D. M. .Sj Co.'s Favorite White Roae FLOUR, Best brands in America. GILT EDGE TABLE BUTTER, 'est Bntter sold iu this citv. FOX'S CELEBRATED CRACKERS AMI CRACKER DUST, Latter for thickening Soups aud frylug OyMer. Best thing in uce. M 17, MORPHV BRAND OF ' Imported Segars. LA PAREPA AND C03TA DIN A, ' DOMESTIC SEGARS BEST SEGARS IN WILMINGTON. PHOiNIX CIGARETTES, Htt Tobacco and best made Meerschaum Holders packed In every caae A VERY FULL STOCK OF ALL GOODS IN OUR LINE AT LOWEST PRICES FREE CITY DELIVERY. Chas. D. Myers & Co., dc 10 Ijl 5 aud 1 North Front U BUS GOODS. T HAVE IN STOCK A IVLL LINE OF JL Christmas Goods. jtiiit received aud guaranteed fresh and of best quality. CURRANTS, RAISINS, CITRON ORANGES, APPLES, JELLIES. PRESERVES, GELATINE, NUTS all kind, COCOANUT3. CRANBERRIES, Pl'I.VERIZED SUGAR. 4 T WraGUij .MINCED MEAT, Hitter's "Centennial Premium" FRUIT BUTTER. FULL ASSORTMENT . OF CANNED GOODi. PjlOTN FLA VORING EXTRACTS, and everything needed for family use. N. L.rJ Hill no good bat the BEST. I fceU as low u anybody aud uietlme. lower. I will deliver peomplly. Call ou me dec 7-tf JAS. C. STEVENSON. Bacon, Flour, &c. KA BOXES D. 8. SIDES. UVJ 000 BRLSX FLQUR (all grades), 100 Hhds. and Bbl. CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Bbl. S. SYRUP, 50 Bag COFFEE, 5Q BW, SUGAR, 1QQ BhU, GLUE, 500 Bdls. HOOP IRON. 500 Bale HAY. BAGGING, TOBACCO, 8NUFF, SOAP, 6c .5-tf WORTH & WORTH. 10. istc Ji ISC ELLA XEO CS. GEO. MYERS' GROCERIES riELL KAPIHLY! He ba Meal, Flour, Meats, SUGAR, COFFEE, s M0LAS3KH. And a'TUoKMind Artlclm lod In FIRiJT-CLA.S8 GROCKRY rfTDRE? EMPIRE NEW I'ROCEX FAMILY FKJL'R WITHOUT A SUFERIOK, Ilut To aud Judge lor Yourxlf. r o u u Table Delicacies AND IX DISPOSABLES - FROM GEO. MYERS' 11 aud 13 South I'routSU dec 3-lf Meal! Meal I Meal! Atf AUO tti51l MLAL 1 EW COITON SACKS, MOLASSES ! QUDA, DLMERARA AND SUGAR HOUSE. iWf If 1 4aivive.w5 ruuii AU jrnule -r. n a r.v n v.n ... . noylStf UlNFOltD, CROW & CO. TEMP'S FAMILY LAGER, (First Prixe at the Cut-nuUl), k Packed In Caw ifTwo thtu KUctu Fruits and Vegetables, 5Q0 EVEItY VAKIETY. 500 FOR THEJ OLID AYS. ARE PREPARED AS USUAL wtxh A GREAT AND VARIED STOCK FRUITS, XUTJ. 4A7 CASDIES doth roa Family and the JtbbLn Trade. Wni eil good at Lqw Figures aad exccule order prcmjAJy I for le Man CHAS. D. MYERS CO dec 9 5 ani 7 North FrcntSt.. 10 ClTS A WEEK X ISC ELLAS F.ttr ; Sportlag Material, zc. Y owr.im: axo.-.tmunt or " i;rxs AM. n;Vi.Y!.;; of U Hi; ii. .4;t . : y.Wtt Powder. ?!ut ad Cs, . ' .rr ? tk. at UEiii t ; ,: ;4 j Axes and Grindstones 1 4 4 4 tin !J i) i WOO l SA A XI ill'rt' It Ck. Tulnr. .... TWO CAKTt. o! flic Vfi i, it, 1 win iv - m NATHANIEL .1 A l" HI. tltv :;.tf p R ti r i:c t r s ; SUNNY SOlTii. fp:!KUMl.Ili.! !m if , A V 1. u 1 of r. In Vfaiid t!n . to bo know 11 j- THE SUNNY SOUTH. The a; r V. '.....i. - ; .. n-.. 1 i and I i-?n 4 ..I ii - tn il tu; 1". 2'' i ; .; , 4) .i ljr ;he n,v t . t. .I.- , (iiU or v pm . 1 ' Tlif lUlt'T V.l " ,!4... , i: f r. to the lm-rr : r , - . au-l i.iore put. ul.'f I : 1 : . .. ; vr at. r. n- I ;)!. llir yuMih f i!ii . . llcrt ion c 11 t.rw .4i t. 15th Insianv, r. .. V i . ,1 I "IIk mWi ', y. J' , HJUTII Ur. .. l n."-: Owe Yr:r ------ - : Mx Mo.uL Tli. rt Met K - . . - WslvinuTun A: v;i t. 1 d-rr The Raleish 0",3s:jr On the i .Tii :i'.v ; . ..vj. t Mti. (.! !a i:;c yr :.:.i.;h the utrlri.irmrJ will . I tit OO f rr i; 0 i: t: v i. f k vxu.r su i.i.uLT Democratic X t vvp pvr, Of long cii. c. vr fa l .'!r ; MS cdiu;, rr, .. .r . t . ' - . Or.rt:VLtt r-i lit Vil.i.r. :: :t., they dt tml ali" ft -.; i;-. bii of thr cri.t-rA " . ..i tt-'.i I ... ... I them aOiiiiv tu lumi-.i a . v. r to the and c I ti . f the jw-nple of Nr.h . j. i z in jjulltlr In tht il i4 tii:-. tirn- ... nevrr a dIITer-,r h;v n he i. it r n and the Jou ai. tu ui 1- r ::. h -t nd hn.'rof N4.th(.'-.r'.!';-w 1 .: .t" thou", an.i t' ;. . I z. t . Other will o'l'r.t t,l I , ; !..t' : i It will be the!r !:!rti ; u .-. pu'dlc itmti'lcnec ! r . . t , , - n . ... m.i t'.t,' t.:;V.r j.r-'. ... s ... i of Nojtl? .. '?:. :u-U 1 1 : ii li e t'-.-Ji- fni J5:a!c. ad f.i!y. ul t. ;-'.! t!.r-. of tbe hule Ui-iMu TU H-...I. I :-:'t!;i the Rjd4irl f ii I; :u -.c j.I... r a.iH power which Uiry he k" t. a-.. -d, and under whtc Vabfid r:.. . t-tiuUi tuu been ontrr,l Uif ii.trj hat beca liaioTerul-t r. i .1 r l. V. L. SAUNDERS. Kiiui or M?iKRirriox Dally OUr re r, oac iar, - f" W D4VIIJ ObTTrr, ilvnwn:S, 4 W Weekly Obs-enrr, t.e jfir, 1 W Weekly Ob-errer, win I U) AIlcoaunuuIrAikr4 khuul I ben i lreed, UnUl furtLfr "wL 8 At N1EH Oct I.VIci W r.tryziV'U. N. C The Baltimore Gazette FULL OF FRE.il I XEXVti! rpiIE GAZETTE H PUBLISHED rvrr X morning (Son-lav fxre;le.!) Mall abcrilk4viv IUrr frre, $0 per An&aa, iu Advance. Th WEEKLY GAZETTE U iw:.LeJ erery SjilanUj. Mail mtferir. ti;e paid, f 1 per Annum, In Alance No inrwerintlou to the WtxcLX rjrr:i ed I Addrc, I 101 W. LjJtiracreftBUnort.

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