i-, The Cape f eak, daily Democratic newspaper, is printed every morning ex c, j.t Monday, i i hi old Journal Building, floor, Princess street, at ten cents a v.eck. $1 Ujr three months, $2 pO.for x mouths and S3 for a year. Majged or delivered by carrier, in the city at then; .-ate. Subscription, by mail must inva ruMy be prepaid. AdvertiMtnenU int-erted' for U (W ir Mjiiare for the first day and 50 ct. addi tional IV ireacb day up to one week. One fiiuarc (or inch) for one month, ?10 for three months, '$'2 for tix mouths, for ui Ive mouth".." A quarter of a column lr twelve niMiith. .with privilege of monthly chaiugrs, free of charge, $07. Al brdf column fo,r otic yelir, with like privi-!-. l--. Mne. column for one year :.Vo. Contract lor "other i-paee and time .;.u Ik made .the of lice on liberal term. 7. communication will be published u- 1-M- the nieiiallbeaceompamcdbyiHjnio-ic'r-powible iiaic, which i required, not h.r publicatiotl hiit faH a guaranty of good :ith. Coi.tributioi.g of a merely personal character anf'ubt desired; . Addrc. THE r.iJ't' I KAH, 'i'miiftJi, A". '. Ckkho Y Harris. 1 . . 1 VTil . III, . Brltiisli JeriOdicalsk- ::h-- CAROLINA: w im - t - Wilmington: ' vj flTHE POLITICAL FERMENT AMONG j hju Caroi.isa PRKsnrrEKiAx, wwddy. j ithe Euniwan natmi, me .nnn- i.turs J" EAKf uauj tvemocrauc;. -. ... ; . t; -. -.ti m . - . ' . - - f - '..- - S:neeS Tli.: Tnd T the j St.k, daily and weekly (Democratic). JflSCELLASEO US. eap and Reliable! ! ..tiic-t?titi f is( w works o:i f IJ.U M iuivi - i.,tpr,.J In thf leafl!!! il-reirn -le.e: llil 1 v v - ' " - durinff 1873. otfre cjn tV; m j C f 1 quiriug teaAer fan! !u a. hcMAwhl' form , ' 1 the facts ana argument him to a currwrt conclusion. i Raleigh: 1S .4 iVKT ATT, Weekly, Ifthili!t , arv toiruide " UmucAL. li;oKiCK, weekly (Baitirt). THE LEO SARD XCOTT. PUH- ENji.xi:t, --klr.(DemucraUc.. , I hlSJUVff Cty Minify. Nout: Cakolixa iooDTEMiLAKt weekly ' f y ' ," . f tt l ' J (Temperance). 41 Hardily ,V . Av York , i:FR EXI or Temi-ekaxck, weeklr. DEMOCRATIC ALWAYS XATIOXAI IJI15IOCHAT1C fJAT- lonBI, ADOPTED AT ST. LOUIS JUKE 28, 181 C "We. the delegate of tbo Im-crat!c party or the United 8Utct In national ronrenlion assembled, do hereby declare the administration of the Federal GoTern meQt to be In urgent need of immediate reform ; do hereby enjoin upon the nomi r of this Convention and of. the Derao I cratlc party in each State, a zealou effort I and co-operation to this end, and do hrrrbj appeal to our fdlow-cltlxena ol every former political connection to undertake with u thU Cr?t and mot pre wing patri- itie duty for the Democracy of the whole l ruunm. Until: the n print of Hit ftmr i- ih,i i lit i-fcus- i'i'z E'lti I'burijIJi'-'-ririr OYht'j. L'jii'hn (tar tcrlij lie view. (Conservative), West mi lister Review (Lih rrtd, lhiti:h Q'l'irt'-rli "( Evt'if j' h'at'). I'm! NoUTii Cakolina Tabmck, weekly. ! EkV, weekly (Kadieal). ! ' Charktte : i OittKVi-K.dailv nudi vklv (Urincratlc) j Demock vt, weekly (Doniocratlc). Y - j - - ' QhJ i izik HoiiE,--weekly (Democratic), (ireeutboro : Faik.ot. weekly (Deinocratic). 11 j New,Nij:TU Statk, wceklr (Radical). TEKMil'A" .r.!.i:ST:a T!.v in Anv ! ;.THE CAPE FEAR, i ! A NEW WILillNtrmN JdURNA i'NJ. v moi:nit(;, dec i IIAMJU IN 0UT11I:HX jiKNTI- MEM. From c.jri4.ion iii Xortheni papers jiutl fnurrothiii' source of infoniiution, it is evident t'huf-a revolution in public seiitinienl in t lie North is steadily going on. It Kenis to be no longer in the power of the Keublieun managers n'obru'tieatjthe questions at issue to the disadvantage of Mr Tilden. So. cry of "rebel atrocity'' ayails to hide tin; tn';e statedf facts. 'Tin; Charlotte Obyj ri-rr u)i(ti passage's from a pri vate letter written by a strong Repub lican in New. York City. . The .writer siystli.it frunl his, own honet convic tions from what he has gath ered a majority of the Kcpub-licah-s.' in th'at ' it v would hail villi great jsatiafaetion the news tiiit Tihien&liad feeured, the vide of mi v one of j lie doubtful States. This v.as penned -before. 'the Oregon develop ment. The letter goes on to state lliat the complete stagnation in busi ne.'sorall kinds has brought retribu tion JVr past misdeeds, never to be for gotten, and adds that ''carpetibaggers, "seiillawairs ''and" -negroes have killed "tin; llepublie.au party." How like a prophet's word! That party nil! ,i0 killed by the present ii!imeivres. ; t)b.-erve one thing,though. in all this ; bii.iiK ss: elt-iute'rest is direetlv at the bottom. ; This same correspondent says that in conversation with a person who has a hu'ge New England connection that person remarked: '"The people "therefcare fuVious at the loss of their 'Southern trade and say that if the elec 'tiou had to ho'goneyver Tihlen would "oeat n a yes in tnat section, it is a "ury common thing, to meet KepublL "cans here New York who tell you they "are very sorry they voted for Hayes, "and nmnv do not hesitate to sav thev "hope; Tildch will be President." The sublime moral courage exhibited, by Gen. Hampton has won over'thou- suids at the North. i 'u ivm u UK uumiit'ii lis iieiiei in that, the danger of a conflict be comes hs eVerv dnV. The matter will ' be settled pejaeeably: Tildcn will be President in;the hearts of his count ry tneii of all parties, and not pro forma, and the head of; ajtriuirtphant party, uicrelv. T1IC iUirUULKJAX D1LIL13IA. The ease as it stands is hopeless for Mr. Hayes and the '; Republican. .4 party. (Objecting to theTilden vote in Oregon, the Reptiblica'nundcrtnine themselves, t'regon is in a better footing than either South Carolina, "Florida or Louisiana; cTilden has the State seals for a nmjoritv of the Electoral votes. If the Tilderi Sole in Oregon is thrown out, the votes of the three Southern States named will be rejected likewise, lor the same reason. Haves cannot be elected without them ; Tilden cau dis . pense with Oregon and still be chosen, , Uejecting all the disputed States car ries the election. into the House, where Tilden will get more votes than are necesarv. ' -V.. ; " - ' j : The Radical eugiueer is '-hoist on his own petard." One time in sixteen the Democrats have been 'too many" for the Republican plotters. r-- The United States Senate decided on Friday that there w ere no joint rule, on u technical question decided by a vote uu Senator Merrimon's appeal from the chairs decision that the joint cnles were abolished. - For any one ISeview - - s 4 v'o oer ai.a ;!ia. For anv-two lievifws - T '"00 ' For anv three r.evirws. 10(H) For all" four Keviews 12 H) ; ' For IJlackwfHls 3lair- ' azine - - - - - 4 ;o "! For Blackwood and one Review - - - - - T oo For Waekwood aud "i Reviews - - - - - - - i "t " For Rlaekwool and " Review' - - - - - - - 1-J 00 ' For Blackt oodandtlie " ? four Reviews - - - 15 00 The Po?t aire .will he n -piid hy.tlie "juil lishers without' charire -to t'u- .ul.-eiibi r only on the express emutiou ttiat ul seriptions are paid invariably in advance at the eoinineiieenient of each year. Asheville: i Cih.f., weekly (Dem.) ; Exro-noH, w.-ekly (Dem.) ovkkij: v:.ly (Radii!.:.; S"lisbnry : : ",V.MCUM-V, wt-ekly (Dem.). ; Examiv::i:, weekly (Pern.) alem : j l'it-. weekly (Dem.)' Winstirti : ! iSknti xk.i., weekly (Dem.) Statesville: j L.mi'ma::k, weekly (Dem. i j, Ami-:kicax weekly (Dem.) Devoed to the inaterijil,iutfllcctualf uioia ! 21 and political IntcreAta of North Car Jma, is otfeird to the public at the cheap rate of Vkr-Rmidrct, Judmu Scnatar '" tentative, Cabinet oCicrra. TbeoSSL and other In aatborf.y, are U pJrV fnrants. Th4r otTW are nm ttr pcrquUitc; they are a puhUc tmu. r the annal of thl Republic hov ht 5? rrace aod ccnure cf a K"Wi-r Ute Speaker of th Houe of Uvc taarkctlaz bU rulinst M SSt ofTkrr: their friendi yratinjt MtTfrE their vote a U.inkm: txt tliinSL of the leading committer f ih lawdluZl of ReprrsenUUna t;k1 a Joki-J!? late becrrtary of the. TtrUry tZrir balance in the jmblie aetxm&u ufi Attorney General mUancoprUttn tJ?Z fand: a lcerftarr'cf tbe Xrv JZ? . ! nwnmrv of thr Felcral Cidru. our devo- j lohU off the prv&la of enjtictotV?v UOII Ml lilt iuui i w r , v iuiw Sutef, with lu amcndmci.t, unlvenallj Ejland crtuon-d - fur a- dkhaoraui accepted a. a final K-Ulement of the con- speculation ; the Pmldmfa prirt tZ troTerie that engendered the civil war, tary barcTr ccaplr eoxrrtctkm tpoaS and do here record our tcadfat confidence f.,r cuUty cotaniielt r tn fraada mm .v! I In the pcrpetultv of n-jHihlkan wlfT meuue: a Secretary, of War law i rrnment: in an "atHlutr .acquiescence ,n hUa crime au4 tonWe4 tzlJu j the will of thf majority, the ital principle tacanor the cUaomtraUov M ao rwT of the Reiutlic: in thf mpn nacy or ice p:cte tliat the Srt atcpla rtfurxa vjtu civil over the military authority ; in the by the lvpe. r bonft men from aaocW toUl M-paration of Church and ute, for party. The di of one t(4iticl orrtl. the take alike of civil and rvlisloua free- Uatiou lafc: the bodr politic aa4 tWt dom: in the equality of all cltinns l-cfore making no chnreof taen or partr fm Jut law of their on enactment; in the can (ret no change of roeaturri 44 - littcrtj- of Individual conduct uuvrird ly rvfunn. mmptuan- lawh ; iu the faithful education ttAUICAL!l xsn aAt,iCAAun . nr ... of the rilnjr generation, that they may i,uirt rM fowu tt preerre, enjoy ana iramrou mew .U the- abiue. wronra A.u- aar4. rrm forar am af u . " v behooves a free ple tn practice also that - Unri eternal rilance which is the price of SSL reST dem cm "ratio I'inance ir.yi.M.nn. iS!1" TU-lun& We demand a judicious Mtcm of prepa- ifiJnii.n..hwf-,.f1.1i k, : " t...r." tt-: 7--- a "trnu. uriaozri a Cbaax of aaraiatrauV; , we may Ur ration bv tmhllc economies. lv oukI-1 re- 1 . trenchmcnta and bv w!e nuance, which r shall enahfc the nation to a-urcthewhole J "'J " r X. world of It perfect ability and perfect ' I i'.. l 1 vmwiiv vm 0- Morgauton ; llt.Airy: ! S'udk. uteklv (De n.) A discount tf 2i) JKir cent. Will be ui- i . ,. lowed to vlutls of 4 or more pei"oi:s. Kims: lour eoiue ot llaeKwou or 01 one Ke- ... , , .view will be M-nfto one address f.,r12.W: w atchm an, weekly (Dem. A copies of the 4 Reviews and Illackwocd ; Visi roi:, weekly (Rad.) Tor 4, and o on; . .. i ' loeluwoT jo or more' m ;iii (u to the above' u'tsCouilt,' a eojiy irratis' v.'Ill T e allowed to the,-;;eiter-iip it the club. 111 (Viim a Atfk. or A. a Yeal PREMIUM New. ubseriiers. apphin-. eaily, for tlfe year 117(1 may have, without eharire. t; last volume for oi in-h'spcvritRcaVrs as they inay subscribe for. Or instead, new subscribers" to :u:v two, three or lour oi the above peru-o-eals, may Hickory : L'fekss. w ekly (Dem.) - .. " . , ) Luteointou ( I' i:i o i; if week ly ( Dem . ) Shelby : !!ann;ir. weekly (Dem.). have ( 113 of the ''Four Rcv.cw V for j 174: ubseribers to ail five nuvv have two 1 of the ' Four Review.-' or e set, of : ;: :, . . Daubury : Rm-oin weekly (Dom.'j Reidfiville : N KW . w eekly ( Dem. ) readiness to meet auy of lta promises at the call of the creditor entitled to payment. We believe uch a pyedem trill devited, an J above all, entrusted to competent hand for execution, creating at r.a time an arti ficial bcsrcity of currency, aud at na time alarming the4 public mind Into the with drawal of that vat machinery of crelit by 1 on. arr nunmu-a Me, -u, -u vrrt-irv '( Ut uc ana liippinncircnerai conuacner, wouju, 1 . irora.lue uaj 01 auopi.on, nnnp ueaoiiou ita w in?- to c'.l our haraMcd Industry, and pet in Lotion the wheel of commerce, manuf-r turct- and the mechanical art; re store employ met to latior .aud renew; In all lta national source, the prcfKri'.y o! the jcople. KCt'OUM IN TAXATION. tiii: statu coviiKNur.yr. - N'aiun of OHirera. LVCxtTivi. trr&RTMCj.r. rnor 1 unl If. RntydenjofHtjM IJ.iiti-natd (;.rcrmir H. M. Arrtlrli Treasurer D. A. Jrtilau.. 4Ctwm. Au iib.i Johu llcilly. of tAinihrrftt Attonicy I7in ralT. L. flarrtxrtf. rf Urancilb. Aljutaut ficreral Juhu i. f unsu,af ak. ... aTwriiiiendnu f I'ub'tie IntrurtW. Reform is necetry in the hiui ud JtJl" .' , . Ode of Federal taxation - that capital Vi'u 'w f' 1 ay be set free from dUtrutt and Uliur I ...... ... J m may lightly burdcnel. Wedeuouncc th Rlaek wood's Maira.inefor 1ST.".. ' Neither nremium.) to sulheriber vr Tim r.s and MEKCfKY. wteklv fDem.". be allowed iCile.-s; i . difccount to club.s-can the money is reniith-d direct to tbe jnit j lishers. No premium.-, jiivea: to yiub.v .Circulariwith' faVUier jviticiUur.- muy be had u applieation. The Leonako S vtt l'!'i!Liiii.o Co.. tiov ! 41 Rarelav St., New Votk Le'-dncrtrtu Ri: ki). weekly Dem.) , weekly. (Rad TO POSTHASTE in . a DEALEHS. ' j (!raham: YE WS I (1 -L'A-N k .ekl.Vt ( Dem ) . j j Rkcokdki:, wuekiv (Dem).' -THE XEWVORK I! ERA LI!. UBSURIPTION RATES. TJu-i Daily iitnii of thii-ilrAtn eoneedetl -tt trk (. lt'ihtsf Ns- paper of the age.' liotli in int of cir culation -and popularitv, " l 4 i f ' jm:.- ? 1 l ilbltshect hverii 1'J m flu' . tfOSTAOK F K K !". ear. j; 10 l:'y 'or e cladexLVj . J : ; .vpavs f cr one veur I da vs. e yem tin , '-oiidavs in- Wit htUt 'un- j iuihat.ji j Toh.'-c Fi.ant. weekly (Dem). j Hf.kai.o. weekly (Dem.) t j ti;..P.xr,l:; - Torani.ioiiT, weekly (Dem). Wa.rrentou: CJazettk. weekly (Dem). Cjv.ntkx.xial, weekly (Dem). '' .... i ' ' ! . nebli.u; News, m mi-weekly (Dc:i;, THE CAPE FEAR WILL ADVOCATE in a straightforward manner the prin ; ciplep of a pure and manly Democracy In State and Country. In It humble way it will uphold the banner unfurled by Jctler-f-on, carried aloft by Jackson and now proudly borne, by Tilden. The Cape Feau . a ill rccoii'ilee no difference between tboe who flsht the battles of the pepple azaint . his:h-handcd RadlealUm Intrenuheil iu i place? of power and peeking to maintain , its corrupt hold on the pame. By whatever i name called, the Defenders of the Coun ; try's Liberty and the Inalienable Rights o i the Fcoplc are Democrats. To them th ! Cate Fear will ever speak with the voice . of rest-on and affection. In their behalf 'the Cape Fbab will ever be found tni;- 1 The new paper will give warm encour 1 ?i?rni.cnt the agricultural, mining and n.iuufacturijjg interoU of the State. It ; will urge imnugfatn.iV lint yhlle It will ; extend the hand of welcome to tlie sturdy j foreigner or other Immigrant, It will neek j to impress upon the people already here ( the necessity for economy, thrift, labor and fidelity to home and State. North CaroH ; nians must build up North Carolina. JLTlliCLVUr Dll-tliTWVM pre- 1 . 1. .-i..,s. ... . - sent tariff levied ujon nearly five thou-aud x, " V , r -v Vi . -t&I . ,.-..' ..ri..i... .!.. t- I 1 car-n. f 1 alkin." aualitv and fale t.retcncc. It MchU a . . Ki9Ai'h dwIndlImr.iiotavcarlvri,i!.r-,ven.i It LJulnv" ;. 1 lentil. c . .r f . . -1 1 . r lnisImverihMniany Indu-trie, U, U , ' V "V., - nuizc a icw: h proau'iinn;'riinai nr.uv 1 .., . purchathepkxIuctsofAmtrican lalmr. , rU'e V ''""' S"unT. it has degraded American cmmcrce from I . . . , .... the flrM to an Inferior rnk ujon the liSrti seas. It has cut down the -ales of Ameri can manufacture! at home and abn-ad, and depict el he return of American a;rr. cultureor iuduMrv, fv.l lowed by half our lcople. It co-U the eople live "time iun than It proluce to the treasury, d!ruct the prcifMs of production, "and wat-s the fruits of lalr. It promotes fraud an 1 footers muglIng, enriches dif honctt offi cials and bankrupts honcft merchant. We demaud that all customhouse taxation shall be only for rewnue. RETRE5CHMCXT IX EAITMfl.-. Reform ! iMiary In the scale d pul lic cxicne. Federal. '.-.tatc an 1 tnunMpal out of Federal taxation Im !lei from ?GO,000,fKlf gi.ld, In to 1AO.IUO,M currencv, Iu 1S70. Our aggregate taxation wafrom flSI.OOO.tKXi, gld. In to .Martial-!) .A. Wirker, OraW. tHicrr of the Mutitrlnsllty l WT mlugtorv ' Matt-r-l-W. r. C amdaV. .. ' Allen.i n T. !, Uardt rr. J. J.tW ley. R. ti. Ra!-r, J. II. Xt'S.. C. Xrov Ilirjra liankln. el.. Dime a Ho!an. col., W. II. Hrvwittginn, r, W, JL Rank. c.l. ' Clcrfc and TreamftiwT.'O Hcrtxm.' Chl'-fof lire Ik jMirunrtt Rrrr X rt- ' 1 Federal Orarlil. : C li'iorofCu-tom-JorqC.llUa Irpul C.lle u.r R. W. CU!kt. !imatrr 7.1 R. Urtak.4 '.")mys for six in.-nts.' S t6 iu-f eluded. , . ' 4 i 4 pays for six months, without .Sihi- V uavs Tarboro: thkkxer," weekly (Dem ). '.6- pays for one vcjv lor. uiiv tied duv.rif thu weciLlO iV SI jiays for six - months for any cilk'd dav of the .aycc's. ; , , L'C1- sps wevKiy ;ein;. ; In p)reM.nting certain popular literary ! Features the Cars Fear Is ahead of it iV.nleipRorgries. No American daily new - pppcr places original ficjlpn habitually b j fore IU readers except in the rtirnt pi seu- satlonal intelligence. Stories fdr the fire ! side, both serial and complete, will be found occupying short sjiace in the Care ! Fear. The literary matter of the pancr ? will, ho werer, always be subordiuateu to tbe news. 1 pas for one month, .Sund wsn.-t-luded. WK 1'UBLlSlf NOSrMT ifi TF;I V K13KJ.Y THK WEEKLY IlKIIAfllif l'OSTA;K" FllKK. One eoov. one vear. Tvvn cooios d. ;, lour iC0ir.es., .,. Any, !fr:vr iuIihUt itt $l.i." pvrcopy. AVe will receive from Post masters and Newsdealers yearly subscriptions tor Wi'rc copies of our Woklv ;U slJo. NEWSDEALERS PlrvjinV. ih)sta;k fkkk. Daily Edition. Two ami a kit! f cents ym per copy, except Sundav. Sundav Jt-dition, 1 nree. cents per copy. Toisnol : 'I.n Kiifif rfeud,monthly (Freewill Bap-Hst.) Jrfi 11 Brevity and Conrcnience, Accuracy aud AwCixt-.pr'.ta.krV (tXm. ; Jmpsrtiality wfll be leading characteristics Z.ONV LAXOMARKemi-monthly (Primi- I TJ V0 ri.sxn. mi. iirnr ui iiik U4ti bttjy - and liencrai, will ne presented tn tne clear New llauurr County Co 1 era: l lerk dlh Jo. rir Court itxl m r, w rv . I . .. . i.io.ihjo,uoo, currency, in i.o, ornict.ei oniit( -ja.r lira!. decade lr than ? ier head to nttirelhan U-jiflS.l!.. Matittbc:. V - u t urcu. fiiir hit I aiT til W"pjf rraiartt. have paid to their t-gatbert r n.ore tben thrice the sum of the national d-bt. ii more than twice that sum for the Federal Government alone. Wc demand a vigor ous frugality In every department and ironi every offlcer of the govcniment. WASTE OF THE rUDLIC LAXIi. . Reform Is necessary to put a stop to Uie profligate wastes of "the public lands and their diversion from Millers by the Jarty in powdr which has squandered two hun dred millions of acres upon railroad al uc, and out of more than thrice? that aggregate has dIioscd of le than a siTtb directly' to tillers of the oil. . . CDRI-TUK CITUKXl NU UfATUEX tUI XESE. C"fund n-ri J. IL WagtT, D wan Mu. 'Sforf Vanmr!?xcr,ll C. Datir. . . w - ." i:t .v! r f D.t.i.t;.-.. W. lktu, col. ' ' - Treasurer K. HrwUf. ', ." Cnroin rKd. Hewlett. x i . .to .. . f , - , . . . f 1-. 1 . , ,. THESUNl' 1 . s' ! V Reform U necery to rrtrrect the uds LEADING t I Y.SV N E) sKAI't 1 takes of the Republican Congre" and the I the Baptist) v Newbern : Ni TMiKLi.. daily (Dem). Newuekxian, nenu-weckly (Dem). Tin. weekly (Rad). Washington : Kcito, weeklv (Dem.) at S EivT senji-weekly (Dem). est, eoncisest and most attractive form pos sible. Usually the Important news will be printed on the first page. Under this de nomination we include the Market Rcfiorts and River and Marine Intelligence. Sucb matters are too frequently crowded In small type in a corner. The Commercial News will be carefully compiled and corrected. We arc in receipt of the Cnion Weelh Espies, an excellent and handsoineiyiiririted new paper issued at Monroe, Union county, X.C.. by our yopng friend, Walter J. IVvlin. I t:( THE PATRI0Ti r t'ldc-t pajK-r in the We?t. ' Publis)icJ weekly at revnl:ro N. C. .Address . - . 1'ATinoT. ; y : nv.-tt . Uirentmro', N. C. ' THE- HA L TIMOR E S EX. Published tlaily (except Sundav)- tthe Sun Iron IiuildiugSv S'Ut!ieast Corner of Baltimore and South t.jvcfs : bj A ij. Ann.t;Jo Co .Vfj etuuK, iwo nirmtlis, one dollar: three luxKlnham: I T " --w.to.Y. v w .. , . Spirit of natter u, .we VI r (Rad). Life is but short, but we should do all we cair to prolong it. Checks a cough or cold at once, and use an old reliable reliable reinedy such as Dr. Ball's Cough Syrup.. : - - Price fur Mai iuj Siugieeopy. time cents: one mouth, .-ixtv eeuts; two months, one months, one. dollar aud ' mouths, three dollars ; 1 year, s Lv dollars. m. wtuc preiaiaaiineoikee by the pub lishers. ent loiter . ; than paid for. niE WEEKLY SCX. Onti doUar and a lulf a yyaQ td ?l six months, with dre it mdueements : . ' - ' to $ ... nov'7-tf CLC33. Elizabeth City: Eco.Noxii?T, weekly (Dem). Nokth Cinoid max, weekly (Rad). Cioldsboro: ' MrEXoEK,semi-weeklyfc weekly (Dem). - , . ; .Magnolia: . Recok o, weekly ( Dem ) . bujnbcrtou: Ropt.-H x 1: n, weekly ( Dcin ) . . . , 4 Fayettevflle: tiAZLTTt, weekly (Dem). n e A w a K E. weekly (Dem). SlBSCRirnON 1LVTES. The bash. In either on the week or th year. The Cape Fear will be furnihed at Ten Cents per week, One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents for Three Months, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents for Sir Months and Five Dollars for One Tear. Delivered by ; Cjrrier in the City or Suburbs. No .w. .-. .... V... .II mil... Is . nlrf4ntlnn 1 has been prejaid. Collectiona made by ! Carrier every week, and no paper delivered J for a longer time than a week to any one ! who does not wt for it promptly. Cah is the word. .. t, ;"Aadwboro: lor Hehalo. weekly (Dein). RoIktonV Assonian, weekly (Dctn)- TERMS OF ADVERTISING Monroe! em, ) ''' ...... - ' ! Concord: UiaifTEK, weekly (Dem). 8 zx, weekly (Dem). I Are civcu in another place. These ar made especially reaaonaDie, in Keepw with the times. Contracts cau be effected on liberal terms for advertisers. Address, THE CAPE FEAB," oct J54f." WiLKisaiojr, X. C errors of our treaties, and our dinlomatU relations which have tr1pp-d our adopted citizens of foreign birth and kind ml rac reerosMng the Atlantic of the shield of American citizenship, and have exjiosod our brethren of the racine coast to th Incurslous of a race not sprung from the same great parent stock, and, in fact, now by law denied citizenship through iatu- ralization, as being neither accuttumed to the habits of a progressive civilization, nor exercised Iii liberty under erjml laws. We denounce the policy which thus -di-card the libertv-loviug German and tolerates the revival of the Coolie trade in Monco Ran women, imported for immoral pur poses, and Mongolian men hired to n-r. form servile labor contracts, and demand such modification by Congrc within a constitutional limitation, as shall present the further Imtiortation or immigration of the Mongouan race. RETOliX IS TDE CAMrAJoX lt r. Reform' is necessary, and can never b eflected but by maklu? it th- cutnd:bg issue of the election, lilting it Utr th two fali ismcs villi irhlc! the .itU-e-. holding claaa and the arty iu iower iV to smother it. Thr talae Uue itb w hich they would enkindle M-ctarUn strife In respect t the public schoolc. if whkh the establishment and suport l-lonx rxeln slvely U the several hutn. and which the Democratic iarty has eberUhol from tlirfr foundation, and resolved to ma.hita'11 w ilh out partizanry or pnferenc for auy cls, sect or creed, and without contributing from the Treasury to any the falw lue by which they seek t lirht anew thedring embers of sectional lu: re" I lirlwem kin dred peoi-lc, onre uimatunJly estranged, but now miuiu-d in one IndivWUe KcjMib 11c and a common destiny. KEFORM IX THE CIVIL tEiTICf." Reform is neeeary In the civil service. Experience proves that the efficient, eco nomical conduct of tbe governmental bus iness Is not possible if iu civil ice Ijc subject to change at every t kr Hod be a Crtze fought for at the balkt-bix te a rief reward of party zeal, iutead of puU of honor, aatlzritMl iur proved competency and held for fidelity in the pubHc etnjJoy ment. That the dipeui4cg of patronage should neither be a tax upon the time of all our public men. nor the instrument of their ambition. Here again professions falsified in the performance, attest that the party in power can work out 00 practical or salutary reform. ' ' BZTO-Uf AJCOXO TUE IUCBEST FTSUC Refoim is ceceseary even mors lathe h'rher ides of public scrrlct Prctidcst, riiu WORLD! BKK.UI, FF. A RI.KC. " 4 ZY. Thf - T tV at f per An-.iuui, h tbeL'krprMau4 iwTX2? Nej.jf-r lnie ' United -States! - : tr i in- n Vriy -pc4rf : i 5 r anuuin. .r Rtw i COUNTRY! Aii 1 for tlM. wUi bave'eo Uitmf dally reading. . f i .11 .f.- s7 Addn '..THE'STjli,.' " NEW TUIU- 1 vt lAl . a w t . inn. .vv : .. w. a. Editors and frets'. MltiiH Til e ' oxFon itro (cjuag rsr. - ;Clziulat'ta owAlW Ca. Two Djilars Tir Atnusn- a Tae Democratic Offia cT CrasvW

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