TV BISK frUMBKR 49. KESIHAi CITY SEWS, HUWDAY MORKIXK'M fire. teveral i DalldlBB Destroyed. .Sunday morning about 5 o'clock po liceman John Marshall discoTered that Mesers. Johnson k ElweH'g upholster erigctablihracnt,on Princess between front and Second streets, was on fire, tie immediately Hounded the alarm and t policeman awoke Col. Roger Moore, Chief of the Fire Department. That officer oon arrived and there were sev sril policemen and a. few citizens on the spot. They burst in the door and fotind a pile of mattresses burnin g. These were .carried out, but the moss spread ing soon set lire to the whole store. Tbes Little G;aut arrived soon after and had a steam playing on the build- In? Tha office of Pre. Love and Murphy next caught; most .of the furniture wm fWVcdV Mr.. T. Childs tin shop, t t L J.e it ' l ; l .,'. I wmco wuwhumuc uurningouuding, as annuel consumcu. mt. o. oss' Bhoe snop was demoiisned to keep the lire from spreading. The first building was used by Messrs. Johnson & El well, upholsterers, and by Mr A. H. Leslie as a paint snop. Meters. Johnson k Elwell's stock was valued at $800, within insurance for $200 in the Albemarle Insurance Co,, of Virginia, Mr. Norwood Giles gent. . : :'i Mr. IiCslie's loss is about 100, with an insurance for $50. , Dre. Love and, Murphy saved a great matfjr of their instruments and books, which were insured for $350 in the Wil mington Mutual, i Mr. J. (t. Voss' loss its about o0. Ko insurance. Mr. T. Cjiilds' lgt is covered bv an ii)Buranc of.$10t) in the Atlas Insurance Co.. of Hartford, Col. W. L. Smith, agent. , . The itore reused by Mr. Childs.was owned by Messrs. Sol. Bear k Bro.,and had no insurance on it. The building vras not entirely ruined. Loss $300. ;The other three buildings were owned by Mrs. Mariah Mebanc, aud were not insured. It is not known how the fire originated. B Tlm(ln.,v,LKu; u ,i,n inS a- vi.' s In tfc rif nI .it rxA 4k,v Tf AANM V V H4 W f 1 k lllv J.11Z I vk UIO uyt ail IVUJJp MIU VU IU1S occasion that ojnly the Market bell was ruig. All the bells should be rung as the firemen who live far from the mar ket house hardly ever hear the bell. Mayors Court. , Willis Drake, drunk and disorderly ; fiued $10 and cost, or ,30 days on, the afreets, ' i; - Champ Artisinsulting police officer. Hned $10 and cost, or 15 davs on the itreets. ' L. Howard, drunk and disorderly ; case continued. I ; ' I Harman Woelse, keeping a gambling house; ease dismissed. Weo. Armstrong, same offense ; case continued. ? Wf M Register, drunk and disorder- ) ; fined $25 and cost. A Kerosene Casualty. FunaaT eveninr aoout b o clock a colored girl fifteen years of age, named Fansie Robins, residing in Camp Lamb, indertopk to light a small brass lamp iron? me nre-piacc. ine result was that the lamp exploded, and the dress oi tnp fcfrl got a-flre from the name. ?ne screamca. tier mother, running in at the moment, snatched up a pail of watpi l " . 4, owning child, thus extinguishing the are, not, howevrr, until the feet and lower part of the legs were severely, though not seriously burned. aiurul Accident. bunday monjing as the train with the delegates for the colored M. K. Conference was leaviug the depot, a joung colored man by the name bf Fred derrick, who was seeing some friend 5", jumped from the car while in mo- kon As he jumped his feet slipped on tie ice, and he struck the ground with oaca force that he broke one of his lgs just below the knee. The unfor tunate man was carried to his home and Tendered. Personal. T . "" .1 . rJ .... . ev. J?amerr uross, of this city, preached in Raleigft at t. John's Catholic Church, last Sunday. The ; Xete$ aaya of him: ."Father Gross for nort time was pastor of the church nre, and during his brief pastorate completely won the love of his immedi- parishioners, and the esteem of all no became acquainted with him. . He is a a i x j . . . 40 a.ieamntl l(Vinant anil nAtmnnliokaH Iatlemn, and? his sermons never fail ..v, viijiivuuuaw,unutu impress nd edify his heaIes., Blunlclpal Reform. Wclearn that tic Central! eHo cratic Reform Club are taking the pre liminary steps to raiie the' necessary fund3 and have an amended charter drawn for our city, which will insure control of the city affairs by the tax payers. AVe arc informed that the re sult of their action will be submitted to our citizens as soon as the committee arrive at a decision. Temperance Meeting. TUe Cape Fear Mariiie-Total Absti nence Society met at ' the Seaman's Bethel last evening, and we are pleased to learn, enjoyed a most interesting metting. - . Several addresses were delivered and fourteen names were added to the mem bership. There was a large attendance or Dotft ladies and gentlemen, and an excel,ent feelh,S s exhibited. A Short Runaway. Yesterday, while a carriage contain c mg Kev. Dr. Wilson, was driving un Jf ront street over the new cobbles: tl .carnage was jostled so much that the driver fell from his seat. The hors finding no one had the reins' ran 'a a short distance but were stopped New Advertisements. Dauforth Steel engravings. Stevenson- Candies, currants, llo's, raisins and other nice things for Christ mas. ' Death of C. A. Treiiholm. We regret to learn by the "Areire a ml Courier of the death of George A. Trenholm. the able ex-Secretary of the Treasury under the Confederaer. Vm w Thermoiuetrical. ' The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ols served at the signal office in this citv. yesterday at 4:31 p. m. Augusta, 52: Charleston, il: Gal veston, 00: .Jacksonville, G: Mobile, 61: New Orleans. G4: Norfolk. 30: Sa vannah. 64: Wilmington. 57. Xadies' Benevolent Society. The visitors of the Ladies' Benevo lent Society, and all who are willing to assist them, arc -'earnestly desired to meet iuhe Lecture Room of the First IK v j. ii i i m r.respyterian inurcn this alternoou uesday at d o clock. A Church Fair. We are requested to State that the ladies of St. Taul's Enisconal Church j - x will have a fair and festival for the ben efit of that Church on the 20th inst. The Senatorial committees to visit the three disputed States passed through on their way to their respect ive destinations yesterday. Postal Hour, close at the City Post-Office The mails ag follows : Northern through mails - - - o:30 T. M-. 7:00 A. M iNorthern throusrh and wav mails, daily - - - - Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied there from, at " - - - - G::;oi'.M. Southern mails for all points South, daily - - - - , , 7:fK) P. M. 0:00 A. M. - j Western mails C. C. R'y, daily Jtayetteville and offices ou Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridavs - - - - -Fayettevme'by C. C. Rry, daily (except Sundays - 1 :00 P. M. G:IK) A. M. G:0C) A . M. Onslow C. II. and intermedi ate offices, every Friday - ARRIVE. Northern throusrh mails 12:45 P. M. Northern through & way mails 8 :00 P., M i ne Mmtlmlle mails, by steamboat , close at 8 A. M., daily, except Sundays,'" Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Sup ply and Shallottc, every Friday at 0 A. M. Alails delivered from G A? M. to P. M., and on Sundays from S:30 to 0:30 A. M. Stamp OrheC oen from S A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5.-00 P. M. Moiiev order auj Register Departments open same as Stamp Stamps for sale at sreneral delivery when bra nip Office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours, dav ana mgnt. JfORTlf CAROL1XA XEWS, The venerable Methodist Church at Weldon was burned Tuesday niht. Snow in Watauga countv fifteen inches deep. Mr Mill Keith of Wake county, married his mother-in-law last Thursday. 'Durham Herald: The Cape Fear comes to our offiee dailv. and has all the latest - - i' . - c s. ummgton snouJd be proud of her new daily. Brb. Harris deserves Crfat credit for his uhdertakimr. yened at Moriah, Greensboro Circuit, on Wednesday ,-Nov. 2Dth, at 12, M. Georee Dill Esq.,-of Beaufort f .jrtr. r county, died very suddenly at his residence on Monday last. Mr. Dill the war,ofX812, and for many years prior - unw ui iiis county. Raleigh Observer : A letter of invitation will be sent to Samuel J. Tilden. President eiecioi xac cmtea States, solieltiiyo- his presence at the inausura Hon of Govern JJy- IV would be conferred upon her bv visit m Mr; Tilden upon that occasion, as the people have shown their just appreci- c 41.. i r - - - "k'f1 ouuu ui me rcai principles oi reform finally administered by him, by giving 3,000 m excess of .that of our State ticket. w J i ' " MINGTOX, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER I M'WLATURE OF NORTH CAR OLINA. sixteenth lay. tfftUH4edrojH the Xetcs. SENATE. Friday, Dec. ci. KhroRTS 0 .M)I.V(i COMMITTKF. Scales, from the committee on corpo rations, Dortch, from the committee on propositions ami grievances, Crawford, from the committee on privileges and elections. Moore, from the committee on enrolled bills,- Stewart, from the committee on engrossed bills, submitted reporls. Robins submitted a minority report to the report of the judiciary committee "concerning the repeal of the House bill 422,- laws of 1874-'T5. Placed on the calendar and ordered printed. vesa;k mow thk house. A message was received from the House of Representatives informing the Senate til the passage of House bills 72, 121, 60 aud 29, and House res olutions -10 and 48. These were placed upon the calendar or referred to appro priate committees. BILLS AND KBSOLUTIOXS. Upon motion of Scales, the rules were suspended and the Senate took up Senate bill No. 90, authorizing sheriffs or tax-collectors who were in office in 1873. and have been since, to collect arrears of taxes for 1873-T4 and '75, their authority to collect $uch taxes to expire on the 30th of December, 1877. J he question recurred upon the pa sage ot the bill on its third re-ding and it passed, aves 21, noes 13. Till 1 to amend chap. 193, laws of 1874 '75, for the protection of birds in the counties, of Davidson, Davie, Ran dolph, Anson and other counties. Upon motion of Tales, the bill was referred to the committee on proposi tions and grievances. Under the resolution of Finger the chair announced the following commit tee on the Sxate debt ; Finger, Holt, Roberts. . (lieen. (Jraham, Troy and Johnston. ! Rill to be entitled an act to make Cape Fear river a lawful fence for its entire length, was taken up and passed its several readings. Rill to be entitled au act to protect paupers. Provides that no pauper shall be hired out at public auction by county commissioners, or any white or colored paupers hired privately to a person of the opposite color, except by written consent of the pauper. After amendments by Graham and Askew, the bilj was referred to the judiciary committee. HOUSK OF REPRESENTATIVES. KKI'ORTS OK COMMITTER'S. Shackelford, from committee on en grossed bills; McRrayer, from commit tee on judiciary: King, from same; Ke nan, from committee on propositions aud grievances, Gudger, from same; Stables, from committee on judiciary, submitted reports. RESOLUTIONS AND BILLS, Ry Henderson: -V bil tq allow me chaijics 60 days in which to file liens. Judiciary. Ry AYilson of New Hanover: A bill to provide an asylum for the insane colored people of the State. Calendar. CALENDAR. The bill for the general releif of sher iffs and tax collectors, was taken up. The bill allows all those who nave been sheriffs and tax collectors for the years 1873-'74-'75-'76, to collect arrears of taxes. The precisians of the pro- poseu api uo nux exiena xo snerins ana tax collectors who have not settled with the proper officers for the public and county taxes. I An amendment, oflered by Cooper, that the benefits of the proposed act shall not extend to such sheriffs and tax collectors who have not settled for public and county taxes at the time they attempt to collect such arrearages was auopiea. Khg movtsd to amend so as to in elude the year 1872. Adopted. The bill passed its third reading and was ordered to be engrossed and sent to the Senate. On motion of Rose, the rules were suspended, and the report of the com mittee on the resolutions cf protest against Federal and military interfer ence in South Carolina, was taken up. After various 'amendments and substi tutes had been voted down and several speeches, had been made, the original report and resolutions were agreed to 52 to 47. Seventeenth Day. Condi timed front the Obterrer. SENATE. Saturcay, Dec. !). KF.rORTS OF COMMITTEES. Messrs. Coke, "Wilson, Robins aiuj Folk, from the judiciary ; 4V)rtch, from propositions and grievances; Short, from the insurance ; and Stickuey, from the committee on education, submitted reports which were placed on the caU endar. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. Resolution of proteit in relation to President Grant sending troops to the Southern States to interfere with elec tions, referred to tho judiciary commit tee. INTRODUCTION CF BIL1. Roddie: Rill to extend the time for the organization of Rocky Mount mills to the 1st of January, 18S2 ; the rules were suspended, and the bill passed its several readings. On motion of Short the rules were suspended, and the bill concerning cer tain Insurance Companies incorporated in this State wa3 tatcn up. Considerable ccnssion eiv;ned. Short auujuuwaioa aavocaica us tossibg and Folk spoke in opposition ; finally the vote was taken and the bill failed to pass its second reading. CALENDAR. The following bills came up aud were indefinitely poatpooed Bill to change the time of closing the polls on election dar. Rill to amend section 2 of chapter 18 of Rattle's Rerisal, relating to sum mons. Rill to amend sections 112 of chan ter 63 of Rattle's Rerisal. relating to the service of summons in Justices Courts. Rill to amend sections 49. 55 and 70 of chapter 63 of Battle's Rerisal. Mebane. of Rockingham, called to the attention of the Senate the fact. that at the last session of the Legisla ture the amendment now proposed by the judiciary committee was enacted and that it was now the law; he did not see any necessity for the passage of the bill. BILLS AX1 RESOLUTIONS WHICH PAKSKD THEIR READING. Rill to prevent and punish attempts to burn dwellings or other out-houses. Resolution of instruction to the Rhp resentatives of this State in Congress to exert themselves to procure sueh amendments to the law regulating the currency so that national banks will be cffectnallp prohibitec from taking more man o per cem. interest. -v HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Satcrdat, Dec. 9, 1876. BILL. Ry Gettroy: Rill for the relief of the sheriff of Carteret county. Proposi tions and grievances. Ry Moring: Bill to restore to the State its representation in the W. X. C. R. R. Referred to committee-on internal improvements and ordered to be printed. By Hill, col.: Bill to incorporate the New Hanover Industrial Association. Corporations. RESOLUTIONS. By Williams, col.: Resolution of In struction to members of Congress from North Carolina to use their influence to secure tne passage of a law setting aside three or more territories west of the Mississippi river for the coloniza tion of the negroes of the South. Cal endar. By McRae: Resolution ta secure the arrest of fugitives from justice. Calen dar. PASS AGS CF BILLS. The following Senate bills parsed their final reading and were ordered to be enrolled for ratification: S. B. 133, to extend the time for the organization of Rocky Mount Mills un der their existing charter. The following bills were laid on the table, having been reported unfavorably on by the committees: H. Bs 32, 44, 55, 57, 90, 101, 105, 108, H, B, 103, to amend sub-division 24, sec, 8, chap. 37 Battle's Revisal in re lation to the maintenance of paupers in several counties, to prevent hiring oat. was taken up. (This is the bill which called forth much debate on the color question a few days ago. Mr. Simpson offered an amendment, that if necessary to let out the keeping of panpers, each color should be let to their respective raws, Paflley moved to amend by striking out the words "white" and colored" and 44any person' whenever they occur in the bill. Clarke, of Craven, offered to amend by authorizing county commissioners to select places for the poor in each county where there are no poor houses. Ransom offered a substitute for the whole matter, requiring county author ities to erect poor houses in such coun ties n$ havo none, with separate de partments for white and black. Rose moved to recommit the matter to judiciary committee, which motion prevailed. A bill to require registers of deeds ana snerins to lurnish itemized state ments of county expense, being a sub stitute for U. B's 64 and 84, was taken up, and on motion of Leach, was recom mended to judiciary committee. special orqkr H. R. to amend &apc 3.7 taction 1 of uatu? xievisai, in relation to divorce and alimony, being special order for 12 m., was taken up, and after lengthy uuvumwu cuicreu luio uy 3ionng, mc Gchee and Henderson, was. on motion of McGehee, referred to judiciary com- iiu i iec. H. B. 116, bill in regard to usury, and other House bills were put upon t.m.i c-vuuva rcuuiuK, anu, ou motion. r. i . ... ivicirvu 10 juaiciary committee. 4. jt xo esxaoiisn an insane asylum for the colored insane, was read the second time and referred to com mittec on insane asylums. c;knkral summary. Senator Me rrimoo In oue of the subcom mittee appointed to rWt South Carona. Mr. Cronin, the LVmoeraUc elector In Oregon, U a brother of Mr.HmotfcT C.Cron in, of Brookljn,one of the Rrrat4lcan elec tors for New York. Of the standing committer of the Sen ate Gen. Ransom l appointed to three Commerce, Railroad and Library. Judgt Mcrrlmon to three Prlvflorr and Elee tines, District of Columbia and Rolen. Miss Kate Claxton. (Mrs. Dore Lyon.) who displayed to much beroUm at 'the burning of the Brooklyn Thatre. is the grands ughter of the Rrr. Spencer W. Crone, celebrated Baptist dime, who was an actor in the old Richmond Theatr wben the terrible fire occured there In 1SH. 12. 1876. how TirDnx troif the racs. IDE3TCY. r Crivtw Telia the try o! urevn vote. New Ydac Dec. 9v G or. C roTernor. of Oregon, te'iegraphs the following to tne mrxiia: Salr. Oacooy. Dec 7. To the YA. itor of the llrald your request 1 K,TC some oi me grouixls ci rav actior. in granting certincates to the rlledor? in Oregon. The law of Oregon requires the Governor to erant certificate to Electors dulr elected. In taking hii oath of office the Governor i swdni to support the Constitution of thciUni ted atatcs and of this Sute. In the elec tion of Trwident and Vice rreaident the Constitution of the United State is the paramount law. That instru ment declares that no peton holding an office of trust or profit under the United 8tates shall be apDointcd an Elector. John W. AVatt., nne of the Hectors voted for in Oregon.-wa.on tho 7th dav of November, holding an office of profit and trust under the United rstatcn, to wn:, postmaster at t a vet te. the count v- scat of Yamphill countv. and had Jo held : that office for more than three years. Many more than the number of voters constituting bis majority had pawed in and out of his own office on official business. His official charaeu. was generally known, and was mention ed during the political dkcunsion of the canvass. The law was known, anc the fact was known rendering him dis qualified to be an Klcctor. A protest was filed in the Kxccutivc office by prominent citizens objecting to the is suance of a certificate to "Watts, at a person oualified. aeromnanifVl h- Sroof of his dlqualificatioo, and cmaudinir that the ami Jean. to the eligible per?on havinrr tbn next highest number of vote. A reply was filed objecting to anvthin but a count of the .votes ami a certifi cate on the count, and making no denial of the disqualifying facts. It was ruled in tne case that where the obieetion to an applicant's right to receive a cer- titicate rests upon tho jrround that a constitutional prohibition is intcrpovd. mc wjternor, aciinc nnaer an oath to support the constitution. ir bound to entertain and determine the question ana not oniy that, but he is to deter mine it in such a way as to enforce the constitutional mandate to the extent o: nw execuuve power. It was also held mat, the law and the fact bcintr well known, the votes cast for the ineliiribh. candidate cannot be counted for anr Eurpose, and tho eligible candidate avin? tho next hiVhet numW r.t voteu, was duly elected. This ruling was bated upon etandard authorit such as Cushing and Grant, the dc- cisions oi many courts, like the Su preme Court and the Court of Appeals of Xew York, tt later uniform prac tice m the United htatc-e Hou- of ReprtcntatiTe; and the grvat weight of Knglkh authorities, both parlu- mentary and fudicial. . The law of Oregon, protiding for the filling of vacancies in the Klectoral College; recognizes a vacancy only in case where there has been an incumbent. unless the next highest candidate should take the position, and there wa no-vacancy which could be filled by the other .mcRibcrs of the Meetcr! College. .The next highest candidate eligible under the Constitution of thr United States was therefore certified to be duly elected. . L. F. Gaovra, Governor of Oregon. iue uveroor Dmclam.itlrn t,..t been Iwued on Sunday morning, ut the Arws learns this much of tlui ou the Constitutional AmetuImouU: Total vote for ratification In the ctnintics 120,ir9, for iT-j-iwuu iuo,oo, majoniy tor ratlflcation 13,C05, The majority In the three Irrejru- lany rtiurned counties Is VI, which, had these counties been properlj returned, would have made the majority for ratifi cation 14,091. Thee are the things that Judjre Settle wild in all hU frrcLn were XR Y AD VEX T1SEXEXTS I'ANWES, CAMHES, . CANDIES. OaNDIKjI I'EHFKCILY FKKhH Canuiei FEKEKCTLY PUKE. n VyADIES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Candies at vert iv price. T? JL I" CRACKERS, Ttm-di, forale by the box or retail. JL&IED nCS, Carrants, RWn, tlu rou, AMorted Nuts and a fall aorUnent of XSIAS GOODS. BeCura purvhalng, coo in aud pi toy goods. 1 do a safe aad economical bus mess and don't WAST LARGE PROFITS. deU4f 10 CKNTS A WKIIK Call at Danforth1 THE UANDioMi: BTEEL ENGRATINUr. lurI" A Irk tt i Atfrr sons CHR1S1HAS PREMiVi. decl2-tf Chas. D. Myers & Co. orrr.::- TDE lELEI!RAlEil MWIl I '.;:!!( I. X. 1U small ric; ham in::: u-. FAST BACOX, ll-t Cured tiii-t, a. . QOoPKirvNr,ON-.,;:lA-.:v-; A-N"i !ixiii:Aia. r:iK i. PUuVm IWira. ttliltraiim. CP. M. I'atcirltr .v hitc Itoe FLOUR, ' Net lr.iu-l i.i Am. r;. OILT ElKiE TA11LK ISCTTEF. Ht Hun r -..1.1 iu tt'i ;;r. FIJVS lELEHILUEli ti'.UKUls AT CIIACKKK DUST. Lttr for lbicea!o Su; 1U ; . Outers. Dct ihki :u t:v. Paul MonvnyuKAxn or ' Imported Scaars. LA fAUKI'A AM C TA . A. nuMEsTic JiEi;Ai:'?-i:::57 sr ;.:.r :.s vii.n.i;7ii 1MI1KMX it'.tjum;.' Best lot-ao u MX. I i: . J !- Uoldt r t in iV. ry A VERV FILL NTUlTv n't All. IX OLIl LINE AT ! )V, j;.r I KK EE C1IV hl l.ii.!,: Chas. D. Myers & Co., lc lOtjl .1 au4 ? rrt!i l'r:: !. Sporting Material, &o. (iUN.S AND HKVOLYI fi- of all tli mol a;r... i ru Powder, Hhut aud Cap. hot llc!t. M.ut !,?.-. Ganmaa. r Utirl.l. ., .c. at KKDccEn ri:n Axes and Grindstones JJ-E AT CUTTER!, v i u r. hug M)jteU and Tone. woun haws axp xtvjr.v RIe, Tfne, 4r. . VW ALSO FOR SALE. TYVO CAXtTK, f Uc bel materia I. aal made by NTYVBlRKY. of Lwu berton. WIU be r4J LOW. SATO A SI EL JACUDI, HARDWARE DEPOT. Na. IO Houth Frost At. dec3-tf TABLE BOARD" k GEXTLESIAX, OR GENTLEMEN .. eaa oKaia bnsvrJ la a private facUy ' who lire tot very ixr iron the bui(e portions cf thititr. Atrlr at nenr SZ-tfJ TUE CATE 1'tAR OnTCE

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