FRIDAY a Grant's Partisan Htatemenrr- Conns menu of the Press. , The New York World; 'm alluding -to President , Grant partisan state ment to a representative of the Asso ciated Press ages the following plain language : ; , Is it possible for any calm, con servative American citizen, no matter what maybe bin political preferences and associations to read language like this from the lips of an African President at such a moment of deep popular feeling and legitimate political inxfcty as the present, without sliarae and indignation and alarm ? Who in .11 the land, save President Grant, has dreamed or spoken of a conflict of arms at Washington 7 v ho m all the land, save President Orant, has talked of ''fighting for tKjacc V " The New York Tribune is evidently nlcascd at the , partisan feeling dis- r . played by the .President. It says : 'President 0 runt's conversation with Mr. Hewitt j and Senator Randolph nines now ina new shape, but this is the official version and mav be d wnded upon.;. The President's plan of getting eminent Democrats up to his end of Peunsylvania avenue, where he can give them a racy discourse ot his own, is a good one. His judgment rorri'spouds with ; that of most fair- mihded men who haye studied the situ ation, and it is just as well that Demo cratic leaders should have the beneht of it in his ONvn free talk, for that has the reputation of beinr much better than his writing On the other hand, the Philadelphia Times i stvies tne rresiuents taiK a "stump speech, au indifferent rehash of what Kelloffjr and Patterson have fcinirht nartv leaders to . sav in excuse f if. ! HA Knl ii i i An n Hi Imh li 1 n i - 4 1 . Carolina, Florida and ,Louisiana." and adds : . ; ..ii ...Ml., tl.t .11.. ll :u . . 11 is pinssiuic lira i .jir. jicm mis understood the President; i t is possible that the President, misunderstood him self, and it is more than probable that he was confident that the Hampton House could not obtain the sixty -three members, and therefore felt safe in promising to perform his plaiu duty, because he believed that the' contingen cy would never arise. The whole thins savors of Graht?s explauatiQi of 1868 when he was (confronted by six cabinet officers and Up President on an issue ot veracity, and it would have been prud ent for him not to have repeated such a f train upon the credulity of the nation. Grant has now spoken; let us hear from Mr. Hewitt' VM The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, a Republican paper, is evidently poking fun at the President. It says: "It is a strong feature in President -Grant's character th,at he never speak. without saying something. And it is r.nother strong feature in his character' that while other men are talking he is storing himself with accurate and ex haustive knowledge of public affairs to an extent w hich gives commanding weicht to liis words when he does speak." . the m jcratic caucus committee werein ses sion lor some time to-night considering the form of an address to be issued to the people of the country. L1 Speaker Randall has received d letter from an ex-Republican Govern or of one of the Western Stales, in which thc vrriler says that the people vj inai section are throughly arousedf that Democrats and Republicans say teat Tilden is elected, and shall he inaugurated. SALE BY MORTGAGEES BTTIRTUE 05 A POWER OF SALE contained iu a mdrtragre made bv Jacob fcherer and Catherine A. Sherer, his wife, to Charles D. Myers & Co., dated tne Uth-dav of feentember. 1S7.1. and registered in the Register's Office of New Hanover Countv, m Book L L L, pujres Sit, 812. 313 and 814 (default bavin" been made in the payment of the debt therein heeured), the underehrned, a-s .Attorney lor baul mortgagees will olfer for sale at public auction, at the Court House door in the citv of Wilmington, on SATURDAY, the' 23d day of DECEMBER. 1S7G. at 12 o'clock M., the following de scribed lot of land in the citv of Wilminc'toh: befniininrrattheN. W. eorner of BIcekNo. 207, and running thence S, with the E. line of Seventh street 119 feet inches, thence E. parallel with Harnett street . 5ft feet t Inches to tlj,e Love line, theuce N. with the Love line 132 feet to the bejrinuiug, beiuir parts of lots 1 and 2 in Bloek No. 297. Terms of sale CASH. FREDERICK. D. POlSSON, Attorney for Morrgagee. dec 13-tds-d-i V XI8CELLAXE0 VB7 Ales SRnmt Son, -COMMISSION i MERCHANTS. WILMINGTON, N. C.: oct 154f EUGENE L. HARRIS, ARTIST IX Crayon Portraits, SASSAFRAS FORK' N. . TEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR t) attention to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wishing good pictures of them selves or deceased friends, can have them nicely executed by tending him a photo graph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a good likeness. The prices below include postage by mail, on roller. A neat frame of walnut and 'gilt will be furnished to thofee who desire it at $1 50&92 00. PRICES :; Size 14x17 inches - - -Life Size (bust) - - - 5 00 10 00 Meal! Meal! Meal! 400 BAGS FRESH MEAL IN NEW COTTON SACKS. MOLASSES ! UBA, DLMERARA t i HOUSE. AND SUGAR 500 noylStf B A RRELS FLOU R All grades BINFORD, CROW &. CO. TESTIMONIALS : "Mr. Harris possesses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph or other picture the exact likeness of any one. We guarantee batis' faction." Oxford Leader. "We have seen his work, and cc-usider it excellent. Try them." Central Pro testant. "We have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W. Venable, by Mr. E. L. Harris, that reflects additional lustre ou his geuius in that department." Torchlight. oct 15-tf TEN CENTS inscrirsnTovs ' - REMEMBER C. W. YATES JEEPS THE .MOST STOCK OF COMPLETE Democratic Deliberations on Presidential Question. Spulal Diupdtch to the Baltimore Sun Washington. Dec. 11. The Demo cratic Senators held a short caucus this afternoon and auppointcd the following coromitteepf five to act in conjunction with the House caucus committee to take into consideration the state of af fairs regarding the Presidency and mat tcrs pertaining thereto: Messrs. Thur- . T fc T' -' -I.i.4 J T man, jayaru, jveruau, XiUiuiiuuu xugy. The House Democrats held another caucus this afternoon, llcpresentative llunton submitted a proposition that the judiciary committee be instructed to inquire into the rights of the House of Representatives in connection with the count of the electoral vote, It was urgpd tht immediate action on this very important question was absolutely necessary, as with all the diligence that could be brought to bear npon the sub ject there was scarcely enough time to arrive at a satisfactory adjustment. Representative O'Brien, of Maryland, i moved an amendment that the commit tee be instructed to inquire into the rights of both Houses in reference to the count of the electoral vote, which he advocated in a; speech, claiming that the right of the two houses in this re spect could not be separated. Repre sentative Caulfield nioved as an amend ment that the subject be -.referred to a special committee. Mr. Hereford, of West Virginia, took the ground that the JJouse was only concerned hi thia matter us to its own rights, and need not trouble itself to inquire into the rights of the Senate. Mr. Humphreys, the tsucce'ssor of Speaker Kerr, took the view that the two hous es, when they assembled to witness the count of the electoral vote, were in joint convention, !and that a majority of ; all the members of the joint covention - would have the power, to decide any questions which might arise. This doc trine of Mr. Humphreys was said by some of the members to be very com- oriaoie doctnne u it could only be carried; put, but vthere were not enough who believed rin it ' to accomplish that much. - ;F In the course of the discussion there tow considerable allusion to the recent .utterances of President Grant, and uy .of the members were quite strong ' S e?Pressing their opinion of the f "resident's course and his language, and . 'pressed their determination to main Jam all the constitutional rights of Mr. Aiiuen to the presidential chair. The amendment pf Mr O'Brien was finally defeated, and the original resolu- wra or Mr. Hunton adopted. Some of .-, ine members complained Of the action 01 tncl Demorrfitic Senatnra i Ti vnf i fi rr ith the Republicans in idecjariqJthe r'MMs aorogateti. i The Senate and the House joint De PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY BLANK, SCHOOL AND MISCELLA, NEOUS B OOKS , FA NC Y GOODS, PICTUliES AND FRAMES, GOLD PENS ANl)PECILS,&c, &c. fact every article usually kept in a first class - ,- ': -:. . - ' BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. Bacon, Flour, &c. r( BOXE-6 D. S. SIDES, 0J -;00 BBLS. FLOUR (all grades) , IO0 Uhds. and Bbls. CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Bbls. S. II. SYRUP, 50 Bags COFFEE,. 50 Bbls. SUGAR, ' . 100 -BblsGLUE, 500 Bdls. HOOP IRON, 500 Bales HAY. BAGGING, TOBACCO, SNUFF, SOAP, LYE, CANDY, TIES, CHEESE, SPIRIT BARRELS, LARD, NAILS, &c, &c. oc .5 tf WORTH & WORTH. Pays tor a Week' Subscription Carolina Central Rail- - - - way Comp'y, OmcK GrscKiL 8trmmrKAui,.t, Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 18, 1876. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O' N AND AFTER 8CNDAT", THE 17th hist;, trains will ran over thl Rail- way aa follows: PASSENGER AND MAIL EXPRESS. Leare Wflminjrton at - C0 A. M. Arrive In Charlotte at 8JS0 P. M. Leave Charlotte at - - 620 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at - 820 P. M. JDailj except Sundayp THROUGH FREIGHT. Leave Wnmington at - - 7:30 P. M. Arrive at Charlotte at - - 1230 P. M. Leave Charlotte at - 6:45 P. M. Arrive at WUmingtou at - 120 M Daily except Sunday. (LOCAL FREIGHT. Leave Wilmington - - 0:44) A. M. Arrive at Laarinburg - 025 P. M. Leave Laurinburg - - MX) A. M. Arrive at Charlotte - - 425 P.M. Leave Charlotte - - 5X) A. M. Arrive at Laurinbunr , 4SW P. MJ Leave Laurinburg t 5300 A. M I Arrive at WUmingt. 'ii . 450 P. M. Leave Wilmington" Moudays, Wednee1a and Fridays Lev ve Charlotte Mondays, WcduewlaVB and Fridays. No Pabongcre allowed or Ticket hold by Freight Trains. ;v. Q. JOUNSOX, General Superintcndfut. Etf Papi-r publishing Time Tables of Company, note changv. iict 15-ly EXTRAORDINARY. JNDUCEMENNTS ABE NOW OF FEKED IN 1E1TS INOTE VAN! MX STOCK OF FIXE, liMlI JfiDlTEAPIlRES )0IS,'M V.l!ILlV,Mlt AMI IMfE Drttn eumprtitkm. All the cw hdt-, m ith TrUaraiD to u'.zh. , 10, 11 and 12-4 Blankets, SHEET1XGS. SUIJITIXOS, I', f. CQTTOXS -iXl LIXCXS. . LAUIES- CLOAKS NEW AMI HANIV-OMK STVLIj.- LWS CniLDREYS iD MLYS lERLn IMTJH HOSIER'. HA XDKEIt CHIEFS, GLOVES. ETC.. ETC.. CU. CARPETS. nor 17-tf it. m. MriXTinr- KN ABE PI AN O 8! Highest Award at the Centennial I The I'nitl hiatci. Ccntrnnial Com rub ion and tb JvAtx cf A-Uul, La.'C tLzrt nioulr decreed to Mor. WM. KNABU & CO.. DIPLOMA OF HOXOIt AND MEDAL OF MLK1T I Oil CONCCHT iU,ND, PA It LOU GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS IO THI'i CAPE FEAH. NOW IS THE TIME TO COME FORWARD By the Klm ol award adopted, PUuoa of all sradc?. rer?cl t the umc character, but the true tet of merit apj--ar -t.lj la i!r thr Judges accommnyinsr thr meda!. Th ju lit r".; the KNACE PIANOS ti l; i'uf pc'. cly The best raponeuU vt the art of lMano making and tnllr CLtl'JcI to tto leading petition. Combining all Tilt KI.O.IMIE or a rcuruT ini i;t mjint in t'l i: roWEJl, HICIIe9 AMI MXUlNli yfALJTT VT tur, I r.i.sTicixr tr Totxii, cr nxt i v l n t r .n. SOLIDITY AND ORIGINALITY OF CONSTRUCTION" N1 r.vrj'j.LcNL'!- i WORKMANSHIP. CLOTHING! h KnaWananl If not nniiiu-l i" iiil tW ( Iiittu!-;:ii, j other cxhibiton In thia Ueartiu-ut. t'Ut cvtajtif As Hie season is far advanced I ;nr4 de- tcnnincl to cloe out all niv STOCK OF OVERCOATS At a Very Small Margin on the Cost. A T. T. I V n IT 1? S T V I 1. MS MS W A and ftauds uiuualuied by phrai Indicatl of tunlIK,r!i Th alve li:inif are lr lc at liov 2-tf. Heinsberger's Live Book Store. AND SUBSCRIBE For a Cheap Democratic Paper. THE BIBLICAL RECORDER PUBLISHED BY EDWARDS, BROUGHTON & CO. RALEIGn, N. c; REV. C. T. BAILE ! , Editor. REV. J. D. HUFIIAM, Associate Editor. BEV. W. T. WALTERS, D. D., Agricul tural Editor. The Raleigh Observer ON THE 10TH DAY OF NOVEMBER I 8T6, and in the city of RA LEIGH the undersigned, will commence tl.e publi caton f T H E O USER V E R, A DAILY AND "WEEKLY Democratic Newspaper. Of long experience, in their profession as editors, respectively of the Fajetleville Observer and the WUiningtdh Journal, they do not-affect to doubt the si undness of the general judgment which assigns them ability to furnish a newspaper suited to the needs .and adapted to the tastes of the: people of North Carolina, differing In politics in the olden time, tl ere was never a difference between the O. iserver and the Journal in zeal for the interests and honor of North Carolina. To promote the one, and to uphold and add to the other will be object of the Observer now. It will be their high aim to deserve the public confidence by earnest effort to pro mote the public welfare, first and foremost of North Carouna, next ol air tre South ern States, and finally, and through these, of the whole Union. They think that this can only be effected by the prevalence of Democratic principles and the dismissal of the Radical party from the places and power which they have so greatly abused, and under "whose baleful rule the South has been outraged and1 the whole country has been impoverished and disgraced. PETER M. HALE, W. L. SAUNDERS, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION Daily Observer, one year, - $8 ( ( Daily Observer, si momths, 4 (X) Weekly Observer, one year, - - iJ 00 Weekly Observer, six mouths, 1 00 All communications should be addressed, until further notice, to . W. L. SAUNDERS, octl5-ltu Wilmington. N. C ? : ; Festival. THE LADIES OF THE FIRST PRES byterian Church Intend holding a Christmas Festival in the City Hall on the 23d inst. They will have for sale a larsre quantity of Christmas Presents, Toys, &c. Also eataDies pi all kinds at very reasona ble prices. The public are cordiaily in vited, dec U 19 22 ORG AX OF XORTH C A ROLL XA BAPTISTS. in its FortivFirst Year. Ectry Baptist Should Tal'e It. As an Advertising Medium Unsurpassed unly ?2 10 per Year. Address BIBLICAL RECORDER Ralelgn, N. C. THE NEWS AXD COURIER'! A live Newspaper. My stock of Clotliin embrace all the LATEST STYLES . r and 1 am determined to make it to the in terest of all to buv of me. Purchaser will find great lirgaiiis in toth CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS. Our ALL MADE SHIRTS that I hell at OO .cents are still all the go. Tlue jhlrt are reallv worth SO. Purchaser will do well to examine before purchasing else- J. J. SHEPARD, North tide Market street, bet. Second arid Third, Wilmington. HASCIIOICEOROCERIESOEEVERY description and In endlo varieties. FRESH JUICY APPLES, THE A LULU fOHf A.fS NKW ITIiUCATlONS. sui.u o.v.r nr tv;ic.,,r:.v THE T I lure, but ! I.i FLOURS, SUGARS, CRACKERS, rtvJni?) wV A Baker's Bread, aldini: in;: art journal of AMI l.ICA.. HIS M'I.1M5II) llNTEIUMUsr. IS Hot rtiU i !l Jia!nf'l !n every fa- e.ijita!i:ly dcicltrl - 3 1r.f;r:.lWI V: a ! cMrd h!t, 1 : i'A Tle Alt Uliiu: I; t' ature. I1.' i ii 1 Uuwlfi-h I ri-u l. i every niK-r;i- r, ' IfpolMe ad I V t .. t' where, dec -tf A. SHRIER, u0 Market htrect. and every other article to lc found at a FIRST CLASS BAKERY. ' alto prornic " n-l l-urSetjl In aroulnr pii u.'trrt!a t .jcJ.'.i'. Circular an 1 tvM fn: .nuaoi a lion. CANDIES, CANDIES, CANDIES, c NDIES PERFECTLY FRESH Tht News audCourier is published at CHARLES TOX, S. C. and has three editions Daily, Tri-weekly and Weeklv. TERMOP THE NEWS AND COURIEr. Daily Edition, by maiU out year. $10; tx tnoths, tt; three month, payable in advana-e. Tri-Weekly Edition, ptU't1uil on juietuaysj 1 mirisaayx ami ooii;, jou, on tt-ur, fco; x nioitths, $2 oO, payable I ' ' " Of Weeklt Edition, publinled on Wedu it days, one year, $2; nix month, ?1 25, paubie in advance. RIORD AN, DAWSON & CO., Prop'rs, . , 19 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. nov -ti HILLSBORO RECORDER, established 1820. THE OLDEST PAPER LN NORTH CAROLINA. Candies perfectly pure. Candies of all descriptions. Candies at very low prices. JArE CRACKERS. ToriKtdoce, for ?ale by the box or retail. D Albo at the time place eotilra U may I c made ou the mof t rea?ouatlc term with the proprietor for HOUSE, SHIP AND SIGN PAINTING. BRONZING AND GILDING done In the mot skillful and artistic maimer. Old chandeliers, candlesticks, mirror aud pk ture frames made to look as good as new A new aud well pclected t-Uck of Paints, Oils, Glas, Soaps, &c., always un hand. Call ou me if you have the cash. waat a bargain and oct 2S-tf R1ED FIGS, Cumun, KaWus, CiU Ahsorted Nuts and a full avortmenl XMAS GOODS. Before purchasing, eonie iu aud price Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD. Om e or (Jen'l Si p't, t Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 10r 187C. S ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. November lUth, lSTfi, PaMtictT Trains on the Wilmington fc Weldon . Railroad will rua as follows : DAY TRAIN Frii:t SI. my goodi. I do a business and don't afe and economical jas. t. pettewat. C. H. SCIIULKEN. Petteway & Schulken, BROKERS AND COMMISSION ilERJ CHANTS in , Merchandise, Cotton, Naval Stores and Other produce; : : Orders for Molasses, Meats, Lard, Salt, Fish, Coffee, Sugar, Cheese Flour, - Ba filhsr, Ties, &c, and consignmeuta, of all ccderiptions of produce solicited. n20-3ni THE PATRIOT. 4 Oldest paper in the AYest. . Published weekly af GreeiU5boro,l N, C. Addre.a ' . i : Patriot, rpilE RECORDER, APART FROM ITS 1 political merits, offers superior Induce ments to the merchants of Wilmington as a medium of advertising. It has a large and increasing circulation in the counties of Orange; Ahunanee, Person and Caswel anp especially in those sections of Orange and Alamance most closely connected by the interests of trade with Wilmington. Manufacturers will also profit by the STOwiBST spirit of agricultural improve ment, and the tendency to the adoption of labor-savins: machinery, to reach the eyes and ears of a large and intelligent class of readers through the medium ot the Re corder. Address J. D. CAMERON, nov 41 . Ed. & Prop'r, Hillsboro, N. C. WANT LARGE PROFITS. Leave Wilminirbm. Depot, at - -Arrive at Goldboni - 4 44 Rocky Mount 44 Weldon - -Leave Weldon, daily -Arrive at Rocky Mount 44 Goldsboro - Wilmington, 8U Depot Paris I. I J. Ill IV n i . SUnOV.SLEhli;EllolTlJil;CL!AV To W Comp t'l Iu jrt . lfi i t nightly. r-ah p..i )! K paut frontj ;w. .rju. u tktctl fur the Iiji An ujr il. i;?v ducltip at a pri'c ;i'M;s ic j-'jitja h cnjjravin ncerl--J.r. il nl it l 0 -u five units the i.iuv. Iu ? t''' - been the attract) 'a v THE LONDON A R T JO URNAL. Each lArt will cx i:Uiu 23 quarto rie(i Including the f rob tl-piece. Ou heav j-io paper. A fcujK-rb title ire, rxbly iiuii.l natcd ia red anl u;tM uill Lcpvca ;;h the Cttl JjArt. and' t'if pti;;tli: u te m- tire work 111 bo a wt txiy rcpretcu:t.'n of 44Thc Aldinc Prcif," b ch it a zuxru. tCC Of tOIIlctLij: U.bUtiiul anl tMrft.'. THE A R T JO CRNA L complete in 13 ir.rstLly ptrt at it3vh. retrodUCly 11k; Ntt lu.l I'a-;c Tra 1 t.t mm the eariiir vojumti ti Mt .u.?.l Each monthly trtui: r-ju'.zn uttu perbplaUs mKu accoJ.ii :!; !' ti.p tlve nutter. ar.d w!.t!:',r I t Miu.'fr minr, will .-; rutirviv t -.m.v. cn j-:i- tion In price vr aitit.'c clii:r. I.viy lmjrrin will Jr. n:u?t t-r-J -l:y uIcihd the lint -t t pjp-r iiJ !. pif;n LJ bj ar-t to i ililt th" rich! p t.lcc'io of a pre wLJch oi in a t:atc.oulr short Uiue a wtrld- i Jc tcp-' Front A. M. 11:12 A. 31. 1:10 P. M. :ii!0 P. M. 12:40 P. M. 2.-23 P. M. 43WP.3L t:o P. M. dee li-tf J A3. C. STEVENSON. I3IPORTANT nor 7-tf Greeneborp,J N. C. ASHEYILLE CITIZEN, A QUARTO WEEKLY PAPER GOOD - 'ADVERTISING MEDIUM. rpHE CITIZEN IS A FAST FRIEND OF - Wilmington, anU has devoted much time and space to encuraging the growth of business relations between the Cape Fear an mountain region. Send for rate. Ad Iress, STONE & FURMAN, JtaTi-tf -Aherille,N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT ! THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC Is called to my unusually Ur?e and varied stock of Men's and Youths' CLOiHING. All the latest Miles of ct and fabric are daily exhibited un my tables, and are be ins: disposed of at prices to suit the times. This cold weather necessitates wearing an Oecrcoat, and thoe not supplied will And it to their advantage to examine my Mock before purchasing el. c where. NIGHT TRAIN, With Passenger Coach Attach 1. Leave Wilmington at - - ' :15 P. M Arrive at Goldboro - - 10A P. M 44 Rock Mount . - 1231 A. M Weldon - . 2:15 A. M Leave Weldon, dally - 450 A- M Arrive at Rojty Mount - - tiiw A. M Goldsboro - - sal a. ii Wfimimrton . - 1250 P. M GEMS Fs:OM HIE ALDINC, Especially afcort-I fvr S rap U'x; 111 4 tratlon an J Dra in CI a--a O'j-c. A Unr? cclltiou of picture of dllTcrs sixes and ou ala.t every tuklvaL!o ta ject have been put up in aa attract. ve e i veupe and are uvw t-llwnd at a price 1 1 tended to make tiu-ia popular u enr; n ne. Envelope No. 1, ccuu c'.g bea J Uful cnrralr.i, i l- read r en l ill t sent, tizti paid, to any aiilns f r oa- dollar. A liberal dlcoux;t to teacher;. aa dec A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor ami Clothier, -tf No, 27 Market street. TAELE BOARD A GENTLEMAN, OR GENTLEMEN t can obtain board in a privsti family who live not very far from the buoineM portions of th city. Apply at nov 23-tf THE CAPE FEAR 0F1TCE The Dav Train makes Uuj-c conuettiot. at Weldon far all points North via Ra Line, daily except Sunday, and tLUly,via Richmond and all-rail route. Night Train makes elue ciuuevlMis at Weldon with train for Peter burr and Richmond. FREIGHT -TRAINS will leae VUruirg- Um tri-weekly at 531 A. M.t aud arrive at 1:40 P. 31. JOHN F. DIVINE, not 19-tf General A gent. THE ALDINE PASSEPARTOUTS. Iu rotDilia:ce with reicaud requests tfw firra rt thr AtTifvr tiftw i r pard lmr-rrions of raaxiy of tberu! oeauiiful plate for patMr-partoat 1n.ta.xv;. rhc cots arc rzouutcd ca a beau. lull v tinted azure mat,, with a kfihom rrd border Hoc To alUcn tiit gUa U is otJy left for the cuatoinrr t ia.; and fold our an alreauy attached b-r v-r, kiA XLl easy be done by a c !27 subjecu, l-'xli fit., -J..:ithgla&s& Six of this Lte 1or $1, wkuttiUujU left to pub!Uhr. 0 tub: ecu, 1U12V da.,-; b rliw 7 subjecu. CI xS U iu. , lie. : u ii Ut 12fubJecU, 11x13 iaLV.: with glustl Sent by mail, without rUi. iciUU. tor price. t JxfCaaTatKrs w anted. THE ALDINE COMPANY i Maldsa Lans,

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