CAPE FEAR. tTo M llY RDJv AND FISAXCL phla dav WILMINGTON MARKETS. Cape Fear Office. ) Iecemlcr 14. 18766 P. M. f Official quotations of the Produce Ex change at mid-day : Cotton Quiet. Ordinary 10 cent. Good Ordinary 10 cent. Low Middling 11 cent. Middling cent. v (iood Middling 1.1 4 cent.. Spirits Turpentine-Firm at 40 cent. Rosin Strained firm ; at 2 00; good strained firm 'at '2 00. Tar Firm at fl SO. Crude Turpentine Ilard tirui at WU0; soft firm at $2 B0: virgin firm at 2 80. Daily Receipts. Cotton 707 bale?, fcpirlt turpentine VP : casks, roelnEJlO bbl?, tar 32 bbls, crude 1 urpentine 307 bbls. Cot to, The' markft to-day has ru'e 1 iUict and the baled were principally of thf lower grade. jTbereceipta are email and oTerlngs light.? The tales to-day were lfiP bale as follows ; 0 at 10, 28 at 1( 10 at 104 45 at 10),', 10 at lOtf, 13 at 11, 14 at ili.Tflt il U and 7 bales at 11 ,' cents. - - , ' f We quote ordinary at 1010, good ordi nary at 1010, low middling at 11 iniddlinir at 1 1 f and good middling at 1 rontd, the market c'pinsr easier. 8 Aril TurjkUiiicV uder thc stimulus oflight receipt;ai4 a pood demand th market advanced accent -'above our latt re port, with tales of iwl standard caeka at 40 rent-s doting steady. Jiirsin The market to-day has been tirir- v illi a good demand for all grades. Wr note tales of IspO bbls good 6traiued at $2. m) bbh ( E) Xcf: 2 at 2, 198 bbls ( II ) No. 1 at 2 .'10, 10 bbls (I) good No. 1 at .'12 3. 78 bbls (K) low pale at 2 50, 50 bbls (M) paleatf-3 2. and ."O bbls (S extra pale at?. . :v- ' '. Tar The receipts ty-day have been larger than for-tome time past. The mar ket opened tteady at last flotations and teveral loth were placed at 1 80. Later ir the day this price coul 1 not be obtained ami the best bid was 1 75. We quote the market at the flose quiet at 61 75. CfiiU TnrjKiitinc Market firm at un i liangd priced Thcales to-day were 36? bbls at 2 for hard and $2 SO for soft and virgin, clear of extra. REGULAR' WHOLESALE PKICKS. The quotations, it should be undersbrxd, represent the wholesale prices generally. In iiiaking up tniall orders higher prices have to be charged.- : IJfuginr Gunuv VlDc. Double. Anchor i:5al3;4iC Itncon North Carolina : hams 18c, shoul ders 1( 12j;v, iide?j (N C choice) 15c; western smoked. hams 17(W ltjc, tides lO'c, thoulders O.'-lc; - Bc?j On ihe hoof Kl7e. Barrel Spiritstiirpentme:fc.eeondhaml, each 61 15; new New York each 1 75; new eitv each 81 5 .- ;' Bcirax 20(i-23c. ' ' Uriels Wilmington S(0; Northern , 1214. V ' Butter North Carolina lS20e; North ern 25(u,35e. - Can die Sperm 25(,45e; tallow 1415c; adamantiire loe. (7--te-Northeru factorv 14a 15 J-e; dairy cream HUVic: State i2)418d.- CoJfVf Java 3(i3.KS Rio lli-22c;: La- uavra J4'iti.j). Corn Ja? Pel 'tr bushel, iu acki, 70 OiTe. ( 'otton Tint 4e farrow ties $2 50 buudle. Domestic Sheeting, 4-4, peryard, 7)e; arn, er bunehj tHX Fih Maekeral, No. J, per bb, l(3(a JO:' No. 1,iht half hbl, 8 509; No. 2. ..per bbl,' fltfejlH 0; No. 2, per half bbl. 7: No. tWbbl. lira 11 50. Mullets. l-i r bbl $3 o0&7. N C herring, per bbl 6, (L s. Dry cod, per lb, 7c. Flvur Fine; per bbl, $4 505: Super, no tlieni. I0; extra northern $6 257; lentil; , northern, 7 25-8; city mills: i s i;ier o 50; extra $6 50G 75; family! r 2.j(3 7fo0; extra family $8 258 50. Frrtiutert Peruvian guano, per 2.000 li s, $58; Carolina fertUizer $48Qf;5:i; Na vasa guano 0 cash; complete manure m; Whaun's )hphate $45; Wilcox, (iiblw & Co. cash; soluble Pacific $50. Clue 1101.12215e. drain Corn, in ptore, in bags, 07(a iOe; cargo, ier bushel, ' 58 00c: yel low, per bushel, 5tKjt58e; wholesale, ii bags. i2(s,fi5e. f Oat; per bushel, 5570c.' Peas, cow, per -bushel, 7580c. it Green (V: drj l 10c. Hay Easttr:i$l 10,Northriver00x(3$l. lard Northern 12;(S; 13 ; North Caro lii a 15c. AoJt-Per bbl $l 40(a 1 50. Lu)nhr City steam thawed: ship stuff, resawed, per M Jt, lKa21; rough ed?i plank, per M ft $ltKDT7; West India car coes, act ording to quality, ixr M ft, 14lfi dressed tl(Hring, teasoued, $2035; tcnt lingand boards, common, per M ft, $14 JfoUutes Cuba, hhds, per gallon, 3 4rc: Cuba, bbls; jergallon,4144e; sugar houe-e, hhd?, per gallon 2-4; gugar house, bblg, per gallon, 27c; syrup, bbls, per gal- ion, -wuc. ..; .- OiU Ken.env. per gallon, 30c; lard per gallon, 'AK'Cil 15; linseed, per gal Ion, 75J,90; rosin, per gallon, 12 18c. - Poultry Chickens, live. 1525c. JfcanntVer bushel lfl 2 . ; r'tnto' Sweet, jer bushel, 50; Irish, northern, per bbl, $3 2c$ 50, ' lurk northern city nes.s$2u ;21, prime per bbl $00, rump perbbl $18. - Bice Carolina. 0)per lb,0jc;-rough, ytr bushel, U0cl. , J&uj Country' per lb, ?iCj24'e; city, per lb,22e,; Hop 10cJ U Halt Alum, iter bushel, ; 00: Liverpool per seek 971 fc, American per sack. 00, Sutiar Cuba,' per lb, 8': Porto R:co per lb, 9e; A couee, pe(r lb, ll'c; B cof. lee, per lb; llc; C coffee, per lb. 10c; extra C, per 10-'llc; crushed, per ib,i2;c. : . 1 Soap Northern, per lb, 57'c. Shingles Contract, per M, $40: com mon, jier M, ?2 otKa-S; cypress 6ai, per M, 15 50; cvpres hearts, per M, $0 50 Stat tt V O bbl. per M, 1820. - ' 7 a oc Per lb 8 10c. Timber Shipping, perM, $1012 00; mill prime, per 3L) ?0 50 7; mill fair, per M, 10; cemmon mill jier M f5; inferior to rd5 ary, per M, $35,4. ' . I Wlunkey Northern, ier gallon. 15; North Crnxina, per gallon, 61 75 2 50. Wool Unwashed , per lb, 1820c; wasb-vd,perlb,SOc t i .i f Fix AifciAir. i , Cold, buying 100 : iiiuf , 111- . Exchange (sight) on ew ork dw tUUUU wimuwiv 1 , I U, Western ernes cent, interest added to above. j v.Hnnt ftnic &5. Dawson Bank j o. k f wnm(nHn Rnildinrr Stock 00, Me- phW .k 00. Xavasa Guano Cumiwuy Stock 14J. N. C. Bond, old ex-coupon, 11: fuaduur 0; do. 1, : new 5: tial tax 1, to N. C. rallroaxl20. , , . . W.&WJB. IUtbnl. 7 fc iM int. 100: C. C. R- K. bonds, 6 V"-. Wilmington city bondj, c.T0; fc. 80; old 6 c.,65; new 00: S c, (gold int.) 70. ..; v1 x New Hanover county bolide (10 ycar 6"r?c gold int. 80. . . . , , Vf. dc WVTailroail Itock 70. N. C d . do 40,TV1I. & Saboard railroad ttock W. Wil. Ga Light Co. stock .57. . , W'Umington Cotton Mills 5 : C onl Compaiy 105. XEW Ol' THE FO.IT. Sun rites 7.C4 A. M., irun teWl.-'S T'. M. davisIenethOh 44m. Hirh water at Smith vnie 6.r&A. M , 7.141. M.: bih water a Wilmington 8.43 A. M., J.f 4 P. M. Akbivcd Yesterdat. ? Steamer Dixie, Piatt, Smithville, O V Parsley fc Co. , . T- Steamer North State, Green, ravctif ville, Worth fc Worth. , Steamer North East. VaJdNori. Point Caswell, Master. Schr Zenith, Moore, Iialiotte, ttVi 1 store, Kerehner fc Calder Broi. Schr Charlotte Ann Pigott, Mne. Litt'l River,' naval stores and f.?h, Kerehner A Calder Bros. " '. ' - . Cleaket Yetekhav. iteamthip Lucille,' 'Bennett, Baltimore A 1) Cazauv. Steamer D'xie, Piatt, Smithville, O Partley Co. Stm" North State, Green, FayettcviPc Worth & Worth. Stmr North Ea.-t, PadtliKin, Point Ca? well, Mat 'r. Nor Brig Diana, Jomsen, Antwerp. Ale' ?prunt fc Son. Schr Zenith, Moore, Shallotte, Aud-rso? .t Loeb. Schr Charlotte Ann Figott, AIorte.LUtl. River, W I tkrel Exi'ORTf DolFTI(. New York SteamthipPiotieer-0 15 bale.-, fotton, 21S bbl? rosin, .25 casks spirits tur oentine, 150 bbls tar, 1 bale cft':on miii pV's, 12 bushels peanuts, 5 packages ladzc. ' ' hbls lightwood. Baltimore Steamship Lucille 102 bai" cotton. 5 casks spirits turp nt'ne, 4S b-I "osin, 353 bbls tur, 5 bbls nirch, 1 bbl tatoes. .13 eases tar, 21 hhds liifhtwooI. s bushels peanuts, 35.(HX) feet lumber, I b' l oil, 730 tts ores and metals, 1 ijaekae mdze, 7 packages furniture, 6 sacks wool bdl baL, 25 eases bitters, 1 bbl candy, 1 bblo'possums. , EXI'OKTS VoTiEIGX- Antwen Nor Brig -Diana 2.W vosni. Memoranda; .T ' . No arrivabi Ibclow yctcrclai . . ! No change in the height of the river be low Fayetteville; still very low. - Br'brig C C Van Horn on bir h for Liv erpool yesterday : cotton. In below 'bound out Br barque Fain Bell, Gardner, Kio de' Jaiu ii o. Nor baiijUf Udskjalf, Andersen, Glasgow. Nor banjir Suceefs. Jahusen, Cork for orders eelr Helen, Dinsmore. Port in Prince tf i market: schooner Sidney C Tyler, Barrett. Philadelphia':-Ger bannie Sirenc. Callus .iverpool, Br baniue T.lhi Moore, SMw. Glasgow: M-hr Albert !"on,-Roe, Nca York. 1 In behw for .a poi-t Schr J P Auger, Davton, PeniaiubiiCo for New T-ork . In below bound , up Br brig Trau'iore, Parnall. of Bristol. The steamship Lucille. -Bennett, for Bal t'more, sails-this mornintr. Schr Nellie Carr, Niekerson,e'c ..1 red from New York Dee. 12 jor this pori. beh r Nellie -of Calais, hence Nov, 2iS, cargo lumlierand naval store?, went sti'.n at Ferry Point the 11th; would get n"the next tide without damage. Lit of Vessels ix Pojct Dc.Tl. ".-Br'i.r.s Swe Israel. tons! Tatliu. R E HeideNor La Bella. 2so ton--. O! u. R E lleide. . -lirtgx-GvT A&trat-a. 1 SI ?. Ehreureich, lex , Sprunt tS: (ier Dr-Lasker, '2fV tons, DeBoer, E Pesehati! & WeVtertnaim. Ger Castor, 22 i tons.Barghorn, E Pcschau 6i Wtistennann; N'r Albatro?, 1S tons, Tenglesen, R E Hckle, Br O O Van Ho. 11, 370 tons. Hooker. Alex Srtmt & Son. iSVtoorfx-j-x Ann IMe, 11 to-M. Bunct-, i E Kidder j'c Sons. j SALE BY 1I0RTGAGEES. 1 EYY co TRTCE OF A POWEU' OF SALE L-ontained in a "mortgage made bv Jacob Sherer and Catherine A. "' Shcrer, his wife, to Charles D. Mversfc5ted i the of StpU-u'iber, 1S7.5! and registered iu the. liegister s Otlite of New Hanover Count v. iu Book LLL, iw Ul, 312. 313 and 314 (default having bi. made in the payment of the debt therein secured), the undersigned, as Attrn for said mortgagees will offer Tor sale at public auction, at the Court Hou? door n the city of Wilmington, onSATCRI)Ti the 2:kl day of DECEMBER, ISTiI at 12 o'cloik M., the following Ue seritxil lot of land iii the citv ol Wilmington: beginning at the N. W. coni- r Of BK ek No. 2'.(7, amrrutiuiug tuence S, with the E. line of Seventh street 119 feet ' inches, thence. E. parallel with Haruett street 00 ieei o neiies to the Love lin thence N. with the Love line '132 feet 1 the lies.. iUUii,g, King parts of lots 1 and 2 ! in Block No. 297. . f- Teriu j of sale CASH. FREDERICK D. POISON. Attorney for Morrcagcv-,. de- L-i-td-s-dsi Festival. 1111 E LADIES.' OF Til E FIRST PR ES . bUeriau Church intend holdta"- a Christmas Festival 'n the City Hall onthe 23d inst. They will lave for sale a lare quantity of Christmas Presents. Tov$, &c. Also eatables of all kinds at verv reasonal ble prices. The public are cordiaih- in-g"- dec 14 1U 22 Jp. t. Vettewat. u. scnrLKEN. Petteway Sc Scltulken, BROKERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS in Merchandise, Cotton. Naval Stores and other produce. Orders for Molasses. Meats, Lard, Salt Fish, Coffee, Sugar, Cheese; Flour, Ea?I ging, Ties, &c, and consignments of all c tacriptious of produce solicited. n2o-T,ai THE Oldest Published weekly Address Patsiot, . Greeasboro, N. C. HOT 7-tf ' PATRIOT lALlJ' !.r; 1":' T parx-r iu the We 1 Vi AST FRIEND OF paper iu ine c.. - (I llnumrion- r,i .1 : MlUGELLXSEO US. 'Aiex.lipfunt;& : Soil, 1 rrr (TO M 311 S 8 ION IER rtTT a "vr W ILMIVUTO N'. tw-tf: . eugenekhaeris, AKTHT IN Crayon Portraits," SA ' F.KA&. FOUK tP.GS LEAVE TO CALL OLK y at entknr to Id P itiaits in Crayon. Persons wish irr gl picture of tuem elve" or dt. eased, cfn have then; licclv eiceuL v cadiaT hiJi a p'loto CALL -raph M v.oi i o.u. A gooti puuugiaui reeesai v io insure a fcool likened. Th trices belo'v. include ;iosiage by mail, 01. -oiler. A neat fra.aeof walnut and cril viil le fir. nihed to ib.otc who deire it at ?l frtfifl 0. "KICKS: ." or to ( Lite (bu ) ' TESTIMONIALS: -;Mr. Karri; ixiees the rare pill of '.lein? ab e to L:lineate, aecuralcly. IVom a ihoto-rnih o- other ieture the exact Ilkenes.-. 1 un om W "'lantntee satis ' Aftion." IO lord Leader. 'We Vi vc &a n his work'; aud eousider t excel 1 nt. T.-y them.' LCentral rro 'staiif 1 . 4-Ve hi-vc se 11 aeapital iortraiiof Hon. . W. Vti able, bv Mr. E. L. Harris, tnax relieets ai dit'o al lutre on his irenius in hat dei rtmen . ' lore h light. j TEN CENTS iay tor y eeh'- ub.criptiii TI1I5 I'Al'i: FliAH. NOW IS THE TIME - I; TO COME FOKW AP.1 AND SL i;sCUlU l4or a Cheap Democratic Paper, THE BIBLICAL RECORDER PUBLISHED BY EDAYARJ1S, bltOUGHTON .V CO. RALElGn, N. C liEV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. KEY. J. D. liUFHAM, Associate Editor. BEY. W. T. WALTERS, T. D.. Agricul tural Editor. ORGAN OF WORTH CAROL! XA BAPTIST?'. In its F'orty-First Year. ,Eitnj BanUst -Should Tufa H. As an Advertising Medium L'uurpa-ad Ouiy ?2 10 ier Year. Address biblical !:i:coi:dek- .ISaleign, N. C- THE XE WS AXh COCKEli A A Idve Nc;vvfp:iper. Ncavs audCourier published at CIIAHLLSToy, S. i The 'and has three edit ioiu Daily. Tii-cekly and WevMv. i TLKMs OF TUC :,tvs AM) lUlKlk!. Daily Edition, yuiailj one ', 10; 'six moti-tj -v5; three moiUJuSy $3; JtWe t.t oCccku. ' Ti:i-Weklv Eoitiox, piblihcd on TnezCvij. Tl.r.rtiZav and Scit:ri!ay, ote year, 5; mo.tih, 2 50. phyMe it ccr .tec. Weekly Edition, pvWUhed om HW. I deft, o.teyeer, 2: tU Jnomht, f 1 25, . tittft h,j J.i adiH ce. ,1 t KlUllUA.N , DAWSON & CO., lWre, w u.vou eiicei, uanesion, c. L. v S- f no -MLLSBORO RECORDER, established 1S20. I TLLE OLDEST PAPER FX NORTH CAR- 1 - - : - I OLLNA. ! TMIE RECORD FH vpt l'..m rrJ 1 X lH)xitical tuerit?, offers superior Induce- ...j iuc iiirjviiauuj 01 nnilngton as a, medtum oT .advcrUsia TV.. LaTa large and rscTcasin? cfrculdtloulh'the -counties, Oi Urange, Alamauee, Person and Cawel anp especiaUy la those sections of Ore ne and Alamance most doselv connected bv the interests of trade with Wilmington. Manufacturers will also profit bv the growurg spirit of agricultural improve ment, and the tendency to the adopt I jn of .abir-saving machinery, to reach the en s I?; U to&e inteUigua of readers through the medium of th IU-- vd,drtest J D- CAMERON, nov 4 Ed. Ac Prop'r, HilLsboro, N. C. ASHEVILLE CITIZEN " A QUARTO WEEKLY PAPER-COOD rURMAN. I KUV -U ! OlVfPTiotv.. - . - 01 uuincs n.'ni.-.ns Vsheville, N. C. Oaroliim Central Rail way Comp'y, urncE (jenekaj, Sltekivtexoent. Wilmington, N. C, tfci. 16, 137rJ. CPASGB O SCHEDULE. If t j . : r 1 ' N aNd AFTER SCNTJAV," THE 17U J Inst., trains will run over thi Rail way a follows: VASSENGEU AND MAIL KXFlS. Leave Wilmington at . - C,?A A. M. Uave Chariottrat ' 1 -U-fA: M. A rri ye a t Wil mlngtuu ut - 820 P.-M. I)aily cxept Suudayj- I 4J i , i Leave Wiluiitigtoii at TiiO P. M. rriveatCluirloUat - - 12S10 Y. M. Leave Charlotte at - - 0:4. P. M. Arrive at Wilmington at - 12:00 M Daily except Sauda. , 4 JLOCAL FREIGHT. Leave W ilndujtou hht A. M. P. M A. M l&i P. M .KX A. M i;w p. M r,ro A. M liV) P. M Arrive at Laurinbunr Leave Laurinbunr rrive at Charlotto leuve Charlotte rrive at Laurinbunr f.eave Laurinbunr Arrive at Wilmington I.wve Wilmington" Monday?, Wcliiesdaj and Eridayp Lwve Charlotte Mondavs, AVednetdavp and Fridays. No Pais enters allovd n- Tickets bold by Freight Train. ,V. JOHNSON, i General Superintendent. I-jftT" Papers publbhinij Time Table ol Cour.jany, uote thangt xt 15-ly EXTRAORDINARY. TNHLCEMENNTS AUK NOW K- l FEUEJ) IN CLOTHING! ! As the eeu-oii i far adancnl I am de- tt rmined to eh.e out all 111 v .TOCK OF OVEKCOAT. I At ; Very Small llurglu on the I'ust. 1 ! ' t . 1 . : M nlwk d Clothing i'iubra-e all the LATEST STYLES aud 1 Am determined to make ii to tin in terest of all to buy of mc. Purchaser will find great bargnhn in )th iLuTK AND FQLMSDKG GOODS. ".Our ALL MADE SHIRTS that I sell at DO trctits are still all the go. Tliew .-hirt are really worth $2 oO. Purchasers will do well to examine? before purchasing else- where, dec 8-tf A. SHRIEK, 30 Market street. r.) QaNDIES PEUFECTLY FRESH Candies perfectly puke. Oandies OF ALL DESCRIITIONS. (Randies at xvmy low prices. IRE CRACKER.-. Tor-docs. for sale t-ir k or retail. Dried figs, Currants. Raisins. Cit- rou, of Assorted Nut- aud a full assortment XMAS GOODS. Before purchasuig, co ue in aud price my goods. I do a afe and economical busings ami don't WAXT LARGE PROFIT!. -dx- 12-tf JAS. C. STEVENSON. ; IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ! THE ATTENTION OFTI1E PUBLIC U called to my unusually large and varied stock of Meu'a and Youth C L O l II IX G . ' All tli liti'tir .xv! nf rut and fnWir M nt 1 diiilr Thttiitofl nn m v tM an Imv iug "disposed of at prices to nult the times. . This eold weather necessitaics wearing an Oixrcoat , and those not supplied -will find it to their advantage to examine mj stock before purchasing elsewhere. A. DAVID, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, dee. 7 -f.: No. 27 Market ftreet. TABLE BOARD A f GENTLE3IAN, OK GENTLEMEN an" obtain board In a private family Lvc not Terr far, from the Itudncss porUon or tin city. Apply at ! nov 20-tf THE CAPE FEAR O OFFICE ALAVAYS IN THE? Y'AINV MY STOCK OF - , . FINE, niDHU AND HEAP DUE S GOOD", FOR Ymnr.imr AMI uT.n IMle cotni-vUtkm. All the new shades , with Trimming to taaUh, 10, 11 and 12-4 Blankets, . ..Hb'KTiX MUKTIXGS, P. C. COTTOXSJXD ' LA!IK.S' CLOAKS-NKW AND HANDS0MK STYLES. LIMES' nilLllRLYS AND HUTS SERKfl" ODIRWm HOSIKKV. irAXPKEUCUIEFS, GLOVES. ETC ETC BTl. CARPETS. ihv iT-tr KN ABE M Highest Award at -:o:- flie 1'iiitrtl Stales CVutcunUl'lAmm!sl'on mouth- decn-cd to Mrr?. DIPLOMA OF HONOR ANI MEDAL OF MKUIT Foil CONCK.UT i;UAND, FAULOH GILVND AND UPRIGHT TIANOS. Hy the sayttnn ot awardp adopted, Piauos of all grade reck cl MiHUUf j-rm j Hie -ame character, but thf true test of merit apjer oidy lu th rrjnrf the Judges accointionving the Ujc" KNADE Tle brt eioncnti ul the art ol" Piano making and lull entitled tt u leading ioltlon. Combining ll thc utyt-MTL.-4 jr a rzurvrr inti:cmcnt in the uu.tirr i.itzx: J-OV tR, KICUN'CS AND MNOINO Qt'ALITT or TOSC. T.h T. XU ' r.i!TiciTr or Tovcu, trrccrivcsu' or a.iio. SOLIDITY AND OU1GINALITY nF CUNSTKUCTIO.V AND EXCELLENCE or WoKK.MAN!?IlIP. Tlie KnalcaHttrd i not oitiriiuni t any single tU of lui-tiuiucnt, U the ca other exhibitor in Uii depart meat, but compriM A L L V OUK S T Y L E f? . and tauda uiualultii by phrase iudkatic of tuidiuvnty The aloe Piano are fr Heinsberger's llOV tl-tf. J. J. SHEPARD, North ide 3Iarkct street, bcU ecolld and Third, Wilmington. HAS C HOICE C Kt CEK I E OF E V F KY description and iu tndht- arK tic. FRESH JUICY APPLES, vinitiw rpi 'V'liv H.Ol!RS,bLl.AK. ,t LACKER. and ever' other article to be found at a FIRST CLASS BAKER V. Also at tho same place contracts may bo made on the most reasonable trm with thc proprietor for HOUSE, SHIP AND SIGN PAIMLXt BRONZING AND GILDING done in tbc most skillful aud artistic manner. Old chandeliers, candlesticks, mirror and pic ture frames made to look as good a new A new aud w ell celex-lcd stock of Paints, Oils, Glass, Soar, Ac, always on hand. Call on me if you waxt a bargain and have the cash. oct2S-tf Wilmington & Weldon RAILROAD. OrritE or Gex'l St r'i, I Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 16, l7i. j ON AND AFTER SUNDAY. November 19th, l7rt. PasM-nger Traius ou the umington A: Weldou RaJlroa-1 ill run as follows : DAY TRAIN Leave WUniington, Front fct Depot, at - - . . . 7:15 A. M. Arrive at Goldboru - -11:12 A. M. - 1:10 P.M. w SnJiJ P. M. - 12:10 P. M. T?-1- t " Weldon - - - v Leave Weldon, daily -Arrive at Rocky Mount -" f.GoldslKro - - - WUmington, Fint 8t. Depojt - . 2iTJ P. M. -I 5 P. 31. 7 -50 P. M. NIGUT TRAIN, With Paaaenger Coach AtUch d. Leave Wilmington at ArrlTe at Golaboro 44 Pock 3Iount 44 Weldon Leave Weldon, dallv Arrive at Mount 44 (ldsboro 44 Wilmington - - 6:L P. y 1033 P. y 1231 a. y 2:11 A. y 4S0 A. y difJ A. M a. y 102J0 P. M The Daj Train makes clo-e counectlot at Weldon for all poInU Nortli via Ba Line, daily except Sunday, and daily tL Richmond and all-rail route. ' Night Train makes close connection at Weldon with train for Petersburg-. and Richmond. FREIGHT TRAINS win leave Wilming ton trf-weekly at 551 A.M., and arrive at 1.0 P. M. JOHN F. DrVtNE, naTW-tf GtcrUAjtat, It. JL. UIMTRE, PI AiN OS! the Oenton'niall anthe JaJcca of Airl,lnriCfc WM. KNADE & CO., med!. PIANOS The Ju!v fmounrr to be falc at Live Book Store. THE ALD1NE COSPANn NEW rUll LI CATIONS. uu ijxly 11 y svnscRirrm THE ALDINE -THE ART JOURNAL Cf AMERICA. , , T Vll SPLENDID ENTERi'KhE IS Hot otd well fcU-talned in very f- tun. 1-ut ! King en"tantlv cmWH and linpmvcd. It to-iljy taid trl'.bfwt , rirf IaShc hoicmoril)f J ature. The U-autlfuI dog.rtrai!,wJ4i J UnwlSfrh KricuJ.' a chromo trtetul w every ubcribrrf i a decide! Lit, tai U I If po!ble ad 1 to the iipularity atlfktia j work ua galnoi. The Ait tbSoafc&te alto pmmcj great and benrfk-rtt in arou'lng pul4ir fcttcrctt In Ut Lot cU. , Circulars aiid full information n at iion. Prta 1, II, III ai d IV are real mm leisure uoin Mniwi To ! corj.j'lctel In 40 irti. WnA fort nightly. ijicU art will colU!o aa d gant frouthu.-, ftlfinaliv mgrt4 i tteel for the Ixiudmi ArtJuurual, rt ducing at a price w !lMn tlw jpulirnari en?ra ings never lnTrc'tlTmI at lea tlu Ave times the amonnt. Th p? tttt been the attratti .fo of THE LOXDOX ART JOURXAL Each part will coutain 20 quarto l-r including thc frr ntl piece, on ttiy papc A sur-rli ttle parr, rlcMy fJc.fc uatedinrttl and gJd will berkr" the fln-t rt, and the iiuticg.of J, tire work will be awirtlv rrrrcK3 of 4lhc AU'ns rn-fv"nLkb U I tec of aociethin beautiful aal valt4- THE ART JO VltS A L cusujHtic iu i: fir..ilny pnrt". at Heart reproducing the t ?t fuil U1uuu fnm !h3 carli-r vimuum- ef Tmj: Auit ju twill xita'B "xtM platen whic h accomjanjlng dcrlr tlv.i 'ttter, and mheihfT fr f.-ai d;.g, will beentlnly Unirf cwp-' Uou In pi ice or artik !jradrr. a wJi Lv til rt-fwil c tin im-rt tonJ -;-r .u;i im pain jr. d l uak- Uu the yiLct IoJcS of a p- -Mhi!i harwon In a narrrlcvT short i jK'a wrld-wlde repitati. . GEMS FROM THE ALULSE. Ewiallr a-ortrd for !craj Bookl2 tration and Draa irg Oat Ccfirt. , A large collection of pictcre cfdJScrtt ize and on alnt every eodcrlvaMc it Ject havel-ij tcpln an attraetri vrloj ktul are cow UTeml al a prV 1 U-udcil U make tbeta popular 3 ntc. EiiVtlofcNo. J,coauILrMl Ufol clititLtiC". I cow rcIr al m zL aent, pMzv ;aMt to any aalreai f dolltr. A literal .lUcount to aroU teacher. !.:. TILE ALDINE PAE PARTOUTS In conrpliance with rrpeal rtf7. the publisher of the Alcixx ttrt paied !niprcSun of many of U4f braui ful plates for pa-prtoct iff' rhc euta are niouMted a a beau jj dated azure mat, with a UalKJCf r bordt-r llae. To attach the tfaw U b J left for the rr.Umer to pate and foW in alreauy aUacbed border, and th- yc doie by a child. . , 27 tubject, 12x13 ln..;Uhr? Six of thiIzelor fl, hen iec left to pabtlibrr. ' . 0 lubiecti, 10tl i3.,2Ar.; wlar14" 7 ubjocta, CXxili bo-, KA '. f"9 V.:. . ,. . .:i . ' ' j" n 12 mbjects llxVJlnuZ Sent by mall, wiihut -Us p-iJ" tor pric?.' -. - ' :-' ' f5TCacvaers aaUvL , THE ALDLKX COXAN'T

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