GAPE FEAR. i i . , f f V0MBKR ')X WILMINGTON', NOR TH CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, DECKMBER 16. 1ST6. 6ENERALJ.ITY NEWS. 1 tndy Jump Come to (irief. Thursday evening' about 7:30 o'clock ..T 11 Marshall, hearing a irreat in a small house on the corner ol Viffhth Harnett streets, entered the bouse and..; discovered a crowd or ,bout thirty colored men and women, all baring a g'candy jump.5 Officer jlareball, ordered them to make less fus. aud left; tbut the iustant he de parted they commenced yelling. See iDrr hiui returning the revellers began to make themselves scarce: some crept under a bed and others t umbled out of i wiudow. Five women and four men pre captured and brought down to the fiiard house. lYcsterday morning they had a hearing before the Mayor. War rants were issued for the rest. t Fardon That Should Not IIae Been Granted. 'Hie Governor '.'has pardoned the nc gxo Strode,, who, it will be remembered, f!j coiiYicted: several .months ago in .the Superior Court of this county for an assault and battery on Mr. T. B. gykes, and 'ttaf sentenced to the peni tentiary. " , - Strode took ait appeal to the Sii ptemc..t1ourt, and the case i,to berried in January.. The action of Governor Brogdeh is certainly an outrage only second to that perpetrated by Strode. We hope that the Supreme Court will review the matter and retyuke the Gov ernor's audacity. The Festivals. festivals will be held as Church follows:. ; S On Tuesday night, the 19th. the Baptist ladies have their fair and fes tival in the French building, on Front ftrect, between Pjrincess and Market streets. 1 f ' .' ." . The ladiqs of St. ' Paul's Episcopal Church have a festival at the large building on the corner of Princess and Front streets, on the evening of the lDtb, Tuesday next. At the City Hall, on Wednesday night, the 20th, the ladies of Front Street M. E. Church will have a fes tival and fair.- ; Give your spare change to the ladies, The Tilestoii School Intercom" Kx ercise. . We attended, yesterday, fur the firbt time we regret to say the closing weekly" e.erci.s of thi- excellent institution. " There was a change, in the uual programme for such occasions, music being introduced between the exercises. After the first song bv the whole School; one of the more advanced classes; repeated the Constitution of the United States. We were impressed with the clearness of the Constitution as we never had been before, when we heard it repeated by: such youthful lips. ( 'hen came, in rapid succession, examinations in grammar, 'geography, reading and questions involving gen eral information. One piece, : The Chamelion," was read with remarkable expression, and in a clear, sweet Toicc. by Mi.Cs Abbie Smith, a little girl. Sh; excelled the majority of "grown up' readers. Miss Ikcie McLaurin read -aloud-an admirably well, written original composition on" The Pyramids of the Nile.-' Masters Nick Jacobs and Aleck ITolden repeated a dialogue in a very-creditable manner. The two musical performances intro duced were.-- "Now 1 lay me down to sleep.", .and an amusing song, whose title we did not learn. The first w;as sung by Misses Emily; and . Katie Alderman and Miss "Julia Worth. Miss Emily played the accompaniment on the organ. Miss Worth led the srpraiio. r,i!iie .Miss Katie joined her With an alto. Their voices are verv pure and sweet anl are susceptible of extended cultivation. Miss Ella Weil's sonsr was verv charm in jrlv rendered. We almost lost sight of her voice in our admiration ot her vuouant and graceful acting as she sang. We no ticed that every face in the room wore a pleased smile when the little ladv descended the rostrum. Finally, the children sang a hymn, aud then, with bowed heads, chaunted the Lord's Prayer. .. May Miss Bradley and her Assistant receive the encouragement and grati tude they deserve from theAVilmingtcn people; ... LATE AND IMPORTANT. THIS HITUATIOX. Ceueral Xctes and Creaming. A caucus of Democra tic Senators and the Wallace House have decided unani mously to elect Gen. M. (. Butler a United States Senator. Several vessels loaded with ordnance stores and other supplies for the arsenal at Washington are detained down the Potomac in consequence of ice. The President, hi conversation rela tive to the reported change in the mili tary stations of Gens. Sheridan and Hancock, said that the report was un true in everv particular ; that no such orders had been issued or even thought of. v : .. UlTII CAKOLIXA. 'The most hopeful view of the .situa tion arises from the resolution of the Mackey House and Senate for adjourn ment sine d't on the 22d inst.. which is a confession of their inability to remain longer in session or to reconvene after the holidys for want of money. On the other hand, the Republicar.sclaim that having passed a bill leaving &2,2f0,OOo of taxes, to be collected immediately. the early adjournment will bring mat ters to a test at once and will decide the entire question of the State government. all and they shall le submitted to the twohecser: aud if they cannot acrnc as to which return shall lie receive! both shall be rejected and the vote of the State shall not be counted. The Rceublicans sav the bill will not do at all. but the awkward fact is that nearly all the Republican Senators voted for it at the last session, and in the long debate about it most of them committed themselves to all its features. Appointments of niahop AtkJnn. Knfleld ltirurwooJ ------ Halifax. : d Send t in Advent U Mon - ! - - - - . Jackson . - - ... Kockv Mount - " - - Dcevrober 13 iVrrtuUr 14 IH-emtr IT December 1 iVcember 9 Ik member ID 10 CENTS A W1.1U .VMVlI.t.'.'ui MAKE U E AD Y ! XE lr .1 D YE 11 Tls EM EXT IKECH OK THE BT COV. IIAYFS SITUATION. Dattox, O.. Dec. 13. Gov. Hayes was serenaded in this city this evening at the house of a friend whom he is visiting. Early in the cveninza salute of 185 guns was fired and a concourse of fnlly a thousand people gathered about the house, with inuio aud fire works. The greatest enthusiasm pre vailed and the Governor responded as follows: "1V FhirmU 1 v, ill not detain you louger than four or five minutes. 1 am here on a short visit to your lioan tiful citv of lavton not on ativ ivditi cal mission or to talk on any of the po litical questions of the remarkable can vass that his just been closed. 1 under stand these greetings here to-nisrht are not so much in honor ot mvself as on account of the peculiar interest that is felt in the present condition of the country. "In th.'i excitement that h.; pre vailed berore and since the eiseticn THE SUN. mvvoiik. in:- Conccii iosipcned. We are; requested by Prof. Van Laer.. to -announce that it has been thought best to defer the concert pro posed in aid of the Orphan Asylum The Accoutrements. The Raleigh AVtcsi of Thursday says "Some time ago 1 1 is Excellency, the Governor made a request upon the or- i tc. until the first Friday evening after dnanee deimrtment at Wash in e ton for Christmas 4 - - .. 0 accoutrements for several miltary com panies of the is tatc, among others the lionet's Nest Riflemen, of Charlotte, and the Wilmington Light Infantry. The accoutrements were received with the exception, of the knapsacks, and the Governor having made another requisi tion for these, ireceived a letter vester day informing hiui that there are no knapsacks in the ordnance department to issue.,, '' - ' Mr. A"an Laer will communicate with the ladies and gentlemen who have kindly promised to engage in it, as soon as pos.ible. . - Hotel Personal. I'Ikcell House Friday J. A. Hayues. J. M. Whaton, Baltimore ; A. T. Powell. G. D, Gillesbie, AVhiteville; J.-.Sprange, New York : A. Maun, N. C ; L. B. Powell and lady, Scran ton, Pa. ; G. B. Robeson, Brunswick ; Mayor's Court. Laura Haggett, John Haggett.Kitt Hazel, Louisa Nixon, Malvina Nixon, Kmma IIaggett,cI-.aura Mitchell, Jo hanna Robinson and Charles Wcslev verc each fineil and costs or 10 days on -the streets, but Laura Haggett. bo was fined Sl and costs' or 20 dnvs on the streets'; Villiam HvmaiU driving wagon sidewak; dismissed011 payment of costs. I .;; ;' . Charles Williams, disorderly con duct; dismissed on payment of costs. , illis Smith, same offence: dis missed, ; John H. Straui, selling liquor with out license ; continued. A. L. Rouutree, Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Gov. James Walker, N, C." Maxxixg House Friday R. K. Bryan, Jr., Scott's Hill : M. S. Smith, Marion ; S: M. Chcsuutt, Savannah ; S. J. Rut ledge. Flat Rock. on Tift. Wilmington Light Infantrv will drill everv night during the week', except Saturday and Sunday, until t.heir departure for Charlotte-. , THE 1NMANA IKMoriCATS IX O'lNHL IxiiAXArous, I. Dec. 1.1. The Democratic State Central' Committee met here to-day pursuant to the request of the Democratic electors, to consider the political situation. IJuite a num ber of prominent politicians, including Gov. Hendricks and .Mate officers, were present, in addition to a repre sentative from each congressional dis trict. Ex-Congressman Juliau, who had been to Louisiana, being called upon, gave his opinion that the election m that .tate had been quiet and peace able as in Indiana, and that Tilden had carried that State overwhelmingly. He hoped the Democracy would have pluck enough to stand up for their rights and meet the crisis now. He was satisfied we shall not have war. Gov. Hendricks was called on for his views, but the chairman reminded the meeting of the impropriety of one so personally interested speuking at. this time. . Reports from all the congressional districts were made bv representatives present, stating that the Democrats of the districs were convinced that luden had been legally elected and demanded his inauguration.' Aresolution wasadoptedcallinga con vention of the people.regardless of past political opinions., at each county seat, on December 53, to select And instruct delegates to 'assemble in' State conven-' tion at Iiibianopolis on January to consider public affairs and take such action as will secure a full ex. ecution of the constitution and laws. A committee being appointed to prepare an address to the people, a re cess was taken until ', o'clock. The day named for the State convention is the inauguration dav of Governor-elect i Williams. The committee has issued an address to the people of Indiana, which calls upon all people, without respect to paity. who make our country's welfare paramount to every other consideration, and who say that the vote of the peo ple shall not be defeated by fraud, and all who stand by fair play and honesty, to meet, at their county .-cats on De cember 23, to make expression of the popular judgment that cannot be disre garded, and to appoint men as their delegates to a Slate convention on January , w ho will fearlessly and pru dently make such declaration and take such action as will give our State her proper position and iniiuence in main taining constitutional government and the rights and liberties of the' people. people of ardent tcmicrament have said and done things that arc indi.-crvct. but a- the excitement subside we be gin to return to our better wi-dom aud judgment. I have too much faith in the saving common scne of the Amer ican people to think that they desire to see iu their country a Mexkaniz d government. Whatever may be the result at which the lawful authoritic. shall arrive you and I will quietly sub mit, and 1 have sufficient nject and confidence in the great majority of the opposition to believe that they w'dl do the same. "I Mas glad to ?ee in a pajK-r this evening au article, from the London Time respecting the condition of this country. Such a state of afiairsit said could not occur anywhere cle in the world. The entire area of the country agitated by the uncertain issue ol the political conflict, yet not one bhot fired, not ons man killed, r.o breaches of the peace. We have seen in this centcnuial year the wonders ot our growth displayed in the exhibition ol agricultural and mechanical arts, and we arc now afforded an. opportunity o, giving to the world an example of a Republican government. "In speaking to you tin evening 1 have referred without previous the ugh 1 to what must have occurred to every one! of us standing here, aud 1 take my loave of you with most sincere ac knowledgments of this expression ol your friendship and good-will. . , One honorable Republican in Lou isiana has been found. John J. Long says he was tairiv ueieated in Je roio parish for the Legislature and declines to lie counted in by the returning board. Tin dlnVreut edition. of Tiir Ji dut -lug the next year will Ik th umr du Ins the er tht I' jul -wk.-d. T1:r daily edition will on -Ai-rU dy Nr a Oj-vt of four iaeri. nd on uiMly a -In- i l eight pftsrtf", or !rM4 fiiutnr. : nl.iic the weekly ditlon will ! a she-t -i t-ht pCt of the Mtin dirnrmlofn and rh rac ier that art already familiar to our friend. The Sux will continue to 1- th in:ui fn advocate of reform and retrenehnjf-nt. and of the MiltMltutKm of fUtmTiu!j-. w isdom, and inttcrity forli51r n t !. imlHt-Mity. and Iraud in t!eadin!; .. irpuMic atrair?. It ill (-nt-nd i.r the gocrntncnt of the ;--ple ly thf j..-j.f and for the niplr. , i'nl t. io,m. mint I'.v fmitd in Iliclllii-U wl im the eoitnthur of fi . nfrc-d ! i:ii!'i.if violciuv. It will Hill r li u;' : reader I oJy now nut ir tn-m 4 ndi lioii of sou! wilh the most earrtul. torn, plcti and tnttwurt!i aceoiiut of mtrctit event, and w ill cuiIov f..r thi tir a iiumeroii and carefuily elrrti-.l .t:r f rejorters and corrc-jiont-n. It rrt-.ii- 5iiii ahinglfn. c -ullv. niU lull, accurate and fcarl -: ami tt ill .uli Iff. ctmtinnc to deere atid in'.v il.e ! hatrcl of tlec who tlirire j-lue! iiti t!ie TreaMiiy or by i--r4tn: bt th.- U do-j not give them, u hij.- it ill t .! sfr to merit the ct'Uliden of tli.- j!li ' dcfctuliliir the riulil the le nL-aln. the encroiu-hinentaof an Tlie price of the daily r .ill l V eents a n onth or " ') a ejr. or iih th ;unday elitiou tI T n t-ar. f The fiusntr cUtion one. i t ?1 'JOavcar. MtuH. The Welklt m-v. eLht ! .V, hroad column. . ill 1- furiiih.-d ilurin lb77 at the rate of ft a year. taij. Hi? Iienetit ot thl larire reduction from the previou rate for Tuc U'rtkl.V van 1-c eiijonl ly ulcriUr withoui the nceit y cf making up t lul. At tin suae time, if any oi'our friend cltooe ! a! I in extciiiug our circulation, tit- -hall oe gTaiciui 10 inein, biii vxvrx micIi j-t-wn who tend u tt it or nnm uliscri' rs fnin one place will Ihm utitlrn to r.o ..j.-. of the pajK-r for himself whl..i:i rhr. . At one dollar a year postage Juid. the . penscb of pajcr and priming are 1ur l (aid; and, con.-iJcring the ize of thehc t and the quality ofit content, wc are con Ihlent the people will eouid(r TtJC Wekklv fjt'N the cheapest ite pul lislud in the world, and w e trust al- one of the verv test. Addrc, TIIESr.N. dec Krtf New York Citv. N. y. "Y"r A1:: ''v 1 ''A"C? " i.n A Family Holiday Sup plies nut tiii.i: vMitd.M ni. i r; family i an.; ami 1 1 GROCERIES rr rUU;t(d ii N rtU l rwlina. r::r.:;i anih- i !. Tisrni'. a in v. and: ua LI.KiM?UF-ri:I Wl A'. m u i i:n f-.r w ly LEAI IMi F.HIILV HiOiTM iLW. Lowest Cash Prices MILL b! tin: rj:Mxi:xr riw mis vc.v: 1 1 i;i: Full AM AUT ALL 1 tt Hl'.MMO t . "i I. Wl ) 7 ' AT I.ltI.T ftsll I ret .-.I-, TLA. FK1. iM:ir.i;vi. M"T. U'i:u.M. ( in oM . CAN IK J .rn:.v. 1. I" Air; GEO. MYERS' : rooii:it. 1 1 l'it" A j ; 1 A 1". . ' i . . ..... . v . . ; , 3 !.,! I!. -: !.. ::. -in; - uitji am amNi: t .Ni TRIM, a. VAN Y K WHIlJI Al:r. 1 1! GROCEK1ES KKLL RAT1ULY J nicr ud tt: i;d So tc plad t o -r favcr u. ..It j - m.'t.v e NOirill CAROLINA MiWS, Chas. D. Myers & Co., do lo tjl . t: 7 North Front . 11c ha sjL'tiAR. COFFEK. Tim CASE. F.I.KC-TION Therinometrlcal. Ihe ?tate of the thermometer at the v&rlous stations named below was ob rved at the signal office in this citv, 4t 4:31 p. m.: ;. , : ' Augusta, 52; Charleston, 5o; Ual Tton, 57; Jacksonville, 60; Mobile, tyNew Orleanstil; Norfolk, 3G; Sa Tmnah,58; 'iVilmington, 51. . A Voice from I'ender, To ike Cape Fear. Pkxder Coijsiy,' Dec. lo. The lorfir agony as to whether Lloyd or Dunham hall represent' Pender county in the -Legislature still hangs fire it j seems in the House. It has already cost about one thousands dollars and may cost several thousand more. Jus tice is justice. Lloyd w as elected over Ward, Democrat, by a majority of about thirty-four Votes. The Pender county Democracy are cordially op posed to all outside interference 'in the affairs of Pender. Nearly every Demo crat of Pender says "let Lloyd keep his-sea.'1 One more poll aud Pender will oe redeemed from Radicalism. Pender is legally aud constitutionally entitled to a Representative in the House. That was the dtc sion ia the last Legislature. It is the ttnanswera- Magistratef8 Court. &'fore Justice Gardner: Annie Tate, assault aud battery pon Klsie Smith: fined one pennv and j ' . ble conclusion of the majority report of tlnhn t A L .ii l.i -.i t . i . 1 . r ; " ..assauu ana ounery upuu me committee wuo nave just reported X4Sle c?mith: fined one Twnny and costs, on the subject to the House. Whv, tnen, contiuue tnis neaieu mscussiou John Tate, larceny; dismissed. A cart, with mule attached, fell Overhoard at the foot of Mulberry 'treet, yestetdav morning, but was out of the shallow water after a at deal of trouble. to the injury of Pender, of the Demo cratic party and of the fetatc? It is opposed to the instincts, the traditions the usages, the : interests of our party. The Lens!ature is largely Democratic any way, ana wuy tnus manutacture weapons to p'ace ii the hands of the m ilr. L. J. Forbes, who for the past lo years ha4 been in charge of the ugng at the mouth of the river, -eft for hi. home in Portland, Me. Republicans? Pexder. Lyon J. Tyler, a son of the late Presi dent Tyler, has been appointed Profes sor of Modern Languages" at William and Mary College, Virginia. The Popular Sentiment. F$-vu t!:e Baltiih!,e Stit. Washington. Dec. LL Sonic of the House Democrats think that if the people in all the large cities from 1 Jos ton to St. Louis should assemble in mass meeting and give expression to their opinion, it would nave much effect. The resolutions passed at the meetings should be ?ent to Congress in the form of memorials, and the effort houldbc to procure as manv signatures in all the cities as possible. Flutter Among the Kepubl leans. From the Xete York IlfralJ. Washington, Dec. 13. The defeat ; of Mr. Edmunds' amendment and Mr. Randolph's demonstration that the ice-1 resident assumed no power to "count'' the vote or to decide upon the admission or exclusion of a .State in 1857, but, on the contrary, clearly aud repeatedly stated that this power be longed to the two houses, produced an unexpected result. At the close of the session Mr, Edmunds gave notice that be would call up to-morrow the bill of fered by and advocated by Mr. Morton lastsessiou as a substitute for the twenty-second joint ' rule. This bill provides that the two houses shall count the electoral vote : that where there is objection to receiving the vote of a State the two house shall vote separately on the question, as under the twenty-second joint rule, but that the vote shall nof be thrown out ex cept by the concurrence of both houses. In this it differs from tie twenty-second joint rule, which pro vided that the vote of a State should be thrown out on the objection of one house. Mr. Morton's bill also provides that where two or more sets of returns come up, each claiming to be regular, the Vice-President shall open both or The gin house of Dr. Cox near Rich lands. Onslow county, was destroyed accidently by lire one day hut week. Another young Ncwbern lad. Ceo. Uragg, has shot himself aacidentally with a gun. Probably injured for life. Meal, FlOUT, Meats. mv. i antes ii. iiowianu. lonncny oi (Jranville county, died at Henderson. Kentucky, on the 'Jth of Noveinler. A . concert for the benefit of the Hpiseopal church will Ik given in Ma inona Hall. Wilson, next Thursday night. We regret to learn, by tin: Raleigh Obstrvcr, of the death of Hon. E. J. Warren, eminent as judge, citizen and patriot. j JJy a careless use of lire -anus last Tuesday a young Newbern man named Elijah Piver wounded himself and his ieft arm had to le amputated The outhouses belonging to the Macon House, at Morehead City, were burned last Monday night. Mr. Sublctt, the proprietor, has been through fire aud flood three times. On Saturday inoruiiii; lat two line country residences were destroyed by fire, near tJreensboro. sa the Iiln4. They belonged to Mr. Win.-Ross, of Pleasant Garden, and Mr S. Try whits, near New Garden. The ntirroes of Raleinh hate de cided, very sensibly, to postpone their Kmaucipation celcbrattou in hit, as they wish to sec Vance inaugurated. The preamble to the resolution reads: IVbcrra, We as citizens desire to wit ness, the inaugural "ceremonies which carry with them the destinies of every North Carolinian, whether he be white or black, for the ucxt four years there after, resolved, Ac i r. MOLASSES. And aThouand rticlc louud In F I RST-C LASS l i ROCF.R Y STO I IKS SALE 111 'Mi II: K b. 1v vimti: ; a :' : :: y'V i ii. s ;.-- Itf.h 3:Tvr i " 1 ':.'. I. . ii. v. if.-. t( h. t;. ti. .:. i . ; th -.I iii dav . : : i n yi' nl Li It '.''' Man o r. . : I.--; Ll.l , ;n. ::!: ...!.; i (. i . : ... nud ia il.- jvi ! . it f . .' ! s ur.xi;. it. i. . . - ,ull! .ftu. nt iti ,ir it- . :n UlCf itol U ,ir; j. !. ..: A 1 1 m'.' . the .1.. .4 inri Mr.u: i. . it 12 '!' .'-v M.. tt : : . .- : "n'f-l lot ! IjuI :a t'r. .:. U'tliiiintnn; ! .uuifj ut i- N. ' i - ,.f tn rLAA .' m-,.m . i., , w ' III. ".o. -,. ' . . - , ailii Mm- F. liie f .H Mil'i !ti-n 11M -I in th lr: I.. i ,! II : tr I .VJ ii I l.r'o t I1 I. '. I : . ?ln-n-e N. uih lit ,- !!.- 1 f.i t 'If UsUi' -r jctli'.. l-a I ta in IM--k No. T 7. T'rTT f ll. FKFHI KICK l. ! ! - J, Aticr: 'v U r X tt, ft td-d! Ray to Lippitt's! EilPIHE NEW FKtCDcs FAMILY FU)IR WITHOt'T A CPEKlOKt Hut Try aud Judge fur Ymrcll fix nm cnnii?i-. A N I W i .HftOnOl C. L 17. :, And a ThwutM Other MCE AMI SWEET TiUUS Ja -r!'.-l ju I -j-r.i i ; t'.ri li,J, it d .. l .t t.vr. Tti t.t iS; IVjccs C-. Jan r., 7 Uilminton District. Nouiii Carolina Con fekenc l Fikt ROVNI r .riiIXTMEST9 FK (Jl"AU TEKLY MtLTINU A- MADE BV THE PRF 1 MlUNO Kl.OfcK. ItEV. W. 5, BLAf K, FOB THE Pkesf.xt Confekenck Ykau : Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Ih-c. U Magnolia, at Magnolia Onslow, at Lebanon Whitovilleifc Wacraww w Mis. at Whiteviile Illadvu. t Deeias' Chain!. FlizalHrth. at EtlziU th - - -Wilmiinrton, Front Street - -Smithville. at Zion - - - - -Clinton, at Clinton - - - - - Topeail, at Union . Coketburv and Coharie Mfed.. at Hall s --- Kenan iville. at Kenansville, District fieward' me'rir, at the Lec ture Room cr the Frcnt Street Church, Wilmington, at 11 o'rlovK, a. m., Feb. 5. K T V O U K A FULL LINC Table Delicacies AND-rC notSE Fl'PiMSIIlNfi CJOBS g lllll.lJ III. 14., I"l.l. . fancy i umn: iiT, liiKO CAGC3, . 1 Ml IS PEN SABLES 4. i mm , . J 4 10, 1' 17.1 " 24,25 Mar. 4 lo. 11 For flc b d-c IV-'w iis. t. rrntwir. TATLfin, rj rr..t.' 'r r C. n. KUtTLSXUC. - FKOM GEO. MYERS', 1 1 aiuF 13 sth tVontHt. f dec 0-tf Petteway & S chicken, B UOKKRS AND COMMI5:ON MilU! CiiA.Ma in 'nt...-.i r, Cul'.a. .TaJ Mrrr and uucr punlu- e. I Uii, CfidVt. t u- r. Clr: F.oir. Shrt Tlr, V.. iiil cr u UrLm .' oi.all CtecrliijniOf proluce i.c te 1. (bUai - ft t . j 4 i. t i , s I 1 i . - ; - t 5

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