THE" CMIWlFEMr " I t i WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19. 1876. 10 CENTS A WEEK liENERALJJTY NEWS. Bully for Charlotte., The good people of Charlotte are Vtermined to give our Light Infantry tt . warm reception when they arrive there to meet Gov. Vance. They will be met at the depot by the Hornet's Sest Riflemen, vho will escort them to quarters at the .'Central Hotel. Thanks to Maj. M. P. Taylor for the following handsome letter from Col. William JohnstonMayor of Charlotte : Mayor's Office, Cuaklottr, N. C, Dec. 13, 1876. ) To Capt. Matthew P. Taylor, com manding' the Wilmington Light In fantry: !'; Dear Sir : Learning that the Wil mington Light Infantry will arrive l.prc on the evening of the 20th inst., r constitute a part of the escort of liov. Vance to Raleigh on the 30th inst 'I am authorized, and do most cor dially extend ti you and your command the.hosmtalitiea of the city of Char lotte daring your sojourn with us. The Hornet's Nest Riflemen will be jileaaed to gre it you on arrival, and to mnduct vou to, the Central Hotel, where quarters In re provided for the Company. f Very respectlully yours, -f Wm. Johnston, Mavor. Personal. Our excellent friend, the witty, com panionable Dosey Battle, of Rocky Mount, editor of the Tarboro South- , ner. was in to sec us yesterday. He tells us he will remove his personal eacu four veo 1 ters toTarboro on the first of Governor would lu-udquarters COUNTY dOVERSMCXT. A Plan Drawn up by a Xewnera Man, The Cape Fear has warmly urged consideration of the important matter of local and county government, but has not suggested any particular plan. We did not do so for satisfactory reasons. The matter is so delicate and requires so much nicety of manage ment and patient consultation, that we have felt that it would be ra?h for any newspaper . to come out with a pro gramme of its own. It is the people's business and must be settled bv a number of representative men, earn estly counselling together. . Rut while we have not framed u plan. we have been wilKng to publish any that miffht be suscrested bv those in- teresied in the matter. In the Raleigh News of last Sunday we find a letter from Mr. Wm. H. Oliver, of Newbern, which is entitled to some consideration, and certainly has in it the irerm of 1 practical wisdom. The plan may be stated in a few words: Mr. Oliver proposes that the busi ness of each county should be con trolled by a board of county trustees, or magistrates, consisting of 12, 18 and 21, according to the population of the county. Let these trustees, or magis trates, be recommended bv the Gov ernor and confirmed by the Senate Let one-third of them go out of office andthe'newlv elected therefore have tl e LATE A3SD IMPORTANT. LETT OR FROM WASHINGTON. MOORTON AXD HATE. Short Consultation Between The India na Senator andtlie Ohio Governor, , Colckbub, Ohio, Dec. 15, 1876. Senator Morton passed through this citv to-dar en route Tor Indi&oafrAi. He spent a few moments at the r&ilwfir depot dining room in conversation with Governor liayea..,, A Significant Victory. JJoston', Dec. 13. Hon, Abtnn .. Hacitt: We have elected Prince Hampton' Inauguration The Sena torial Conspiracy to Seat 11 aye by the Bayonet. Tv te Capt Fear: Washington, D. C. Ike. lb, ltfTC The telegraph last night brought us Hampton's inaugural and it reminds one of other and better days of the Republic (God save the mark) to had mavor, and all tmfotie- of the aldermen. a. South Carolina Democrat speaking I This is the greatest city victory within XrW JLD VER TJSEJtEXTS sm ruts bias Ton ail I DELICACIES 4 STANDARD GMCBIIES JIJS CXLULSEO r.5 EXTRA HAVE LAID IN WITlI:GCEAf care a FTKST CLA3 tockof Hardware Pootry I the next year, so as to be able to devote more attention to his paper. This will improve the venerable Soxdlfrnr, now one of our best weeklies. Fire on Harnett Street. ;, The burning of a small uninhabited houweon Harnett street bet wen Third ami .Fourth, wa ihe cause of the alarm '.of fire about half-past 1 o'clock Sunday morning. The ijouse had been occupied a short time previous by a colored man 'named George McRac. It was owned ly Mr. James Wilson and was not in jured. The fire is thought to have been the work of an incendiary.. i recommending of one-third of them on assuming the gubernatorial chair. In case of vacancy by death, resignation, or otherwise, the Governor to fill the vacancy until the assembling of the Legislature. 1 hese trustees oi magis tratc's to have the entire control of as sessing property, levying taxes, passing on all official bonds of the county, the management of the county schools, the " the words of truth' and soberness' boldly and without fear of Grant's bayonets. Even patriot's heart throbs with a quicker pulsation aa he reads ii i ' : W 1. mem. ana orcaiues a praver ior nis succes3'in maintaining the right; I had occasion during the last winter of our late unpleasantness" to pass over the road from Danville, a., to Greensboro, X. C, in company with twentv or more fnrlouehed soldiers. Thev were leaving the danger3 and hardships of the camp behind them and were returning, for a brief season, to the companionships of home, and in the gladness of their hearts they would now and then break out into the songs that had made "merry the camp-fire. One was particularly noticeable for its refrain, in which all joined with a will : " Bully for Hampton he's the man ! The heroic moderation which has marked the couduct of Gov. Hampton all through the trying ordeal and that brave and patriotic speech, will incline our memories. Edward atsbt. Mr. Prince is the Secetary of the Xational Democratic Committee, and his election is significant, it licing the first opportunity 'Which themawes haTe had of rebuking' at the poll the schemes of the Republican managers to defeat the will of th$ "people asexpreM- ed in the November elections. Programme !or'the4 Inaugural ion Cjot. vaner. The train-, with Cov. Vance and es cort will arrive at the depot at r. m. Gov. ance will be escorteu to his hotel and hi. escort to barracks. MOXUAY. lU a. m. Military. Fire and other or ganizations will form at the foot of Fay. ettevillc Street and move thence to the Xationul Hotel, from whence Got. Vance will be escorted to the Capitol to be inaugaritcd jjft - : Lil v' " Or. xr. Torchlight procession wm form as follows: First and Secoud Wards on Last Lcnior Street, with right resting ou Favetteville Street. fcr rhc hc4kljy trs'le. cctitu la pari f -KRCNCH AMI TLJLIN CAW. Citron, Cunu;, " Rat-ius rn boxr uI tiuitr. ' Cori nnt: Avorted KaU. r!Khf. liurc Meat. FKL'l r BUTTER AST JKLUFJJ, DRIED FIGS. BUHNETT i EXTRACT. - FIRE rRAlliERS TURFEtlOFJs FERRIS TUADK MARK MEAT, The celt-bra Uil C hrqiwi Opir. srraiU oil Tull Havana filler. Tyr ' cut- at rruH. My ijuoda are ALL lrrU, ot brM quality and will be oll t very 1' pH nxrl le of th irkiif otUrr-. gHOrrLS.RPADE5, RAKFA, PlUhforks an4 UwW GLr, Flr Dof. B-tSbf X ttml Srlm Bab TIor,kt SpT"4 ana 'a. ihot Bagt aal Tuocbt, CcTco AtiTtta, VUca, BUckamlta'a DrSl, llaxamrr. 1164 IWIU, ftefca, JUt Trap aad aUth BrkVt, Vf At Cntur axvl SuScn, T1oi t rriUt, Crab Xluoa, CUlfc Vntm. Vcm .Urt w,vt ni Cap. KU-r. '.i an.iyi&kTrp 1 utlnj, JUi.rai(l 1 1 os. Hone Bmta a4 Currj CooiIm, Knob, Lock, Itiafa an4 LalrtNw Acfrra amlSaltt HatckHa. KKin ctJi rnitts AT dec l'J-tf J A!?. C. SfKVKXsON. vlcll N. JacobPo, to MtU Kraat hU Third Ward on Favetteville Street the good and true men of our country wjth right resting on Lenoir Street. io loin in inai rcirain: iuiiv iur rourvu aim xiuu iarus u I . . ....... .. lcnoir street .witn rigni rcsiing ou DAWSON BANK.' The ANNUAL MEKTIXi; UK THE tockholle m of hU Bank will he acU at their banklu room on TutMlaj, the 24 day of January. 1S77, at i o'clock P. M. dec IMt TVM. LARK1N?, Cahir- . Jacftb SALE BV MORTGAGEES Hampton he's the inan !' But Grant, Chandler Co. don't like it, nor, indeed, do the rest of those who, like them, have sunk the patriot in the partisan, and it is given out to-day that they will seek power to remove from office any county fp"j - The Sunny South Is the name of a beautiful amateur paper isssucd in Wiluiiugton semi monthly, by the Wilmington Amateur I'ublishhir Com nan v.' It made its first appearance ou Saturday. The Sunny reflects considerable credit on thp. vouncr cent leihcn who edit it. We w . O O f. wish it a prosperous career. . ' ; ' Thermometrical. The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob Kcrved at the signal office in this city, at 4:31 p. m.: f Augusta, 50: Charleston, 54; Gal 'veston, 49; Jacksonville, 69; Mobile 47; New Orleans,' 50; Norfolk, 36; Sa vannah, 53; Wilmington, 53. case. That thev will lend their aid to Cham- berlaiu in any scheme that will rid him of Hampton, and even before this reaches vou steps mav be taken to that end. The declaration of Tildeu's election bv the DemcVatie Executive Commit- jurisdiction over money contracts where tc aml the rude' and dogmatic denial not over one hundred dollars is in by Zach Chandler appearing together ii a j'I : t-A controversv. ," i in me papers jesieruajf uiui-uiugcreait-u oQicer who does -not fulfil the require ments of the law. and to appoint his successor and to have the general ma agement of all the couuty businesr. Let them have jurisdiction in civil cases as far as binding over to the Superior or inferior courts, and also Favetteville Street v isitinir Military. Jbirc and other or- ganizations with lantern3 on r.ast South Street, right resting on rayeue villc Street County and visitMK on West South Street, right resting ou FaycttevilU Street. Each sub-division will have a Marhal with Assistants. .- . 6f M.Tlre coltrfim SriW move -on Fayetteville Street in the following or der : Music; 1st Ward; 2d. Ward: -3rd Hard ; 4th Ward ; 5th Ward ; Music ; Military Companies; Fire Companies; County and visitors' on loot, County and visitors on horseback. The route will be indicated by burn in? tar-barrels, And hereafter announced. The Raleigh Light Artillery will fire VIRTUE OF A POWF.K OF HAIX contained In a mortrrr raada ty b Khertr nl Catherine A. Fbm. LU wife, to Char! r I). Mjer& Ov. datM the 77lh day of brptrmbrr, 1575, a4 rejrftered in Uie KelMer Of2c cf llanorer Countr, In HtXTtt LLL, Teta 311, 312, SU audCM (default katlcft-rw made In the a) merit of the dtbt thcrta wcured), the under!meJ, at Attcrney (or eai'l luorurtireea U1 offer for al a4 pibllc auction , at the Court 1 1 ou dyfje tn thecrtyefWIlmlEton, ouPATUEDAY, th 23d dmy of DECEMBER, lb?, at 12 of lock M., the folio la Ut acrlbea lot uf In the eltr cf FANCT STATIONERT I "Uminjrion; iennir.5itie. .eorrrr I or tilOCK. o.JJi. ana runstnr the&ta B, wiin me t. imt or cTtnui ttreet nv leei Olnchea. thtnee K. tarallfl with HuncU treet IA feet 6 lurlea to th Lore Uvr, thence N. wiUi the Lot line 122 feet t the beglnnlm, bde; rart of IwU 1 aai ? mBlodto.7. Term of aale CASII. FREDERICK D. TOIMOX. Attorney forMorrxatf REMEMBER C. W. YATES JEKPS THK MOST STOCK VI COMPLETE PLAIN AND BLANK, SCHOOL AND M1SCKLLA NEOUd BOOKS, FANCTGOODS, PICTURES AND FRAMES, GOLD PENS AND PK CILS, Ac., dc. fa ct every artkl usually kept In a flrtt class BOOK Ac STATIONERY STORE. 77 . . u niv something of a stir in political circles. J lie ltaieign i-jigni vriiiierv "win nre i This is practically the old county Qf coursebold Zachs voiJe is for war! Ummuct guns until the head pf the. .qol- Call at Danforth's ND EXAMINE THE HANDsOME court system, with modifications and improvements, however. So far we are not sure but Mr. Oliver speaks the pop ular wish. But ,.-hc-proeeeds to.formu late the details of another court a dis trict tribunal, and in this he may not Ko cn Viorm- TTri ' fiivnfa ho. o.stablisil- meat of an inferior court, to be presided 3 1 z 1 a I -s,- i-. - r . . . . over oy a j.uugu w uPl)uraicu u. ntc t e s to ,JC nQ lloubt. hether Legislature for eieht vears. and. in case thev will succeed or not U further f his death, resignation, or removal, long, his successor to be appointed by the war, or Hayes! And by the way. he is not alone in this alternative. 1 am re- other evening six Senators being fours," with transparencies at intervals. present and constituting the bulk ot a sneakers . ii -. .e t rocession win move in coiumn 01 STKKL KNUKAVINtiS. the )arty the election was considered and it was determined nan. don. that Haves was to be inaugurated at the B. C. Maxlt, Chief Marshal. Kuroie, Aij, Africa auJ Aiat-rk-a er onllW ana In bt relief. Make a haua- What has Gotten into the P. M's t We are informed by Postmaster Brink that the Tostoffico at Rives' Chapel, Chatham county, N. C, has been discontinued and the postmaster removed. Too jniuch speculation in postage-stamps. ; Temperance Among the Seamen. The Marine jTemperancc Society held a very interesting meeting last night in spite ofthe inclement weather showing conclusively the great hold it has upon the community, notwithstand ing it is yet in its infancy. layor's Court. Two persons for Violation of "tax ordinance ; judgment suspended on pay ment of taxes, j: Wm. noke, suspected of stealing a (luck : continued. David, Price, .disorderly couduct; fined $10 and costs or 30 days on the streets.. Wm. Stokes, drunk ; lined $o and costs or 10 days on the streets. Governor. This court, he says, should be arranged iu districts of say five or six contiguous counties- and require four courts to be held in each county each year, and oftener, if necessary. Let this court have civil and criminal jurisdiction, and have also the appoint ment of guardians and administrators, the binding out of apprentices, &c. These courts might only be established in those counties where the courts are overrun with criminal A clerk would be appointed for each conn- tv and a solicitor for each circuit. It will (be remembered that the amended Constitution provides that such inferior courts may be established bv the Legislature. It has long been The House of Representatives has manifested its intention to adhere to the principles of economy, on which Tilden was elected. In the mit- ter of the expenses of the special com mittees sent to the Southern States and to New York to examine into the elec tions, they not only limited the appro priations for their own committees but cut down the $50,000 appropriated by the Senate for its committee to $30,000. It was rather a surprise to the Re publicans when Philadelphia was added to the list pt cities winch, on their mo tion, are to be investigated. Their move in regard to New York and Brook lyn was merely intended to divert at tention from their rascalities at the South. Philadelphia, it ii expected, will develop a rich mine of fraud. I have heard persons well acquainted there not partisans assert that but for the frauds practised there the city and the State would have been carried our opinion that they are needed. The by the Democrats by a large majority. times are so out of joint however, and the people arc so impoverished, we doubt if district courts throughout the Sew Advertisement. Dawson Bank. Annual meeting of the stockholderaVat the banking room. January 2, 4 o'clock. J. G. Stevenson. Cliristmas .goods; French and plain cdnttieV. cocoannts, raisins, apples, cigars, etc. . Postal Uquts The mail clo? at the Citv lot-Office as follows : . Northern through mull - - - -Northern through and way malls, dally - - - - - - Mails for the N. C. Railroad and route supplied there- lrora, at - - - - - Southern malls for all polrrts South, dally Western malls C. C. H'y, dally Favetteville and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridayn : Fayetteville by C. C. Ry, daily (except Sunday) - Onflow 0. II. and intermedin ate office.", every Friday - A. M. Aunivfc. Northern through mallu - - - - 12: 15 V. M. Northern through A iray malls 8:00 P. M. The Smlthyllle mail, hy Mcarahoat, cloe mine v A HIJL1, L1KH HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD? CHILD'S TKAYS, TOILKT hET. FANCT FLOWER ?O l . HIKD CAOCf. For mIc t-3 l'AKKr.R A TATLOU. dec 19 Front tr. CUKIST M A S 'PRESENT. Near the Fct Office, dec l.Mf Rally to Lippitfs! FIX POK C1IH1ST3IAH. .i)0 P. M. ,7.-00 A. M - r,s P. M 7.m) P. 11. r,i A. M. 1 ) P. M. r.s) A. M. NKW rtTOCK OF TOYS, CANDIFJ, RAISINS, NLTf? And a Thousand Other NICE AND SWEET THINliS Junt arrlred and openwl yesterday, at J. W. LTPriTTS. ' dec 15-Ut Cor. Fr -nt A Frinem u. E..UITIS, fashion a m.n n An iinn iiop, CALL TO SEi; II IM, UNDKR Hir Parcell Hoc. Fjtccllrtit Larlxn ai waya ready to wait oo customer, (drltrtf The Raleigli Observer ON THK ICTIlTjAY OF NOVF.V tER lSTC.aad U lbc city of RAIXHIII 111 mmtucorm tlr j-vVil State should be set up now. They are demanded in some counties, Xew Ilau- over for instance, to assist the Superior Gourts in surbressinsr crime and iri other matters. Don't forget that the ladies of St. Paul's Enisconal Church will "have a It is hoped that the committee will MaI1 foI Etgf. lim . Tot, freek, Sun- make thorough work of the business, .,i v anj ghallotte. everv Friday at A. M. aud as Col. "Waddcll i on the commit- Mail delivered from C.A. M. to 7)0 teee we mav ynfidetlv exneet that it P. MM and on Sundays from SCO to Will. MCU. I and from 2 to Hi) P. M. Money order Register Dejartment open same as Stamp Office. .. ' Stamiw for Mile at general delivery when Stamp Office Is closed. Key Boxe accessible iX all , huurr-, dy and night. NOTICE OF IPPUCATIOY. TVoiluEW IIKHKItY CIVKS III AT application w III made Xo the General Aeembly to Incorporate the laborer' Union, the FIr.t Ward Bucket Compapy and Hook anl Ladder Company No. 2 of the city of WHmlnsfton. dec7-law4t jjf. t. rrrTZAVAT. the nndrr irl cAea r THK .0 USKR VER, ItcMacrtlc Nfwipiper. Of Ion? eiperiecce- In tlnir profeca m editor, reteUrely cf the Fatrtmill rtiVF.R acJ the WUmiejfUm J.caxi, they do not aif'rt to douVt the m uraa of the prneral Judaic rut mtich aalci thera atilit to fnmlh a O'-wrpaprr uuel to the nee.J aixl adapted V tLe ian cf In i-lttl io the cVlen lime, U tre aa nTer a dincrence ueiween u.cuiuu and the JormKL In iral fr the latere! and b"TK)T of North CaroUna. To proooU the on, end In uphold and add to th other i-KtorttUMaraoow. It iii iir;r Urh aim to deaervttLe putJtc confidence by earnest efforU to pro mote the public weifare, Crtt and foretaot II AYES AND THE SOUTH. TAffwat7 &T. Snhlllkfin J of North Carina, next ol all trcfrKlb. I w,,vv " " " I f rn Statef , and hualiy, and turowTU i&re, -'Im I nvv.. . .,nntTorTnv rrtr I t'. v.V lrir Thev think thai thlk ' ana i k . , -.r v.-n. v.i, I rn rmlv be effected br the wrraJrac of A Compi-omic Proposition From The Republican Presidential Candidate to Southern Democratic leader A Fair Share of Offices Off ered. Chicago, Dec. 15, 18TG. It U poi- Naval Store and other produce. Orderi for MoUwea. Meat. Lard, Salt, Tlh, Coffee, Smrar, Cheee; Flour, U? gtiur, Tlea, Ac., and conal?nrnenta of all ctacriptiori of produce aollclted. n30-5in Hotel Personals. Pcrcell House Monday Frank festival this evenincr in the store build- E. Kauffman.St. Louis: F.M. Knewles, - ----- , , ing at the corner pf Front and Princess New Orleans; C. S. Smead, Jr., J. tivelv stated here to-dav, by a gentlc- Btreets. once fwrnnied bv Mr. A. "Weil. Jacobson. E. L. Toorhces. New York: men of unquestionable trustworthy Thevnromiso ftnUnndanet of everv- Mrs. O. Wooland. Miss M. J. Wooland character, that a Republican leader of I I - I , nnunmv.nnA in t h f V flCTOm viuugmcc. ; , - in.u.;o. a. umueus, pinion; -i &t . c - ml , is known to maintain Lewis, Bucksport; M. D. Coburn, ca- J gtrictlv confidential relrtions with vannah; J. AV. Kimball. Boston: W. Governor Haves, is now on his way to n -I Vfi:liinrtnn- with the sanction of the noon, on his wav to the lock-un. erot .1 r,.ii:.: :.i. r- RtDublican Fresidential candidate, to 5 a,- w ii . fiii rim in- in. iniuiii li lil IS.V1 i a, . obstrpro li-ifwi i;t-rt n vAnnf ' ., .. . v. nronose and if found practicable, con- r. o.v - . o f'nuld. Martin ti'ould. A. lionhl.. AI. l, i . f . i I ' ' i einnt nn arruuirvuicui., m " Uiu: . -v. aiiusuv, viuu, jy xv. i a COmDrOmiSe. DCIWCVU kuc uiudi iuuuuu . - 1 . . . . n t vi: i Wo n i ,, oct- tii B.. Uresory. Kobeson county, John tial members oi xne xwmvuyui ir i . ' w ,wv v I . m W v . - nJ nminpnt conservative South missioners of Navigation- to cause the Dpm Conjrressmen Lamar. Pilot marks to be replaced on the river. Lumbertou; Mrs. i noimu.ana two enu- f Mississ:nT1; and Tien Hill, of Georgia. . .! . . . - I ' -r V . ir TT T TTT I F ... x r a V - 1 a. a - and also to Detitibn the authorities to arcn ianrinourg; . . i,muj, 0n the basis otthe a?enioi mc laner io nave the lights on the river re-lLt. C & A. It. 14. e uncnauen-ea acciurut yu w, v O I . -. . i wit I AlAAtmn anH Vn inQTl ftll T T lAfl OI 1 1 as President, with tne assurance of a f A drnnkea seaman, who was in fhargeof two policemen yesterday af- AVilmlnton District, Noktii Cabolixa CoirrxBEXCK Fir..-r Kouxd or ppoixtmext8 run Qran- TERLT MEETIX03 AS MXDZ BT THE PRE SIDING Eldeb, Rev. W. S. Black, ron Tux Pkejxxt CoxnntEXCZ Yeax : .; Wilminffton, at Fifth Street. Dec. 25, 34 Magnolia, at Magnolia Onslow at Lebanon - - - -Whitevillc&Waecamaw MI. at WhltevUio Bladen, at Deems Chapel. Fdiuttetb, at F.Ualfth Vilmin?ton, Front Street - -Srailhville, at Zlon Clinton, at Clinton ...... Topsail, at Union Cokeabury and Coharie Miss.. atllall'a Kcnansville. at Kenausville. District Steward meetine, at the Lec ture Room cf tha Vront Street Church, Wilmington, at 11 o'clock, SO, "It Jan. C, 7 1,14 " 'JO, 21 4i '27, ',S ' vh. 4 M 10,11 17, IS " 24,25 Mir. 3. 4 10,11 Notice of Application. XTOTICE IS 1IEREBT GIVES THAT application will be made totiic oeoe Membly, to incorporate I5deNo. 1, ral A Sovereigns of Indnntry.of Colurabm, Pen der County, North Carolina, dec lS-eaun 4w OTE OF "VTOTICE IS ITEREBT GIVEN THAT i aiplicaUonwill be made to the Gene ral Aesembly, to incorporate the Indepen dent Order of Good cmarttana and Daughters of Samaria Grand Lodge of the State of North Carolina, . dec!7-lw4t . Democratic pri&dpki and the dltt&lMal cC the Radical partr Iron the placet ana power tdch thry hare ao crcaUy abnaed and under whoao baleful rule the Sonili hat been outraged and the whole country ba ten tmporerUhed and diajrracttl. PETER Mi HAIX, W. L. SAUNDERS. it a iks or :xu xrjYJX Dailv Oiervcr, one year. -WW Daily Observer, alx mctath, - - 4 OQ WeeJuy Obaerrtr, ona year, w Weekly Obaerrer, U taouths, 100 All cocnmn&lcaUont ibonJd U ad-lmtcxLj until farther BOtice, to W. L. 8A UNDER!, tr IS-laj " WnmJsr, N. C W. A. Datts A Co., Editors and Propta. W. A. DATit Btuiaeet SUnaer m., rco. . Maj. J. A. Engelhard has just re- j F. Hayne, Baltimorr, J D. Cameron, tnrned from Florida and, with his fam- Hillsboro; J. G.Jackson, D.W. BiTeci, y, will spend Christmas in the city. W. IT. Maxwell, New York. satisfactory division of Cabinet officers and other positions of honor and profit under the federal administration. Appointments or Bishop Atkinson, nalifax. 3d Sunday In Advent December 17 N eldon. , ' Jackson BocJrjIotx&t ... December 18 December 19 DeemberSQ FestivaL riHE L.DIES OF THE FIRST FRE3 I byterian Church Intend holdings a Christmas Vc.tiral in the City Hall on the 23d last. They will have for "sale a larg ouantltv of Chrtftraas Presents, Toys, dc Also eaiayea of all kind at rery reasona ble price. The public lis ordlafly ta-1 ritad. tscU19S3 TOE OXFORD TOBCH-UGHT. CirroUUoa ortr 2,000 Copies. . Two Dollars Ter Annua, In Adranc, The Democratic Onrsn of Granrtll. . THE PATRIOT. Oldest paper la th West. Pnbl!W weekly at Grtesabcro, X C. Addm 1 1 ' . 4 J f ' 11 -'4 V 1 n If 1 V I

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