rrK, daily ix-moeratic printed every morulas ex- i ept Mowlay, In the old Journal Building, lon er Coor, Trinces street, at lea cent a week, 1 25 lor three months, $2 50 for slxjaetiths and 15 for a year- Matted or deUvtredby carricria the city at there rcies. Durscnpuous. oy iimu mub mi rlably he prepaid. . Advejti&raBt inserted for 1 00 per t'jtfare for the txeX day-and 50 rU. addi tional for each day up to one week. One jquare (o'r uxh),$S for one month, SlfiTor bree moutbgr Ha forj six meatus5 t&f for w h e moiiths., A quarter of a eolume l.f tTvilvc mk-utt,j with privilege- of tru r!dy clsaiiFf', free of charge, $07. A ha!.' column foV one year, with like privj lig Cue column . for one year Cor tntA for other space and time i an ! e made et the office on liberal term. No communication will be published un U.tb t!e san hall be accompanied by scire refiHti.ble tame, which if required, no. vfor pubHcnttoh, but as a gnaruirty of good I . C'r itriKuciiin nf a m rKtrBATIftl character are not desired. t THE CAPE FEAR, . ' , : TVi.Wuot, JV". C. CAPE FEAR. CicFr.o W. Harris. TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 19, W NO XtACXING DOWS. . Wq r.'joite to see manifestation?, of itonfidtupc all along the Democratic line. A halt, like Beauregard's at Ma'iajs.as, after a victory, would bt rnir.ous. The Democratic party must reap the fruits cf its triumph. ' On to VHlit!gTorV must be its cry until the Fourth of (March. There has been too" much talk by Southern Newspapers of acquiescence in whatever result . tue people of the North may arrive at. The true policy is that of Northern leader ship, SoiUK cm support. .We belong to the great Democratic, pr rty. Whatever line of action it decides upon binds us as well as oar NortVru brethren. The Dem ocrntic party i3 like Webster said the Union is, "one, and inseparable." We must stand shoulder to shoulder. The Southern Democrats; can never play tho roll of enllen -Achilles in the camp while the battle goes on. Our coun tryman call us to our posts of duty The ccKjU'Nt thev wage is on behalf of American Ubertv, and they must not appeal to Americans in vain. The , in to rests of the eau.-.e demand that we should back our brethren. We need employ no ynccniiary means to prr sjrvf tho integrity of our government Il'.'ason aii.iit' wiU triumph. Dutifthe worfr tiibe to th? worat, by the evil muchinaliorirt of scheminsr politicians and mUitjyry Prjdcuts.- the 'Seutb must not be lullvd y pronrse3 of favcr nor int midatod bya show of arms. W are not. a race of cowards; Neither are we a race of cute bargainers with cor ruptiouists. The: j.acc of Haves seated by Soutlxerh itul'iC'rcnce or self-' H'iii?5i. wiiM be the peace of deuth. There must -W fiu.coGii promise with Iruti t a. id no t.v vtM wi t h avmr.d dospot i.r.. ih' Kis of Arftn.M6n the: mvuiit . w. inicy i -a plioid t w arms ot err M 'until 'OmV. giMnts us final w;.v f v In ; m rod ccnnMet huniau ritrlit , and tho our il .to.i.:l TUt: KATJOXAI. I7illP.OGl.TO: ho ; it, vi),ti u st;Ui matter bfuittdf: Lt.i liu-ie -ire sitrns of in- prow.m "it. : rhCv.n,1pjrv (o be h v on tht htU o J.UiUtry in ti Weaiern and Nortlu fa .tafos m ty cut shorMh dfivnile prosirumtne that has evideat ly'lftfii detcim ned on by the Republi can conpimtor at Washington. Turiuup- to ocrACsch.iugcs for infor mation, we2nd, 6rt; thy following siK'cial diij;cli fiinr Moses P. Handy, a Virginia Democrat, who is Washing ton correspondent of the Phiiadlphiu Time, an independent paper: 'Tiio only acrgressive step that has been taken by the Democrats since the 'election has apparently received the approval of-ine country. The eleva tion of Mr. , Randall to the Speaker ship wa3 by many considered of doubt ful propriety, but it ia but juaCto eay to Mr. RaudAll to say that nearly everv raan in his party hinks he is the right raan in the right place. ' He is business-like, ever alert, fall of pluck, fair: but true to his own convictions. t I be lieve,' with many others, that his choice of the ground of battle in counting the electoral vote was unwise, but be has succeeded in winning every Democratic member of the House to his own view of the case. There is reason to be lieve that this ground must be aband oned for the Fa for one of conalitutiomd requirement chosen by the Democratic enntors. but the very stubbornness with which ix will le held for awhiU willget.thunouse . inta excellent dis ciplioo. and gotKl tishnni? condition: In other jvsp-tt? IwJr.daU'srMlicr is Hkelv to Urcune the policy of the party whe;, it eones down to, real work, lie tioa"; the tfr Preaid: hus .elected ricw-h Hcfc of iWpresenta-J tivetTatnis bfcT anoT that' this- shall not appropriate money for or in any way"rfmzeny6lhefFra rhi no Hex mar not dc wise u u detail, but Randall came to caucus the v . u v . r j- m . . and foreshadowed it, m a Fiimuz speech, t whose, eloquence astoundca thote who'xereT Jbeibre sar hin ia fihtincr trim and which seemed to all w ,b heard it the first flash of the renhf 6i leadership thai has gladdened Dem ; hfiarta for manv a dar. The g eech did not get into print, but it if k-aveu'Cg ;fccj lumpi The Congres r!6nal commiitee of cdvice and taper' -W-an is in line Vith the Speaker, jiw Wrd came from New York last night tAt lrft no reason to doubt that the Speaker and the President elect stand on the samernlatform. Unless all sign? It A f .il. it cannot much longer te snia xr.c the Democrats are a party without a policy." Next, we find.the New York HeraU: exposing the inconsistency of leading Republican Senators, hile the elec toral question was under discussion i t the last session of Congress Senate Morton said : . "1 do not accept the suggestion tha the Vice-President of the United State . hAs-anvthini? more to do in thebusinet of counting the votes for PresidentaiH: Vice-President th:m that specific dut; which is prescribed for and enjoined upon him by the Constitution. That duty is in the presence of the Senate and" House of Representatives to oner the certificates. There being no other duty assigned to him, I infer naturallv tliat he is to do nothing more, There can be under the Constitution no tribunal to decide on that (two Be" of returns) or - any other question arising in the course of counting the votes. The duty is imposed upon the two houses of Congress. They alom can perform iU' Q - ' , f Senator Sherman, agreeing ".entirely, as to the power of the two houses, re- ''The only question before the two houses is as to the form and sufficiency of a retnrn, and that depends on rcat t rs rather, of; a historical character." Senator" Frelihghuysen said, "The, con stitution imposes upon the Legislature the duty ' of making provision for counting the votes." Senator Chris tiancy argued that even without a joint rule or Mr. Morton's bill it was a reas onable conclusion that ' if two sets v electoral returns were presented, and the two houses could not agree, upo? the reception of one of the two, Theiv is nothing to turn the scale in favor o! either. ' Could the vote br counted ? Certainly not." It bein.-r lISCELLANLO XJH. t TO THU iMimLOimxiisisi. Bioimnc mays 2t2iCELLAy0 CS. CBEAB ASD RELIABLE I Att GROCERS OF WILMINGTON. rfiOPOSZ XV IT IS TRXCTl :. CABLE TO COMMESC TftADING j WITH TUJfc BUSINESS MKN OF OUR SEAPORT TOWN. - CAPE FEAK. A NEW 'WIL3JTNGTON JOUTA'A Devoted to tte mterial,mteIWtual, vupr and political interests of North Car. Una", Is offered to th rubl t the cheap rate "T IO Ceuta a 1 eek, vr $5 i Yen We invite a correspondence with all par- Met interested In buying from our mills, FLOLil OF EVEHY GltADE, LNUFACTURED BY AN EXPERIENCED MIL LER FROM White and Red Wheat, a greater part of which is raided on our lands, and the neighboring plantations in GRANVILLE AND WARREN, N. C , AND MECKLENBURG, VIRGINIA. THE CAPE FEAR WILL ADVOCATE In a straightforward manner the prin ciples of a pure and manly Demccracyla State and Country. In it humble war it will uphold the banner unfurled by J e tier son, carried aloft by Jackwn and now proudly borne by Tllden. The Ore Fran will recognize no difference between On who fight the battle of the people asraint hfcb-handed Radicaliin intrcnehci in places of power and tecklug to maintain ita corrupt hold on the srne. Itr whatever name called, the Defenders of the Coun try' Liberty and the Inalienable ItighU o the People are Democrats. To them th Cite Fear will ever sieak with the volcv of reason and affection. Iu their behalf the Caje Feab will ever be found strujr zlinar. TThe uew paj)er will pire warm cncotir aeement to the afrricullural, rumlm? and manufactnrin? Ihterefrta of the State. It will urge immigration. Bui while It w ill extend the hand of welcome to the ftunly foreigner or other immigrant, it w ill feck to ImpreM upon the people already here the necessity for economy, thrift, labr.r and fidelity to home aud State. North Caroli nians must build up North Carolina In presenting certain popular Literary Features the Cape Fear is ahead of It contemporaries. No American daily new paper places oruiinal fiction habitually 1e fere its readers except In tle' form of sen sational intelligence. Stories for the fire side, both serial and complete, will In found occupying a ehort space iu the CAr . Feak. The literary matter of the papc will, however, always be subordinated t the newg. Brevity and Convenience, Accuracy and Impartiality will be leading characteristic of the Intelligence Department of the C'Ari: Feak. The news of the day, City, Stat, and General, will be presented in theclcar est,.concisest and most attractive form tos- Mbb- Usually the important news will tx printed on the first natrc. Under this dc nomination we include the Market Report and River and Marine Intelligence, bueh matters are too frequently crowded in small tyic in a corner. The Commercial News will be carefully compiled and corrected. for preservation cf list itr. hor.o. Certainly not." urgeil by Senator Thdrman that it-wi e h serious matter to deprive a State o1 its vote, Mr, Morion replied: "There are two sets of returns. The Senate resolves in favor of one set, the House resolves in favor of the other set. There is a "disagreement. The Senator from Ohio Mr. Thurman said that it was the intention that the State should h$ve& vote, aud so say I. The inten tion is that the State, shall have a vote. but, if the thing is in that ' condition that Congress cannot determine; which is the ccrrect vote it will be the mis fortune of the Stat if the vote is l st.: That j$ ai jPU say about it" Well. what dots my Lord Boling broke say now ?" - OUR BEST FLOUR fwUl compare favorably with the; WHITEST BALTIMORE AND NORTH- jJSRN BRANDS, AND WE GUAKAN- ia.E, IT Id PEiiFECTLY 'PURE1 JANP UNADULTERATED. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. The bal3 is either on the week or tt year. The Cape Feak will be furnished at Ten Cents per week. One DolUr and "Tweuty-Fivc Cents for Three Mouth?, Two Dollars and Fifty Ceuta for Six Month and Five Dollars for One Year. Delivered by Carrier in the City or Suburbs. No Eaper sent by mail unless the subscription as been prejaid. Collections made by Carrier every week, and no paper delivered for a longer time than a week to any one who does not pay for It promptly. Cat-h is the word. TERMS OF ADVERTISING Arc iriven In another place. These are made especially reasonable, In keeping with the Urncs. Contracts can be cflected on liberal terms for advertisers. Address, . TUB CAPR l-CAIV dlo ; V arp P"lad tn hf?n.r it Onr rimer. gist informs' us that Dr. Bull's Coujb Syrup sells better than anv other medt cin. and always gives satisfaction. iriSCELLASKOCS Bacon, Flour, &c. rrrv BOXES D. S. SIDES, OU ' BBLS. FLOUR (all grade-), 100 Ilhds. and Bbls. CUBA MOLASSES, 1K) Bbls. S. II. SYRUP, 60 Bags COFFEE, ( 50 Bbls. SUGAR, 1W bOIS. UL.UE, 500 Bdle. HOOP IRON. ot Bales ha x. SMOKING AND MAN UFA C- TUREPTOBACCO At all prices, kept constantly on hand at our large new factory, and delivered in 3MAL1, OR LARGE QUANTITIES T THE RAILROAD DEPOT. oct 15 If WavixoTOX, N. (J OURCOTTON GIN, BAlWf NAILS, Ac., &c WORTTT ' WORTH. PROSPECTUS i. J i ' or THE SUNNY SOUTH, THEUNDERSIGNEDCOMPANYWILL commence the publication, in thiacitv. of a Boy's and Girrs semi-monthly paperl Jo be known as , THE SUIJNY SOUTH; '4 The paper will contain Stories, Rel. ti-ms and General News matter intcresticr; -o ine young people, aud It will be the eii deavor of the Company to please Boys an; Girls of all ages. The paper will be devoted partlculaily .4J tue ineeresis oi uie youtft of the Sout? . an-1 more particularly to the young of tbfr Noting the success juvenile papers mc t yrttKat the North, and it being the Copi x'T?6 belief that a paper of such chara r would be intercstine and instructive tt' !ie TO-h of this Stated we whl begfa puK cation on or about the a - must be inaugurated; that if the Sn ' Tt1 a fulJ ehare of pubUc patronacu at stuliifies itsf by abnegnling -it YiP- 8USSS a .), -irj k,,. e h oOUTH la as fodows : . ""iMijjjumuauiw ui. ins xionse n favor i: thA President of the S-nav tho II ge shall not be a party to such f.ibvexsiuiiiir the Constitution; that A-ti.s,ia naM rut Fii rida skil I be counted a? they vot d or hot at all; that in d fiul to" a r. SPi ec t ion in t he uual - way the lioUoC shall assume the responsi- . -One Year - - - - ". ; . on 6ix Mons - - - i ro I Three Months - - . i . . . 30 ' Advertisements inserted at reasonable rates.- - ;- WrLJaxoTOX AUTrus Pcbushxxq Com : 4 i iViUnlngton, N. C. dee6-tf season. Shipments of cotton In im mense quantities will be made If desired and if the cah or re sponsible names accom- pany the' order. CORN MEAL, GRITS, HOMINY AND seconds; n. c. hams, and other articles neces sary, to a grocer CA2TBE PROCURED . FROM US AT MODERATE Address, RATES. flit JGNKINS nnos. t Bnloro,.Graxme CoyK.Xi THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES A FIRST-CLASS INDEPEND EST MORNING NEWS PAPER. A J LL THAT CAPITAL AND EN- terprise can accomplish will be freely cm- ployed to maintain the high reputation universally accorded to it, of being the ablest and best paper ever published in Philadelphia. It contains all the latest news, Including the Associated Press Tele- grams, Special Telegrams and Correspond ence from all points of Interest, full and accurate Local Reports, and Fearless Edi torial Discussions of all Current Topics. It is a first-class Live Newspaper in every re spect, fully equal to the bet published anywhere. The daily circulation of the Times ex- ceeds that of all the Philadelphia morning papers combined, with one exception. "Decidedly the best newspaper ever pub lished In Philadelphia.' X. Y. Tribimt. "The ablest and best paper In Philadel- delphla." X. Y. San. ' "The best paper in Pennsylvania." SjU-iit'jjUld JlrpnlAicun. Tekms, including pottage, $0 a year, or 50 cents a month. Address, - THE TIMES, 713 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, oct 20-tf THE BALTIMORE SUN Published dally (except Sun lay) at the Sun Iron Buildings. Southeast Corner of Baltimore and South streets ; by A. 8. Abell & Co. . Prices for Mailing : Single copy, three cents ; one month, slxt eenti; two months, one dollar; thre months, one dollar and fifty cents; sb months, three dollars ; 1 year, six dollars. Postage prepaid at the office by the pub Ushers. No paper sent longer than paid for. THE WEEKLY SUN. One dollar and a half a year, and $1 foi tlx months, with Great inducement I . ;.- to" ' . nor 7-tf CLUits. 1 JfATXONAX; imjr.X'lIATIC PiAT Fn::!tl. ADOPTr.O AT toT.lXJUIS XDNG SJ, X81C. ; WcL the -delegate of the Democratic partjlcf the .United . etaw,,h nattocxal convention assembled, do hereby declare the administration of the Federal Govern ment to' be In urgent teed of Immediate reform ; do hereby enjoin upon the nomi nee of this Convention and of the Demo cratic party In each State, a x- alou eScrt and co-operatiri tothhend.arddoherrty to our ftllow-cltixen of evrr former rolIUcal connection to undertake with m this flivt and moM pr talag palri- ritif dutT for the Democracy of the wnoie w ronntrv. .e do here reaQirtn our fP.h ta theper- mamncver the Ftxlrral LuUs. our devo tion to" the C institution of the United State, with Its amendment, tmlvertalrr acccpUtl a a final n ttlement of the con troverslen that enrendered the civil war, and do here record imrrteadfait conndence in the tierrctuitv of rer uU: an aelf-cov ernment; in an alolute acquiescence In j Uie will of the majority, the vital principle of the Republic ; in the supremacy ox tae civil over the military authorit x ; lu the total reparation of Church and State, for the sake alike of ctvil and relhrtous free dom ; In the equality of all citizens before just laws of their own enactment; in the liberty of individual conduct trnvexed by Mimptuary U ; in the faithful education of the rislnjr generation, that they may pnerve, enjoy and transmit the best conditions of human happiness and hope. We behold the noblet products of a hun dred years of changeful history: but while upholding the bond of our Uuiou and great charter of tbee our rights. It tehoovcs a free people to practice also that eternal vigilance which Is the price of liberty. IEMOCKTlC FINANCE UEMAXDEO. We demand a judkiou system ifprt-pa-rutiuii by public erouoniW-, by ofilcial re trenchments and by wi finance, which shall enable the nation to assure the whole world of it perfect ability aud perfect rca'llnws to meet any of Its promifcs at the call of the creditor entitled to payment. We bili.-ve such a svstem well devUed, and above all, entrusted to competent hands 'or execution, creating at no time an artl a ial scarcity of currency, and at no time alarming the public mind Into the with drawal of that vast machinery of credit by which '.. pr cent, of all buines transac tions are performed a system open, pub lic and iniirinir pcneral confidence, would, from the day of adoption, bring healing on it wing to a'l our harassed Industry, and set in 11 ..t lor the wheels of commerce, in.tnufa urer- and the mechanical arts; re store employ met to labor and renew, In all Its national source, the prosperity of the people. KtrOr.M IX TAXATION. Reform is necessary In the sum and mode of Federal taxation so that capiul may be set free from distrust aud labcr lightly burdened. We denounce the pre sent tariff levied upon nearly fivcthomund articles as a masterpiece of injustice, Ine quality and false pretence. It yield a dwindling, not a yearly rising revenue, it has impoverished many Industries to sub sidize a few; It prohibits imports that mlht purchase the products of American la nor; it has degraded American commerce from tho first to au inferior rank upon the high ten. It has cut down the sales of Ameri can manufactures at home and abroad, aud deplete! the return of American agri- vulture or Industry, followed by hair our people. It costs the people five lime rnort- than It produces to the treasury, obstruct the processes of pnducl!on, and wate the fruits of labor. It promotes fraud and fosters s mutrclimr, enriches dishonest oKl- rials and bankrupts honest merchants. We demand that all customhouse taxation eLall be only for revenue. KETItEXCUMEXT IX EXrEXE?. Reform Is necessary In the xae of puv lie expeme, Federal, Slate aud municip out of Federal taxation has swollen m ?CO,000,fO0, pold, In lbO to t I50,OUD,(V :urreuey, la ls0. Our arreratetaxatio; .vasfrom ?lSi,000,000, rold, 5a IWO , ' r.V,CK),0X), currency, in 15." orlno. . d fade less than $ per head Ui ucr thi 1 15 per head, binee Uie peace the op.i haVc paid to their tax-irathcrcrs more tha thrice the sum of the national debt, an r.ore than twice that sura for the Fedcra iovernment alone. We demand a vlror ous frurality in every department an' from every officer of the government. waste or Tnc reuue lands. Reform Is neces sary to put a stop to Ur profligate wastes of the public lands an' then- diversion from settlers by the jam ?n powsr which has squandered two hun dred millions of acres upon railroads alone. and out or more tnan tnricc thatagsrret has disposed of less than a sixth dl recti to tillers of the soil. CHRISTIAN. CITIZENS AND UEATUEX CHI I NESE. '. Reform Is necessary to correct the mis takes of the Republican Congress and th errors of our treaties, and our diplomat!' relations wnich have stripped our adopter citizens of foreign birth and kindred rae recrosslng tne Atlantic of tne shield o American citizenship, and have exposed our brethren of the Pacific coast to th Incursions of a race not sprung from th same great parent stock, and, in fact, now by law denied citizenship thro'uru natu ralization, as belncr neither accustomed U the habits of a progressive civilization, nc r exercisea in lioeny unaer equal laws. e denounce the policy which thus discards the liberty-loving German and tolerat. 1 the revival of the Coolie trade In Monrr. lian women. Imported for Immoral put poses, and Mongolian men hired to pe form servile labor contracts, and dem-no such modification by Congress within & constitutional limitation, as shall preven' tne runner importation or lmnvgration o the Mongolian race. RETOBSC IS THE CAXTAION IStUr. Reform Is necessary, and can never L directed but by making it the coutrolhrf wue of the election, lilting it above tl. wo false Issues with which the olCc loldlng class and the party In power kx ; o smother It. The false issue with wbk i hey would enkindle sectarian strife t respect to the public schools, of which th tablishment and support bclonxr cxc.u ively to the several State, and which u. s)emocratic party has cherished from the4, bun lation, and resolved to maintain Willi ut partlzanry or preference for any class -oct or creed, and without contributinu from the Treasury to any the false Usu- iy wblcn tney seek to lUrht anew the drin; mbtrs of sectional hatred Irtween kin Ired people, once nnnauirally eftranged but now reunited in one Indivisible Repub He and a common destiny. nrroRK ix the civil iCKTicr. Reform U necessary la the dvfl service. Experience proves that the efficient- eco nomical conduct of the eoveramentai boa 'net Is not poeslble If iu civil service U abject to change at every election be prize rougnt ror at the ballot-box be t brief reward of party real, Instead of post of honor, assigned for proved competency and held for fidelity in the publie employ m?nL That the dispensing f patronat should neither be a tax npoa the time o all our publie men. nor the instrument o their ambition. Here again profession falsified In the performance, attest that th. party ta power can work out nopracUca or salutary reform. rrox utONo Tins rnonriT rruu 8XXTAXTS. Reform Is neeeasary evm more rath-h-'gher gndes of public CTTice--Prallcnt, V Jce-Presklrtit, J aim, tscuux. u-,. sentatives, CaUact oWri. Thr jT; and others In authority, are they. servanLi. Their oflioe are 1 . . J""" r prTTuiuc; urr are m yoKic ru-. W; lac aaa. 01 iui i.epau.H tu c th irrmce ana n litirr r.i a v ,j i " - - - -. I ATWl ft late Speaker of tT.c Hvjv of 1I-jtwxu tlves marketing hi iulint 14 a tri. - oCcer; their friul pnf.titr trrrV r T their vote a law.makcr: 3e ehairWi of the leading com tat: of tle law. lio- of Re prce:naite v-cd In J .tVrr 1 late Secretary of the In-j.nrr f,r. balance la ll.e puMir a x uut; Attorney f Voeral tnir7eopriatlrx t. funis; a Secreury of tLc Nay etrki or enriching his frica-ls bj prrcotjr levied o!T the prCt of nutrcw with his Departmrnt; n ambatfdoe o Er gland ccnured for a diiho'TH'raVSt specula xln ; the Prttlcufs prlxate -err. tary tartly ccajrx coarlc'Joa upra trti for cruilty coaipUuty in frauU nu , rcvenne; a :v-n.-ary or wir tirtj for bt? erimra an! ccnree4 tti4c. meanars the d mt f.rat n I j eoaT plete that the CiM trp fn m-na tu: f by the pple. or h.me! nu-n fr ra ani rr party. Toe diAe of one political orr.. Uation laret the U!v IitU anl ther'tT making ni chanreof men or irtv, t can Krt no changi: of taeauren an I ,j reforms. haoical axt uihualism xri Xt atvtx raM i-owcb. All thte abuiK-s, wr.ar ainl criu. the inxluct of the slttreti yejr ar . ancy cf the KqnMk-an prtv crrav neeritr for reform, confeNx by Uetv licat tliemx-hi. But UMr refvrtKf arc vtt-vl down iu cncu'lu and d. laced from the Ct net. 1 Lc tua ol ionri miners 1 itrn" u tvU e'ehty thousand c!3 t-hol lcr P.lradcri ind culdes. lU-f'irni tju oal te hi i iv ajctfj citic rcvtduliou. We defnand a chtnre cj vtem; a c ?"rc f a liultl trtn; .tanre of vxcu. TIIC STATC COVLJt.NICNT, amea of03irrr LxtctTivr tirrxnTxrxT. tJo.-t mor Curti II. Brleu.ofWitf e Lieiiteuant InTar K. M. ArtiiSrlJ of Iredell. ' Cretan of State W. 11. Il...-r.. Wake. Treasurer D. A. Jiukiu. of a;..n. Auditor John iMlly, of Cua1--riatji. Attorney ("tcneralTl L. !tarrnr. h 'Irauvillc. Adjutant (icncr-1 hhu C. t;c.rtiun,uf Wake. Superiuteiidont of Pul:i - Iu:raiti .-r-hn Pool, of pjvjnoutiV. tioveni-r' Private Sivrelan J--n ft Sealh ry, of WtVt iLItCIAKT IElAHTMt.XT. Chief Juiicc 6i)ruuc Court 1I iw a4 M. IV.irM.a. of Yadkin. Ai.ftCfat4-J-te E lulu i. Ko K.f IWaufort; W. B. K iit.An, ,f lt-uU-.; Thomas tnttle. f Kockiihaiu: Y. p. llynum. of M'ckb-aburg. "Clerk of Suprcui Court W. H, Bc ley. of WdV.e. Marshal 1 .A. W'.cU r. ..f Va (Mticem ul the Municipality tl Mil. nilngton. Mavor V.. P. Catia lav.' Aldcrurcn T. M. tlurin-r, J. J. Cno !ey, IJ. ;. Bates, J. H. Nir, iL C. M;i, Hiram Hankies eol., Duncan Ib-hr, .!., W. II. DrxMii'tou. col., W. U Jatik. col. Clcik an 1 Tn-tun 1 T. C- S rvo. Chief of lire iKjirtoic: rXrt . federal Oiiclal. Collector of Cuto-u Ji e,'!C AW Deputy Collector-U. W. Ca lki PottnufUr E. R. Brisk. New Ilanotcr Countj f cibuttLt. Clerk of the Saj rW Court aul Julr . Probate J aies Il atou. Sheriff S. II. Mai;iJn . CommiMkiontTi J. O. VriT. ihli .are Nixon, col., ?u- Vau.ujiUri, B. Davis. Kcfriau-r of Dccdi tieN W. Brdrsa. I. . Trranm-r E. J. Hlctt. Coroner Dl. 1 1 c Ut t. TO POSTMASTERS DEALERS. NEKS THE NEW VORK HERALD. . fcUBsCniPTION RAT1. - ' The Daily Edition of the llrsALDii onceded to 1c the "fiiettest Nc ancr of tLc agr- Uta in p.iut ofcii"' ulation and jtopularity. Pabliih'tl Every Day 11 the rosiACC rzzz. pjy-j ior rnr yr, rnaunjs w Ut v.iK r. with .t .t for : :k vt nts, Sunday i- lud ct. i S lavi. :lud .1. SJ j- ys f.r ix, month lavjt. ir (r r.ny sjcd for aay p? $2 iar for oio 1 icJ day cT the week. 1 tm fur si.v tn 0.1th ihc-l ! iy of we-k. SI -. f r oi- ravnlh. ifaaJi3 cludci ' . WK nfcU-fH NO SKXI OK TtlTtUT Ecmox. THE WEEKLY II Ell A LI1 rOSTAGE r&iz. i I iie py, one year. T co1 :3. Four coplci. $'. Any turner at per copy. Wc will r-f-eive fro4a rwtmitrn .nd New -lea lept jvirly subscr'pt "or 1 lugl copies of our Wcc'ily i il- NEWSDEALERS .SUPI'Lim; rotTACE rtrx. Daily ration. Two ndacalat'l ner mnr. ptn-nt Keruiav. tits-1 . .. , . -r- ' - rltion, PourccnU per copy, rid it ion, Threeccat" per ctpy. Week! UT. m mi urn e(bd rS EVERT COUNTY IN JJJS Nioa.- Arute cica-a i-r . nT'Tacnt in caavv:r Jwr bers to THE OBSERVER- a 'rice ut Ihft Daily per annuel ( PrieeAfthaWerkJr prrarn-ia BT Very liberal co ola tltV1 ircrAUdrc CU. w. -i-'e1!! Vojn V- NWcn;. After that date, 'rrrJ Till. "o3-"-;-yi octn-tf

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