I tfJMBKR WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20. 1876. 10 CENTS A WEEK FEARo ing. was GENERAL CITY NEWS.. Ufe In the Old 1m 4, eU The largest wedding oyer known in pnpliu county wa3 -celebrated at the residence of the bride's father,' Mr. R. n .TnWoii. The happy couple were f VVM" AAV Miss Sallie Johnson and Mr. Lewis Herring. We learn there were six large cakes baked, six immense pigs barbecued, with turkeys, old hams, chiekens, wines, syllabub and every thing else; that is eatable in proportion. Three hundred invited guests were present, and they did not leave the host's hospitable' roof until after a sumptuous breakfast at 12 m. the fol lowing day. This reminds one of old times. ".-; ; - ' . ' ' , Festivals. ; . Baptist.- The; omissionjof a notice of the 'Baptist festival night before last was unintentional. The evening was pleasantly epeflt by a large num ber of persons. " i ' ; ' ; Efiscoi-Ai.. The lights burned bril liantly in the large corner building, front 'and Princess streets, last evenr The St. raul s Church festival in full progress. We learn that the entertainment was all that coiud have been expected in every respect. There will be lunch from 11 o'clock to-day at any hour. Good time to get a good meal, and have a pleasant chat. Getting Ready. Christmas preparations are going on extensively. The choirs are practising in the music to be used on the occasion by the respective ; churches, and cart loads of holly bushes and trees are brought iii daily. :i The'children arclikewise preparing. The sound of the festive squedunk has been heard already on the public squares, aud in a few hours we may list en for the roar of the fire-cracker vain guard as it makes Its Balaklava on our street corners. -4 Great is Christmas among the days of the year. Pender Court Postponed. By a telegram received yesterday by Col. Wm. S. Devafe from Judge Mc Koy, it is learned that the Judge has found it impossible to reach Pender in time to hold Court this week. . In con sequence of this fact Court in thai county will be postponed until Tuesday of,,, next week(!H : An , adjournment of Court will therefore be made. Judge McKoy has been holding Court in Camden count v, near Norfolk, for Judge Eurc. i Personal. Col. John D. Cameron, the accom plished editbrOf the rfillsboro Recorder, is spending the Christmas holidays with his friends in Wilmington. We never isaw him fatter or in braver spirits. !' Mr. Theodore Hobgood, agent for the great Southern literary journal, the 'Su'iiny tfoutft, "published at' Atlanta, is in town. He should meet with sue- Mr. H. is a North Carolinian. Wilmington lxdge No. 319 : At the annual election of the, Wil mington Lodge No. 319 F. &A. M., held last evening, the following officers were chosen : - S. H. Northrop, W. M. ' W. L. DeRosset, S. W. Greenwald, J. W. A. J. Howell, Treasurer. W. S. Warrock, Secretary W. IL Chabourn, S. D.' . G. G. Barker, J. P. gre3, and it is as yet uncertain whether any will be ordered, or for what time. The Committee on Way3 and Means willi at their next meeting on Tuesday, determine upon some recommendation as to the matter, and report : to the House. The general impression is that there win dc an adjournment irom r n- What the Washington Correspond- jay ucxt until the Wednesday after ents av. ew xcars. IDE POLITICAL SITUATION". OUTLOOK HOPEFUL .The Latest News from Headquarter 211 SC ELLAS EO US SANTA 0fS NUAS FOR ALL IITAVE LAID IN WITH CREAT care a FIRST CLASS stock of DELICACIES A STANDARD GROCERIES FrOtii the Baltimore H tin Oj'Jfvrtiiitg Sensational Report. Washington. Pec. 17. Anion'' the John Robinson, ) stftwim. ' Hanstein J fctewas- . Rev. Geo. Patterson, Chaplaiu. John L. Cantwell, Marshal. street 1 All the West between s been pav this moming the men Improvement. ide of Front Position or Stephens and Hill. Representative Stephens, of Georgia, under his own signature, says the state- latest sensations to which currency his mcnt going the rounds that he is ad been jriven is ono that Gen. Grant is to I visinsr a "friendly acceptance" by the be elected President of the Senate, and people of the South of the inangnra- vueu iu iuc auwiiLu i u uuiy iiiaujju- non oi naves is uiicny nniounucu. rated President on the fourth of March Bcri Hill explains his position thus: he is to hold on to the Presidency. As a Democrat he hopes the result will Another is that the Republicans intend be the election of Mr. Tilden. but ns a to organize the next House of Reprc- Representative he shall act honestly XlSCELLAXrOCS EXTRA Hardware Poetry ! ? West side of Iront tetreet, atives by military force; that the and conscientiously and abide the con Mulberry and Chestnut, has Republican members will refuse to re- sequences, lie simply wants to re ved with cobble stones, and cognize certain Democratic members move from Gen. Grant all pretext or will commence from the South, but will organize by occasion for the .use of force. He wants work on the cast side. After both j .0 w niilitnrv will r, hn AI,4i. u tint sides of the street have been paved they J be used to instal them in the Honsc of going to get up another rebellion. will work up toward r ront street itepreseniauves, ami mau iuo ocuaie n,,-.4 ' will recognize them as the legal House. stealing. a.ggs. : ProeJ.Wf .limnt ia rnnppnipd there is fur the holidjy trade. tu.-litlne in furl f FltKNCH AND 1'LAIS CAND1F. Ciiroti. C.iirant. lUUiu in 1i-f ujhI iiuirter. P.pOni Rail- "WrightV 31luce Meat, FltUir WUTTKK A Nil ;JKI.1.U. UK1KU FI(is. la'HXKTTS KXTRAtTS. About 7 o'olock last, evening, while pCrfect willingness to have all assist tlip clerks in Mr. Ballentine's store on ance which he will render to put Hayes . . . .. , m Second between Princcs3 aud Market streets, were engaged in the rear of the store, some one walked off with a box 1. confining twenty dozen e A'A'ir AD Y Ell TISEMEXTS FoTT. jggs Sail Boat Stolen. Some time, during the last two days the. fine-sail boat which was moored at Messr?. Colville & Co.?s mill, and own ed bv Mr. Robert Taylor, was stolen. 1 New Advertisements. We call attention to the advertise ment of Mr. George, Myers. . . Pony whiskey and Christmas supplies are the features. Postal Hours. The mails close at. the City Tost-OHiee as follows : , Northern tb rough mails - Northern through and way mails', daily 530 P. M. - 7rt)0 A. M Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied there from, at - - - - "- Southern mails for all points South, daily - - - - - - Western mails C. C . R'y, daily Fayetteville ' and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays - -' - - - Fayetteville by C. , C. R'y, daily (except Sundays) - Onslow Ci H. and intermedi ate offices, every Friday -' ' arrive, - 6:30 P. -M 7:00 P. 6:00 A. M M in office, but there are not half a dozen Radical members of Congress who would give their sanction to any scheme, no matter how plausible, having for its obiect the continuance of Grant in the White House. If Gen. Grant enter tains any such scheme, which he now says he does not, he must depend upon ! himself entirely for their fulfilment. In regard to the" alleged project of or ganizing the House with a Republican majority there can be nothing in it. The plan sujrjrested would, to be car ried out, have to be done entirely out side of the forms of law, and the strong point now sought to be maintained by the Itepuoiicans in tnai xuey are ucwug entirely within the forms of law. i New Knglaud and the Army. It is learned that petitious are now in Circulation in New England and re ceiving many signatures, which ask that no further appropriations be made for the support of the army. The peti tions recite that the army, is no longer needed for defense, but is used for po lice duty in the States and to overawe State Legislatures and overturn tne constitutional rights and liberties of the people. FIRE CRACKERS AND T0RN FF.l:UI TlIAliF. M.KKMKA1, Tii- clehraUd ClicipuLi 1 iuar. u arrant- vl full Havana filler, fr.i criiU at tvtil. fy fro! arc ALL lrrh. of l--t quality and will be kM at vrry iw privw nran! Icts of the price of otlu rr. g HOVELS, SPADED, KAKE.H. Pitchfork! and Mi I iaU. Fire Doc, Boxing Air, ScaJr. Buh H'wV. Sskr and Nail. Bo d Piucl.t Ctfrr Mill. uiU. Dlacknnlth IriIK l!imm rt Hatd Ikll, FkV. Hat Trap an.1 Bath Brk W. M-at Cutler and ftoJtTf, Tur. Uritidtonrf lirub Hor, Ch1V Utc. Piiw.lrr, hot anl Cap. iMtrr. Fox and MInkTrp. t uth-ry. Kazr aud Hem-. Horc Bru-ht a ltd Curry CouJ. Knol. Iick. HIncrs and Late h-. Aurcr andShlnclln Hitrht t. KEDt CM) rHICE.S AT dec 10-tf JA.S. C. fcTEVK!KJN. dc!5tf N. Jacobi's, Ao. lO louth Krout M. F YOU WANT fOMETlHNO VEKY elegant fur the hoiida try lli- Pony Whiskey! ; JtUJiMiUMUiuit SALE BY MORTGAGEES. ri vir V TV ? my VIRTUE OF ArOWEU OF Al.r KK"'3 THE MOST STOCK OF COMPLETE PLAIN AND FANCY STATION EH Y BLANK, SCHOOL AND MISCELLA NEOUSBOOKS, FANCYGOODS, PICTUKES AND FILUIES, GOLD PENS ANDPENCILS.&c.. iVc. fict ever' article ueually kept In a llnt class 1:00 P. M. 6:00 A. M. 6. -00 A. M.' 12:15 P. M. cess. Mayor's Court. James Gibbons, drunk and disorder ly ; fined $20 and costs or 30 days on tbe streets, ( . -" : orapey Harris, larceny; found guilty and appealed to the Superior Court on a bond of $100. Qis, Shields, cursing and abusing Mrs. SolomOn; found guilty and ap pealed to the: Superior , Court, and was placed under a bond of $100, At the University of North CaroUna. Among those marked "best students'.' at the University we find the name of P.-M. Fremont, who is an irregular senior. tbe young gentlemen. A very intelli Northern through mails - - Northern through & . way mails 8:00 P. M. The Smithville mails, by gteamboat, close at 8-A. M., daily, except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hill, -Town Creek, Sup ply and Shallotte, every Friday at O A. M. Mails delivered from C A. M. to 7H) P. M. and on Sundays from 80 to 9:30 A. M. Stamp Office open fromS A. M. to 12 M., and from 2 to 5 AX) P. M. Money order and Register Departments open same as Stamp Office. Stamps for sale at general delivery when Stamp Office is closed. Key Boxes accessible at all hours) day and night. . : . "Wilmington District, 'Nouth Carolina CoxPEnEXCE Fihst KliOUXD OF APPOINTMENTS FOB Ql'AR- ifTEULY Meetings as ma'de by the Pre i siding Elder, Rev. V. S. Black, fob tue Present Conference l ear : Vilmington, at Fifth Street, Magnolia, at Magnolia Onslow, at Lebanon - - -Whiteville & WaceamawMis. at Whiteville -- - - -Bladen, at Deems', Chapel, Elizabeth , at . E lizabeth Wilmington, Front Street - -SmithvUle, at Zion - T - -k Clinton, at Clintcm - - .- 'Topsail, : at Union . - -.V r. Cokesbury and uohane 3113s. , s, at Hall' - - - -KenansviUe, at KenaiiFs ille, District; Steward's meeting, at the Lec ture .Room of the Front Street Church, Wilmington at 11 o'clock; a. m., Feb. 5. . The Secrets of the Telegraph. The action of the President of the Western Union Telesrraph Company in refusing to surrender the - telegrams called for the Morrison committee is understood to have been taken after consultation with his party friends in this City. "We are the exclude agents fur this I BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. Whiskey. It n the very article that eveiy- body Avants for Chrifctiua?. Call at Danforth's A ND EXAMINE THE HANDSOME STKKL KXGUAVlXGrf, Eun.iH", Aa, Africa mid America icr tonified and In has relief. Make a band ntaincd In a mortc?' nad Jacob Jhcrrr anl t'atlirriin A. Micrrr. bU wife. c Cbarle D. Myer Jt C., dtoi the JTth tlay of i-ptcinber. S7 id rrgUtercdin th It-gtstrr (Kcr if Hanover C'ountv, iu IU.k L L L. ia 311, :!12. ".1.1 and HU (default l.-vin-U-r-i, made In the payment of the debt therein K"curel), the underpinned. , Attoni- fr wild mortgagee will olfer for ale u public auction, at the Court IIoum d.-r In theHiyorWUmlngton. on SATURDAY, the 23d lav of DECEMBER. IMC. at 13 o'clock M., the folloiiur d-M-riliel lot of hihl In Iho city or Wilmington; Ix-glnnlngattheN. W.oTprr of Blcck No. :W7t and running thmce . Ith the E. line of teventh trl 1 VJ 6 Inches, thence E. partllfl ulth IUnt-tt tret5dlect C Inchento Uie Lotc line. thence N. with the Lnvc line 123 ftxl t. the beginning, being parts of lvU I 'and 3 In Block No. -.rr. Term of wle CAMI. FREDERICK D. lfllj&ON". Attorney for Morrca p'.-. dec l-tl-dl Dec. 23, 2-1 4 t 30, 31 Jan. 0, 7 u 13, 1-1 , " 20,21 27,28 . , Feb. 3, 4 10. 11 1?; 18 . v 21, 35 Mar, 3, 4 10, 11 Democratie 3Ieetings. . Following the movement in Indiana of bringing popular influence td bear in This Will gratify the friends of securing an equitable adjustment of the uinerences oiow exisuug una ior sucu will insure a fair Senator Wright's Solution of the Po litical Problem. AVasuixgtox, Dec. 17. Senator Wright will introduce a bill to-morrow which set3 forth his solution of the electoral complication. It provides thatafter the count of the electoral vote by Congress in joint convention either candidate, when dissatishcd with the result, may file an appeal to the chief justice of the Supreme Court, who, if he finds the appeal based upon good and sufficient evidence, shall ap point a board of arbitration, consisting of seven members, of whom he shall be one, and the other six chosen from the district and circuit judges of the United States, three of each political party. This board shall convene within ten days after the appeal is filed, and the appeal, taking precedence of all other business, shall be heart) at ouce, and a decision rendered as soon as possible.. If thb appellant is not satisfied with this arbitration, fie may appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States, which shall be the final tribunal. In case the decision is in favor of the appellant and against the person who may have been inaugurated in tho meantime, the latter shall smender all executive authority, and the person in whose favor the decision is made shall be duly inaugurated at such time as the Supreme Court shall indicate. The bill meets with favor with all to whom it has been so far shown. Christmas Goods IN QUANTITIES AM AT LOW CASH l'RK'ES. EXTRA LAYER RAISINS AT 2 .H) PER BOX, HALVES & QUARTERS. CITRON, CURRANTS. FIGS IN BASKETS. DRUMS AND CARTOONS. FREXCIl MIXED CAXDJES Aud Fresh Broken Candy. t t MALAGA (HI A PES. ORANGE, aud everything choice for table u.-e, at GEO. MYERS', dec 20-tf 11 and 13 South Front St. fcoine A FUI.I. mm: CIllllSTMAS PRESENT. Near the Fot Office, dec 12-1 f Rally to Lippitt's! FIX FOR CHRISTMAS. HOUSE FURNISHING KDUHS CHILD'S TRAYS, TOILET MITS. FANCY" FLOWER HjTp. BIRD CAGE. For wile by dec l.V2 PARKER & TAYMJIL l'J Front tr. P - I nrnnor scrutin v as 1 n J 1 1. m. w' - gent correspondent 01 tne waieign ount of the eiectoral vote, some indi tfeics write that the University stead- rations of like :-movements in other hnproves in scholarship and attend: AVestern sections for mass conventions to be held on the 8th of January to embody public seunmeni on tne buo iect. whilst in New York merchants and bankers of 'that city, have held a preliminary" meeting to discuss the sit uation and provide for a long meeting this week of influential citizens of both The Florida Complication. The Tallahassee (Fla.) correspondent of the Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution tel egraphs that the i londa .Legislature, despite all the throwing out of Demo cratic counties, is Democratic by five in the Senate and four in the House. This correspondent also details a con versation had with Mr. Drew, the Dem ocratic candidate for Governor, in Tho Spirits Turpentine Market. The market in spirits of turpentine as excited yesterday. For several dava tliprr hnil Wn n advance of bout Accent a day. Yesterday, parties and who .-ot :ctiT0 Itf- W be kower, the staple JMJpea. jp tt.LSjta.wV tbj; central Demo- Ws ppe to be hurmM, .on . the 7th or January, inc oniuuuot s m 1 1 Fridav cveniuffa resolution was adop- correspondent aaas ; ted recommending .the, holding of pub lic meetings throughout', !the SVate to denounce what was declared to be "the attempted usurpation by the national . 1 A .T-l 11 V aamini3traiion,v; ana to ueciarc me ue- f ents, and the day closed rwith an up- Vard tendency. Thermoetrlcal. , , The state of the thermometer at! the various stations named ' below i was ob- Med at the signal office in this city, MlvTthilli AflMA thePiesidency::.:: ;,V, - AugWtat44;Oharlestoq, 4; Gal- 1 rr, : uVfC V : . ;. eston, 47; Jacksonville, 49; Mbbile, 4; New Orleans, 44; Norfolk, 37; Sa vannah, 48 ; Wilmington, 41 : -' - r ToNlfrht, ::k, v-. ' ! At the City Hall, our Methodist friends Vate tbeir . festival. "Ve have 4oubt it' wHl be a fine thing. ; A watteudan'ce is expected . l!-At'ameeting of the Central Demo- ciation, ' Philadelphia, on The L,efrislature both .llousc and Senate, will of course refuse to recog nize Stearns, the bogus Governor, and this will virtually settle the matter. Tf ncrssarv. however. Drow will oust Vis a. vfit of the courts, which if easily enougn oouunauie iu iuc oi the frauds bv which Stearns was counted in. The "Legislature will take care of I its own member the House of its own Confrressmen." THE BALTIMORE XUX. Published dally (except Sunday) at tbe Sun Iron Buildings, Southeast Corner of Baltimore and South 6treet; by A. S. Abell & Cu. Prices for Mailt hj : Single copy, three cents ; one uiontb, tlxty cents; two months, ono dollar; three months, oue dollar and fifty cents; dx months, three dollars ; 1 year, tlx dollar. Postage prepaid at the ofllce by the pub Ushers. No paper sent lomrer than paid for. TUE WEEKLY HUX. One dollar and a half a year, aud $1 for six months, with Great Inducements to nov 7-tf CLUBS. E. AllTIS, fahiiionaiim: iiariiuh miup. call to see him. under the Purctll Hour. Excellent barbrr al ways ready to wait on cutumer". dclf Tho Raleigh. Obseiver Ox the lirTiiDAYor NOv::MnF.i: ISTB.aud In tho city of RALEICII the undenineil will ctomncc tie puMI caton f THE O USER V E R. X I WX.X AXD WEUCLT Democratic Newipifer. Of lone exicrienc In their tU '.: as editori, rciiprctlTelr of the FarUrrt:i Observer and the WUmlnn J.h rxau thev da not affect to doulit tii k undnr-. of the trrneral Juilgromt whkrh aurn them arflity to furnbh a newnpap-r ult4J to the need ami adaptnl t the Ut- of therx-'H'le of North Carolina. Vifferinu lnpdUk' In the olden time, tlrre wa never a dinerrnce wwcm we u.wmtcr and the JofRXAL In teal fr tl lnten-t and honor of North Carolina. To promote thetne, and to uphrld ami add to the other will ! object of the Observer now. It will bcthetrhUrh aim to dcscnetLe "Nntifift Of AntllicatiOn. I-uM ctofldenc ty earnest efforts to pro- of North Carolina, next o! all 4 NEW STOCK OF TOYS, CANDIES, RAISINS, NUTS And a Thousand Other NICE AND SWEET THINGS J U!t arrived and oicuotl y otcrday, at J. W. LIITITTS, Ax- 1-;i Cor. Front & Princcw it. NOTRE OF APlllfATION. Notice is hereby c.ien that application will be made to the CJeneral Asscmblv to incorporate the I.aloreiV Union, the Fiit "Ward Bucket Cotnny and Hook and Ladtlrr Company No. 2 of the city of Wilmington. dec 7-lawlt DAWSON BANK. The annual meetim; of the Mockl.. . 1,1. t- "f thU Bank will be hld at their banking nora on Tiieday, the 21 day of January. 177, at 4 oYhwk P. M. Uecl9.lt M. UKMNN .lilt-r. -TOTICE IS HEREBY tilVEN THAT -L application will l made tothetiene ral Assembly, to mcorporate Il?t N. 1, Sovereigns or Itwlusto'. of Columbus, Pen der County, "orth Carolina. dec lMun 4 i- TOe South Carolina. Senate. 1 The' Senate of South Carolina ' con sists of thirtv-three members.! Of these seventeen . axe i Jlepublicans, fifteen Democrats and one independent. If tho latter acted with . the Damacrats it would only require a fchange of cue VOte the Renubliaati to the Democrat-c side to give the 'Democrats control of ; tSenate;; Congreaa q,ueUo 1" Adjoariunent. From the Ktw TVrfc Jft aid of Monday. There is a irrcat diversity of opinion among prominent Democratic members of he House vf Bepresentatlves on ha subject of a holiday reces3 of Con- HIASANT WORK-GOOD PAY.. FT EVERY COUNTY IN NORTH CAR olina, Actlre men can find profitable employment In eanvHSstng for subscri bers to THE OBSER VER. Price of the Dally per annum ........ 00 Price of the Weekly per annum 2 03 Kf" Very liberal commissions allowed Kr Address Col. W. L, SirxDras' Wilmington, N. C, untO November 10 After that date, - THE OBSERVER, oct27-tf Raleigh, C. . NOTICE OF APPUCATION. "XTOTICE IS HEREBY filVEN THAT X ajplication w ill be made to the Gene ral Aiemblv, to inconorate the Indeprn 1mi1 Onlr t.f RoimI Samarilan and Daughters of Samaria (irand Llre of the State of North Carolina. dec 17-lw4t Festival. milE LADIES OF THE FIRST PEES- 1 li-tcrian Church Intena noiainz a ChxL tmas Festival in the City Hall on the M iu.i. They will hare for sal a larre quantity of Christmas Presents, Toys, c AboeaUblesofall kind at Trry reasona ble price. The 13' UC arc eonliaiiy uw vlteiL drcH13 2J tie South ern fctabrt, and finally, and throuch tler. of the whole Union. They thick that thl can otdy be effected by the pretslrnce of Democratic principles and the dlmWal or the Radical party from the .Uce and power which they hsT so prfaUr abused, and under whose baleful rule the South has been outraged and the w hole country has been Impoverished and disgraced. PETER L HALE, W. L. SAUNDERS. um or stTsotrrTio - 19 If 4 Oi - 1 1n I 1 U) Dally Olwerrer, oac year. -Dally Oterrrr, sis tnomlhs, Weeklv Observer, one year, - Weekly Observer, six months, ' All eomjaaaJratlocxs ahocid be addressed, until farther noUce, to W. L. 8AUNDEW, ort 15-1 xn WCml artoo, N. C W. A. Dvt Jt Co. W. A. Dati ixe. t. rETTEWjir. c. n. scncxccr PetTteway & Schulken, TROKERS AND COMMISSION VTET CHANTS in Merchandise, woxxon, Naval Stores and other produce. Orders for Molasses. Meats, Lard, Pslt, rish. Coffee. 8urr. Cheese; Floor, Bac- tln. Ties, Ate., and consIrnmenU of all Editors and Prfp'ts. Buli.cssMauajri thk oxrora touch-light. Cnxulatkn ever OOO Corses. Two Dollars Per Annum. In Advaar, The Democratic Orjraa of GranrClc THE PATRIOT. Oldest paper la the Writ. PuLliilcl weekly at Greensboro, K. C. Addrcii XT-tf lrreabcnr;i 7i 4.