"NT - : - A JL1 11 J I! tf - Mil WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ?2. lbTC" I VBER 10 CENTS A VTtXXL i - - - - ii i n i i j i ii i , ii RAL CITY NEWS. BXEUCS HAKXETT. x torrectlon and an Appeal. , vi, nf tliis distinguished sol- ' j statesman of . the Cape Fear fjmrt time since, was extensively bv newspapers iu and out of the ti,; circumstance is the ineen- bich is dae Colonel Harnett and I ragcous Mrs. .loiouei npiwr. 1 from a converisiuyii wuu u following more correct version of it information furnished ixi by a Venerable lady who .heard it from 1 Spicer own lips, lhe lady to aw! refer reau u in me -buanuiiu tocrat copied from'the Cape Fear, is perhaps the-only person livin could hive given to the present iration the following facts. Colonel Harnett would not allow to entertain him as her chief justices and orators, keeps watch above the capitol sriuare; her Patrick Henry, in bronze, stands on a pedestal in the same enclosure, near a beautiful fountain the fall of whose waters are not more liquid that the tones that once thrilled multitudes as thev breath ed the wonderful eloquence of the im mortal Virginian; Parian marble and the .sculptor's finest . skill have leen brought into requisition to erect a mau soleum over the . sculptured figure and sacred dust of peerless Lee; while a generous and appreciative foreign power has sent" a 'Stonewall"-1 LATE AO- IMPORT AH. Tin: voti; of flokiija. Mr. Mauton Marble's Views ul" the Florida Returning Hoard and It YTork. To the Editor of th lit ml J. i The minutes of the Florida stale Board of Canvassers, published Pec. 13 ; the letters of Gen. F. C. Barlow, iubhshed Dec. l." and Doc. 1 1, and the etterof C. A. Cowgill, one of the Board, to Gen. Barlow, published in the Time of Dee. 15. taken together, Jackson, in handsome bronze, to keep handsomely invalidate the pretence that them company ! Can North Carolinians do nothing for Harnett, Howe, Nash, Waddeil, Ashe, Badger and many others,-: whose names are among the rarest jewels she can claim as she stands among the other thirteen States ? Even heathen Greece and Rome Florida cast her votes for the Haves electors. i 1. Gen. Barlow demonstrates that, if the Canvassing Board had the wide powers they claimed and exercised, powers which unbroken usage and the law in every other State in the Union except Louisiana confer upon judicial tribunals onlv, even then a jnst and made statues of their demi-gods in the scrupulous exerci"e of those powers re- Parthenon and Pantheon. Enlightened sults in -finding a majority for the J U- 101 ,7. 1 - I ,t bnt insisted, on occupying a com mie cabin on her plantation duripg painful illness?.! He was suffering tint' rC Vio nrnrif TViO rithti were swarming tnrougu ew mover. 'Wilmington was commanded sir James Craig Lord Cornwallis .nnrsuinsr Gevi. Green as he retreat- westward. It was about the time of buttle of OowpcM. ; Mrs. Spicer, in -spite, of Harnett's approval, paid him every attention. nicest dishes were prepared tor Di, the most luscious fruits kept for , and the servant; soon found out hat although the sick stranger did not cupy the guest's chamber, he was a rson of importance. This discovery as what Harnett wished to avoid. iforttmately Mrs. Spicer could not asent to neglect him in any way, and me of the negroes oil the plantation r a bribe, doubtlessi-conduGted a nad of Red Coats to the cabin, iruett's disease was at its worst, and r weeks he had not been able to and. The British could not ascertain ho he was. They knew it was not ol. Spicer, for his? famous black horse, ith its gallant rider, were giving them rious trouble hi another direction, bin M rs. Spicer heard the enemy ul surrounded . Harnett's cabin, she North Carolinians have consigned' many to an humble grave, and when a spark of State pride like a puff of smoke from an extinct volcano strug gles to claim some recognition of their merit, a remembered tradition or an imperfect historical mention mocks the effort! Canvassing den electors 2. The minutes of the Beard demonstrate that the county re turns upon their face show a majority. for the Tilden electors. THE COTJRTS. ; XO DOUBT OE A TILDEX M ATOUIIY i Privately I lean to the belief that for a month past not one honest man in Florida of competent discernment has inwardly doubted that the Tilden electors had a clear majority of all the votes cast that, too, oyer and above the ballo'-box stuffing by Gov. Stearns' confederates and the fraudulent returns by his appointees, the election officers. The Political Investigation in the Northern Cities. New York, Dec. 19. The Congres sional committee on election frauds continued its sessions to-day at the St. Nicholas Hotel. Mr. McDongall ol fered a resolution asking that subpoe nas be duces tecum be issued to the resident or other officers oi the 'West- Henry Williams, disorderly conduct ern Union Telegraph Company, requir- dismissed. mg the production ot all telegrams sent or received through their omcc rem th e to the late election by A. S. Hew itt H. Mntrmie. Jr.. Fernando Wood. bright, W. H. Allen, peddling without John Morrissey, John Kelly, Smith M. license: Albright and V right were AV eed, J r., and AY . D. relton. firtnn.i miitv"ini finwV &i anilnatj . r ! Mf.""Cbx."chairmnn, stated that he pointed iu each township by the Gov ernor, by aid witVthc atfvico and txAA mint of the Senate, one of whoiu, at least, if possible, should not be of the i ii i t . l . f I same poiiucoi ari wim iuc uou'roor. Divide thee Justices into three claej, so that the term of one-third of them shall expire with the tcrra'of the GoYr ernor. Ix?t th6 Justices so appointed J i i i r.. r.r ' the County Commissioners. . , , , . . Second. The undersigned would re commend that the townehip Justices k required to elect one of their num ber township chairman,and that these chairmen three to be a quorum shall constitute a county court, with juris diction over all matters of nrobate.clc, and such civil and criminal jurisdiction as the General As-emMy may think advisable to relieve the p re-sure on the Superior Courts, meet out swift punish ment to offenders and lessen the ex- len of the-county in supporting pris oners held to answer crimiual charge-. The UTKlersirned are conCdent that such a system of cour.ty government :s admirably adopted to the ieop!e of the State: injuriously affecting none, and yet, retoriug conet ihenf aod itK perity to many who aro nffiicttd with intolcraVde burdens. It retain?, in the judgment of the undersigned, the ad vantages of the ante-bellum .system, while it discards its objectionable feat ures:' -as, for example, the unlimited number of justices, and the careless and XW JLDVLnTISZUEXTS l XJSCSLLAXEOUS TOO BUSY i':r!; l 11 1 i Pfi ' . j -iit i iti. EXTRA Hardware Poetry! -TO WRITC . (H(iVLL.SlAlil, RAKT.S, t l'iU-bf-jtk htd Miii-i OtU, Long Advertisements. I L?. Conimissioner'i Court. Before U. S. Comissioner VauAm ringe; J? W. Wright, T. J. Albright, W. H. Allen, peddling without license: not guilty on account of being civil cases. Mayor's Court. Wm. Lcswell. drunk ond asleep on the steeets; dssmissed on payment of costs. . , Magistrate's Court. State vs. J. W. AY'right, T. J. Al and W. H. Allen not guilty. could not entertain this resolution in its present shape, as they were only empowered to inquire as lo the cities of INew zOrK, xroOKljll, uerstj viiv aim Philadelphia. I Messrs. MacDouall and Wells ar- yvk iiavi; tUt t( i i-ruiit ie hut ined :.d his faat he .Da1. :iat Ilo for Raleigh. The schedules have all been arranged for the running of the trains at the In auguration. A special train will leave gued that the resolution should pass in Goldsboro at 8:30 . m, Monday, reach- its present shape, as they hau miorrna- i.RRgh.ina2.-.Thefortbe tSrUr roundtnp will be on the . C. K. R. Mr -Y"addell offered, by way of sub All the special trains will leave stitute, a resolution providing that a the officer and begged him to Raleigh on the return at 11.30 Monday subpoena be issued requiring the presi the suffering um to remaiu In night, after the Sreeehes and torch- J JSX their prisoner. This they dc- light procession. The Xeivs says that to do. Then she offered to go persons who propose attending the in- them to Wilmington their prisoner augttration are reminded that they can hostage. vTlu's convinced them secure tickets at the above rates to was a prisoner of some promi- come by regular trains on Friday, Sat They did not, know, however, urday or Sunday previous, good to rc- lt was Cornelius Harnett who turn by special train (leaving at ll:du p. in.) or by regular trains on-Monday, Tuesday, or AY'eduesday following the inauguration. tencd to their refusal."'' They bound :nn on horse-back and torceu him. hckeu with pain, to 5:0 . with them to 1 pVilmineton. He was carried, a pris- r, onboard the Thunderer, a 'man far, auchored in the Caje Fear Jr. When Sir James : Craig saw lie exclaimed estern Union and Atlantic and Paeific Tele graph Companies to produce before the committee all telegrams sent or re ceived by the same parties relating to fraudulent registration and fraudulent voting at the election of Presidential electors or members of Congress iu the four cities above named on the 7th of last November. The substitute was adopted by a vote of 3 to 2, Republican members voting rresponsioic manner 01 meir appoint ment.- it as-imuates ltseli, ton. to the xistinir svstcm enlarging, as it won, he number of commissioners to jut representative proportions and pro duces so little derangement in details, that the trsiushicn from' ccn5tQir!tV the Other will be scarcely poreevtible. It gives fair representation to both par ties, aud every neighborhood, so that the voice of none shall be stilled when their property is to-be taxed or their interests affected. It secures the ap pointment of honest and intelligent men as iusticcs, and then, in turn, the best of these as members of tho court. nd, besides all this, it utilizes the vital forces of a community, and digni fies the crrcat bodv of the people by raising them up to a just conception of the duties of citizenship, and the high relations they sustain to the body poli tic. The umdjrsigned, iu discharge of the duty assigned them; and with diffi dence, considering tha vital i4iijilfHu of the sublet; have 'thn?. "With '-irtttV tional brevity, excluding minor details. submitted the result of their delibera tions to the attention of the General Assembly: anil tliev humiiv pray, m behalf of Craven county, thepromptc action iu the premises, to the end that a patient aud patriotic people maybe .mm A Fied lrow ills, which uouc.can Know but those who bear them. Very respectfully, Ciias! C. Ci vkk, M. E. Manly, Jmiv Hu;iiks, Newln.ru, N. C. Dec. 18, 1STG. Everything You Want l ire t). Eoxiry Axe. S1, - : i - i.. i n-. i?-i ruv tt o-ccc'j, t n lit . Vi-., IilrLtuitli'f l?r 2v JT" l!miu. r. lUr.4 IW1U, YkXi, Kat Imi mn Uith llrlck, Mvat Cutter and S; off rr. Tlct tlrdluur. Itrab IIo, CLilk LLl riwl. r. ht ud Cap. ur. r. unlM'nkTr-;-. -C'athiy. Hrrtl Hen", Hor HruU: ul Curry ConJ, KnL-. Ik, and LitcLri. Aujfr andMiiuclin UateheU. KKUtCl.tl 1'1:ICKS AT 1 i. lUl'.lf N. Jacobi's, No. 1(1 l"outh 1'rout St. . SALE 1!Y .MORTGAGEES. By vnnx x i.lm-i The Heit The ITr-t lrice. DOS' T -WASTE TOVIi MOXEV OK A rOYY'LK or l.Y. In a m'rtrxr iitl l. Jacob SIictct anl Catlwrlu A. Mirrrr. hU wife, tat'lisrhs K Mi r A; ("n.. tUtr-J lh 27th day .f f .t. tumrr. 1S7. an f r2trnllu'ili Illt-rV Ortf nf Vw Ilaui'Vt r t.untv. iu Uk L L I., izr U I. :;.'. ::i:5 ana r.n (.h fault UMict'i niad Iii ll lritni-Tii .f ihc drM thfn!r hiuml), thf unJrrfLnu!. as AlU-n:ft for id inrtipi r i51 ftft r for talc t. I pniv aiict!'"'!!. at tr.i .o'jrt llu4 i-r i i.i lUt hjufWllrnlurl. onSATl lillAY, t - I't end iav .r i)r.c::MUKK. itt., at V! .V!-k M.. tl.r UAoluz ! f.'riU-.l lot f laifl iu t rity f WUnil!:irt'ii; lirhnJuatthN. YV.rtmr of Ilh rk No. J! ?f aud runtiln tlMtr i m 1th the V.. I!ne of Scvtuth tuti 1 111 frev iimlit-, thence I ;aralll uitU lUrrv-u t-trxvt .V. fit t C, lin-!.t-tv thr l.ie hue, tb'rjcc N. ith tin Iaixc line 13 -fret t- th tfciniihis:. l--iu ne of lot 1 fc 1 S inltlivk No.-JlC. Term .f ! YS1I. yilKIiKKlCK I. 1'UlWi.V, Attom-v lor Mrrrte. A FL I.I, mm: (J KN Kit A f SU .MM A It . Cornelius Harnett is it possible t we lave causrht- you! For your daud that of Robert Howe, King will probably be, present. T i " A I'ortrc declares he will accent no ameriiheraeni - . . - - isoul The Preshj-terlau -Festival. The fair and festival of "the First Presbyterian Church will take place to-night at the City Hall. No doubt it will be equal to anything of the sort ever held in town. A very large crowd Read the against it. ... Mr. Waddcll moved that the substi tute be reconsidered to-morrow, and this was also adopted. It was also re solved that subpenas be issued to wit nesses in New York, Brooklyn and Jersev Citv to-morrow. Subpenas were issued for C. A. Miller, 202 Broadway, and Franklin J. Otterson, custom-house, and the committee adjourned until tomorrow. Ohas. D. Myers & Co., ile 1 j 1 J ' ami Nurtli l-roiil HOUSE FEISMSllIMi GOODS pin 1 urn th y.s n ili:t su, fancy n-oYvrj; roi.. i$iKi cao: s. You aie beyond the power of ;rJon,you traitor!4As the Briton lie drew the' blunt side of his !onI across Harnett's throat. Stung 7 the insult, the sick man sprang to feeU-for the first time -in many kindipnantlv Wrlftmiii? : "I o : j. - ' n 131 no traitor ! I owe no allegiance to rgc 111.," and dropped back dead. H grave is in St, James'' Church- A simple, moss-covered slab s'the sppt, aud the name "Corxe- s Harxktt" is slowlv loinc erased ....j -0 e hand of time a name that in .v other of the United States would since have shone on a bronze or Jble monument worthy the deeds of -ano bore it. a i Grangers can come to the his- Cape Fear section and get money gh to enable them to revel in ele- and luxuries ' that a few days t" vere as unknown to them as the Puficence of Aladdin's magical pal- 'hilethe sons anddaucrhters"to the aer born" can not raise the funds or I tt the enerirv to epprt a solitary hand- "C lllPmnriol cininn i n. a cinnrla lC rkf Thermometrical. - The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob? served at the signal office iu tnis city at 4-.31 p. ni.: . V Augusta, 54; Charleston, 36; Galves tou, C3. Jacksonville, 68; Mobile, 57; New Orleans, 64; Norfolk, 39; Savan nah, 50: Wilmington,' 58. The Goldsboro Messenger says it learns from Judge Fowlc.who returned from Washington on Wednesday, that Tilderr's prospects are improving now everv day. lie thinks the reports of the Congressional Committee will settle tnc matter, mat ixwisiana ami norma, on the final count, will go for Tildren and Hendricks. The Senatorial -ouunitlee in Florida iit wit h eloped doors. The Senate sulv-coniniinee have wiih drawn the fculiMvnas for witnesie in tl.e eae of an alleged inelVjiblo Tr-ulcutial elector in North Carolina. The Philadelphia council have redm-cd the lKiliee foree of that city oue hundred nu n. and instituteil other reforms" whi-. 1 will tave over a half millions nunuaily i the taxpayer?. On the 2th intt.. at Frankliuton. Judjre Watts will hear the alternative mandamus in the matter of Moore t-t nl. v. Crews et al., wliieh ease involves the Mivritl'aliy tl (iranvillc county. . If such men as Conklini', Shtrinan.Ed mund. Frelinghuyen, Dawes. Antiiony ar.l Bu'rntide permit the polii td" tlic Kc publican iarty to be controlled by the Chandler, Camerons, Logfans aud Cham berlains the result cannot be dilfervut with us from what it was when France wa givi u up to Marat, Damon and Rohepierre. X, Y. llcrakl. YVilmingtou Dbtrict, Noktji Cakolin CoxFEKKX-fc Vi.:-r K'uxii'or .Ari'OiXTMnxi vn irv.. iKni.Y Mectixc s m vpi: III tiik lKr. MOIXC. tf-DER. liEV. YV. S. 1i.k, roi: niK Pj:iext Coxferexce Y'fai; : Do. nrvTrn a nun i.nvTrriTi'aT I .. nJ X t3, IJhVilJLKJVi. Iter mic ' - I dee lVJw IHKSirFDJK CKACKEIiS AND TOR PEDOF.S ARE SEI.I.INt; AT Vt 1 pack- for'iAeiftVnr fpAcIvforSrcnt. ATTKNTJON, HOUSEKEEPERS 1 p.lElI CEI.EliV,;iYVHlTE V. CJUSP, JIVT rF.CEIY Fl. Seiul earlj before It N all ouc. WELL' liiiKEII UliKEYS A N I) ClilCKKNi M"lll Uu PAKKl.::.V:TATLOr., IU Front Mrceu COUNTY Ci OVER N M K N T. - 1 Tan. '. 7 The Craven Plan, We find in the Xwherniitit about the best plan of county government we have. seen. It is drafted by three of the ablest members of the Newbern bar, and is eminently worthy of atten tion. It is as follows : To (he Iloaorahle, the Gent ml As sembly of Xorth Carolina ; The un dersigned, in behalf of Craven county, which has imposed the duty upon them, and whose grievances are, perhaps, as great as those of any other county, under the existing system, deem it net inappropriate to suggest to the General Assembly a plan for the government of counties which, after mature reflection. The festive Christmas horn has been they believe will subserve the purposes New AdVertlsemeiits-. Dauforth Cheap envelcpes. Cha3. D. Myers & Co.-r-U rocery sup plies for the season. James C. Stevensjou Fire-crackers, torpedoes, fresh celery, dressed turkeys and chickens, etc. Wilmington, at Fifth St net. Magnolia, at Magnolia - - -Onslow, at Lebanon - - - -YVliitevilleitWaccamaw Mir, at YY'hiteville Bladen, at Deem Chaieh Elizabeth, at Elizabeth YY Ilmiiurton, Front Street - -Srnithville, at Zion Clinton, at Clinton . - - - -Topail, at Union Coked mrv and Culiarie MI.--. . at Hall s Keuansville. at Kenanvfllt District Steward's meet ins, at th' Lec ture Room of the Front Street Church, YVilminsjton. at It o'clock, a. m.. Fet. .". m.ur.i. it .d to lc Kld at the '.Mi.! i ",;it; i j-ri ". C.WiH- ,:r.M II MIXTUREr.CEMS PF.K 11H .SU. HAVANA OR-YNllES. t tid ftl U-k of m 1: j$ tm 1 . :. icaci e. 2. '2 . F-b. I. 4 - UK 11 - 17. is M-r. 4 ' 10. 11 AT d-iMt JA. C. TMM.NSOf. About 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon two colored bovs named Robert Shaw and George Lee, indulged in a general knock down in the Purcell Alley. One- of them drew a razor, i X purchased three or four days too soon. m Hill on the Hayes Cluestiou. Mr. Ben Hill will, as soon as the fth Carolina's revolutionary patriots, opportunity offers, make a speech iu or statesmen. T Is it enousrh that tne House aennmg nis position, anu of invoartial iustice and prove as con forraable to the character and habits of the people of the State as any that can be devised. Trefatory to setting out their plan, which is simple in its details, ecouomi- cai in 113 provisions, anu uy no wcaua U . . N - Ml 1 ! . I 11 . 1 - hosc -hearsts were once preg. W1U pJ u -view,- is a, in tne novel in fa dcsi aud cflccU tbe mi. In.. t&i t ZA . ....... . t Yuu ceIestiai r nre ana wnose unpatriotic and dishonest action of the da the rod of empire might have Republican party in attempting to foist .ver are permitted to rest in peace- Hayes iatp the Presidency. . "vu au Lliri I I I iu. 1. 1 L . Mill, til in l I "titer tft 1-- 'j' , 1 ir 1 An appeal is made to Cousrew by the Hem II JIT ierua oiu wrSma f7aiai Chronicle to put aside passion wiouiies anu Ol statesmen - I ana nasien a jusi aecision oi ina-cxysiucuii- wtMs respcett Her YVashinrrton A " 1 There is nnety among Hrmn,ij V " 9 1 cosiness men to nave tne uucenaiuiv i roded by presidents, gOYCYnor3,llieved. T' : dersigned assume that the subject of county government naturally divides itself into two parts: 1st, The manage ment of county afiairs : and 2d, A sys tem of courts, wherein iustice may be administered in a cheap, expeditious and satisfactory manner. First, then, for the manaremcnt of - a re- j county affairs, tha undersigned would IF YOU WILL FEY ALL YOlll EN YEL (;)?,ES -OF- Bacon Flour, &c. XfY'WiSLs n. s. KirVE5, OvJ : bin. Fi.oru (Ji cra.), IW IIhd.tvl 1 K CUBA MOI.ASSBS, ioj jijbi; s. ii. svrcp, li Bas COFi'EE, w w.u. siroAi:, tc.) mr.Lun. . V IkUIIOOP IRON,.- J ikile HAY. BAGC.IXG. TOHACCO, SNCVT. OAP, - LYZ. C.YNDV. Tlli. CHEESE, . fcPlUlT.IUliREL-i, IYKD, :r, !f ' Yvoirrn & YvoiiTir. E. ARTIS, KVMUONAIU.i: ItAIUlIUt fllOt. C1ALL T KF.E HIM, UNDER TIIE ; Pumdl llou- Excellent 1 trbrik 1 wayi read) t viit ojeultiM r. dcl-'tf The Raleigh Obsei-vdr OX THE MTU DYYOFNOVEMFrP. 1. SM. undMti the city ..r KAU:U II h uiid r'n',i wlil t"ii;fitn.c tl.r puMI cation r THE O USEE YE J?. 1 1A1LT ANI WrtKLT Dcwucratlr Nrtmpaprr )f I--n' eti ri i.c In thtlr- p:t.ff't-ti alitor, resxTiiit !y of the FaMtiKe Oi.'t r.vr.H and the VilinlD:n H.nAlf Jiy do t4 afTi-et to dou'l th auJi f "the r trl ju'luient blv!j aviit hern ability bt furUh a - pap- ui.e! O tli tu-M ixl S'lsptl 1heatrff tbe-ii'le .f N-r;l Carol Iu. 'fJitXVZ Uip"liU in lh '.-in tin-. litre ia. tx-vrr a ilifT riK" irtxn th O inn R aji1! I be Jot u l"Iq f.r the lnt-rrii and honor of Nrnnh Can.Uu, To t ru-c h'n. end to ophoM sivl al-I Vjitf Abi't will lir ol-iect of the Ox.-1-Jivuc no . It iilt- it Ir l.h aita W den-tfe taotc the public welfare. Crt iA format f North Cin!iai, it xtol nil tletsnxtl tc Fut. . an l finllv. 1'A t:.r..;h th--, of tbe who!-! l"ri .n. Tt- tUnlc that iMa can uuly be eilcu-l ly thn ieitlence J iX'Si 'cratk I rtndj I- ai.4 UtbaJ of the 1L.UU! partr from ti ir ana power whkh tLj luve Mi creatlr alied, ar.d undwr Luc lalcful rul lL: south hi ten oalracl "1 th h.Je cosatry ha bn lapoTeilkhcd u4 l!srrrtxl. PETEK M. ITAI.E, , , f W. L. JSACXDERii I4ATL3 or St XrCRUTIOX. is rr 4 to J CO 1 09 DANFORTil Y'ou will fiu.l them a flu apa the stamped 0 DvLi.v tiimr, cr.v year, DahV Otnrr, vit, iaotnth. WetUy OUn cr, ce year. Weekly Oherrer, kit tamtLf All communication botal J l A Ire until further KotJ-e, tk . , YV. L. AU.NTiEUS. octli-lm Waml-fi. K. C eVehpv. ; iico "VOTKT, IS UFlKEBT C.IY'EN TIT AT l ftilJieUwn wiil V fiwdc to the tiiTi ral At-nblv, LUnt-rporatc th Iaupen .lent 'OTfirr of Hcwl 'ftiruarttan ard Duufehter-T t f S-maii lraiid Udp of tbe iuteof NoithC jrllna. . . .. decl7-lwU - YV. A. Davi &Co.f Eli tor axul l-tpt. W. A- ta Festival. gOYCTQOrS: recommend that three Justices be ap-' YlUh rpiiE lames ofthfhrst pres- i. bvteriaa Cuurch intend holanur a Cliristma Festival in tin Citv lUil on t!;e 22d inst. They will Lav; for Frle a Urge quantity of Christmas Presents. Toy J 'A AUo eatables of alLki?Ii al tcry reason:. Me pricw. T! puluc arc eorulany ir N'lfflttV&F APPLirATIOX. : (OT1CEIA HEREBY GIVEN THAT rp'I tjon m ill be tucto the General Af enitly y Inwriorair I Abort rt. Unroii, "the Firt-t YVard Bucktt Corapary and Hook axl Ladder Coapanr No- 2 ci theitTcf!YTnmln5ton. JOooT-iawW TUK OXFOKD TOliCH-LIGLT ClreulaUon o. er 2, CTh Twrt li-lbrf Per Acncrn. Iu Adtaic .The Decioeratlc Onrao of UraatPle. Notice of Application. VTOTK E Pi flEREBT CXVEN THAT x ax pli-tk-a will l taale to ILc Gcxao ral A'vtXiblj. to hicorpvrat llce I oT?rehria of Itdurr,of CWusaUit, Pva df r rocnty, Nrth CarUitu. i , i 1 t I i i i '1 1 . ' .1 i i ! 1 ii' 4m

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