If The Cape Feab, dally Democratic J nal whiclxfCepccri for iUppport npcn , newspaper, is printed erery mornlDg ex- Northern ptTCige ir'mored to a cept Monday, in the old Journal Bufldtog, that gonttrn fci4ractcr!ias,abnqri lower floor, Prfnccsa street, at ten cent a trick, BubWitige and Un'ster" wek,tl 25 lor three months, 13 50 for lecre coDgratnlmte the tlx month and t3 for a year. Mailed or . f riht reason delivered by carrier! in the city at these country on the return of rates. Subscription by man must inra to its throne and of that sense ofjus- riablvbeorenaid. i tice which, strikes its sword thnmjtt Advertisement inserted for $1 00 per the cxmrings of prejudice ;to let ifl the square for the first &ay and 50 cU.addl- light tioual for each day up to onje week. One - 1 '' "l'.JL . square (or inch) t for onelonth,$16for THE APFBOACH OP CUM8TMAS hree months, 138 for six months, $40 for . Why is the Christian world stirred wclrc months. A quarter of a column by the return of a certain day in erery for twelve months,- -with I privilege of Vear? Other days have been celebrated monthlv chancres, free of charre. 167. A hall coldmn for one year with likeprivi letre, $125. One column lor one year f 200. Contract for other space and time can be made at the office on J liberal terms. No communication trill be published un less the same shall be accompanied by some responsible name, which, is required, not for publication,. but as a guaranty of good aith. Contributions of a merely personal character are not desired." Address, - 27 CAP: FBAJi, I Wilminqton, X. C. ULi CELLANEO r TO THIf r C01IUISSI0X 11ERCHAXTS CBEAZJLND RELIABLE I ANLV GROCERS OF WILMING TON. DDKXMTlC.AtWAVS for a few lustrums or a century or two, but this festival of 'December 25th ha been scrupulously observed with alternations of rude rejoicing and religious seriousness for more than one and a half millennial pe riods. Indeed for, nearly two thousand y ars has the "one half world" kept the least of Christmas sacrt d There is something so remarkable in this that it has formed the perennial theme of auth or and preacher. Poets have immortalized the season. If PBOVOdE JF IT IS PR-1CTI- f 1 A T 17 1 T7T? A R One of Milton's earliest, as likewise V XL -L -1 i V J- J-i I - 'fLta fHao nMw1nimng trait his Cicekq W. Harris. DM DAY MORTG, DEC. 22, lfc7tJ THIi COUNTRY NOT IN A PAS. Though the fpcople are profoundly moved, by the course of events they are not in a passion.) The bayonet pro gramme as announced so flippantly by (jrant has excited indignation. But there is comparatively little ill-temper. All. or nearly all. the fiery spirit-that lias been shown is exhibited by the; red hot fomeuters : of national strife who are trying : desperately to intimidate the people. ;v j The country Will not be torn by. civil war again for many years. The fight ing men do not? want 'war. The non combatants alone can't get one up. The peace that pervades the land is profound arid ve? trust enduring. , No unholy ambi.tion will be allowed to rend usunder the Union now cemented with blood and suffering. No Mexicanizing this people is .possible. , Saxon and Celtic blood will ut t tolerate a general despotism. As Joug as the mailed hand was held at the Southerner's throat only feeble protests were uttered, but the people of ttie North who secretly delighted, doubtless, in seeing this once belligerent section severely pun- " ished for what they considered the J dark sin of treason will not themselves submit to be throttled by the same rude member. ITuey say this thing of military interference in civil affairs has gone far etfoujrh; and must stop. All ' 1 v . 1 '" ' .' . -u over ine Aorta oy press ana con vention will soon be heard the general voice of condemnation. When it falls on the cars of the Ca'a'inian conspira tors at Washington they will tremble and desisti: The decided attitude of the Democrats in Indiana and Ohio has caused a pause. The Democratic vic tory in the Boston municipal contest was significant of J: sentiment in that quarter. Senator are in doubt about the power of the President of the Senate to count the electoral vote. Bus- CABLE TO CtoIMXXCE TRADING THE - GAPE" PE AR, A NEW WILiTlNtiTON Jul' UNA Dcvotcdto the tnateriaMntdlectiral, tiKt and political interest oTXcrth Car. Ima, is offered to the 'public j the cheap ratv l IO t'.-ut a Week, or ." a Yral NATIU iAl t-5Ut Ai) "Try) a dc zate 1AYIC 1 ATHT.I c the Dei icraUc LAI- t. entaUte, CaUoi o-vr. T J'r- aad others in aathoritr. ar fv;.ni Their cS. if. ..... pcrqiri'.e; thry are a ruUle lnu the aaaiU of thi Urrub!te thow nirtr cfVlbe -Lcltd i U. InA UiocaJ convention ambled, da hereby declare the adrainUtratW of the Federal CoTetn-Cii-nt to be lu" urgent awJ of Immediate reform ; do hereby enjoin upon the nomi nee of thi ConvtnUoa and of the Dcrao eniic oartv4n each Slate, a acalofc tot and co-operation to tLU end, aad do h-crefcy I of the liiiif coramiUe of u U appeal to our iciwwiiuxcns vi cvrrj oi i.-KtuuTM rxpij a y lte PiieiVe cf th. IfrwiTii. "T-- 1 Uve taarkrtir LU mllari a LlTf oScerj thtir lrtU iT.2ilrr Ar.r tlktirxou aa - W A -1 I 1 A - fcJ - . . mm- w ! former political com&ccTJoa vo uumaxc iic Ci me irr.urr f.. , wiin U4 nil un nu uj?. I'mt iw-n- iwmwwif c irai.-n: rrouci? t ft'Je dutv fir the Dcmocraer of the whole I Attr rney OcDctal ta'ji:rrrLLi 7? ritintrv. ' I fund; a Secretary of tb 4r cxrvL 1 mauf tcv of the reurral LnJin. our uevo- UnitetJ mTHTIIEP BTSIKESb MEN OF OUR dEAFORT TOWN. -Hymn on Christ's Nativity" a poem we always read once or more every year, and always with new pleas ure' and we trust with some profit. Some of Herrick's verses, in afar light er vein, are also excellent, and old, quaint, devout, simple-hearted Herbert has rertainlv left a lecracv in his Christmas poetizings: the world ought evermore to -cherish fondly. Then comes the flood of Christmas prose. First is the princely humorist Charles Dickens. We care not for the sneers of the neculiar friends . of . a Thackeray, who see nothing remarkable n Boz, and less for Dickens' dislike of Americans and contemptible treatment of Southern manners and life in his exaggerated and hurried "Notes." Let Dickens and Thackeray occupy what positions they may with ; a critical public, we must be allowed rour opinion of those wonderful creations which in every lautl have been and still are the delight of old as well as young, and which, in pjquancy, originality, quaint humor, pathos and expression of human character in its many-sidedness, have never been rivalled and are clear cut out of the pare, crystalline rock of genius. His Christmas stories are of Dickens' best moments of inspiration. Than "David Cbpperficld" and the inimitable "Pickwick Papers," he has written nothing greater. From Christmas literature it is but a step to Christmas music. But of those "glorious and lofty hymns" we have left Vurself no room to speak. The liturgies and the psalmodies of the churches provide for sacred praise and thanksgiving, and those who believe not in the institution of the day and join not in its swelling anthems, give it! the .respect due . to its venerable age, itte hallowing influences and its world wide celebration. We invite a correspondence with all par ties interested in buying from our mill". FLO UK OF EVERY GRADE, MANUFACTURED BY AN EXPERIENCED MIL LER FROM THE CAPE FEAR WILL ADVOCATE in a gtraizhtforward manner I he prin i ciples of a pure aud manly Democracy in j State and Country. In It humble way it I will uphold the banner un furled by Jctfer- fon, earned Iolt by Jackson ana now proudly borne by Tilden. The Cpe Yzxn will recognize no differrnec bctwetn thon who fight the battles of the i-upk aains! hit;h-handed Radicalism intn-uched in places of powtr and feekhie to maintain its corrupt hold on the Fame.' Uy whatever name called, the Defender? of the Coun try'' Liberty and the Inalienable Rights o the People are Democrat?. To thcra th Cape Fear will ever spvak with the voice of reason and affection. In thcijbchall the Cape Fear will ever.be found Etru Clin?.' The new paper will jrivc wann tm-our agement to the- asrictiltuml, mining and manufacturing interests of the State. It will urjre immigration. Rut w hile it will extend the hand of w elcome to the fetunly foreigner or other immigrant, it will seek to Imprcs? upon the people already here the necei-e ity for ecowmy, thrift, labor and , fldelitv to luimc and State. North Caroli nians must build up North Cr;iiua In preeentlmr certain popular Literary Features the Cape Feak la ahead .of it L contemiwraries. No American daily new paper places ordinal nction naoiiuaii oe ferc its readers except in the form of fcu sational intelligence. Morief :or tlie nre side, both serial and complete, will be WniteanuReCl W Jieat, j Feak. Thcltttrary matter of the paic i will, howevtr. fcn?vs be buWrdiuatcd to the news Brevity and Convenience, Accuracy and Impartiality will be leading charaeteristie: of the Intelligence Department of the Cap Feaij. Tle news of the day, City, State and General, wilj le presenteil in the clear est. conclMt and uuct ;t tractive form p? sible. Usually the important neva will be printed on the first page. Under thl de nomination we include the Market Report and River and Marine Intelligence. Such .matters are too frequently crowded iu small type, in a comer. The Commercial News will be carefully compiled and corrected. a greater part of which is raWd on our J i lands, and the neighboring plantation in ; GRANVILLE AND WARREN, N. C. AND MECKLENBURG, VIRGINIA. OUR,BEST FLOUR will compare , favorably with thej WHITEST BALTIMORE AND NORTH ERN BRANDS, AND WE GUARAN TEE, IT PERFECTLY PURE JAND UNADULTERATED SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Thu basis is eitlier on the week or th '. year, i The Cape Fear will le furni&hcd I jit Ten Cepls per week. One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents for. Three Months, Two Dollars and Fiftv.CenU for Six Months and Five Dollars for One Year. Delivered by Carrier in the City or Suburb. ;No ! japer sent by mall unlets tbe subscription ! has been prej)aid. Collections made b ' Carrier every week, and no paper delivered fnr a ifiTurptlmi! than a week to any one I who does uot pay for it promptly. is the word. Ca?h TERMS OF ADVERTISING Are given in another place. ThefH; are made especially reasonable, in keeping with the times. Contracts cau be cifecte on liberal terms for advertisere. J Address, THE CAPE FEAK," oet 15 if Wilmington, N. C TIXDEN'S THE AS- STAR IN i . CENDANT. .The Cape Fear has been all the while firm in its belief that Tilden iness men in New York and other law WOuld be inau&lirated- That confidence cities are holding t meetings with the u, snarea oy many wno mieiy wereqouDung ihomases ,The basis of our hope was the strength of the Republican Idea. Behind all the menaces of Morton and Chandler and the drunkeo vapor ings of Grant, there is something which they fear the manly spirit of the masses. These conspirators have been throwing out feelers, and by this time, if they are wise, they might ascertain the disposition of the people iu regard to the Presidential count and inauguration. This country is not yet 'Hayti. neither is it Mexico nor Costa Rica. The Republicans, no more than the Democrats, will brook the programme announced by Grant in his maudlin interviews. They will let him and bis associates in crime know long before the fateful day in the short month of February that they mean to have justice done. -Mr. Tilden can hardly be cheated out of the election. He will not be kept, out of his seat by bayonets. The bayonet plan was pro mulgated too soon. , A coup d'etat is a surprise. The maunderings of the outgivings of the other leaders reveal the danger in am view of settling the national troubles without resort to violence ' and dishon esty; The better Republican journals are .warning the party leaders against pursuing a policy of force and fraud. Kverything is favorable for the cause of truth aud justice. If the Democrats were rampant for a civil strifef-if they did not plant themselves squarely on their constitu tional Tights if they did not restrain their violent leaders and spur on their cowardly, time-serving ones, there would lie either a disastrous conflict of arms lor a tame backing down before brute force. The, middle course of wisdom and statesmanship has been decided on. The Fernando Woods, the Ben Hills and Jhe, Aleck Stephenses are in the rear, while the Bayards, the Randalls, the -Hewitts, the Ransom? and the" Gordons are in the front. The" Democratic party is firm and confident The people are faithful. The right will triumph. SOUTHERN CHARACTER. Now and then praise of the South is extorted from Northern journals. The people of this section have passed so patiently and heroically through the SMOKING A ND MAN UFA C- TURED TOBA CCO at all prices, kept coustautly on hand at , our large new factory, and delivered in SMALL OR LARGE QUANTITIES AT THE RAILROAD DEPOT. OUR COTTON GIN (haji been employed iuceantly during the eaeon. Shipments of cotton iu im mense quantities will be made if desired and if the cash or re sponsible named accom pany the order. ordeals to which thev were subiectno i ..." 7 -,V , iU rK?A v . , pic nme 10 enaoie tne people of this by Northern prejudice and malignitv n,r : 4i, . . u - x . , '"-"b1"1.' country to nip the conspiracv- in the that such cynics as the New York Her- kua u trill L'-i -V i ..hi J ii, , , 0ud- "will never be chronicled that "w .mt v-ouiuuiicu iu wonupr nnn nil- i r.i . . ' - : - iininprinni KnwhiiH) 14 . . " vtuuuiu AAajco was laair mire. Says the Herald "The wisdom "moderalibn aud loyalty of the South ern members of Congress and other ex "ponents of Southern opinion in thif "critical arid exciting juncture ought to be uiet in a similar spirit by the Pres ident and by all good ' citizens. We attribute this ; praiseworthy attitude "to the manliness of the Southern "character, which has always scorned "trick, subterfuge and bjuster." W ell, praise from Sir Hubert, ii Unrated President of the United States on the 5th of. March, 1877, amid the sullen silence of civilians and the cold glitter of bayonets." - . ... . - The most prominent merchants and tax payers of, Charleston nave reaolrprt n cosnlxe onlv the HamntAn ImUar, action will be taken throughout the State. CORN MEAL, GRTTS, HOMINY AND SECONDS, N. C. HAMS, AND OTHER ARTICLES NEC'ES- 4 SART TO A GROCER CAN BE PROCURED FROM US AT praise indeed. When ayortheni jouK j &j. A farmer told us the other (lav. 4 at he would not be without Dr. Ttm Congh yrup if it cost ve dollara . - w ttic- ltousbe a wonderful remeJ MODERATE RATES. Addri, de0' G Co., N. c. THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES A FIRST-CLASS INDEPEND E.T MORNING NEWS PAPER. AjLL THAT CAPITAL AND EN terprise cau accomplish m ill be freely cm ployed to maintain the high reputation universally accorded tj it, of being the ablest and best paper' ever published in Plilladelphia. It contaius all the latest new, including tlui Abociated Prcs Tele grams, Special Telegrams and Correspond ence from all points of interest, full and accurate Local Rejiort?, and Fearless Edi torial Discuesiuu3 of all Current Topics. It is a iirtt-class Live New pa per in every re gpect, fully equal to the bet published anywhere. The dally ciru!atiii of the Timt ex ceeds that of all the Philade lphia morning papers combined, with one exception. "Decidedly the best newspaper ever pul -lished in PhUadclphla." X. Y. Trilnnt. "The ablest and beet paper In PLIladel-d'.-lphia." -.V. T". Sau. iThv lt p:iper in lViiUfvlvaiilx.'- Springjldd HipnHicau. Tebmp, including postage, i a year, o? 50 cent? a month. Addre, THE TIMES, 713 Chettnut St., Philadelphia. oct20-tf THE BALTIMORE SUN. Published dally (exeept Sunday) at th Sun Iron Building?, Southeast Corner of Baltimore and South streets ; by A. S. A bell fc Co. Prices fur Ma ihng : Single copy, three cents ; oue mouth, tixty cents; two months, one dollar: thre months, one dollar and flity cents: hr months, three dollars ; 1 year, tlx dollar. Postage prepaid at the ofiice by the pub Ushers. No j acr sent longer than paid for, THE WEEKL Y SUN- One dollar and a half a year, end II for s x months, witn ... Great'. inducements, 7 ' - :, ' to - - VSSfl-XX CLUU3. ti4n to the CntItution ff tbe Sulci, with it axoendmenu, universally aet eptrd a a final M-ttlemtnt of the cou trovt rsles that engendered the civil war, and do here rvcord our ?tcdft confluence In the neriietuitv of m.nibicaa xlf-gov eniment; in an allute acquiccctM-e In the will of the majority, the vital principle cf the Republic; in the tuprciuacy of the chil over the military authority: In the total iaratlon of Chureh and State, for the Nike alike of civil aud relLzioa free dom ; in th equality of all citizens before hit law of their own enactment ; In the litterty of individual conduct unvexed by sumptuary law ; in the faithful education of the riflrz ccueration, tlrat they may preserve, enjoy and trancmit tlux; bevt conditions of human happiness and hope. We behold the noblest product of a hun dred years of chamreful bbtory: but while "uuhcldinir the bond of our ITnlon and creat charter of thc9 our rtrht. it behooves a free people to practice also that rtcrnal vigilance which is the price of liberty. DEMO. KATI riXAXCE DEMANDED. We demand u Judicious ytem of prepa ration by public economic, by official re trenchments and by-wi finance, 'which shall enable the nation to assure the whole world of its perfect ability and perfect readiness to meet any of it promise? at the call of the creditor entitled to aynu iit. We believe such a system well devised, end above all. entrusted to competent han s for execution, creatine at uo Jitne an art -rtcial scarcity of currency, and at no t:rre alarminir the public mind into the wi h- drawal of that vat machinery of credit by which it p?rccut. cf all bu.ines trauma. -tions are ierfoniied -a tyrtera ojn, pal lic and in.-pirini general contldence, woult', frtm th tkfv of adoption, britur healing cn its win;. to i ll our haraiMed industry, ai d tetlu i :otioii the wheels of commerce, manuf'turt-c and the mechanical art; re ttore employ met to labor and renew, la all its national source, the prosperity oi the people. UI.FOKXr IN TAXATION. lieform i ueccfcsary in the tutu and mode of Federal taxation to that capital may !c fet free from dltrut and labor lizhtlv burdened. ' We denounce the pre sent tarilT levied upon nearly five thousand articles as a tnatcrplccc of Injustice, ine quality aud false pretence. It ykMs a iwindlinsr, not a yvM.ry riAuz revenue. It has iniiovcri!ied many Industries to ut ?idi.e a few; it prohibits Imports that mieht purchase the product of American lalor: it has degraded American commerce, from the fin-t to an Inferior rank upou the hlch teas. It haa cut down the sales of Ameri can manufacture at home and abroad, and depleted the return of American agri culture or Industry, followed by half our people. It costs the people live limes moic than it produces to the treasury, obstructs the procenws of production, aud wat4 the fruits of labor. It promotes fraud and fosters smuctfilnfir, enriches dishonet ofll eiaU and bankrunta honest merchants. We demand that 'all customhtfu&c taxation hall be only for revenue. UETKEXcnMEXT IS-XXl'ENsts. llcform is neccsfiarj- Iu the scale of ub lic cxjense, Federal, State and municipal out rf Federal taxation haa swollen from GU,OUO,000, gc.ld, in l(X), to i.V0,000,0tO, currency, in Jii o. uur acrregate taxation was from )?lSl,gg))pUO. gold. In U. 7U),oiO,0(W, currency, iu liTU, or in oi.e decade legs than 8 per head to more than Ho per head, clnce the cace thepeop.c have paid to their tax-gatherers more than thrice the sum of the national debt, and more thau twice that ram for the Federal Government alone. Wc demand a vhror- levied tbe piits cf etmrrmf w 3 his Drportntnt: aa ae.t4cr T fcrg!and ccnnril for a dUb-t,, pccolatioa; the Pn Ucni's private tiry barely ccap'car conviction or tr fir ciUtv mpU.-itir in fnu U tj - , Cicano.s the ueniottratin iuc j v uj uiti ua irrrrn nariv. 1 he licae of oae ixatlon lnfc$t the b3r polrle a tb,, makinr no cbanre of men or pm. reform. UAOICAL" AXD tAU!CAUM MX f All thcc aouH.-, nt: anJcnt. the pnluct of the lxtcn yur tr-i amy of the Republican irtT crtv . licau themM.ieK. Hut their - . t . . piaceu irvin iuc v.iuu u ic ru& eh: lay tnouMiud oiri'i and cuide. i .-t. l jciona cau oai c i.jj vr a ij- civic revoiuiiou. p octuauii a c Laj 4 rtcm; a cnc of admInUtrut 4 chance of jar le , that e mar L ! chanre of mcu. . a - V Tllli STAT12 GOVkJtXMHiT. Namrt of OfHcerv. EiEctTivr. nirikTvtxi. Lieutenant Govmior H. M. Arrjiij oflmirli. rrliry f Mate W. H. It .itm.c4 WaVe. Trcamrcr D. A. J nkJr.. .f Gs-.. Auditor John Ileilly, of CukW Attorney General T. I- lUrjnf Granville. Adjutant Getieml Join C. G.TaiH Wake. SujTrintendctit c f Public In-iru-vc John Pool, of Pjuout4k. iiovcrnor i'ria:c .'rrcrtUry Neatbery, of Wake. JUDIC1AUT DErAKTXXM. Chief Justice prt- m e Court )U l& m M. Pearson, of Y- illu. Aoctatc Juticc Edwin G. hr.tf Beaufort; W. li. Itudmaa, f U-ajr, rtiomas Settle, of Kikla:Lata: P-num, of Mcckleulmrc. "Clerk or Jsiprcmc Court W. 1L lev, of Wake. Mathal U .A. Wkker, cf Wale. OCicera of the Municipal!!) , wt. mlnton. Mayor "W. P. Cana.lay. .Vldcrmca T. M. Gardner, J-J.t b y, D. d. Kates, J. II. NetT, IL C ? Hiram HankJu, cel., Duncan IWzw. olM W. II, lirewlugtou, xl.t VT. iSauks, col. Clerk and Treasurer T. C. Sn-. Chief of Fire Depart irent l: rir! n Federal nacUU , Colluctorof Cu5tnmi JiephC. 1U Deputy Collector 1L W. CLaJvitt Po'tmattcr E. IL Bru-k. ous frugality' in every department and from every officer of the government. WASTE OF TPP ft'DLIC LANDS. Keform is necessary to put a stop to the profligate w astes of the public lands and their diversion from settlers by the part in powar which has squandered two hun dred millions of acres upon raQroad alone, .nd out of more than thrice that ajregau has disKfced of less than a sixth direct! j to tillers of the soil. CHRISTIAN CITUE3 4:D HEATHEN CHI xzsz. ' Reform is necessary to correct the mis akes of the Republican Congrcs and th errors of our treaties, and our diplomat!! relations which have stripped our adopted citizens of foreign birth and kindred rac recrosfing the Atlantic of the shield o: American citizenship, and have cijocij our brethren of the Paclllc coat to th incursions of a race not sprunir from tin came irrcat parent stock, and, lu fact, now by law denied cltireuhip through natu ralization, as being neither accut.mol t the habits of a progressive civilization, nor exercised In liberty under equal laws. Wi denounce the policy which thus discard the liberty-loving German and tolcraUa the revival of the Coolie trade : in M ow .Ian women, imported for Immoral pur jxms, and Monoliau men hlrol to kt ;orm servile labor coutracu, and drruai iuch modiUcation by CongreM within l -outitutional limiution, a thai revm the further Importation or Immigration o the Mongolian race. rzxorx is jnz cxMVxmx umul. Reform U necessary, and can never L efTected but by maklug It the coutrol'.Ii f eue of the election, liltinz It above th two false Issues with which the offic loldimr class and the party la pow er rl Uj smother It. The false lue w ith whlcl hey would enkindle sectarian Lrlfe U ropect to the public school, of which th .stablifthmcnt and sujport belcmff exc u -Ively to the several btxtr. and which lu Kmocratk party bat cherished f.on thcii ouniation, and resolved to maintain w Ul ut partizanry or preference for anv cla. ect or cred, and without cvntriUrth rom the Treasury to any the false Uu y which they seek to lUrhtanew thedyii.; 'mbers of sectional hatred between kin lretl people, onec unnaturally etrangd ut now reunited In one indivisible Kepub ic and a common destiny. RirDRX IX THE CTTTL SEKVICE. , Reform Is neceasary fa the civil nrvle !xp-rience proTes that the e Orient, ro louueal conduct of tbe govemmectai bu ucss U not possible If lu civil service I s abject to chang at every election 1. r!ze fought for at the ballot-box be irief reward of party zeal, Instead of pot f honor, aadmed for proved corapeteur And held for fidelity in the pubUc employ nenU That the dispensing of patronar -hould neither be a lax upon the time o 11 our public men. nor the Instrument o heir ambition. ""Here again profession falsified In the performance, attest that th part fn tvw- n work out no pmtkal or oltxtary refbna. axroKx Ajrosa - tub eg mar rnuc ' ' KSTA5TS. Rfo'Tn is ntvcMrj even more hrlha !trr f?iio of jmuic txrrkc-rcl New IlanoVrr County GocmKnL Clerk of the Superior Court a4 Jht? of Pnbatc .lame I feat on. Shcrilf 8. II. Manning. Coinrui-tiouer J. G. W:rcr, PI ware Nixon, col., fcuey VaiiAajirr-, S C. DavLj. Register of Dx-dt Geo. W. n.cJaa. col. Treasurer E. J. Hewlett. Corouer Ed. Hewlett, TO POSTMASTERS DEALERS. TOE XEff YORK IIEHALU SUIiJjCIJIinOX KATU. Tbe Dailv Kditionof lis Utui 1.1 . t . u l w n iiififi in 1 m inn nn'iHi parier of the age." both in po;r.t tf cs eufation and popularity. roTAoE rate. lo t4vi for g-j- vtor. t - ciuncti. pays fur w.i hv. y tuys fur'yix h.'ut. r-cr v clu.h-I. 1 1 3V fornix BKMilLs ;tbt t"l iny- f..r one y. ar f r sy fiel day of the wetk. 1 pay for six tiivntb- kt a 'r1 ciicd tlaV of tbe week, PI tiys for c:ic moritl. - cludeL we rcnusrt o atxi oa IxIlr, EDinox. THE WEEKLY 1IEUAU. f outage rxrr. t t-..t.r one- vt-r. yl ... . -J. loor cripH-. luiulcr at J15 iitr copy. We will r-xivt fpm I' ud Ay 1ft Ncwnkakri yearly ftibv-rr or single copic of our WitUj t1 NEWSDEALERS SCTrUED- rofTAci raiE. It 1- flt.t T - r..1 Lklf d i-r copr. except Honday. f Clifon. Vour cenU per copy, vlition. Three ccntj per cepT' PliiSiM ffORk-GWD fit fN EVERT COLNTr IN 0XZ, I olina. Active tamco trt Unto THE OBSERVFsR- Vice of tbe DaiTr per amva 3 Vceof the TA'wklyirr annua -ytf Ur Verr liberal corrr1 rr Adlre. Cel. tN. L. Ate tut to, v&vrit; CAW U&i'

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