GAPE I-JraJtL NL'MUKR .")'. V . , iium tv -Yew's" Mow, Trumpet. Blow ! j With an aplugy to the poet (.,tc we mibmit the following to our i, al juvvnildom. It is a mark of our appreciation "j their perseverance, cn , ruv nml woiuferful strength of lungs: I !u- eiiUi- juallK of tin bonis call Jhe small Im.h out in all their glory". The din' etumgh tocen appal (;,,! Santa Clau. w old in tory Hut. Mow. Tom. Mow: htart all the others Mowing. ,v. Dick; ai,wcr Harry, blowing, blow- h,,. Mowinlr. V ? tfio o hiirk, O hcitr ! from ear lv Hvorn Till deny evejj the small Ijoy's horn M ir-t trllll torment the w eary ear F-r Christ ma J comes but o:icea year. S. Muw hoys,! blow: start all the other. Mowing. fun, is it 'not, to le blow jnr,blowintf, I lo wing j ' Tlini Mow, boy?, blow;rtrom Castle -troet "fo Ki dCroesjj blow; nor fail to greet Tin 'crowds o l Front and 'Market i;av, Kronrnowtil! after Chifstmas Dav ! ..Ve. we re about to add the two other lines to this production1 but as we h;iJ .dipped ovc en in the ink, five boys came along vwifh- a horn apiece, 'and : blew, xneir louuesi. rocis are l to sih (o the music of never sunpo tin horns. I f; they- had indulged in any such custom, Sappho would have jjnnpcd over the Leucadian rock long ; before she did; Milton and Homer : M i t,re eithev of them had a chance to speak of the tumult'that a war ill Paradise or Ilium raised: Virjni would have drowned himself in thejXiber before he would have ineusured'jspondees and dactyls to sueh piping, monotonous bounds; and Hvron would have died in the frenzy of )j if anger! -. i . So our Muse deserted us. aim , we c Ould not, in rhyme rytlim. advise the boys: to - s .1.1.AT-' "'v Our consolation is. they won't wait for us to urge tjlicm, but will, on the contrary, give us the benefit of their k'st.cflbrts gratis ! Mule vs. Sambo. Scene, in front ; of the Postoftice ; dra- niatis personal. I several ladies who could not resist the temptation :, negroes, hnvvi lpfivo anil rmt rr trr linTnTion I -y v"v.,.r'. v"" V itt lnltnni . .1 to Vtnlitieli munt Fim I vn vuu? iii uo ii i i t ham NVashintonr jelled a country darkev. on an fajred rattle that willingly halted in front of the iPostoffice door. Thc ouestioilwas repeated several limes, when, receiving no answer, the son of Africa attempted to , continue his :journey-lifteri having expressed I..' If.'!.. 1 . ,' if. i ' 11 1 I nimseu in language mat wouni nave i,nrove,hevocubu.ary of McphUU, pheles, concerning the negligence of the cterKs, wno were ousy giving letters to i i i i i 1 1 i I a number of people who applied for them at the proper' place. The mule, however, thought then was time enough," and regardless , of Sambo's blowf and uncomplimentary epithets, planted himself ; in the sand b u k and stool his ground. The ladies . peccd and laughed, the 'draymen left their teams, anil helped Sam whip thc k-ast, a small hby on a lively marsh pony WJj up behiuofthe nmle, 'regardless of possible kick, and joined in with shouts, cheers and blows. For several uiimitcs, the emblem of stubbornness resisted and finally walked offat a slow, 'hjrnified, injured gait. AVe were re lniniled of a recent,-caricature in an il-. lu?trated weekly, in which Ulvsses Jrant ore the ears and form of a mule. The Tilestoii School The pupils of this institution were disbanded jeterday, to resume their studies on the kst of January, after a neck's holidavl h Ou accounti of the rain the clusiujr exercises were 'not so well attended bv Visitors as they probably would have heeu had the weather been fair. Thev ere, howeverl of an eciually interest- ill" YintnM I. 3 .....uii;. I After the Vsual opcuin"- chorus rc .ore eooivositions reaa.dia.o.ues 4wn and a very entertaining spelling match bctwocjn the students in, the mm secona rooms, ine nrst v-as the victor. Masses Add ie Meares and Katie, Smith knar al solo each. We lid not learn the bames of the others ho took a,prqminent part. Alter calesthenicsv and the usual ailtbrtiYi .1 1.1. T . i ,ui1" uu ludiuuiuK me, norus fhauntiug rayer, the school was dismissed. Darinir thc day Miss Bradlev .1. . ... h. . . i .. " . ' : e--- me children a short lecture on Christ mas, but as we did . not have the pleasure of hearing itfe are unable give a synopsis of ij or even to give oar readers any idea ot how she han ieu tue subject. f The Pedigree of Sirs. SanUClau. An ingenious little girl in the New York Sun who RnbsM-i'Vos bcif . V - - - 'Lizzie," 'thus traces the pedizree of Mrs. Santa Clans.' It mav be of inter. est to little girls in Wilmington: , Mrs. fcanta Claus is the daughter .of Punch and Jndy. Strange to say, she was tall and slim, and remarkablv ln;rni J 'VMUItlUJ therefore entirely different from ma or pa Punch. A great many vears aco die was married and helped Santa to distribute Christmas .jrifts. Alas: one uuiucky Christmas eve. who WAS 111 Sit about to jump into the sleigh drawn bv reindeers, th, t nrn 5mnat5L 1J rPr : ' "".ui iu awn. Tlu- flew off before Santa gave his whistle, and poor Mrs. Santa Claus was knocked down, and the sleigh ran over her ik" .,, the result was that her nose swelled I to an enormous size, and strongly re- hi w in the estimation of the two Re sembled her papa's noc. It never re- ?ublicau J8 ,in the Stato House. i : -i l It is significant, however, that the Re- gained its original shape. mibli members of the SenatP Jrhi After that, Santa 'made, his yearly visits alone, his wife remained at home, busily ehgagefl in dressing dolls for each (inrcprflinir r'trietm'' succeeding Christmas. Burglaries. A buiglar, Thursday night, succeed- ed in entering the residence of Col. C. L. (iraflin, on the corner of Sixth and Mirket slreots, through cue of the front windows. Several hundred dol- hirs in checks and twenty-five dollars in currency wefc taken from CoJ. Graflin's pockets. , . The residence of Mr. T. j. f'mvnn. I corner of tighth and Mulberry street,, was entered by a sneak thief the same niobt but he did not succeed in carry- 1U? off anything The City Hall Last Xlght. There was an immense crowd at the festival of the First Presbvterian Church, at the City Hall, last evening. The ladies had everything in apple-pie orucr. auu a pieniyor ix. i ne receims I , . .. . " I were doubtless very large.. hnf i i.,,w.v. I will be served up from lY a. m. to' 9 I p m. to-day. . Thennoiocirlcal. The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob served at the signal office in this city, treasurers and other 'officials, to be ap at 4-31 n m pointed and designated by Hampton for Augusta, G4; Charleston, 60; Galves- ... I V. 1- 11 rl.:i i . I ..anvwimuc, c. jioonu, ui; i XT "V f.ll. CI I vFritaus, oi NorioiK. ir: oavan- i pah, 64: "Wilmington, 58. J.ames prunt, Ksq., of the well- kyown firm of' Alex. Sprunt & Son, has becn elected a director of the First -ailuuai lo nu Tne cancy caupeu D.v thc ueaa 01 Mr..lli Murray. Xo cases were disnosed of ln-for. the Mas Court yesterfay ou aecouut of the absence of witnesses'. Sheriff Manning will provide a Christmas dinner for the prisoners in jail. Pender Courticommences next Tues day, No Magistrate's Court yesterday. (' NORTH CAROLINA NE-. The Tarboro Southeniei prints a of burg,aries iu that The Advance irivesafull account of the Episcopal concert in Wilson Thurs day night and says it was a grand suc cess. a. Air. w.--ii. iiount lKs so veiled his connection with the Rockv Mount Mail to take cjiarge of a neighboritiEr paper probably, after January 1. Mr. Sidney P. Hilliard. a vounsr merchant of Whitakers, lias been ar-1 rested on a charge of .obtainincr sroods under false pretences, and taken to Baltimore. At bharpsbui"; on the W. W. R. R., Mr. Marcellu. A. Robbins, a saloon keeper, shot and mortally wounded Mr. B. 1-. Braswell. Thev were both in love with the same young lady. Above Xewbern. on thc Ncusc," youug IHivid Rountree got two bones of one of his arms broken and other I initiries bv a "cart load fnllinor nn him tj O Some festive burglars chloroformed KSSS pillaged it, taking a full meal at the residence ot Dr. Brodie. Southerner: On Friday night Dr. C. L. Killebrew. living in"Edsecombe. about nine miles from Tarboro, lost bv fire, bales of cotton, 15 barrels of corn, 3 stacks of fodder,, and a nice lot of oats. The Murfreesboro Enav.irtr savs that last week the dress of a colored girl living on the farm of Mr. Jesse f ifc. "l?lU' Zbt hT T .l -V- l1 i . . i uuu sue was uurueu io ueain. Durham . Herald Ou Wednesday night last the residence and kitchen, eir COnieUii1, OI Jir. I nOS. . A hitaker m the vicinity of Mt. Her- UlOn Church mis (ipetmrwl hr fira T . ,.x, .. j M1V.. Afc is not known how the fire caught, but it m Fupposod to have ,becn accidental IWILMIXGTOX, NORTII CAROLINA, SATURDAY MORNING, DKCKMBKH 23. THE LATEST NEWS. SOUTH CAROLINA. ProapecU of the Rival State Govern mentsChamberlain Weak In the . Treasury Alacrity or Taxpayer to Support Hampton Mining Return Supplied A Count Favorable to Tilden. Columbia, Dec. 20. The dual LecU- laiures 10-aay adopted measures look- j"g Provision.of fays and means h whlch. to 8"staln the,r respective movements, me senate passed the tax bill which originated in the Mackey House, levying a tax of seventeen mills ?n !fc Sff300 .a'ue. r property olull i eipunaieiu 10 .;i,vi'i,wu, aim 11 no n oniy rcipurcs Chamberlain's signature to make it a a day or two ago resolved to make a recess until the 20th of February, to- da? considered their action and passed a concurrent resolution to adjourn e - ' tll 90(1 t rr. , bers of the Mackey House became sat isfied that after the $200 paid them which is alWed to Wn vanced bv United States District At- torney Corbin. to secure his election), LrVYZjj!. ..LJ funds, and to legislate, even without pay, is not agreeable to the average colored Assemblyman of South Car- olma. unable to collect taxes. Prominent Republicans here concede trfe eoKt ad it is palpable that as soon as the one company of soldiers now in the Ssate House is removed, Chamberlaiu's whole fabric of government will tumble to pieces. hamptox's financial situation. On the other hand, Hampton' gov ernment, .existing in the will' of the governed, and particularly of the tax payers, will be able to obtain ah th tnnH it. nnprls TrJar . r ... - - . ST lutions were introduced and passed in the Democratic House of Renresentar tves ?vnicn mae liberal provisions for will receive tho most cordial indorse ment and support of the taxpayers. The resolutions provide for the collec tions of one-fourth of the State and county tax of last year by the county the PurPtT Tt "7 -Ut this .. ... 1 ... I . mation calling upon all loyal citizens . it. . tii..i. . . it? in ine oxaie 10 sunnon nia crot-ek-nment and to contribute to its support in the manner indicated. The resolutions further provide for the compensation of the officials, and give details providing the necessary machinery to carry on the government. A COUNT ELECTl-NG THB TILDKN ELECTORS. The clerk of the committee will tomorrow-proceed to aggregate the re KwXrfSS turns, and it is anticipated and claimed rsew York, it is suspected in Mr. Til- deu's interest, that the actual vote, as : ascertained from the returns of the managers of the precincts, will cer tainly elect two, if not three, of the Tilden electors. Republicans Talk of Tilden and "Wheeler. W.asiiin;ton, Dee. 21b The belief gains ground here among Republicans that Florida belongs properly to thc Democrats. Private information, some of it from ' responsible Republican ' tftXw tit X "lmV " 1 1""? UV I I III" r I r"l I If II I . Ill'Illiri Si!l W IflilT fl ." o n 1 tof, one of the most visorous and ex treme on the Republican side, said to day that he would not be content to ac cept anything . less than "Tilden and Wheeler." It is not now expected that any decisive movement will be made on either side till after thc holidays. If rlonda and ljonisiana, or both, should turn out to be rightly Democratic an I attempt will be made to throw out the votes of Alabama and Mississippi and thus throw the election into tho House, which would of course leave the Senate to elect Mr. Wheeler Vice President. WHA T THE EAST YVAXTS. A Voice from Wayne. Item of county Crverument will come I tutfam flio Timl.jtnM O.-. .vf -V .UW 14ttlUl ui.ivri l iiv lust ui I Jauuary, I propose the following, which SSr " " I. The . Legislature to appoint the Justices of Peace for a term of years the same number as now provided by law. II. Abolish County Commissioners. III. The Justices "to elect of their body a chairman and five others to Ik called a special court to constitute a quorum for all purposes. IV. A county court to be establish ed in each county to be held quarterly by the special court or any three Jus tices. Vi Transfer nil thf iwiwits mul dn ties of the County Commissioners to the county courts. VI. Thn rnnnh- ...i.rta t.. l.t-A grand and petit junes-to have exclu I ; 1 . - J - . . . ble junsaicuon of all oastart and ail criminal actions, except offences, and such other crime. Legislature may dec n be.t to confer ou the Superior courts exclusively. VII. Appeals to be allcwVd by de fendants from the couatv to Su!r:or courts, on conviction. VIII. The Superior court iiot 'o have jurisdiction except urnn appeal by -defendant of any bastardy casv or criminal action of "which rcr Miction i given to the county courts. IX. County courts not to lmvo jurisdiction oi civil issues triable by jury except bastardy cases. A.: I ransfer all special proc-eelir'rs and probate business fromm the Suie- nor court Clerks to the count v courts in term. ; X I. The Clcks of the county courts to have probate of derde and instrn- mcnts required to be registered, in va cation. XII. County courts to elict their Clerks for a term of four vear.-. YIII. County courts to civet the Registers of Deeds. Treasurers. Survey ors. School Committees and ust;iMc. XIV. Abolish Clerks of Townships. X V. County corts to elect Solici tors, for a term of four vears. to proM cute in behalf of the State in the coun ty coury. The Tarboro married lnvn li:ic a ball and supper on the2'.th. Postal lltfurs. The inail close at the City l'ot- :iKe as follows : Xortherivthnuiifh mails ."i ;: U i. M. Northern through and wav mails daily - T : M A . M Mails for the X. C. Itailroa.l and route stipplietl there from, at C,::jfj p. M. Southern mails for all point South, daily Western mails C. C. K'y. tlaily Fayetteville and otlkcs on Cape Fear Kiver, Tuesdays and. Fridavs - - - Fayetteville' by C. C. K'y. daily (except Sundays) - Onslow C. II. and intermedi 7:i!0 P. ;?o A. M. M. M. M '.:") A. ate office, every Friday - iS;o .. M. ARHivr, Xorthcru throuyU wail - - - - pJ:-t."i V. M. Northern through & way mails ) 1. M. The Smithville mails, t.y teamloat. cl?e at 8 A. M., dailv. except Sundays. Mails for Easy Hill, Town Creek. uj -ply and Shallotte, every Friday at A. M. Mails delivered from 0 A." M. to 7:: P. M., and on Sundays from n;';u to VMO A. M. SUmp OJlleu t.jien from S A. M. to 1,' M., and from 2 to 5:00 P. M. Money onlcr ai d Kegiiter Departments open panic as Stan p Office. Slam for tale at general delivery v !ien Stamp Ofllee is closed. Key JBoxcs accessible at all, dav and night. Wilmington District. Nouth Carolina Confekencx: I i::t Round of itointment- tru terlv Meeting as maik iv Tin'l'ur siuixo Elper, Rev. W. S. Ri.ack, rou THE Pr.ErENT CN KELENCE Ye.IK : xvilminton, at Fifth Street. I) e Magnolia, at Masrnolia - - - " Onslow, at Lebauou - - - -Whiteville & Waccama w Mis. at Whiteville , Tail. 0. 7 - lo. 14 " Jt. Jl F, b. :;. 4 lo.ll IT. 1 J1,23 Bladen, at Deems'- Chaiie rozaoein, ai i-.:uaoetn - -YUn;ii!rton, Front Street - bmithvule, at ion Clinton, at Clinton Topsail, at Union . CokesburyaudCoharieMiss., at IIair Mar. 4 Kenansville, at Kenansville, lo. 11 District Steward's meeting, ut the Lee ture Room cf the Front Street Church, Miiiiiuimuu, ui ii o ciovk, a. in., rein o. BOYS, ATTENTION. THRESH FIKE CRACKERS AND TOR PEDOES ARE SELLING AT JAMES C. STEVENSON 'S At i packs foreents or 1 pack for ecu tr. ATTENTION, HOUSEKEEPERS! JjlRESII CELERY. YII1TE ,v: I KISI'. HST RECEIVED. Send early before It l all gone. HtLL lill I AND C1IK KKNS i From the lu.-uauhis. and to K- sold at the lowest market price. CANDY FRENCH MIXTURE i CENTS PER POUND. HAVANA S. a:id iiJ! clock of CHRISTMAS DEUriE. AT itv-e -ti JAS. C. STEVENSON. REMEMBER C. W. YATES JEEPS THE MOST STOCK OF COMPLETE PLAIN. AND FANCY STATIONERY BLANK. SCHOOL AND MISCELLA NEOUS BOOKS. FANCY OOOD3, PICTURES AND FRA3IES, GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, &c., Ac. f.jt every article iua!ly kev. ia a first class BOOK j: STATIONERY STORE. TABLE BOARD A ("ENTLEMAN. OR (JFNTI.EMEN f can obtain Ixjard in private family who live not very far from the busiccsa portions oi th eity. Applr at hot 2D-tf TnE CAPE FEAR OFFICE LW TlllKFAS IsTC. .1 h VEh TISKMF.XTS TOO" BUSY To WKITK Long Advertiseinents. ni; ua t. Everything You Want The I tot The l.owot I'rice. ikkyt YAri: V"ii: moxi:v RL Y Yori;?? pli.U l i:oMUS. Ohas. D. Myers & Co., d tjl j and : rith Front t. " THE SUNT i:VY YORK. If The di;!en-i.t edition tf The Si"X clur- Suirthr next vear will bp the hame a durt im the year that ha jut tasl. lh daily eni!iii will on week dav lc a heci offonrpa-es.uil ni S;nday- a hfet I ,,! iii.i jaz s. or o oroaa coinmn-: wiui tl;v- v .-V iy lition ill lv a b-t of er. ht jur-of t he t-aim; d:i:ic:.s".r,s en 1 charac tcr.that are already familiar to our friends. The Sln will eMitiiitie to U the im;u. ou- udvcM-at of reform and rc tremhmcnt, ar.vl cf the stiitU:ition f f I ate- man h p, i.-b:n. :did Ititeritv Ht ho'.iow pretenc e. indc ilitv. and fr:n:d !;i thertdndnis-tratii u !' public at! air.-. It will coin end for lie ov nunc ut of the le bv t!ie" reop e Hid tor the pe-pie. 't opps.d to ijoveiE- ment !iy fraud- m l'ie i:.i'iit-l.o-an 1 In the the eoUtltilli; f o?es. Cliforee:! bv tllilitai V viiileiiee. ll will endeavor to Klpply is n a.i.-r a I.hjv tmw not tar lrim a mil- 'on of soul.-; with the most earcful. com- pb te and truf'wv.rthy a-cot::;t of eunent even. .uid w ill e uj'lov for th! p;inr a nuTJH roils an i c.iMullv fbitfil talTl ieiortcr- fcnd c-orn-sponJeid-. . Its n jitf Iron a-:ui2toij. j-e;aly. w.Jl 1-e fnil, oi-urate riti'l t-;i. : :i!id H will d .ubt- I. . 1 . . , . iutri-1 if to-.-v. !i t.i.-j. P. -!i'i;b riiii i!e. Treasure or '- l:-T be; i a' t'o Ia !. :i't vv tn-.f!. uhilt ii uid ii.b.ivi i'.' r it tin- vouii( no of tin publie U cieimif . jl.- ol i:e t.-o;.- fiJ!?it th !; rojvhiM t.-of nu iin.Oftlibdt-iMcr. I hi' pr. e l t ii.- Jaiiy m n win ! 'ei;t : ni n n -r - .V' a c . r, or with th iiiiky eiiii,"ii i'a f.T. The S? no'w e-itti- it uione. efht jiae, M a :ar. jf'pu .. ill' Vi.KI.V -iv. i.irli! part- of ZA br.! I o!ui!i5is. u ill - lur:ii-b-il 111101;! I'll nl the rat.- "'l h 1 a r. pijr.d 1. Tb ' bn.-i;t .: t!!'c ni.-i. iur.t tn . .-niovcii 1.. i:i.i:vi it:.ti Mi;M-n'a r- u ::..:: he nt-e--ity of mukio up rlub-. At iL ame tin, if a:sv our Ii. chiO-4' to aid in et ri:. .r eiri ulaieu, we Iial. !-;i who -e.el u ti 11 r nson ni ri r:r :ri'u oue pl.-e will i.t.:ld t ui.t- 4 t: !.' isiT ir. it.i n:-ti u.t,oi:i iian.f. At one . 1. 1 jr a tr H.-'e wid. tltecx- pCIl! of pri:.iiii are lurel; iald; a:. 1, o.,?J. r.ti li.r of thr hv u.d 1 1 t'Ulrvof Itnc utti.l-, wc aiet-on .1dt:t the p-o:.c wiii cv:iider Ti: A r.EKH M'x'the r Leatlucw 'iir pub 1 i-h.- l in the uorid, and we trufl also oue of the terv b Ad Ire. THEt N. d - PHf NVw York City. N. Y Bacon, Flour, Sec. X( BOXES D. S. SIDES, 0J V.WY&. FLOUR (all grade), 100 Hhd-. and Bbl. CUBA M0LASSE5, 1 01) S. II. SYRUP, M Ri? COFFEE, 5d BbL. SUGAR, ll KM. fiLCr . SOU VU. HOOP IRON, I'.ale HAY. BAOCiINO, T03ACCO. SNUFF, SOAP, LIB. tJAMJY. IIE-S tlltUt, SPIRIT RARRELS, L'ARD, NAII-S, A:c., Ac. oc .r. tf ' WORTIX WOLTII. 10 CENTS A WZV.K EXTRA Hardware Poetry ! gUOVFt. -PAHL.. KAK1. 1 Ire IVvf House Axe, b:le. n:u iufc.k. sp:i itd Nn. h.t l:-, 6I1.l roticLcf Coffta MJU. Ami!-. V;-... r.Utkuiilh Drill, Hauii.-ur. Hard VaU. I'kll, ' Trap and Bath lt1rk. Meat CutUf aiI fi:ul.Inut. , (irlnMimr, Urnh IU. Chalk Lm !'.. 1. r. J.t aud Cap. ottr. Fo 3U-A MiukTraj. J Cut!. ; . lLzoraa 1 lloo. Horn I5mhr and Cum t ii. Kko!. ltL. Ilii -e? and Latr!. Auvr an I Shingling Ilalchctr. RKllChl) IT.ICKS AT N. Jacobi's, K No. ill ?outh Trout M. SALE " I1Y WIIIIJAKES. t y vipTrr op a ro'.Yi.i: or i i. 1) c iitaiu-l in a m r:.-J . Mien r aod l-l!iran A. l.i'. M if. to t birb -h. M r-.v i, d: 1 the -.'Tib dav ol S;iMiinr.. 1 rji: rttl hi the R. -iir" :!: f.f N !laj.ver m I 1. 1. 1.. :ll.::ri. a;.d ::it (.Vvali hs!i r'.- . male In tb-3te t.t tpbt tl.r i. Kvunil), il ut.d r!rs" i. Attnr fr aM tnfic i'l r fr a' publie auetU!i. at tb urt IIiih !.. the :! U .:mit.i.,i. ...i S M I l:J. , r-i di .c in ci;vn i:. i: . XI 11 V. k M.. the 'tIt.dstrt'ii:-rli J.!i g'. tbr N. Y..'. i: . , of lib k No L". 7. a:.l rui.tiins t!.i. with the K. 1 Ct incli.-. . t li 1 Mr rt -VI !t 1 re K. iji'bl w'.XU ILtM'l Jm 'i - to V 1'tr l-.ur. lb. li-e N. U the line I V' fix to th" b-g t.nb.i. - 't.z jutl i f !: ! at,l - in M3h k o. Term !.! 'A:ll. 1 fre!)i:i:ick i. roiN, Atton.ey It Morrr?.rict. a it'i.i. mm: BOISE FURXMIIXGGOIJIIS Q1IILD S TRAYS, TOILET SET.-. FANCY FLV1!R FOJ 1JJRD CAC.ES For alc by l'ARKER A TAYLOIL dc-e l.V'Jw . r.i Front Mrcct, E. Aims, FAslllON'Altl.E ItAIiHIlR SIIOI. C1ALL Tt EE HIM, UNDER llir. j Pure II IIoiim. Evc lb nt t jH-, al 'aay ready to wait n cv.:nu.err. The Raleigh Observer ON THE !mi DAY OF NV1 ML Fit Wo, fn tb- r tvof KUr.K.I! the undcrIiifil will comnitmo If puUl aton f THE O li . E R V E R. X PaILT AND wrrKLT Democratic Newpiper Of Joi xih rienre in thir pt.foii i -Iitor". r .tv:iv lr of ih Fa:t v Uc Oh-LKVi.K aiwl the Uilm!nctn J xat . h v d- i.ot atb-c tto dcei'-t lh h uudii- f I h L'et.rral Judrrii'-i.t I.Mi ac 'hem ab.lii v o ftmi4i a. trw)au r u.tcl o the nt d aihl di!-td t lite t-' o! he jw-re.l of Vr.rth Carotin. ').!r nz :n iMilttie til ti e Mti tirm. tl-r w ne r a !:!) L.1rt n th O i-t xritl an I .b.j-H. o. ral for tbe!nrnti an 1 hi?vr North ;; iu. h-f -tie, it 1 t- u;!;oM aal aOd to iLc .tf er W HI ! b"t the O fl.HX t ti V'W. J: V t' ir hlh aiiu t-i..J rf Le :. r. j ' .v arije.t :!..r. to n - in . i:m- . ji.iic tirirrf, Drtaiii iinui t ! N rtb Cafjl v.. t It 4 til tb x.a:l -rti Sut.T, and TtIlr. atl i! : njh U. , of the m ho Ut.1ti. Thev t 'it -aii 4- tM I y te -r va!in of J-:.e h j-.'.:c- ; rliK I- aid the d. n.isa, of !:! Ib Teai party 'rfn the 4a--a ar.d riwi-r which thry hair cna'.ir aou- d, tud Uod r uje laleful rul Ibe JN' til .a teen otitrar,,il and th wb. iou& TJ aa.s le"n lapoTciU'il an 1 dUcrI. W. L. SAUNDill . Itilj 05nrr, one ea r, fa.7y OtWrttT, it iaotuth, AVeklv Ofrrert one year. Weekly 0rver, tlx uovth, f (C 4 iO 2 CO 1 CO All cc miunk atloi Loutl l: ad In 1 ad, unUl further ix.Si " u W. L. SAUNDERS, At 1-Vltu W;ltnJai.,. N. C .V. A. Davi A Co.. Editor and Pn pt. "A . A. hx Huiue Mana;;- t thk oxFoni) toi:ch-ld;iit Circulat'cjn overJ.i Co.:e. Two DtU a Per Anu:ii, !u Adia&c TI e Democratic Oran of OraavII.e. Notice of Application. rOTTCE IS HEREBY C1VEN THAT i, ajr; Jjcation w HI le made to the Otue rai AMtrmbly. to Inrorprafe Lodre N- 1 5oTerrirnj of Iixlajtry.of Coluntrui, P ra cier County, Nortii Carollta. dec lhan4w !: V 1 1 I i , l-'h t r. w i ! if ' . v iS r i :!; 1 i - Vr !i 1 1 v i 1 t ir. 1 1 ;.V.