0 ktJlIBKR 62. EXERAL CITY SEWS. BLOODY CHRISTMAS ROW. j political Difficulty Jiaar Fayette vUleBadical Negroes Ambush a Colored Democrat Who Is Assisted One Man Killed and Several Wounded. .-.-. Vie i egret to learn of a disturbance jiTiDg ratal results, wmch took place near Fayette ville on Christmas Eve. X negro Democrat of Cumberland county has since the election been threatened a number of times by Re publicans of his color, -j So often had these menaces been made and in such manner that on last Saturday when he had occasion to visit Fayetteville he sought the protection of some of his white friends. On Sunday morning he started for his home, accompanied by several gentlemen. When they had reached a point some four miles from town, a jarty of negroes suddenly cprang upon them from a covert in the woods and attempted ; to seize the col ored Democrat. The whites resisted and a determined conflict, fought with knives and bludgeons, was waged. A white man; named Kennedy was killed, while several of the combatants, both white and black, were seriously in jured. - The affair is the deplorable result of the policy adopted by the Republican negroes to punish the Democratic ne (rroes for voting as they have the un doubted right under the laws to vote w they please; Such reprehensible con duct deserves severe punishment. 'The Sheriff has captured two of the persons engaged in the riot. Mayor's Court. ' (ieorge Vann, disorderly conduct; dismissed at the prosecutor's cost. John Watson, disorderly conduct; fined $20 and costs or thirty days on the streets. jajpes Cljntou, assault and battery on Tama Morris; fined 10 and costs or fifteen days on the streets. George Mack, disorderly couduct; fined $50 and costs or thirty days on the streets. J ocph Mack, Cato . Mack and John Uaggett, disorderly conduct; judgment impended upon payment of costs in each case. ? v Lewis Hicks, disorderly conduct; fined $50 and costs or thirty days on the streets. Jno. H. Itisley, tiring gun in the city; fined $10 and costs or fifteen days on th,e street. " Wilmington right Infantry. The company will leave here to-morrow morning at 6:30 a. m. train for Charlotte. The company are ordered to their armory to-night at 7.30 sharp! for inspection in lull dress (except plumes). On Friday morning they are ordered to the armory at 5 o'clock and will leave the armory at 5.30 sharp for the depot. Be sure, the Captain says, to send your blankets to the armory between 9 and 1 o'clock to-day to be packed, with names! marked on them. Jlare valises at the armory Friday morn ing by 5 o'clock. I ' Tg the Authorities. - At the solicitation of seafaring men, again renew thej request that lights to placed on the river and. that the pilot marks be restored, Oar attention has been called to the fact that the buoy on the wreck of the Sleigh is in a sinking condition, and should be replaced by a better. The Colored Industrial Fair. The Industrial Fair opened yesterday with a large attendance. Addresses jere delvered by Kev. J. ;W. Hood. Bishop of A. Ml E. Church, and J. P. Bonrke. There; are thought to be 500 strangers in the city who came to see p. Fr. and more are expected. The wr ia t0 continrue throughout the week. For Raleigh. Iq addition to the W. L. I. the Cornet Concert Club will attend the JnaugTiFation. They will accompany the Light Infantry. A Christmas, tree, spread by Mr. Mn Taylor, for the benefit of his v5roady ..School pupils, at Walnut IToesday night, was loaded with preients for the Jittle ones. The occa- was a lively one. Got. Brogden has pardoned James ton, who was convicted on two cJrgeg, one for inciting a riot and the Mher fbr staying elpptiop, 8 T10 Pce havs received their new Jits ana are spotting around town in taem. . The suit is of dark cloth and thout any brass bnttODS. . : i!" . THE LITEST NEWS. THE NEW SENATE. ' ua nnose Terms will End on March Four Men Who will Proh-i aDiy ne Re-electedDoubtlul SeatW cic., eic. From the Baltimore Sun: The terms of 27 Rpnnt the 4th of March next 25 by remlar rvvo, nmcu raaKcs idc period ol rrice oi one-third of the members ol the body end everv two vpak 4 by the limitations of the commissions ui i.mop appointed to fill thevacan- MOO Ay-kni.A,ll 1 .9 1 w - . "ttosiuueu nj aeatn. in addition there is a vacancy to be supplied occa sioned by the retusal of the Senate to atim.t 3lr. .Fmchback. The outgoing "r1"' " t&srs. Aninony, Alcorn, Blame, Boutwell, Cooper, Clayton, Cragin, Davis, Ferry. Frelinghuysen, Goldthwaite, Hitchcock, Harvey, Ham ilton, key, Kelly, Logan, Norwood, rrice, .Robertson, Ransom, Saulsbury Stevenson, Teller, West, Windham and JV right. Of these, Messrs. Anthony Ransom and Toiler have already been chosen their own successors. In place of Mr. Goldthwaite, Alabama send. Mr. Morgan. Mr. Alcorn srives wai to Mr. Lamar. Gov. Kirkwood, cf luwsi, xases me-seat of Mr. Wright Kentucky's new Senator, in place oi Mr. Stevenson, is Mr. Beck, who served a long time in the House. . Mr. Cragin, of New Hampshire, yields his seat to Mr. E. H. Rollins, a successful Republican manager. Texas replaces MrJ Hamilton with ier pres ent Governor, Mr. Coke. Mr. Rooert son, of South Carolina, will be suc ceeded either, by D. T. Corbin, Repub lican carpet-bagger, or Gen. M. C. Butier, Democrat, both of whom will claim the seat. Mr. Kellv, of Oregon, will be succeeded by.GovGrover. r All of the Senators whose terms ex pire on the 4th of March, aud who have not yet passed the ordeal for a new cleciion. are understood to ber can didates, Messrs. Saulsbury," of Dela ware, Blaine, of Maine, Boutwell' cf Mass., and Davis, of West Virginia, confidently expect a - re-election. Mr! Price, of West Virginia, is also a can didate for reelection, but will Lave several strong competitors. Tennessee will also elect two Senators, and the chances are that cx-Gov. Isham G. Harris and Gen. Wra. B. Butt will carry off' the coveted honors, although Sen ator Key's friends think he will serve out the rest of Mr. Johnson's term,until 1881. -Mr. Clayton thinks that his successor will be Gov. Garland, the Democrats having a large maiority in the Arkausas Legislature, Minnesota will be pretty certain to give Mr. Win dom another term. ' In Illinois' the contest will be close, with thp that Gen. Logan, who will be the. Re publican caucus nominee, will be beaten oy ine independents, who hold the bal ance of power, with some former Re publican like ex-Senator Trumbull Gen. John M. Palmer or Gen. Farns worth. Mr, Ferry's friends say that Michigan will give him a second term.' He;has a prominent competitor in Gov Bagjey. Mr. Hitchcock will doubtless be relected from Kansas. ; Two Senators are to be elected from Louisiana, and contesting Senators will dpubtless be elected by dual Legisla tures. The New Jersey Legislature being Democratic by one majoritv, will elect a Democratic Senator in place oi Mr. Frelinghuysen, Republican. Look ing to the political complexion of the Senate after all these changes take place it appears that if the Republican Senators from Louisiana and South Carolina are admitted andrthe Demo crats control the Illinois and New Jer sey Legislatures, the strength of the two porties will be Republican 41 Democratic 35. If the theory that Mr Tilden has carried both South Carolina and Louisiana be correct, then th Democrats have a right to the thret Senators to be chosen by the Legisla tures of those States,' aud they would have 38 members of the Senate to the Republicans 38 the body being equal ly divided. In any event it win be seen that the Republican majority is much smaller than it has been at any time sine j 1861, and so very small as to put that party on iU sod hphnvmr in Senater after March, 1877 The 8th ol January Demonstration. Washington-,. Dee. 25, 187C Intel ligence which reaches here from differ ent parts of the countrv. "Fast n as West, shows that the 8th of Januarv is iu wuuess one ot the most im posing public demonstrations this coun try has ever feeen. Preparations are quietly making in nine or ten North ern States for public meetings to be held on that dnv nnt rmlv ;n i a cities, but in towns aud villages, by lAriuucrais xo protest against the fraud ulent or irregular counting in of a Pres ident, It has become known in several States and in many localities numbers of Republicans who voted for Hayes and Wheeler have determined to join in this protest and demanti fair play and an honest count. There is not the least intention to break the peace, but it i meant that the protest shall be earnest and show thai the people are attentive ly watching what is going on and are not asleep. Letters received here from different - States from influential men 8 jow that the constant reiteration by leading Republicans here that the Vice President shall count and declare the vqte at all hazards and the echo of this sentiment in Republican organs produces great excitement and irrita tion on thennbhV. miml iha i- ,u"""us iuis quesuon snouid be bciuwj Dy a committee of Congress" not by a predetermmed partisan pnge( - ; aud ar WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY MORNING. DECEMBER Indiana Democrats. Ixdixxopolis, Dec 25, 187C The liemocracv and Tildnn t ;uml rT j- ana held local conventions throughout -" ouiuruay, ine zz& inst- to select delegates to the State mass col. .cuiiuu wmcn is canea to meet here uanuary , Jackson's battle of New Orleans anniversary. This, in former years, was a great day for the noosier cwwracy. jq me same clay "Blue Jeans" AVilliams is to be inaugurated - umernor. ana as Governor Hen ancKs successor. Nodonhtit xrili k grand gathering of Governor Tilden's friends in this State, unless a satisfac tory solution. of the political complica- t-iua Bua.ii uave ueen suggested be I ore The resolutions nasspd hv tht x-or;nno local popular assemblages on Saturday wu"""' i general aemana lor Con gress to take' hold of the dilemma,, and are vehementlv adverse tn vlmt ;Q termed the Rennbl X ' -ptivu VI ..Vv.wv juuicui powers in ine aims ui me presiding onicer of the Senate. The Investigations In the South.. Washington, December 25 There is a fear that the hopes which have been entertained of some cood and nMf. tical result accruing from the visit of iu luvesxigaiiug committees South may not be realized. Private informa tion was received here to-dav from nil of the centres where these committer are at work. It does not seem as if the Senate committees are directing thpir attention to the purpose of obtaining impartially the real fcc s surrounding the elections and the subsequent coun ting of the vote. To the contrary the effort is to collect stories of outrage and inumiaauon with which to garnish the reports of the committees. It may be xpecieci mat ine reports made by the enate committees will be principally ccupied with this kind of mattpr. wTiil the real points at issue" will be skilfully evaded or touched upon in the most cursorv manner. Florida, Jacksonville. Dec. 25. Rprmhli. cans in this end of the State are unani mous in the opinion that Gov. Stearns must submit to the decision of the Su preme Court and nuietlv tn executive office to Governor-elect Drew on next 1 uesdav. Thev spp nn wv open by which they can get the case oetore the United States Court, and there is cood authoritv for savins that he has been notified very plainly that he cannot look for support from the Federal troops in making open resist ance to the decision of the Sunrome Court. The Treasury Robbery. It is learned that tho treasurv off?. cials have become satisfied that thp rp- cent robbery of 10,000 was perpetrat- vu uner ine pacsage naa leit the treas ury. Ifthisisthecase.it is held the dVdams Express Comnanv is liahlp fnr the loss. The COmnanr lindpratnnd this, and they have now at work active detectives in the hope of discovering iue gumy pariy. Louisiana. Monroe, Dec. 25. 1876. It has rrrm- ped out, upon examination before the sub-committee here to-day, that afiBda vist, produced before the Returning Board and appended to Senator Sher man s Louisiana report, are essentially Jifferent from those orisrinallv sworn to before the masistrates of Onao.hitA parish. Thermometrical. The state of the thermometer at the various stations named below was ob served at the signal office in this city, A. 4 1 -ii 4:1 p. in.: Ausrusta. 42: Charleston. 48: Gal VPS. ton, 49; Jacksonville, 52; Mobile, 45; New Orleans, 46; Norfolk, 32; Savan nah, 46; Wilmington, 40. Pistol Shots. At intervals, during the last two or three nights, reports of pistol shots have been he ird on the streets, Tho police have been investigation- thp matter, but so far thev have made noth- iigoutofit. A handsome sum was realized from the Catholic festival, at McirinnVs Hall, on Tuesday evening. Postal Hours. The mails close at th a- p, as follows : Northern throuirli mails s-sat r Northern through and wav mails, daily r-on i r Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied there from, at - i i t southern mails for all points South, dailv , . ' aip at VVestern mails C. C. R'y, daily 6 -OQ a! M uivtwiiuc aim f .iifK rry Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays iip r Fayetteville by C. C. R'v. dailv exceot'Sundava iN r Onslow C. II. and intermedi ate offices, every Friday 6 300 A. M. ARRIVE. , t Northern through ml; . l-45 P m northern througn & way malls 8. -00 P. M. The Saiithville mails, hv r M' daU v except Sunday, r Vr. t1, Auwn vTces, sup PAr&d Snallott' eery Friday at 0 A. M. p. - u a.m. io 4 aju i and on Sundays from 850 to 930 xo ueuverea ira-n o A. M. to a. m: aH IZtL a 1 .ODen Irom a A M-to 12 M., and from 2 to P. M. Money order and KefflStcrDeTiartmoT,. rn o.-r Roister Departments open eane as Stamp Office. wp ftrrf F ! -at delivery when NOKill CAKUJL1NA XfeWH. Capt J. O. Justice, one of the most promweni ana respected citizens of Lincoln ton. died on Friday evenine. Statesville . Landmark : Jad ivutn ijiuK 4mie rn. e trust his venerable life may be spared yet tuauy years isiblxcal Kecorder: Prof. C. E. Taylor has received a all to the pastorate of the Clay Street Church, luenmona, a. lie will not go. Ralciah Xt eigh arc already giving evidence of iueir purpose io meet the Urarta which will be made on their hospitality on me 1st day of Januarv. Jealous of the character of the city, they will throw their doors open and entertain all who may come. Some families will entertaiu as many as twelve or fifteen guests. A fine engraving of Biihon Atkin son, be a celebrated Vow is on exhibition in Raleigh. The Ob server says arrangements will be made as soon as practicable, to supply the work in the Diocese of North Carolina through the rectors of the different parishes. In the meantime, orders may be sent to Pott ow York city, or to Rev. Dr. M. M. Jiarsnau, lialeigh, N. C. ' It will be fnrnitirl t iYr. .1 i - .......,w,.v. tuv; uiuuvruic price Ol 82.50 for plain, and 5 per copy for In dia Proof impressions. A San Francisco vounir ladr rprpivrtl an invitatiou to attend the theatre the other evening just as tho Chinaman came Tor her wash. She hurriedlv made out a list of the washing, aud an swered the invitation. Then she sent the list to the vounir man and Wont tJi answer to his note. There was soon a very much confused young man', a very much mortified young woman, but no theatre coiner for either of th night. "Why in the world don't you go to work?" inquired a citizen of a lazy u-iiow wuo was trying to borrow some money of him. "(Jo to work r rrlri the man, "how can I do anvthing till I know ror certain who is going to be the next President ?" Wilminirtou District. Nokth Carolina CoxrERtxr VmkT ROUXD OF xiPPOIXTMEXTS TOR Ql'AR- teklt Meetings .9 made iit the Pke sidixg Elder, Rev. W. S. Black, for the Present Conference Year : Wilmington, at Fifth Street, Dec. , 24 " ."0,31 Jan. tf, 7 magnolia, at .Magnolia Onslow, at Lebanon - - - -Whiteville&Waccaraaw Mis. at Whiteville Bladen, at Deems' Chapel, Elizabeth, at Elizabeth Wilmington, Front Street - - Smithville, at Zion Clinton, at Clinton Topsail, at Union Cokesbury aud Coharie Miss., at Hairs Kenansville. at KenanTni 13, 14 20, 21 27.23 it Feb. 3, 4 " 10,11 " 17,18 44 24, 2o Mar. 3, 4 in ii District Steward's meeting, at the Lec ture Room vf the Front Street Church, ANilmington, at 11 o'clock, a. in., Feb. 5. JAS. T. PETTEWAT. C. U. SCUCXKEN. Petteway & Schulken, BR9KERS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS in Merchandise, Cotton, aval Stores and other produce. T,(lrdr8ioriolasses' Ieata rdi Fish, Coffee, 8ugar, Cheese; Flour, Bag! glng, Ties, &eM and consignments of all c tacriptlons of produce solicited. n?0-3m MICE OF APPLICATION. AT. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will be made to the General Assembly to Incorporate the Laborers' Union, the First Ward Bucket Company and Hook and Ladder Company No. 2 of the city of Wilmington. dec7-law4t A KLHL1, LIXB HOUSE FURMSnlXG GOODS QULLD'S TRAYS, TOILET SETS, FANCY FLOWER POTs, t BJRD CAGE3 For sale by PARKER fc TAYLOR, dec l5-2w 19' Front street. TABLE BOARD A GENTLEMAN, OR GENTLEMEN OL can obtain board in a private family who live not very far from the business portions of th city. Apply at nov 29-tf THE CAPE FEAR OFFICE REMEMBER C. W. YATES KEEPS THE MOST COMPLEJF. STOCK OF PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY BLANK, SCHOOL AND MISCELLA NEOUS BOOKS, FANCYGOODS, PICTURES AND FRAME., GOLD PENS A.SDFZ CILS, &c., &c. fat every artulo a a illy ke4v. in & ftrU class BOOK STATIONERY STORE. E.ARTIS, VASUIONABLE BARD CP feHOP. P.AA.L PrTSEE mM UNDER THE ..u. x.i.ceneni oaroers ai- waJ8 ready to wait on customers. fdcWtf " i, " W. A. Da vi ft ar and Prop'ta. Businesa Managi r " nvrnnn THE OXFORD TORCH-LIGHT Circulation over 2,000 Copies; Two DolUrs Per Annum In Adrar T-e Democratic Organ of Granville. 28. 187S. AXir ADYEHTISE31EXTS ENGLISH Pickles and Sauces! FRENCH Wines Brandies and Cordials, SPANHH Cigars, Tobacco and CIGARFriES, TURKISH PRESERVES ! SOUTH AMKItlCAN DRIED FRUITS! AMKHICAN BUTTER, CHEESE, SAUCES, SPICES, JELLIES, - PRESERVES, MS, 4C, dt, 4l dlM dr. Chas. D. Myers & Co., dc 27 tjl 5 aud T NortU Krtnt t. EXTRA Hardware "Poetry! gUOVELS, SPADES, RAKES, ntenrork and Moltes Gate, Fire Dogs, Boxing Axes, Scale. Buh ITookn, Spikea and Nail. Shot Bag and Pouchct Coffee MUl, AnvOt, VUw, Blacksmith' Drill?, Hammert, Hand Bciln, Pick, Kat Trape aud Bath Brick. - Meat Cutter, and tJtutfcw, T Ine, GrlndUue, Grub How, Chalk Lint Powder, Shot aud Ca, Otter, Fox and Mluk Tra4. Cutler)', Razor? and Hcui--. Horse Brushj aud Curry Coml Knobn, Lock, Hins and Latches, Augers andShinlinjf HatcheLe. REDUCED PRICES AT N. Jacobi's,, dclMf Xo 1 Houth Frtnt , r m NOTICE. TWTOTICE IS TTrnrnv rn-rv Tin 1 AU- A application wHl r made to the Gip1 SlruSfS ' ' Amcnt of the Charter of atJ of wumlngtou. T ilmlnton N. C, Not. SO, 1876. ASHEVILLE CITZEX, A QUARTO WEEKLY PAPER GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM. TUIE CITIZEN IS A FAST FRIEND OF X Wilmington, and haa drroted much time and apace to escuragla the growth of buaineaa relation between the Cape Fear u4 mountain resiona. Send for rate. Adireaa, X rO.SE & FL'KilAN. norf - AaheriUe, N. C. 10 CENTS A WELK REP1UXTS OF THE Britisli Periodica! TnE POLITICAL ITftMENT AMONG the Eunrn t:ml;, il,m .fJfr iA teen Church atxl uu , the !;u , f cJeac la rrbtlon to TLf:.CTf j tl e con,Unt rmt4k-at!un f r.- r,.rk thee and kinUmJ to; irS m zXf nzmi fJimt !?-ihf Jrdii. - !. rr lri v qulrinr rradrr Cn i la a t r It.-1 f, r3i be facta ar-l anrurr.cnt n-,-, rr ia caMc Ua to a corrrct cnc:ukn. THE LEOXAU!) zCOTT PCD- USIiXO COMPAXl'. 41 Daixlay .lntt. X.c ri, . c- n tt'nue the trj.tn.t (tt f, ur'uadu.j titic Whi'j, Ijjudt.n Q,nr. terly J2n, (CvnxrrHi t), Vttttr fc tVets (.ft. (Ecnuflical, ami Mimnmnm mt TERMS Pataiu.i.iuiim in M s xx, L Furanyunri:rU. . I i.. r; (r any to Rrtk . 7 m . For any thrvr K, j j ,M .. . For all four Rri: r. . KJ .. For !i!kwrt f,T. ' pzin ..... i.i . .t For BUckti f.l j one Hc!rvr ..... For Iilarkutiol Kcvir ....... j i ; prr Iiljkw.-.l aa n Itrtlcm j ; .j For Blarkw.--1. ,.!:!.,. four R'tlcn ... ; j() .. The PtHtac- U n 1 i . s . iihcr without t;ljr;r t4IK. only on thr r u : ,:",u . aeration U..lfi.aT: h , lt ' . . the rouitiH'tin im t.t M ii'vr. " Cl.tl:s : A discount i.f 'j.ij,r tl:! t. u, , xlrw UI be to ,,.,r j'!iJrv t.-r - v JcMr.,,r tlic4 !:. Ci.tkn,K l or 4. an! n. Toclut.f lu. r tvT,- l.t z.n ..,., , thatiore iImihu.i .. . . . . aJl.mrdt.i the -ctt. a-., l'i!rn: 'v . ear ll.o may Uv, ;tj, s: .;;.. mi. MAT, tUIStl H" J .,". Or instead, tivw i.lT. t,, - . . , r . ..t- .. " ,i;:i Nclthtr - - ....... . . r ..i , j j. ,r llKOUnttocluUran aij0 Ui... I uhcr. .So pr inttii;-. c-u: f .i 4 is had ou a pj "IK The Lco.v i:i, s ,1T , ) THE PHILADELPHIA HUMS A FIHST.rj.AA. JXltEPj.Sft EST MOUXIXt; XE. PAPER. A.LLTIIAT CAPITAL A.u tcrirte can artt.tnj.'.i.h U f,v h t m. unlvmally atr rJfj to J?f i.; ,tl. ;; ablet aul lt paj-r vrr j u .y, , . Philadelphia. It r.tJu all lU Lr. newn , Including the Am iiu I p.-. . . j. t. Srann, Sl-cxUl Til -ram ad Crrj vuJ. encc from all :.uu f iniuv., iull tu I accurate Lk1 1:-;.hn j, J i iJv. i. torial DUcufilons of all Curn-M T. ; I a fiit-clai iJvc Ncf jmjnr in vt r, r p-ct, fully cjual U, tli-; Uft j.l 1: anywhere. The tUIly t in-nUiion t..c i. rx. viftl that of u!I the PLiljM. l.U i-tu, wicr comMncl, ith nr rnj !-, iu Decidedly lheb?t zicH-j-t vij-ui.. IMiI u, 1-hnal.l!,!." A. . 7V.6-..,. The a Mot abl Int j,..;, r In i'l.Iiju.l. dclphla.' X. Y. .si .,. 'The 1k1 p. jn-r Iu p, .:,., j; -airla." TritMf, Inrludin i-"tu ,-, ; --r, ct W cent a month. AddrcM, xju: UMLs, 713 Chotnnt ft, Vh.lz ItJt.jLi. 7 AV;UW JA7 COURJELt A Lie N'eux'.;cr. The Ncwa andCourf-r U ; ubehed it chaj:lf.xtox. v. c. an ! ha three edition DiUy, Tri-wetk:v and Weekly. TEMi or TIIK jrr 1M turEtX. Dailt EniTiox.fy o.w iar, f 10; Ttu-tVesKLr Edition, ;i.l.:.V.f 724yt ThritJ cnt Sit t rf tr. one yttrt (Z; ix.A9nfJ.$, $i 0 , n ai,' Wczklt Edition, jmVUK(J irc'u. tajr, onsytar, ,lZ ii.., ei i-. pmyablt in aJrvtce. WORD K V. UA U'.mjX i CO.. r V . 19Brcaauw,ciuu:u G3 c.V. nTTtM.f I 1 t : it) i-ii s t 1 t .I il I o