c ape FEiAEJa rnrgSwT ZiaGxrWxk,, a. twr.- Carolina. CettarHail- I THE JAWS Ol' ALLIGATORS The Crew yf an American 'chooner Wrecked on the Coast or Cuba Pass a Night of Horror W onderful fb. rape from Death. The schooner, Ann L. Canl. of North- trt. Jim been rerorted -asha1S bfcnf. wn-cked oa Layo Bay. fouthJ coast ol f Cuba, s Capt. Tylor, her commander, has now reached pome, ami makes report of V)f .lisasttr a follows : They were making u v-ry 'iuij?k piuaagu when a hurricane struck the vessel.. She was driven at its mercy for four days, and on thenith, afar Mating over two coral reefs, she was forced hard aground on thi key : a rnall, desolate -aud ieland the only "inhabitants ,,f which we re a prcat number of alligator-, which" .war.med around during the tir-t nitrhi 'and .came near devotfririir the it; w , bdnjr only kept oil by a fire which tfrry succeeded in kindling, and the snap Jlng of their lare Jaw teln hwrdrjn ,-vfry Mde.-": -The key U about sity f miles from the 'mainland, and out of the -husual jra'-k of vessels.. . h.vvr.x inr nir. loi. .i.ii alter ,. the Caiil had thu-j bt n recked : her crew were the fortunate means of ea'vinp a Spanish and an English t rev.-, whose.vcseelg had tronc to 'pieces," and Cai't'.-Tfylor, finding t hat he hail to lividi' ' his Scanty store of irovisuns with tlice brothers in' misfortune there being ik.vv thirty-five persons on the Wand, and ht surra.? Ion would soon be star Jngtbem In th'fJce.' Hfnt -his mate and one seaman in a boat to Cienfuego", About 10 miles iliMut, with instructions to ask aiiianee rnmi the United Stales Consul at Havana. On hearing -the facts the Spanish govern m. lit. a soon a po-?ible, sent a cunboat nith provision for the relief of the ship wrc ked crews, who. were found in an :i!rnt famished condition, Capt. Tylor having meantime phot with hi., rifie three ;illipatois whirh were kinned and "eaten. Tlif iiiHeoliartered in Havana the barque JVrtes J I ink ley, in whu-h to hip the cargo ai.il what was saved of th- wreck to New York- Th v had a very rough voyage, Wupying tbirty-virrht day s, "when " they j.ut in at llatteras Inlet, with all sails blown an ay and all on board - i.e rly starve", ' having tor eight days been on snort aijov ' mii.r of htecu.it and water. The schooner has Ih'Vu. unfortunate, huving"twice btfjre h.ru wrecked once on" Norfolk, Va., and unf'f'H Block Inland.' By the final m. t'.'iiiiTiHj Bobs Jesse C'aril, of Northport, who owned about one-hall the vessel, loses ahuut 7.j.hi. on'wbieh he had but little jii-uratKV. .i , -. f ind of the hiuuecock Itace Thciliower of the manhood of the iiiall mnnant of the Shinuecock tribe lot off the Circassian, and with thyir tleatlf the tribe dies out. All tuat now remain of the fchinnecocK people are old men and women and the hirlorh widows-of tbh unfortunate fel- of thejn being over six feet in height. They were notorious in all the eastern md of Long.-Island for their .thrift, frugality and honesty and, as sailors, they ad no rival?. " ' , . I- Afl iVELLASKOl'S-.. ' Bacon, Flour, &c. jZ( -BQXES T). il.. ?;1T)ES, . fjVJ 00 BBL. .FLULK (ab grades;, 100 Ilhds. and Bbl. CUBA MOLASSES, 100 Bbls. S. II. SYRUP, :j0 Bags COFFEE, ' 60 Bbls. SUGAR. 100 Bbte. GLUE, VJ0 Bdls. HOOP JR V, ' W Bales HAY. v BAG(ilNG, TOBACC'J. Nt FI', SOAP, LYE, CANDY, TIES, CHEESE, SBIR1T BARRELS. LARD, NAIL, iVc, &c. , tf WORTH &i WORTH. f LABLE BOARD 4 GENTLEMAN, OR GENTLEMEN .A. can obtain board in .a' private, family l.'i live n6t very, far froTn the businet portions of the city. Applv at p. v t -tf; THE CAPE FEAR OFFICF. MlfE OF All'LU ATlOX. V-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 application will le made to the Gene ral A-embly",-to incorporate the Indepen ient Onler ; of Good Samaritans aud Iaushter of ' 8am aria Grand Lodire of the tate of North Crolina. five 17-lwlt NOTICE. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I'pliratiuJi .'will be made fu the General AitCBibly of the State of North Carolina, i"w in Kion, for an Amendment of tlit. Charter of the City of Wilmington. Wilmington N. C. Nov. GO, lSrt). Notice of Application. 'V'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' Tn AT 1 application will be made to the Gene ral Afcsembly, to incoriorate Lodjre No. 1 -'"vu, icauirvoi coxumDU". ren- aer county, North CaMina. dee lN-sun4w if 'it wE m ALL VOIR EN.VELO.PES OF DAN FORTH V u will tind th-machrpa the taap'd jenvflope. idreiil 0. W. YATES TF EEP5 THE MOST COMPLBTL AV STOCK OF ' I "LAIN ASD FANCT STATIONER! BLANK j SCHOOL AND MISCELLA KEOUSBOOK8, FANCYGOODS, J PICTURES AND FRAMES, )LD PENS AND PE CILS, &C C. m iaet erery article nc ally kpt Jo a tfrt Ijw who. were swallowed np by thesea IW4fflW Uou& fTTii.Suj on rfaVurday looruing. '. Tue?e Indians uFcyVU.Vo..' yi wneai way Comp'y, j UrmE Geseeil Ecfkeist ejtijeni, i CHANGE OF SCHED ULE. j ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 17th Inst., trains vrll! run over this Rsfl. way as follows: f. K.t r Ji ESCER A) 5LA1L EXPRESS. Leayo Wilmingtou at,- , , . . o A. M. Arrive in Charlotte at ' " SCO P. M. Leave Charlotte at - - 0-J30 A. M. Arrive at Wilmington at -' 80 P. M. Daily except Sund . . "f- ' t iii I'M s - ;. : ' , I fHROUGH FREIGHT. Leave Vilmfngton'at - ' ' fJ P. M. Arriye at Charlotte at - : I2i30 P. M. Leatt Gharloite at - - rj:ir, p. jf. Arrive at Wilmington at . 12.l M Dally excett Sundays. ! I IXCAL FREJftHT. T 1r'f , - . Leave vvilirdngton - - Arrive at Laurinburg - Leave Laurinburg - Arrive at Charlotte - i Leave Charlotte - - Arriye at Laurinburg LravjEauriuVlri-gA .... v Arrive at Wilmington (5:40 A. M. fi5 P. M. ZtiQ A. M. 425P. M. 5K A. M. liiO P. M. 5)0 A.M. :C0 PM. Leave Wilmington j Mondays, "Welnceda' and Friday; L'ju' vc Charlotte Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. No Passengers allov.ed or Ticket sold nyTrelght Trafe: : ' ' V. Q. JOHNSON, fieneral Superintendent. ST Papers publishing Time Tables ol Company, note changes.' V" ' oet 15-ly Meal! Meal! Meal! i (i BAGS -FRESH MEAL IN NEW CQITON SACKS'. MOLASSES! piLBA, DLMERARA AND SUGAR hocse. BARRELS FLOUR All grades noYl8tf. BEN'FORD, CROW & CO. The sun. IH7T. d Ur du r The daily edition will on week davs be a sheet of four pages, and on Sundays a sheet of eight pa jjcs, or 50 broad columns; tv-hile the weekly '.dhion will be a sheet f eight pages of the fame dimensions and charac ter that are already familiar to our friends. Tue Sex will continue to be the strenu ous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and fraud" In the administration of public affaire. It will contend for the !?overatnent of the peoplq by the people and for the people, as opposed to govern ment by frauds in the ballot-box and in the the counting of votes, enforcedly military violence, It "will endeavor to supply its readers a body now not far from a mil lion officials with the most careful, com plete and trustworthy accounts of current events, and will emplo for this purpose a numerous and carp jiy . selected staff ol reporters anu corre pona3 its. its reports lr'om Washington, cepe -ily, will be full, accurate and feanVu., and it will doubt ers 'continue to 'deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive bf plundering thaTrtasury or by Uierping what' the h Joes not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachment of an unjustified power . The price. of the dailv Su.v will be $.? cents a month or ?C 50 & year, or trith tne Sun'dav edition $7 70 a year. The Sunday edition alone, right pages; ?1 20 a year, postpaid. t The WxEKxr. Sex, eieht pares of 56 broad columns, ; will be furnished duriaa 13 t at me rate oi 51 a vear, postpaid." The Lenefit ot this larce reduction from the previous rate for The Weekly can be enjoyed oy individual eubscribers without tne necessity of making: up clubs. At the same time, if anv oi our friends choose to aid in exteninff our circulation, we shal be grateful to them, and everv such per son wno sends us ten or more subscriber from one place will be entitle! to one copy oi trie t aper ior nimeii wunout cnarse At one dollar a year postage paid, the ex- Pinaiesoi paper andy pnnting are bareh paid; and, crcbidei'i9g the size of the sheet and the quality of its contents, we arc con .ident ,the . people w ill consider The . VfTj VR & s Ijtjcjilii eniWper pub-lislK-d in the world, and we trust also one of the verv best. " -" ' I Address ' TIIESLN, dec l-tr New- York City, N. Y First National Bank ol Wilmington, January 3. 187 T. 'JHE BOARD OF piRECTORS HAVE declared. a invideTid of Four ptr cent, payable on th? Itth i&tt. A. K. WALKER, . i .CaVer. an 4--t IXS. T. PEttEWAT.' C. H. SCBTXXZX Petteway & Schulken, BROKER3 AND COMMISSION MEh CHANTS in Merchandise, Cotton, cvores anu omcr produce. waers ior Molasses, Jleat?, Lard, Sdt. ttsn, i.iee. Sugar, Chee; Hour, Bat- ;ius nesf,-vc, ana ctn;gtimenta or all W. AfDlvA JtCoe, ..I W. Ai D wit.. i Edison andrPropV 1 1 Buiurt f ic5ei . THE OXFORD TORCU-UGTIT .ClrcuUUon over 2,000 tCo4. 1Q foliar Pu1 Acucra, la Advance ' The Democra'li Orjin of Oraov lie. 1 THE,ATRI0T. ? Oldest r aptria Wet. , f. PuUi.bxdwtk y at Grtetubcro', N. C. Alex. Bprpacrcon; COMMISSION MERCHANTS. W J LMIKOTO.V , N . JU ? oetl5-tf; TEN CENT To TflK CAPE FKAA. SOW IS THE TiMEJ TO COME FOBWA' ICD . AD SUBiJCRlBE h'or a Cheap Democratic Paper. HILLSBORO RECORD Elf, i ; " i WTABLI-fTED 1S:M. j THE OLDEST PAPER IN NORTfl CAH-1 OI.INA. rt THE RECORDER, APART FROM ITS f JL political merits, offers superior Induce- ments to the merchant of Wllmlneton aa ! a mraium oi auveruinir. it hat a lars-e ... . and Increasing circulation in the countiea J oi urange, Alamanee, Pcnon and Caswel j anp especially in thoee bectlons of Orange and Alamance moet closelv connected hv the interests of trade -with Wilmington. Manufacturers will also profit by the growing spirit of agricultural improve ment, and the tendency to the adoption of labor-saving machinery, to reacli the eye and ears of a large anil intelligent claw of readers throuch the medium of the Re corder. . Address J. D. CAMERON. nov 41 Ed. & Prop'r, Hlllsboro, N. C. PROSPECTUS or THE SUNNY SOUTH. THEUNDERS1GNEDCOMPANYWILL commence the publication. In thiscitv. ot a Bqjb and Glrra semi -monthly raptr, o te known as v . THE SUNNY SOUTH. The paper win contain Btorl?. SrW- Uons and Xieneral News matter interesting to the young people, aud It will be the en deavor of the-Compaav ta Tleao Euvs and The paper will be d-voUi trtli ularlv to the interests of the youth of the South, and more particular! v to the voung of this State. Noting tha euccetd juvenile piieri ntet with at the North, and it being the Com pany's belie! tnat a paper of Much charac ter would be interesting and instructive to ihe youth of this State, we will begin pub lication on or about the 15th Infant extln a full share of public patronaaw' ine suoserlption price Tor the SUNNY SOUTH U as lollows : One Year -Six Months Three Months M - - - 00 raouab!e Advertieements Inserted' a rates. Wilmington AMTEUk PtHi.tHiso Co Wilmington, N. C. decC-tf EUGENE L. HARRIS, ARTLST IN Crayon Portraits, SASSAFR Am FORK, -V. t. BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUR attention to his Portrait in Crayon. Persons wishing snxl pictures of them- oelves or deceased friend, can have them nic Iv executed bv sending him a photo graph to work frr.jn. A gxid pboljjfraj.h Is nfCfjsarj- to injure a gixnl likeoes. The prices beiow include potac by usjI, tm roller. A neat frame of walnut and gilt will be furnished to thoee who desire It at $1 rmt'i 00. T,RICK Siz; Uxl7 lach LifoWzc (bust) 10 00 TESTIMONIAL: "Mr. Harris possesses the rare jAt of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograpn or other picture tne exact llkene of any one. T e fnarantee sati faction." Oxford Leader. 1 "We have flwen h! work, and ennrider it excellent. Try them." Central Pro testant. "Wf have seen a capital portrait of Hon. A. W. Venable, by Mr. E. L Harris, that reflects additional lustre on hla genius tn that department.' Torchlight. J octl5-tf THE BIBLICAL RECORDER PUBLISHED BY EDWARDS,. BROUOHTON CO. RALEIGH, N. C. REV. C. T. BAILS!, Editor. REV. J. D. H UFITAM, A socia ue Ed hor. BEV. TV. T. WALTTRi, D. D.f Ajrrirnl- tunU Edlt..r. ORGAN OF NORTH CAROLU NA BAPTIST 1a ft Te-rtyXlrit Tear. 'Every Ibtpti$t otM Tal It. k an AJvenuirf MMlnm Unune,l Oaljlf 10 Tr Ttr. eisAl fc 0 hcJijt te7 Pony Whiokey! Wa tht ..tWiTe rku for tkU W hlrkey. It fc Hie rety aIeQ ry-bo-ly want fr CkrW.a. Christmos Goods AND '.AT im mtm. FVIrM KAYFR RAM.Vs t 50 KK B05, HAlAfcvV QUARTER.-. CHTKON, CURRANlS, FK'IN BA.KETti, DRUMS AND 1 CARTOON. FREXCIl JflXEVZCAXblEi And Rrvken Candy. MAIAA GRAPE. ORANGES, and cTeryttlcg f hoir- f r table , GEO. MYERS', lWJO-tf- 11 and 13 routti I'roat SL REJ'RIXTS OF THE British Periodicals. riTJIE rOLinCALTmiMENT AMONG X the European na4or.. the tr!Te be tween Church aad Btate, the dkcunion of science In relation to Theology, and the constant publication of new works on these and kindred toul?. wfll iriTe unitual interest to the leadlnz forelfiru Revievrs during 1576, Jiowherc else can the In quiring reader fled In a condensed form J the facts and argument cecwwvry to guide ; nun to a correct conclusion. THE LEONARD SCOTT RUB. LISIUXG COMPANY, 41 Barclay Street, Vrt York , c-jA- tinne the rtprini of the four hading Rtviews, viz: Edinburgh Re I't'vK -Vhigt LothIcu Quar trbj Rtviixr. (Const native), Wettyiimter Review (Lib eral, British Quarterly . (Evangtlieal), and BLACKWOOD'S EMBUR6H REVIEW TERMH Patabx-kStkictltix AIjvakce: For ny one Rviw - -For any two Reviews -For any three Review?, For all four Reviews For BUckwcd's Mag. tzine - - - - -Pur Blackwocd'e r-i one Revlw ..... Por Blackw.xl al S Reviews ....... For BlAckwc-d aud U Reviews ------- Frr Blackwool and uh four Revlewii ... 4 oOj-r it.oum 7 00 " It Oil -1C 0t " 4 7 0" io a 15 U 00 lUe ro-tge w m be prjni'l by tne put is-ners wunoul tharrr te tte ucribr only on tLe ertw condit!in that ul- BcripUons are paid Invariably In advtoce at me romm-ncincnt of t-acii yrr. CLUBS : A dicunt of ! per cent. al low ed to elubq of 4 or more iersonf . Khu : four copies of Blaekwood !r of ,t - P. view will be sent to one addret s for 12.0: 4 copies of the 4 Revirw and Blackwood a lor aoa fo on. io ciuds or io or in ore in audition to th above discount, aeopy srrar will be alHwetl o the jettrr-up of the lnb. PREMIUM: New fcubrcribcm, aptjl.iirg earo ftr tlie year 1176 may have, without chirjr-, th Ut volume fjr 1VT5 of auch prlodicaK aa they may nbrb; for. Or instead, new urwribrr to any two, three or four of the above pri jdical, may have one of the Four Review" fr 174 ; ubwriberti tn all five may bav to of the Four Review," r r rt oi Blackwood' Maulne tn 1S7S. Neither prtmluai to aubarnberi nor discount to club ran I allowed urj-t the monev U remittal dircrt tribe pub llahera. 5o premlui-i ivtn to CIu'-. CTrcniarwn& rurtser prtmj rrj M had oa appueatioa. T Lossi Scott Prnnm Co. ot 8 41 Barclay M., JCew Tcrk Pln4 KalWtMl lUuk at V tl Minium . DenaWr If, I hi ft. fITUE ANNUAL UEETTNO OF THE X fltokhaldtra Of tbl Rank, f. tie eiecUoa of Dcctor, HI U tM io thlr lUrtkirr IIQ4o cm TtDA Y, th othaar rvf JANUARY, lTT, at II oUvk A.M. irr rroexor- nhlKOl IMlfdAPLIE S GOODS, TOR YARim, STYLE iKD TRlfl . ...... , , 10r 11 and 12-4 Blankets, eltRETlXQS, SIURTISGS. P. C. COT TOSS ASD LADIX9 CLOAKS-NKW AND IIANPSOMH um tmms ind slys ro mmm JTOSIMBr. BAS'DKERCHIEFS. VLOVRS. ETi ETC BTU CARPETS. nov 17-tf K N A B E Highest Award at aou:y decree! to Mr-ys. HM. KNABT: , C.. M11.UMA OF HONOH AND Ml ID A L OF MKIUT lull COMTJ.T 41 RAND, rAULOH GRAND AND UI'HUUIT l'lANO. - Ry the Miyttem ol aanl adopted, PUtk of all grdc. rvektiJ MM1 of r rtr lam rhftracter, but tbc true W. of went appetr urJr itj Hj rt port tf tlx jud cn:r!pax the tm-dtU. It ludrt iTrHHtn tie KNAfsi: PIANOS to U The bf-t etponent ot the art ol leading Cf-MfdogAU, TKC ItrQtrlTr Ol A trtll.i JNMKi'ilM lu the MJOfttrX tttC4 tuisTicirr onortM, crm.tivtM- or I'.-rxey. hOUDITT AND ORIGIN'ALITV OF CONSTKLCTION A Ml FVCLLLLNCE 0J WORKMANSHIP, lb' XaWawtrd I I U tiOt rotfluisi i any Mfcr rihibltor in thi A L L V Oil; T Y !. K S and MAfi lr uualiiled by pamm ?ndlrht...fm., rttv Tht ub--. Ptm are fn- at Heinsberger's Live Book Store. nov 't tf. The Raleigh Observer. ON iHE ldTII DAY OF NOVEMBER, l&TC, and In the city of RALEIGH. the uudertiguol Hill cociLtnce tlf ptitl! c.iln of THE O BSER V h. R, K XjAILY akd ueeklt Democratic cu appcr. Of lrv rr;v-ru::rc U; ibt'r p:icvmu a rditor, mpctivf lv of the Fa-ttelll; OE.?rr.vra end the W'ilmlt-gtn Xiuwt, they d-j not affect to dout the m ucdr. of the general Judgment vhkL as.'Q4 them ability to furnUh a t.ewipapr suited to the needs and adapted to the Lutes of the people of North Carolina, ty&xiuz in pontics tn the olut-n time, U era waj never a difl"ere:ice Utvcen the O ismvnn and the Jock.ml in rial fur the Intcrtxt and honor of North Carolina. To t-ronuc ! the one, and to uphold and add to the other w 111 be objvet of tho OMEuvrn now. It ttiU be thtlr L'h ain v rxc tlie public eonadr tee by carntAl tffjru to trv mot? the public wtifare, first and furen.rMi! of North Carullta, zul oi all the fvnuh-; To U rursju-d Ian part, lu.-J fort cm BUte, and finally, lii lLronrhLL nightly, fjich jcrt a:il cr.tein aa f Of the Whole I iJoc. Thcv tlJnk LhaltLU' can woly be effected ly the prevalence of i Oemocratic criicir-If ted the cUalual of I ttc Kaiucal trty Crom the t !ace atd power which. :ht-y have fo rreat:r atrCAt-d. andundtr TfLce talefJ rule the South tat bca outran-J aul the whole countrv ha n fmpo-.crULrl and dfTrared. PETEP. M. 1IAIX, TV. L. 3AUNDER. kuits oi srrcjiXrTi0N Dliy UbTV-r, cn yfar, - 5 DjIIv OUerver, aii wotuth, 4 fXI Ueekly Ut-mrr, tm viar. . W Weekly Oberver, rti mouths, 1 uu All rota :nu:-lea? inLouMUt i lreei. UCTU rurtI)T DMKf, to W. J- dAL.Sin.i-, , KEYSTONE TIUMIVG INK CUMPAM. MANUFACTURER- r . PRINTING INKS. (BOOK AND NEWS BLACK PKCl- ALTi ), 17 Nwrth :h Mm., Pl.Sa d!pl !a, Ptro .yl-.au!. 'jur lukk irf of tiLrU" r cuallu , VI;. z iAl9 froiu the brt ircrtdknU a: -4 Cfd-.r thepcroiial iUpcrriiUnf.fa PLCT1CAL rlllNTEK ANU rKFfiJJMAN, Urefor we will ot'AaAxrrr, trr roisnurivK m.LuU U of a SUPERIOR JET BLACK, QUICK Dial VIS, AND ENTIRELY FREE FROM hETTINu-OFF. o mamLuwir; tiux ant oiura INK 31 A NUFAtT URER'S IN' THE UNITED STATES. A trial of a tinitJe wHl coatLt any priaU-r that he bat omtu paj Ui nure than he.thculd f.r LU I ok, rut nr. la kega and barreU touit r-urrL-r. KEVTO. "E TRINTINti INK CO.. : 17 North Sih St., lULwkliU, I'a. E. AllTIS, FAHIlIOWAIlLii ISARIinR t4llOK. 1ALL TO SLE HIM, UNDER THE Vy Furt-vU Uouac. Eireii.t.t lrVr al way ready to wa!t cacunoui'M. fd'lVl ASHEVILl.E CITIZEN,'" A iUARIo wr.tKLY PaPKR-IkmiD ADVERTI-IVii MTDtYV. fpilF. CITIZEN ! A .ri ::FSDr 1 TVPrurtftoc, a d h lotrl u.Mh cf unlet riu' itefi lU'M. .Mfl MTRr. PT A1ST0 S! the Oontonnial l FUttt making nt fwlly rtitlllM U tii Itian, Isle tic .f inrt runlet, a U tht Mi wA djartmti.t, but eotarrfce eotaprl. T FI E A L HI XE ruJIf ANT'S NKW I U J I M CAT I ON S. 07. it o.v.r ttr sxnfjKipTios I HE At.DINK-.T1IE ART JOURNAL Or AM ERIC V. rpHIfj aPLKNDID ENTLKPKIisE 1 X tivtoLly dl sutiiccd lnr fea ture, trtil is U.5t eoajtantlr d''.l aud iui pruned. !tt da tan ril, rival In the hohmorld of trio!t-a! aturir. Tb-Uaui!fuldogjrtrtt, tp L'narltUh Frlr?vl, ebroina rrtM 1 v, tvery uUcribrr, It a drt l Mt, ani it; If poIble add to th popularity hU. work Laa rained. 1 he A rt l'nkn fra ur al protnUe griAt d 1 ntrt rt. J -io irouting public Inter'. In ib fine sr Circulars 'sd full ir:fnjra!"n fa ar'! t!or. ' Pans I, H, HI r, 1 IV artw uj I CITTmW I riM'n p if..i-n iiMrn .t 0U W. 3 ILiil hi Will V H UAAW !Tot lrrsip..xr. orinria!U i imt, , m .. . . -u:l:: at a pri-c UVm the p puUr rl. ngr1i r.ri,vrlH-fvr tfltvl at !..- Lin.e tl. tnk'j;:. Ite JaUi It b.n ttc UJ nu-ikn vf . THE LONDON ART JO L'R M J : ;fcr. nM t mlzlu !; uxv prt. r. A -.;-rU vaI feer, rUUj Ulur.l r 4l rl ixl r , 1 i;i bcii j:t, ih-;trtt'rt, aa i tb-printing cfth n i;r- w-irK i.j r & VortJiv rr'TTcx.uU'-' r f !. AWJi Pr..' .tc U a ru.r-r-. t.f m.-wtfAux bcai.Uful a&d lalut;. .. . .... THE ART JOURNAL :eli 13 c.t'Ut t ti rich r. rJ w h i'the V at f ul 1 f .a re n ct rt c frni -ari,.r rUu&M .rf lnsAL.tr. E.h t ihly partt:l t -t.uto U u fr1i j. -tk-h anp.i) lr d'TJpJ ! -'". ' I wUO.er f.r !-!iIfn.r fa ; r. -. --ntfrf!y IxonJ cori;. ::7- :r r1 - s.- eLaractcr. F.r y -npn.i !i su; Wc!!ltrf4Ify uUnm the fl UMtnl TlT to i!i ! tjrrl to makr t.tt tl rV rt lerlurtii c f ap h!th I woo la a rsarvclouy hrt zlzuG xri'l- Ide rrjtnatyB. .EM. FROM THE ALDlNE. EJ.vlal mmJtUd fT Cnp liok EI"! trau.,a and Dra l?xCJ C4ct. H roIlorJri of picture ofditei t at-I oo altrt ntry rodt1tb iut j'rt ha it V-vs pet up ts an aUraUe k v:ail are t oSrIat arrke la" txi! to r-.ii f . m n- Lvrl?jNo-I,CviaJ2.lihraJ tU'oI es-avirt, i. cow rev It ai CJ U arr.t, p'-ae paL to arr aidrea Icr ow at" tea-xrrt. THE ALDiMl PASaE PAlTDjUTt. la 'oMviIaa- vLh rrpau! tl r,ter cf the ALrft hate parol lmpreVa cf ruay cf ujr beatrUrhl r4ati- far P&nc ;rvx.t fram!rx TLfl etxu are ra-juair! oo a IxauUfutit tUitedarure stat, nIOi a hfeitx ri l-rdr I'aa. To altar a the y!a-a It U tJ left for tLe rn'jxnr tj jaOe aM fuU oni i an airman y aturtA.1 -rr, ail ttn rua ldooby actai ?7 av.d, l?x!iia.,t.V-.;lilu,ii flvo(thteixfir fl, klMtui I I'll tJ taMUtera. C rulrta, lorlt', 4 V. 7 ao'Vct-, C U' luv LV.; Ivh (la. i:t!a,4u!r.;.r.; l.w t Lir prr HTC . . inr LMNEtoyi ANi y MOlraUia, CIW ' BOOK A STATT0NTRY STORE. A. K. WALK ill, VmIW. A4 tma, TvN It A ft UM AN, QrtcuHrOrlt C