i lNiAY MORNING. JAN. 7, 1877. )Y,-;(ien for the (Jape tar. - " .'"" s - HOW I !IllF.I) ' ' ' ..'-'';-".- I. , f 51V FATE. A HAH IMS. . Tn fe oumlve:, a jtlivr, uf.f .fj i'iiJrc is oije spciuien of -the. genus lioiiio Mhose useful nes or capacity for i.iischicf iuis never been acknowledged 1;t Mii or story.. That a woman ' i at' the bottom-of jj very intrigue, has been accepted as ait axiom; tliat grey-headed and dignified statesmen control the des tinies of nations i-s a H-lf-evident truth: tluit shrewd, tricky business men nuke money inarkcis.iluctiuite .to t&e raiiriif i!i, hoiiest working classes 13. k fac thdt u'etLi no proof, but the bov a restless, keen, indouutabloyfcae - -(tic medium for good or evil, act htei p iyt on-life's stage, and after receiving i:n::i.'ntary merited jirai-f or censure i, .to use his own vcriiaeiihu-, laid on the 1 ;.-lf.?;- No epic : has chronicled his w.mderings, ami they are devions: no lard has celebrated his trouble?, and their name is ; legion: arxl Jew story writers have given him a chance to make his debnt among the ideal exist ences they create. In iv;l life, how ever, he" iwikes himself felt and lieurd. and to a small boy 1 owe an cv- rhistiug debt. 'ofgra't.it'nd'e. . - A year or two after I attained my niijority,- 1 fell desperab-ly in love witii the beautiful young daughter of a lirre.'iaht. of pm village, who, by his lil.nr !!iid bitllness tact, had built nn u'tite a fortuite, M v mother owned u comfortable house in the suburbs, but it had been with great difficulty that she jrave me, her only sou, an education. I had just returned home with a license to practise law, and without pausing to n ilect that my mother expected me to LI! 1. ...'.tonlf in 1, r.l'.im-;.n l,.l U4sen and make her a return for the seS ('denials she' had undergone for niy benefit, I had; not hung, out vny shingle 11 ec-k befdre .1 had mado up my mind to make proposals of marriage to my particular, small boy's sisier, Miss Josephiae llaftby. I thought I had as innch rie-ht ro old Joshua - Hanbv's daughter as ajiy one in the village In fact. I thought in spite of my poverty ami her wealth the exchange would be ahout equal, for I had the prestige of a wealthy ailcestrv, and although the 'homestead wafs sadly in need of repairs, 1 was thoroughly conscious of the fact that 1 was Beverly Norwood, Esq;, heir to Norwood l'lace. One alternoon in the latter part of May, after several months of devotion on my part and en couragement as 1 thought, on 'Miss Josie's, I made myself as presentable as por siblc, and proceeded to Mr. Han by 'a house, determined to address "the'' young lady and receive the blessing of mater mid ! pater .-lanukes belore 1 left. 1 was admitted bv Dick Jlanbv, a bright-eyed boy of about ten year He was Mis Josie's youngest brother, at owe,' the pet aud nest of the house hold: - ''Is Miss J I an by at Inane?" I asked, nervously. "No,": said Dick, looking admiringly. at my new; beaver hat, slender caue and lavendcri kids. "Jlut come. in Mr. iormou, Mil" iwii ue m in u imuuiu. Hhe stepped. across the street to have her frizzes fiNed' pn Miss Willis' curl ing tongs. .'Come? in and wait for her,"' he added, opening the door wider and sticking his chubby hands in his pock' ets, as if ho was preparing to argue with'ine on the inexpediency of return, ing through the warm sun, disappoint ed. ,1 walked into the cool, elegant parloK and seated myself in one of two 'arm 1 chairs stationed in a large bay .window. Dick perched himself on the arm of the opposite chair. There was a moment's: silence, which Dick broke by asking, fare you of the kid glove gentry?'' -i ; 1 The (liiestion startled nic, and 1 won dered where the boy had heard that ex-j jiression. 1 answered. "I don't know what you mean, Dick. Please explain." 'Why just this," said Dick, crossing his legs, and steadying himself on the arm of the chair. "Father told sis Joe the other night, that if she fell in love with one of the kid glove gentry she might bid farewell to seal skin cloaks, silk dresses and lonjr feathers." , .--..'? ' ; I hoped he would repeat more of the conversation, but could not make up my mind to encourage the boy to proceed.' I replied, therefore, "I hope rani a gentleman by birth and edueatiou." . , "I thought so," said Dick with iv wise nod. ; ' I " 1 "WhW" 1 -asked, uneasitv. I " k "That's tcliiug;'answcrcd Dick.iilef a smile that reminded me of his father played on the child'ti lips. That mo ment I noticed that my new gloves bound my wrists uncomfortably, and 1 took out my knife to assist in unbuttoni ing them. They were so tight I "did not have the. full use of my fiugers.' Dick's eyes brightened, and pulling out his old barlow he exclaimed joyfully, "Sap knives with hie, and I'll tell you. You are the very man that ought to know it." , .. ';- t " i This last sentence was too muchE cojifess it. ? I passed my new, handsdmq knife over to J)ick and pocketed hii yusty barlow, with one blade. Dick said, patronizingly, . T : 1 "Yesterday Mr. Deu Dibble (you know he owns nearly all Dibble ton) asked father if he. might marry sis Joe Father said he might, and he told Joo last night that when Mr. Dibble pro. posed, she might say yes. Sis said lie was too old and ugly., Father thert t)old Joe how many nice things he would give her and what a fine lady she would . be. He made Joe's face turn red theil he said she had better hot try poverty ith the poor kid-gloved gentry tuaf didn't know how to work, and had n , mere busiuess' with a wife . than . a "-pi;! had with holiday. He told Joe it wai a great deal, better to havo tticiinj to put in the mouth, aud p'enty ojrui clothes than to be Mrs. f Norwood of Norwood Place 'with. &h evnpty larder V?dPlicK0n- Icsaidyou didnot fshofr as foiiclmiefgy asybutlltbir hid .Miown, anu mat ne would bare thought you would have worked night and day until you had made your mother'3 situ ation what it was years ago. He told Jcp to accept Mr Dibble, and slw'.s got t ie p'reUi(H'skuae'$f Hn'goh fingjr you ever saw. Joe, herself, says' it is a very fine diamond, and is worth everv thing in your oflice-"' . - - j The boy paused for his sister s sten unded on the front uiazza. With :i mh !sralfth rouirh the! eien window, and 1 had recovered myself entirely vrhtn the young lady entered the room. Her round, rosy fucejsanev black eye?, 'wavy black hair and re- trouss" nose did not seem to make as pleug a fmt I friiomble its; tHiial.' l'ut t 'did not allow myself to 'dwell on this jo; Dick's mischievous face was up before rne and his mocking voiceseem ' yV'Ilr"oni' grapes" wheii the thought 'presented itself. I , made a snort, iormal call, and returned !to ir,v sSkve never jwoTkjd Ijefore. Hyatiraee and u'adutfe, I .gained wealt.li and friends. Mr. Hanby rmplovcd jme to write his will. When I settled Tap the estate after hk death, I did not charge Mrs. Dibble and Dick any fee for my work. I considered the old barlow k.r.iff .'uffiiont rfinipetisathhi', t'Spec.iAl ly when I looked at iny own voung wile, wi h her chiselled faee arid riire accomplishment'.-. I had re'centlv brought Jier to Norwood LMac and the old homestead was one . f tli-: 'hand- somes t . residences in the viilird when its bfgal,gatecrswuai; ooen to receise her. T had indeed nrofited bv Dick's revelation, t aad , from ; the hour the knife trade was 'made he a'nd I have been firm friends. I never slight or reject a small boy. H friendship or sug- MIS (J EL LA NKO US. Wilmington & Wel&on HAILKOAD. YViJimuirtoa, N. C, Jan. 1, 1il. X AND AFTEiti ivKlJNESDA Y. JAN A.,jn, ion, iussinyr J rains on ulroad will the run Wilmi'.ijrtoii W'eltlon as follows : Dvy Mail a no Exeinis- Tk.vin-' Leave Vil;tiinton, Front St. Der.ot, at - - - - - 7:t5'A. M. Arrive at (ioldsWro - - - 11:12 A. M. " liot-ky Mount - - 1:40 P.M. -." 'Weldon - - - - 3:20P.M. Liave Veldoi!, daily -12;-(0 P. M. Arrive at Kocky Mount - 2:53 P.M. oitkJwro, ..TT. 4:05 P. M, Wilmington; 9 -front St. . Denot - - - - t'CO t .,M. Excr.i'T .Sunday. .1 Leave Wihrtington :at' ! Arrive ut Got jsboro 5 Itoclc Mount ' " Weldon Leave VVildon,. daily ,' Arrive at llo.kv Mount o:4n 10:15 120 P. A. M M M M M 2:20 iA. 40 A. :0l 120 Goldboro; ! - VYilrnfurftou c - A. M A, M - M The Day Ti ain makes clofc. connection at Wddon for all points North via Bay Line, daily except Sunday, and dally via iticliuiond and ail-rail route. , Mighjt-'lraiu nuikes close connections at Lldon lor all ointsfoxlii yiaBichmond. . ,PULL:t AX'S PALACt h SLEEPING OAPiS attached to all Niirht Trains J and run through froin Wilmington' to-Milfo d Station, on Kicbmond, Fivdt ricksbitr & rotoinae-liailroad FUEIG1IT TRAINS will leave Wihning . ,- . , 1; . ,.f. , :t : , ,. 1 ton trj-weekly at.50 A. M., and arrive at l:i0'p, M. jan i Jtf ,(: N K.pry fNE; 1 GerrerarAffent. Meal!" Meal! Meal! 400 BAGS FRESH MEALTN NEW . " -- - . : '. .'" . COTTON SACKS. .t; . , ; ir- A MOLASSES! ':i.'s:ifiji A'ND" c UBA , .DTlMERARA . - I ' HOUSE. SUGAR J . ,e.?. f 1 Hf?;i. t '? Alii ' l ; , fM Vn 23AUUI:i MfcaUUrt-AU 'Wdes Ov)J. ;:. ;tji : 1 noYitYiaQUJV CO, .,T. rETTEWAX-;.,., C. H. SCHCXKZ t 9 BROKERS ANUUCOMMISSION MER CHANTS in Merchandise, t Coon, Naval Stores nd otaer produce. v i ' Orders Ic)f M Masses, Mea'ti, Lard . Salt, clng, Ties, fcc., and condguments of all useriuUoys of pr(uce,solieited. nO-rq "REMEMBER, 1 Tt . 'Hfc f MOST ;COMPL?TE J.-'H-Vr.STpCK.OF;. J PLAIN ;AND FANCY STATIONERY " BLkSCUOOL AND IlSCELLA-ii-NEOUSBOOKS, FANCY GOODS, JJ PICTURES AN1 FRAMES, ' GOLp PENS, yAfNDPp pl&c..:c. in fact every article --usually Lgpt in a Srit el ..." BOOK a: ATiONER Y STORF. : :- i I -i- Mrst Xari4aal RAiit cl'.miminjrtoii. T' HE BOAUD (tp DIRECTORS HAVE declared at Dividend yn' Four per cent, payabtd tW 1 0th hxkY S 'A V. '. i . ii :-::Hf 'i J A; K. WALKER. 4 T (LCasLier. W. A DAVJi & Cu.,t iW. A.Ds. Editors and Prbpt's. Buthiess Manaei . iTHK OXFOBD . TOUCH-LIGHT ; I tirculatiod over 2,000 Copies Two ;DoaPtf VnIluin7 In'l Advaice . y ifw iemucrauc urgdn 01 uracTiiie. i Alex. Sprant7r& Son, 1 C" O JIMlSbl 0 N MEECHAjS'TS. ' nv 1 L M 1 X i TU Nt N itcl 15-tt 21 IS CELL A NEO VS. r TEN CENTS Pays lor a U'eek'o Sutrritlon TO Tlli: (API; I'KAW. NOW IS Till: TIME TO COME FORWAKD ANT) SUBSCKlliE . For a CheaV DemucratLc Paper. HILLSBOllO 11 ECORDKli - ". ' KST.r.i.isiiF.i lS2o. TIIEOLI)i:ST PAPEll INXOliTll t:AU OLINA. rpiIE UECOhUElt, APAKT FltOM ITS 1 political merits, otters suerior Induce ments to the merchants of Wilmington as a medium Of .idvertiiiicr. It lias a lanje and increasing circulation in the counties of Orange, Alamance, Person and Cawcl aiip especially in those fceeJions of Oramrc and Alamance most closely eniii.ectcd hy the interests of trade with Wilmington. Manufacturers will also profit by the growing spirit of agricultural improve ment, and the tendency to the adoption of nxnor-savmg niacnniery, to reacii Uie eyes and ears of a large and intelligent class of readers through the medium of the He corder. Address J.I). CAMEUON, nov 41 Ed. k Prop'r, IIilisloro, N. C. . P 11 O S P K q T u s OP TI1K SUNNY SOUTH. THEUNDERSKiNEDCOM PAN Y WILL commeuee the publication, in this city, ot- a Boy's and Girl's semi-monthly paper, to be known a6 THE SUNNY SOUTH. The paper . will contain Stories Selec tions and General News matter interesting to the young people, aud it will be the en deavor of the Company to pleae Boys and Girls of all ages. .The paper wiU be devoted particularly (6 the ineercsts of the youth of the South, and more particularly to the young of this I State Noting the success juvenile papers meet with at the North, and it being tbe Com pany's belief that a paper of juch charac ter would be interesting and instructive to jhe youth of this State, we will begin pubf licatiou on or about the 15th Instant, expecting a full share of public pairoiiast. . Tlie subseription price for the SUNNY SOU1T1 is as tollows : One Year - si (XJ N Six Months i0 Three Months - - :') Advertisements inserted at reaor.able rates. -Wil,mixgto"s AMtr.ru Priu.i.-uiNo Co., . Wilmington', N. 'C. docO-tf EUGENE L. HARRIS, ARTIST IN Crayon Portraits, S ASS AFP A . FORK, X. ... BEGS LEAVE TO CALL YOUU attention to his Portraits in Crayon. Persons wishing good pictures of them selves or deceased friends, can liave them nicely executed by sending him a photi graph to work from. A good photograph is necessary to insure a goou iiitcuco. 1 lie prices below include pottage by mail, on roller. A keat frame of walnut aud gilt will be lurnished to thoe who desire it at $1 50$2 00. "RICKi : Size UxU inches - - - "f - - $5 00 Life Size (bust). 1000 TESTIMONIALS : "Mr. Harris possesses the rare gift of being able to delineate, accurately, from a photograph ;or other picture the exact likeness of any one. AVe guarantee satis faction. T Oxford Leader. "We have seeu his work, "and consider it excellent. Try tuein.' Central Pro testant. "We have seen aeaoital portrait of Hon. I A. Wl Venable, by Mr. E. L Harris, that rcfiecta additional lustre on his genius In that department." Torchlight. octlo-tf THE BIBLICAL RECORDER PUBLISHED BY EDVAM)S, BR0UGI1T0N A- CO. - KALEIGH, N; C. KEV. C. T. BAILEY, Editor. REV. J.D. HUFILVM Asotiau- Editor. BEVV W. T. WALTERS, D. p., A gricul tural Edito-. ORGAN OF XORTII CAROLI NA BAPTISTS. la Its Forty-First Year. .-1 Every Baptist Should Tale If.' As an AdvertUin Medium Uneuryastcd Only 3 10 per. Year. . l Address .BIBLICAL IECORDEK Ealeisu,'. C. .IfnfCELLAXfuCs P '.ot VOL- WANT fcOMLTHIM; VKKV t k-gaiil I r Ibc lioli lav Irv tlic Pony Whiskey! Ui iir- the eftiii- .t.'. ni 'for this Wl.i, aJit for t."liri-J iu;. Christmas Goods Tl IN WANTITIL I AMI AT EXTRA I LAVtU i:aiin. A'i V) PER BOX, HALVES : jr.RTKR? CITRON, (.TRUANTS KHi IN BASKETS, lRt:.!S AND C.VltTOoNs. v: ;. 7 ja'; m.v And !ivh itroUi'it Candy. MALAGA GRAPES. oHANGES. and everything chcie' Tor tal ! i:r-e. aiJ GEO. MYERS' ; - i dee -20-trj 11 and 13 houth l'nnt rt, uKPjfixT of nn-: , British Periodicals. rpilH POLITICAL FEP.?.lENT AMON'C I till V II VI 1! w:l 11 lvltlttl I I In. tti'i. 1ii. tww.n Churt.h 4U,a tt-, V.k- dicuion ol science in relation to Theology, and tin coitant puuiicai.on nt works on these and kindred totucs, il sive nuuMial interest to the leading foreign Reviews during lSIf). Nowhere cl-e can the in (piuimr reader lind in a condensed form the tacts and arrumcntMutjessary to guide him t( a correct condition! TUK LKOXAUD SqOTT PUU LISniXG COMPA XY, 11 JJa relay Xlra-t. Xi w Vork, con tinue ihc reprint of the fitnrhmliu'j Jlcrittcs, viz : lulihburijh 7V rivtv YhiJ, London Quar terly J! l ieu; (Covsrrva'.ii'r). Westminster licviiw Lib eral, British Quarterly Evangelical), land llllUI I TERMS Pa vaulk Stiuctly ix Advance: For any oue Review - - ; For any two Review -For any three Reviews, For all four Review For Black w .-mVs Mavr- u&iuc - - . -For Blackwood's and one Review For Blackwod s-.n-l 'I Reviews - - For Blackwood and : Reviews i 00er aii:ium lO' IK) ; 'Z IK) 1 f no 1 1 Ij !o rn I V 0,1 For Blackwuotl an four Revicv.?, dtlu The Postage will bv pn paM b thf pub l:?her without charge to ithe alM-r:iHT ouly on the exprvfs condition that ul scriptious ure paid iuvarialOy in alvaitccal the commencement of each vear. CLUBS A discount oi -v per cent, will le al low eil to clubs of 4 or more per.on. Ehu: four copies of Blackwol or vf one Re view will be sent to oue addres- 4"or li.S0: 4 copies of the 4 Reviews and 'Blackwotnl for SIS. ami so on. . j To clubs of 10 or more in addition to the above discount, a coiy irratl will lie alio cd to the gctter-up of the club. PREMIUMS: New subscribers, applying early, for the year 11 70 may have, without ehanrv. tlic la.t volume lor 17." of such pvriodicjila as aj they may eiioseribo for. j Or instead, new ubrihT4 to any two, three or four of thcal"v ivriodie!-. mav have one of the Fou? Review" for ! IS74; fubncritvn to all live may have two of the Four Review," ;r cue et 01 Blackwood's Magazine for 1S7 . Neither premiums to ub?criler ur ilis-ount to clul can be iallowrl uubs the money la remitted direct to the pub fishers. No premium given to Clulu. Circulars v it li further pirtlculars may te had ou applicatiou. ; The Leonard Scott PrcLi-ui.ii Co. nov 3 41 Barclay SL, New York lirt National llauk of ViImlngton, December 2, I810. TU. ANNUAL MEETINtS OF THE Stockholder of. this Bauk. for tbe eleiouof D!nttor. will le held in tteir Ba iUmr Houc n TUESDAY, the tlh day of JANUARY, 177. at 11 oVl-ck A.M. A. K- WALKER, Oubier. dcc-SO&JanP. ALWAYS "IN-THE-tV-ANI- - MT STOCK OF FLE, aim AMI lllELVP HIVE S COOl, FoRiVAIuflbMlll JMl Hllll' 10, 11 and 12-4 Blankets, ' SHEKTiX.. XHIKTIXQS. P. C. COTTOXS AS1 I.IXEXS. I.AIUK.V i'LOAKS-lNKW AN! IIAN'HSOMK Sn!.. LUEV lllIUlltLYS AMI ilFA'S IDHfl IMlEIlW LIR ; HOSIKUV. HAXOKKKCITIKra. CLOVES. KTf.. ETC HTt. CARPETS. IK 17-tf KiXAllE TIANOS! 5r Highest .ward at t'iii: 1 utc C uu uiiiul CVmin!.U n tnouriv decned to Mrr DIPLOMA OF HONOll AND MKDAL tiF MKUIT Full CONCKKT ;uand'. paui.ou gkanu and t pnn;iiT piano-. By tin at tii it nward ilnpt-l, P;tio t.r fame c'larartcr. but t!l Iruc lrt t.f the jlJtlge ITOWDplllJ luff tUf I be KNAHI. The lvt cficnt l the art cr Piano leading i'!! ( out! muijr M.t . tut. ni ( t tj r riwi:i:. i!nnxt and in.i.. v m.tk nvor ti cm. rrrr SOLIDITY AND ORIGINALITY OK CONSTRUCTION WORKMANSHIP The Kii:i'M-;is.iiil i.- uvi cimiinil t any iu1t lhrr fxlii'illors In Ihl I A L I. F O U i: and ftainN uiuualiliel by phrase Indicative The alovp Pianos air for TToiTie'HnTrrT,o T.irrri T3rrV Qfnvn I.11V 1-lf. The Raieigh Observer. ON THE loTII DAY OF NOVP.MBER, U7u, and In the city of KA LEIGH, the uudcrs'ncl will commence tl.c pnbll catT jn of rn; o it s u 11 v e A IIAII.V AND WEEKLY Democratic Newspaper. Of Vavj: epejSence In their nfcKiou a e.Iito. re.-pectively f the rau-UevlHe Or.M;:.VKj; smj 1 the Wilmington JuI rxal, they b not atfect to doubt the m undneM of the general judrceut which aign them ability to furnMi a newfpapT ulted to the ueed and adapts! to the tartw of; tnepeopse 01 .North (.arolina. tTcrln in iKlUlicA in tlio tildtMi time, ll m- wik' never a dilfen nee between the O neuter ! and the Joumxai. In real for the Interest and honor of Notth Carolina. To promote the one, and to uphold and add to the other will be object of tin On-r.RVEU now. It will lie tlu ir hizh aim to deserve the public confidence by earnest etlort to pro mote thf public welfare, lir-tand loremit of North Carolina, next of all the South cm State):, ami tinallv, ami Uirouh the?, of the whole Union." Tlirr think that this can only lm effect t d by the preTalener of Democratic prineiples'and the dUmiflfta) of the Radical f arty from the places atwl power which they have no greatly abUMil, and under -whoe baleful rule the South has Wen outraged aud the m ho!c country has been Impoverished aitd dicgraccil, PETER M. HALE, ' W. L- SAUNDERS. UATEa VtT al'X&CUUTION Daily OlWrvcr, one year 3 ((0 Daily OIervcr, fix lnomtb., 4 10 u eckly Observer, oue year, Weekly ObH-ncr, rfx urut!i-, J (X 1 00 All commu:ileatloii! sLuuld be a. tl reused, until further notke, to W. L. SAUNDERS, ml 15-1 111 Wilmlfifton, N. C KEYSTONE HIIMIXG INK MhW. MANUFACTURE11S OF PRINTING INKS, (BOOK AND NTAVtj Bl-ACK A SPECT ALTV), 17 N0.H1 Ch Street. lhila delplda.' Pen . y 1 1 a nia. Our Inkf arc .f un rior iuHtv. niuz .made from tin; Wt brTitlkiiU atl under theperonal nip.Tvi-iou ofa PKACTICAL PRINTER AM) PRESSMAN, then fore we will tit'Ait axyek kvkuy ncxooriJiK sot.titotHr of a SUPERIOR JET BLACK. iCICK DRY I Nt J. AN l ENT1 RELY FREE FROMSETTINO-OFF. ot i: rutc Attciowi'.:: thaxavt otiiu INK JIAMTACTURER'.S IN THE UNITED STATE. A trial of a sample keir w31 rontlncc any printer that he ha lnt-n luyfu tliau he honld for Id Ink" Put niote ,t It, in kegs and liarrela tiu'.t purrhser. AddrejM". i KEYSTO.E PRISTlNti INK CO. 17 North .Mil SL, PldlaJviphia, l'a. tiee :Kf ' E.JITIS, FAIUONAIlLi; IIARIinil MlOP. ZfALL Tt) SEE HIM, UNDER THE j Pureell H'jure. .'Excellent larteni al ways ready to wait on etUmcr. dclitl ASHE riLLE CITIZEN, A CjUARTO WEEKLY PAPER GOOD 1 ADVERTISING MEDIUM. fpilE CITIZEN IS A FAST FRIEND OF J WUoiingtOD, and La devoted isucfc time and rpace to cucuragixi 1 lb rnwUi of baalneca rclatiotu ' between tbe Cape f Fear and mountain rrckm. 8c id lor rales. Addreea, 8TONE & FURMAN, norMf ; A trril'i H. C. It. U MclSTXILV. the Centennial WM. KNABi: .V CO.. alt cradc rr U Mr U!t uf im ilj larrll l-!-jr tA In iLf r.i.ri.f iueta1. lb 1:iIr- r ii itfc ' I'lANO.H to W making ami ln. lull culllltd ( Ua f imk ml..; in Uic iuoulm iroui a-tt r to.i t z.xjz am tivim,. i-r tiix. AND EXCELLENCE D ; lii'itum 1. m i tli e l'B - parlnn - t.t. !-ut nm1 S T Y I. F. S , of nunlJucrity alc at THE ALDI.U CUilPAXVS NKW PUDL1CATI0NS. -.SOLD OXLY J2Y SVDSCMrTJOy THE ALDINE THE AKTJOtTLVAL OF AMERICA. rpins SPLENI1 .L only mil INDID ENTF-RPRISE 1 ii'la'.irt-! in rcr ln turr. .but I toutatitSy de." j I and ifupn.-L 1: t -L ti"l it! a rival In thf h b t f .f j. t alur. The lvu-iiul bnr l:trait. . . evt-ry ubtrriH-r, U m dexidol Lit, i.I If lKilile add to Ihf ttiiTMiljirll v ! Ilil. Wort ha rained. The Art UnU-n U t if aj0 rnnniMt. zrt-mX and brruScct n-u.. In arouMu imhHr lucmt lu the fine i' Circular" and full IuknnatiMt on appj - lion. Partt I, II, III and lVic now ready Tale tnipb til fn 10 or1. Im-lorl. nbrhtly. lji-b jart will f-otilMJn an tt rant front Upbtv. vAuWx ieravil o Mrrl for the Ini bt Art Jiuimal. r dnebiff at a prV- wl:I.i;i thf praUr r- h enravtnj nrvrr1t fnr tlrrrl at !e !! flvtlm-i ttir ufnMir.l. The p!a1r have -n tin attraetiHif THE LONDON ART JOURNAL. Ei.eh imrt will rout In 20 quarto imrt. I::clu liiiir tie InnJi-iIw. cu lirarr flat 'i-ajH-r. A -Uio ib tftb? tare, rkhly Bland nateMi ml and gtM wlil drm ttth the flr irt. and the j rlniliyr' cf the fn- tirv work will If aw.irthr r pn mttatlen cr "The Aldln" IV-," w hkh ! a jrtfaran t?eff otnrtthe' t-Titifal and Tlua-tc. THE A R T JO URN A L cuiuptrk in 13 tuciilbly orttat 'I tart., rrprodu in the Ut full illu,r&Ui.i Irotu Uie earlier volume 1 1 Tut; ALiuxr. Each tnoijthJr I ft ill xwLaiit li m pcrt 4aU-k Lkh axvot Ueiip ure flatter, acd wbrUter h-t l4i.iiuir r fran.juz, t.i it bUnlr l- ul ro:io-U- tloti in rirr tr artiaUc cLarafUr. Kcry Iitipf.tKi will be luo-4. rarr.'ulJy Ukoi n the Hiiot Uord pai-r aixl im mU.- till f eparrd to make tl.u th- riclut pfoducUott of a Itt hkli L too In ixLuviIvutly thorl time a wurid-w lle rrpuUti v. CEMS FT.OM THE ALDUS K. EpccU!Iy aaaortcd for Scrap Cook 111 u- Iratkm and Drawing Claaa Coxica. A larre eoIlectWn of t4cUire of Lerrt t and on almost cTery rtlcrirale uU Ject have bet n Mitupla in altractiTo ea. velope ai4 are now vcrodat a price tnj tended to jnake Lb era pviular m eU7 aente. EitrrlopcNo. 1. ontUinlc brau. tlful eurarlna, I now Txly and mill be tent, iatafe tidt t any Llrum for oce dollar. A liberal dVoou&l to areata aV teaebera. TilE ALDiNE PAEPAKDlLTtv In coinjJIance with rr;ca!! rfiu tbepubiiera of tie ALiiixr tatc jn pared Imprrtaioo of many vf Lhrfr ow Daaurul t.late for re-iartout rraalng Tbe cuta are raoar.'l en a tr-uilm.l tinted arure ruat. wfib a hc 'I ntt fed border Uue. To iaUeb tbe r!aj it is ctJj left for the eu?ocrr to f te anl fi cm 1 an aire ay atucbfd border, ana t&u nu) be done by a child. r7aubjeci, irxi5in-,ic;wiuiruwi 8iZ of thi lie fur f 1. wbea aeirrtia f left to publiaherr. ' 0 aubda, lVxi:; in., c.; wub 45c. 7 abject. 6Wi$ !l in-, Lie.; hhria. We. ' . UibJU. 11x13 In . J.., jik.a-ll gnf Kf -nail, Ub-.ut p1a, p-tpal4f tor price I7"CfiTaeT vaalcd. TTTK, ALPINE COiU'lKX : SlUatteaLasv J V1 ; i 1 - t i -1 ; i . ! ' -;

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