J' -1 ' J'l I volume FOURENwr. ,--.vcs.v: r'b-wiLMiNGTON4Tr - Rnwtr vrTtTTc- ?: sr-jr-: : fe i ; v t- W1LMNGTON, ift C .EDilEpXYj'rAiffiUSWi ' ' 4 f PRICE FIVElCENT ' . ... .-r .. ... ....... Ji- . , . . - ..... .......... .... t- - - - - K , - i- tW..,'iW.lJ-v';! f."i,.,;J ..v.f'H,.i.j'..,'..i -L, ...... '-. ' BIB! FlooilrSpiiiifl in the South 5 - J4 . J i - J ' t, r'j- , , . ' 1 ... :. In Wilmington Rainfall Has Been Com paratively Small md No ; Damage Other Parts of State Faring Badly Devastation in Georgia and - South CarolinaOver a Million Dollars Damage in the Lattery . Augusta Flooded Advices :From J Other Points Big Damage inTliis State. The heavy rains continue not only in North Carolina, but in other State in the South, and " news -.of. -great, dam age is coming in. Wilmington so -far has made a lucky escape. For the pe riod of 24 hours ending this morning -at 8 o'clock the rainfall here haoS only, been .30, but the likelihood is that-to-' day's fall will be more. The present bad weather is the outcome of the ',distur-J bance in Georgia, but the high .winds were felt greatest in Virginia. Wil mington and vicinity have only had a slight touch. With the exception 'of some of the wires being down connect- ing Wilmington with outside points this city has experienced little, trouble, aside from the disagreeableness of it all. Railroad traffic to and from Wil mington has not been interrupted, and trains so far today are arriving on time, or only a few minutes late. The outgoing, Atlantic Coast Line train reached Sanford but fifteen minutes late today. ? : v - 1 The greatest rainfall recorded in Wilmington was thirty.- years ago, when it reached 8.40, but" the early part of the present month it went to about three inches. ' ' .x :"- More Heavy Rains. ' , More heavy rains are " predicted i for U today being sent out this af terriobn? ..O Heavy rains indicated for today, and tonightrwWch-Htfi&IS and branches to Icoritmue ' to rise. - The Roanoke river. will rise tWSemt Weldon, and th(Cape FeaOffilSft&iirill rise to 55 feet af Fayetteville, THISSEN. ' Rainfall Tabl :.? For the 24 houf s ending at S oclock this morning the following was , the rainfall in the cotton belt: Charlotte, N. C. . .. . . . .'2.42 Greensboro, N! C.. . ... .4.35 New Bern, N. C .. . jl6 Raleigh, N. C.. .. .. ..2.04 Athens, Ga. . . . .... . .1.74 ' Spartanburg, S. C. .. ...4.50 Greenville, S. C . . . . ... .7.10 Macon, -Ga.. . ..2.84 Monticello, Ga. . .. . . . .1.90 Quitman, Ga. . . , . . . .1.58 : Many Bridges Washed Away. Elberton, Ga., I Aug. 26 Seaboard bridges over the Savannah and Broad rivers have gone. fPassenger train No, 52 was caught bitween two DlreaSs, near Elberton. and'eant. b movftdtfeffn- er way. The city electric planfls cona pletely, destroved abd r.itv has h.p.eti..in i darkness many nights. All bridges in 7 , the county have ben Yasheday..: Big Damage -al SpartanbUrgifil .Spartanburg, Aug. 26 The electric and gas plant is flooded, and "the' city was in darkness last night. It is re ported that the Lockhart mills have been partly washed away: Great dam age is threatened. - O Augusta A-Wash Ir'xSU Augusta, Ga., Aug. 26 At 9 o'clock this morning the Savannah riverreg istered at lower bridge 35 1-2 feet, and was rising ten inches, an hour.,-The middle portion of the city is under wa ter. Great destruction is threatened. ' Everything is being flooded: -Itjs expected that the entire city wiir be under water by night. The street car's are tied up and the damage is heavy; i :. r- o Columbia, S. C Aug 26-Seaboardiit is. impossible for. bacteria to pene - train ar 1 C beaooara k , v , - ; I ,- ;:w " train No. 66 went through ; arT under-ttrate. , -4 ;f.i . .. ;. -. . - mined trestle on south side of the Con- garee river, this morning. The engine and two coaches were derailed "and the colored fireman hurt iThe nkssenerd were transferred. : locked for 12 hours A steel Abridge 1 u,er in wateree, ; on the same road, near Camden, Is.eirdectocoUapBe at any minute. Traffic over that' route has been abandoned. Telephone and telegraph wires are doWn. ' , The loss thus far from the flood: in ;Sout; Caro lina will exceed a millionf dollars mill owners, the railroads and the farmers, being the chief yxifsi .(Continued oti Third Page.) fetate' Convention' Called.' to Order at - loon With" Five- H undred iieJegates Prefient-AboutTwo Hundeti-Wsfter--. bound -Chai rhran ) AdamstVlakes ..Speech Against Oemotrjiey-Creden" . -tials Committee-t4anied;and Then RecW$ :TakenUntll 8J30 O'clock To- night. Special to. The Dispatch. 1 1 vCharlotte N, C.ft. August ''26.The Republican t State convention was call ed , to cr.der ?today at , noon with five hundred delegates,.' v present' and at least .' two . hundred " waterbbund be tween their homes and .Charlotte. Rail way; traffics held ;up on half 'the lines entering"; the city and, most o these delegates after -traveling several' hun dred miles -fromthe eastern and west ern sections: ofjthe state: are wonder ing " whether tfiey " wiUb able tcT. get to the convention- or have to turn back to their homes. ' " .V." ; Judge Spencer JB;:"AdamB 7 began', his addressas; State .Chanrman and party leader a few minutes,, past- noon and talked Vfor an. libur and a- half: The address .: dealt - largely , with . an argu ments against ; Democratic principles andthe .plahks of the platform; The speaker Vpald bis' respects (to Bryan, reviewing the past "record1 and state ments' of- the 'Democratic; Jnomiiee and predicting defeat for the 'party whose leader Mr. Bryan is1; Speaking of - the panic Judge f Adams 'said :;;"If we must have a panic let , us have " a RePubli can panic; not a Democratic one." At the close, of the address a creden tials committee wa& appointed, wh-ere-upon the .convention,; adjourned -till 8: 30 tonight in order that, the several hundred delegates who are side track ed ; by ; higher . water, may . have an opportunity; to v reachthe city ip time to participate in the delibera tions of the convention,, if;' possible. The flooded streams and trestles wash ed away, have almost put the conven tion into a pedica no little - difficulty ;iie7experienced itt getting, thing's 'under : way. s The credentials -committee isf eom- as -follows i- mM,mMiFani Beau- Thbma"E, , "Oensr"of"sampson; Fourth, district, O. D. Barber, of Chat ham; "Fifth district, B; J.ampi of -Alamance; "Sixth district, C. Ed TaylQxoXPJ3ruiw4t- Seven th r dis trict, A. T. . grant, .jPayte,; ighth district, H. T. Campbell, of Alexan- qer; xvmm aistrict, unaries A.jones, of Lincoln; Tenth. district, Charles F. Toms, of Henderson. THE RIGHT MAN. j . ..., ., .. ;--a.. v . Advices received y' the Sher- 4 iff. from, Constable W. B Sav- 4 age and Deputy Harvey: Cox ,4 state that the man : Chas Rat- cliff e, colored, arrested in Phil- ju ul .Af'n Jfe T .. ; .f1!:'- "t 'v I necrodn a oool room here about ' thfiee "years ago, is the right 4 man. Ratcliffe-irecogniaw' tbe.. t pmcers wnen .ingy maae tueir r Sparancebefoe hlmJjathe , .'Philadelphia, prison At the 4 time sof sending 5 the adVi2e the 'v . . . - . pmcers were, waiting the arrival ;&L xtradition;ap:eIs roto4the & 4 Governor of Pennsylvania and 4 Uhey - are expected to preach ; bere "with .their, prisonerr-from Philadelphia either tonight or . 4 tomorrow. ; : - '.. .. ."4 ' ' ' 4 6 ,;; ; Preservation of Meats. New York August 26 How long it is possibe to keep meats in afrozen state is-unknown; but in chemicarand microscopical examinations ; of ; iced beef;and poultry W. D. Richardson has detected no alteration after" a year and a half as muscular tissue dools to (nst ; above ihirty degrees Fahrenheit, U the Water separatesas ice,.coniracuug ipri ; . , secon a "aisirict, t j ames uas- ;jutsu .ui. l mil, of Bdgecbmbe . thirdaL-dl3trlit lamjeisaiicugenu I ,.-..:i-s.'-' 1 .- -"Wi-.f .-'.-t t -v-. . . . A:.- v . . .-j V'-...-" ' -v..' J hQ ti fnrnt dp an armor tnatinis power io save; uiBuuiuuuuaic ' Funeral of ! CapairtjSmUhi The funeral over the remains of the te ( P"" :y- v --rr . : .1111 I I'.ll. wA : T j . w -r- -. - -r- - - r- liamsi of BUrgaw, : The pallbearers Vere i follows r Honorary, ,Dr. , W, : D. McMIllanIessrs. : John T. Rankin, jansaVisGenr JI He Mei$feI::KZ 'Nash, Iredell Meares, M. Oronlv. Geol i W KidderSP. ,Mc- NairfandG,: J.: Bpney, . ,Te :interment was :made in- Oakdaie cemeiery , ade inOakdale; cemeteryv;. - At mmt, itRfiRh ::Diiring the TJomlng Heartrending,; Tragedy Which Will Bring Sorrow' and" Sadness -to" Rat 'eigh Family,-Occurred at the BeaCh 1 Toriflv. th pWirfiti'Ki i -fJ1 V "TV.' xcarvcry trror maae iot suscitaie tne Young wan, But Were ValnHis Home Was in eigTi Leaves . Father, Mother, and One Sister. . , This" . mprning vshbrtly after 10' ojclock Mr. -Charles. N- JIudson, a well known and. y prominent' young citizen of Raleigh, .was sdrowned -at Wrightsr 4 ville .each,j just Xo the north Mti the Atlantic , yaclit IClub, ad.this trrJH trageys .,the. first of, JJts-mournful na turebtot occurt within two years, has cast.;a, palJLof sadness. over the resort; Mr. CiyJson .j had 1 jbeen iguest , of Mr. and prJtcnbson.at theirrcptUge n tnpeacn., tor..tne:-past" weeK. and as scs.jtbiterrible-Jnformation of the, heartrending, affair,' was ascertain ed, many,, residents called at. the' Gib son cottage with offers, of assistance Mr. Hudson was in the .water for a period of twenty-fivo minutes before his body was recovered, from the surf, and ..when prbught to .the shore there was, not the slightest, evidence that the spark-of life remained.. Within two minutes after the, body... had been brought in from the treacherous wa ters of the, Atlantic, the face of the young man turned completely purple and this fact' led the physicians ; who examined the body to -inclineowardt the? belief that some secondary cause hastened,, ihedeath, pf vthe young man, superinduced, . nosbljb b.ej great wning;tl4: Mr.; ad;41 tne, past week .several . young emenJ4heir-;cottage, the entire party forming a merry house party. Each and. every oflhad greatly enjoyed their stay at thele'kdb? as the guests 6t . Mr. anfliiMrs. txibsofi and this terrible; andf unexpectedly" mournful conclusion to-the ' outing iwlll awaken great sympathy notf only for the relatives of, the deceased- young4 man, but also for Mr. and Mrs Gib son who are greatly shocked and sad dened by the extremely sad and re grettable demise of Mr. Hudson. Shortly after 10 o'clock today Mr.1 Hudson, accompanied by Mr. W. B. Jones, of Kenansyille, a friend of the young man, and also a member of the house party, decided to take a surf bath in front of Mr. Gibson's cottage. There was a strong undertow at the time. and for this reason, both swim- mora wprfl' onrefiil' . nnt 1 t.n.'l erd too . f ar frrtirv th f 4 m Hudson out from the sndreuneut Mt. Hudson, however, was caught &m theC deathly of the unqercUrrerit, rand as he being carried i out, he called for nee. Mr. E Jones 'immediately swam out to aid wsj friends ..In the ex cilelnent of the n(men.t -brought on by the fear of being drflEsniied.vMr. Hudson c3c$fetely lost Ms i :Belf-control, and he seemed posseidt with a perfect spasm of terror Despite the repeated urging of Mr. 'Jones that h be calm, Mr. Hudson struggled frantically, and Mr. Jones in a few moments was com pletely exhausted by his endeavors to render assistance, and was 'himself in great danger of being drowned by the struggles "of the deceased. " Mr. James' S. Hooper, ; who was on the beach a short distance from the twoyoung men, noticing ' the precar ious position of the two swimmers, lost no ' time" in hastening out to their as- !. sistahce. 1 Mr.! Jones was so exhausted that he swam in to shore as soon as Mr. Hooper reached ;Mr Hudson. ' i mi. vt4U . VI & " - youiig man but his; efforta w vain. Mr. Hudson made :despfrae Y - xl-i efforts to grasp -Mr Hooper, but the latter 'realizing that . both would- be drowned should this be accomplished. swam behind: Mr; Hudson and endeav- ored to assist the drowning man from the "rear Continuing; his , struggles Mr. : Hudson succeeded in grasping Mr. Hooper, ; and they both sanK pe- neatn -the surface of the waten -:Mr. Hopper then realizing that it waf ab Bolutely impossible to save the "life of Mr. Hudson, and being completely ex hausted himself by .e.ieSaitshe;;ha4' put forth to rescue tie "drowning man; succeeded :in breaking the . hold .Mr. 7continueu ; ojtvr V'V (Continueii on Third Pagi .1 -4WAI Of the independent jDrder of orestersl: 3L -a V o4Kond ' ' 'ieTbi evircouri Starts iteEx--Istence W;th' 55iActive Members.; , The -exercises t in connection with tlie -installatidn of ..tho'4jaew. :' court -of the f jcdependentv Ofderpf Forester initiatedat SwtbpiDrt last night were a- greatncce.ss-, ; and the organization oegins its fraternal 4 existWceundef thebrightest ansnioes; for sl RtaaA v a. veloftnenf and, expansion of 4tStwork tafluen.ee in the future. Much, in- terfiRt WAS tnVon' In hA Affrn nf rrn ftnti thne. court by Foresters ot Wil- mington, and these will-. be delighted to learn that tha Sout.hnort. gins. its career under such favorable conditions. v ; " The new lodge was instituted, under thfe direction of Mr. M. Bachrach, of this city, and the initiatory exercises" were parried ou by a team of t orty i Foresters from" this city,undeithei leadership of Mr. P. Hudson. Thel wil iaoingt&n team, and a number of -other j tnembers ' ofi the - order, left 'the! :tcity 1 early ;iast evening on the steamer 1 Southport, and they arrived "at their. destination shortly- ''afterclock.1 Tneyvere met at the wharTBy"a dele-' gatiorf of Tthev Sb'utKporrdates; who escorted them to;'tlie'"JttaII.-:?..;m: ' When the'Foresteffdtf'Vu-. mington team "were lecTttirough .the hall, and took, their position in front of 4hei pedestal . Mr:' Howard c. Cur tls, editor -of the Southport Herald then xeIcomed' the visitors in short address, and the response to the wel coming speech was made. by Woodus Kelluni, Esq., A member of the Wil mington bar. .f , ; The entire assemblage then "united in;siiiing the Jhational hymn, "My tr1Tts.oi'eei' after which tHe very impressive .rceremony of in stalling the officers were carried: put under the direction of Mr. HudsQo.tlie captain- of the,tlam.' from, this Icity. )teir?Zth gathering: waifelrtTnr or dil-IarMn oblizatiorrs and oaths; of the order, and registrQfta .the work pfxfchie iorgajnlzqnjjajjshort recess- was aanouncedi'oxi m !, Ufctfgw ..minutes the iipors. were 'thrown jopen jaudi the pub lic installation 1 cif , ipfficerq ywas; carried outi During thej jecessi an- appetizing luncheon, prepared under the super vision. of Mr. Charles Gause, of South port, was served and this was not the least of the many pleasant features of the evening. After the supper had been partaken of, a short address .was delivered by Major Guthrie, of South port, in which several complimentary remarks were made concerning the energetic and successful: work of Mr. Bachrach in organizing the new court The following officers were then in stalled, the annonncement - having been made" previously that, the , name of, the. new organisation is! "Smithville r - Court":. Chief Ranger, Howard -Curtis ; Court Deputy, Julius iWeeks Jr r Physician, Dr: J. A. Dosher; Past Chief Ranger,. Robt. W. . Davis; Vice Chief Ranger; j; C, Mintz ; ( :ReCordihg Secretary, .Charlie Gause ; VTreasurerj Eaiie Benderr Financial Secretary Chas. U Bell? Organist, Asa Dosher; Superintendent . of Juvenile ' Court; Rives ' St. George ; Orator, William Hood ; Senior Woodward, L. A. Gallp-' way; Junior Woodward, Raymond Mills;. Senior. Beadle, - H.Robbins Junior Beadle, Charlie Watts. ; x iThe meeting adjourned shortly after; midnight, and the Wilmington teami returned to the city immediately on the steamer Southport, , which made a- special trip,, arriving at 3:30 a.. m. today. ; . ;-.;v;A-;v:,v ;, The new fiourt of .Foresters begins with twenty-five ; members,and the char ter 'will remain open for hirty.days longer in order that' . any , additional applicants may be;, admitted to mem-4 bership' . JJ?'& f-k fP 3f .; BIG EVENT FOR KIDS." ' Had a Jolly Good Time at Lumlna j ; The youngsters had 7 another merry and delightful "Ume at ' Lumina :iyes- terday . af feraoon. ; They gathered: at ' the big pavilion by the score and held high revelry for several hours. 'It was . a. suuv,eair ocuaaiyii ouu ui presented with novel - toys. '; Tonight rolls- around i-the regular mid-week, dance aiid, weather ' permit ting,: the attendance will, no doubt, be 4 large.' In spite ofthe; inclement weath- er there . was a large number at Lu- mina -last: night and jail had a fine . Open an account now andwatch if LARS-in casa'and gilt 4ge securities ! jflarantees v: the SAFETY OF . 1- "-; en NoNoiicerequired towitbdr : ... ,. ' - r . . ( Located in thatBla :Whfte Buldlna, Co iri?ront and Prlnceti Ctfe tti - , N .! iiiiiii , - m a i m t t m mam mm, m h v a . i 1: 1 - . ! A BANK THAT PAYS! jAREFUL AT TENTION TO SMAii, Accounts no ACCOUNT. TOO j.LL FOR US. GET ONE; OF OUR lECK BOOKS AND" BEGIN AT . (The youngest and most progress W.BXOOPEBf President. v T THOS, E COOPCI ABSOLUXEL,ylSAI?E;t Absolute safety for your money. MlfiiiSiiiiiaiiiW :: -;-a:h :rll ti 4 per cenV"perfnnurnf comjndjed iy.! Ioner;t6tloan 'at?Aj-tr Tf'MES :.onrbd'scurityi JJs i'" V -' . .! Established for TWENTY YEARS. ? t Ihairecord for honorable, lib- : -..-.:; . eral and courteous treatment and up nave earn ea ine iiue . "THE GIB 'WE WANT VOlSi iClSINESS. v ...... ......... rAD'M i Deoenue t in miwnzRi 777?. w mmrninzihr1? xr t HnimmmniniinnMMii miwmni MM nip v.- : -- - ..-. -j iii ' v"s I i illiiiililiiiW JUstmecvalpfin Phones 108-109 --v'-jvv'r--' j . . " -.: ,.V ,-1", ' al - irny part ot your account mmmmmmmmir::--f Hilil .' 4-"i: ' ' ,V"V:-J '5..5 vvcsj-".-. i -r : yt-;-:' ' 70. t- -4... -via i;- V. Bank in the City.) : , . Ini st paid, on deposits at rate of 1 43 i - . , . .. "-.'Y J date, business methods, we FJA1ABLE." . f -I . ' ' ... . V.- rr- ife-&; :fc operated . under conservative '1 id- experienced manaoement. P fording such f acl litiet a arf v. 1" V r t. thorized vunder T Government gulatlons, nd' none other jr.- ( posltory for. U d. Government, 1 4 .1 :?,'?--4';3ki: '':.; ;:". ;:' 'y. t . - 3'- .-'':::r-r,y?.-f-''-;,;:;.'.- " "';Xif:'tsv, 1 ; i "; -; '' - ..ZfC-' $.' ?-.f -VV:- V'- 1 .-1 ::r"? "."'.' w5:f: v- - ' - ' " (