- . -. 'J1 "' ;-c V x- 4 - 7' 1 4 'l N ii '1 i SOU h i- uil . " t"' fc - , - VOLUME FOURTEEN - WILMINGTON, ;NTfelDAYf : AUGUST 190S; - S - PRICE FIVE .CENTS 1 V ' , ; ' . v X I ! !: I ',.'' J S 1 1 . I I.I I f : Water WitWn 7vo Hundred Yards of the City Hall In Fayetteyllle:CalT for Relief . M ade Estimated -vThat Ten Thousand Are - Homeless 'in Cumberland- County r Recovering Bodies in Augusta, But Water Gone From the City. .' Wilmington wasjainless last highf, , though dark clouds' hovered varoundi - and up to 4 o'clock this afternoon thir had still been no rain- with the fore cast of "fair" by the; weather ' bureau for the rest of the' day. . TheXpredifc tion is for fair and warmer, itoinor row. ;,Vt"- V ' ' The rain storm has ! passed vnmlng ton, but there is still; wreck .and TUin in other parts s of thel Stated ;? Almost fiisastrous and dire conditlonV 6f .aft fairs now exists rin'-Cumberland -couni ty. The latest report received by;.Th(3 Dispatch from Fayettevllie; this after noon at 3 o'clock .brought a -tale of suffering aW disaster. . . Fayettevflle Urtder Water, Special to The Dispatch. ' Fayetteville, N.C. August 28. With 67 feet of water in the Cape Feai river at noon and no indications of the limit, as the water still is rising fast, the eastern portion of the city is flood- ed to within 200 - yards of 1 the City Hall, which is situated a mile and a half from the river. Three thousand persons rare homeless and at a called meetingut the City Halis:ar prodama- or. Thefnortherkrpartrthei'ty can oily be reached bybdatasih water from thei creek, is tbadcedT up within five hundred i yardsrotethimarkist square. tewed - from,pie ..market square Jh eagtrtto appears ons vast lakeland the river i3 standin gr Jb u tit -is-f eared -they-eannot withstand .theteblepVestr Innjrpr Tin .1,..J ' iJj 0w. jcu mvuoaua - ui c i cuyricu homeless inf he:, courier ajwifis?for relief have been made; b fM '.Iwfr- U man of County Commissioners. v All communication with the city is sever; ed save by the Western vUnionLfr have strung three thousandfeetbf cable over the northern Atlantic ; Coast Line bridges, but this is expected to go any minute. ' -:'-'!- - ' Finding Bodies in Augusta " Augusta, August 28.ThevWafer' l3! fast receding from the streets .of Au gusta and the city' will; for the" most part soon be dry again, and merchants will proWbiy -begl stocks by nbonO-'ing Bodies are .being f ou1fodaM far. &v6 white men and "eight negroes have been foundn Itris believed, that abou; 25, mostly a0groes, . have' lost theii Hyes. Thety iVorefrfjrom watc r, except : in the extreme lower portfonsiandr cabs ' re ' taking" the llac of 'boats: "The lOss;lsndwesti mateti at not le$shan ' V- f- v.'-" "'-j.iT'-: 4 ' '' - TENSE FEELING tAisis in Atlantic City Today ; over Probable Calling Out of Troops. -uanuc uny, August .-inere tense feeling here today In; anticipa - oi what action may oe 4taKen Dy Governor Fort to pcompel the indict- ent" of illegal 1 liquor sellers. The grand iurv vpsterav" refused to in dict them on the ground, that it hurt business. Atlantia ;'Clty;isv; facing either successfuldefiance ?6f 'laws s of the commonwealth or martial Jaw to Enforce them, ) Governor : Fort stands ready to: send - troops to enforce the Jaw, but an extra session of the legis- lature to appropriate necessary before this money will be can-be'doKr- HAINS BROTHERS ' ARRAIGNED. Haled in Court and ' Held for Grand JuiithWBi:; New ' York; -Augusts 28.r-Capt; Peter O. Hains and s: brother, T. Jenkins Hains, were'' arraigned this morning ! narged with: the murder- or wunam . ' , , ... . , ' . . E. Annis " and " were held without bail for the grand jury. ' !,:, !;;.; . -: ' r . - i Wh e ai'f I rt f o rm&tiblrt Chicago, August 28 Awheat opened . one-half higher; The opeuing.' of wheat, ".H T J uiUi ""'f 77: -ro cT.' romr.Pr: 8 49;;March, f Monday night c Red,-White and Blue pure, selection enuuea ; veryuay, oun ber; 5) ;oatS,-September, 50; Octobe.Srjecee z, SeptemberV 14.57. ' 4' 'l' V ' " - T" - : ' : - 7 '77 ' September : TheDemoeratfc, Candidate. for 'Cover nor.Wtll DellveKan Adcresa Here Jn i the , Near Future-Dafe Vr the A& dresaiWiil ,beSuggested Jy Chatr- -f man- J. J. Furlongj j of the County Democratic .Executive Committee. Chairman John 'j; Furlong; of --the tee received a IeUer . today ff bin : State ChaJrmajt H; Elier; to' the eff ecVthat Hon. W. W. Kltchinr Democratic can didafe1 for GovernoVof the tate of North 'Carolina, v would : cOm 2 to Wit inington t6 'deliver - an address "before the democrats of this county, at any time suitable to the voters here. llr Furlong- has not yet VeplieoV toHhe 'com munication, butl)e will send an answet in a few days stating the' time ai which" it isdeslred to have MrKitchi4 speak hVre ' MrrKitchin is1 one xt the most; brilliant 'orators) in the state, arid the peoplo of Wilmington f and KeW 'Hanover i county 'will be "delighted ?to learn" that helwill deliver ! an address here upon the ""campaign Issues? " 1 Mr.Iog:sta-to4a7:tha't within the next "few days lie . would call' 'a Wieeiing of ' Jdemocrats in the county toe- held at the ' court house between tfiejSth -and 10th :of :SeptemberK for the 1 purpose. 'of organizing a ryan-r Kftchin 'club, t There has been much favorable comment" f elative to the proposition to" establish such a club, and ' democracy will be greatly bene fited in this section, when the organiza tion enters upon its active campaign. SOUVENIR DANCE TO-NIGHT Souvenir Dance at Lumina to-night. Monday night Red,: White and Blue Dance. , , MR. JOHN W, MILUINOR ... , Passed Away Today at the. Residence ' of H Is1 1 rithei- fii This City? ; ; FriendinpheciiyV will regret to learn' of .the :death- of Mr. r John W. Millinor, the; son froifi: Captain H. M. Millinor, who passed- away this morn "Alicr'Sahf 6fd7"both of 1 thlsityr "The rf ... - . be extended jthet sor rowing -; .ones iur Iheris ereatf bereavement! ti V l4ji iTl&lfuneral loyet m remain oBtfie ueceaseu yuuug uiau win ue uciu morow at 3:30 o'clock: - A BIG TREAT FOR LABOR DAY. The Last and Best of 'all Summer Ex jmmer tx-rj This isrk fine seasoufor 'a trip to Ne 'Be::and'fo hun r0ds;? a&j expected; to Halce ii ttie eicurefotf to be given on Labdr Day, Line. No finer excursion . than this hat'lieoffeafp mington for- some years; The fare is it.:4;5u, hiaill;im those who liavetnotrpeen awlajK Issteimer a chancej temyinilg; JoHday lit historic New, Bern arid take In a. de lightful trip; t? Those .who I have ?neVef been to New Bern" 6 we ' themselves d splendid :treatA anCf hould tgrasp this opportunity to. visit this attractive city and its hospitable ;peple3'While the chance presents: itself; c Separate cars for white ; "and deplored passengersl Train win leave Union Station at -7: 30 a." m. and will leave New Bern on re iturn.:at l0 p m; Don't miss the best , - iy v - ' SOUVENIR DANCE TO-NIGHT ; Sduvenjrij Dance atH LU mi na to-night. Monday- night Red, vVhite and Blue Dance. ' '...'' ; Pleasant Excursion. : : An excursion I will - be ; operated tto Carolina Beach on the steame mington Wuesda lst, Under th auspices; of the.; Senior aridVJut Tiivp ; MsiVket-strfeet ;6ck W'8'ofclplik. rv nrt and-M the-beah nished. by ah Refteshments boat and a de MWtY6 Aukustr28he; cotton fra ftearst eadler 37 , poinus. Willie .7 U-r.-7Ti--ii: - the list three 10 seyea yup v:jrr ing August OTteMber,i2; Ing af the resideiitie; of ; his aather No. Sawsbnlf strt&9tyear of nun uuuiiuii Staisil Interesting Services Ibis Evening' 'vT T : . " First Ch ristian Church, of W i Imington, Has Arranged Splendid Program ifor z. Dedication-Convention Services : Will H eld Through Sunday -and ;.: Visiting Ministers Will .Participate. The Program'vin Full. " Commencing with sefy ices tonight the'1 congregation of 1 tfie " First ' Chris tian Church; of Wilmington; will ded icate -its new .church , building, which occupies the spacious lot on the north side of -Dock- istreet; "betwfeen Third andourth, at one time , the 'site of the Hook ' arid! Ladder , house. - The exer cises-will be known7as-vthe- pedlpaton Convention 'Services "and Vwilf hold forth for- three days 'There wlli be d numlidr of" able rid werf knqwEL' min isters' orithe Christian Church .present from ; points 1 other than "Wllmingtoi! and thexerembny will be of ,nlgh( aiid delightful ' nature. The new 'church building has 'not been completed as yet, but is vrapidly near ing completion and is near enough firiKshedto permit of ; the dedication services being held. The church In this city has; sent out handsome invitations to the ulfferent events, which will, nor doubt, be large ly attended. v The program . for the three days, commencing this evening, is as fol iows: ,..-...-.' I ' ' Tonight. " --' 8 O'clock Song Service Choir. 8:15' Dclocft Address of "Welcome J. A.' Erwin, 'minister. Reppqnse- arv i convention & fock atrbreetrpgVisIt; ing imisters; angyeiegaies, - 54viiftayast& 10 1 a. tn. Conference, State Boards W. G:Walker;f, WilsorC correspond ing secretary North Carolina' Misslon- Pajhileo '6fflH 'wfetf 9ilmingtdnto)?Wjri,,0ve W cpjiat ofH Z:ilk mSefmoCTl jmi "ItSo'1 p? m'.-EJxcursibn--f earner Wiimlrig'ton. .' -; v' - 8 p. m. Song Service. ; 8:30 p. m.-'-Address J. C. Caldwell, President Atlantic Christian College, Wilson, N. C. Special Music. ' " Sunday, August 30th. 11 a. m. Song Service Choir. Scripture Lesson. ' Special Music. 11:30 a. m. Sermon Rev. I. L. Carpenter, LL. D Wabash, Ind. " 3:30 p. m.' Social" and Congratula tory Service Local and Visiting Ministers.-'" ' ; 4:15 p. iEL-Address L. L. Carpen ter; LL D. :; . : - - ' 8 p. m.- Song ' and Prayer Service., ScrlptuteLessonvV J Solo-Mrs. J: A'. Erwln. ''' :30 p! m. Sernjin, L. !L. ''Carpen- ter: , r SOU V NIR DANC E TO-NIGHT tfa venir bancd5 at Lum fnfC&ntg tit Mdhday night ' Red, White and ; Dance.. :r" "' r HALF HOLIDAY PERIOD For the Summer WHY Come to, an End 'ji 5" ' WithThis Weeig;;J th this "-week; the " suinmef half holiday period bb served by the retail dealers on Friday, and the wholesale houses Ion ' Saturday, will come ; to j. a Close. .. 1 ne proprietors oi 111e yariuua establishments in ;: tnev" city following a long established custom,' duriiig the heated portion of summer decided ttb grant their employes ia brief respite from their - usual duties, one; aiternoun and ;it is needless' jBtied ure; has been greatly :'s)preciated by ; ' r '. Personal Encounter. ji lively per- 1 damaged materially.;. Sp'Uy.EWm-IJN'CEAiT Souvenir Dance- at T-umiha tcVnigMJ, Monday niaht VRedV White ahdBhie graphopnone. Morris -Bretzf elder; and uunustStera-ji"iM: " ;auwb':.i ieWedj:onf ' Hrt TTjnT TTT& ' TT, TT TjS ming is anticl: nigntl beCame public yesterday1 saraW oK plaeeJs In v.7:; '. f jK5; .lfffi:;M pmm nodnThedifficultT'is: v Ji li iliJ J .resuitedrfromVerio :-y- .'V. ' "''i i3"?HA Istinbe tlnereting Happening Recalled of Re-T- construction' -TJav5 knf nnwfcTi.'' U construction ;TJays aodf1n - Which' a V We'lh Known wh&lngloWaV iuuge ana. me Novel But Effec Jive. Way He Punished Two Offend This week's issue of The Common- eatth,. published- at Scotland Necki hands down an ' interesting,' unique story of . .Reconstruction Days and in which Capt;-W. P. Oldham;, of this city figured and . in th capacity of JUdge"v Oldham. , A Dispatch man re ferred the sory to this well known nd genial -Wilmingtonian this I morn ing and it was' verified In its entirety. The tale,' as unfolded by The Common wealth, goes as follows: r - "The' following story has been given The Commonwealth, and is vouched for , as a true incident as it occurred In : Halifax; N. C, at the close of the Civil' War Jn 1865: ."Two j negroes from .Scotland Neck Stole, two bales of cotton arid brought them to Halifax by night, in a 4art ticm ;wat mh4 W the iilayf $ bak a3F for suitable punishment by law. 'TThe mayor' Informed them he had rio au thority . In ; law" to' even,-order their arrest. He replied -he wotilf give (jp.pt: W. P. Oldham of Wilmington,' Ni,C., iun permission to , punish the cotton ijiyeslustashe.'.wished.',; It met; the" approval of all.iboth white -and black. It was a glorious opportunity for Old ham. He hadijust been released from1 Johnson's: Island; ' where he was sent when taken prisoner at the fall of Petersburg. He was in Washington, DC, the 'night President Lincoln was Assassinated, then on. his way to pris on. He was proud of his appointment as Judge by the mayor of Halifax. He proceeded; to establish a cdurt. Fau cetfs store was selected. Tom Emery tas the Sheriff arid Jrio. Gregory vas Clerk of the Court, both good and true officers, ready, to do what ; the Jupge HTh?:ybSws ere brought in cpurt f or , trials t The . Jige Aade'tihfetrlalf snW1: eyidtee sgoodi ordered . them if o theretrut allowed 25 minutes for them tHe' meanness they had done. The $d there ever was an earnest, fervent prayei; ;!senjtup .tQ the: throne o God this was one. The old negro had .so much to call on the Lord tor pardon the crowd became very .anxious for ; the 25 minutes to end. They knew he could not remember to remind the uord of all he had done. So the Judge called time on him. Informed him he had just received an under ground" dispatch from "Gov. W. W. Holderi at Raleigh- allowing them a choice of being shot or hung. Both preferred to be shot. They . were hood-winked, all ready to be shot when a second alarm Was given that Gov. Hoiden had allowed each to give the other thirty-nine' lashes on their bare I back.' They were stripped; to the (belt, each given a six foot hickory switch with orders that no lick, '.would be counted that failed to .bring 1 It was the, most satisfactory execiitlbh of the law that has taken place "before or since in . that pounty. , The negroes were perfectly i.satisfiedA aUhdugh? as bloody as Jipgs. ; The: f armer . got liis two bales of cotton back. " The ; Judge was given a carte blanche to do as he f pleased while in- Halifax. : Th Judge was never tredted -better ' in ail his life. It 'was better than' Johnson's Island. 'He was sorry he was sent to another county: He lias-never had the opportunity of a second call." . AT, THE BIJOU. Always SoliMhi 4 vto be Seen at ThlsTheatrer i The - feature :film - at ;tiie: Bijou rthea tretoday is called iweird Symnliony. We see Mr. Miz2le and nis mena en tertaining - themselves; with. ; music. much to the discomfort; : of the other occupants Vof lS?e;Tey33are highlycamusedfaiid4arertn joying ? themseltes, but it gradually wears on the nerves of ;the. neighbors until .they all . begm to uance as .11 uy ceremoniously' clearing.1 all? the merry makers out, . and4; soon order is te- ;T is ,a moving pic- ture . selection entitled .Everyday bun- the two were 1 tuuuig :.,. iui w . uoiy wj, , . - -fr y -. j--. - - . - . '- ' v t- i j '- ' : r : C cereincouytcl WILL BEGIN ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 1st. DEPOSITS-MADE' ON OR BEFORE SEPT. 2nd, WILL" BE" CREDITED. WITH INTEREST i I. ' NHE:MOWTHs!(THE' SHORTEST: TIME LLOWED. UN- 1 ; , DER.CLEARINQ HOUSE-RULES). - , r , -J A -:1 A ', v tjrtn.ytri in i tKts i , uu m LOWED ON. ALL DEPOSITS. Your. Account Solicited. ; OPPOSITE ORTON ........ni.t.............................. 8 f . Deposit Your Savings a safe "bank "conservatively managed. a national; bank, with savings department . ' 1 Fifes t 3i?pi:2?fcara . ' ' O F . VVI LM W. B. COOPER, President. - GEO. O GAYLORDVlce lltsldetiLv THOS. E. COORER, Cashier. DEPOSITED WITH US ON OR 2nd, W ILL DRAW ';' Quajerly: FROM SEPTEMBER. 1st. CAPITAL ANPi SURPLUS .TOTAL RESOURCES, . H7J2 I- m 1 ; ' FOR ALL PERSQNS THAT any size, PhoncsOS-- ' r ' -L i 11. 11 ! 1.. ' 1 -. & WJ mm 11 i.i in 1 1 -" 1 1 rw , t. . , paj u.indlu qua T E f LYf'2 A L -r.j 10TEL. i uniiii j. $1ttiia00i INGJO N. - t. , It vk. iiidSafeBanu 5 uviuuuvuvuuuuuvmvHVvvunHivv www w www ww iff iff ww mm lltf - h' BEFbRE WEDNESDAY SEPT.- -:.,Y c. - r t t '-7:7: ' . . ;t, v., f ;sLn:' ;(f ' '" 3df rtypnl. KNOW,uuuu, inmu,!iw ; Operated r; under; cohservatIv,v, and experienced managemenL Affordlflsoch i ifacllftliar 5ahlbrle ) regulation's and; none bthervMc Depository1 f on U. Government, New Hanover. V : i .3 tCapitaf?:?vX. . OUJ UI US - . - .7 , wvvivw Mr r. ' ;:vx C; V r pork

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