fl't:;' i- ' i-'v- ' .H ' .'.-,--vi I ! 1 vjJ L if) if ; volume Foupigf jsaa liiiiiii fliPOH 116 Ltijo Him Was at Work When Foot Slipped- Grabbed Live Wires' and ; Awful - Death Followed Co-WorKers Look ed on With Horror Happened at white PlainsN. Y., This Mornirlg. - White Plains bert Delaney cuted in N. Y., Sept;.3kHer lineman, was electfo- midair here today while Ms co-workers looked on in horror.-So vas at the top and lost his footing and fell against a Uve wire. He seized another Twiref to keeP from falling to the groundr-this making a circuit for six thousand, volts to pass through his body. t G. a. R. ENCAMPMENT- Toledo Crowded and Veterans; Having a Glorious Time V;V,J2 Toledo, Ohio, September 1. About thirty thousand veterans and one hun dred thousand visitors are here to at; tend the G. A. R. encampment. Every hotel is crowded and the people are sleeping in halls and corridors. : e encampment proper began this after noon at 2 o'clock with a dedicatory services of -the Fort Meigs monument. Addresses were delivered by Gov. Wilson, of Kentucky, Senator Foraker and others. Tonight the veterans will be formally welcomed to the State and city by Gov. Harris and." Mayor Whitlock. Also by J. H. Shares for the GranArmy of the ReplibUcifpf Ohio. The camp fire meefings "will be held at several places in the rcity. ' : 1 ' 8 - . ,t. t.VizYtt f MOVED TO ANOTHER-CO ONTYaV ' BeecTi Hargis WifT Not betXrftfd-in Jackson, Ky., Sept. 1. A change of venue was grafted" in the Beech Rargis ease today by Jud the eYiidence in the case an unusual state of affairs, both "sides proving that the . sentiment fnrtthe county is overwhelmingly Ignst the ;the. Season Today-During the Per- ge;Marion:"SeasideS'H on Wrightsville Beach was closed for the ?e m I t04a rihgtheummer Just concluded, .this beneficent charity has been r the medium through which many lives - of ; infants ;have " been aved; - and -the anVount of good , work accomplished by rtheJinsUtutionr can hnot measured in mere words." Diir- ng i the season - of three months "in which the institution: was kept open, Bl 'sicklinfants i "efe? given medical treatment, and attention from a sklll ed corps of trained nurses.- In addi tion to ; thenumber of children ; 29 mothers .were; furnished board at the Home during the season"- There were number being-regarded as a minimum, rhen the ", number 'of cases treated, and Jthe severity '.of soine 'of these, is taken ; intos considerations i ;The total i number -of days treatm ent accorded the' infants during the season was 43,and a total of 330; days board wasrpished tthefi mothers, . " i Ml$a ?Helen 5 (Gk ) Lane j was matron of tne nome, and Miss Julia Saunders was head nurse, assisted by Miss Fred ericka. Saunders and Miss, Beckwith. 'X The attending physician' during the first part of the summer was Dr. E. J. Woodland vat the middle of the sea son, the, duties" were assumed by Dr. Charles P. Bolles. Both physicians were unremitting in their care of the children and to their assiduous atten tion is due a great part of the suc cess' which attended the treatment of thenfants; rVwi-" - '.. WAXERAT? 75 -FEET,: :V'--:-Rine Flowvof ; WaterJObUined for We!! iiilitt Chairman D. L. orj of tjie f Republi iT can c. County , Executive. Committee, i :Mde;Reqw Hon.l W. Wr Kitchin's . Address? Here i be Fu rn i shed H im so That Arran g e ! merits;; Can ; be" Made to Have a Be- l M -i? W -.:;.( '.i,--v-;'; j ' j publican Reply to Him. A decidedly interesting feature ,was added today, to, the political campaign whiqh. . will open j in ,"thts city . shortly, When , Chairmatf John, - J.. Furiong; l'of the it; Democratic C County !t Executive Committee, -received 'jx communication fronl:ChirrhimI)j 'jGpreo; A at the ;head of f the . Republican ', County Execiitiye Cnimittee,' jequesjtlng ; ; that, tea days .notice be given the Republi cans priorTto the date upoa: which Hop. W.-lw Kitchih, the Democratic 'candi date for Governor, will speak ip this city, so that they can make - arrange-" tnents to have a representative pf their , party here to make reply to Mr, Kitchin, . Mr. Gore's , communication stated . that he was acquainted person ally with Mr,. Kitchin, and he felt that ,the latter would have not the slightest objection to a debate on the points at issue in the campaign. - ' -Mr. Furlong has not decided the exact date upon which Mr. Kitchin will.be invited to speak here,, but the speech will be delivered within the next t ew reeks, ; . Chairman Furlong statedthat ,he would take pleasure in furnishing !Uieninanagement:the:Re- mm- ted defendant. The State asked for a change notwithstanding the circum stances while the defendant wanted to be tried among his own people It was proved also that efforts" had been made to influence men to qualify--as jurors, so as to cause a disagreement. Practically all the best men in the county had disqualified themselves as jurors by expressing . an opinion in the case. Under these circumstances the case was removed to another county LITTLE SON WILL TESTIFY. Hain . age, Child Will Likely be Witness, at the ' I Hains Trial. J syif&x: Net York, September 1. Peter thehird, and seven years , of n of Cant jpeter C! Hains. may be afcvitriesV for his fatherluadbrotn r lr their trial for the murder of wimam E. Annis. Captain - Hains' mother, now 70 years of age, will also 0e a witness. The littie boy will tel uout tnings he saw about home. wheiM nis father was away and the mother wil1 tell about the condition of her son following the' development of the troubles with his wife. - v 't IcTheJ jifyslppbUc; well ; orreallx drinking foratein,t northwest Kwasi definitely wtined; ' that s abput In readctesftXf i 1 i.. rv ,i tk i Jt j. u .. !.- -n. j v. f mormng wpi6uaiaow oTrwatNtaJ struck: by Contractor Lowry 'at f6fet! ndVhe ssy thiS water is of RAILROAD TRAFFIC k county with the date-upon' whith' Mr, Kitittwtffla3sp IS now .;irt"r tii vpsrugnf . w iwt mc Exception of One Outlet. Traffic- oh ' the railroads today . out of this city, is reported as rapidly as suming Its nomral , condition, every outlet except one, being open . now for the operation of trains. On the Atlantic ? Coast Line the tracks be-! tween"TVilmington and Goldsboro, and Wilmington and Columbia, are both open to the points stated,' and bej'ond: However traffic on the Coast Line and Seaboard betweeP this .City and Navassa' is still ; compl'tefy? paraly zeii owing to the flobded1 lowlands between this city and Navass3 iThwater to day is reported as .being higher, than 'onryesterday;afld until , it recedes, the opef atibri of trains between thiscity and Navassa is manifestly impossible. ; ; Mr. -A: ModentaP is? 'playing an ini pbrtant engagement at" SJ.V M. Solky &' r.n'R: Have vour-measure taken, a iX MARRIED THIS AFTERNOON. BANNER SALES WEEK. Merchants Flocking to :Baltimirefhls Week to Buy. . "S . Baltimore, Md, September, 1 This expected to be the banner week in e wholesale district and hundreds southern 'merchants are expected v arrive. The lonal merchants are Planning for their reception both in a usmess way and socially. About fifty erchants have already arrived from Georgia and Florida.' ; ' - : Mr. James LeGwin Donnelly Wins Fair , - .; ,r. AugusteBrlder' Vf Friends of Mr. James LeGwin Don nelly, a well known young man of this city, will be interested - -in the an nouncement of his marriage . to Miss Annie ; M. Cheval, of Augusta, Ga, The ceremony was performed : in -that city this . afternoon - at 1 ;30J ip' clock, ; at the tnrv f St. Patrick's Catholic Church.;f;:;t'fMllf : Mr. Donnelly ; is connected with, the Eureka ' Pressing ,Club. v -He ; and . his bride wiilfniake .their . home, ih; this city. . ana mey vim jlcu , and. Mrs. E. D. Warren, at No. 520 Nun Street.; L"i e tine of their party-rply to Mr glad t o be ost eloquent "and ; fearless debaters h theState, and he is capable of hold ng his ground with any other orator in North Carolina. .Tbe request, from the Republican, management for, the debate when, he -will speak,, demon strates that the Republicans are going to wage an active , campaign in .this county, and the join speaking , will un doubtedly be. attended by one of. the largest political gatherings which has ever assembled in . the county. It is hoped that the . Republicans will make an- effort to have Mr. J. El wood r Coxe, their candidate for governor .come here to reply to Mr. kitchin as the pitting together of the two candidates for the highest office in. the gift of the people of the State, would cause a tremen dous1 outpouring of voters to be in at tendance to hear the discussion by the two candidates on the points at i?sue. OfCtizesRetU-i mipgtonrs Escape From' the Floods Will Be Held Thursday at Noon at tnf caaemy. of ; Music--Time: Deeid- P?f efncer pfMJpistef s bet Requested to Close for One Hour T? tlxe announcement yester day that public mass meeting wonldl be held in expressionof gratitude that Wilmington Was spared the :- devastat ing effects of the recent storm,- a num ber of: ministers of he-ity met in an informal conference todays r A' full dis pusslon of . the -proposed; plan swas held, after 'Which it was decided to have the meeting tat the - Academy of Music, on Thursday at -nooni In wder that the meeting may be, attended by as. large congregation as possible, ' all business houses in the city will be asked to cios for the one "hour, during which the meeting wlit bp: helj t isbeliey- ea max, xne .ousmess men' Will gladly consent to, fclbse fheirestalishments IliiiiTfSl 11 11 11 . Phones 108-109 , L7. SlrjOEuS. 51 for the short IpprtpdJ paJtf) ; I as ev: erypne will cpmmendthepurpose for whih the1 meetinfe vti : beheld. -. and also because th& business 'inei, jnore thai -any one else, were benedttd; jby the Iprodeiitiai 'escape of Wilming ton .irom tne noods. t ::-. i- ; The. call for ', the. meeting, signed by a'majdrity of the" ministers of fee city. of whom all will be given an opportu nity tb sign the paper, is as follows: To the Citizens of Wilmington, N. C. Large sections of our country, and particularly of our State, have been visited by calamity; and great suffer ing has come-upon very many of our people. Grateful to pur Heavenly Fath- er for; the mercies vouchsafed xs in sparing our city, when . so many others have suffered, , we, the; ministers,' call upon? the people' of our city tb meet at-the. Academy of Music on Thurs day) September .- 3rd, . -at p'clpck, nook for .ihe f tMirpose of rendering Mblfcaifcainpalgnf4& cloaedvfr ojudfr that eveiSDn portunity to be : pnesent-r ,c x-Toiat this service nxay. be an expres sion gUtley4aaoP0rtonitywill those iwrho are In. peed, .: Af, committee has been appointed . to arrange, a sultr able', program, in which both minis ters and laymen are expected to take part; and we urge upon our people the value and Importance of this ser vice. Signed T. A. Smoot, J. T. Johnson, Thomas P. Noe, Fred D. Hale, G. A. Martin, Charles F. Whitlock, W. E. Hocutt, J. M. Wells, J. A. Erwin and J. S. Crowley. -a ' ' t-. . ;7 DEPOSITEDJWITH OS ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY SEPT. - o Interest Compounded! Ouatefly. ii - FRO M SEPTEMBER 1st. CAPITAL AN Dt SURPLUS . . . ..:-. ; ,.V. . . . $ 110,000.00 TOTAL RESOURCES. .... . . .... .. ...... 1,000,000.00 Located in that Bltf White r - ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 2nd, in OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT WILL BEAR 4 PER CENT. COMPOUND IN- . TEREST FROM SEPTEMBER 1st (THE N E W BANK--N EXT TO ORTON HOTEL.) absolutely; safe. rus-ir f 1 15 i-f 1-1 : 1 U I I 1 II 2 i U Wm i UU WU Us UiS U l c r.Tvw COAL' MINERS STRIKE. A" u"'on Men Walked Out Today iri Wyoming n;"J Cheyenne. Wvotnin? SAntmhpr .1 strike of all unionized coaCminers Wyoming bas been declared. Three thousand miners Brarinvvorf iiiie rike, which is the Result of "on in wages of ten and -fifteen cents per day. . , A ,v :,:""'. - 'v ALpERMENjT ; . And Hog" Ordinance .Will iCome jni:for a': Round atn the Session vTonight. , ( 1 ; . A special meeting 5 of the : Board; of Aldermep ?will1 be fhew tonxgnx o'clock and it is r.pnderstdodtJiat jpe TrtVin ;- busines's will -be ; to, v consider o suspension of the hog prdinance wcb j intoj effect today.,' It Is said j t 1 CHIEF SCHNIBBEN BACK. r He fReports a Swell Time at the Big r Pow-Wow of Fire Gene rals at Co- lumbus, Ohio. ; , Looking robust . and smiling ;Pire Chief Chas. Schnibben, head;, of .the Wilmington department, returned this morning from Columbus Ohio;; where he attended the annual convention of the International Association of Fire Engineers) which is" anf organization of fire chiefs.. The meeting was a big one and Chieb Schnibben thoroughly enjoyed himself, besides exchanging ideas, with the "big men" of. different departments. On the, .4 return . trip Chiefs Schnibben" stopped Jover ::ihCin- ; The next convention jwill be heldin Grand Rapids, Mich. Mobile, Ala., and Atlanta, Ga;, also .sought the conven tioni and. Chief Schnibben, states, that either one of these Southern points coul have landed it if , they had pulled EXCURSION POSTPONED. The Cotton M aVket. 1 1 : . New York. Sentemher ; -i Cotton arket steady, opening September, by those who - wish, the suspension that hogs an opportunity tp dispose ,of their property and . hoi ; at a sacrifice wheh'the time for elling hogs;is.not hp EthatIis notiaj - . ,. BadlWeather ''Holds Upa Delightful - 1 Affair ; 7..' Tonight was the time fpr :the excur-: sion of the Senior and Junior. Epwor.th Leagues pt Trinity Methodist Churchs to enjoy, an excursion on ' the : old. Cape Fear, bu irf apcouM and . the high tide, the event was postponed.- The 1 date will be' announced lated NEW FILM A THRiLLER. "The Rwbery of the Citizen' Bank" at " : , .. the Bijou Today. , ,v ; , The above named film is the feature of the new. offering -at the Bijou today and the story goes as follows: A" gang of expert bank thieves con ceived the idea of robbing a bank lo cated in a suburban town. Tone of the- number a venerable, plausible old ras cal, in company . with a . girl, presum ably his - daughter, opened an account and. rented a deposit box in the Bank Vault. The last action gave them .a good oppoHunity to study , the location of the treasure. A German member of the gang rents an empty storepext door and apparently does business as a cobbler. ,.The; rest come separate to ; his, shop an4 wait for ipstructlons, 'Old Doc', shows a plan whereby tun neling through ; the cellar the vault may be reached. A -f convenient time comes' vhen theiplan is -put into; exe cution;. An imrnense sum Is acquired. Af' burgiar.: alarm has been overlooked, and the, 'robbery is; discovered. " " : j"A? posse is 'organized;; and follows.. Terrific riding ; and shooting . brings them to the side' pt a precipice. . With the desperation of the hunted animal they? descend the, frightful chasm. Fresh; horses are procured. Thevposse again; gets : op ; thp trail driving the thieves,; before.? them,.? who. jump-into the river. The sheriff and. posse final ly corral them. In their. . retreat After, a shooting battle the thieyes are ; plac ed in irons and the money is . recover-i ed." MiHiHiiMin;MmHMiiinnmMiiMirtiHiMir IIMIMIM iillllllllHlilllMMMI MM I M Tl I ll l &(tyff'$. s fr'irttKXiH; ,5.'i0.: life -jS 'rt;-fe: WILL;BEGIN ON ,TU ESDAY, SEPT. JsL . DEPOSITS TM A pOj -gi OR BEFORE SEPT, 2nd, WILL BE CREDITED WITH INTgSTg l IN THREE MONTHS (THE SHORTEST TIME ALLOWED UN vDER'CLEIJHOUSrR ,; 4 PERCENT, lWxERESirr cdjiipbuN DEbi:.'-QUARTERLVrt- LOWED ON ALL DEPOSITS. ; T .t Rk,. ,N-f-: Your, icpiint i Splied :K - --;-;: ; ;;'7v; ' ' " ' g i. . ..:.i..r i if J 1 "v" FOR ALL PERSpNS THAT KNOW A GOpD 7THINQ. f f. Ei-ir-MYJ If -fi.il Ci-:vli;: 1 Strouse Bros, expert cutter at J. At 's for two days only, v 2t a ' . . Maypr'SvCpu rt. Today, j ' ..In- .the mayor's court today Joe Enhared ith aancWas sent to theiK County roads fothifty; daysi Alberta ,and i Abraham. Bishop, charged : With ' an affray, were ordered i-f payf thVcostCi?were ohntfat kins,.iWilUamand.Wai I ed With disorderly conduct. : . ' ' -- r i ' - : .. . , - . r ' .' i... :-' Operated ndei;? jcontervativef t and ;experienceai management ; Aoramginjcaeuii. authorized , inderV Government 5 regulations, and. none other; 1 ." Depository for U S. Government ; State .of N. and Count of j CapIUI.. . ;y $200,00005; (Surplua'i ;"V: (100,00000 f Froflts SSS 25,005000" -Nevt Hanover. Vrv' i' a'. ,ri ctober;'8 -uary, 8,44; March, 8.50. . ! admirable.;, -j - .V).' ' ;. 'V- .---: -i- rC-;r" 'V-r ; .V'H.t.,r U'- 1 1 it Vr ? X -, .;l7..--.- ;: 'I Z -: ft-' . Jt' ': -.V l v.:t .f '"1 - -u vVv.' .'- I !":'; . : ilUOD;. ;;:'fl :-.-Yh' -i. t'fci""'-:' Ci;5;..'